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Q4 2023
This document contains the collected Q4 updates to the rules for game balance improvements.
New updates can be identified by the presence of an asterisk (*) bullet point.


 ew Core Rule: Some rules allow you to activate • Y ou can only select each equipment with the Indirect special
operatives in succession before your opponent can activate. rule (e.g. dynamite, krak grenade, fusion grenade) once
Regardless of such rules, you can never activate more per battle. If a friendly operative already equipped with
than two operatives in the same Turning Point before your such equipment is selected for deployment (e.g. ASSAULT
opponent has had a turn to activate a ready operative or GRENADIER PATHFINDER operative), this counts as
perform Overwatch. your selection.

 ew Core Rule: The Movement characteristic cannot be
modified to less than 2 (even if injured).


Over time, certain new army lists will be introduced that are
designed to replace similar army lists from the Compendium. We
recommend the newer army list replaces the older one where
balance is concerned, particularly in an organised play setting
such as a tournament. These army lists and their replacements
are as follows:





• E ach player cannot score more than 16 victory points in total
from the mission objective during the battle (instead of 12),
and a maximum of 24 victory points from the game (instead
of 20).
• Loot mission action: Each objective marker can be looted a
maximum of four times during the battle (instead of three).

 perative selection: Every fire team except SCOUT
•O •O  perative selection: If you select a BOMB SQUIG operative,
and TACTICAL MARINE can take 1 additional you can also select a KOMMANDO GROT operative for free
WARRIOR operative. (or vice versa) for 11 operatives in total (instead of 10).
* Sneaky Git Tactical Ploy: You can only use it once per battle,
and that operative cannot have its order changed in the first
DEATH GUARD Turning Point (i.e. from the Infiltrate scouting option).
• Operative selection: PLAGUE MARINE fire team: * BOMB SQUIG operative: This operative’s APL characteristic
○ 1 additional WARRIOR operative. cannot be positively modified.
○ CHAMPION operative is instead of 1 WARRIOR
operative, not in addition to.

 perative selection: Every fire team can take 1 additional
WARRIOR operative.

• F LAYED ONE operatives: Add 1 to both Damage
characteristics of flayer claws.
• Reanimation Protocols Tactical Ploy: 0CP.

•A  Worthy Cause Tactical Ploy: 2CP. You can only use it once • Can use the following Strategic Ploy:
per battle, and only if you don’t have the initiative.
final sentence of Grenadier ability. Until the end of the Turning Point, bolt weapons that friendly
• Change benefit of 5+ Markerlight tokens to: ‘In the Select PHOBOS STRIKE TEAM operatives are equipped with gain the
Valid Target step of that shooting attack, the enemy P1 critical hit rule. This has no effect on weapons that already
operative is treated as if it has an Engage order unless it’s in have the APx special rule or Px critical hit rule respectively.
Cover provided by Heavy terrain.’
• Operative selection: 1 less operative. •R  EIVER operatives’ Terror action: 0AP.
• Add the following to Kauyon Art of War ability: ‘In addition, • Change first bullet point of INCURSOR operatives’ Multi-
once in each of their activations, friendly PATHFINDER spectrum Array ability to: ‘The intended target cannot
operatives can perform a mission action or the Pick Up be Obscured.’
action for one less action point (to a minimum of 0AP).’ • Guerrilla Warfare and LEADER operatives’ Strategise
• Close Quarters: Each friendly PATHFINDER operative can actions: Change distance requirement to (instead of ).
perform the Guard action while it has a Conceal order. If • Change relevant part of Guerrilla Battle Honour to: ‘while
it does, interrupt as normal, but instead of making a guard not within Engagement Range of an enemy operative’
attack it can only perform the Markerlight action (if able). (instead of ).
* Operative selection: Selecting MB3 RECON DRONE • Add the following to Vanguard Strategic Ploy: ‘It can
operative no longer requires you to select 1 less operative. perform a mission action or the Pick Up action for one less
* DRONE CONTROLLER PATHFINDER operative gains the action point (to a minimum of 0AP).’
following ability: ‘Focused EMP Override: If this operative
is in the killzone, friendly DRONE operatives can perform
the Operate Hatch action (ignore the first bullet point of
Artificial Intelligence to do so).’

• Auto-chastiser equipment: 2EP.
• Cannot use Acts of Faith to change dice you’ve re-rolled.


 utagenic Flesh Strategic Ploy: To a minimum of 3 (instead
of 2).

•V  OIDSCARRED GUNNER operative’s shredder: Gains the
Rending critical hit rule.
* Outcasts Strategic Ploy: Change distance requirement to
(instead of ).
* Deadly Ambush Tactical Ploy: If the friendly operative has a
Conceal order and is ready, you can change it to Engage to
do so.

KILL TEAM ANNUAL 2022 •C  hange relevant part of Cegorach’s Jest Strategic Ploy to:
‘once in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat,
when your opponent strikes with a normal hit’.
• Saedath ability: Delete third bullet point from the effects of
GELLERPOX INFECTED adding the fourth mark to your Performance tally.
• T echno-curse ability: Distance requirement is reduced to • Domino Field Strategic Ploy: 1+CP. This Strategic Ploy costs
(instead of ), and for GLITCHLING operatives (instead 1 additional Command point for each previous time you’ve
of ). used it during the battle (e.g. 1CP the first time you would
• Revoltingly Resilient ability: GLITCHLING and GELLERPOX use it, 2CP the second time, etc.).
MUTANT operatives ignore lost wounds on a 6 (instead of
a 5+).
• V ULGRAR THRICE-CURSED operative’s Lead the Infection WYRMBLADE
ability: You can only use it once per battle. * Change second paragraph of Cult Ambush ability to: ‘The
• Rust Emanations Strategic Ploy: While within Engagement first time this operative performs either a Fight or Shoot
Range of a friendly NIGHTMARE HULK operative only. action in each of its activations, if its order was changed
from Conceal to Engage during that activation, or it
wasn’t visible to every enemy operative at the start of that
ELUCIDIAN STARSTRIDER activation, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or
• L ECTRO-MAESTER’s Voltagheist Field and Voltagheist shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice
Charge actions: 0AP. results of one result (e.g. results of 2).’
• Archeotech Beam Privateer Support Asset: Improve its BS * Add the following to TALON operative’s Familiar’s
characteristic by 1. Soulsight action: ‘Until the end of the Turning Point,
• VOIDSMAN operative’s rotor cannon: Gains the Relentless each time this operative fights in combat with that enemy
special rule. operative, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that combat,
• Undaunted Explorers Strategic Ploy: the first time you resolve one of your successful critical hits,
○ The first time attack dice are resolved against it (instead you can immediately resolve one of your successful normal
of each time it fights in combat or a shooting attack is hits (or a successful critical hit if you have none).’
made against it). * HEAVY GUNNER operatives gain the following ability:
○ Damage halved to a minimum of 2 (rounding up). ‘Suspensor System: The Heavy special rule of ranged
weapons the operative is equipped with is treated
differently. Instead, an operative cannot move more than
HUNTER CLADE 3 in the same activation in which it performs a Shoot
•D  octrina Imperatives can be selected each Turning Point action with any of those ranged weapons.’
(instead of only twice per battle).
• Ignore each Imperative’s Deprecation effect during first
Turning Point that it’s active for your kill team during WARPCOVEN
the battle. • Add
 the following to Exalted Astartes Strategic Ploy: ‘In
• Operative selection: addition, until the end of the Turning Point, each time a
○ Your kill team cannot include more SICARIAN operatives friendly RUBRIC MARINE operative is activated, if it does
than it does RANGER and VANGUARD operatives not perform a Fight action during that activation, it can
combined (but it can include the same). perform two Shoot actions during that activation. If it’s a
○ If your kill team includes no more than 4 SICARIAN GUNNER operative, one additional action point must be
operatives, it can include 1 additional RANGER or subtracted to perform the second Shoot action.’
VANGUARD operative (for 11 operatives in total). • RUBRIC MARINE operatives: Change APL characteristic
* Change Protector Imperative Optimisation to: ‘Each time to 3 and change Attacks characteristic of their fists and
a friendly HUNTER CLADE operative makes a shooting gargoyle bayonets to 4.
attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that shooting attack, • Delete SORCERER operative’s Rubric Command ability.
you can re-roll one of your attack dice.’ • RUBRIC MARINE operatives gain the following ability:
* Change Bulwark Imperative Optimisation to: ‘Each time ‘Sorcerer’s Command: Each time this operative is
a shooting attack is made against a friendly HUNTER activated, if it isn’t within of a friendly SORCERER
CLADE operative, in the Roll Defence Dice step of that operative, subtract 1 from its APL characteristic.’
shooting attack, you can re-roll one of your defence dice.’ • Change Rubric Affinity Battle Honour to: ‘Select one friendly
* Change Bulwark Imperative Deprecation to: ‘Friendly RUBRIC MARINE operative from your dataslate. For the
HUNTER CLADE operatives cannot perform Dash actions.’ purposes of that operative’s Sorcerer’s Command ability,
this SORCERER operative only needs to be in the killzone
(instead of within ).’
• Archetypes: Recon or Security, regardless of
operatives selected.

•O  perative selection: 1 additional operative (not a •D
 urable, Methodical & Rapid Chapter Tactics: Updated
KILL-BROKER operative). in INTERCESSION SQUAD army list (Warhammer
• K ROOT BOW HUNTER operative’s accelerator bow: Improve Community download).
BS characteristic by 1 (all profiles).
• K ROOT PISTOLIER operative’s dual kroot pistols: Improve
BS characteristic by 1.
• K ROOT LONG SIGHT operative’s kroot hunting rifle: Improve
BS characteristic by 1.
• Cut-throats Strategic Ploy: To a maximum of 5 Attacks
(instead of 4).
• Change EP of equipment as follows: Meat [1EP],
Trophy [3EP].
• Add the following to Rogue ability: ‘In addition, each time a
shooting attack is made against this operative, the No Cover
special rule has no effect for that shooting attack.’
* K ILL-BROKER operative’s Call the Kill ability: Select one
enemy operative in the killzone (visibility is not required),
and each time you use it select one of the following effects
for that Turning Point instead: existing (i.e. auto-retain a
normal hit), Ceaseless or P1.


•A  dd the following to Blitz Tactical Ploy: ‘If you do either, you
cannot re-roll the remaining attack dice.’
• N AVIS GRENADIER operative: Delete final sentence of
Grenadier ability.
• Brace for Counter-Attack Strategic Ploy: To a minimum of 3
(instead of 2).

•R  eanimation Protocols ability: Resolve before Living Metal • Add 1 to Wounds characteristic of all operatives.
ability, operatives regain D3+3 lost wounds and can instead • The following weapons gain the Lethal 5+ special
be placed within of that reanimation token (but not rule: R-VR CYBER-MASTIFF operative’s mechanical
within Engagement Range of enemy operatives) with an bite; MARKSMAN operative’s executioner shotgun;
order of your choice. REVELATUM operative’s scoped shotpistol.
• PLASMACYTE ACCELERATOR operative’s Accelerate • Add the following to Ruthless Efficiency ability: ‘Each time
action: 0AP and within (instead of ). a friendly operative with this ability makes a shooting
• PLASMACYTE REANIMATOR operative’s Reanimation attack with a weapon that doesn’t have the Blast special
Beam ability: Do not subtract 1 from this operative’s APL rule or the word ‘grenade’ in its name, if the target is within
characteristic for doing so. of another friendly EXACTION SQUAD operative,
• CRYPTEK, DESPOTEK and APPRENTEK operatives: Add 2 that ranged weapon has the P1 critical hit rule for that
to Wounds characteristic and improve BS/WS characteristic shooting attack.’
of weapons on their datacard by 1. * E xecution Order Tactical Ploy: 0CP the first time you use it
• CRYPTEK operatives’ Command action and DESPOTEK during the battle, 1CP thereafter (you can use it more than
operative’s Demand action: 0AP. once). Select one enemy operative in the killzone (Line of
• Commence Reanimation Tactical Ploy: 0CP. Sight is not required).
• Phase Oculars action (equipment): 0AP. * Following weapons now only have 1 profile instead of 2,
• CRYPTEK operatives’ Cryptek actions: Change all instances with both of previous profiles’ special rules and critical hit
of ‘the end of the Turning Point’ and ‘the start of the next rules (i.e. not separated as offensive and defensive):
Turning Point’ to ‘the start of this operative’s next activation, ○ PROCTOR-EXACTANT operative’s dominator maul &
if it’s incapacitated, or if another friendly operative performs assault shield.
this action (whichever comes first)’. ○ SUBDUCTOR operative’s shock maul and assault shield.
* PROCTOR-EXACTANT operative’s Deploy Nuncio-aquila
action: 0AP.
•A  dd 1 to Wounds characteristic of all operatives.
• Add the following to Elite ability: ‘In each Strategy phase,
add 2 elite points to your pool.’
* Elite ability: After adjusting your first dice, if you discard one
of your attack dice, you can spend Elite points to adjust an
additional dice, but only one of your remaining failed hits to
a normal hit.
* Change second sentence of RECON-TROOPER operative’s
Warden Auspex action to: ‘Until the end of the Turning
Point, each time a friendly KASRKIN operative makes a
shooting attack, that enemy operative is not Obscured.’
* Foregrip equipment: GUNNER and SHARPSHOOTER
operatives can be equipped with this for 2EP, and it works
for ranged weapons on their datacard.
• Add the following equipment:


T his operative is equipped with the following melee weapon for
the battle. Both its Damage characteristics benefit from the For
Cadia! Tactical Ploy.

Name A WS D
Combat blade 3 4+ 3/4

•C hange Steady Advance ability to: ‘While a • ICONARCH operative’s Ruinous Deterioration and Ruinous
friendly HEARTHKYN SALVAGER operative is Invigoration abilities: Become unique actions that cost 1AP,
performing a Normal Move action, add to its last until the start of that operative’s next activation, and
Movement characteristic.’ Ruinous Invigoration’s damage reduction is to a minimum of
• Add 1 to Wounds characteristic of all operatives. 3 (instead of 2).
• HEARTHKYN FIELD MEDIC operative’s plasma knife: Gains • MUTANT and TORMENT operatives’ Unnatural
the Lethal 5+ special rule. Regeneration ability: Ignore lost wounds on a 6 (instead of
• Equipment plasma knife: 2EP, change Attacks characteristic a 5+).
to 4, gains the Lethal 5+ special rule. • Sickening Aura Strategic Ploy: While within of a friendly
• Change THEYN operative’s Eye of the Ancestors ability MUTANT or TORMENT operative only.
to: ‘Once in each Strategy phase, when you would use a • MUTANT operative’s blasphemous appendages: Change
Strategic Ploy or pass, you can select one enemy operative special rule to Ceaseless (instead of Relentless).
to gain a Grudge token instead, or two enemy operatives if * Friendly DEVOTEE operatives can mutate at the end of a
three or more friendly HEARTHKYN SALVAGER operatives combat in which they incapacitated an enemy operative and
are incapacitated.’ were not incapacitated themselves (they cannot do so just
by inflicting damage).
* Mutation into a new operative: The new operative no longer
FELLGOR RAVAGER has full wounds remaining. Instead, it has the same wounds
* While a FELLGOR RAVAGER operative has a Frenzy token, remaining as the preceding operative did, but then regains
treat its APL characteristic as 1 (after all modifiers) for the D3+1 wounds if it’s now a MUTANT operative or D3+3 if
purposes of determining control (e.g. objective markers). it’s now a TORMENT operative; in either case, it cannot go
* Incapacitating a FELLGOR RAVAGER operative with above its maximum wounds.
a Frenzy token: Add the following bullet point: ‘Critical
damage is inflicted on it in a subsequent shooting attack
(i.e. not the same shooting attack in which it gained a INQUISITORIAL AGENT
Frenzy token).’ •O  perative selection: Including Ancillary Support, you can
only select up to two operatives equipped with weapons
that have the AP2 special rule (even if only in one of
their profiles).
• INTERROGATOR and TOME-SKULL operatives: Change
GA characteristic to 2 and they fulfil each other’s Group
Activation requirements.
• Absolute Authority Tactical Ploy: Cannot be used to stop the
same ploy more than once per battle, or a ploy that no CP
was spent on.

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