Pilot Implementation of The MATAG Curriculum 1

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Department of @luation

No. , s. 2023

To: Undersecretar:ies
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public and Private Elementa4r and Secondary School Heads
State/Local Universities and College Heads
All Others Concerned

1. The MATATAG Agenda was launched as the new direction of the Department of
Education (DepEd) towards improving the quality of basic education in the country.

2. To help attain the commitments articulated in the MATATAG Agenda, DepEd has
adopted DepEd Order (DO) No. 013, s. 2023, Adoption ofthe National Learning Recovery
Prograrn (NLRP) in the Department of Education. This includes the implementation of
the revised curriculum, otherrise known as the IATATAG Curriculum.

The MATATAG Curriculum has the following features

a. decongestedcurriculum;
b. focus on foundational skills;
c. balanced cognitive demands;
d. clearer articulation of 2 lst-century skills;
e. reduced learning areas;
f. intensfied Values Education and Peace Education, and
g. on a par with international standards.

4. The MATATAG Curriculum shall be implemented in phases:

School Year ISY) Grade Leve1s

sy 2024-2025 Kindergarten, Grades 1, 4, and,7
sY 2025-2026 Grades 2, 5, and 8
sy 2026-2027 Grades 3, 6, and 9
sv 2027-202a Grade 10

The Senior High School Curriculum is still currently undergoing review.

Pilot Implementation Objectives

5. The main objective of the pilot implementation is to gajn valuable insights that
will inform the implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum on a larger scale.
Specifically, the pilot implementation shall:

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig Citv 1600 P 4633 -7204 I 8633 -7 2 2A I a63',2- | s6 | fl 4636 -447 6 / 4637 -6209
q w$'w.deped. gov
a- determine the support needed by teachers and school leaders to
effectively implement the MATATAG Curriculum; and
b. identiS challenges, issues, or gaps tJlat may arise in order to address
them appropriately.

Selection of Pilot Schools

6. Prior to its phased implementation, the MATATAG Curriculum will be piloted in

selected schools in Regions I, II, VII, XII, the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), the
CARAGA region, and the National Capital Region (NCR) starting SY 2023-2024. Other
regions may participate when deemed necessary.

7. Pilot schools have been selected to ensure a diverse representation of public

elementary and secondar5r schools in the NCR, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Schools
have been categorized by enrollment size to include small, medium, ald la-rge schools.
Furthermore, community socio-economic status has been factored in, categorizing
schools into high, medium, and low poverty incidence areas. This meticulous approach
to school selection aims to create a well-rounded pilot program that reflects the diversity
and complexity of the Philippine education landscape. A memorandum will be issued on
the list of participating schools.

Orlentatlon and Capacity Bullding

8. Teachers, school heads, department heads, Public Schools District Supervisors
(PSDS), Education Program Supervisors (EPSs), Curriculum and Learning Management
Division (CLMD) Chiefs, Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) Chiefs of the
participating schools, schools division oIfices (SDOs) and regional offices (ROs) shall be
oriented on the MATATAG Curriculum. To further support teachers, technica-l assistance
shall be provided including the conduct of regular collaborative expertise sessions
through Learning Action Cells (LACs).

9. The Operations, Human Resource and Organizational Development, Finance, and

other strands shall provide the necessary support for the pilot implementation to achieve
its intended objectives. The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) shall
support the capacity-building activities for teachers and school leaders.

Teaching and Learning Resources

1O. Teaching-learning resources (e.g., lesson exemplars and learning activity sheets)
will be provided to teachers and learners in the pilot schools. Other learning resources
may still be used to supplement the teaching and learning process.


11. To monitor learners' progress vis-i-vis the learning competencies and provide
appropriate instructional support, teachers shall regularly conduct formative and
summative assessments. For classroom-based assessment, the provisions of DO 8, s.
2015, Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program, or any future policy on assessment and grading shall apply.

Funding Requirements

12. Funding requirements relative to the conduct of the orientation-training for the
pilot implementation of the curriculum shall be charged against the Basic Education
Curriculum (BEC) funds while the provision of learning resources to learners and
teachers shall be charged against the Textbooks and other Instructional Materials
(TBIMs) funds, as the case may be, to be downloaded to participating ROs. Balances from
the National Learning Recovery Program (NLRP) downloaded funds as well as €rny excess
amount that may be generated from the funds to be downloaded for the pilot
implementation may be used for pilot implementation-related activities, such as but not
lirnited to support/aupentation to tl e orientation-training activities, t.Ile conduct of
collaborative expertise sessions, monitoring activities, subject to *te usua-l budgeting,
accounting, auditing, and procurement rules and regulations. The allocation lists for the
orientation-training and provision of learning resources are attached as Annex 1 and
Annex 2, respectively.

13. Participating ROs shall designate a focal person to oversee and monitor the
utilization of the said funds. The designated focal person shall prepare a consolidated
accomplishment report, which must be submitted to the Offrce of the Undersecretary for
Curriculum and Teaching, not later than November 15,2023. A link will be provided for
the online submission of said report.

14. Submission of Accomplishment Report shall be closely monitored by the

Curriculum and Teaching strand to ensure compliance in all ROs. A link will be provided
for the online submission of said report.

Research, Monitoring and Dvaluation

15. Alongside the pilot implementation of the curriculum, research studies shall be
conducted by DepEd in collaboration with the Philippine Institute of Developmental
Studies (PIDS) with the Assessment, Curriculum and Technologr Research Center
(ACTRC), and the Philippine Normal University-Research Center for Teacher Quality
(RCTQ) with the SiMERR National Research Centre-Australia. Other research groups
may signr$ their intent to conduct a study.

16. The school heads shall be primarily responsible for supervising the
implementation of this memorandum in their schools. The Curriculum and Learniag
Management Division (CLMD) and Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) shall
diligently collaborate with each other in ensuring that the provisions of this
memora-ndum are complied with.

17. The Curriculum and Teaching and Operation strands, in coordination with the
ROs and SDOs concerned, shall take responsibility for monitoring the pilot
implenentation of the MATATAG Curriculum. Monitoring activities may include, among
others, focus group discussions and interviews. The monitoring plan and tool shall be
issued in a sepa.rate memorandum.

18. For inquiries and other concerns, please contact tlle Bureau of Learning
Delivery-Olllce of the Director, Department of Education Central OIfice, DepEd
Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at [email protected] or at
telephone numbers (O2) 8637 -4346 and. a637-4347.

19. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired

By Authority of the Secretaqz:

DepEd Order (Nos. 13, s. 2O23 and 8, s. 2015)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:


0543 - S.ptember 5. 2023
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