M.sc. Cbcs Syllabus Physics
M.sc. Cbcs Syllabus Physics
M.sc. Cbcs Syllabus Physics
M.Sc. (Physics)
Department of Physics
(Faculty of Science)
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
2. Semester- II
Course Nature Course Name Credits Marks
Lecture Core Course LCC6. General Relativity and 4 100
(LCC) Cosmology
(Including lectures, LCC7. Advanced Quantum 4 100
tutorials, assignments Mechanics
& internal assessment) LCC8. Nuclear Physics 4 100
LCC9. Elementary Particle 4 100
LCC10. Condensed Matter 4 100
Practical Course (PC) PC2. Practical Course – II 8 200
(including expt. work, data
analysis, internal assessment
& viva- voce)
Self Study Course SSC1} 1 out of the list - 100
Total (L+P+T) 28 800
**Note: Self-study course are non-credit courses and are of qualifying nature only and grades
will be provided for the same.
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
3. Semester- III
Course Nature Course Name Credits Ma
Lecture Core Course LCC11(a-e). Special Paper-I 4 100
(LCC) LCC12(a-e). Special Paper-II 4 100
(Including lectures, LCC13. Electrodynamics 4 100
tutorials, assignments
& internal assessment)
Lecture Elective LEC1, LEC2} 2 out of the 08 200
Course (LEC) list enclosed (04 credit
Practical Course (PC) PC3. Practical Course – III 8 200
(including expt. work, data
analysis, internal assessment
& viva voce)
Self Study Course SSC2} 1 out of the list - 100
(SSC) enclosed
Total (L+P+T) 28 800
**Note: Self-study course are non-credit courses and are of qualifying nature only and grades
will be provided for the same.
4. Semester- IV
Course Nature Course Name Credits Marks
Lecture Core Course LCC14(a-e). Special Paper-III 4 100
(LCC) LCC15(a-e). Special Paper-IV 4 100
(Including lectures,
tutorials, assignments
& internal assessment)
Lecture Elective LEC3} 1 out of the list 04 100
Course (EC) enclosed
Practical Course (PC) PC4. Practical Course – IV 8 200
(including expt. work, data
analysis, internal assessment
& viva voce)
Dissertation/Project DC/PC 08 -
Self Study Course SSC3} 1 out of the list - 100
(SSC) enclosed
Total (L+P+T) 28 600
**Note: Self-study course are non-credit courses and are of qualifying nature only and grades
will be provided for the same.
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
SSC4. Bio-Physics
**Note: Self-study course are non-credit courses and are of qualifying nature only and grades
will be provided for the same.
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Series solution of differential equations, Legendre, Bessel, Hermite, and Laguerre differential
equation and related polynomial, physical integral form of polynomials and their
orthogonality relations. Generating Function and recurrence relation.
Curvilinear Coordinates and various operators in circular, cylindrical and spherical co-
ordinate systems, classification of Tensors, Rank of a Tensor, covariant and contra-variant
tensors, symmetric and anti-symmetric Tensors, Kronecker delta symbol. Contraction of
Tensor, metric Tensor and Tensor densities, covariant differentiation and Geodesic equation
(variational Method).
Fourier integral and Fourier Transform, Fourier integral theorem, finite and infinite integral,
Laplace transform of elementary function (Dirac delta & Green’s function), Solution of
simple differential equations.
Book recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Motion of a rigid body, body and space Reference system, angular momentum and Inertia
tensor, Principle axes- Principle moments of Inertia, spinning tops, Euler angles, Infinitesimal
Action and angle variables, phase integral, small oscillations, Kepler’s laws of Planetary
motion and their deduction, scattering in a Central field, Rutherford scattering cross section.
Book recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
State vectors and operators in Hilbert Space, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of an operator,
Hermitian ,Unitary and Projection operators, commuting operators, BRA and KET
Notations, Postulates of Quantum Mechanics, co-ordinate Momentum and Energy
representations, dynamical behavior, Heisenberg, Schrödinger and interaction Pictures.
