Junaida 15555
Junaida 15555
Junaida 15555
MAY 2013
UniversitiTeknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
31750 Tronoh
Perak DarulRidzuan
Approved by,
This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in this project, that the
original work is my own except as specified in the references and acknowledgements,
and that the original work contained herein have not been undertaken or done by
unspecified sources or persons.
First and foremost, I would like to give my special thank to Universiti Teknologi
PETRONAS especially to Computer Information Science (CIS) Department for giving
me the opportunity to undergo my study in Business Information System Programme
Besides that, I would like to express my immense gratitude to my Main Supervisor, Mrs.
Foong Oi Mean, and my Co-Supervisor, Mrs. Rozana Kasbon for their constant support
and guidance on various matters mainly in clarifying my doubts and correcting my
mistakes throughout finishing my Final Year Project. They had been kind and patience
on guiding me to do research on Malaysian Sign Language in order to complete my
Final Year Project. I thank them for their willingness to give feedbacks, advices and
opinions on what I have done which had allowed me to improve myself particularly my
performance in Writing a Research Paper.
I am equally thankful and grateful to work with my course mates (BIS) programme
whom have rendered their support, co-operation, guidance, tolerance, and ideas
whenever I need them. I was able to learn the importance and values of friends. They
had motivates me to be more confident on myself, be more optimistic and be creative.
Lastly, I want to thank all my family members and UTP friends for their supports and
encouragement to me from the beginning until the end of my Final Year Project.
CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY........................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................1
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY................................................................................18
5.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................................40
5.2 Recommendation........................................................................................................41
Technology Capacity 29
Figure 25: Categories 36
Throughout history, sign language has been regarded as inferior and not recognised as a
proper language at all, but as a system of mime and gestures. Over the centuries many
references have been made to the use of signs in communicating with Deaf people.
Darus, N., Abdullah, N., & Mutalib, A., (2012) claimed, a Deaf and hearing impaired
person is someone has damage to any part of ears and hearing loss. Due to this
disability, the main problem faced by the Deaf people is that they are unable to
communicate verbally with other people. They are very dependent on interpreters, who
help them in the communication because not everyone is able to use sign language,
especially children (Darus, N.,Abdullah, N., & Mutalib, A., 2012). Unfortunately, when
these people want to interact with public by using sign language, the public are unable to
give good feedback because they do not know the sign language.
Many people who can hear typically think Deaf people have a huge void in their lives
because they can’t hear. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even though Deaf
people experience life a bit differently, they have a wonderful quality of life and enjoy
the same things that hearing people do (Penilla, A. R., and Taylor, A. L., 2003). Penilla,
A. R, and Taylor, A. L. (2003) also claimed, getting close to a Deaf person requires a
little vulnerability on both sides. Many Deaf people are just as insecure about not being
understood as you are, but most of them are patient and incredibly skilled at getting their
point across to you.
This study is to develop a mobile application for learning sign language which is
Malaysian Sign Language. The proposed of this application is to assist normal people to
communicate with Deaf people besides to create awareness towards Deaf people.
1.2 Problem Statement
In Malaysia, disabled people are marginalized because they have a gap with normal
people. In addition, Malaysian is mainly lacking the awareness to communicate with
disabled people especially with Deaf and hearing impaired. Malaysian Sign Language
(MySL) is the official language for Deaf people, was established since 1998. However,
the awareness of this MySL among normal people is quite disappointing. Majority of
Malaysian are limited knowledge of MySL and neglect the useful of learning MySL
which caused disrespectful to those with Deaf and hearing impaired. There are many
difficulties facing by this group of people especially when they are in public. The Deaf
are unable to communicate with normal people. For example, if they want to
communicate with people to ask the direction while they were lost, and unfortunately,
the person are unable to give the direction because he/she cannot explain to them. These
would cause miscommunication between normal and Deaf people that leads to
inequalities among them; in terms of opportunity, benefits and even daily needs. For
equal rights and opportunity, the public must be alert of sign language to communicate
to those who are less fortunate. Besides that, the use of other sources to learn Sign
Language required more money such as to attend sign language class which have to pay
expensive fees, to buy sign language books and sign language CDs. With all these
restraint, people become more unaware about the existence of Deaf community.
The gap between normal and Deaf people arises because of the different way of
communication. It is rarely to see these community sit together and chatting each other.
For Deaf community, they prefer to gather among them because they feel inferior to mix
with other people. The most important issue is the communication using Sign Language
whereby this Sign Language should be done properly to give the correct meaning.
Moreover, the Sign Language is not easy to act without learning and need a reference to
1.2.2 Significance of the Project
The proposed project is to develop the first mobile application in Malay for Sign
Language. The proposed project also is to create responsiveness that will ensure the
normal people could have better communication channel with the Deaf people. Other
than that, the proposed of the project is to give benefits to user for better communication
such as for teacher or instructor to use the application as a teaching tool.
1.3.1 Objective
This study focuses on mobile technology where only smart phone users who are using
Android can use the application to learn MySL in order to have a better communication
with Deaf people. This study also will focus on Deaf people in Malaysia where this
application developed based on the Malaysian responsibility towards Deaf community in
Malaysia. While the target user is among normal people because not all normal people
know how to use sign language. However, Deaf people also can use the application as
their additional tool. A firm understanding on MySL is important to understand the
language structure as well as having a complete set of signs for different situations.
Therefore, further research on MySL will be conducted to address these issues. The
findings will go into providing a database of all the signs to implement within the
application. Research area of this project consists of identifying the most suitable design
that can be applied in developing the system logic and interface. UT (User Testing) then
also will be conducted in order to test the usability and the effectiveness of the
1.4 The Relevancy of the Project
This project will give benefits to users because nowadays almost everyone knows how
to use smart phone especially young generation. Learning can be integrated by using the
technology and easy to understand. Moreover, there are no Sign Language learning
application for Malaysian in Google Play unlike American Sign Language (ASL),
British Sign Language (BSL), Spanish Sign Language (SSL), Greek Sign Language
(GSL), and Arabic Sign Language (ArSL). Although ASL is similar to MySL, however
it is not 100% similar to the MySL.
1.5.2 Economic feasibility
The development of this application is not expensive because we can get the
sources for free such as the software. However, we have to pay some fees for the
registration in the market but it is worth because it help the user in solving the
problems regarding communication using sign language and at the same time to
increase the awareness towards Deaf people.
Duke, I. (2009) also claimed, American Sign Language (ASL) is the natural native
language of the American Deaf community. ASL is used as the primary form of
communication in the daily lives of the Deaf. ASL is a full language with its own
syntax, punctuation, and grammar where is composed of precise hand shapes, palm
positions, movements, and the use of space around the signer. These elements,
movements, and hand shapes are capable to convey complex and abstract ideas through
supported by facial expressions and body language (Duke, I., 2009).
Mr. Tan Yap, also known as the ‘Father of the Deaf’, introduced the ASL to Malaysia in
the early 1690s. The government then developed the Malaysian Sign Language (MySL)
which has almost 80% similarity with ASL after through many changes and adaptation
to local cultures and context (Hurlbut, 2005).
2.2 American Sign Language (ASL)
Another advance has been the recognition and acceptance of American Sign Language
(ASL), not only as the language that Deaf people use but also as a language worthy of
formal research. According to Andrews, J. F., Leigh, I. W., & Weiner, M. T. (2004),
American Sign Language (ASL) is a fully developed language with a complex grammar.
It has formal structures at the same level as spoken language which have similar
organizational principles and a constrained set of features. In other words, just as a
person cannot make up a sign with random hand shapes, location, and position. English
uses word order to show its relationships or grammar; ASL uses space and movement
(Andrews, J. F., Leigh, I. W., & Weiner, M. T., 2004). For example, using the same
words or signs, a person can compose two sentences with different meanings, but when
the movement in the sentence is changed, the meaning is also changed:
In ASL, the signer sets up where the dog is situated and where the cat is situated. The
signer then makes the movement from one to another: DOG CAT BITE or CAT DOG
BITE. American Sign Language has many grammatical processes like this that use space
and movement to show meaningful relationships among the signs, whereas English uses
sequential word order.
English uses morphemes to express time; ASL uses signs to mark time (NOW,
FUTURE, LONG-TIME-AGO, PAST, FINISH) and movement. For example, these
sentences have a different time frame:
2.3 British Sign Language (BSL)
According to City, Lit. (2008), British Sign Language (BSL) is usually referred to in its
abbreviated form of BSL. The same applies to the Sign Languages of other countries, for
example, American Sign Language (ASL), Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) and
Langue des Signes Francaise (LSF) for French Sign Language. City, Lit. (2008) claimed
that BSL has been used for hundreds of years but was only recognized by the
government as an official language (along with Welsh and Gaelic) in 2003 – after a
prolonged campaign by the Deaf community. In common with spoken languages, BSL is
different from the sign languages of other countries. The British finger-spelling alphabet
uses both hands whilst the above countries, and most others, use only one (City, Lit.,
Below are the examples of sentences which have a different time frame:
English BSL
Are you Deaf? YOU DEAF?
I’m Mark. What’s your name? (pointing to self) M-A-R-K. (pointing)
Yes, that’s right. (head nod) RIGHT.
I know a little bit. LITTLE.
FIGURE 2. British Sign Language
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=british+sign+language&tbm
Dhiya’uddin, S. (2012) also claimed, there are differences in the ‘grammar’ for
Malaysian Sign Language as compared to the spoken Malay Language. Table shows the
example of the differences:
TABLE 2. MySL Grammar Differences
English MySL
He did not came to class HE. CLASS. EMPTY
I want to go to the market. ME. MARKET.
Where does that girl live? GIRL THERE LIVE WHERE?
The order of sign eases the signing communication better with more comfortable pace
between the signers. There are signs that represent verbs, pronouns, nouns, objects as
well as idioms; meanwhile for items that does not have sign to represent them, is signed
using finger spelling.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=malaysian+sign+language&tbm
2.5 Communication with Deaf People using Technology
In the modern era, Deaf people stay in touch through the use of technology and they
make effective the use of the phone line and other bits and pieces to communicate each
other or with other people especially normal people. These are the examples of the way
Deaf people communicate among them by using the technology:
You can call Deaf person with the help of a useful relay service called ‘Text-Direct’,
which is operated by RNID Type Talk. Using a normal phone, a hearing person can dial
a prefix number (18002), then the Deaf person’s full telephone number, and
automatically a TypeTalk operator comes into the call, and everything you say is relayed
by the operator who types your message to the Deaf person, who reads it on their text-
phone. Likewise, when the Deaf person types a message back, the operator reads out
exactly what is typed to the hearing person on the other end of the line. In the same way,
using this service, a Deaf person can have access to anyone who has a telephone (for
example friends, doctors, businesses) by using their minicom.
These days, nobody seems to be without a mobile phone, and Deaf people are no
exception. Using SMS (Short Message Service), Deaf people can stay in touch and have
‘text-chats’ in the same way that anyone can. Some of the great things about texting are
the speed, the directness, which you don’t need any specialist technology (even most
landline phones have an SMS function), and you don’t need a third person to relay a
message. Text message tend to be short, to the point, and contain their own spelling
peculiarities that cross the Deaf/hearing cultural divide.
Fax machines
Some may say that fax machines have had their day, because everyone’s using email.
But a fax machine is a useful piece of equipment to have, at home or in the office. Using
fax machine, the Deaf person can draw diagrams and pictures to express their feeling
and meaning. They can also annotate things, circle bits of information, scribble things
out, modify language in a way that they may not so easily be able to do with emails,
unless they’re technical whiz. Such differences make fax machines a useful piece of
technology for Deaf people who predominantly use sign language to communicate. Deaf
people find emails useful too, but writing emails requires a fair amount of knowledge of
written English, which may be a barrier to some. So, Deaf people can be more visual and
creative with their pen, if they have access to a fax machine.
Every office in organization dependent on email and this technology has made an
enormous difference to Deaf people in employment in positions that may until recently
have required speaking, listening, and using a telephone. Email keeps everyone in
contact on an equal level – hearing or Deaf, whether among colleagues, friends or for
Mobile phones use a variety of operating systems, such as Symbian OS, Microsoft’s
Windows Mobile, Mobile Linux, iPhone OS (based on Mac OS X), Moblin (from Intel),
and many other proprietary OSes (Komatineni, S., MacLean, D., & Hashimi, S. Y.,
2011). According to Komatineni, S., MacLean, D., & Hashimi, S. Y., (2011), Google
acquired the start up company Android Inc. in 2005 to start the development of the
Android platform. There were four key players at Android Inc. included Andy Rubin
(Senior Vice President of Mobile at Google and co-founder of Android Inc.), Rich
Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White.
When Android was released, one of its key architectural goals was to allow applications
to interact with one another and reuse components from one another. This reuse not only
applies to services, but also to data and the user interface (UI). As a result, the Android
platform has a number of architectural features that keep this openness a reality
(Komatineni, S., MacLean, D., & Hashimi, S. Y., 2011).
Komatineni, S., MacLean, D., & Hashimi, S. Y. (2011) also claimed that Android has
concerned an early following and continued the developer thrust because of its fully
developed features to exploit the cloud-computing model offered by Web resources and
to enhance that experience with local data stores on the handset itself and also support
for a relational database on the handset played a part in early implementation.
FIGURE 2. ASL Flash Cards
Source: http://www.americansignlanguageflashcards.com/
Signing Savvy Member Apps is for members of Signing Savvy. The app includes the
ability to search for and view high-quality sign pictures. However, this is only applies
for Signing Savvy members only, normal user can only see sign of the day.
FIGURE 2. Signing Savvy
Source: http://www.signingsavvy.com/
Besides learn the sign, this application also have a voice which can be heard when the
user click on the picture. Instead of young generation, children also can use the
application to learn the sign and learn to pronoun the sign. According to Foong, O.M.,
Low, T.J., & La, W.W., (2009), by providing a voice (English Language) to sign
language translation system using Speech and Image processing technique, it can be a
solution in the process of learning and understanding the sign language. Thus, the using
of voice can be used as a medium in learning process and the use of voice function also
can make this application more valuable to the user.
User requirement survey – A survey will be conducted on the selected
population which consists of students and staffs from Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). The students and staffs of Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS represents views from multiple states in
Malaysia; the local residence of Bandar Seri Iskandar, regarding the
importance of communication between Deaf person and the normal
3.1.2 Analysis – Data Analysis
The analysis phase is conducted to perform a user need analysis after gather data
and statistics that will determine the requirements of the application. This phase
will involve analyzing the surveys and interviews conducted on the normal
people to understand what difficulties they faced when trying to communicate
with Deaf people. Also on Deaf people, the barriers they faced when want to
communicate with normal people.
The design phase determines how the application will works in the mobile
phone. A prototype of the application will be developed during this phase. This
will allow for numerous testing of the product such as validating the system
specifications and requirements, addressing any newly discovered requirements,
and uncovering any design flaws. This phase will be repeated continuously for
improvement until the prototype meets the requirements and satisfy the
The application will not be tested all at the same time, but will be designed and
tested in small modules because it is less risky to develop and handle. For
example, for the application, there were eight categories for Sign Language
learning, so there will be eight modules which are:
Module 1: Numbers
Module 2: Alphabets
Module 3: Pronouns
Module 4: Family
Module 5: Questions
Module 6: Feelings
Module 7: Greetings
Module 8: Games
3.1.4 Implementation
Upon finishing the initial prototype of the application and reaching a significant
level of approval in terms of performance and execution, implementation of the
application is conducted with the target user. After the application is designed,
the usability testing will be conducted among users. This is to ensure the
application meets the requirements and useful. At the end of this phase, the final
product, the development of the system is complete and the final deliverable of
the project makes the project successful.
3.3 Gantt Chart
3.4 Tools
3.4.1 Hardware
For this project, smart phone which are using android such as Samsung
smart phone will be used as a device that controls the programme that help
public also Deaf and hearing impaired person to learn MySL. In the
development phase, a personal computer or notebook will be use as a
workstation before demonstrate the application.
3.4.2 Software
For the software, App Inventor, Java, Android SDK, Microsoft Windows 7
and Android Gingerbread will be used as the development tool of the
Start Categories
4.1.2 Activity Diagram
viewing? BUTTON
viewing? BUTTON
By sorting the signs by categories, user can browse through the categories and learn
BIM more systematic method. The categories include; Numbers, Alphabets, Pronouns,
Family, Question, Feelings, and Greetings. These categories will be update in the future.
However, sufficient signs are given in the first place for enriched user experience.
Enter answer in
the text box
Display the message
Figure 4. Games
By utilizing the Games function in the application, the user will be able to have effective
learning by remembering the sign. To play the game, user need to type the answer in the
text box. If the answer is correct, the label under the text box will display ‘Correct’ and
otherwise, it will display ‘Incorrect’.
4.1.3 Initial Prototype
FIGURE 4. Screenshot 5 FIGURE 4. Screenshot 6
4.2 Discussion of Findings
4.2.1 Results from the Survey conducted
Encounter any Capable to Want to learn MySL Will
communication with communicate using purchase/download
Deaf people Sign Language MySL Apps
From the survey, there were half of the respondent have encountered a communication
with Deaf people and this show there were an interaction between normal people and
Deaf people. However, almost all of the respondents were not capable to communicate
using Sign Language because they were not being exposed to Sign Language and also
lack of awareness towards Deaf people. Luckily, if they are given a chance to learn Sign
Language using BIM mobile application, they are willing to do so because from the
survey, there were 75 % respondents want to learn Sign Language. Furthermore, out of
40 respondents, 26 respondents are willing to purchase or download BIM mobile
application. This means they are interested with this application and there were a user
for this application. In addition, an interview with mother who has a Deaf child indicates
that she has a barrier to communicate with her child for the first time and it also takes a
time to familiar with the situation and she also has to learn Sign Language to
communicate better with her child. Thus, this application will give benefits to both
parties, normal and Deaf people in order to have better communication between each
4.2.2 User Requirements
From the survey conducted, based on the user requirements for the application, the
application will be developed with coloured images to enhance visual attraction of users.
User friendly
The application also will be developed based on user friendly which the layout of the
sign images will need to be easy on the eye while not cluttering the information the signs
trying to convey.
FIGURE 4. Screenshot
From the screenshot above, there were only three pages that the user needs to pass to
reach the learning page where it gives pleasure to the user.
Users that have been interviewed also asked to change the language of the application
from English to Malay in order for them to use the application easily especially for the
elderly and the children.
After several testing, there were a lot of improvement needs to be done into the
application. The improvement include to change the interface colour, the picture, design,
function, and also to include a sound into the application.
The colour was changed from green to blue. This is due to the suitability of the user and
the colour was not too bright.
The pictures were changed from real picture to animation picture. This is due to the
difficulties to use the real pictures because there were some signs need more than one
gestures. There were also instructions for user to understand the pictures before the
changes. The replacement of the old picture also makes the new picture can display
bigger than the old picture.
Instead of using two pictures for one word, the design was changed to use only one
picture for one word. The changes make the user more understandable to learn the sign.
In order to make the application user friendly, the user only needs to click on the ‘Ke
belakang’ or ‘Seterusnya’ button to display the picture and the name of the sign.
FIGURE 4. Design before and after
The main function which is the language’s application was changed from English to
Malay. The function button also changed where before the changes, the user needs to
click on the button that labelled with the name of the categories. After the changes, the
user needs to click on the picture to proceed using the application.
Numbers Nombor
Alphabets Huruf
Pronouns Kata Ganti Nama
Family Keluarga
Questions Pertanyaan
Feelings Perasaan
Greetings Ucapan
Games Permainan
FIGURE 4. Function before and after
Main Page
To start the application, the user need to click on the ‘MULA’ button and then, the
application will display the categories that available in the application. To end the
application, the user can click on the ‘KELUAR’ button.
FIGURE 4. Family FIGURE 4. Questions
To enjoy the sign language learning, user can play a game on sign language. The game
required the user to guess the picture and enter the answer. To play the game, user need
to enter the answer in the textbox and click on the ‘HANTAR’ button. If the answer is
correct, the word ‘Betul’ will appear below the textbox and if the answer is wrong, the
word ‘Salah’ will appear. To continue with the other picture to guess, the user need to
click on the ‘SETERUSNYA’ button.
Satisfied Unsatisfied
Navigation button of the BIM Mobile Apps
Satisfied Unsatisfied
While on the other aspect, 80% users were satisfied with the
navigation button where the buttons are easy to handle, simple and
Satisfied Unsatisfied
There were 90% users satisfied with the application performance. For
example, the answer entered by the user matches the picture output
for games function.
Contents of the BIM Mobile Apps
Satisfied Unsatisfied
There were 90% users satisfied with the contents of the application,
means the signs are sufficient for basic conversation.
Satisfied Unsatisfied
For features aspect, there were 90% users satisfied with the features
where the games make they enjoy using the application.
5.1 Conclusion
As for conclusion, in hope to bring equality towards the nation, both normal and Deaf
people must be equalized. The daily miscommunications between both parties lead to
inequalities among them; in terms of opportunity, benefits and even daily needs. In order
to do so, the normal people must learn compassion and provide equal opportunities for
the Deaf, by learning Sign Language as an initiative.
By introducing Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM) Mobile Application, normal people can
have better communication between Deaf people. On the other hand, the normal people
are able to learn Sign Language and engage with the Deaf, thus the inequalities among
them can be eliminated.
5.2 Recommendation
There are numerous undertakings that can proceed to improve the development of the
application such as:
Due to time restrictions and limited technical capability, several of these improvements
are not feasibility to be implemented into the application within the time given frame.
The implementation of videos to portray the hand gestures movement will allow a more
precise description of the sign which will correspondingly allow the person using the
application to perform the sign more accurately. However, there is limited function
using App Inventor which is the video allowed to store in the application is no more than
1 MB per video.
By utilizing the blocks editor, the application can also be included sound to represent the
signs pronunciations to allow for wider use and availability for the public.
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Darus, N., Abdullah, N., & Mutalib, A. 2012, “iMSL: Malay Sign Language for the Deaf and
Hearing-impaired”, Johor Bahru; Knowledge Management International Conference
Duke I. 2009. Grasp The Basic of American Sign Language Quickly and Easily, U.S.A, Adams
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Bridging Research and Practice, Kuala Lumpur; International Visual Informatics Conference
Foong, O. M., Low, T. J., & Wibowo, S., 2009, “Hand Gesture Recognition: Sign to Voice
System (S2V)”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 (4): 198-202
Hurlbut, H. M., 2005, “Preliminary Survey of the Signed Languages of Malaysia”, Malaysia:
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Holtzschue L. 2011, Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers, New Jersey, John
Wiley & Sons
Holcomb R.K., Holcomb S.K. & Holcomb T.K. 1994, Deaf Culture Our Way, San Diego, Dawn
Sign Press
Komatineni S., MacLean D., & Hashimi S. Y. 2011, Pro Android 3, New York, Paul Manning
Penilla A. R. and Taylor A. L. 2003, Signing for Dummies, New York, Wiley Publishing Inc.
Instructions: Please tick (�) one of the options provided or specify otherwise.
Date: _____________
Occupation: ______________
� Yes � No
� Yes � No
Are you capable of communicating using Sign Language?
� Yes � No
� Yes � No
� Yes � No
� Yes � No
User Testing Form
2. Navigation button
4. Contents (sufficient/insufficient)
5. Features (good/lack)