Pi Is 2589537019301877
Pi Is 2589537019301877
Pi Is 2589537019301877
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eclinm
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Article history:
Received 9 October 2019
Accepted 9 October 2019
Available online 24 October 2019
Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) is cartographic term which comprises type 2 diabetes and received a comprehensive evaluation includ-
just over 40 countries lying south of the Sahara desert in the ing lifestyle choices, anthropometry, cardiometabolic parameters,
African continent and is highly distinctive compared with the re- complications screening including peripheral neuropathy, retinopa-
gion north of the desert in terms of etymology, demographics, thy testing, comorbidity profiling, and had fasting blood samples
culture, climate, socio-economics, religion and politics. Apart from taken for glucose, lipids and other clinical biomarkers. The me-
South Africa, nearly half of all sub-Saharan people are aged less dian fasting blood glucose level among cases was 9.8 (IQR 5.9–
than 15 years and average life expectancy is diminished, often be- 12.5) mmol/L, and four out of five cases took metformin and/or
ing no higher than 60 years. Key health issues have been related a sulphonylurea as their main glucose-lowering medication. The
to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, malaria and other infectious diseases, study revealed high prevalences of complications despite a rela-
but now SSA, as a consequence of transitions connected with pop- tively short known duration of diabetes: the metabolic syndrome
ulation dynamics and socio-cultural trends, also faces the rise of (78%), hypertension (71%), cataracts (32%), obesity (27%), hyperlipi-
cardiovascular disease which poses significant challenges to ill- daemia, neurological deficits including sensory deficits (46% by his-
equipped government controlled and funded health services. The tory), and 35% of men had erectile dysfunction. As expected, risk
prevalence of diabetes in those aged 20–79 years in SSA countries factors for these findings indicated that in combination or in cases
has increased rapidly in the last quarter of a century with vary- as a separate risk factor, older age, BMI, and longer duration of dia-
ing rates of 2.0% in The Gambia, 6.3% in the Congo, 9.3% in South betes were associated with many of the defined complications and
Africa, and as high as 14.8% in Mauritius [1] . In view of concerns comorbidities. A degree of heterogeneity of risk factor associations
about the reliability of data about diagnosis rates, vascular com- across SSA was inevitable.
plication burden, use of preventative measures, and application of This was an impressive study and builds on the findings of
cost-effective strategies [2], the publication by Ekoru K et al, 2019 the previous Diabcare Africa Study [5]. The current study, how-
[3] is a timely intervention to address gaps in our knowledge of di- ever, provides more precise diabetes prevalences data and risk fac-
abetes complications and comorbidity profiles associated with type tor identification, and represents the largest cross-sectional study
2 diabetes in SSA. of type 2 diabetes and its associations with complications and co-
Data in the latter study [3] was collected from approximately morbidities. These data suggest that a high proportion of cases are
6,0 0 0 participants of which nearly half had type 2 diabetes of diagnosed with diabetes late in the evolution of the condition and
mean age 56 (SD 11) years and 5 years of known duration of di- along with the high prevailing rates of hyperglycaemia provide a
abetes who were participating in the large case-controlled study part explanation for high microvascular rates. In addition, the high
(the Africa America Diabetes Mellitus (AADM) Study) [4]. En- rates of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and obesity in individuals
rolled participants were aged 18 years and over with or without with poor glycaemia control provide a platform for developing car-
diovascular disease and stroke which are now emerging as increas-
ing causes of death in SSA.
Correspondence to: AJ Sinclair, Clinical Trials Unit, Medici Medical Practice,
Further research to complete important gaps in the nature of
Luton, LU1 3UA, UK.
type 2 diabetes in SSA and how it is managed would need to
E-mail address: ajsinclair@diabetesfrail.org
2589-5370/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
A. Sinclair / EClinicalMedicine 16 (2019) 6–7 7
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ria, the use of HbA1c as a marker of diabetes control, how health Such ambitions require significantly higher funding levels and this
services are accessed and resourced, and establishing disease reg- continues to represent a key obstacle in one of the most economi-
istries and longitudinal studies to more accurately interpret risk cally deprived areas of the world.
factor influences.
It is abundantly clear that the burden of type 2 diabetes in SSA References
is now immense and that national and international public health
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