Orbital Angular momentum operator, its eigen value and eigen functions, space quantization,
spin angular momentum, Pauli’s theory of spin, Addition of angular momentum, Clebsch-
Gordan coefficients.
Stationary Perturbation, first and second order corrections, WKB approximation methods,
connection formula and boundary conditions, Bohr Sommerfield quantization rule,
Penetration of potential barrier, Time independent perturbation theory and anomalous
Zeeman effect, variation method and its application to the ground state of helium atom, and
harmonic oscillator.
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Microscopic and macroscopic states, density of states, micro-canonical, canonical and grand
canonical ensembles, canonical ensemble and Gibb’s distribution, Boltzmann–Planck
method, partition function and statistical definition of thermodynamic quantities, computation
of partition functions of some standard systems.
System of linear harmonic oscillators in the canonical ensemble; grand canonical ensemble
and its partition function; chemical potential; Partition function and distribution for perfect
gas; Gibb’s paradox; Free energy, entropy, equation of state and specific heat determination
of perfect gas.
Theory of phase transitions, First order phase transition, Second order phase transitions and
higher order phase transitions ( elementary discussion), Ising model, one dimensional (with
exact solution), Two dimensional (with exact solution ) & three dimensional model
(elementary idea), Landau theory of phase transition, Weiss theory of Ferro-magnetism,
Heisenberg model. Virial equation of states.
Bose-Einstein and Fermi- Dirac distributions, degeneracy, gas degeneration, degenerate Bose
gas, Bose Einstein condensation, highly degenerate B-E and F-D gases; examples of
Molecular Hydrogen, liquid helium and electron gas in metals.
Books Recommended-
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC5. Atomic and Molecular Physics Course credits 04 (Marks 100) (Semester-I)
Fine structure of hydrogen spectrum, L-S and J-J coupling, Spectroscopic terms, Hund’s rule
and time reversal, Pauli’s exclusion principle.
Unit- II
Alkali spectra, spin-orbit interaction and fine structure in alkali Spectra, Equivalent and non-
equivalent electrons, Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect, Paschen Back effect, Stark
effect, Hyperfine structure (qualitative).
Unit- III
Unit- IV
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
List of Experiments
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC6. General Relativity Theory and Cosmology Course credits 04 (Marks 100)
Introduction of Gravitational radiation, Wave equation in linearized theory and plane waves,
propagating modes of gravity, gravitational waves in a flat space-time background,
propagation of gravitational waves in the curved space-time, Energy and momentum of the
gravitational waves, Detection of gravitational waves.
Basic Concepts and elementary idea of big-bang and steady state cosmologies, Seagull static
models, Cosmological principle, Friedmann space-time, Robertson-Walker line element,
Weyl’s postulate, expansion of the universe, Hubble’s law, dynamical equation of cosmology
and their consequences, the primordial fire and the remnant radiation, Big-bang and steady
state models of the universe.
Book Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Identical particles, exchange degeneracy, symmetric and anti symmetric functions for many
particle system
Classical Fields, Schwinger’s action principle, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian densities, Field
equation, quantum structure of free fields and the particle concept, Quantization relations,
Quantization of non relativistic Schrödinger matter field, System of identical bosons and
fermions, Commutation and anti-commutation relations, Occupation number representation,
creation and annihilation operators.
Time dependent perturbation theory, constant perturbation, Fermi Golden rule, coulomb
excitation, sudden and adiabatic approximation, Harmonic perturbation, radiative Transition
in atoms. Einstein’s A and B coefficients and spontaneous emission of radiation.
Scattering Theory, Scattering cross section, method of partial wave analysis, phase shift,
Optical theorem, scattering length, effective range; low energy scattering, Resonance,
scattering from a square potential well and a rigid sphere, Born approximation, Validity of
Born approximation, Born approximation through time dependent perturbation, its
application to square well potential.
