R102-Ann-B-C-e95 Sonido
R102-Ann-B-C-e95 Sonido
R102-Ann-B-C-e95 Sonido
de Métrologie Légale
Sound calibrators
Annex B: Test methods for pattern evaluation
Annex C: Test report format
Calibreurs acoustiques
Annexe B: Méthodes d’essai de modèle
Annexe C: Format du rapport d’essai
OIML R 102
Annexes B & C
Edition 1995 (E)
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... 3
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OIML Draft Recommendations and Documents are developed by technical committees or subcommittees
which are formed by the Member States. Certain international and regional institutions also participate on a
consultation basis.
Cooperative agreements are established between OIML and certain institutions, such as ISO and IEC, with
the objective of avoiding contradictory requirements; consequently, manufacturers and users of measuring
instruments, test laboratories, etc. may apply simultaneously OIML publications and those of other insti-
International Recommendations and International Documents are published in French (F) and English (E)
and are subject to periodic revision.
This publication - reference OIML R 102, Annexes B & C, edition 1995 (E) - was developed by the OIML
technical committee TC 13 Measuring instruments for acoustics and vibration. It was approved for final
publication by the International Committee of Legal Metrology in 1994 and will be submitted to the
International Conference of Legal Metrology in 1996 for formal sanction.
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B.2.4 Environmental tests
Measurements of the dependence of the sound calibrators’ sound pressure level, fre-
quency and harmonic distortion on the ambient conditions should be performed using
a microphone with well-known pressure and temperature coefficients. At least one set
of increasing parameter and one set of decreasing parameter should be measured. At
each parameter point, mean values should be taken for the result. The results shall be
corrected for the pressure and temperature coefficients of the microphone. If, during
the measurement of the dependence on any of the three ambient parameters (i.e. pres-
sure, temperature, and humidity) any of the two other parameters deviate significantly
from its value at the beginning of the measurement, it may also be necessary to correct
the measurement results with respect to the dependence of the sound calibrator’s
performance on these parameters. When performing temperature or humidity tests,
each calibrator should be stored under actual climatic conditions at least 3 h before a
reading is taken. During this stabilizing time, the calibrator should be removed from
the microphone.
Note: For some types of sound calibrators, more than 3 h is needed for stabilization.
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The “Test report format”, the subject of this Annex, aims at presenting, in a stand-
ardized format, the results of the various tests to which a pattern of a sound calibrator
shall be submitted with a view to its approval. These tests are listed in Annex A of
R 102. Possible test methods are described in Annex B.
+ –
The “Summary of the tests” and the tables on × Approved
“Inscriptions and marks” and “Instruction × Not approved
manual” shall be completed according to / / Not applicable
this example.
“Deviation” is the difference between the measured value and the expected value. In
some cases, deviation is to be understood as the relative deviation.
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Application No:
Representative (name, telephone):
Instrument category:
Pattern designation:
Serial number: 1,...... 2,...... 3,...... 4......, 5,......
Class of instrument (claimed by manufacturer):
Temperature range specified by manufacturer in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.2 b):
from ______ to ______ (°C)
Humidity range specified by manufacturer in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.3:
from ______ to ______ (%)
Pressure range specified by manufacturer in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.1 b):
from ______ to ______(kPa)
Model of grid/adaptors:
Battery: type ______ ; nominal voltage ______ ; number required______
1 Is one nominal sound pressure level greater than 90 dB? Yes/No
2 Is one nominal frequency in the range 160 Hz to 1000 Hz? Yes/No
3 Is one of the microphones specified capable of being calibrated (a) in accordance with
IEC 1094, part 2, or (b) by direct comparison with a microphone calibrated in accordance
with IEC 1094, part 2? Yes/No
Date: Observer:
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Page No
No TESTS + – Remarks of test
C.1 Sound pressure level(s)
C.2 Harmonic distortion
C.3 Frequency
C.4 Tone burst capability
C.5 Battery voltage
C.6 Ambient pressure
C.7 Ambient temperature
C.8 Ambient humidity
C.9 Mechanical vibration
C.10 Magnetic field
C.11 Electromagnetic susceptibility
C.12 Barometer
C.13 Thermometer
C.14 Examination of the construction of the device
C.15 Inscriptions and marks
C.16 Instruction manual
Note: In the column “Remarks”, insertion of an “X” means that reference is made to a remark
at the end of the corresponding paragraph on one of the following pages.
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C.1 Sound pressure level(s) under reference ambient conditions (A.1)
Application No: Microphone
Model designation: Model: ______ ; ______ ; ______
Serial number: Serial number: ______ ; ______ ; ______
Date: Observer:
Supplementary information
Values of any pressure, temperature and relative humidity coefficients of the sound calibrator,
used by the testing laboratory to correct the measured sound pressure levels to reference
ambient conditions (101.3 kPa, 20 °C, 65 % RH):
Stability of SPL
Model of Mean Stability limit (dB)
Nominal Stabilizing Fluc-
microphone level Class
frequency time tuation
and of during 20 s
(Hz) (s) (dB)
grid/adaptor (dB) 0 1 2
± 0.05 ± 0.1 ± 0.2
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C.2 Harmonic distortion (A.2)
Model of Nominal Nominal Harmonic permissible
microphone and frequency SPL distortion harmonic distortion,
of grid/adaptor (Hz) (dB) (%) Class 0, 1, 2
Supplementary information
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C.3 Frequency under reference ambient conditions (A.3)
Supplementary information
Values of any pressure, temperature and relative humidity coefficients of the sound calibrator,
used by the testing laboratory to correct the measured frequencies to reference ambient condi-
tions (101.3 kPa, 20 °C, 65 % RH)
Stability of frequency
Model of Mean Stability limit (%)
microphone value Fluctuation Class
and of during 20 s (%)
grid/adaptor (Hz) 0 1 2
± 0.3 ± 0.5 ±1
± 0.3 ± 0.5 ±1
± 0.3 ± 0.5 ±1
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C.4 Tone-burst capability (A.4)
Compliance with
Nominal Measured mpe (%) IEC 651 and IEC 804,
value value Class where appropriate
(ms) (ms) 0, 1, 2
+ –
Duration 2
Interval 2
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C.5 Battery voltage (A.5)
mpe Indication
Nominal Measured battery
voltage Deviation Class
value value indicator
0 1 2
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
(By means of checking the battery voltage specified by manufacturer)
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C.6 Ambient pressure (A.6)
The expected SPL is obtained from the nominal SPL by using the measured ambient pressure
and the data supplied by the manufacturer in accordance with IEC 942, subclause 3.3.1(a). In
cases of use of a barometer which indicates corrections directly in dB, it should be verified
that the corrected value of SPL meets the specified tolerances.
Supplementary results:
1 Pressure coefficient of sound calibrator at 101.3 kPa, derived from the measured ambient
pressure and SPL = ______ dB/kPa
2 Are the deviations within the maximum permissible error for the ambient pressure range
specified by the manufacturer? Yes/No
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C.7 Ambient temperature (A.7)
Nominal Expected Measured
Quantity Deviation Class
value value value
0 1 2
Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
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Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
Measured temperature (°C): ________ ; Indicated temperature (if appropriate) (°C): ______
Atmospheric pressure (kPa): _______ ; Relative humidity (%): ________
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Frequency (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
The expected value is obtained from the nominal value by using the measured ambient tem-
perature and the data supplied by the manufacturer in accordance with IEC 942, subclause
3.3.2(a). In cases of use of a thermometer which indicates corrections directly in dB, it should
be verified that the corrected value of SPL meets the specified tolerances.
Supplementary results:
Are the deviations within the maximum permissible error for the ambient temperature range
specified by the manufacturer? Yes/No
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C.8 Ambient humidity (A.8)
Relative mpe
Nominal Measured
humidity Deviation Class
value value
(%) 0 1 2
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
SPL (dB) dB ± 0.15 ± 0.3 ± 0.5
Fre (Hz) % ±1 ±2 ±4
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C.9 Mechanical vibration (A.9)
Application No:
Model designation:
Serial number:
1 This refers to mechanical vibration generated by the sound calibrator, and to the spurious
signal caused by this vibration.
2 It is not yet possible to specify a method for evaluating the effect of this vibration, ap-
plicable to all types of sound calibrators. The testing laboratory should describe the method
employed, and state the results.
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C.10 Magnetic field (A.10)
Application No:
Model designation:
Serial number:
1 This refers to electromagnetic and electrostatic fields generated by the sound calibrator, and
to the spurious signal caused by these fields.
2 It is not yet possible to specify a method for evaluating the effect of these fields, applicable
to all types of sound calibrators. The testing laboratory should describe the method em-
ployed, and state the results.
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C.11 Electromagnetic susceptibility (A.11)
Application No:
Model designation:
Serial number:
1 This refers to susceptibility to externally-applied electromagnetic fields, and to the spurious
signal due to these fields.
2 It is not yet possible to specify a method for evaluating the effect of these fields. The testing
laboratory should describe the method employed, and state the results.
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C.12 Barometer (A.12)
Application No:
Model designation:
Serial number:
Actual environmental conditions Date:
Temperature: Observer:
Relative humidity:
The maximum permissible error is equal to the maximum uncertainty specified by the manu-
facturer in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.1 c).
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C.13 Thermometer (A.13)
Application No:
Model designation:
Serial number:
Actual environmental conditions Date:
Relative humidity: Observer:
Atmospheric pressure:
The maximum permissible error is equal to the maximum uncertainty specified by the manu-
facturer in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.2 c).
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C.14 Examination of the construction of the device
Particular attention should be paid as to whether the construction of the sound calibrator
makes the sound pressure level of the sound calibrator susceptible to be affected by a high
level of ambient noise.
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C.15 Inscriptions and marks
as specified Inscription or mark + – Remarks
in R 102
4.1 Manufacturer’s name or trade mark
Manufacturer’s model designation and serial number
Marking “IEC 942-1988”
Class and letter “L”
Marking of adaptors
4.3 List of adaptors and accessories where appropriate
5 Seals or marks to protect
Place for verification mark
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C.16 Instruction manual
as specified Information + – Remark
in R 102
4.1 Nominal value(s) of sound pressure level(s) generated
4.1 Nominal value(s) of frequency(ies) generated
4.1 Preferred mode of use (where appropriate)
4.1 Pressure range, and any correction data, in accordance with
IEC 942, clause 3.3.1 a) and b)
4.1 Temperature range, and any correction data, in accordance
with IEC 942, clause 3.3.2 a) and b)
4.1 Humidity range, in accordance with IEC 942, clause 3.3.3
4.1 Maximum uncertainty in the measured value of ambient
pressure, if appropriate, in accordance with IEC 942,
clause 3.3.1 c)
4.1 Maximum uncertainty in the measured value of ambient
temperature, if appropriate, in accordance with IEC 942,
clause 3.3.2 c)
4.1 Nominal value(s) of equivalent free-field/diffuse-field sound
pressure levels (where appropriate)
4.2 Tone-burst capability (where appropriate)
4.2 Battery requirements
4.2 Nominal sound pressure levels for other microphone
models, and the necessary adaptors/accessories
4.2 Method of microphone calibration for calibrating sound
4.2 Stabilizing time
4.2 Extreme limits of temperature and humidity
4.2 Effective volume of sound calibrator
4.2 Temperature limits of battery, and use of external power
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Printed in France 130, rue Général-de-Gaulle, 10000 Troyes