Task A1

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This multimedia project is a compulsory assignment for STPM ICT’s students. I

have chosen to develop a multimedia website on a MUSUEM SABAH KOTA KINABALU
that contains a lot of information about history and ethnographic galleries. The
percentage of people visiting the MUSUEM SABAH went down by 50% after the
pandemic. With this multimedia website, I believe that the society will take a notice
about MUSEUM SABAH and visit the museum to see the history and ethnographic
galleries for a more knowledge about SABAH.

The goal of this project is to spread and promote about the MUSEUM SABAH and
the information about inside the museum. The website multimedia project includes five
elements of multimedia that is a text, graphic, animation, audio, and video. This five
element will make the project appealing, entertaining, and interactive.


I wanted to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude for your exceptional
guidance and support throughout our ICT lecturer, Madam Esther Linus. Your dedication
to teaching and your ability to make complex concepts understandable have made a
profound impact on our learning journey. Your passion on technology and your
commitment to your students are truly inspiring. You’ve not only imparted knowledge but
also giving the support since the very beginning of the making of this project until the
end. I would also like to gratitude to my friend who always help me finishing my project.
Without them it impossible for me to do my project until it finish.




Nowadays, MUSEUM SABAH KOTA KINABALU getting less popular after the
pandemic 3 years ago. The government declared an emergency for all parties to stay at
home due pandemic to reduce the virus infection. This caused the owner of the
museum had to closed the museum to avoid people from gettering in that place. This
have made people to ignore the existence of the museum. Next is, the government
declared the travel restriction to avoid people in other country visit the museum. This
restriction declared because the people who getting infection will spread the virus to our
country and increase the virus population. This way can decrease the virus population
in our country. Other that, money should be problem for the people who want to visit the
MUSEUM SABAH because it consumes high cost to visit our country. Money is very
important for someone who want to visit the MUSEUM SABAH because if someone
want to travel you have to buy a ticket that consume high cost and the ticket to enter the
museum. People nowadays also developed new habit after the pandemic. They
preferred spending their time indoor playing virtual reality games that mimic real life
environment. This may lead them to be unproductive and also creates an unhealthy
habit of spend their time indoors.

Most people nowadays busy with their job and career so they don’t have time to
visit the MUSEUM SABAH. Therefore, with this multimedia website can spare some of
their time explore the website to get more knowledge about MUSEUM SABAH. They do
not have to searching because this multimedia website will provide the information
about MUSEUM SABAH. In addition to that, a good multimedia website that contains
good piece if information would help them to explore the museum

1.1.3 The Need for Project

a) Software
 Microsoft Word (For report/documentation)
 Clipchamp (for editing, audios and videos)
 Adobe Photoshop (for editing, Graphic)
 Adobe Muse CC 2018 (For making interactive multimedia)

b) Hardware
 Laptop
 Printer
 Phone camera

Target Audience

Target Audience Age range Reasons

Children 6-12 Children should visit the State Museum of Sabah
because it's a place where you can see and touch
cool things from the past, learn about the history of
your area, and even play with interactive exhibits.
You can also admire beautiful art, find out about
nature, ask questions, and use all your senses to
explore. Plus, it's a fun family activity that can make
you feel proud of where you come from and help you
learn more about the world around you.
Teenagers 13-19 Teenagers should visit the State Museum of Sabah
because it helps them learn about their state's
history, culture, and art. It's a cool place to explore
and see interesting things. It can also inspire them to
think and learn more. Plus, it's a fun way to spend
time with friends or family.

Adult 20 and Grown-ups should visit the State Museum of Sabah

above because it helps them learn more about their state's
history and culture. It's a place to see interesting
things, like art and old stuff, and it can make them
feel proud of where they come from. Plus, it's a fun
way to keep learning, and they might find it inspiring

1.2 Project cost Estimation

1.2.1 Overhead cost

No. Description Cost (RM)

1. Transportation 9
2. Electricity 16
3. Communication 28
4. Printing 24
5. Other 32
Total cost 109
Table 1.2 Overhead Cost

1.2.2 Production Cost

No. Description Labor Days Cost per day (RM) Cost

1. Production manager 10 180 1800

2. Content Expert 5 160 800

3. Scriptwriter 5 130 650
4. Audio video Expert 8 120 960

5. Programmer 8 250 2000

Total cost 6210
Table 1.3 production cost

1.2.3 Packaging Cost

No. Item Description Quantity (Unit) Price (RM) Cost (RM)

1. DVD disc 25 3 75
2. DVD label 25 2 50
3. DVD casing 25 2 50
4. Glossy Paper for poster 25 3 75
5. Mounting Board 1 15 15
Total cost 265
Table 1.4 Packaging Cost

1.2.4 Overall Cost

No. Description Cost (RM)

1. Overhead Cost 109
2. Production Cost 6210
3. Packaging Cost 265
Total Cost 6585
Table 1.5 Overall Cos

1.3 Project Timeline

1.3.1 Monthly Timeline

Time Period October November December

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1

Idea analysis

Task planning


Alpha Development

Beta Development


Table 1.6 Monthly Timeline

Date (2023) Idea Task Prototype Alpha Beta delivery

analysis planning developmen development developmen
t t
2/10-8/10 /
9/10-15/10 /

16/10-29/10 /

30/10-12/11 /

13/11-26/11 /

27/11-3/12 /
Table 1.7 Monthly Timeline

1.3.2 Daily schedule

Idea analysis

Month October
Task/Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Analysis Study
Cost Estimation
Project Timeline

Content Outline

Content Delivery
and Technology
Table 1.8: Idea Analysis

Task Planning
Month October
Task/Date 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Project Goal
Skill Set
Quality of
Table 1.9: Task Planning

Prototype Development
Month October

Task/Date 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Maps and

Table 1.10: Prototype Development

Alpha Development
Month October/November

Task/Date 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Story and
Final Story
Originality and

Table 1.11: Alpha Development

Beta Development
Month November
Task/Date 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 26
User Testing

n and
Table 1.12: Beta Development

Month November/December
Task/Date 27 28 29 30 1 2 3
Master CD

of Master

Table 1.13: Delivery

1.4 Content Outline
The lists of the content are the introduction of multimedia website Museum Sabah.
There is button (Introduction) that explain about the museum Sabah. There’s button
(More information) that will explain more information about Sabah history. There’s
button (Artifacts) that show a few item that exhibit in Museum Sabah. The button
(Experience) used to show feedback from visitors about the museum Sabah. (Interview)
button show user a short video of the tourist answering the question given from us. The
(FAQ) button used to answer the most asked question about Museum Sabah. The
button (Test Your Knowledge) used to ask question for users about the history in Sabah.

 Introduction – The first page explaining about problem Museum Sabah getting
less popularity.

 More Information - This will bring the user to another page which shows them
more information about history in Sabah.

 Experience - The user will be taken to a page that shows visitors feedback
visiting the museum and also a video will be provide to show the user.

 Artifacts - The user will be taken to a page that shows three different categories
of artifacts in the Sabah's Museum.

 Interview - This will take the user to a page that shows video about a few visitors
answering questions by us.

 Frequently Asked Questions - This button will take the user to the very end of
the page where lists of FAQ are located. There will be answers to all the most
asked question by tourist and local visitors

 Test Your Knowledge - This button will take the user to a special page of the
website that comprise of entertaining quizzes based on facts about history about
the artifacts

 Credits - This page will show gratitude to all those who lend the extra Information
and who had lent helpful hand with the making of the project.

1.5 Content, Technology and Delivery
1.5.1 Content Analysis
Content Outline Description
Introduction Introduction the user about the Museum
in Sabah’s.
Extra Information To provide the users more information
about Sabah’s history in the past.
Experience To show the user about opinion by visitors
about the museum.
Artifacts To show the user things used by people
of Sabah in the past.
Interview Shows the user about tourists’
perspective to the museum
Frequently Asked Questions Shows answer most asked question by
Test your knowledge To make the website more interesting and
fun for the user.
Credits To show gratitude and appreciation.
Table 1.14: Content Analysis

1.5.2 Technology Analysis

The software and hardware that I used in the making of the project are the following

No. Item Description
1 Clipchamp Sound editor
Video editor
2 Adobe Photoshop Graphic editor
Table 1.14: List of software and software description.

No. Item Specification
1 Multimedia PC (Laptop) Manufacturer: DELL
Device Name: Intel(R) Core
(TM) i7-6600U CPU @
2.60GHz 2.80 GHz
Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (7.89
GB usable)
System type: 64-bit operating
system, x64-based processor

2 Smartphone Real mi c 15

3 Printer Epson L3150

Table 1.15: List of hardware and hardware description.

1.5.3 Delivery Analysis

Criteria Web-based CD based

Accessibility Can be accessed The CD and CD ROM is

anywhere and anytime as needed to access the
long as there is internet. content.
Updates Easy to Update No update

Cost Cheaper Expansive

Table 1.16 Delivery Analysis

I picked Web-based because it easy to access as long as there is internet and easier
users to access the website. Other that, web-based easy to update that can make users
to access the website with the latest information about the museum and more cheaper
then CD ROM.


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