Books Recommended
Davydov : Quantum Theory
Messiah : Quantum Mechanics Vols. I & II
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Concepts of Atomic Nuclear-Size, Shape, charge distribution, spin & parity, magnetic
moment; electric quadrupole moment; binding energy; semi-empirical mass formula, mirror
nuclei, Liquid drop model, Experimental evidence for shell effects, Shell model, Magic
numbers, Spin orbit coupling, Single particle shell model-its validity and limitations;
collective model.
Theory of Deuteron and nuclear level properties, nucleon - nucleon interactions, low & high-
energy nucleon-nucleon scattering, Yukawa’s Meson theory of nuclear forces, Spin
dependence and charge independence of nuclear forces.
Kinds of nuclear reactions; Conservation laws; Nuclear reaction Kinematics; charge particle
reaction spectroscopy; neutron spectroscopy; nuclear cross-section; compound nucleus;
Nuclear transmutations, continuum theory of nuclear reaction, Nuclear fission, Chain
reactions, Nuclear fusion, Thermonuclear reactions.
Basic understanding of and - decay, Fermi theory of beta decay, selection rules in -decay,
Neutrino hypothesis, Parity violation in beta decay, K capture and internal conversion.
Book Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Unit II: Unitary Symmetries and Application in the Physics of Elementary Particles
Basics of unitary groups, fundamental representation of SU(2), SU(3) diagonal generators and
weights, generators of SU(2) and U(2), weight diagram of fundamental representation of SU(2),
generators of SU(3) and U(3), Weight of first fundamental representation of SU(3), shift operators, I,
U, V spins, complete weight diagram for the (1 0), (0 1), (3, 0), (1 1) and (2 1) representations of
SU(3) , Gell Mann Okubo Mass formula.
Young Tableaux and unitary symmetry, standard arrangements of young tableaux, Dimentaionality of
the representations of SU(N), Multiplets of SU(N-1), subgroup of SU(N), Baryon multiplets in
different representations, general rule and its application for reducing kronecker product of two
representations, kronecker product of three particle state vectors.
Book Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Interaction of radiation with matter (for elastic and en elastic scatterings of x- ray). Concept
of reciprocal lattice point, calculation of reciprocal lattice point of SC, BCC. and FCC
lattices, Application of reciprocal lattice point in diffraction technique.
Different types of bonding in solids, covalent, metallic, Vander Waal, hydrogen bonding &
ionic bonding, Madelung constant of ionic crystals, cohesive energy.
Concept of dispersion relation, quantization of lattice vibrations (Phonons), normal modes &
normal coordinates, longitudinal and transverse modes of vibration, modes of vibration of
monatomic and diatomic lattices. Density of states (Phonons) , Theory of specific heat of
solids : classical theory , Einstein theory and Debye theory .Theory of metals : Classical
theory , free electron theory and F-D distribution function , Hall effect.
Point defects (Schottky & Frankel Defects) Imperfections, Line defects (Edge& Screw
dislocations), Burger vector & Burger Circuit, Role of dislocation in plastic deformation and
crystal growth. Elementary idea of super conductivity nearly zero resistivity, Meissner effect,
Tc, Hc type I, & II, superconductors & BCS theory, ferri, ferro, and anti ferromagnetism.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
List of Experiments
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Lagrangian Formulation, Hamiltonian and momentum densities, Neutral and Charged scalar fields
and their quantization, Momentum representation and frequency splitting, Identification of various
particle operators, Charge operator, Algebra of field operators, Invariant delta function and its
representations, Covariant commutation relations and their properties.
Lagrangian formulation for Spinor field, Hamiltonian and momentum densities, Quantization of
Spinor Field, Momentum representation and frequency splitting, Identification of various particle
operators, Charge operator for Spinor field, Algebra of Spinor field operators, Covariant form of anti-
commutation relations.
