Reflection and Refraction
Reflection and Refraction
Reflection and Refraction
Topics Covered
1. Plane Reflection
2. Laws of Reflection
3. Reflection at Spherical Surfaces
4. Mirror Formula
5. Refraction
6. Laws of Refraction
7. Apparent Shift
8. Total Internal Reflection
9. Prism
10. Grazing Incidence and Grazing Emergence
11. Dispersion
12. Combination of Prisms
13. Reflection at Spherical Surfaces
14. Thin Lenses
15. Focus and Focal Length
16. Image Formation
17. Refraction Rules for Diverging Lens
18. Len’s Maker Formula
19. Sign Convention
20. Thin Lenses Continued
21. Optical Power
22. Lenses in Contact
23. Lens with One Surface Silvered
IIT-JEE Syllabus: optics: rectilinear propagation of light; reflection and refraction at plane and spherical
surfaces; total internal reflection; deviation and dispersion of light by a prism; thin lenses; combinations
of mirrors and thin lenses; magnification.
Ray Optics
The branch of optics that ignores the finiteness of the wavelength of light and, therefore, assumes
that light travels in perfectly straight lines is called geometrical optics or ray optics. Traditionally, light
and its propagation have been satisfactorily represented by rays. Rays are thin straight lines (or line
segments) with arrowheads to show their direction of propagation.
Reflection takes place when rays of light return to the same medium after striking the surface of
another medium. The wavelength and velocity of the light do not change upon reflection.
ray i r i r
i r
Some Definitions
1. Angle of incidence, i: it is the angle, which the incident ray makes with the normal to the surface at
the point of incidence.
2. Angle of reflection, r: it is the angle that the reflected ray makes with the normal at the point of
3. ngle of deviation, δ: it is the angle through which the incident ray turns to become the reflected
Laws of Reflection
(Obeyed at every reflecting surface)
1. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, i.e., i = r.
2. The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal lie in one plane.
Example 1: Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other such that a ray of light incident on the first
mirror and parallel to the second is reflected from the second mirror and parallel to the
first mirror. Determine the angle between the two mirrors.
Solution: Let θ be the angle between the two mirrors OM1
and OM2. The incident ray AB is parallel to mirror M1
OM2 and strikes the mirror OM1 at an angle of D
incidence ‘a’. It is reflected along BC; the angle
of reflection is a. A
From Fig. 1.4, we have, N1
∠M1BA = ∠OBC = ∠M1OM2 = θ N2
Similarly, for reflection at mirror OM2,
we have ∠M2CD = ∠BCO = ∠M2OM1 = θ O M2
Now in ∠OBC, 3θ = 180°,
∴ θ = 60° Fig. 1.4
Example 2: Find the inclination of two plane mirrors so that it will give three images of a single object.
n 1
3 1
Fig. 1.7
Angles, when measured from the normal, in anticlockwise direction are positive, while in clockwise
direction are negative.
Object 1
Real 2
Fig. 1.8
The following table summarises the various cases of image formation for a concave mirror. Here, P is
the pole, F is the focus, and C is the centre of curvature.
Object Virtual F C
Fig. 1.9
Mirror Formula
Consider an object AB whose image is A’B’. The ray diagram is shown below. An incident ray AD parallel
to the principal axis passes through the focus F after reflection. The ray AP reflects along PA’ after
reflection (obeying the laws of reflection such that ∠i = ∠r). This is shown in Fig. 1.10.
Since ∆ABC and ∆A’B’C are similar, we have
... (i) D
Also, ∆ABP and ∆A’B’P are similar. Hence, we have
AB PB B' i
r P
... (ii) B C F
From equations (i) and (ii)
... (iii)
... (iv)
PC PB PB Fig. 1.10 Real image formed by a mirror
1 1 2
Therefore, . It represents the required mirror formula.
v u R
The ratio of the size of the image (I) to the size of the object (O) is defined as the magnification, m.
I v
O u
The magnification is negative, if the image is real (and inverted); it is positive when the image is
Example 1: A small candle 2.5 cm in size is placed 27 cm in front of a concave mirror with radius of
curvature 36 cm. At what distance from the mirror should the screen be placed in order to
receive a sharp image? Describe the nature of the image.
Solution: Given, u = –27 cm, f = = –18 cm
Thus, using mirror formula
1 1 1 1 1 1
v u f v 18 27
v 54 cm
Thus, we get the image of a square of side 3 2 cm.
Area of the image is 2 × 2 = 4 cm2.
Example 3: A
rod of length 10 cm lies along the principal axis of a concave mirror of focal length 10 cm
in such a way that the end closer to the pole is 20 cm away from it. Find the length of the
Solution: Here, R = 2f = 20 cm. Thus, the end of the rod B is at the centre of curvature of the mirror,
and so its image B’ will also be there.
