Miskatonic Repository - Horror at El Dorado Royale
Miskatonic Repository - Horror at El Dorado Royale
Miskatonic Repository - Horror at El Dorado Royale
Horror at
El Dorado Royale
Written By:
Ben Burns Call of Cthulhu is a Trademark of Chaosium Inc. and is used with
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Then something happened she had not expected. A small voice spoke in her head: “I love you no matter what you
do, mama.”
She spun around, in shock. She struggled to swim, but the waves were too large, the dress too heavy, dragging her
to the murky depths.
Keeper's Secret
Seven years ago, on June 14, 2015, a young bride to be, Molly Clark, had a fling the night before her wedding,
and her fiancé, Bradley Watts, caught them. He was so upset he called off the wedding and took an early flight
home. Wracked with anger and guilt, Molly put on her wedding gown and walked into the Caribbean Sea and
drowned herself as well as the unborn baby she didn’t realize she carried.
The spirit of La Llorona noticed a mother drowning herself and her child. She took young Molly’s spirit into
her, molded her, and shaped her into the Vengeful Nightmare (La Pesadilla Vengativa) she is today. It took La
Llorona seven years to drive Molly insane, to drive her to despise and blame the man that rejected her. Now,
Molly is ready to seek vengeance on those who wronged her, who drove her to commit her mortal sin—it was
time to kill.
Every year on the anniversary of her death, La Pesadilla Vengativa will appear for seven days and seek
vengeance. Her victims are all men who are soon to marry, for they most closely represent the fiancé who
spurned her. Her vengeance satisfied, she will return to the watery depths while the suffering and hate build in
her until she rises once more.
Molly intends to make her victims suffer. When she picks a target, she visits them for two to three nights before
killing them. She will appear to them while they sleep, awakening them in a state of sleep paralysis, unable to
move or speak. Molly’s spirit is wearing a wet wedding dress and is invisible to all except her victim. Anyone
watching will not see her until her claws materialize before scratching the victim’s face. The first night, she
scratches one side of their face, the second night she scratches the other, leaving their eyes red and bloodshot.
On the third or fouth night, she breathes water into their lungs for the kill.
The game begins on June 17, 2022, with the investigators arriving at the Cancun airport at roughly the same time
for a mutual friend’s destination wedding at the El Dorado Royale. The five-star hotel sits on the Caribbean Sea
of the Mexican Riviera. The wedding is to take place in four days. When the investigators arrive, the spirit has
already been stalking her victims for three nights and killed the first of her victims the night before they arrive.
The investigators provided are college friends who have finished college and gone their separate ways. They are
comfortable with each other, but it has been almost four years since they last got together. Most of them assume
this is their last final fling before life completely takes over. While they should know each other’s backgrounds,
they probably don’t know what they have been up to for the past few years.
If the players aren’t using the pre-generated investigators, scene 1 includes a 45-minute drive from the airport to
the resort, which is a perfect time for the players to introduce their characters and get to know each other. The
only requirement is that they all know the groom to be.
The investigators must figure out what is going on and why. The only way to slay the vengeful spirit is to
perform several steps. First, they must draw it from the ethereal world into the material world. They can do this
via a spell they receive from one of the maids at the resort. Second, they must remove the spirit’s vengeful armor
by having the one she seeks vengeance on forgive her. In this case, it is her ex-fiancé, Bradley Watts, who is in a
city in the United States. There are several ways for this to be accomplished. Then, they must inflict enough
damage to kill the spirit and save their friend.
Keeper’s Note
A note on the use of cell phones
during the game. In this particular
game, not only is looking up
information on a player’s phone
allowed, it is encouraged. Allow them
to delve into the movies, wikis, and
legends of La Llorona, Mara, night
terror, and more. There will come a
time when cell service is removed
during the game, at which point the
players should put their phones away.
If they use the gear provided, they can
set up their own Wi-Fi hotspot and
continue their investigations. If they
don’t do this, have the character with
the gear make an Idea roll to remind
them they have the gear. If they find
some interesting nugget that sounds
really cool, feel free to incorporate that
and let them use their imaginations to
help solve the investigation.
Scene 1: The Airport The check-in desk fills up most of the right-hand wall
except for a small desk for the concierge. A gift shop
is to the left as well as offices and a hall with a
You arrive at the Cancun airport and make the almost restroom sign. Two large glass doors lead out to the
mile hike to pick up your bags and go through back, where you can see the beach and the sea
immigration and customs. The airport is crowded as beyond. Couches and chairs are clustered around the
hundreds mill around looking forward to their week lobby. A hostess approaches and offers you a
on the beautiful beaches of Cancun. As you clear into mimosa, or any other refreshment you’d like.
the lobby, you run into your old friends, including
Chris, the groom. You head out toward the bus stop, Have the investigators make a Spot Hidden roll.
feeling like cattle being herded through an onslaught Anyone that passes will see a young woman sitting
of taxi drivers. You find a small sign that says “El with two police officers. On a Hard success, they will
Dorado” and stop. A young Hispanic man is holding a notice the woman is crying. On an Extreme success,
clipboard and asks if you are here for a wedding, and they will recognize the woman as Dawn from the
Chris says you are there for the Hall-Pace wedding. picture on the banner. If anyone asks if she is one of
The young man directs you to the correct bus. the girls in the poster, they will recognize her as
The bus ride down is quiet and uneventful. It’s about a
45-minute drive through the jungles, during which The investigators also need to check in. They should
they catch glimpses of the Caribbean Sea to the east. be put in adjacent rooms, in the same building, but
This is a great time for the players to role-play and Chris is sharing a room with his fiancé, April, so will
introduce themselves. While the groom-to-be, Chris be by himself. The investigators will be provided with
Hall, is with them, the bride, April Pace is not there. If a map of the resort. Provide the players handout 1.
asked, he will say she has just received a promotion at
her law firm and is in court, but she will be joining If using the pre-generated investigators, Aaron and
them the next day. Daniel will share a room, Leo and Matt will share a
room, and Ellie and Claire will share a room.