Classical electromagnetic field theory and its gauge formulation, Covariant Lagrangian formulation
for EM field, Quantization of EM field, Momentum representation and frequency splitting,
Identification of various particle operators, Concept of longitudinal, temporal and transverse photons,
Covariant commutation relations for EM potential operators, Problems with temporal photons and
Lorentz condition, Resolution through Gupta- Bleular formulation.
Books recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Basic operational Amplifier, Inverting & Non inverting OP – AMP, Common Mode
Rejection Ratio (CMRR), Summing Amplifier, voltage follower, current to voltage,
voltage to current converter, Integrator, Differentiator, Log – Antilog Amplifier, Circuit
type of OP – AMP 741, Operational Amplifier parameters, effects of offset, frequency
response and stability
Comparators, Discriminators, sample & hold circuits, Zero crossing detector, precision
rectifier, waveform generators, OP -AMP as astable, monostable and bistable
multivibrator, regenerative comparator (Schmitt trigger), IC 555 timer.
Books recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC11(c) Spectroscopy-I
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC11(d) Astrophysics-I
Celestial sphere, Celestial coordinate system (equatorial and alt-azimuth): altitude and
azimuth, right ascension and declination, hour angle, sidereal time, mean solar time, summer
and winter solstice, seasons.
Idea of solar system, Study of planets and their satellites, Earth-Moon system, tidal forces,
asteroids, meteors, comets and their origin, composition and dynamical evolution, extra solar
planets and their detection.
Optical telescopes, Newtonian, Cassegrain, and Coude focus, plate scale, focal ratio, Radio
telescopes, Infrared, Ultraviolet and X-ray telescopes, photographic plate, photomultiplier
tube, Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs), Brief idea of optical, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray and
gamma ray astronomy.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Point group and space group. External symmetry elements (translational, rotational, reflection
and inversion) and internal symmetry elements (screw axis and glide plane) of the crystal.
Notation of symmetry elements of the crystals.
Introduction and different methods of x-ray diffraction. Structure factor determination of the
crystal (SC, BCC, Base centered, FCC and diamond) and its importance in crystallography.
Interpretation of diffraction pattern for determining the structure of the unknown material.
Particle size and strain calculation by Williamson- Hall plot method.
Ion irradiation properties of crystal. Neutron scattering and its applications. Debye Waller
factor. Hyperfine interactions (isomer shift, quadrupole splitting and magnetic splitting),
Mössbauer effect and its applications. Basic idea about nanomaterials and nanotechnology.
fabrication of nanomaterials. modiication of crystal properties in nanodimension.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Symmetries, Groups and conservation laws, Lie groups and their generator, representation of the
groups, Lie Algebra, Different dimensions and parameter groups-their generators and algebra, Simple
and semi-simple Lie Algebra, Standard form of Lie Algebras, Root diagrams for groups of different
Fermi Yang model, Sakata model, Necessity of Quark model, Shortcomings of Eight fold way, Gell
- Mann Zweig model, Quark-Lepton symmetry and structure of Hadrons, Need of charm quantum
number and charmed quark , Elementary idea of charm, bottom and top quarks, Baryon magnetic
moments in quark model, Experimental status of Quarks .
Concept of gauge fields and gauge connections, Principle of gauge invariance, Global and local
Abelian gauge invariance, U(1) gauge invariance of QED, Yang- Mills gauge field, Non-Abelian
gauge field theory (SU(2) case), Concept of spontaneous symmetry breaking and Goldstone Bosons,
Higgs Mechanism with physical examples and mass generation for gauge fields.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Digital signal processing, Image processing (Basic ideas only), Pulse Modulation systems,
Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Pulse position modulation, Pulse
code modulation, Delta modulation Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), Basic idea of
digital telemetry.