B’ A’ F
Fig. 1.11
Now, we find the image of A. For A we have,
u = – 30 cm and f = – 10 cm. Thus,
1 1 1
u v f
Case I: v = 3 u
1 1 1
u 10 cm
3 u u 7.5
Since vm is less than c, the refractive index of a medium is normally greater than 1.
Considering light to be a wave, a change in speed would imply a corresponding change in the
frequency and/or the wavelength. The frequency, which is source dependent, does not change. So
it is the wavelength that changes. We say that when light enters a denser medium, its wavelength
reduces (since ), and when it enters a rarer medium, its wavelength increases.
Laws of Refraction
1. The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal to the point of incidence lie in the same plane.
2. nell’s law: for any two media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle
of refraction is a constant for a light of a given frequency.
µ2 μ1
Fig. 1.12 Fig. 1.13
sin i 2
or, 1 sin i 2 sin r
sin r 1
When we say that the refractive index of glass is 1.5, we mean that, this is the refractive index with
respect to vacuum or air. In general, refractive index of medium 2 wrt medium 1,
2 v1
1 v2
Angle of Deviation: i r
1. It is important to note at this stage that the refractive index of a medium also depends on the
frequency of light. Light of higher frequency undergoes a greater reduction of velocity than light
of lower frequency on entering a denser medium. For example, violet colour light, which has
the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, will bend the most on entering the glass, and
red colour light, which has the least frequency in the visible spectrum, will bend the least. In
other words, violet light will undergo the maximum deviation in the glass.
2. Light incident at an interface between two mediums also undergoes partial reflection. While
studying refraction, we may ignore the reflected ray, but it is important to remember that there
is also a reflected ray.
Apparent Shift
As the bending of light at the interface of two different media takes place, the image formation due to
refraction creates an illusion of the shifting of the object position.
Consider an object O in medium 1. After refraction, the ray at Medium 2
the interface bends. The bent ray, when it falls on our eyes is rarer (2)
perceived as coming from I.
For nearly normal incident rays, θ 1 and θ2 will be very small. 2
tan 1 sin 1 , similarly tan2 sin2 A
2 1 denser ( 1 )
Medium 1
sin 1 2 1
1 2 OB 2
sin2 1 AB 1
Fig. 1.14
1 Real depth
2 Apparent depth
The apparent shift can be positive or negative. A positive shift is when the object appears to be
farther than its real position. A negative shift is when the object appears nearer than the real
position. Is there a simple way to determine both the magnitude and sign of the shift? Here is a
simple algorithm that can be used for this purpose.
1. Apparent shift is always related to an observer. The observer is in a medium, say of refractive
index µ 1.
2. The object being observed is in another medium, say of refractive index µ 2 .
3. Suppose y1 is the distance of the interface between the two mediums from the observer.
4. Suppose y2 is the distance of the interface between the two mediums from the object.
5. Then the apparent shift,
y2 y2
y y1 (y 1 y 2) y2
2 2
1 1
Example: A vessel contains water up to a height 10 cm and a small coin at the bottom. By
how much will the image of the coin appear to be shifted, when viewed from the top? Now,
if the coin is suspended 10 cm above the water surface and is somehow viewed from the
bottom of the vessel (inside), then by how much will the image appear to have shifted with
respect to the object?
Fig. 1.15 Fig. 1.16
Case I: Coin inside water, viewed from the top (eye outside water): here, medium 1 is air
and medium 2 is water.
y2 10
y y2 10 3.3 cm
2 3/4
Case II: Coin outside, viewed from the bottom (eye inside water): here, medium 1 is water,
and medium 2 is air.
y2 10
y y2 10 3.3 cm
2 3/4
Critical Angle
From Snell’s law, r = 90° Medium 2
1 sin i C 2 sin 90 o
ic Medium 1
i C sin ( )
Fig. 1.18
Example 1: A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a rarer medium at an angle of incidence i.
The reflected and refracted rays make an angle of with each other. The angles of
reflection and refraction are r and r’, respectively. What is the critical angle for total internal
i r
Fig. 1.19
Solution: Let the denser medium be medium 1 and the rarer medium be medium 2. Then,
i C sin
2 sin i sin r
Also, 1 sin i 2 sin r '
1 sin r ' sin r '
Since the reflected and refracted rays make 90° with each other,
o o
r r ' 90 r ' 90 r
2 sin r sin r
Therefore, tan r
1 sin r ' o
sin (90 r )
Fig. 1.20
Solution: It can be easily seen using geometry that the angle of incidence on the face AC will be θ.
If the critical angle for the glass water interface is ic, then,
1 4 / 3 1 8
i C sin sin
1.5 9 B A
For total internal reflection,
1 8
sin C
Fig. 1.21
Example 3: Monochromatic light is incident on a plane interface AB between two media of refractive
indices n1 and n2 (n2 > n1) at an angle of incidence as shown. This angle is infinitesimally
greater than the critical angle for the two media, so that total internal reflection takes place.
