Chapter 7 Zero-Sum Games
Chapter 7 Zero-Sum Games
Chapter 7 Zero-Sum Games
Chapter 7
Two-Person Zero-Sum Games
Tunis Business School
University of Tunis
Zero-Sum Games
✓ Zero-sum games are games for which player strategies can not increase
or decrease the available resources. The sum of the gains is constant
and therefore if the gain increases for one of the players it decreases
inevitably for the other player.
✓ In a game of pure strategy, the 1st player identifies the minimum (what the
2nd player allows him) for each of his strategies. Then he selects the
maximum among the identified values. In other words the 1st player
maximizes the minimum allowed gains (offensive).
✓ A saddle point occurs when each player is achieving the highest possible
payoff and thus neither would benefit from changing strategies if the other
didn’t also change - which is why it is also called an equilibrium point.
✓ However, there are equilibrium points in variable sum games where the
players are not achieving the best possible payoff (so they aren’t saddle
points) but neither will benefit by changing their strategy.
✓ The optimal strategies and value for a two-players constant-sum game
may be found by the same methods used to find the optimal strategies
and value for a two-players zero-sum game.
During the 8 to 9 P.M. time slot, two networks are vying for an audience of
100 million viewers. The networks must simultaneously announce the type
of show they will air in that time slot. The possible choices for each network
and the number of network 1 viewers (in millions) for each choice are shown
below. Does this game have a saddle point? What is the value of the game to
network 1? Network 2
S1 S2 S3
S1 35 15 60
Network 1 S2 45 58 50
S3 38 14 70
Two players and Zero-Sum Games: Randomized Strategies
B C Min
1 1 5 1
2 7 4 4 Max
Max 7 5
✓ Whenever a game does not have a saddle point, game theory advises
each player to assign a probability distribution over his/her set of
✓ Each player has to look for the frequency to play each of the strategies
so that the result will be independent of the policy adopted by the
other player.
Let denote by
ü Thus, player 1 must play 3/7 of the time the 1st strategy and 4/7 of the
time the 2nd strategy. His expected profit = 31/7
ü Similarly, for the 2nd player, the probability q of playing strategy B is
chosen so that the expected value of his loss is independent of the game
of the 1st player.
ü Thus, player 2 must play 1/7 of the time the strategy B and 6/7 of the
ü Thus player 1 must play 1/3 of the time the 1st strategy and 2/3 of the
time the 2nd strategy. Game value = 14
ü The 2nd player will then play strategies C or D. If we denote by q the
probability of playing strategy C, then
q = 2/3
ü Thus player 2 must play 2/3 of the time strategy C and 1/3 of the time
strategy D. His expected loss = 14
Matrix nxm
ü Player 1 will choose x1, x2,…, xm so that his expected payoff is maximized.
ü On the other hand, Player 2 will choose y1, y2,…, yn so that his expected
payoff is minimized.
Let pij = the payoff under strategies i, j respectively for player 1 and 2
(i=1,2,…,m) and (j=1,2,…,n)
Player 2
1 2 .. .. n
1 P11 P12 .. .. P1n
2 P21 P22 .. .. P2n
Player 1 : : : :
: : : :
m Pm1 Pm2 .. .. Pmn
Player 1 will solve the following LP
Note that the jth
Max v constraint implies that the
s.t. p11x1+ p21x2+ …+ pm1xm ≥ v expected reward against
p12x1+ p22x2+ … + pm2xm ≥ v
column j must at least
equal v; otherwise, the
. column player could hold
p1nx1+ p2nx2+ … + pmnxm ≥ v the row player’s expected
x1+x2+ …+xm= 1 reward below v by
x1, x2, …, xm ≥0 choosing column j.
Player 2 will solve the following LP (dual of the player 1’s LP
Min w The ith constraint in the column
s.t. p11y1+ p12y2+ … +p1nyn ≤ w player’s LP implies that if the
p21y1+ p22y2+ …+ p2nyn ≤ w
row player chooses row i, then
the column player’s expected
. losses cannot exceed w ;
pm1y1+ pm2y2+ … +pmnyn ≤ w otherwise, the row player could
y1+y2+ …+yn=1 obtain an expected reward that
y1, y2, …yn ≥ 0 exceeded w by choosing row i .
1 14 6
2 2 12
Let denote by
² X1 and X2 the probabilities of playing respectively Strategies 1 and 2.