Soal Bahasa Inggris Sastra Semester Genap KLS Xi 2023
Soal Bahasa Inggris Sastra Semester Genap KLS Xi 2023
Soal Bahasa Inggris Sastra Semester Genap KLS Xi 2023
The information was about a hairdressing salon. D. 11.00 a.m – 07.00 a.m
I thought that it would be very useful for my E. 11.00 a.m – 07.00 p.m
mum who has a plan for having a hairdressing
salon for party. I brought the leaflet home and
gave it to my mum. I have saved it until now. I
hope it can be useful for other too.
Now Open
The Good Loking Text for no.11-15
Hairdressing Salon The best day
Gent’s From only Rp. 25.000,00 By.Tylor swift
Ladies From only Rp. 35.000,00 I’m five years old
Open Daily It’s getting (11)....
11.00-19.00 I’ve got my big coat an
Telp.08706541236 / Jl. Belibis No.17 I hear your (12)....
And look up smilling at you
I run and run
6. What the day did the speaker go to a minimarket .. Past the (13)......
A. Saturday And the tractor rides
B. Wednesday Look now, (14) gold
C. Friday I hug your legs
D. Sunday And fall asleep on the waay home
E. Tuesday I don’t know why all the trees change in the
7. “ I purchased some daily needs with the I know you’re not scared of anything at all
average prices because I knew that my Don’t know if Snow white’s house is near
family had to sabe more Money for another or far away
thing”What is the synonim of the italic But I know I had (15)......with you today
A. Brought
B. Put 11. A. cold B. laught
C. Bought C. the sky D. pumpkin patch
D. Sold E. the best day
E. Promoted
12. A. cold
8. How much was the Price of the hair dressing for B. laugh
man? C. the best day
A. Rp. 45.000.00 D. pumpkin patch
B. Rp. 15.000.00 E. the sky
C. Rp. 55.000.00
D. Rp. 35.000.00 13. A. cold
E. Rp. 25.000.00 B. laugh
C. the best day
9. How can people get more information about the D. pumpkin patch
service ?
E. the sky
A. They can call to 08806541236
B. They can come to the salon
14. A. cold
C. They can call to 08706541236
B. laugh
D. They can call to 08705641236
C. the best day
E. They can call to 08706514236
D. pumpkin patch
10. What time is the salón open .. E. the sky
A. 10.00 p.m – 07.00 p.m
B. 11.00 p.m – 05.00 p.m 15. A. cold
C. 07.00 a.m – 06.00 p.m B. laugh