Scene 2: The Resort Lobby
The bus will stop at a gate and check in. The number
of people coming in (or going out) is recorded. As
they wait, they can see that the resort is surrounded by
a tall fence and an open field. If asked, the driver will
tell them it is to keep out the cartel.
You walk into the lobby of the resort and are struck
by the opulence of the marble floors, the ornate
columns, and the huge, gently burbling fountain. Two
large banners pronounce weddings with pictures of a
couple on each. The first has the names of Robert
and Dawn, while the second has Jim and Amber.
Scene 2a: The Crying Girl If they ask anything else, the Keeper needs to come
up with an answer, or just have her cry more. After a
If the investigators move closer to hear what is going few minutes of talking with her (or watching her, if
on, read the following: the investigators did not approach or failed their
Charm or Persuade roll)ddddd, a group of half a
“… woke in the morning and he was dead?” one of dozen women in their early 20s rush in and sweep
the police officers asks. Dawn away. Any attempt at Intimidate or Fast Talk
will just cause her to cry more.
The girl responds between heavy sobs, “Yes, he was
just lying there.” Scene 3: The Crime Scene
“Ok, I think we have all the information we need. Do The investigators’ rooms are all in building four. They
you need us to call anyone for you?” the policeman will have two rooms on the ground floor, 4108 and
asks. 4110, and two rooms directly above those, 4208 and
4210. Two hotel bellmen will load their luggage on
“No, my friends are here, thank you,” she responds. two large golf buggies and drive them to their rooms.
With that, the two officers stand and leave. The young
lady is sitting by herself, crying. The beautiful resort is full of palm trees and beautiful
people. The weather is perfect, and the entire resort
If the investigators attempt to interrupt the police feels like paradise.
while they are still interviewing Dawn, they will be
informed that this is official police business and As you turn a corner, you see people playing in a
ordered to back away. swimming pool full of bubbles. The driver explains
that everything is complimentary—the restaurants,
If the investigators follow the police and pass a Listen bars, room service, even the mini-bars in your room.
roll, and are able to speak Spanish, they will overhear
them say, “the detective was right, there is no way she As you approach building four, you see a small white
killed that guy. Nobody is that good an actress.” van in front of building two. There is a set of lights
on top of the van, but they are not lit at the moment.
If they try to talk with Dawn, they must pass a Charm
or Persuade roll to convince her to tell them anything. As you pull to a stop the driver says, “Building four,
On a Regular success, they can ask two questions; a here we go.” The two drivers get out and begin taking
Hard success obtains three questions, an Extreme your bags to your rooms.
success obtains four questions, and a critical success
obtains five questions. Here are some things she will If the investigators ask about the van, the driver will
tell them: say there was an accident, and not to worry about it,
• Her name is Dawn. they’ll be gone in 15 to 20 minutes.
• The person who died was her fiancé, Robert.
• They were to get married today. If they make a Hard success on a social skill roll, or a
• She woke up in the morning to find him in bed, his Regular success plus a bribe, he will tell them a young
face distorted as if screaming, his eyes wide open. man died in that room overnight.
• He had shallow scratches on his face and neck.
• They are from Atlanta, Georgia. After the bellmen leave, two medics are rolling a
• She is there with her girlfriends. gurney out of the room. A zipped-up black body bag
• She and Robert were in room 2102. is on the gurney.
• She is planning to go home today, as the police said
she was free to leave.
If the investigators ask or attempt to look at the body, they will be refused unless a bribe is made along with a
successful social skill roll. If a Hard success is made in addition to the bribe, one of them medics will say in
Spanish, “Poor dude died of a heart attack.”
If an investigator can examine the body for at least 5 minutes and pass a Medical or First Aid roll, they can tell the
man was not killed by the scratches on his face and neck, and he did not die from strangulation. The scratches are
barely visible and are fading as they watch. If they press on his chest, salt water will spill from his mouth.
With a Hard success on a social skill roll plus a bribe, the investigators will be allowed to enter the room, but they
will find nothing out of the ordinary. There are clothes and other sundries, but no further clues.
Scene 4: The Rooms
You enter your room and see a hall that stretches to a She can tell the investigators the following
bedroom at the back. To your left is a large bathroom. information:
There is a shower, a very large whirlpool bathtub, and • Robert had been having nightmares about his
a small private toilet. A large glass panel separates the upcoming wedding.
bathroom from the bedroom. Two queen beds take up • He had been thinking of cancelling because he got
half the room, but there is also a couch, a chair, a pink eye and it was grossing everyone out.
table with two smaller chairs, a dresser with TV, and a • They were to get married today, the 17th.
mini-fridge. • He had been having nightmares since the day they
arrived on the 14th, three days ago.
On a small night table between the beds is a lamp and
an older style hotel phone. The investigators are now free to explore the resort
and do anything they want. Chris will suggest renting a
On the back wall is a sliding glass door. Outside is a Catamaran out of Cancun for a day trip or going to
small patio with a table and two chairs as well as two see the Mayan ruins. It is too late today to do either,
lounge chairs that are half-submerged in the pool. You but they can book them for the next day.
can step off your porch directly into a canal pool that
runs behind the buildings. At dinner that night, they can go to any of the
multiple restaurants at the resort. If they pass a Listen
On the far side of the canal pool, steps lead up to a roll, about half the conversations they overhear are
courtyard containing a regular swimming pool and a about the death, and how people are getting worried.
