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Kesya Nursyahada - 21081010120 - Monthly Report Learning Progress 3&4

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Bangkit Academy 2023 By Google, GoTo, Traveloka

Machine Learning Learning Path

Henni Endah Wahanani, ST., M.Kom.

Made By:
Kesya Nursyahada (21081010120)


Monthly Report Learning Progress 3 & 4

Week 9 (09 - 13 Oktober 2023)
Summary of my Activities:

1. Self study on Coursera platform

- Continuing course 4 (Machine Learning Specialization). Completing material 2
(Advanced Learning Algorithms) with continuing sub material 3 (Advice for
Applying Machine Learning) and sub material 4 (Decision Trees).
- Learn last material in course 4, material 3 (Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders,
Reinforcement Learning). In this material have 3 sub material, unsupervised
learning, recommender systems and reinforcement learning.
2. Attend [Mandatory] session
- Bangkit 2023 H2 - Student Team Meeting 2 on YouTube in this session discuss about
soft skill challenge, student monthly recap, code of conduct & community rules in
Bangkit, etc.
- Capstone Briefing 2 Bangkit Batch 2 on YouTube in this session discuss about talks
about how to craft a project plan, how to get the variety of source to get dataset, and
prepare a fruitful and efficient mentoring.
3. Learning about Introduction to Unsupervised Learning & ANN at class ILT-ML-04-BL,
- In this class we discuss about what is the meaning of unsuoervised learning,
chategories of unsupervised learning And discuss about Algoritma Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) with Kak M. Rifqi Jundullah as a instructor.
4. Weekly consultation 8 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment and experience
join class ILT.

Week 10 (16 - 20 Oktober 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Self study on Coursera platform

- Start learn new course, course 5 (DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer). In this
course have 4 material. In this week, I worked in material 1 (Introduction to
TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning). I
learn sub material 1 (A New Programming Paradigm) and sub material 2
(Introduction to Computer Vision).
2. Learning about Project Management at class ILT-SS-05-DG, in this class we discuss
about Fundamentals of Project Management, implement the Five Stages of project
management, and recognize the Important Aspects for Project Success. with Kak Eka Nur
Solicha as a instructor.
3. Meeting with the capstone team, presented ideas to be raised in future capstone projects.
There are 4 ideas planned, among others about:
- Identity Crisis for Student College
- Mental Health Disorder
- Halodoc Pet (Pet Healthcare Platform)
- Food Accessibility, Agribusiness, and Food Security
4. Weekly consultation 9 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone progress,
ifficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 11 (23 - 27 Oktober 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Self study on Coursera platform

- Continue learn in material 1 (Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning, and Deep Learning) in sub material 3 ( Enhancing Vision with
Convolutional Neural Networks) and sub material 4 ( Using Real-world Images).
2. Learning about Advanced Technique in Deeplearning with TensorFlow at class ILTML-
05-AQ, in this class we discuss about image classification with CNN model, introduction
to NLP, RNN, LSTM, etc with Kak Alamsyah Koto Hanza as a instructor.
3. Attend ILT-EN-02 lead by mr Stephen Hilsum as a instructor. In this session we discuss
about Expressing Opinions.
4. Attend study group with classmates and discuss about unsupervised learning, linear
regression. And in this session we discuss about capstone too with mentor.
5. Onboarding meeting with PukulEnam company.
6. Weekly consultation 10 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, ifficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 12 (30 Oktober - 03 November 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Self study on Coursera platform

