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EIE579 Advanced Telecommunication Systems

Lecture 1: Overview of Wireless Communications

LIU Liang

Assistant Professor
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Lecture Venue

q Week 1 and Week 2: Y305 (hybrid mode, online course is available via MS Teams)
q Week 3 to Week 13: Z209 (face-to-face mode)


q Lecturer: Dr. LIU Liang http://www.eie.polyu.edu.hk/~liangliu/

Ø Office: DE605
Ø Email: [email protected]
Ø Office hour: Wednesday, 2:00pm – 5:00pm

q MSc dissertation projects are available:

Ø Hardware + software
Ø Using cellular signals to sense the environment
Ø Interested students can drop me an email with your CV and transcript in Semester I

Course Objectives

Category A: Professional/academic knowledge and skills

1. Understand the basic techniques of modern wireless
communication systems
2. Understand the advanced communication network: 4G, 5G
cellular systems

Category B: Attributes for all-roundedness

1. Solve problems using systematic approaches

Reference Books

q A. J. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

q D. Tse and P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University
Press, 2005.
q E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, and J. Skold, 4G: LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband. New
York, NY, USA: Academic, 2013.
q E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, and J. Skold, 5G NR: The Next Generation Wireless Access
Technology. New York, NY, USA: Academic Press, 2018.

Assessment (Tentative)

q Homework (programming via matlab or pathon):

Ø 10% (Week 2, Week 3) + 10% (Week 4, Week 5) = 20%
q Quizzes: 30%
q Final Project: 50% (Week 8 to Week 13)

Wireless History

q Ancient systems: smoke signals, carrier pigeons, …

q Radio invented in the 1880s by Marconi (speed of light)
q Many sophisticated military radio systems were developed during and after WW2
q Exponential growth in cellular use since 1988
Ø Message, voice in 1G, 2G
Ø Internet in 3G
Ø Broadband communication in 4G
Ø Internet of things (IoT) in 5G
q WiFi is also widely used for indoor communication
q Bluetooth for smart wearables
q Satellites are also important in communication: TV for Olympic games

Communication over Noisy Channels

q Received signal can be quite different from transmitted signal when noise is strong
q Is it possible to achieve reliable communication over noisy channels?

Shannon Channel Capacity

Claude Shannon

"A Mathematical Theory of Communication", Bell

System Technical Journal, 1948

q Information theory
Ø Reliable communication without error over noisy channel is possible
Ø Channel capacity: I(x;y) bits per second per Hz
Ø It proves that there exists a way to communicate without any error if the rate does not
exceed the channel capacity; but it does not show what is this approach
Ø Theoretical foundation of modern (digital) communication systems
Coding Technique to Approach Shannon Capacity

q Convolutional code
q Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code
q Polar code
q Philosophy: adding redundancy bits to
detect and correct errors
q Simple example: repetition code

Analog and Digital Signals

Analog Communication

Digital Communication

q Most modern communication systems are based on digital communication techniques

q Focus of this course

A/D and D/A Converter

q Sampling: reducing a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time signal

q Quantization: mapping the set of sampled values (real numbers) obtained in the
sampling process to bits
Digital Communication

Coding Technique to Approach Shannon Capacity

q Convolutional code
q Low-density parity-check (LDPC) code
q Polar code
q Philosophy: adding redundancy bits to
detect and correct errors
q Simple example: repetition code

Digital Communication

Modulation and Demodulation

frequency-key shifting (FSK)

q Modulation: switching or keying the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a sinusoidal

carrier wave according to incoming digital data
q Demodulation: recovering digital data based on received carrier wave

Digital Communication

Radio Spectrum

Revisit of Digital Communication

1010 1111 0000 1111 0000

1010 1110 0000 1111 0001

Important History Milestones

Challenges in Modern (Digital) Communication System

q Network/Radio challenges
Ø Gbps data rate
Ø Ultra-reliability and low latency
Ø Energy efficiency
q Device/Hardware challenges
Ø Performance
Ø Complexity BT

Ø Size (multiple antennas) Cellular
Ø Power
Mem WiFi
Ø Cost

Future Wireless Networks

q Next-generation cellular technology (6G) and WiFi (WiFi 7): connecting people
q IoT: connecting devices
Ø Smart home
Ø Autonomous cars
What is Internet of Things

q IoT has a three-tier architecture

Ø Sensing + Data Communication + Data Processing

Internet of Things

q There will be more than 75 billion IoT devices in 2025

Current/Next-Gen Wireless Systems

q Current wireless systems q Next-generation wireless systems

Ø 4G cellular systems (LTE-Advanced) Ø 5G cellular systems (NR)
Ø WiFi 6 Ø Ad hoc/mesh wireless networks
Ø Satellite systems Ø Cognitive radio networks
Ø Bluetooth Ø Wireless sensor and actuator networks
Ø ZigBee Ø Energy-constrained radios