Bulk and thin films. Photoconductive devices (LDR), Memory devices, static and dynamic
random access memories SRAM and DRAM, CMOS and NMOS, nonvolatile-NMOS,
magnetic, optical and ferromagnetic memories, charge coupled devices (CCD), LCDS.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC12(c) Spectroscopy-II
Different types of lasers, gas lasers, He-Ne laser, N2 & CO2 lasers dye lasers, solid state
lasers, Nd-YAG, semiconductor lasers. Tunability of lasers, Basic application of laser
spectroscopy, laser cooling and trapping of atoms etc.
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC12(d) Astrophysics-II
Hydrostatic equilibrium, Virial theorem, Polytrophic indices, Lane – Emden equation LTE,
Radiative equilibrium, stability condition of convective and radiative equilibrium,
Continuous spectra of stars, Stellar opacity, limb darkening, line blanketing, theory of
Fraunhofer lines, curve of growth and line broadening.
Elementary theory of white dwarfs, Chandrashekhar’s limit for white dwarf stars, neutron
stars their birth and properties, Pulsars, black holes, low medium mass star and high mass
stars, death of high mass stars, supernova remnants.
Theory of AGNs, Syferts, quasars and their energy generation and redshift anomaly.
Different AGN models, radio lobes and jets, Gamma ray bursts, BL – Lac objects.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
UNIT-I: Electromagnetism
Basic equations; Electrostatics; Magnetostatics; Different Systems of Units, Preliminary
notations, four- vectors, Lorentz transformations, time, space and light like separations,
Lorentz invariants, Energy and Momentum.
Four vector potential, electromagnetic field tensor, Lorentz invariance, Lorentz force,
covariant form of Maxwell’s equations, four vector current, continuity equation, Gauge
invariance of Maxwell equation, electromagnetic energy- momentum tensor, Motion of
charge particle in electromagnetic field, Lorentz force.
Book recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
List of Experiments
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Relativistic propagators using quantized formulation of free fields, Properties of quantized scalar
fields(Real and complex cases), Algebra of field operators, covariant form of the field operators
algebras, (Covariant commutation relations), Meson propagator and its characteristics, Properties of
quantized spinor fields, Algebras of spinor field operator, Covariant form of anti-commutation
relations, Fermion propagator and its characteristics, properties of quantized EM field, Covariant
commutation relations of EM field operators, Photon propagator and its characteristics, EM
interaction in terms of radiation field and instantaneous coulomb fields.
Various type of operator products (Normal, Dyson products and Chronological T-products), Wick's
theorem, Feynman propagators and its physical interpretation , Interacting fields, S-Matrix
formulation as a perturbative series solution of collision processes, Dyson expansion of S-matrix.
Interaction Hamiltonian in QED, Reduction of S-matrix for the case of QED, Representation and
description of various first and second order processes in QED using S-matrix expansion, Compton
scattering, Moller scattering, Bhabha scattering, Electron self energy, Photon self energy, vacuum
configuration in QED, Feymann diagrams and Feynman Rules in QED.
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Servomechanism, regulation using OA, Zener reference source, The 723 regulator
current regulator, short circuit and over load protection, Precision rectifier, IC regulated
power supply. Three terminal voltage regulations, dual Polarity regulated power supplies
using 78 XX and 79 XX series regulators (Basic ideas only). Switched mode power
supply (SMPS), Active filter , PLL
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC14(c) Spectroscopy-III
Symmetry Properties of molecule: symmetry element, symmetry operation and point group,
character table, Group theory: representation of a group, reducible and irreducible
representations, LCAO coefficient of a polyatomic molecule, Huckel approximation, overlap
and resonance integrals, Wheal’s approximation.
Emission and decay mechanism, radiative & nonradiative processes, Jablonski diagram,
Kasha rule, Fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield, stoke shift, Mirror image rule,
Oscillator strength, Fluorescence polarisation and Anisotropy, Time scale of molecular
processes in solution .