- Continue learn material 2 (Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow) with 4
sub material, Exploring a Larger Dataset, Augmentation: A technique to avoid
overfitting, Transfer Learning, and Multiclass Classifications.
- Learn material 3 (Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow) with 4 sub material,
Sentiment in text, Word Embeddings, Sequence models, and Sequence models and
- Learn material 4 (Sequences, Time Series and Prediction) with 4 sub material,
Sequences and Prediction, Deep Neural Networks for Time Series, Recurrent Neural
Networks for Time Series, and Real-world time series data.
2. Learning about Professional Communications and Networking at class ILT-SS-06-BR,
in this class we discuss about fundamental of communication, social style, and principles
of networking with Kak Lalu Triawanri Novianung as a instructor.
3. Start to working on company capstone with PukulEnam company and discuss with
capstone company team about concept our product and what features are added in the
4. Weekly consultation 11 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, ifficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 13 (06 - 10 November 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Self study on Coursera platform

- Learn new course (Structuring Machine Learning Projects). In this course just have
2 sub material (ML Strategy)
2. Learning about Model Deployment with TensorFlow at class ILT-ML-06-AZ, in this
class we discuss about mechine learning deployment, model deployment tool in
Tensorflow, federated learning, and introduction to Tensorflow datasets with Kak
Zanuar Ekaputra Rus'an as a instructor.
3. Working on company capstone with PukulEnam company and discuss with capstone
company team about progress our company project.
4. Weekly consultation 12 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, ifficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 14 (13 - 17 November 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Submit Assignment: Online Learning #06 - Structuring Machine Learning Projects,

online meeting with project manager advisor from Bangkit Academy to discuss about
progress capstone.
2. Learning about Personal Branding and Interview Communication at class ILT-SS-07-
BX, in this class we discuss about the importance of personal branding, etc with Kak
Rendy Aries Fajrin as a instructor.
3. Attend mandatory session Bangkit 2023 H2 - Student Team Meeting 3, in this session
discuss about expert class & Google certification, English and capstone update, and
cohort update.
4. Company Capstone Project:
- Attend checkout meeting with PukulEnam Company to discuss about progress our
capstone project and difficulties abot our project.
- Working on the capstone project by creating word embedding visualizations from
dog data
5. Weekly consultation 13 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, difficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 15 (20 - 24 November 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Learning about Business Presentation at class ILT-EN-03, in this class We learn

understand and use phrases and expressions needed to present fluently in English, short
presentation based from chosen topic with mr Michael Date as a instructor.
2. Attend mandatory session [Company-based] Capstone Briefing 3 at Google Meet
platform to discuss any information for the company capstone, challenges that the
company capstone team can take part in to get additional points, and others.
3. Company Capstone Project:
- Attend checkout meeting with PukulEnam Company to discuss about progress our
capstone project and difficulties abot our project.
- Meeting with the capstone team, here the ML field focused on working and
discussing several things including: evaluate user questions (want to ask for time to
discuss together), dog data is ready, types to follow, ml algorithm on process, request
question table.
- Online meeting with CEO of Aipet AI Matcmaking aplication or advisor from
PukulEnam company to discuss about generate data from make analyst user
characteristic to choose adoption dog.
4. Weekly consultation 14 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, ifficulties in learning the material, etc.

Week 16 (27 Novomber- 01 Desember 2023)

Summary of my Activities:

1. Learning about TensorFlow Developer Certification Preparation at class ILT-ML-07-

AW, in this class we discuss about information TensorFlow Developer Certificate, basic
information about exam simulation, tips and tricks for success in TensorFlow Developer
Certificate exam with Kak Ferza Reyaldias a instructor.
2. Attend study group (Env TFDC Prep) with ML-73 classmates to discuss about
preparation environment TensorFlow Developer Certification Simulation at Dicoding
3. Company Capstone Project:
- Attend checkout meeting with PukulEnam Company to discuss about progress our
capstone project and difficulties abot our project.
4. Weekly consultation 15 with mentor sharing-sharing about assignment, capstone
progress, difficulties in learning the material, etc.
5. Self study on Coursera platform
- Start learn new course (TensorFlow: Data and Deployment). In this course have 4
material. In this week I push this course. Material 1 (Browser-based Models with
TensorFlow.js), material 2 (Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite), material 3
(Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services) and material 4 (Advanced
Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow)



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