Now, if a transparent slab DEFG of uniform thickness and refractive index n3 is introduced
on the interface, show that for any value of n3, all light will ultimately be reflected back into
the medium II. Consider separately the cases: (i) n3 < n1, and (ii) n3 > n1.
Medium I
Medium III
Medium II
(n2 )
Fig. 1.22
Solution: Since C for the mediums I and II,
Case I: n 3 < n 1
n3 n1
n3 n1
n2 n2
(n3) r
Also, since C for mediums
I and II, we can write, (n2)
n2 n2
sin sin C
n3 n3
Fig. 1.23
n2 n2 n1
sin .
n3 n3 n2
sin r
But, if θ C ' be the critical angle for mediums I and III, then sin C ' . So, we have
sin r sin C ' r C '
herefore the ray will undergo total internal reflection at the interface between mediums
III and I, and will ultimately emerge out into medium II.
A prism is a portion of a certain optical medium bounded by two inclined faces. The angle A between
the inclined faces is known as the angle of prism.
i e
y r1 r2
nt ra emergent ray
inc i E
Fig. 1.24
Angle of deviation (δ) = Angle between incident ray and emergent ray (produced).
Let i = incident angle, e = Emergent angle and r 1 and r2 are angles of refraction.
In the quadrilateral ABEC, angles ABE and ECA are right angles. Therefore,
Angle of deviation (i r 1 ) (e r 2 ) (i e) A
Clearly, the angle of deviation δ is a function of the angle of incidence i. Experimentally, the variation of
δ vs i looks like the graph shown below.
We can make the following observations from the graph.
1. For a specific angle of incidence, i, if the angles of
emergence and deviation are e and δ, respectively, then
due to the reversibility principle, the ray will retrace the
path in the reverse direction, if the angle of incidence is e.
For the angle of incidence e, the angles of emergence
and deviation will be i and δ, respectively.
2. Starting from a low value of i, as we increase i, both e
and δ decrease. We get the minimum δ, when i = e.
3. When δ is minimum, and i = e, the refracted ray inside
the prism makes equal angles with the sides of the
i/e i=e e/i i
Thus, for minimum deviation, Fig. 1.25
i = e and therefore, r= r=
1 2
m ( i e) A 2 i A
Using Snell’s law,
sin i 2
sin r A
m ( 1) A
Angle of Dispersion
The difference in angles of deviation of any two rays is called the
angle of dispersion for those rays, e.g., for violet and red, the angle of
dispersion, R V
Where, A = Angle of prism
Dispersive Power
Dispersive power is the ratio of the dispersion between any two
Fig. 1.29
colours to the deviation suffered by the same prism by the mean ray.
The dispersive power is denoted by ‘ω’.
Y Y 1
Here, mean ray is a yellow coloured ray.
Do You Know?
Dispersive power ‘ω’ is independent of the angle of the prism, therefore, it does not depend on the
size of the prism.
Combination of Prism
Dispersion without Deviation
Two prisms, one of crown glass and the other of flint glass, may be combined in such a way that the
deviation suffered by the mean ray is the same for both the prisms.
Here, two prisms (one of crown and other flint glass) are combined together such that their refracting
angles are opposite to each other.
A ray of white light is incident on prism and is
dispersed. Here, R, V, and Y represent red, violet,
and yellow-ray, respectively. R
For such a combination, V
1 2 0 or
Y' 1 White l O
A ' Y 1
∴ The total dispersion produced is,
1 2 1 1 2 Fig. 1.30
te ligh
A Wh
a y
ite r
Fig. 1.31
In this case,
1 2 0 or
V' R'
A ' V R
1 1
1 2 1
1 2
Example 1: A prism of crown glass refracting angle of 5° and mean refractive index = 1.51 is combined
with one flint glass prism of refractive index = 1.65 to produce no deviation. Find the angle
of flint glass and net dispersion.
v 1.523, R 1.513 (For crown glass)
v' 1.665, R' 1.645 (For flint glass)
Solution: Let A' be the angle of flint glass prism.
A = 5° and µ = 1.51 for crown glass prism.
1 A 1.51 1 5 2.55
A' 3.92
Net dispersion
R A v' R' A '
Fig. 1.32
Solution: For i = c, r = 90°
For given Fig. 1.32, 45 > c
So, c < 45°
sin c < sin 45°
sin c
Hence, n > 2
Fig. 1.33
Snell’s law is followed for refraction at spherical surfaces also. In Fig. 1.33, O is the object placed in a
medium of refractive index, say µ 1. Two rays coming from the object meet to form the image I. Let us
say that the refractive index of the second medium is µ 2. Then, 1 sin i 2 sin r .
Here, we assume that the rays are paraxial or close to the principal axis. Under this assumption, the
angles i and r are small. So, we can write,
1 i 2 r
and r
So, 1 ( ) 2 ( )
1 2 ( 2 1 )
Sign Convention
We will adopt the same sign convention as we had for spherical mirrors, (i.e.,) the Cartesian system.
Then, OP = – u, PI = v and PC = R.
Hence, we can rewrite (i) as,
2 1 2 1
v u R
Example 1: A narrow beam of light in air falls on a transparent solid sphere of radius R and is brought
to focus on the diametrically opposite surface. What is the refractive index of the material
of the sphere?
Solution: Here, u , 1 1, v 2 R.
2 1 2 1
2R R
2 1 2 1
2R R
2 2 Fig. 1.34
Example 2: In a thin spherical fish bowl of radius 10 cm filled with water of refractive index (4/3), there
is a small fish at a distance of 4 cm from the centre, as shown. Where will the fish appear
to be if seen from (i) E, (ii) F? (Neglect the thickness of the glass.)
10 cm
4 cm
Fig. 1.35
Solution: (i) Fish viewed from E: u 6 cm , 1 4 / 3 , 2 1 , R 10 cm
1 2 1 2
v u R
1 4/3 14/3
6 10
1 1 2 17
v 30 9 90
v cm
The image is again virtual; the fish appears farther than what it is.
1 4/3 14/3
v 14 10
1 1 2 13
v 30 21 210
v cm
The image is again virtual; the fish appears farther than what it is.
Example 3: Fig. 1.36 shows an irregular block of material of refractive index 2 . A ray of light strikes
the face AB as shown. After refraction, it is incident on a spherical surface CD of radius
of curvature 0.4 m, and enters a medium of refractive index 1.514 to meet PQ at E.
Find the distance OE.
=1 = 2 = 1.514
Fig. 1.36
Solution: Let us find the angle of refraction for the face AB.
1 sin i 2 sin r B C
1 sin 45 2 sin r
1 E
sin r
2 =1 = 2 = 1.514
r 30
o 60°
Fig. 1.37
2 1 2 1
v u R
Example 4: A quarter cylinder of radius R and refractive index 1.5 is placed on a table. A point object P
is kept at a distance of (mR) from it. Find the value of m for which a ray from P will emerge
parallel to the table, as shown.
mR R
Fig. 1.38
1.5 1 1 .5 1
v mR
v 1.5 m R
o, the image from the first surface is virtual. This image becomes the virtual object for
the second surface. Note that this virtual object is 1.5 mR + R = (1.5 m + 1) R behind the
second surface. So, u ( 1.5 m 1) R , 1 1.5 , 2 1 , R R and v .
1 2 1
u R
1 1.5 1 1.5
( 1.5 m 1) R R
1.5 0.5
( 1.5 m 1) R R
C2 P C1 C1 C2
F2 F2
F1 F1
Fig. 1.43 Fig. 1.44
The first and second focal lengths will be different only if the medium on one side of the lens is
different from the medium on the other side. If the mediums on both sides are the same, e.g., air,
then f1 = f2 = f and the lens has a single focal length.
Image Formation
Rules of Refraction for a Converging (convex ) Lens
1. An incident ray travelling parallel to the principal axis of a converging lens will refract through the
lens and pass through the focal point on the opposite side of the lens.
2. An incident ray travelling through the focal point on the way to the lens will refract through the lens
and travel parallel to the principal axis on the other side of the lens.
3. An incident ray which passes through the centre of the lens will continue in the same direction that
it had when it entered the lens.
Based on these rules, we show the nature and position of the image at various positions.
Case 1: Object located beyond 2F
Object Object
2F F F 2F 2F F F 2F
Image Image
Fig. 1.45 Fig. 1.46
2F F F 2F
2F F F 2F
Fig. 1.47 Fig. 1.48
Object Object
2F F F 2F
2F F F 2F
2F F F 2F 2F F F 2F 2F F F 2F
Fig. 1.54
Let the medium on either side of the lens be the same and of refractive index µ 1, and the refractive
index of the lens be µ 2. Then for the first surface, we can write:
2 1 2 1
... (i)
v' u R1
Here, v ′ is the image distance from the optical centre. In Fig. 1.54, this image has been shown as O′
and acts as a virtual object for the second surface. So, for the second surface, we have:
1 2 1 2
... (ii)
v v' R2
1 1 1 1
1 ( ) ( 2 1)
v u R1 R2
1 1 2 1 1
Or, ( 1) ... (iii)
v u 1 R1 R2
When the object is very far from the lens, the image is formed close to the focus. So, for u , we have
v = f. Hence,
1 2 1 1
( 1) ... (iv)
f 1 R1 R2
This is called the lens maker’s formula because it is used by lens makers to decide the curvatures to
get a desired focal length, or ‘power.’
If we combine (iii) and (iv) we will get the lens formula.
1 1 1
v u f
Sign Convention
We will use the same sign convention as we had followed in the case of spherical mirrors. The optical
centre is taken as the origin and the principal axis as the x-axis. The positive direction is taken along
the direction of the incident ray.
Magnification is defined in the same manner as for spherical mirrors.
I v
= =
O u
C2 C1
Fig. 1.55
Case I:
The light from the object is incident on surface A,
1 2 1 1
f 1 R1 R2
1 1 1
( 1.5 1)
30 60 40
f 40 cm
Case II:
The light from the object is incident on surface B,
1 2 1 1
f 1 R2 R1
1 1 1
( 1.5 1)
60 30 40
f 40 cm
C1 C2
Fig. 1.56
Let us determine the focal length of a diverging lens with
1.5 , R 1 30 cm , R 2 60 cm
No matter which way we consider, we will get,
1 2 1 1
f 1 R1 R2
1 1 1
( 1.5 1)
30 60 40
f 40 cm
1 1.5 1 1
In water, ( 1) ... (ii)
fW 4/3 R1 R2
∴ fW = 4f4 = 1.2 m
Lens Continued
In this session, the concluding session for ray optics, we will continue our study of lenses. More
specifically, we will look at what happens when we combine lenses or lens with mirrors.
Let us first ask ourselves, what happens if we cut a lens into two halves, as shown below?
Fig. 1.57
If we use only one half, do we get only half the image? We must understand here that although only two
rays are sufficient to trace the image of an object, and we often show only two rays, in reality, there are
infinitely many rays that create the image. Look at Fig. 1.58 and Fig. 1.59 below to convince yourself that
even with half the lens, we get the full image.
Fig. 1.58
Fig. 1.59
The only difference: when we use half the lens, the other half is absent and therefore, plays no role in
the image formation. This means, as compared to the full lens, the number of rays contributing to image
creation becomes half. Hence, the intensity of the image becomes half the intensity which would be
there if there was a full lens.
What happens if we use both halves together but are separated by a small distance? Do we get only one
image as we get for the full lens? Let us try and answer this by tracing the image(s) of a point object.
Fig. 1.60
We see that two images are formed in this case. Why? There are actually two principal axes, one each
for each of the two halves. For the upper half, the object lies below the principal axis. For the lower half,
it lies above the principal axis.
Let us consider the following examples.
Example 1: A point object is placed at a distance of 0.3 m from a convex lens (focal length 0.2 m) cut
into two halves, each of which is separated by 0.0005 m, as shown. Find the position of
the image(s). How many images are formed? What is the distance between them?
Solution: Even though there are two halves of the lens, they have the same focal length = 0.2 m.
1 1 1
u f
1 1 1
v 0.3 0.2
1 1 1
v 0.2 0.3
32 1
0.6 0.6
v 0.6 m
The image distance is the same for both images. To find the distance between them, we will
use plane geometry (similarity of triangles).
I1 I2 u v
L 1 L2 u
u v 0.3 0.6
I1 I2 L 1 L2 0.001 0.003 m
u 0.3
0.0005 m
Fig. 1.61
1.8 m
Fig. 1.62
Solution: How many images are formed? Let us find out by tracing the image(s).
Fig. 1.63
here will be two images. Since the problem states only one image plane, both these are
formed on the same plane, i.e., at the same position on the optical axis. The magnification
2 can be only due to the first half lens, as verified from Fig. 1.63. If the object distance for
this half is x, then the image distance is (1.8 – x). Thus, magnification,
v ( 1.8 x )
m 2
u x
x 0.6 m
Therefore, u 0.6 m , v 1.2 m. Using the lens equation,
1 1 1
u f
1 1 1 1 1 3
f 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.2
f 0.4 m
This is also the focal length for the second half lens. If the object distance for this half is y,
then the image distance is (1.8 – y). So,
1 1 1
u f
1 1 1 1.8 1
1.8 y y 0.4 y ( 1.8 y ) 0.4
( y 0.6)( y 1.2) 0
y 0.6 m , 1.2 m
ince the object and image positions are fixed, the two values of y give us the positions of
the two half lenses with respect to the object. Note that the magnification for one value of
y corresponds to 2, while for the other value of y corresponds to 0.5. Clearly, the distance
between the two half lenses is (1.2 – 0.6) = 0.6 m.
Fig. 1.64
Optical Power
The optical power of a lens is given by
where, f is the focal length in metres. Hence, the unit of power is m–1, which is known as the diopter. Since,
the focal length of a converging lens is positive, its power is positive. For the same reason, the power of a
diverging lens is negative. This power is the same as used by optometrists for making spectacles.
Combining, we get,
1 1 1 1
v u f1 f2
Fig. 1.65
Such a lens will act as a concave mirror. The combined power is given by
1 1
where PL and PM
fL fM
The effective focal length of the combination is given by
Example 3: The radius of curvature of the convex face of a plano-convex lens is 12 cm and its refractive
index is 1.5.