Cellular Networks

q Base stations are connected together using a high-speed wireline network to the Mobile
Switching Centers (MSCs)
q MSCs are connected together and to the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN)
Cellular Networks

q 1940s @ Bell labs, proposed hexagonal cells for mobile phones

q 1970s @ Bell labs, proposed frequency reuse and handoff
q 1975, Motorola, radio telephone system (US3906166, Cooper et al)
q 1970s @ AT&T, commercialized the cellular concepts

Evolution of Cellular Networks

Evolution of Cellular Networks

q First mobile phone service in 1946

Ø Dispatch radio, e.g. ambulances, police, taxis, etc
Ø High transmission power, poor quality
Ø Limited Spectrum
q Cellular Concepts in the 50s and 60s
Ø Mature of Solid State Technology (Miniaturization)
Ø Handsets to public, Analog Cellular Phones
Ø e.g. AMPS approved by FCC in the US in 1983
Ø e.g. E-TACS, JTACS in Europe and Japan, resp.
Ø e.g. cordless phone and CT2 in mid-80s

2G Cellular Networks

q Success of AMPS and Pager

Ø Increases demand for wireless communications
q Digital Cellular (DC) Systems
Ø Carrier Frequency: ~800MHz (US), ~900MHz (Europe, HK)
Ø e.g. CT-2, GSM, USDC, JDC, CDMA (IS-95), PHS
Ø Low transmission power, smaller handset, cellular structure, more reliable coverage,
more portable
q Personal Communication System (PCS) Band
Ø Carrier Frequency: ~1800MHz (US), ~1900MHz (Europe, HK)
Ø Smaller cells, cheaper handset and/or service charge, voice & data services, other value-
added features
q Both DC and PCS are known as 2nd Generation (2G) Systems
3G Cellular Networks

q Third Generation (3G) Systems

Ø IMT-2000 (International), UMTS (Europe)
§ //www.3gpp.org/ 3GPP: The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (global
§ //www.3gpp2.org/
Ø TD-SCDMA (China)
§ Time Division – Synchronous CDMA
§ //www.tdscdma-forum.org/

4G/LTE Cellular Networks

q Much higher data rates than 3G

Ø 4G: 50-100 Mbps peak rates
Ø 3G: 384 Kbps peak rates
q Data rate (bps) = bandwidth (Hz) Ð spectrum efficiency (bps/Hz)
Ø More bandwidth over 3G
§ Flexible use of up to 100 MHz of spectrum
Ø Greater spectrum efficiency
§ Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
§ Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)

WiFi Networks
q No base stations
q Multimedia everywhere, without wires
Ø Gbps data rates
Ø Usually indoor communication

Wireless HDTV
and Gaming
Wireless Router

WiFi Networks

q IEEE 802 is a standard developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) to deal with both local area networks and metropolitan area networks.

q IEEE 802.11 is a working group (WG) under IEEE 802 that mainly deal with wireless local
area networks (WLAN).

q Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is the name of the certification given by the Wi-Fi Alliance – a
global non-profit industry association to ensure the compatibility of IEEE 802.11 products.

WiFi Standards
q IEEE 802.11b
Ø Up to 11 Mbps, Operating at 2.4 GHz
q IEEE 802.11g (3rd Gen., 2002-2006)
Ø Up to 54 Mbps, Operating at 2.4 GHz
q IEEE 802.11n (4th Gen., 2007-2011)
Ø Up to 150 Mbps, operating at both 2.4 and 5 GHz
Ø Support Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs (MIMO) – 4 streams
Ø Larger coverage / Higher transmission rates
q IEEE 802.11ac (5th Gen., 2012 – present)
Ø Up to 866.7 Mbps (per antenna), operating at 5 GHz, supports Multi-user (MU) MIMO (8
streams, max 6.93 Gbps)
q WiFi 6
Ø Support 4K 8K video 37
WiFi Basics
q A router keeps broadcasting a BEACON message to its surrounding periodically. The
BEACON message contains information such as
Ø Beacon interval – The frequency of the broadcasting
§ Too short – yield a responsive association process, but will reduce throughput
§ Too long – save energy, but will prolong the association process
Ø Service set identification (SSID) – the name of your network
Ø Supported data rates and other radio parameters (e.g. channel number, 1 out of 14)


WiFi Basics
q A client will scan (listen to) all the channels and collect the BEACON messages from
different routers
Ø The strength of a signal will attenuate with the communication distance. Channels with
weak signals are more susceptible to noise and interference
q To join a network, the client configure its Wi-Fi adaptor using the information obtained
from the BEACON message of the targeted router. It will then send an association request to
the router

Asso Req

Why is WiFi Performance Poor

Carrier Sense Multiple Access:

if another WiFi signal
detected, random backoff

q The WiFi standard lacks good mechanisms to mitigate interference, especially in dense
AP deployments
Ø Multiple access protocol (CSMA) from 1970s
Ø Static channel assignment, power levels, and sensing thresholds
Ø In such deployments WiFi systems exhibit poor spectrum reuse and significant
contention among APs and clients
§ Result is low throughput and a poor user experience
Ø Multiuser MIMO will help each AP, but not interfering APs
Satellite Systems
q Cover very large areas
q Different orbit heights
Ø Orbit height trades off coverage area for latency
q TV multicasting
q Global Positioning System (GPS) ubiquitous
Ø Satellite signals used to pinpoint location
Ø Popular in cell phones and navigation devices



q Cable replacement RF technology (e.g., wireless earphone)

q Short range (10m, extendable to 100m)
q 2.4 GHz band (crowded)
q 1 Data (700 Kbps) and 3 voice channels, up to 3 Mbps
q Widely supported by telecommunications, PC, and consumer electronics companies
q Few applications beyond cable replacement


q Low-rate low-power low-cost radio for short-range communication

Ø Complementary to WiFi and Bluetooth (bandwidth is more important)
q Frequency bands: 784, 868, 915 MHz, 2.4 GHz
q Data rates: 20Kbps, 40Kbps, 250 Kbps (much lower than WiFi and Bluetooth)
q Range: 10-100m line-of-sight
q Support for large mesh networking or star clusters
q Support for low latency devices
q CSMA-CA channel access
q Applications: light switches, electricity meters, traffic management, and other low-power

Current/Next-Gen Wireless Systems

q Current wireless systems q Next-generation wireless systems

Ø 4G cellular systems (LTE-Advanced) Ø 5G cellular systems (NR)
Ø WiFi 6 Ø Ad hoc/mesh wireless networks
Ø Satellite systems Ø Cognitive radio networks
Ø Bluetooth Ø Wireless sensor and actuator networks
Ø ZigBee Ø Energy-constrained radios

5G Cellular Networks
q 3GPP defined three main use cases for 5G technology
Ø Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB)
Ø Massive machine-type communications (mMTC)
new in 5G
Ø Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC) Internet of Things (IoT)

4K Video E-Learning, Online Conferencing

Smart Wearable Smart Transportation

Smart City Industry


5G Milestones

Enhanced Mobile Broadband in 5G

q Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Ø Peak data rate: 20 Gbps
Ø Experienced data rate: 0.1 Gbps
q Applications
Ø 4K video
q Challenges: bandwidth, spectrum efficiency
data rate (bps) = bandwidth (Hz) Ð spectrum efficiency (bps/Hz)

Massive MIMO and mmWave

q mmWaves have large non-monotonic path loss

Ø Channel model poorly understood
q For asymptotically large arrays with channel state information, no attenuation, fading,
interference or noise
q mmWave antennas are small: perfect for massive MIMO
q Bottlenecks: channel estimation and system complexity

Cloud Radio Access Network

q Previously, base stations encode/decode

messages locally
q Cloud radio access network (C-RAN)
Ø Relay-like base stations
Ø Central processor encodes/decodes
Ø Fronthaul networks (e.g., fibers) to
connect base stations and cloud
q Benefit: reduced cost to rent sites
q Challenge: fronthaul techniques

Massive Machine-Type Communications in 5G

q KPIs
Ø 1 million devices per km2
q Applications
Ø Smart city
Ø Smart home
q Challenges
Ø Energy issue for sensors: a battery lifetime of 10 years or more
Ø Coverage issue for sensors: tens of kilometers from base station
Ø How to accommodate so many IoT devices

Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) Network

Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)

q Why narrowband?
Ø Low SNR regime: bandwidth dose not affect user throughput greatly

Ø Making use of re-farmed 2G GSM spectrum

Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications in 5G

q KPIs
Ø Delay: 1 ms
Ø Reliability: 99.999%
q Applications: wireless control
Ø Autonomous cars
Ø Unmanned aerial vehicles
Ø Smart factories
q Challenges: delay and reliability are contradictory

Ad-Hoc Networks

q Peer-to-peer communications
Ø No backbone infrastructure or centralized control (more reliable, but less efficient)
q Routing can be multi-hop
q Topology is dynamic
q Challenges
Ø Resource allocation (power, rate, spectrum, etc.)
Ø Routing
Cognitive Networks

q Cognitive radios support new users in existing crowded spectrum

Ø Primary users: users owning the spectrum
Ø Secondary users: users who want to use the spectrum not belonging to them
q Challenges
Ø Spectrum sensing: if spectrum is not used by primary users currently, secondary users
can use it opportunistically
Ø Interference control: if spectrum is used by primary users currently, secondary users
should control interference to primary users

primary user
secondary user 55
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN)

q Widely used in industry automation

Ø Sensors: collect data
Ø Actuators: react based on sensing data
q Challenges:
Ø Latency
Ø Reliability
Ø Routing

Energy-Constrained Radios

q Wireless communication must consider both transmit and processing/circuit energy

Ø Sophisticated encoding/decoding not always energy-efficient.
Ø MIMO techniques not necessarily energy-efficient
Ø Long transmission times not necessarily optimal
q Where does energy come from
Ø Batteries (sometimes hard to charge or replace batteries)
Ø Energy harvesting (intermittent and random energy arrivals)
Ø Wireless power transfer (poorly understood, especially for long-range transfer)


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