Books recommended:
LCC14(d) Astrophysics-III
Solar inner and outer atmosphere, Quiet and Active Sun, Sunspots and their formation, Solar
flares, Solar filaments/prominences, Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), Solar wind, Different
type of solar eruptions models, Coronal heating, Origin of solar cycle, solar geomagnetic
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Motz : Astrophysics
Book Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Classification of weak interaction in terms of Leptonic, Semi-leptonic and Non- Leptonic weak
Decays, Current-Current Interaction and VA theory, Intermediate Vector Boson (IVB) concept,
Conservation of Vector Current (CVC) Hypothesis, Two Component Theory of Neutrino, W and Z
bosons as weak gauge bosons.
Electron Positron Annihilation into Hadrons, Electron- Nucleon Scattering, Rutherford and Mott
scattering, Electromagnetic form factors of Hadrons, Structure of nucleons, Elementary Idea of
Unification of Fundamental Interactions with reference to standard model of electro weak unification.
Paradoxes of Naive Quark Model, Need of color quantum Number for Quarks, Color SU(3) and
Gluons, Quantum Chromodynamics, Pion-Nucleon Scattering, Spin Classification of Hadrons and
Regge Trajectories, Asymptotic freedom and Perturbative QCD, Experimental indication for quarks
and gluons, String model of hadrons and confinement of Quarks.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Sequential logic- Memory element, RS, JK, JKMS, T type and Edge triggered Flip flop;
Registers; Shift register; Counters—synchronous and Synchronous; The memory unit;
Semiconductor Random Access Memory; Inter-register transfer; Arithmetic; Logic and
Shift Micro-operation; Fixed point and floatation point data.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Schilling & Belove: Electronic circuits Discrete and Integrated, Mcgraw Hill
Millman & Halkias: Electronic Fundamentals & Applications, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Millman & Halkias: Integrated Electronics
K.R. Botkar: Integrated Circuits, Khanna Publishers
G.K. Mithal & Ravi Mittal: Electronic Devices & Circuits, Khanna Publishers
LCC15(c) Spectroscopy-IV
Production of giant pulse, Q-switching by different types of shutters, giant pulse dynamics,
laser amplifiers, mode locking, mode pulling, ultra shot pulses, hole burning, holography.
Books recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LCC15(d) Astrophysics-IV
Unit II: Star Formation and Stellar Evolution: Birth of stars, protostar, nebula,
Hyashi tracks, zero age main sequence (ZAMS), energy generation in stars – gravitational
contraction, pp chain, CNO cycle and triple alpha process, stellar life, cycles-Premain
sequence, main sequence, giants.
Star clusters : open, globular and stellar association, stellar population, population I and
population II type objects, inter-stellar extension, reddening determination from colour-
colour diagram, age and distance determination of star clusters, luminosity function, mass
function, mass segregation, dynamical evolution in clusters, mass-luminosity relation.
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Books Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
UNIT I : Modulation
Ground wave, sky wave and space wave propagation. Ionosphere (Ecclr- larmer theory,
magneto ionic theory.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Wave phenomena in Magneto plasma: Polarization, Phase velocity, group velocity, cutoff,
resonance for electromagnetic wave propagating parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic
Propagation at finite angle and CMA diagram, Propagation through ionosphere and
magnetosphere, Helicon, Faraday rotation, Fluid equations for a plasma, Continuity equation,
Momentum balance equation, Equations of state, Two-fluid equations, Plasma resistivity
Book recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
LEC3. Digital Electronics and Computer Architecture Course credits 04 (Marks 100)
Books Recommended:
Morris Mano : Computer system Architecture, (PHI) (Eastern Economy Edition)
V. Rajaraman : Fundamentals of computers, (Prentice Hall of India)
Morries Mano : Computer system architecture, (Estern Economy Edition)
B. Ram: Computer fundamental-architecture and organization(New Age
International Publishers)
Tenan Bomm : Computer Network
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Molecular electronics and nanoelectronics, Quantum electronic devices, Carbon Nano Tube
based transistor and Field Emission Display, Biological applications, Biochemical sensor,
medical applications and Membrane based water purification. Biological systems- DNA and
RNA - Lipids.
