Section 45 I(f) of Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act, 1997 defines a Non-Banking
Financial Company as:
1) A financial institution which is a company;
2) A non banking institution which is a company with principal business of receiving
of deposits, under any scheme or arrangement or in any other manner, or lending in
any manner;
3) Such other non-banking institution or class of such institutions, as the Reserve Bank
with the previous approval of the Central Government may specify by notification in
the Official Gazette.
Further, financial activity as principal business also happens when (as per last audited
balance sheet)
(A) (B)
A company’s financial assets Income from financial assets constitute
constitute more than 50 % of more than 50 % of the gross income. A
the total assets (netted off by company which fulfils both these crite-
intangible assets) and ria shall qualify as an NBFC and would
require to be registered as NBFC by RBI.
How to apply?
A company can apply to the RBI in prescribed from along with necessary docu-
ments for registration. The RBI issues Certificate of Registration after satisfying
itself that the conditions in Section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934 are satisfied.
RBI Directions
Types of NBFC
As per section 45-1 (f) and (c) : Includes
Note: - Core Investment Companies with asset size of less than Rs. 100 crore, and
those with asset size of Rs. 100 crore and above but not accessing public funds
are exempted from registration with the RBI.
NBFC – Top
Layer (NBFC-TL)
NBFC- Upper Layer
Base Layer
It comprise of:
(a) Non-deposit taking NBFCs below the asset size of ₹1000 crore; and
(b) NBFCs undertaking the following activities-
(i) NBFC-Peer to Peer Lending Platform (NBFCP2P),
(ii) NBFC-Account Aggregator (NBFC-AA),
(iii) Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC); and
(iv) NBFCs not availing public funds and not having any customer interface.
Middle Layer
It consist of:
(a) all deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-Ds), irrespective of asset size,
(b) non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset size of ₹1000 crore and above; and
(c) NBFCs undertaking the following activities
(i) Standalone Primary Dealers (SPDs),
(ii) Infrastructure Debt Fund - Non-Banking Financial Companies (IDF-NBFCs),
(iii) Core Investment Companies (CICs),
(iv) Housing Finance Companies (HFCs); and
(v) Infrastructure Finance Companies (NBFC-IFCs).
Top Layer
The Top Layer will ideally remain empty. This layer can get populated if the Re-
serve Bank is of the opinion that there is a substantial increase in the potential
systemic risk from specific NBFCs in the Upper Layer. Such NBFCs shall move to
the Top Layer from the Upper Layer.
From 01-10-2022
C. Prudential Norms
Every applicable NBFC as defined in the Master Direction- Non-Banking Financial
Company –Systemically Important Non-Deposit Taking Company & Deposit Taking
Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 shall maintain a Minimum Capital Ratio
consisting of Tier-I and Tier-II capital which shall not be less than 15% of its ag-
gregate risk weighted assets on balance sheet and of risk adjusted value of
6. Domestic Sovereign:
(a) Fund based claims on the Central Government 0
(b) Direct loan / credit / overdraft exposure and investment in State Government securities 0
(c) Central Government guaranteed claims
(d) State Government guaranteed claims, which have not remained in default / which are in 0
default for a period not more than 90 days 20
(e) State Government guaranteed claims, which have remained in default for a period of
more than 90 days. 100
a. Asset classified as NPA for a period not exceeding:
NBFC-D and
months) months)
b. Asset where the terms of the agreement regarding interest and/or principal have
been re-negotiated or rescheduled or restructured after commencement of opera-
tions, until the expiry of one year of satisfactory performance under the renegoti-
ated or rescheduled or restructured terms.
A general provision of 10% of total outstanding shall be made.
1. Ascertaining the business of the company
a. Section 45-IA of RBI Act, has made it incumbent on the part of all NBFCs to
comply with registration requirements and have minimum net owned fund of
` 10 crore.
b. An auditor should obtain a copy of the certificate of registration granted by the
RBI or in case the certificate of registration has not been granted, a copy of the
a. The auditor must ascertain RBI’s classification of NBFC. If not provided ascertain the
classification with application filed, financial results & MOA of NBFC.
b. Thereafter, it must be ascertained whether the company has complied with the aspects
in relation to the activity of mobilization of public deposits, as per provision applicable.
c. Aspects in relation to the activity of mobilization of public deposits
I. The ceiling on the quantum of public deposits has been linked to its Credit
Rating as given by an approved credit rating agency.
Auditor to:-
1. Obtain a copy of credit rating assigned to NBFC and check whether the pub-
lic deposits accepted/held are in accordancewith the it.
2. In the event of a upgrading/downgrading of credit rating NBFC will have to
increase/reduce its public deposits within a specified time frame and inform
the same to the RBI in writing.
3. In the event of downgrading of credit rating below the minimum specified in-
vestment grade, NBFC-ICC or Factor shall regularise the excess deposit as pro
vided here under;
(a) Stop accepting fresh public deposits and renewing existing deposits;
(b) all existing deposits shall run off to maturity; and
(c) report the position within 15 working days, to the Regional Office of
RBI where the NBFC is registered.
(d) Provided no matured public shall be renewed without the express and
voluntary consent of the depositor.
I. Concept of ICC
Test check bills / contract notes received from broker with reference to the prices
vs. the stock market quotations on the respective dates.
Check:- Whether Investment have been valued in accordance with NBFC – Pru-
dential Norms; and Provision:- for fall in market value of securities (wherever ap-
plies) has been made.
4. AS-13/Ind-AS I
Ensure that requirements of AS-13 / Ind AS have been complied with by NBFC, to
extent not inconsistent with Directions
Cash Basis
(i) Dividend income (or accrual basis if declared by co. & right to receive is established)
(ii) Income from MF
(iii) Income from NPAs
Accrual basis
Income from bond/debenture of corporate bodies (if debenture interest is serviced
regularly as per determined rates)
6. Physical Verification I
7. Depository I
8. Unquoted Bond I
9. Subsidiary/Group Company I
Ensure securities of the same type / class are received back by the lender, paid by
the borrower at the end of specified period.
Verify confirmation from intermediary regarding securities deposited / borrowed.
11. Controls L
Verify whether NBFC has an adequate system of proper appraisal & follow up of loans
12. Sanctions L
Auditor should examine whether each loan or advance has been properly sanctioned.
Verify the conditions attached to the sanction i.e. limit on borrowings, nature of
security, interest, terms of repayment, etc.
13. Security L
Auditor should verify the security obtained nature and value of security and the net
worth of the borrow/guarantor to determine the extent to which an advance could
be considered realisable.
Examine the confirmation of balances as certified by borrowers, and review the rec-
onciliation statements, if any.
Ensure that proper records have been maintained for every bill discounted/redis-
count. Test check transactions with reference to the documents maintained to
ascertain accounting of discounting charges.
Ensure that the NBFC has not lent/invested in excess of the specified limits to any
single borrower/group of borrowers as per RBI directions.
] Single Co.
Single Co.
Group Co.
15% (Investment or loan)
25% (Investment & loan)
40% (Investment & loan)
] of Total Assets
V) Whether NBFC Vi) Further: Vii) Whether CAR as
accepting public Whether the credit rat- disclosed in the return
deposits without ing for each fixed deposit submitted to the
minimum invest- Scheme is in force. bank has been cor-
ment grade credit Whether the aggregate rectly determined and
rating. amount of whether such ratio is
deposit outstanding as at in compliance with the
any point minimum CRAR pre-
during the year has ex-
scribed (applies also
ceeded the limit
(i) Where, in the auditor’s report, the (ii) Where the auditor is
statement regarding any of the items unable to express any opinion
referred to matters specified above is on any of the items referred
unfavourable or qualified, the auditor’s above, his report shall indicate
report shall also state the reasons for such fact together with reasons
such unfavourable or thereof.
qualified statement, as the case may be.
H. Schedule-III (Division-III)
As per Rule 4 (1)(iv) of the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015
and as amended by Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules,
2016, NBFCs are required to comply with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as
RBI has now introduced a revised framework for “Scale Based Regulation (SBR) for
NBFCs” wherein RBI would categorise NBFCs in four layers based on their size, activity,
and perceived riskiness classified as NBFC-Top Layer (NBFC-TL), Upper Layer (NBFC-
UL), Middle Layer (NBFC-ML) and Base Layer (NBFC-BL). Accordingly various existing
provisions would change over time.
2. Registration
(i) The auditor is required to examine whether the company is engaged in the
business which attract the requirements of the registration.
(ii) The registration is required where the financing activity is a principal business of
the company.
(iii) The RBI restrict companies from carrying on the business of a non-banking
financial institution without obtaining the certificate of registration.