Timur Kogabayevarticle The Definitionand Classificationof Innovation
Timur Kogabayevarticle The Definitionand Classificationof Innovation
Timur Kogabayevarticle The Definitionand Classificationof Innovation
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Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentu g.11, Kaunas, LT-53361, Lithuania,
[email protected]
Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentu g.11, Kaunas, LT-53361, Lithuania,
The paper presents the different definitions of innovation; the objective of the research being that
of creating a theoretical model building on the previous work of several authors. The aim of the
research is to define the different models, classifications and definitions of innovation. In this article
we made use of a wide range of bibliographical sources on innovation, efficiency and also used
comparative analysis of innovation definitions. Theoretical concepts were studied as well. The
approach was constructed based on theoretical models of innovation definitions and used the
technology and market perspectives. The main methods employed were comparative analysis of
definitions of innovation and the creation of a model of innovation. It has been emphasized in the
literature that the role of innovation is very important for making decisions regarding investment
projects or investments for production. Innovation can bring benefits such as saving time, costs,
and products and use them more effectively. Nowadays in the world, innovation is one of the most
important factors of economic development, production, creation of a variety of products and in
making management decisions. Innovation activity stimulates and has a positive effect also in
investment activity.
Innovation is the core action for the development and productivity of any economic activity.
Investment activity and its results are directly dependent on the type of innovation that has been
used. An important range of literature sources refer to innovation efficiency measurement criteria,
which are in most cases related to product, technology (process) and market. The use of a number
of different measurement indicators is leading to the need for further examination of the
innovation-business performance relationship. Our findings have let us distinguish five major
groups of criteria where various factors could be allocated. To the three groups (product, market
and process) we allocate two additional groups: finance and management. Innovation plays an
important role in the efficiency of investments in an organization, forms of business activity and
state policy in the field of business and design.
1. Introduction
Nowadays all economic processes are closely related to new technologies
and innovations.
The most important thing for scientists and developers to understand what
kind of innovation should be used in the production, scientific discoveries, in
project activity and the creation of new high-tech products, the provision of
services and execution of works.
In this publication the authors examined the various interpretations of
innovation. Materials have been collected by many authors. Methodological
approach of innovation was compiled to the definition of innovation and their
typology and classification of innovation has been considered.
Many authors as (Rowe and Boise 1974), (Dewar & Dutton 1986), (Rogers,
1995), (Utterback 1994), (Afuah 1998), (Fischer, 2001), (Garcia & Calantone, 2002),
(McDermott & O’Connor, 2002), (Pedersen & Dalum, 2004), (Frascati Manual,
2004) have combined technology and market perspectives in their development
of theoretical models of innovation.
Some authors are saying that innovation consists of the generation of a
new idea and its implementation into a new product, process or service, leading
to the dynamic growth of the national economy and the increase of employment
as well as to a creation of pure profit for the innovative business enterprise (Urabe,
In general, the concept of "innovation" - a rather complex and
multifaceted, his study of the subject of many studies, but, despite this, the
generally accepted definition of innovation in science does not exist. There are
three main approaches to the consideration of the term (Siauliai, 2013).
Schumpeter, which may be called the founder of the theory of innovation
in the economy generally, regarded innovation as the economic impact of
technological change, as the use of new combinations of existing productive forces
to solve the problems of business (Schumpeter, 1982).
According to Twiss, innovation - a process that combines science,
technology, economics and management, as it is to achieve novelty and extends
from the emergence of the idea to its commercialization in the form of production,
exchange, consumption (Twiss, 1989).
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
2. Definitions of innovation
The approaches to the typology of diverse innovations, there are
representations of various authors. In the institutional science also has its own
approach to the typology of innovation as the good and the typology of the
subjects of innovation, the relationship between the first and second disclose the
advantages of using certain types of innovation actor’s specific innovation. Thus,
the theme of this work is relevant enough.
Definitions of innovation can be found in (Rowe & Boise, 1974), (Dewar &
Dutton, 1986), (Rogers, 1983), (Utterback, 1994), (Afuah, 1998), (Fischer,
2001), (Garcia & Calantone, 2002), (McDermott & O’Connor, 2002), (Pedersen &
Dalum, 2004), (Frascati Manual, 2004) as well.
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Changing Result
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
Shift taking place within
the system and does not
lead to significant changes
in its operation
Invention. Novelty
Potential innovation, new Novelty potential, a new
technical solution to its solution to its
commercialization (time to commercialization (time to
market). market).
Is systemic in nature, leads to a change in all
or some elements of the system;
is cross-functional in nature, creates a
quality leap, "breaks" the old rules, results
in a departure from the system;
innovations and inventions after their
commercialization (implementation).
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3. Classification of innovation
Classification of innovation by application is presented on Table 2 below.
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nt decision
Idea generatiorimplementi Innovation
of innovation ng of
There are many discussions about how the innovation at every stage
should be measured and assessed. Some authors as (Li 2000), (Elenkov & Manev,
2009) suggest to measure new and improved products as direct output of
innovation associated with new product development. (West et al., 2003), (Akgün
et al., 2009) are suggesting to measure improvements in process and methods,
while (Czarnitzki & Kraft, 2004) are speaking about the market success of
innovation, suggesting “ratio of innovative product sold in the market to total
sales”. Speaking about market aspects (Elenkov & Manev, 2009) are defining an
indicator of the success of new products on a market, making a point that a rate
of success of new products on a market may be very vulnerable and is never 100%.
Some authors refer to patent application for innovation (Jung et al., 2008), (Zahra
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& Nielsen, 2002), but (Makri & Scandura, 2010) are suggesting measuring the
importance of patents in terms of paten citations.
Several other useful papers can be identified, including (Barczak, 1995),
(Linton, Walsh & Morabito, 2002), (Montoya-Weiss & Calantone, 1994). We can
mention also the papers (Cooper, 1990; Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1996; Boston
Consulting Group, 2006; Chapman et al., 2001; Cooper, 1998; Cooper & Edgett,
1996; Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1986) which develop the concept of output
performance, including: financial, temporal, market and product related factors.
(Drucker, 1992) underlines the importance of social innovation in spite of -
as he claims - general belief that innovations are based on subjects and exact
sciences and technology. There are several examples of social innovation leading
to significant changes in society. It is extremely important for today recognizes
innovation in the field of occupational safety and health. The following sub-groups
based on the results of innovation can be identified in this area:
social effects, manifested, in particular, as an exception, heavy, unhealthy
jobs, improve safety and health conditions, exclusion of occupational
diseases and accidents at work;
Economic results, the consequence of which is the growth of labor
productivity, increase profits, increase in output;
Technical results in the form of improving the technical parameters of
machines, equipment, products, or improving the organization of work and
the flow of the process.
4. Typology of innovation
Schumpeter identified the five types of innovation. The description of this
model is presented on (Fig. 4) below.
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Reorganization of
New, still unknown in the
Opening new market production, leading to the
sphere of consumption,
opportunities for well- erosion of some
benefit, or new new
known products established therein
quality known good.
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
•require the
most investment, the
process of
their development is a
long andcommercialization
of their results in the
emergence of
new technological
Source: Siauliai, 2013
Administrative Technological
Source: adopted by Rowley J., Baregheh A., Smabrock S. 2011 from Cooper, 1998
Fig. 7 shows that the (Rowley J., Baregheh A., Smabrock S. 2011) proposed
development of (Francis & Bessant 2005) classification of types of innovation. In
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
developing of innovation‐type mapping tool the aim has been to distil and
integrate the key types of innovation identified by previous scholars and
researchers. Specifically the unique types of innovation identified in previous
frameworks have been identified as: Product, service, hybrid, technical,
administrative, organizational structure, organizational, management,
production, and businesses system, commercial/marketing. Fig. 7 is presented
Figure 7. Innovation‐type mapping tool
l marketing
Technical Process
Innovation Business system
Production Management
Source: adopted by Rowley J., Baregheh A., Smabrock S., 2011 from Francis & Bessant, 2005
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
there is also no clear distinction between the wider categories of innovation, e.g.
product and process, as a product innovation may involve a number of process
innovations, or a position innovation might lead into product innovations (Rowley
J., Baregheh A., & Sambrock S., 2011).
As emphasized in the literature, innovation can bring benefit for the all
economic activity, with implementing projects; produce the new products with
the new quality and help to reduce costs of production circle. Also innovations can
catalyze the processes and save the time.
System, the complex nature of innovation is reflected in the complexity and
diversity of the concept of innovation. It includes a wide range of innovations with
varying degrees of innovation embodied in their knowledge, used in various
industries and fields of activity to be implemented in different markets, etc.
Classification innovation plays an important role as it allows not only streamlining
existing views, but also a means of finding and identifying poorly studied issues of
innovation. The laws specific to certain types of innovation cannot be shown or
even have an opposite character to other species, which often leads to
contradictions in the conclusions of the various innovative management theories.
Typology of innovations and their classification in various substantive grounds, the
criteria parameters is important not only for the development of consistent
innovation management theory, but in practice and should be in the management
of innovation-based. Managers of innovation in its activities should proceed from
the idea that different types of innovation have their own characteristics
development, implementation and dissemination, require specific management
approaches, the relevant structures of innovation, its techniques and styles.
On innovation management specialists note certain regularities in the
dynamics, consistency, speed of implementation of the various types of
In the practical management activities commonly used features such as the
dynamics of the innovation:
The intensity of the innovation, degree of innovation is the number of
innovations carried out over a certain period of time.
Rate of Innovation - is the speed with which the innovations introduced
after they were first implemented in some other place. This indicator
describes the ability to respond quickly to innovation.
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HOLISTICA Vol 8, Issue 1, 2017
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