DOS2 Sheets
DOS2 Sheets
DOS2 Sheets
2 points in Scoundrel
3 point in Polymorph
Lone Wolf – This is the obvious Talent here, and what makes the Lone Wolf Build possible. Take this one
whenever you are ready to make the jump to Lone Wolf.
Executioner – This Talent is just so damn good with this Build. You’ll get 2 extra AP nearly every round
because you are that strong. Take it early and don’t ever unslot it.
Arrow Recovery – Probably the only Build I would ever seriously recommend this Talent for, because your
damage for these Arrows will be 100% optimized, and in Lone Wolf you’ll need to be able to deal the
optimal damage type for the situation.
Far Out Man – This Talent adds range to all your attacks which never hurts. This is always a solid choice
with any ranged Build and works nicely here.
Glass Cannon – If you don’t take Lone Wolf, this Talent can work extremely well with this Build. Just be
sure to Stealth at the end of your turn so that you can’t be attacked during the enemy turns.
Hothead – A great Talent for increasing your Critical Damage and Accuracy, both of which are great. Can’t
go wrong with this one.
Torturer – Does work with DAMAGING Status Effects applied by Elemental Arrows, as well as those your
Bow or Crossbow may inflict. Definitely worth considering.
First Aid – While generally not needed it’s still a good idea to keep on your bar for emergencies. It only
takes up one space and fights don’t always go according to plan, so this one skill could save your ass.
Tactical Retreat – A must have for any ranged Build, as getting above your target increases your damage,
and this goes for Elemental Arrows as well. This is the best way to increase your damage once the battle
Ballistic Shot – This is extremely powerful because it adds 5% damage for every meter you are from your
target. This skill is a great way to take down a target in a single Bow shot from up high. Probably the best
all around Bow skill there is.
Sky Shot – Not as good as Ballistic Shot, but still pretty good. Can give you a height advantage when you
don’t have one. Since Huntsman doesn’t have a ton of Skills, this is another one that’s just good to keep
on your bar because you may need it.
Marksman’s Fang – I typically use this skill on enemy summons or targets that have high Armour but low
health. Can hit multiple targets and is just all around really good.
Assassinate – Not as good as Ballistic Shot, and costs one more AP, but still useful to this Build. If you
Stealth at the end of the first turn, this should be your first attack turn 2.
(rogue) Adrenaline – This is simply a great skill in general and one that most Builds can benefit from. It
only costs 1 point in Scoundrel, which you’ll probably have from gear anyhow. Use it if you need and only
if you need.
(rogue) Cloak and Dagger – Another great mobility skill that allows you to maintain Stealth. I like to use
Chameleon Cloak and then use this to move. Only costs 1 AP and 2 points into Scoundrel.
(poly) Chameleon Cloak – Use this skill at the end of your first turn to hide from enemies. You can even
wait a turn before attacking, helping to reduce some cooldowns if you need.
(war) Enrage – This skill works AMAZING with this Build because it will make all your attacks Critically Hit
for the turn you cast it and the turn after, including Elemental Arrows. However, you won’t be able to
Teleport or Stealth.
(pyro) Peace of Mind – This skill goes really well with this Build because it increases your Finesse and Wits
by a lot, which will help to increase the damage of your Elemental Arrows. Costs 1 AP and lasts 3 turns.
Doesn’t work with Enraged though.
(summ) Dominate Mind – A great skill to add to this Build because you will constantly be stripping Magic
Armour. Requires 2 points into Summoning to use, but you can probably get that with gear without
sacrificing too much damage (or any).
|WARRIOR (juggernaut)|
2 points in Scoundrel
3 point in Polymorph
Opportunist – A must have Talent for every melee character because it will proc 2 or 3 times in combat
easily, nearly doubling your attacks. This one should be high on the list, if not first.
The Pawn – This requires 1 point into Scoundrel, but it will allow you to move 1 AP worth of Movement
for free per turn, which is huge because positioning is key with this Build and you need all of your AP to
attack with.
Picture of Health – This is another no brainer Talent for any Build that utilizes Warfare. You can hold off
on this one until you have 6+ points into Warfare though, since it won’t be overly useful right away.
Savage Sortilege – Worth considering with this Build because of Petrifying Visage and Earthquake. It’s
certainly not a must have, but can increase your DPS if you have a high Crit Chance.
Far Out Man – This will increase the range of your Earthquake and your Petrifying Visage skills. However,
they both have extremely long range as it is so I suggest trying it out and seeing if you really need it. 2m
is not a lot, but it may allow you to hit all targets on the screen while not being positioned perfectly.
Hothead – Since you will have so much Armour, it will be very hard for enemies to damage your Vitality
directly. Consider taking this one if you took Savage Sortilege, as it will affect spells as well.
Battering Ram – Not a skill I would normally recommend, however, this Build focuses on disabling
enemies and the Knockdown is useful once targets’ Armour has been stripped. Save this for when you can
get the Status Effect.
Battle Stomp – This skill has a nice synergy with this Build because of the AoE Knockdown with decent
range. As with above, try to save this until you know you can get the Status Effect applied.
Bouncing Shield – Deals more damage then just about any other Warfare Skill that doesn’t use Source,
and hits multiple targets. This skill is one of the best ways to deal physical damage with this Build and is a
big reason I recommend a Shield.
Whirlwind – A great AoE for a melee type Build and since you’ll be right in the center of the action it’s a
natural fit here. Ironically you probably won’t use this AoE later in game, but it’s great early on when your
skill selection is limited.
Deflective Barrier – A great way to increase your Physical Armour and also reflects projectiles. Requires a
Shield, however, is currently bugged and can be used without one (I don’t know for how long). Use this
before using Reactive Armour if you can.
Challenge – As of February 1st, 2018 this Skill now only costs 1 AP, making it viable for nearly every
Warfare oriented Build. Buffs Physical and Magic Armour in addition to increasing your damage by 15%
for 1 turn.
Thick of the Fight – A great way to buff your damage based on total characters around you (10% increase
per character). This skill also buffs Earthquake and Petrifying Visage. Works fantastically with AoEs, which
this Build is chalked full of.
Fortify – Another great way to buff your Physical Armour while removing negative Status Effects. Ideally
you’d use this paired with Deflective Barrier and then follow up with Reactive Armour. Can be cast on a
teammate as well if needed.
Oily Carpace – This skill can generate a crazy amount of Physical Armour for 1 AP. However, there aren’t
too many circumstances where you can pull that off. Keep on your bar just in case you find yourself
covered in oil.
Earthquake – Since Knockdown is resisted by Physical Armour, it works here because you will be doing a
ton of physical damage with this Build. Follow up a Whirlwind or Reactive Armour with this skill for best
Reactive Armour – This skill deals damage based on your Physical Armour in an AoE. If you use a Shield,
stack up Fortify and Deflective Barrier before using this skill will outperform any other AoE you possess.
Is also buffed by Thick of the Fight.
Venom Coating – Since you’ll have a high amount of points into Geomancer this skill is a nice addition to
this Build. It’s one of the few Builds that can use it effectively.
Tentacle Lash – One of the most powerful single-target attacks in the game. Get this one early and use it
near the beginning of the game when your skill selection is limited, or when an AoE would be less effective
than single-target damage.
Chicken Claw – This skill is here because there’s really no reason not to have it. Good for when you really
need to prevent a fearsome enemy from dealing damage. I recommend slotting this skill on almost any
melee character for this reason.
Medusa Head – Grants the skill Petrifying Visage which deals earth damage in a massive AoE (only to
hostile targets) and Petrifies them. Scales with Strength, which is pefect. Use this against targets with
weak Magic Armour to Petrify them.
Skin Graft – For 2AP and 1 SP you can reset ALL of your cooldowns once per combat. So your enemies are
just getting up from your Earthquake? Just pop this skill and then level them again, or re-petrify them with
Petrifying Visage.
|SUMMONER (druid)|
Mnemonic – This Talent is extremely useful for this Build because you will be casting tons of buffs and
spells and you will need to have the slots available for them all. Take this one first or second.
All Skilled Up – I really like this Talent for this Build because you’re spread all over the place and even one
more Ability Point comes in handy. Take this one 2nd or 3rd.
Far Out Man – A really good Talent for this Build because it will allow you to buff anyone you need more
often than not. Take this or All Skilled Up second.
Stench – Consider taking this Talent 4th because you don’t want to be attacked if you can help it. It’s
better if enemies attack your Incarnate or another player that you can buff from behind (you heard me…).
Conjure Incarnate – This is obviously a must have skill for this Build as being a Druid revolves completely
around it. Take this during Character Creation and always cast it turn 1.
Elemental Totem – A great way to spend AP when you don’t have the greatest attacks in the world. Use
extra AP on this when casting a damaging spell wouldn’t do a whole lot.
Dominate Mind – If you’re going to run Summoning you might as well slot this skill. It comes in handy
now and then and can help give you an edge for a turn or two by controlling an enemy.
Soul Mate – This is a great way to clear Status Effects from your Incarnate (if you ever need to) and from
other party members, while granting them bonus Armour and Vitality. Very good for this Build.
All Infusions – You want to get EVERY single Infusion you can for your Incarnate. You don’t need to get
them all right away, but you should get Power, Farsight, Shadow and Warp as soon as you possibly can
while filling in the others when convenient. Focus on Fire, Lightning, Poison and then Water, in that order.
(aero) Teleportation – A great way to move melee units away from you or to get archers down from their
height advantage. Has many uses outside of combat as well, so be sure to get it.
(aero) Nether Swap – Great for swapping places with archers or mages who have the high ground, or for
moving melee units further away from you. Can also be used to move your Incarnate.
(aero) Erratic Wisp – A great skill for increasing Air Resistance on a target and for preventing them from
being hit by multiple attacks from the same target. Consider casting this on yourself or a ranged DPS.
(earth) Fortify – Good for buffing Phsysical Armour on whichever target needs it: Incarnate, yourself or
anyone else. Also prevents you from being Teleported and removes some Status Effects.
(water) Armour of Frost – Excellent for buffing Magic Armour and removing unwanted Status Effects. You
can buff yourself, Incarnate or any other party member in range.
(water) Rain – Can put out Burning teammates or create a Wet surface that you can later freeze. This skill
has just a lot of different uses both in and out of combat so it’s good to have.
(water) Global Cooling – I like this skill because it has some wicked uses when used properly and only
costs 1 AP. You might not need it every fight, but it’s nice to have just in case.
(fire) Peace of Mind – A great way to boost damage and Critical Chance on a target and only costs 1 AP.
Just an all around good skill to use on anyone in your party. Always cast when off cooldown.
(fire) Haste – An excellent skill for a Druid because you can buff your Incarnate with it on turn 1, giving
him an additional AP right away. Even if it does not use it right away, your Incarnate will get an extra attack
turn 2.
(rogue) Adrenaline – This skill is sooo good for Druids because they have many many 1 AP Skills that they
can cast. Use this right away on turn 1 and buff the living shit out of everyone!
(warfare) Phoenix Dive – This skill is great for moving to where you need to go for 1 AP. You can use other
Skills like it as well but you shouldn’t need more than 1 or 2 tops. Great for getting away from melee.
(warfare) Bouncing Shield – Since this skill doesn’t scale off any Attribute it might be the best source of
damage for this Build. Take this one early and never unslot it. Use as often as you can without sacrificing
(warfare) Enrage – You can buff your Incarnate or other party members allowing them to deal huge
damage. Use this wisely because it won’t work well on Mages or anyone who needs to move before
(warfare) Deflective Barrier – A great way to punish enemies who attack you instead of your Incarnate. I
like to cast this turn 1 to make sure I get the most use of it, excepting when there doesn’t seem much of
a chance I’ll be hit right away.
|WIZARD (elementalist)|
2 points in Hunt +
Mnemonic – Since you will need to memorize a shit load of spells, this will help ease the amount of
Attribute points spent on Memory. Take this one early to free up points for Intelligence.
Elemental Affinity – Since you will literally be capable of using every element, you can utilize this Talent
more than any other possible Build out there. Note that it cannot reduce the cost of a skill below 1.
Savage Sortelige – This will allow your spells to Critically Hit which will help to increase your damage
output. You’ll want to take this around the end of Act 1 because you won’t have much Crit early on
Far Out Man – This will increase the range of your Skills (and Wand attacks) by 2 meters. This isn’t the
most useful Talent, but it fits with this sort of Build better than most. This Talent is much more noticeable
when you are at a higher elevation than your target.
Hothead – Since it is much more difficult for Mages to reach higher Critical Chance values than other
characters, this Talent can help fill in the gap. Just be sure that you have high Initiative so you can buff up
before you take Vitality damage.
Executioner – Depending on your group make-up and how well you’ve followed this guide/spent time on
gear, this Talent is likely a decent addition to your Build. The downside is that you will have to put a point
into Warfare, and it only triggers once per turn.
Fireball – This is your go to skill for massive fire damage and for igniting surfaces. Not really much else
needs to be said about it, because it’s a no brainer. Make enemies walk through it to get to you.
Meteor Shower – Does devastating damage, but costs 3 SP and 4 AP. Use Apothesis and then unload with
this skill and any other high SP cost skill, like Hail Storm!
Armour of Frost – A good way to regain some Magic Armour and removes many negative Status Effects.
Can also use on a teammate, which is good. You shouldn’t need it often, but it’s good to have.
Winter Blast – Deals really good damage in an AoE that ignores teammates and also chills enemies. This
skill hits like a truck from high up and can really help put pressure on a group of enemies.
Fossil Strike – Another decent AoE for 2 AP that also Slows targets and puts oil around them, hindering
their Movement. This skill is excellent for controlling the battlefield early on and taking melee out of the
fight until they can be dealt with.
Impalement – For 2 AP does pretty decent AoE damage and can Cripple enemies, keeping them from
moving on their turn. Worm Tremor is also good, but the 3 AP cost prevents me from adding it here.
Teleportation – This skill is one of the few ways you can deal physical damage, which you will need to do
on the rare occasion, and it just has so many uses both in and out of combat that you pretty much can’t
live without it.
Chain Lightning – This skill does very good damage for 1 SP and that’s why it is listed here. It’s sometimes
difficult to hit many targets with, so use Teleportation and move them together before unloading with
this skill.
Tactical Retreat – Although a Huntsman skill, using this can immediately put you up into a high elevation,
helping to increase your damage output. Very good to get early on.
Farsight -This will further increase the range of your casts Skills, making you even more dangerous. It
requires 3 into Huntsman, so you won’t be getting this until the second half of the game however.
Apothesis – This skill is frankly just beastly with this Build. This skill will allow you to use every Source
costing skill for 0 Source for 2 turns! Hands down one of the best Skills in the game, but works the best in
this sort of setup.