Books Recommended:
science and Emerging technologies, Overseas Press India Pvt Lt First Edition,2005.
Kenneth J. Klabunde (Eds): Nanoscale Materials Science, John Wiley & Sons, InC, 2001.
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Need of thermal field theory, Theory of Ensembles, Partition function and its integral
representation, Spontaneous symmetry breaking and restoration: Goldstone's theorem and
Higgs model, Weinberg-Salam model of weak interaction and restoration, Early universe,
QCD and study of phase transitions in hadronic world, Ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus
collisions, Dense nuclear matter.
Problems with Grand unified theories, Neutrino Masses, Neutrino oscillations and its
implications , the Gauge Hierarchy Problem and Supersymmetry(SUSY), various
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
supersymmetric models and mass spectrum, SUSY and Gravity, SUSY breaking
(Spontaneous and dynamical), Super space formulations, Experimental status of SUSY,
Elementary idea of Theory of Everything and String theories.
Books Recommended
New Developments in Laser Spectroscopy, Elementary idea of optical cooling and trapping
of Atoms, Spectroscopy of single Ions, Spectral Resolution within the Natural line width,
Absolute optical Frequency Measurement.
Books recommended:
M.D. Levenson: Introduction to non-linear laser spectroscopy
B.B.Laud: Laser and non-linear optics
Svelto: Lasers
Demtroder: Laser Spectroscopy
Thyagrajan & ghatak: Laser and applications
Hollas J.M.: Laser and non-linear optics
Svelto: Lasers
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Observational features, Unified model, Triggering models (tether cutting, magnetic breakout,
kink instability, torus instability), energy build-up (emergence and cancellation of magnetic
flux, magnetic structures, magnetic helicity), energy release (magnetic reconnection, current
sheet formation), energy transport (radiation, mass ejections, shock formation, particle
acceleration, wave propagation) mechanism. Application to stellar flares.
Introduction, Dynamo models, cyclic variation in different activity features like as: sunspot
numbers, sunspot area, total irradiance, magnetic field, cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity,
solar flares, Coronal mass ejections. Long-term variability, Short-term variability, solar cycle
Coronal mass ejections, Solar energetic particles (SEPs), Ground level enhancements (GLEs)
Geomagnetic storm, Physics of Solar activity effect on magnetosphere, ionosphere,
atmosphere, and on the earth ground.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
SSC4. Bio-Physics
Elementary ideas about the DNA structure, Forces stabilizing DNA and protein structure,
sugar-phosphate backbone, nucleosides and nucleotides, three dimensional DNA structure,
RNA. Proteins: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures, enzymes and their
catalytic activity, DNA and protein folding, DNA denaturation, replication, mutation,
intercalation, neurotransmitters, membranes.
Unit II: Technique For The Study of Biological Structure and Function
High doses received in a short time, Low-level doses limits, direct ionization of DNA,
radiation damage to DNA, Biological effects (Genetic, Somatic, Cancer and sterlity). Bio-
imaging: Ultrasound, MRI imaging, confocal fluorescence imaging and X-ray.
Books Recommended:
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Introduction to LaTeX: TeX/LaTeX word processor, preparing a basic LaTeX file, Document
classes, Compiling LaTeX File, LaTeX tags for creating different environments, Defining
LaTeX commands and environments, Mathematical Environment: Mathematical formulae
and equations, Figures and other floating bodies, Lining in columns-Tabbing and tabular
environment, Generating table of contents, bibliography and citation, Introduction to
Gnuplot, basic gnuplot commands: simple plots, plotting data from a file, saving and
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
One dimentional Motion: Formulation from Analytical Tools to Numerical Methods, Euler
method, Freely Falling Body, Fall of a body in viscous Medium, Simulation of free fall and
Numerical integration, Random numbers in computer simulation, Simulation of
Radioactivity, Integro-Difference Technique vs Monte-Carlo Method, Solution for Harmonic
potential, Solution of time independent Schrodinger Equation .