If the investigators look specifically for anyone with
If the investigators are watching room 2102, a woman really bloodshot eyes, then on a Hard Spot Hidden
comes by about half an hour after they get to their roll they will see two to three men around the room
room. If the investigators make a Spot Hidden roll, that have one bloodshot eye. On an Extreme success,
they will recognize her as one of Dawn’s friends from they see a man with both eyes bloodshot.
the lobby. She has a key and lets herself into the
room. If any of the investigators want to stay the night with
Chris, he refuses and says he is exhausted and plans to
If the investigators approach and attempt to talk to just call April and go to bed.
her, she is hesitant and says she really shouldn’t. She
will say her name is Sarah, a friend of Dawn’s, and she During the night, Chris has a nightmare. A beautiful
is just there to pack up her stuff. Sarah is from Atlanta woman comes to him wearing a wedding gown soaked
also and has a severe southern accent. If anyone through with sea water. She is floating above him. At
attempts a bribe, she will scoff and ask to be left first he thought it was April, but it’s not. He realizes
alone. On a successful Charm or Persuade roll, she he cannot speak or move. Her face begins to rot and
will tell them anything, as she has been really wanting mummify, her eyes drying up and sinking back into
to tell everyone about what happened. her skull. She reaches her hand out and runs her claws
down the left side of his face. She opens her mouth as
If a Fast Talk or Intimidation roll is attempted, she if to say something, but only black, oily liquid drips
will ask them to leave, or lock herself in the room and out. Chris then wakes, gasping for breath.
try to call security with the hotel phone. If the
investigators catch her or prevent her from leaving, End of Day 1
she will break down crying, pleading for her life, and
will tell them whatever they want to know.
Scene 5: Day Two - Breakfast Scene 6: The Second Death
The next morning, Chris comes down wearing As the investigators go back to their rooms from
sunglasses. If one of the investigators passes a breakfast, they see the same white van they saw the
Psychology roll, they can tell something is bothering day before outside a different room. If they approach,
Chris. If they pass a Persuade or Fast Talk roll, he will they see the same two policemen from the day before
remove his sunglasses and everyone can see his left with another girl. The back of the van is open and
eye is inflamed. On a successful Medicine or First Aid there is no gurney in the van.
roll, they can tell it is not pink eye—it’s more like
someone jabbed something in the eye. With a successful Listen roll, they can hear the
On a Hard Persuade roll, Chris will tell them about
the dream. He is a bit embarrassed about it, and just “Yes, he was my husband. We were married two weeks
thinks it the result of all the talk about the death ago, but came down here for a destination wedding
yesterday. Those hearing the tale must make a Sanity for our friends and family,” she says. “No, he was
0/1D2 roll. healthy, he just had a checkup a month ago.”
At breakfast, if the investigators make a Listen roll, “Had your husband been having any bad dreams,
they overhear a couple arguing. On a Hard success, or ma’am?” A policeman asks.
if they go over and talk to the couple, the woman, Jill,
will tell them that the man, her fiancé Manuel, wants “Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”
to call off their wedding because of some silly dreams. she responds.
Speaking in a strange accent, Manuel explains that the
bad dreams are an omen, a warning that something “Just following up a lead, ma’am,” he says.
bad will happen if the wedding goes forward. Jill
thinks it’s an excuse to back out. If the investigators “So last night we tried to stay awake all night, but I
look at his eyes, both are red. don’t know what happened. One minute we were
laughing and the next I wake up and he’s gone.” She
On a successful Persuade or Fast Talk roll, Manuel will begins to cry. “What if I had just stayed awake?”
tell them about the dream; it is the same as the one
Chris had, except at the end of his the mysterious “I doubt there was anything you could do, ma’am,”
woman stroked the right side of his face. She had the policeman responds, “I think we have everything
stroked the left side the night before. we need. Sorry again for your loss.”
If they look around the room and pass a Spot Hidden At this, the cops turn to head back to the lobby. Two
roll, they’ll see that, of the men not wearing medics are wheeling a gurney out of the room with
sunglasses, about one in four or five has at least one the body. If the investigators stop the cops to ask
bloodshot eye. what is going on, they are told there is nothing to
worry about. If pressed, the police will insist that the
If the investigators have not thought of comparing investigators just go about their business and let the
real world movies to their situation, then have one of police handle things, and that the deaths are
them make an INT check (Ellie, if using the pre- completely unrelated.
generated investigators). On a success, they remember
a movie called Mara in which the victims eyes were
marked in a similar manner.
If the investigators attempt to question the woman, she says her name is Quin and that her husband Bill passed
during the night. Authorities are calling it a heart attack. She will then say, “Now if you don’t mind, I have to go tell
Bill’s family he’s gone.” She will then go back into her room. On a successful Charm or Persuade roll, she can tell
them about the nightmares as well.
When the investigators return to their rooms, they will “Your friend is marked,” she says as she makes the
notice a red light flashing on their room phones, sign of the cross. “I have seen it on so many young
indicating they have a message. If they listen to the men the last few days. I believe the killings have only
message, they hear the following: just begun. My grandmother told me of a creature
called La Llorona that haunts the coast of our beloved
“It is our sad news to report a death at the resort. Mexico. She told me that the evil spirit will kill for
Everyone involved believes it was the result of natural seven days before it is slated for another year.”
causes, but until the police complete their
investigation no one is allowed to leave the resort. If She won’t talk anymore in the public area, but if they
you have booked an excursion for today, your money take her somewhere private she will answer their
will be refunded to you. We appreciate your patience questions as best she can. She can tell them the
in this matter. Please enjoy your day at El Dorado following:
Royale.” • Her name is Carmen.
• La Llorona was a spirt of a woman who was
The rest of the day is up to the investigators. If they spurned by her husband for a younger woman. When
attempt to talk to the police, they get stonewalled. If he threatened to take their two sons, she drowned
they try to talk to the hotel management, they are told them both, then in her despair of what she had done,
the police are handling the matter. About an hour she drowned herself.
later, Chris will curse that he can’t get a signal. If the • There have been no deaths like this in the past, and
other investigators check, they will not be able to she has worked here for four years.
connect to the resort’s Wi-Fi or get a cell signal. The • She has no idea why the spirit has shown up here
police have locked the resort down as they attempt to and now to begin killing.
catch what they believe to be a serial killer, and are • She has no idea why it is killing men about to be
trying not to ruin tourism for the resort. married.
• If asked how to stop it, she says she doesn’t know,
If the investigators set up their own satellite Wi-Fi, but her mother should. She will ask her and reach out
they can contact the outside world. Chris’s fiancé, to them tomorrow.
April, is upset, as she can no longer gain entry to the • If asked about getting a weapon, she says she knows
resort. The story the press is reporting is that there a guy and will get back to them.
was a major covid outbreak inside, and the whole
resort has been quarantined. No one except She will then say she has to get back to work and
emergency and medical personnel are allowed in or leaves. The rest of the day is uneventful. Allow the
out. investigators to continue to investigate however they
like. Most will want to stay with Chris that night.
Scene 7: Carmen Allow them to do so.
You are walking through the resort when you pass a If the investigators hack into the local official police
woman in her 40s. She obviously works for the hotel, or coroner records, they are all written in Spanish but
but when she sees Chris, she gasps and looks scared. say that the official cause of death for both men was
When she sees you looking at her, she turns to hurry heart attack; there is no mention of water in the lungs.
away. If the investigators look up La Llorona in the book,
Cryptids, provide them handout 8.
If the investigators give chase, they can catch her
easily. When asked what she was staring at, she will say
the following:
Scene 8: Nightmare Encounter Scene 9: Day 3 - More Death
If the investigators do not stay with Chris that night, The next morning, Chris will fill in anyone who wasn’t
skip this scene. He will return the next morning saying in the room about what happened the night before.
he had the same dream, and now both his eyes are He will show them the claw marks on his chest,
red. though the ones on his face have faded. Both his eyes
are now red. Those who did not see the event still
If they do stay with him, then they can do whatever must make a Sanity 0/1D3 roll.
they want, but at 3 am they will all fall asleep. If while
reading the next scene the investigators attempt As they are getting ready to head for breakfast, they
anything, it will be futile. Any attempts to hit the hear a scream from next door. If the investigators run
entity will pass through as if she is not there. Any next door, the door is locked.
attempts to move Chris or the bed fail. It is like they • They can go around to the back of the room
are welded in place. through the pool canal, and the door is unlocked.
• They can bust the door down with a STR roll.
Read the following: • They can knock loudly on the door, and the woman
who screamed will open it in 15 to 20 seconds. She’ll
You wake with a chill, as the temperature in the room immediately rush back to the bed.
has plummeted. You see Chris laying paralyzed on the
bed, his eyes wide in terror. As you watch, water spots The woman in this room is desperately trying to wake
appear on his clothes. The shirt rips apart, revealing up a man in the bed. Investigators may attempt First
his bare chest. Claws appear out of thin air and run Aid or Medicine rolls, but nothing works as he is
down his chest, and blood wells up from the furrows. already dead. Any investigators who have never seen a
Then a set of claws materialize, seemingly out of thin dead body before must make a Sanity 1/1D4 roll.
air, and strokes the right side of Chris’s face. Red (Note: Seeing a face in a body bag doesn’t count.)
marks run down his cheek, but they are not deep
enough to draw blood. The woman is hysterical and blubbering, but they may
recognize her from the couple (Jill and Manuel) who
With a shriek, Chris bolts up, the room warms rapidly, were arguing the morning before at the restaurant. She
and you can feel that the spirit has departed. The cannot tell them much other than he had been having
clock reads 3:15 am. bad dreams of a woman in a wedding dress. His eyes
had been red, he had scratches on his chest, and he
Everyone in the room must make a Sanity 0/1D3 roll. wanted to call off the wedding but she didn’t.
The bed can now be moved. If the investigators had
any video recorders active, the replay will show them If the investigators go to eat, the restaurant isn’t
all nod off about 3 am, then about 3:13 am, the image nearly as full as normal. Fear lingers in the air; people
becomes snow until 3:15 am. talk in low tones about the death that has invaded the
resort and how the police aren’t doing anything. If the
End of Day 2 investigators talk to the police, they have taken over
the offices of the resort and have a folder on each
guest. They have ruled the investigators out as
suspects, since they arrived after the first murder, but
are still unable to let them go.
Scene 10: Carmen's Ritual detector with them, it will wake them. If not, they
wake with a successful POW roll. If the investigators
As the investigators are walking, Carmen will complete the chant, then the spirit of Molly Clark will
approach and pull them into a small alcove (or she will appear, hovering above Chris, who will have his eyes
come to their room if they do not leave). wide open but is unable to move or speak.
“My mama says that the spirit is La Llorona and that As you complete the ritual, the spirit becomes visible
she lives in the eteral [Spanish for the ethereal plane]. before your eyes. The woman is wearing a wet
That the only way to kill her is to pull it into our wedding dress and hovering above Chris. She turns
dimension while she is in the room.” her head toward you and sneers. Her shriveled lips
pulled back, revealing the blackened teeth in her
She slips a piece of paper into your hand. “If you crinkled face. The flesh is tight and translucent, and in
chant this when she is near, it will bring her into our places has been eaten away. The eyes are sunk into her
existence. If you stop the chant, she will return to her face, and her claws extend from her fingers at least
plane. This is written in Latin, but it can be spoken in eight inches. A wail belches from her throat and hurts
any language. Good luck.” your ears.
If the investigators asked her to find a weapon for Everyone in the room needs to make a SAN 1/1D6
them, she says she can get a gun for $US 700, cash roll. After the check, the investigators may attack. The
only. Note that there is an ATM in the lobby. If they investigators have surprise in the first round, as she
agree, then later that evening two men will show up was not expecting this. If her vengeful shield has not
and demand the cash up front, then produce a small been removed, each attack will inflict only 1 point of
.38 semi-automatic with 7 rounds in the clip. They will damage; a successful impale inflicts 2 points of
then leave. damage. This is visualized as a blue flare that comes
up around the spirit as the attack hits. The spirit will
If they want other weapons, the investigators will have attack in the second round, starting with whoever has
to improvise. There are two machetes in the gardener’s the lowest Luck and then moving to a new target with
shed. There are large knives in the kitchens, as well as each attack. The investigators should quickly realize
other possibilities. Allow the investigators to be something is wrong and end the ritual.
As soon as the ritual is stopped, Molly Clark’s spirit
Give the players handout 2. The ritual can be chanted will return to the ethereal plane and disappear, and the
in any language, so they are allowed to say it in Latin, room will return to its normal temperature. She will
but if anyone speaks Latin and can translate it to not return to the same victim in the same night after
English, provide the players handout 3. Any number her attack was interrupted.
of investigators can start the chant, but once someone
stops, they cannot rejoin the spell. If everyone stops,
the ritual ends. If they are wounded while chanting, End of Day 3
their concentration is broken. No other actions can be
performed while chanting the spell.
Scene 12: Day 4 - Abuela
The next day, Carmen will seek out the investigators to ask how things went, because there were three more
deaths the night before. If the investigators tell her what happened, she will be genuinely shocked that the plan
did not work. She will claim that the only thing she could think to do at this point is to contact her abuela, her
grandmother, but with the internet and cell service down, she believes this impossible.
If the investigators have set up their own satellite Wi-Fi and let Carmen use it, she will contact her abuela with a
video call. Her grandmother speaks only Spanish, but Carmen can translate.
She will insist all the investigators call her Abuela, as everyone does. Abuela will say that if the ritual was
performed correctly, and they are sure their attacks struck true and yet did not successfully harm the spirit, then
they are dealing not with La Llorona, but with La Pesadilla Vengativa, a vengeful nightmare. Such spirits are so
wrapped up in their guilt, hatred, and need for vengeance that nothing can pierce them. The only way to defeat it
is for whomever she wronged to forgive her. This may weaken her enough that she may be put to rest.
Scene 13: The Ex Scene 14: The Final Battle
The investigators need to track down Molly Clark’s ex- The same thing will happen as in scene 11. Only
fiancé, Bradley Watts, who spurned her seven years investigators who weren’t in the room the previous
ago. They can find his name and where he lives in the night need to make the Sanity roll (1/1D3). This time,
newspaper article about Molly Clark. If the the Vengeful Nightmare will not be surprised and will
investigators make a successful Computer Use roll, attack as soon as she is brought into the material
they’ll find only two Bradley Watts in Nevada City. realm.
One is 29 and the other is 53. The 29-year-old is the
one they are looking for. If they contact him, he will The spirit will stop attacking if she hears the voice of
not want to talk to them about Molly; a Fast Talk or Bradley Watts, either through a call or a recording. If
Persuade roll must be made before he spends more the investigators attack while she is speaking with him,
than two minutes with them. If they can keep him or listening, it will break that interaction and she will
talking on the phone, he will still think they are crazy. attack. If they hold off and wait for him to forgive
her, her shield and protection will fail.
The investigators have a couple of options available to
them. They can pass a Persuade or Charm roll to get If the investigators defeat her, read the following:
him to participate in a video call that night when
Molly’s spirit shows up. Alternatively, if they can get The final blow is struck, and for a second, the horrible
him to talk enough, they can splice together a video or face returns to a beautiful girl. Tears streaming down
audio recording of him saying he forgives her, which her face, a hand clasped to her belly where her
they can then play to the spirit. unknown child would be. “I’m sorry,” she whispers as
she fades from view.
The End
Appendix: Hints to Run Horror at El Dorado Royale
The main module steps though the scenario as it usually runs, but since the players can go anywhere in the resort,
the Keeper needs to be prepared for these locations. These might include the chapel, the infirmary, multiple
restaurants, the cabanas, bars, the beach, and the lobby office. Descriptions of each of these are provided at the
end of this appendix. First are some general guidelines to follow when running Horror at El Dorado Royale.
The resort is a beautiful stretch of paradise on the Mexican Riviera. Whenever possible, emphasize the white
sands, the palm trees, the manicured lawns, and the beautiful people at the resort. It is an adults-only resort, so
except at parties and special events it is a very peaceful, quiet place to relax. The staff are extremely helpful, and
most speak some broken English. Guests can’t walk down a path for more than a minute or two without having a
golf cart pull up to offer them a ride. There are multiple bars everywhere in the resort, and one never has to wait
long for a drink. Beyond drinking and swimming, there are numerous activities at the resort such as horseback
riding, a spa, shopping, beach volleyball, tennis, a fitness gym, and more. Some activities, such as touring Mayan
ruins, sailing on a catamaran, scuba diving, or snorkeling, require guests to leave the resort as an excursion.
When dealing with the staff, they are always helpful, and appreciate a good tip. A tip will always increase the
chances of success when making social skill rolls (Persuade, Charm, or Fast Talk). A Hard roll becomes Regular, a
Regular roll gains a bonus die. The tip should be appropriate for the request being made (i.e., $5 to $10 for them
to “look the other way” and $20 for them to break rules). The exception to the rule is if they are talking to the
head of the police—he will not accept a bribe.
No one goes out into the ocean from the beaches of El Dorado Royale. There are dozens of concrete trapezoids
littering the coast, about 20 to 30 feet offshore. They are about 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide at their base. These
blocks are to save the beaches during a hurricane. The storms use most of their energy moving these huge blocks
close to shore, and so after a hurricane the blocks must be moved back out. This takes a lot of time and planning.
The blocks are currently close to shore, and there are signs scattered around the resort telling guests what they are.
When dealing with other guests, there is a chance they do not speak English. Travelers from all over the world
come to the resort, so the investigators should have to pass a Luck roll with advantage when talking with random
people not listed in the adventure. Most people there do speak English, so if someone fails on the first roll, the
next person they talk to probably does speak English.
If the investigators search for past deaths at the El Dorado, they will find four:
• 2000 – Emilio Sancho, died in a construction accident.
• 2015 – Molly Clark, drowned in the ocean.
• 2017 – Conner Bailey, found listless in a pool. There were suspicions of a drug overdose.
• 2021 – Elijah Snow, died of a heart attack.
If they bring up the articles about these deaths, provide them with handouts 4 through 7, accordingly.
Bars: It’s tough to walk more than 50 feet without running across a bar. They are almost always the same. There
will be one to two bartenders, and they serve drinks fast. The drinks are not watered down, but not overly strong
either. There will be from zero to 10 (roll 2d6 -2) other people at the bar, depending on the size. There will rarely
be a wait to order a drink.
Bars fall into three categories:
• Walk-up bars that have no sitting area. Some people will stand around there drinking, but it is designed to get
drinks and go.
• Swim-up bars also have no sitting area, though pools adjacent to bars will have a pool seat.
• Combination bars that also serve food. These will have an area to sit and eat.
The Beach: This is a beautiful, white sand beach that is great for walks and games of beach volleyball, but most
people hang out by the pools. There are usually a few people lying on the beach, but not many.
Cabanas: There are plenty of these scattered along the beach. They consist of two thick-cushioned lounge chairs
or two hammocks along with a table for drinks. They can be reserved, or people can just use them if they find
them empty. The sides can be untied to close it off like a tent, or pulled back and tied to the four legs for a
Chapel: This is a rather small building about 15 feet wide and 25 feet deep. There is a locked closet in one corner
that holds a Catholic priest’s ceremonial garments, holy oil, and Bible. At the back of the room are two small
finger bowls about half full of holy water. There is only one cross in the chapel. It is wood and is 4 feet tall. The
chapel is almost always empty. If a priest is requested, then one will be sent from a nearby church. If one is
requested after the resort is sealed, then one will not be available.
Club House: This larger building has a stage. The day after the investigators arrive, there will be a Michael
Jackson impersonator performing a concert with all his biggest hits.
Infirmary: This small clinic near the resort lobby is bustling in the mornings, as four to five men will show up
every day looking for something to help clear their eyes. Everyone in the infirmary has the red eye or eyes, and if
questioned with a successful social skill will say he has been having the dreams. Once someone talks, they will all
share that they are having the same dream. If the investigators question the physician assistant on staff, he will tell
them that bloodwork on the victims has not found any viral or bacterial infections, and nothing contagious. If a
Hard social skill roll is made, he will tell them the first victim died from his heart just stopping, and his lungs were
full of salt water.
Lobby: The lobby is full of a variety of staff ready to assist guests. There is a waitress with mimosas, the check-in
clerks, and the concierge. They will tow the company line unless an Extreme social skill roll is made. A $10 bribe
reduces the difficulty to Hard, and a $20 reduces the difficulty to Regular. A $50 bribe will grant a bonus die.
Depending on when they’re doing the questioning, investigators can learn that one person died the day they
arrived, three died on the second day, and nine people die on the third, all in the same manner.
Lobby Office: The resort manager works out of the lobby office during daylight hours, until the resort is shut
down. Anyone can walk in, but the manager will be of very little use after the shutdown, saying only that the
police are handling things. They will also not refund anyone any money for the resort with anything short of a
critical success social skill roll. Bribes will not work on the manager.
After the resort is shut down, the police take over the office and the officer in charge can be found in the office.
Bribes will not work on the captain, though the regular police will take a bribe if it is at least $20. There will be a
guard outside the office, and a Hard Charm, Persuade, or Fast Talk roll is needed to get by them. The captain has
left the guards orders that none of the guests are to get in.
If they do get in, the captain will say they have it handled. It will take an Extreme social skill roll for him to listen
to them. If they have video proof of the ghost, then he will assist them on a Regular social skill. On a Hard
success or better with a video, he will let his officers help out during the final encounter.
Náay Fitness Center and Spa: During the day, this area is used for stretching and yoga. Body treatments may
include sauna, whirlpool, jet bath, steam room, massage, mud bath, salt scrub, seaweed body wraps, and clay or
herbal body masks. Appointments required. There is an extra charge for these services.
R1. Cocotal: International cuisine with lavish food displays and home-baked breads. Elegant, air-conditioned
buffet-style restaurant with cushioned chairs. Casual wear is allowed, though swimsuits are frowned upon.
R2. D’Italia Villas: Fine Italian cuisine. No swimsuits for breakfast or lunch. Pants and dresses required for
dinner. Elegant dining room with tables for two or four, white tablecloths, purple cushioned chairs, and a large
wine selection.
R3. D’Italia Casitas: Authentic traditional Italian cuisine in an elegant beachfront setting. Beige tablecloths and
yellow cushioned chairs, and a magnificent view past the palm trees and over the ocean. No swimsuits, but shorts
and sleeved t-shirts are acceptable. Reservation required.
R4. Fuentes: At this culinary theatre, enjoy an avant-garde concept of culinary entertainment. One full cooking
show per day, starts at 7 pm. Pants and dresses only. This room has large video boards to highlight the show and
glass windows. Palm trees surround the restaurant. Reservations required.
R5. Kampai: Japanese cuisine, including a full sushi menu. Decorated with eye-catching Asian designs and
Buddha statues. No swimsuits, but other casual clothes are allowed.
R6. La Isla: Authentic Mexican “street food” in a casual outdoor environment, alongside a full swimming pool.
R7. Santa Fe Grill: American cuisine open only for breakfast and dinner. The orange-striped chairs highlight the
sunset view at dinner time for these coal-oven-cooked dishes.
R8. La Cabana Pizzeria: Wood-burning oven pizzas and Angus burgers are perfect on this patio restaurant by
the main pool. Only open between 11 am and 4 pm.
R9. Health Bar: This small patio bar with a lovely view of the ocean serves fresh fruit, healthy sandwiches, and
smoothies. Open from 8 am to 6 pm, this place is great for a quick snack on the go.
Weather: The weather in June is around 90°F and humid. The evening temperature drops down to 70°F with a
cool breeze off the Caribbean Sea. It is common to have a heavy downpour come through for about 30 minutes
every day to cool things off.
Maps &
Hotel Room
Handout #2
Carmen's Ritual
Creatura tenebrarum;
Veni per velum.
Non tardes in umbris;
Relinque carceri tuo.
veni in lucem;
Praeteriit in ore rixae.
Dissimulas satis;
Inter mortem et vitam.
Handout #3
Carmen's Ritual
Creature of Darkness,
Come through the veil.
Tary not in the shadows,
Leave behind your jail.
Come into the light
Past the edge of strife.
You have lingered enough
Between Death and Life.
Handout #4
The following investigation determined that no foul play was involved, and that this was simply an unfortunate
accident. Emilio is survived by his wife and three children.
Handout #5
June 17, 2015
Two days ago, a body of a woman was discovered washed ashore at the five-star El Dorado Royale Resort. She
has been identified as Molly Elizabeth Clark from Nevada City, California in the United States. She was
vacationing at the exclusive resort when her fiancé, Bradley Watts, also of Nevada City, had to return home. She
had stayed another day before the tragedy. The deceased was wearing a wedding dress.
Handout #6
Jan 23, 2017
Within hours of arriving at the El Dorado resort, Conny Bailey was dead. And yet, the swim-up bar at the
Mexican resort from which his body was pulled, listless, was full of young tourists last month. It wasn’t surprising.
It was a typical scene at an all-inclusive five-star resort where foreigners from both sides of the equator flock to
escape their cold winters.
But as he watched, an attorney hired by Bailey’s family noticed the behavior of both the tourists and the staff.
“They serve alcoholic drinks of bad quality and great volume,” he wrote in his native Spanish. The final cause of
death of the 20-year-old native Wisconsin was ruled as drowning.
Handout #7
Nov 1, 2021
The Mexican Caribbean is known for its mesmerizing aqua blue water and beautiful white sand beaches. Though
it never ceases to look like paradise, bad things happen here just like anywhere else. A tourist was recently found
dead in his hotel room at the El Dorado Royale. The cause of death is currently unknown.
The tourist, Elijah Snow, 41 years old, was found around noon by his travel companion, with whom he shared a
room. The deceased was found lying in bed, lifeless, by the roommate upon his return to the hotel room, at which
time he notified the hotel, and they contacted the authorities.
Handout #8
Cryptid Entry
La Llorona
La Llorona (American Spanish: [la ya-rona]; "The Weeping Woman" or "The Wailer") is a Hispanic-American
mythical vengeful ghost who is said to roam waterfront areas mourning her children whom she drowned.
Early colonial texts provide evidence that the lore is pre-Hispanic, originating in the central highlands. However,
La Llorona is commonly associated with the colonial era and the dynamic between Spanish conquistadores and
Indigenous women. The most common lore about La Llorona includes her initially being an Indigenous woman
who murdered her own children, which she bore from a wealthy Spaniard, after he abandoned her.
The earliest documentation of La Llorona is traced back to 1550 in Mexico City. But there are theories about her
story being connected to specific Aztec mythological creation stories. "The Hungry Woman" includes a wailing
woman constantly crying for food, which has been compared to La Llorona's signature nocturnal wailing for her
La Pesadilla Vengativa (the vengeful nightmare) is often confused with La Llorona. She is a deadly
manifestation that returns to Earth driven by guilt and anger. This spirt takes 7 years to manifest but is also tied to
a woman killing her children and herself by drowning.
La Llorona is sometimes conflated with La Malinche, the Nahua woman who served as Hernán Cortés's
interpreter and also bore his child. He then stole the child and killed her. La Malinche is considered both the
mother of the modern Mexican people and a symbol of national treachery for her role in aiding the Spanish. She
is known to steal children and attack anyone in her way.
La Pesadilla Vengativa (Vengeful Nightmare) -- variant of La Llorona
STR 50 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 80 INT 40 POW 80
HP: 10 Build: 0 Damage Bonus: None
Move: 20 flying
Attacks per round: 2 (if not etherial)
Claws: 50% (25/10) Damage: 1D8+DB
Dodge: 40% (20/8)
Special: Etherial - To attack or be attacked, the vengeful Nightmare must first be brought into
the prime material plane. While ethereal, it may only attack its target by scratching them or killing
them. They prefer to scratch the eyes, neck, and chest the first 2-3 nights.
Special: Drowning - After both eyes are scratched she can breathe water into the victims lungs
killing them.
Armor: Vengeful Shield: Non-magical attacks do 1 hp per hit. To remove the shield she must be
forgiven by the one she wronged.
Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points to see the Vengeful Nightmare (0/1D3 to only see the claws
while it is etherial)
Aaron Wilson
Software Engineer
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 25% (12/5), 1D3+DB damage
Aaron went to high school in Plano, Texas with his best friend Chris, and they took a lot of the same classes.
An introvert with few friends, he is obsessed with keeping his best friend, his best friend. He went to OU
because he found out Chris was going there. They stayed friends, but Chris found new friends. Chris moved
back to Plano for a job and Aaron followed again. Now Chris is engaged to be married, and Aaron wants to
prove to Chris that they can still be good friends even after the marriage.
Aaron is slim and ungainly. He is shy around strangers. Aaron is part of a secret hacking society and works on
the dark web on occasion. He spends too much time online, where he feels most comfortable, whether
gaming, hacking, or browsing the dark web.
Claire Webb
IT Profesional
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 25% (12/5), 1D3+DB damage
Claire grew up poor on an old farm outside of Kansas City. When she was 9, her father lost the farm after a
sudden and severe drought and they moved into town. Her mother took to drinking and her father tried odd
jobs, but they mainly lived on welfare. She pushed herself hard and got a full ride to OU and earned an IT
degree. She has since changed jobs three times, always going for the next higher paying position. She often
accuses her bosses of underpaying her, but she still does her job. She had no friends in high school but met
some in college. She is quickly moving up in the world, but fears that it could all be taken away in an instant.
Claire is a very sullen person. She has a bad temper she tries to keep under control but can lose it quickly.
Oklahoma University was where she made her best friends and was the happiest.
Daniel Patel
Medical Intern
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 25% (12/5), 1D3+DB damage
Daniel's father was in the Air Force, and they moved around often while he grew up. He finished high school
while they were at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Daniel's grades were always high, and he went to OU for pre-med. He
met his best friends there, and Chris and Daniel took chemistry together and spent many nights up late
studying. Daniel belonged to a social club where they sat around drinking, playing card games, and just hanging
Daniel always has a rosy and bright outlook on life. He has always been ambitious. His goal is to be a surgeon,
and nothing will stop him. Daniel was raised Baptist. He doesn't go to church regularly, and has serious doubts
about organized religion, but still believes in God.
Ellie Johnson
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 25% (12/5), 1D3+DB damage
Ellie grew up with everything. Her dad was relatively wealthy for their small town, and Ellie was the prettiest
girl around. She was homecoming queen, prom queen, head cheerleader, etc. She loved being on stage and
acting and wanted to be a star. She went to OU on a cheerleading scholarship, and while she loved her
cheerleading coach, her acting professor thought she was just another pretty face. When she wouldn't sleep
with him, she was relegated to background roles. She tried to get an agent on her own, but that failed also. She
has now found a new interest in the occult. Meanwhile, she has taken a sales job to make ends meet.
Ellie has always been outgoing and loves to dazzle people with her charm. She has always had a fascination
with the occult and has read all the books she could put her hands on, as well as watched any movies of the
same genre. Her most recent acquisition is a book called Cryptids, which seems to have considerably more
information on such creatures than any other source she’s seen.
Leo Mason
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 40% (20/8), 1D3+DB damage
Leo was born into money. At an early age, he figured out he would be fine as long as he put in the minimum
effort necessary to not get hassled. He always knew his older sister was going to take over the business anyway.
He majored in business, but never finished his degree. He spends his time partying, rock climbing, and ghost
hunting. He lives off his trust fund and tends to get into too much trouble. He really connected with Matt in
college, and the two became close friends. Leo has never really cared about money, and so when the wedding
came up, Leo quickly bought Matt's ticket and paid for their room.
Leo spent more time at the OU social club than anyone. He snuck in beer before they were 21 and always
seemed to be half drunk. Leo has dabbled in the occult, trying Wicca, Ouija boards, seances, etc. He loves to
visit haunted houses and go ghost hunting. He will swear he has seen a ghost, and has seen things move by
Matt Meadows
Football Coach
Attacks: 1
Fighting (Brawl): 60% (30/12), 1D3+DB damage
Matt was a linebacker for the Lewisville Fighting Farmers in Lewisville, Texas and made all-state. He got a full
ride to OU, where he met his friends. He bonded especially well with Leo, with whom he could totally just
hang. Matt had always been a ladies’ man. Matt was just skating through college, taking easy courses with no
particular degree plans, but was projected as a third- or fourth-round draft pick for the NFL. Then in a game
against Bama, someone chop-blocked his knee and it exploded. Doctors spent 8 hours pulling bone fragments
out and rebuilding the knee. He missed the draft.
Matt fell into depression, gained weight, and considered suicide. His brother helped him get through it with
the aid of a therapy dog he bought for him. Matt is working as an assistant coach at a high school in
Oklahoma City, and he’s considering going back to finish his degree. At 6'3" and 270 pounds, he is mostly
muscle. Matt is very much a libertarian and believes the government should stay the hell out of his life. Matt
loved the OU social club. He felt the happiest while he was there, where he could let his guard down and
didn't feel like he had to be the tough guy.
Horror at El Dorado Royale is a modern-era Call of Cthulhu© adventure
written for 7th ed. Call of Cthulhu© Role-Playing Game. You arrived at a
tropical five-star resort for your friend's wedding, but something has gone
wrong. Could you and your friends be in danger? Can you stop it before
someone dies? Are you already too late?