Theory of Revenue
Theory of Revenue
Theory of Revenue
Revenue is the amount that a firm receives from the sale of the output.
TR is the amount of money that a firm receives for the offer of goods and services
in the market. A firm’s total revenue can be calculated as the quantity of goods
sold multiplied by the price. The TR includes the product of the quantity sold and
the price.
TR = Q x P
TR – Total Revenue
AR – Average Revenue
TR – Total Revenue
MR refers to the extra money received by selling one more additional unit of the
commodity. It is an addition to the total revenue of a firm as new additional units
are sold. By selling an additional unit, a firm earns additional revenue that adds to
the total revenue and this addition to revenue is called MR.
It is calculated as:
MR = TRn – TRn-1
• MR – Marginal Revenue
• ΔTR – Change in the Total revenue
• ΔQ – Change in the units sold
• TRn – Total Revenue of n units
• TRn-1 – Total Revenue of n-1 units
Then, there comes a point where the TR becomes maximum and constant i.e. 30.
At this point the AR is still falling but MR becomes Zero.
After that, the TR starts diminishing and then MR becomes negative and AR keeps
on falling.
In the above diagram, AR, TR and MR curve is shown at OY axis and Output is
shown at OX axis. TR curve is increasing initially then becomes maximum and
starts falling. AR curve is falling continuously. MR curve is initially falling then
becomes zero and negative afterwards.
The relationship among TR, AR and MR can be summarized as follows:
(i)TR increases at a diminishing rate with increase in the units of output, since
more units of the commodity can only be sold at a lower price, such that MR is
positive and is downward sloping.
(iii) MR becomes negative, when TR decreases with increase in the units of output.
(iv) MR falls with the fall in AR, but, the rate of decrease in MR is much higher
than that in AR.
The above results holds true in case of all forms of imperfect competition that is,
monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, etc. Under imperfect
competition, as a firm lowers the price, the quantity demanded goes up and
average revenue curve slopes downward as a result.
Thus, in perfect competition an individual firm is price taker, because the price is
determined by the collective forces of market demand and supply which are not
influenced by the individual. When price is the same for all units of a commodity,
naturally AR (Price) will be equal to MR i.e., AR = MR.
In table it is found that as output increases, AR remains the same i.e. Rs. 5. TR
increases but at a constant rate. MR is also constant i.e. Rs. 5 and is equal to AR.
TR = AR x Q
It is because additional units are sold at the same price as before. In that case AR =
MR. A noteworthy point is that OP price is determined by demand and supply of
There are no close substitutes for the commodity it produces and there are barriers
to entry. The single producer may be in the form of individual owner or a single
partnership or a joint stock company. In other words, under monopoly there is no
difference between firm and industry.
Monopolistic competition is a market form where there are large number of buyers
and sellers selling the heterogeneous i.e. wide variety of products and incurring
huge selling costs.
The revenue curves under the monopolistic competition are more than perfectly
This can be explained with the help of following table and diagram:
In monopolistic competition, there exists the free price policy of a commodity of a
firm which means the price of the commodity remains under the control of the
firm. So to increase the sale of units, price has to be reduced. Because of more
price elasticity of demand, AR and MR slope downward from left to right but both
are with less sharpness of slope and AR and MR are nearer to each other.