Dynamic Navigation For Surgical Implant Placement: Overview of Technology, Key Concepts, and A Case Report
Dynamic Navigation For Surgical Implant Placement: Overview of Technology, Key Concepts, and A Case Report
Dynamic Navigation For Surgical Implant Placement: Overview of Technology, Key Concepts, and A Case Report
learning objectives
Abstract: Over the course of several decades implant dentistry has evolved • Acquire an introductory
understanding of the
to include 3-dimensionally (3D) planned and guided surgery. One of the technology that allows for
latest innovations is dynamic navigation, which may allow surgeons to dynamic navigation surgery
place implants with accuracy similar to stereolithographic guides based on • Describe the workflow
and clinical processes
3D, prosthetically directed plans. Benefits of dynamically guided surgery required for dynamic
include real-time feedback, a streamlined digital workflow, improved navigation as it pertains to
dental implant surgery
surgical visualization, and adaptability to intraoperative findings. This
• Identify the clinical
article discusses the technology and workflow of dynamic navigation and its advantages of dynamic
application for guided implant placement. Additionally, a case completed navigation versus either
freehand or statically
using this technology is presented. guided implant surgery
disclosures to report.
our key breakthroughs have driven the evolution of negated much of the radiation exposure concerns related to effec-
dental implantology as it is known today: (1) the discov- tive-dose safety for “elective” therapies.11 Today, an emerging stan-
ery of osseointegration by Dr. P-I Branemark1; (2) the dard of care is the use of cross-sectional CBCT imaging for planning
application of computed tomography (CT) imaging and a stereolithographic surgical guide when executing surgery.12,13
technology for “optimal, prosthetically directed implant At their inception, stereolithographic surgical guides were
placement”2-4; (3) computer-generated stereolithographic surgical sequential drilling templates that allowed osteotomy sites to be
guides5-8; and (4) cone-beam CT (CBCT), which reduced radiation enlarged and were used to control the buccolingual and mesio-
exposure and improved access for the private practice sector.9,10 distal planes of space.14 This application has been referred to as
In the late 1980s, 3-dimensional (3D) imaging using medical- “partially guided” implant surgery. The effect of stereolithographic
grade, spiral CT became an important yet controversial tool for surgical guides was significant, improving entry point deviations
implant dentistry. Three-dimensional imaging allowed accurate and angle discrepancies by nearly 50% when compared to conven-
diagnosis of regional anatomy and more personalized planning tional freehand surgery.15 However, it was the production of fully
for surgery via planning software that enabled improved surgical– guided implant surgery that improved accuracy to submillimeter
prosthetic collaboration. However, no methodology was available levels and enabled control in all three planes of space: buccolingual,
to transfer and apply the computer-based surgical plan directly to mesiodistal, and apicocoronal.16 Rotational timing is also possible
the operating field. with fully guided systems, though this is implant- and/or guide-
manufacturer dependent.8,17
Guided Surgery Background Today, the advent of intraoral surface scanners and computer-
In 2000, CBCT became available and allowed for significantly less aided design/computer-aided milling (CAD/CAM) has made
radiation exposure.9,10 In 2002, the ability to generate stereolitho- guided, full-arch, immediate-function treatment for the edentu-
graphic surgical guides from a CBCT-based computer software plan lous and terminally dentate patient simpler and more predictable.18
jaw attachments and constantly reports their relative positions to the same thermoplastic material and includes a fix plate at its end,
the dynamic system software. This allows the surgeon to intraop- which is joined to the CT marker via a thumbscrew. The CT marker
eratively reference and, in real time, verify and validate positional contains an aluminum fiduciary marker within it that can be iden-
accuracy. (5) A compact, mobile cart (not shown in Figure 1) holds tified in the CBCT. The fix plate is the common reference position
the laptop and positions the optical sensor above the patient. between the CBCT scan and the surgery to which mathematical
algorithms can be calculated so that spatial positioning is known
Workflow: Stent, Scan, Plan, and Place to the system. When attached via the thumbscrew, the CT marker
The navigation system described here has a digital workflow that is rigidly locked with the retainer. The thermoplastic retainer and
involves four major steps: arm are attached via adhesive glue (Figure 3).
Stent—A thermoplastic retainer is molded over the dentition, Scan—The CT marker, thermoplastic stent, and retainer arm
left to harden, and then removed and trimmed to provide access with fix-plate apparatus are secured and seating accuracy is verified.
to the intended implantation region. The retainer arm is made of Thereafter, a single jaw is scanned using a CBCT scanner (Figure 3).
Fig 3. Stent prepared for CBCT imaging and that leads to dy-
namic navigation surgery capability. A customized, well-fitting,
stable thermoplastic retainer; thermoplastic retainer arm and fix
plate; and CT marker secured by a thumbscrew are shown. Fig 4.
Planning software is shown. STL file of the maxillary arch has been
imported from optical scanning and matched to regional anatomy
for soft-tissue visualization. The aluminum fiduciary of the CT
marker can be observed in the axial view. Virtual teeth have been
constructed for Nos. 8 and 9, and the case has been planned for
prosthetically directed implant placement on a dynamic naviga-
tion platform.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
surgical conditions may influence individual results. Thus, oper- implant fixtures (Astra Tech EV, Dentsply Sirona, dentsplysirona.
ating with a freehand, standard implant handpiece without static com) were placed. SmartPegs (Osstell, osstell.com) were attached
guide control, as with the dynamic navigation system, does add an to the implants to show the trajectory of the fixture positioning.
element of operator-dependent error. After implant placement, anorganic bovine bone matrix (Bio-Oss®,
Geistlich Pharma, geistlich-na.com) was used to graft the implant
Case Report alveolus “gap,” and healing abutments were placed (Figure 9 and
A 29-year-old Caucasian woman presented to the author’s (GAM) Figure 10). The patient was provided with an interim removable
practice for evaluation of teeth Nos. 8 and 9. The teeth were fractured appliance for tooth replacement.
at the free gingival margin and had sclerosed dental pulps (Figure 7 A post-placement CBCT scan was secured and compared to the
and Figure 8). The patient’s medical history was significant for gastro- preoperative CBCT plan using software inherent to the dynamic
esophageal reflux disorder (GERD), migraines, narcolepsy, attention navigation system (Figure 11). Accuracy results from this case
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and depression. She had no (preoperative plan compared to post-implant placement) were as
known drug allergies or drug idiosyncrasies and was determined to follows: entry point deviation was 0.13 mm for tooth position No.
have an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) II physical status. 8 and 0.41 mm for No. 9; angle discrepancy was 4.3 degrees for No.
A comprehensive periodontal examination was performed. A 8 and 6.76 degrees for No. 9; implant apex depth deviation was 1.10
thermoplastic retainer and arm were fabricated for the patient mm for No. 8 and 1.37 mm for No. 9.
with the fiduciary marker (CT marker) attached to the fix plate. At 3 months, osseointegration was confirmed and screw-retained
Great care was taken regarding the fit of the thermoplastic stent to provisionals were used for soft-tissue grooming. Final prosthetic
ensure proper seating. A CBCT scan (CS 9300, Carestream Dental, phase completion occurred at 6 months (Figure 12).
carestreamdental.com) of the maxilla was secured, and the DICOM
data were registered into the planning software. Discussion
The surgery was performed under local-regional anesthesia. The Imaging technology has transformed the field of implant dentistry
thermoplastic retainer was placed over the remaining teeth and its and has led to significant improvements in accuracy and greater
fit/stability verified. Atraumatic extractions of teeth Nos. 8 and 9 predictability in prosthetic outcomes.23 A systematic review demon-
were performed, and intact buccal bone was verified. Osteotomy strated that, on average, CT-guided implant surgery with static guides
site preparation and immediate implant placement were performed has around 1 mm entry point deviation and around 5 degrees of angle
using the dynamic surgical navigation system. Two 3.6 mm x 9 mm discrepancy when compared to treatment plans.23 However, that and
Fig 7.
Fig 9. Fig 8.
Fig 7. Initial examination of nonrestorable maxillary central incisors, clinical presentation. Fig 8. Radiograph of nonrestorable maxillary central
incisors. Fig 9. Dynamic surgical navigation, demonstrating flapless immediate implant placement. “Smart pegs” were placed to show the trajec-
tory of the fixture positioning.
for the last 50 implants (0.59 mm, 0.85 mm, and 1.98 degrees, respec- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
tively) being better when compared to the first 50 implants (0.94 mm,
1.19 mm, and 3.48 degrees, respectively).29 The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Christopher K.
While the present case report demonstrates the use of a fiduciary Ching, DDS, of Glenview, Illinois, for his collaboration and pros-
marker and thermoplastic stent, future applications of dynamic thetic expertise on this case.
navigation surgery plan to involve the use of trace registration (TR)
mapping technology. With TR, existing structures that are rigidly ABOUT THE AUTHORS
affixed to the patient’s jaw (such as the natural dentition or existing
George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS
implants) can serve as a natural fiduciary for the registration of the Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Graduate Periodontics,
CBCT imaging to the patient by the navigation software. This elimi- University of Illinois, College of Dentistry, Chicago, Illinois; Private Practice, Chicago,
nates the need for a thermoplastic stent or specialized CBCT scan Oakbrook Terrace, and Park Ridge, Illinois
with an artificial metal fiduciary marker captured in space during Luigi V. Stefanelli, DDS, PhD
the CBCT imaging. The diagnostic CBCT imaging can be used for Professor, master of second level in implant surgery and master of second level of
the planning and navigation surgery, thus simplifying the workflow prosthesis, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; Private Practice, prosthetics
and dental implant surgery, Rome, Italy
process. However, because the micron tracker camera needs to be
able to track the patient during the operation, a tag referred to as the Bradley S. DeGroot, DDS, MS
“jaw tracker” must be connected to the jaw being operated on. Because Private Practice, Chicago, Oakbrook Terrace, and Park Ridge, Illinois
technology in the mandible is accomplished with the use of a dual- 1. Brånemark PI, Adell R, Breine U, et al. Intra-osseous anchorage of
cure composite resin bonding of the jaw tracker assembly (consist- dental prostheses. I. Experimental studies. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg.
ing of the jaw tag and bendable stainless-steel wire) to a natural tooth, 1969;3(2):81-100.
crown, or abutment. The future use of TR technology is expected to 2. Mecall RA, Rosenfeld AL. Influence of residual ridge resorption
patterns on fixture placement and tooth position. 1. Int J Periodontics
simplify and streamline the dynamic navigation workflow process
Restorative Dent. 1991;11(1):8-23.
and facilitate adoption of navigation technology to the private prac- 3. Mecall RA, Rosenfeld AL. The influence of residual ridge resorption
tice armamentarium involving surgical implant placement. patterns on implant fixture placement and tooth position. 2. Presurgi-
Dynamic navigation for dental implants is in its infancy but cal determination of prosthesis type and design. Int J Periodontics
provides some distinct advantages to freehand surgery or static Restorative Dent. 1992;12(1):32-51.
4. Mecall RA, Rosenfeld AL. Influence of residual ridge resorption
guidance. As any technology application generally improves with
patterns on fixture placement and tooth position, Part III: Presurgical
time and innovation, dynamic navigation has a promising future. assessment of ridge augmentation requirements. Int J Periodontics
Further research with a variety of clinical applications is needed, Restorative Dent. 1996;16(4):322-337.
and validated, controlled, blinded, and randomized studies are 5. Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed
required to demonstrate efficacy of patient care. implant placement using computer software to ensure precise place-
ment and predictable prosthetic outcomes. Part 1: diagnostics, imag-
Lastly, dynamic navigation technology provides a modality of
ing, and collaborative accountability. Int J Periodontics Restorative
medico-legal documentation and an unprecedented level of surgi- Dent. 2006;26(3):215-221.
cal accountability to ensure that prosthetically directed surgical 6. Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed im-
outcomes are achieved. This is largely due to the navigation system’s plant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement
ability to record and save the surgical images and video. This approach and predictable prosthetic outcomes. Part 2. rapid prototype medical
modeling and stereolithographic drilling guides requiring bone expo-
can also ensure the concept of “collaborative accountability.”5 As with
sure. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2006;26(4)347-353.
any treatment modality that advances patient care, however, technol- 7. Rosenfeld AL, Mandelaris GA, Tardieu PB. Prosthetically directed im-
ogy is not a substitute for sound judgment and experience, nor can it plant placement using computer software to ensure precise placement
or should it undermine biologic principles of surgery and/or proper and predictable prosthetic outcomes. Part 3. stereolithographic drilling
decision-making for predictable wound-healing dynamics. guides that do not require bone exposure and the immediate delivery
of teeth. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2006;26(5):493-499.
8. Mandelaris GA, Rosenfeld AL, King S, Nevins ML. Computer-
Conclusion guided implant dentistry for precise implant placement: combining
Many factors contribute to implant success, with 3D implant posi- specialized stereolithographically generated drilling guides and
tioning emerging as perhaps the most critical. Dynamic navigation surgical implant instrumentation. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.
is a promising advance in CBCT-guided surgery to help improve 2010;30(3):275-281.
9. Mallaya SM, White SC. The nature of ionizing radiation and risks
placement accuracy. The ability to attain real-time verification
from maxillofacial cone beam computed tomography. In: Sarment
and validation of position accuracy holds great potential and may D, ed. Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Oral and Maxillofacial
enhance surgical transparency and accountability to optimize Diagnosis and Applications. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc;
patient outcomes. 2014:25-41.
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1. Which of following improved implant surgery accuracy to 6. In the “place” workflow step, during drilling the operator can see:
submillimeter levels and enabled control in all three planes of space?
A. an axial view in real time.
A. cross-sectional CBCT imaging B. a panoramic view in real time.
B. partially guided implant surgery C. a cross-sectional view in real time.
C. fully guided implant surgery D. All of the above
D. sequential drilling guides
7. With the dynamic navigation system, challenges regarding
2. Stereolithographic guides that do not allow the opportunity to the operator’s hand-eye coordination and fine motor control
change the treatment plan and remain “guided” are called: under stress:
3. With dynamic navigation, the position of the patient’s jaw is 8. Clinical situations such as limited mouth opening or interdental
related to the position of which of the following in real time? space limitations may preclude the use of:
4. In the dynamic navigation system, what detects the patterns 9. Block et al found that, on average, a clinician must perform
printed on the handpiece and jaw attachments and reports their how many dynamic navigation cases before mastering the
relative positions to the system software? learning curve?
5. In which workflow step are the CT marker, thermoplastic stent, 10. The navigation system’s ability to record and save surgical
and retainer arm with fix-plate apparatus secured and seating images helps ensure:
accuracy verified?
A. collaborative accountability.
A. stent C. proper decision-making by the operator.
B. scan D. that biologic principles of surgery will be followed.
C. plan B. that future research will further validate dynamic
D. place navigation technology.