1. Find the focal length of this lens. The plane surface of the lens is now silvered.
2. At what distance from the lens will parallel rays incident on the convex face converge?
3. Find the image distance, when a point object is placed on the axis 20 cm from the lens.
Solution: 1. Focal length of the lens,
1 1 1 1 1 1
( 1)( ) ( 1.5 1)( )
fL R1 R2 12 24
f L 24 cm
2. Focal length of the silvered lens,
1 1 1
0.24 0.12
f 0.12 m 12 cm
1 1 1 1 1 1
v f u 12 20 30
v 30 cm
Example 4: The convex surface of a thin concavo-convex lens of glass with refractive index 1.5 has
a radius of curvature 20 cm. The concave surface has a radius of curvature 60 cm. The
convex side is silvered and placed on a horizontal surface.
Fig. 1.66
2 1 2
0 . 60 0 . 1 0 . 15
f 7.5 cm
hus, the combination acts as a concave mirror of focal length 7.5 cm. For the image
to coincide with the object, the object must be placed at the centre of curvature.
Hence, u R 2 f 15 cm .
2. W
hen the concave part is filled with water, the water forms another lens (plano-
o, a ray of light from the object would undergo two refractions at each of the lenses
and one reflection in the mirror. Hence,
1 4 1 1 1
PW ( 1) ( ) D
f W
3 0 . 60 1 . 80
2 1 2 26
P 2 PL PM 2 PW D
0.60 0.1 1.80 1.80
1 180 cm
f 6.92 cm
P 26
The pin needs to be placed at a distance of 13.84 cm from the lens, and hence, the
distance by which it needs to be displaced = 15 – 13.84 = 1.16 cm.
Multiple Choice Questions (Single Choice (C) the object is virtual and the image is real
Correct) (D) the object and the image are real
Level I 8. If the angle of incidence is doubled for an
incident ray, then the angle of reflection ____.
1. Reflection of light can be explained by ____.
(A) is halved (B) is doubled
(A) wave nature
(C) is same (D) none of these
(B) particle nature
(C) both wave and particle nature 9. In the previous question, what can be said
(D) none of these about the initial angle of incidence which is
2. If a ray of light is incident on a mirror, making
angle 30° with the mirror, then the angle of (A) i 90 (B) i 60
reflection is ____. (C) i 45 (D) None of these
(A) 30° (B) 60° 10. The focal length of a convex mirror is 7 cm.
(C) 150° (D) 45° An object is placed 8 cm from it. Magnification
of the image is ____.
3. If you are moving with a speed of 0.5 m/s
(A) 1.5 (B) 0.47
towards a mirror, the speed of image as seen
(C) 1 (D) 0.9
by you is ____.
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 11. Concave mirrors can be used to create fire
(C) 0 (D) 1.5 from sunlight because ____.
(A) s un rays converge at focus, so the
4. When the object is placed in-between focus
intensity of ray is high
and centre of curvature of a mirror, then the
(B) sun rays converge at centre of curvature
image is formed ____.
of the mirror
(A) between C and F
(C) sun rays do not converge but have enough
(B) beyond C and is diminished
intensity to cause fire
(C) beyond C and is enlarged
(D) none of these
(D) at infinity
12. An object of height 10 cm forms a real image
5. If the object is placed 30 cm in front of a
of height 5 cm when placed at a distance of
convex mirror of focal length 15 cm, then the
6 cm from a concave mirror. Then the focal
image formed is ____.
length of the mirror is ____.
(A) real and diminished
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm
(B) virtual and diminished
(C) 5 cm (D) 2.5 cm
(C) virtual and enlarged
(D) real and enlarged 13. A metre stick is placed 7 cm from a convex
6. An object is placed at a distance of 6 cm from mirror of focal length 28 cm. The height of
a concave mirror. If the image is formed 8 cm the image is ____.
on the same side, then the focal length is ____. (A) 1.2 m (B) 0.8 m
(A) 5 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 0.7 m (D) 0.9 m
(C) 3.43 cm (D) 4.5 cm 14. The refractive index of a medium is defined
7. Radius of curvature of a convex mirror is as ____.
10 cm. If image is formed 10 cm on the other (A) V (B) C
side of the mirror, then ____. C V
(A) both the object and the image are virtual (C) VC (D) None of these
(B) the object is real and image is virtual
Fig. 1.71
(A) sin (B) sin 2
2 8
(C) sin (D) sin
3 9
Fig. 1.70
60. A thin prism P1 of angle 4°, made of a glass
(A) Zero (B) h ( 1.54), is combined with prism P2, made
6h h from a material (µ = 17.2), such that it
(C) (D) produces dispersion without deviation. The
c 6c
56. A ray of light from a denser medium strikes a angle of P2 is ____.
rarer medium at an angle of incidence i. The (A) 5° (B) 4°
reflected and refracted rays make an angle of (C) 3° (D) 2°
90° with each other. The angle of reflection 61. A given ray of light suffers minimum
and refraction are r and , respectively. The deviation in an equilateral prism P, additional
critical angle is ____. identical prism Q and R are added as shown
(A) sin (tan r ) in Fig. 1.72. The ray will now suffer ____.
(B) sin−1 (cot i )
B C 0.3 M v
P 5 7
(A) sin−1 (B) sin−1
3 3
B 7 5
(C) sin−1 (D) sin−1
4 4
20. An object is placed beyond the centre of
R curvature C of the given concave mirror. If
the distance of the object is d1 from C and
R the distance of the image formed is d2 from
C, the radius of curvature of this mirror is:
The refractive indices of the material of the [Mains, Aug 2021]
prism for red, green and blue wavelength are 2d1d2 2d1d2
(A) (B)
1.27, 1.42 and 1.49 respectively. The colour d1 − d2 d1 + d2
of the ray(s) emerging out of the face PR is:
d1d2 d1d2
[Mains, Mar 2021] (C) (D)
A) Blue (B) Green d1 − d2 d1 + d2
(C) Red (D) Blue and green 21. Two plane mirrors M1 and M2 are at right
18. A prism of refractive index µ and angle of angle to each other shown. A point source
prism A is placed in the postion of minimum ‘P’ is placed at ‘a’ and ‘2a’ meter away
angle of deviation. If minimum angle of from M1 and M2 respectively. The shortest
M1 2a
M2 n1
10 cm 10 cm
n1 n2
[Advanced, Oct 2021]
(A) 0.4 (B) 0.8 [Advanced, Oct 2021]
(C) 1.3 (D) 1.6 (A) The value of ∆e (in radians) is greater
than that of ∆n.
(B) ∆e is proportional to ∆n.
Multiple Choice Questions (One or More
(C) ∆e lies between 2.0 and 3.0 milliradians,
Choices Correct)
if ∆n = 2.8 × 10−3.
24. A wide slab consisting of two media of (D) ∆e lies between 1.0 and 1.6 milliradians,
refractive indices n1 and n2 is placed in air as if ∆n = 2.8 × 10−3.
Image Object ×
Image in the absence of mirror
12 cm 8 cm
When the convex mirror is removed, a real schematically in the figure. Looking at the
and inverted image is formed at a positon. wire from this corner, another student sees
The distance of the image from the object two images of the wire, located symmetrically
will be ________ cm. on each side of the line of sight as shown.
[Mains, Aug 2021] The separation (in cm) between these images
is ________.
Level I
1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B)
11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (A) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (B)
21. (C) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (D) 25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (B)
31. (A) 32. (C) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (B) 36. (A) 37. (B) 38. (D) 39. (D) 40. (A)
41. (C) 42. (D) 43. (D) 44. (D) 45. (C)
Level II
46. (D) 47. (C) 48. (B) 49. (B) 50. (B) 51. (D) 52. (C) 53. (B) 54. (D) 55. (D)
56. (B) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (D) 60. (C) 61. (B) 62. (A) 63. (B) 64. (A) 65. (C)
66. (A) 67. (C) 68. (C) 69. (D) 70. (D) 71. (D) 72. (C) 73. (C) 74. (B) 75. (A)
76. (D) 77. (D) 78. (C)
1. 55 cm 2. 1.25
3. a. 2 1 b. 4. i = 58.3°
1 2 µ
1 h
5. r sin1 . 6. r
2.6 2 1
10. 18 cm and 6 cm
13. m= 14. 40 cm to right of second lens
b 2 2
1/ 2 1/ 2
19. sin R b2 R2 b2 20. *
2 R2
1. (A) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a, b both are correct)
9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (b)
19. (b) 20. (a) 21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (b)
Subjective Questions
26. 60 cm 27. 90 28. 50 29. 5 30. 225 31. 10 32. 400 33. 12 34. 30
1 1 1 56
v =
v u f
v 56
1 1 1 m 0.47
u 15 8
v 30 15
11. (A)
1 1
= Object is at infinity, image will be at focus.
v 10
12. (A)
v = 10 cm
v 5 1
So, the image is virtual and diminished. m
u 10 2
10 1
m =
= u = –6 cm
30 3
6. (C) v 3 cm
1 1 1
1 1 1
v u f
1 1 1 v u f
8 6 f 1 1 1
3 4 1 3 6 f
24 f
1 1
f 3.43 cm 2 f
7. (A) ∴ f = –2
1 1 1 13. (B)
v u f 1 1 1
v u f
1 1 1
10 u 5 1 1 1
v 7 28
1 1 1 1
u 5 10 10 1 1 1 1 4 5
v 28 7 28 28
v 5.6 I
m 20. (B)
u 7 0
Refer to the textbook
I = 0.8 m
21. (C)
14. (B)
Definition of refractive index
15. (A)
c 2=
v2 2
2 22. (C)
c 1
Total dispersion ' '
V R v R
16. (A)
Definition of Snell’s law A1 V R 1 2
17. (A)
= A1 (µ – 1) (ω1 – ω2)
1 sin i 2 sin r
23. (D)
sin r 1 sin i Total deviation '
A1 1 1 2
2 1
A 1 1 1
2 24. (D)
Refer to the text
1 2 1 2 C
feff R R
I3 I1
1 2 O
feff R A B
So, the combination is behaving as a concave
mirror of radius of curvature , the object
µ I5
should be placed at the centre of curvature
so that the image coincides with the object.
I1 is formed due to BC.
Level II I2 is formed by I1 due to AB.
46. (D) I3 is formed by I2 due to AC.
D = 180 –2I = 30 I4 is formed by I3 at BC, and so on.
150 So, infinite images are possible.
I 75
52. (C)
I = R = 75° Refer to the text
47. (C)
53. (B)
360 360
n 1 1 We have
sinc = 1
48. (B) 3
Laws of reflection are valid. 4
And g sin i sin c
49. (B) 3
Hence, g
sin i
150° 54. (D)
Apply Snell’s law at each interface.
h h h
The two images formed are I1 (due to mirror
c / g c / w
c g
OM1) and I2 (due to mirror OM2).
So, two images are formed. h3 4 h
c 2 3 6c
Total internal reflection occurs if ic = θ R
= = 15 cm
sin sin ic
f 30 cm
1.5 9 8 1
Relative sin
4 8 9
68. (C)
The closest correct graph is option (C).
1 f1 = 25 cm f2 = 20 cm
r2 sin1
Image by diverging lens is formed at 25 cm,
c sin
1 to the left of the lens. This image serves as
an object for the converging lens.
sin ∴ u = – 40 cm; f = +20 cm.
sin r1 1 1 1
v u f
sin1 sin r1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
sin sin A sin1
1 v 40 20 v 20 40 40
v = +40 cm
76. (D)
60 cm 1 1 1
20 cm And
g 1
R1 R2
We get, R = 55 cm
2. Let fa and fw be the focal lengths of the lens in
air and water, respectively. Then fl and fm
1 2
1 1
Pa or 5
fa fa 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
feq fl fm R R R
=fa 0=
.2 m 20 cm
air 30° E
sin rglass sin iair 60°
glass D
... (i)
Again B C
h The line joining x and y intersects the optic
C C axis AB at the optical centre O. If we draw
a line xZ || AB and then join z to y, then the
intersection point of zy and AB will be the
Fish point F. Point F is focus of the lens.
h sin c Draw a line Y ' BY ⊥ AB, such that Y ' B = YB.
1 sin c 2 Now, join yʻto x and produce it to intersect
AB at O. The point O is the pole of the mirror.
1 The line joining X to Y intersects AB at the
point C, the centre curvature of the mirror.
Draw a line XZ || BA and then join z to y. The
1 line zy intersects AB at point F, the focus of
2 the mirror.
30 cm
F1 5 cm F2
I O 0
Here, for first lens,
4 = 1.6
3 = 1.2 u1 10 cm; F1 20 cm
1 1 1
4 2 0 2 4 0 = =
v 1 u1 F1
v2 u R1 R2
1 1 1
u = –30 cm, R1 = +24 cm, R2 = –24 cm
v 1 20 10
∴ v2 = –50.5 cm (Virtual)
v 1 20 cm
16. Since the lenses are thin, we can solve by
finding out the equivalent focal length of the i.e., the image is virtual, and hence, lies on
combination and then applying the mirror the same side of the object. This will behave
formula, as the combination will behave as as an object for the second lens.
a mirror. For second lens,
Equivalent focal length of combination 1 1 1
1 2 2 1 v 2 u2 F2
feq fA fB fm Here, u2 20 5 , F2 10 cm
Where, fA, fB, and fm are the focal lengths of 1 1 1 50 2
lens A, B, and mirror M, respectively. v2 16 cm
v 2 2.5 10 3 3
1 1 1
A 1 2
1R R 2 i.e., the final image is at a distance of 16 cm
on the right of the second lens. 3
fA = cm The magnification of the image is given by,
v v 20 50 4
1 1 1 m 1. 2 . 1.33
B 1 u1 u2 10 3 2.5 3
R2 R3
20 – d = 5
Or d = 15 cm 2(i r )
This all is shown in Fig. 1.82 above.
sin sin i cos r cos i sin r ... (i)
b b2
Now, sin i cos i 1
O R R2
sin i b b2
From ∆OBC, And sin r cos r 1
R 2 R2
2r + θ = 180
Substituting these values in equation (i), we
1 1 1
20 d 5
b 2 2
1/ 2 1/ 2
sin 2
R b2 R2 b2
θ 2 R
sinr = cos ... (i)