Science Focus 9 Textbook - Skill Focus - Science Skills Guide
Science Focus 9 Textbook - Skill Focus - Science Skills Guide
Science Focus 9 Textbook - Skill Focus - Science Skills Guide
SkillFOCUS 2 Using Your Textbook as a Study Tool . .... .... ....... 448
Graphic Organizers: . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 448
Network tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 449
Events chain concept map . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 449
Cycle concept map . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 450
Spider map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 450
Venn diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ......... 450
An events chain map describes ideas in order. Water in a river or lake moves through a screened
In science, an events chain can be used to describe intake pipe which keeps out debris and fish.
a sequence of events, the steps in a procedure, or
the stages of a process. When making an events Pumps move water to the treatment plant.
chain, you must first find out the one event that
starts the chain. This event is called the initiating Chemicals are added which stick to suspended
event. You then find the next event in the chain materials and most bacteria.
and continue until you reach an outcome. Here is
an events chain concept map showing the stages The suspended solids settle to the bottom
of a huge settling tank.
involved in the treatment of drinking water.
Sand and gravel, through which the water is pumped,
trap smaller particles of suspended material,
leaving clear, drinkable water.
respiration in O T
animals and plants W CA
A spider map is a concept map that you may find Instant Practice
useful for brainstorming. You may, for example, have 1. Use the following words to produce a network
a central idea and a jumble of related concepts, but tree concept map (see Unit 1). Human charac-
they may not necessarily be related to each other. By teristics, continuous variation, discrete
placing these related ideas outside the main concept, variation, height, dermal ridge count, brown
you may begin to group these ideas so that their eyes, blue eyes.
relationships become easier to understand. Examine
the following spider map of the circulatory system to 2. Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast
see how various concepts related to this organ sys- solutions and mixtures (see Unit 2).
tem may be grouped to provide clearer 3. Produce an events chain to describe yourself
understanding. setting up a garbology research project (i.e., a
project in which students bring in garbage bags
heart disease open full of household refuse and go through it to
sort out the recyclables). Add the word “fortu-
hypertension closed nately” or “unfortunately” to alternating lines.
Example: Unfortunately, I had to set up a gar-
bology project. Fortunately, I knew my
circulatory system classmates would help. Unfortunately …
heart oxygen 4. Produce a cycle concept map about recharging
a rechargeable battery (see Unit 4).
blood nutrients
Given Solution
The first step in solving a numerical problem is to In the fourth step, use all of the data and information
organize the given data. Read the problem carefully you have accumulated to find the solution. Convert
and make a list of all of the numerical quantities all units to the units required in your final answer.
given in the problem statement, as well as any other Then substitute the given values into the relation-
important, qualitative information. Include the sym- ships you have written down and carry out the
bols, numerical values, and units for each numerical mathematical operations. Include units in every step.
quantity. For example, if you are told that the mass
of a rock is 3.5 kg, you would list: Mass of rock,
m 3.5 kg. The purpose of the fifth and final step is to clarify the
meaning of the calculations you have done. The word
Required “paraphrase” means to restate in a different way.
The second step in the GRASP method is to identify Paraphrase your solution, including the quantity,
exactly what information the problem requires you to value, and units, in the form of a sentence.
find. Write the name of the quantity, the symbol, and
the units. For example, if you are asked to find the Example of the GRASP
velocity of an object, write: Velocity, v (m/s). Problem-Solving Method
Analysis A small, shiny, gold-coloured, metallic crown was
uncovered at an excavation site. To determine
To carry out the third step, analyze the problem
whether the crown was made of either pure gold or
statement by breaking it down into individual
copper, the excavators decided to calculate its density
Sometimes when you’re working with numbers, you Frequently Used Metric Quantities, Units, and Symbols
just need an approximate idea about a quantity. At
other times, you need to be very precise. For exam- Quantity Unit Symbol
ple, what size shoes do you wear? Your answer is *SI
probably very precise. Imagine how uncomfortable length nanometre nm
you would be if you wore shoes only generally micrometre µm
approximated to your size. Obviously you need
millimetre mm
shoes that are carefully measured to fit your foot.
centimetre cm
*metre m
The Metric System
kilometre km
When you take measurements in science, you use
the metric system, which is a decimal system of mass gram g
measurement. *kilogram kg
In the metric system, all units are multiples of tonne t
10. Therefore, if you need to express a quantity area square metre m2
using a larger unit, you multiply by a multiple of
square centimetre cm2
10. To express a quantity using a smaller unit, you
hectare ha (10 000 m2)
divide by a multiple of ten. For example, the prefix
kilo- means multiplied by 1000; thus, one kilogram volume cubic centimetre cm3
equals one thousand grams. cubic metre m3
1 kg = 1000 g millilitre mL
litre L
The prefix milli- means divided by 1000; thus, one
time *second s
milligram equals one one thousandth of a gram.
1 temperature degree Celsius °C
1 mg = g
1000 force newton N
The table on the right lists some frequently used energy joule J
units of measurement in the metric system.
kilojoule kJ
pressure pascal Pa
kilopascal kPa
electric current ampere A
quantity of coulomb C
electric charge
frequency hertz Hz
power watt W
Example 2
You have 10.5 g of salt. To express this mass in kilo-
grams, remember that 1000 g 1 kg.
10.5 g ? kg
1 kg
10.5 g 0.0105 kg
1000 g
Instant Practice
1. 35 cm ? m 5. 6.5 L ? mL
2. 20 m ? mm 6. 1750 cm3 ? m3
3. 55 g ? mg 7. 750 mL ? L
4. 0.5 kg ? g 8. 1250 kg ? t
A 1 2 3 4
height = 2 cm length = 4 cm
desk 70 B width = 3 cm
60 r radius = 2 cm
cylinder 40
height = 4 cm
sink 10 C
A Determine the mass of the empty B Add 100 g to the mass measure- C Carefully add the solid to the beaker
beaker. ment by moving the appropriate rider on the pan of the balance. The scales
along the beam. will be balanced again when 100 g of
solid have been added to the beaker.
Science is a way of explaining the objects and events
in the natural world. Scientists want to know how
and why things happen. As you know from previous
science studies, you too can answer these questions
scientifically. The inquiry processes you have
learned to use result in scientific knowledge that
allows you to predict and explain such events as the
lightning flash in this photograph.
A scientific inquiry involves several different
processes. These are reviewed here to assist you in
getting the most out of studying this textbook. As
you know, some of these processes have to be fol-
lowed in order. Scientific inquiry can be initiated,
though, at any step in the idealized sequence shown
in this diagram.
perform an experiment /
draw conclusions
communicate results
law: an action or condition that has been observed so consistently that scientists
are convinced it will always happen. A law does not explain events, but summarizes
their regularity. In previous studies, you probably learned about the two laws of
reflection, for example.
By using the law of charges, you might begin to understand how the lightning strike
occurs. Also, now that you know something about charges, you can formulate your own
question about how you can identify like and unlike charges. In what substances can you
observe like charges? To answer this question, you will need to state the problem clearly
and narrow the investigation down to one, specific object that you can control. Even
when you study one object, many characteristics of the object might influence its behav-
iour. These characteristics are called the variables of the investigation.
You must control all of the variables except one when you make observations. The
one factor or variable that you change is called the manipulated variable. The factor
or variable that changes as a result of the manipulated variable is called the responding
variable. If you change two different variables at the same time, you will not know
which one was responsible for the effect that you observed. If your investigation is to
be valid and unbiased (a fair test), you must carry out the procedure in precisely the
same way more than once, changing only the variable you are measuring. Many experi-
ments have a control — a treatment or experiment that you can compare with the
result of your test groups.
In an investigation of like charges, the substance with which you test all other
substances is a variable.
Next, review all of the information that you already have about the object. You have
acquired this information through your observations.
Through careful observation, you may notice patterns in natural events, or you may
suspect that a relationship exists between certain events and outcomes. Use the infor-
mation obtained through your observations to formulate a hypothesis. Design an
experiment to test your hypothesis. Carry out the investigation, then record your data
and analyze the results. Did your results support or contradict the hypothesis? If the
data you recorded during the investigation did not support your hypothesis, review the
results and formulate a new hypothesis, then start the testing process again. Even if the
data did support your hypothesis, you must repeat the experiment at least once more.
Scientific evidence must be reproducible.
Experimental results and conclusions can contribute to the growing body of scien-
tific knowledge only if they are communicated. Scientists communicate their findings
by submitting articles to scientific journals, by presenting papers at conferences, and by
discussing their work with colleagues. Before an article is published in a print resource,
other scientists review it to ensure that the research and conclusions are based on
proper methods of science inquiry.
As a final step in the science inquiry process, you write a report on your experiment,
presenting the procedural results clearly so that someone else who reads your report
could repeat the experiment. End your report with a discussion of your interpretation
of the results and the conclusion.
This example of science inquiry is the first phase in a broader process. As various
scientists replicate (copy) the investigations of others, they may find that their conclu-
sions always support a specific hypothesis. The hypothesis may then be accepted in the
scientific community as a theory.
A model helps you to explain an event or observation for yourself or others. For
example, think about the electrical charges we discussed earlier. The model being used
is that electricity behaves as if it comes in tiny bundles called charges. At one time, sci-
entists worked with a model that electricity came in two kinds of fluids. As they
worked with the model, they found that it didn’t explain everything that they were
learning about energy. The bundle-of-charge model has been found to be more satis-
factory for explaining electricity.
model: a mental image, used as a building block that helps to explain an event.
Often, for clarity scientists diagram, make physical representations, or treat math-
ematically the features of a model. A physical representation of the solar system
can be constructed from balls of different sizes. Software is available for building
models on a computer.
theory: an explanation of an observation or event that has been supported by
consistent, repeated experimental results, and has therefore been accepted by a
majority of scientists. An example in this textbook is Dalton’s atomic theory.
test and
In your science course this year, you will often be the space program, what new knowledge, discover-
asked to think about interactions among science, ies, and possibilities might we deny ourselves?
technology, and society. In other words, you will be Clearly, we need to weigh the decision carefully.
examining issues that arise because science and Whenever we have a choice of this sort, decision
technology are part of a social and environmental makers are facing an issue.
context. Complex issues frequently arise as a result, What is the best way to approach a complex issue
requiring a good grasp of scientific principles and a such as this? What information do we need? How
careful approach to the decisions they demand. For can we use our scientific knowledge and our under-
example, the photograph above was taken by astro- standing of the processes of science to fully
nauts who were orbiting the Moon. At the time comprehend the issue and to find ways to make the
(1968), the use of technology for space travel best choice? In this instance, we could carefully
seemed new and exciting. Seeing the world from monitor the kinds of problems that occur. We could
space gave humans a whole new perspective on our observe environmental changes over time to under-
planet. We saw it in a new way and began to form stand the full impact. We might start thinking about
different opinions about it. new technology to counteract the environmental
Our ability to orbit the Moon resulted from our problems. We could establish criteria that any reso-
use of technology to solve the problem of defying lution of the issue must meet. We could then
gravity and leaving Earth’s atmosphere. That use of suggest solutions and, if appropriate, build models
technology has in turn led to problems of its own: that could be used to test future environmental
space junk. Older nonworking satellites may break impacts. We could use these models to evaluate
apart and spiral to Earth, causing environmental alternatives, consider consequences, and to choose
damage and requiring costly cleanup efforts. This the best alternative. We might decide that none of
problem raises the question: should we continue our solutions meets all (or most) of our criteria and
with the space program? It costs huge amounts of decide to come up with new solutions, using what
money that could be used elsewhere. It causes envi- we have learned throughout the process. You can
ronmental problems. On the other hand, if we end see that such decision-making processes are cyclical.
Make a Decision
Instant Practice
Using Graphics Software
1. Import an image into a graphics software. Play
with the image (resize, crop, etc.), and add text
to relay a message.
2. Use a scanner or pieces of clip art to create a
message. Add text to the graphic you created to
improve the message.
Using E-mail
If you want to correspond with a scientist, contact a
relative who might be able to help you with your
project, or send your homework to your teacher, an
electronic mail system can quickly get your message
on its way. Before sending an e-mail message,
Developing Multimedia remember to check it carefully for both spelling
Presentations and grammar. Make sure you have correctly entered
the e-mail address. If you receive frequent e-mail
A multimedia presentation can make your informa-
messages, keep them organized. Delete messages
tion come alive for your audience. You might
you no longer need, and save others in folders.
integrate visuals, such as posters, charts, slides, or
photographs, with sound. Or you might produce a
video and represent information from an Internet Instant Practice
site. Software programs, such as PowerPoint™ and Using E-mail
HyperStudio™ can help you create your multimedia Find a short, interesting article in the newspaper, in a
presentation. Consider what medium will best com- magazine, or an interesting portion of a book you are
municate the information you want to share. reading. Key the information into your computer,
Whatever your choices, make sure you know how to and e-mail it to friends, relatives, and/or teachers you
use the equipment. Practise your presentation several think might be interested. Ask for their comments.
times and ask for feedback from friends or family.
Table 1 Force of Space Debris Impact Craters on Earth compared to Historical Events
Europe 10.5
Oceania 7.8
North and Central America 24.2
South America 17.8
North and
Central America
South America
5. When you have drawn all the bars, you might
wish to colour them so that each one stands
out. If you do decide to use different colours,
you may need to make a legend or a key to
explain the meaning of the colours. Give your
graph a title. Continents
Instant Practice
Make a bar graph showing the greatest temperature
range recorded for each province and territory. Use
the data table that you prepared in the Instant
Practice for making data tables (page 474).
The x-axis in this histogram represents time, which is a
To learn how to construct a circle graph, follow the
steps below while examining the circle graph show- 3. Draw a straight line from the centre to the
ing the percentage of each blood type in the North edge of the circle. Place a protractor on this
American population. line and use it to mark a point on the edge of
the circle at 137°. Connect the point to the
Table 5 Blood Types in North America
centre of the circle. This is the “piece” that
Percentage Degrees (°) in represents the portion of the population having
Blood type of total “piece of pie” type A blood.
A 38 137 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining
B 14 51 blood types.
AB 4 14
O 44 158 Instant Practice
Make a circle graph using the following data on the
1. Make a large circle on a piece of paper and put elements in the human body: hydrogen (H), 63.1%;
a dot in the centre. oxygen (O), 25.4%; carbon (C), 9.4%; nitrogen (N),
2. To determine the number of degrees in each 1.4%; calcium (Ca), 0.3%; phosphorus (P), 0.2%;
“piece of the pie” that represents each section, other, 0.2%.
use the following formula:
Degrees for Percentage of total
= × 360°
“piece of pie” 100%
SCIENTIFIC AND 4. Draw only what you see, and keep your draw-
ing simple. Do not try to indicate parts of the
TECHNOLOGICAL object that are not visible from the angle you
observed. If you think it is important to show
DRAWING another part of the object, do a second drawing,
and indicate the angle from which each drawing
is viewed.
A clear, concise drawing can often illustrate or replace
5. Shading or colouring is not usually used in sci-
words in a scientific explanation. In science, drawings
entific drawings. If you want to indicate a
are especially important when you are trying to
darker area, you can use stippling (a series of
explain difficult concepts or describe something that
dots). You can use double lines to indicate thick
contains a lot of detail. It is important to make scien-
parts of the object.
tific drawings clear, neat, and accurate.
6. If you do use colour, try to be as accurate as
Making a Scientific Drawing you can and choose colours that are as close as
possible to the colours in the object you are
Follow these steps to make a good scientific drawing.
1. Use unlined paper and a sharp pencil with an
eraser. 7. Label your drawing carefully and completely,
using lower-case (small) letters. Pretend you
2. Give yourself plenty of space on the paper. You
know nothing about the object you have just
need to make sure that your drawing will be
observed, and think about what you would need
large enough to show all necessary details. You
to know if you were looking at it for the first
also need to allow space for labels. Labels identify
time. Remember to place your labels to the
parts of the object you are drawing. Place all of
right of the drawing, if possible. Use a ruler to
your labels to the right of your drawing, unless
draw a horizontal line from the label to the part
there are so many labels that your drawing
you are identifying. Make sure that none of
looks cluttered.
your label lines cross.
3. Carefully study the objects that you will be
drawing. Make sure you know what you need
to include.
fixed jaw
movable jaw frame
swivel head
An atom is too small to see, even with the most powerful 1913
microscope. Scientists have used a variety of techniques to
learn about the atom. Bohr’s atomic model, shown here,
helped scientists describe what they had learned about
the atom.
lithosphere lithosphere
orbit of Pluto
orbit of Venus
orbit of Neptune
orbit of Earth
orbit of Mercury
orbit of Uranus orbit of Saturn
The orbits of the planets around the Sun are elliptical (drawing is not to scale).
Part 1 Parts of a Microscope microscope, you need to know the parts of a micro-
scope and their functions. Do the Instant Practice
The light microscope is an optical instrument that
below to familiarize yourself with your microscope.
greatly increases our powers of observation by mag-
nifying objects that are usually too small to be seen
with the unaided eye. The microscope you will use Instant Practice
is called a compound light microscope because it 1. Study the photograph of the compound light
uses a series of lenses (rather than only one as in a microscope. Learn the names and functions of
magnifying glass) and it uses light to view the the parts of the microscope.
object. A microscope is a delicate instrument, so
2. Before you go any further, close your book and
proper procedure and care must be practised. This
draw and label as many parts of a microscope as
Skillfocus reviews the skills that you will need to use
you can.
a microscope effectively. Before you use your
3. Explain to a classmate the function of each part.
Safety Precautions
The diameter of the field of view • Do you see a double image? Check that the objective
under low power illustrated here lens is properly clicked into place.
is 2.5 mm. • Do you close one eye while you look through the micro-
scope with the other eye? You might try keeping both
8. Measure and record the diameter of the field of eyes open. This will help prevent eye fatigue. It also lets
view in millimetres (mm). If the field of view is you sketch an object while you are looking at it.
2.5 mm in diameter, then an object that occu- • Always place the part of the slide you are interested in at
pies about half the field of view would be about the centre of the field of view before changing to a high-
1.25 mm in diameter. er-power objective lens. When you turn to medium and
9. Millimetre markings are too far apart to permit high power, you otherwise may not see the object you
direct measurement of the field of view for were viewing under low power. Why not?
lenses with magnifications higher than 10.
However, if you know the diameter of the field
of view for the low-power lens, you can calcu-
late the field of view for the other lenses.
Before doing so, unplug the microscope by
pulling out the plug. CAUTION: Never tug
on the electrical cord to unplug it. Use the
following formula to calculate the field of view
for the medium-power objective lens:
Magnification of low-power objective lens
Medium-power field of view Low-power field of view
Magnification of medium-power objective lens
Instant Practice
1. Before rotating the nosepiece to a higher mag-
nification, it is best to have the object you are
examining at the centre of the field of view.
4. Slowly and carefully lower the cover slip over Why?
the sample. Make sure there are no air bubbles
trapped underneath the cover slip. This type of 2. To view a letter torn out of a newspaper (such
sample preparation is called a wet mount. as e) through the microscope the right way up,
how would you position the slide on the stage?
3. The letters in a newspaper are composed of
numerous small dots. How do you think news-
papers produce colour photographs? Prepare a
wet mount using a piece of a colour print from
a newspaper and find out how the colour print
is composed.
4. Prepare and examine microscope slides of dif-
ferent samples of materials, such as strands of
hair, cotton, Velcro™, and grains of salt or
sand. Obtain your teacher’s approval of the
5. Set your microscope on the low-power objec- material you select.
tive lens. Place the slide on the microscope
stage and centre the sample over the opening Troubleshooting
in the stage. • Do you see round or oval shapes on the slide? These
(a) Look through the eyepiece and move the are likely to be air bubbles. Move the cover slip gently
slide until you can see the letter. Adjust the with your finger to get rid of them, or study another
coarse-adjustment knob until the letter is in area of the slide.
focus. • Do you see a straight line? This could be the edge of
(b) Move the slide until you can see the torn your cover slip.
edge of the newspaper. Slowly turn the
fine-adjustment knob about one-eighth turn
either way. Do you see the whole view in
sharp focus at one time?
switch 0
– +
connect additional
+ light bulb
Reading Meters
Voltmeters and ammeters come in a wide variety of When looking at the digitial meter in Figure 4A,
sizes and shapes. Some meters display values direct- you might wonder why there are three sets of num-
ly as numbers, as shown in Figure 4A. Other meters bers on the dial. The numbers represent different
display results with a needle pointing to numbers scales of measurement. For example, one scale
on a dial, as shown in Figure 4B. might report values of potential difference between
zero and 2.5 V, while another scale will report val-
ues between zero and 10 V. Several different scales
are needed because meters have electric circuits
inside that allow them to measure different levels of
current or voltage accurately. For example, a circuit
that provides an accurate measurement of a large
current cannot give an accurate measurement of a
very small current. Therefore, when using meters,
you must select the appropriate circuit by setting
the scale on the meter. The best approach is to
set the meter at the largest scale to get an
approximate value. Then lower the scale until
you have the highest possible reading with-
out going off the scale.
Figure 5, on the next page, illustrates
meters that have two different ways to
Figure 4A Meters that display change the scale. The meter in Figure
numerical values directly are 5A is a voltmeter with a dial that you
called digital meters. can set at a particular value. In the
Figure 4B Meters that have figure, the dial is set at 10.
needles pointing to a dial are
called analog meters.
.5 2
.8 .0
2 4
maximum value of 1, so now “1” repre- D.C.
.4 .6 Amperes
sents 10 V. To read the scale, multiply the 1.0 1.5
.5 2
.8 .0
number the needle is pointing to by 10.
2 4
This dial is reporting 7.2 V. VOLTS
Figure 5B shows an ammeter with six
different ranges of current. To change 500 mA 1A
the scale on this meter, you choose
25 50
among six positive terminals. In the 100 mA 5A
10 100
example, the circuit wire is connected to 5 250
10 mA 10 A
the 500 mA terminal. Remember that 2.5 500
1 1000
mA represents milliamperes or thou-
sandths of an ampere. So 500 mA is the
Figure 5B This ammeter has
same as 0.500 A. The “5” on the bottom different positions in which to plug
scale is the first digit in 500 mA, so the 5 the positive lead.
now represents 500 mA. The needle is Figure 5A This voltmeter has a dial that
pointing to 4.7, so the meter is reporting changes the scale.
470 mA of current.
Instant Practice .4 .6
2 3
Determine the values of current or
.5 2
.8 .0
2 4
.4 .6
1.0 1.5
.5 2 2 3
.8 .0
2 4
25 50 D.C.
10 100 Amperes
5 250
.4 .6
1.5 2.5 500
2 3 1 1000
.5 2
.8 .0
2 4
500 mA 1A
Figure 6B
100 mA 5A
25 50
10 mA 10 A
10 100
5 250 .6
2.5 500 1.0 1.5
2 3 Figure 6D
.8 .0
1 1000
2 4
Figure 6A
25 50
10 100
5 250
2.5 500
1 1000
Figure 6C