Book Recommended
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Static , Dynamic an d Frictional forces in the Body, Composition, properties and functions of
Bone, Heat and Temperature, Temperature scales, Clinical thermometer, Thermography,
Heat therapy, Cryogenics in medicine, Heat losses from Body, Pressure in the Body, Pressure
in skull, Eye and Urinary Bladder.
Body as a machine, Airways, Blood and Lungs interactions, Measurement of Lung volume,
Structure and Physics of Alveoli, Breathing mechanism, Airway resistance, Components and
functions of Cardiovascular systems, work done by Heart, Components and flow of Blood,
Laminar and Turbulent flow, blood Pressure, direct and indirect method of measuring, Heart
Nervous system and Neuron ,Electrical potentials of Nerves, Electric signals from Muscles,
Eye and Heart, Block diagram and working to record EMG, Normal ECG wave form,
Electrodes for ECG, Amplifier and Recording device, Block diagram and working to record
ECG, Patient monitoring, Pace maker.
General properties of sound, Stethoscope, Generation, detection and characteristics of
Ultrasound ,Ultrasound imaging technique, A scan and B scan methods of ultrasound
imaging ,properties of light, Applications of visible UV, IR light, and Lasers in medicine,
Microscope, Eye as an optical system, Elements of the Eye, Ophthalmology Instruments.
Production and properties of X-rays, Basic Diagnostic X-ray Machine, X-ray image, Live X-
ray image, X-ray computed Tomography, Characteristics of Radio activity, Radioisotopes
and Radio nuclides, Radioactivity sources for Nuclear medicine, Basic Instrumentation and
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Nanotechnology-based drugs e.g. Abraxane, Doxil, C-dots (Cornell dots) and goldnano
particle as a diagnostic tool, Anti-cancer polymeric nanomedicines, Use of nano-technology
in Photodynamic therapy.
Books Recommended
Medical Physics by Department of Physics, St. Joseph’s College,Trichy-2.
Medical Physics by John R. Cameron and James G. Skofronick, John Wiley & Sons.
Hand book of Biomedical Instrumentation : R.S.Khandpur, Tata McGraw Hill Publication
Co., Delhi, 1987.
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Evolution of fiber optic system- Element of an Optical Fiber Transmission link- Ray
OpticsOptical Fiber Modes and Configurations -Mode theoryof Circular Wave guides-
Overview of Modes-Key Modal concepts- Linearly Polarized Modes -Single Mode Fibers-
Graded Index fiber structure.
Attenuation - Absorption losses, Scattering losses, Bending Losses, Core and Cladding
Direct and indirect Band gap materials-LED structures -Light source materials -
Quantum efficiency and LED power, Modulation of a LED, lasers Diodes-Modes and
Threshold condition -Rate equations -External Quantum efficiency -Resonant
frequencies -Laser Diodes, Temperature effects, Introduction to Quantum laser, Fiber
amplifiers- Power Launching and coupling, Lencing schemes, Fibre -to-Fibre joints, Fibre
PIN and APD diodes -Photo detector noise, SNR, Detector Response time, Avalanche
Multiplication Noise -Comparison of Photo detectors -Fundamental Receiver Operation
- preamplifiers, Error Sources -Receiver Configuration -Probability of Error - Quantum
Department of Physics, Kumaun University
Point-to-Point links System considerations -Link Power budget -Rise - time budget -
Noise Effects on System Performance-Operational Principles of WDM, Solitons-Erbium-
doped Amplifiers. Basic on concepts of SONET/SDH Network.
Books Recommended
Govind P. Agrawal: Fiber-Optic Communications Systems, , 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Joseph C. Palais: Fiber Optic Communications, 5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall.