Case History - Counselling
Case History - Counselling
Case History - Counselling
Marital status:
Family type: Nuclear/Joint/Living alone/others
Domicile: Rural/Urban/Sub-urban/others
Socio-economic status: Lower/Middle/Upper
Informant (s):
Contact no.:
Source of referral:
Case examiner:
Chief Complaints (In chronological order, duration) “what do you think are your
complaints/what brings you here
As per patient:
Onset (how did the illness begin) Abrupt (Within 48 Hours)/Acute (Within 2 weeks)/Insidious (>
2 weeks):
Progress (what is the current progress of illness, has the illness improved, deteriorated etc)
Biological functioning
Core Beliefs: Attitude towards self, others and world, interaction patterns and sociability, sense of
responsibility, predominant mood, attitude towards criticism, moral values, adjustment, hobbies,
interests, attitude towards substance, habits etc
Treatment history (for present illness) (has the patient taken any treatment for current chief
Psychiatric consultation, faith healers, ayurvedic medications, physician etc. Record of any
ongoing medications, its effectiveness, complications, duration, compliance etc.
HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: (Medical and Psychiatric) (has the patient taken any
treatment for any medical or psychiatric illness in the past)
FAMILY HISTORY (Genogram of three generations) (ask the patient about his/her family,
number of members, mental illness etc)
Consanguinity between parents, family members living-dead, H/O mental illness in the family
both paternal-maternal, treatment details, patient relationship with family, attachment styles,
overall attitude, family issues, quarrels, rituals etc.
Developmental milestones (when did the patient start walking, talking, sitting, etc. Also mention
the year or month when developmental milestone were achieved)
Presence of childhood disorders (any childhood issues when patient was young)
Home atmosphere in childhood and adolescence (home environment when patient was young or
in childhood)
Age and class of entry in school, progress in studies, involvement in games, extra-curricular
activities, hobbies, interests, disciplinary problems, relations with peers and authority figures,
failure in any grade, discontinuation or drop out and its reasons, school/college change
Vocational/Occupational history
Age when started working, duration, positions held till now, current job and position, periods of
unemployment and reasons for leaving job, relations with colleagues and overall workplace
Menstrual history
Sexual and Marital History (how is the sexual functioning, frequency, married life etc)
sexual activities present/absent and attitude towards sex, age at marriage, spouse age at marriage,
parental consent for marriage, personality of spouse and spouse attitude towards sex, role
allocation between couple, sharing of responsibilities and decision making, premarital/extra-
marital relations, methods of contraception used if any
Elaborate on chief complaints: