AC BrainType 11

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Brain Type Report

Based on your answers you fit into Brain Type 11.

Brain Type
People with this type tend to:
 Be persistent  Be motivated
11  Like things a certain way  Have a busy mind
 Get stuck on thoughts  Have difficulty relaxing

Over the last 3 decades at Amen Clinics, we have been helping people improve their brains and their lives. One of the
unique aspects of our work is that we use a sophisticated brain imaging study called SPECT (single photon emission
computed tomography) to help us understand and help our patients. We’ve performed more than 115,000 SPECT
scans on patients from 111 countries. One of the most important lessons we’ve learned from SPECT is that all brains,
even healthy ones, are not the same.

What does your Brain Type say about you?

A long time ago Dr. Amen realized that not everyone can get a scan, either because of cost or they are not near one of
our clinics. So based on thousands of scans, he developed the Brain Health Assessment to help people know which
brain type they might have and ways to optimize it. The questionnaire is not as accurate as getting an actual scan, but
many people find it a helpful tool to learn more about their brain. Versions of the Brain Health Assessment are used by
thousands of medical and mental health professionals around the world. Of course, you should always talk with your
healthcare professional before making any changes to your medical regimens.

People with Brain Type 11 are often take-charge people who won’t take no for an answer. They tend to be strong-
willed, tenacious, and sometimes stubborn. In addition, they may worry, have trouble sleeping, and like things to be a
certain way. This type often has increased activity in the front part of the brain, in an area called the anterior
cingulate gyrus (ACG). We think of the ACG as the brain’s gear shifter. It helps people go from thought to thought or
move from action to action. It is involved with being mentally flexible and going with the flow. When the ACG is

Amen Clinic’s Brain Type Report

3150 Bristol St #400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 266-370
overactive, usually due to low levels of serotonin, people can have problems shifting attention, which can make them
persist, even when it may not be a good idea for them to do so.

Brain Type 11 also shows heightened activity in the anxiety centers of the brain, such as the basal ganglia, insular
cortex, or amygdala. This is often due to lower levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps calm the brain.
People with this type tend to be motivated toward a goal. They can feel intense pleasure, but also struggle with
feeling anxious or nervous, which causes them to be more cautious and reserved, although more prepared.

The best strategy to balance Brain Type 11 is to find natural ways to boost serotonin and GABA. Physical exercise
boosts serotonin as does using a combination of certain supplements, such as 5-HTP and saffron. GABA, magnesium,
and theanine can also help, as can omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Brain Type 11 Brain Fit Action Plan

Mental No matter what your age, your brain has the ability to form new connections and neurons -- a
phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. In a way, your brain is like a muscle – the more the use
it, the stronger it gets! New learning and brain games can support your memory and focus,
ability to shift mood, resilience to stress, and more!

Motivation If you want to feel happier, healthier and have more energy, define your specific motivations to
change and look at them every day!

Journal your progress -- Studies show that people who journal are twice as successful in
achieving their goals. Being able to see your progress is a great motivator that will keep you on
track and headed in the right direction!

Strengthen Hypnosis, meditation, killing the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), and expressing daily
Your Mind
gratitude and appreciation are all powerful tools to decrease stress and help keep your brain fit.

Brain Healthy Your brain is the most energy-hungry organ in your body, using 25% of the calories you
consume. One of the quickest ways to better brain function is learning the right foods to choose
and the ones to lose. Eat right so you can think right!

Brain Type 11 generally does better with a diet balanced between protein and complex
carbohydrates. This type of diet will boost serotonin levels naturally and will help balance your
blood sugar and provide the necessary building blocks for brain health.

Brain The addition of high-quality supplements can support how your brain functions, making it easier
for you to follow a brain-healthy program.

Amen Clinic’s Brain Type Report

3150 Bristol St #400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 266-370
For Brain Type 11, Dr. Amen often recommends the following supplements:
 Brain and Body Power, which includes:
o NeuroVite Plus, a comprehensive, power multi-vitamin/mineral complex
o Omega-3 Power fish oil
o Brain and Memory Power Boost
 Serotonin Mood Support – to help support serotonin levels and a positive mood; it
contains saffron, 5HTP and inositol
 GABA Calming or Everyday Stress Relief – to help support healthy GABA
neurotransmitter levels and a sense of inner peace
 ProBrainBiotics – a brain-directed probiotic, because the health of your gut is essential
to the health of your brain
 Vitamin D – to support a healthy immune system and moods

Physical Strengthen your body to boost your thinking, memory, and focus and reduce the risk for age-
related cognitive decline.

For Brain Type 11:

 Walk like you’re late 45 minutes 4 times a week
 Lift weights twice a week
 Coordination exercises such as table tennis and dance
 Tai chi, Qi Gong, Yoga

Know Your You cannot change what you do not measure! Know and optimize the following numbers on a
yearly basis to keep your brain strong.
 Body mass index (BMI)
 Blood pressure
 Complete blood count
 Vitamin D level
 Thyroid levels (TSH, free T3 and free T4)
 Fasting blood sugar
 C-reactive protein
 Homocysteine
 Cholesterol
 Free and total testosterone

Amen Clinic’s Brain Type Report

3150 Bristol St #400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 266-370
Community The more you learn about brain health, the more you can teach other people and create your
own community of support. Teach your spouse, children, co-workers, and friends to take better
care of their brains. Get them to take the Brain Health Assessment.

Consider Joining Brain Fit Life

In Brain Fit Life ( we have developed tools to help each brain type based on the 7 pillars of
Brain Health. In Brain Fit Life you can:

Test Your Brain

Learn how to improve your brain, and as you do, update your Brain Fit Score. Also, take a
sophisticated computerized neuropsychological test - (Brain Fit WebNeuro) to get a detailed report
on the health of your brain.

Focus Your Brain

Tools to boost and sustain motivation, including the One Page Miracle

Train Your Brain

Access to 23 exercises in the form of fun games to boost and strengthen your brain targeted to your
brain type

Train Your Body

Learn physical exercises geared to strengthen your brain

Nourish Your Brain

Lots of great information about brain-healthy nutrition and supplements, along with full access to
187 of Tana Amen’s brain-healthy recipes

Strengthen Your Brain

Tools to boost and strengthen your mind, including access to hypnosis audios (for sleep, weight,
anxiety, pain, and peak performance), meditation audios, and beautiful brain-enhancing music

Better Together
Tools to support your brain-health journey and build a community of support

Amen Clinic’s Brain Type Report

3150 Bristol St #400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 266-370

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