This document outlines the salary structure for Manish Sharma, who is designated as a Presales Consultant I at grade CS06 Band 1 in Noida, India. His monthly fixed salary is Rs. 3,04,317 which annualizes to Rs. 36,51,804. Additionally, he receives annual benefits including Rs. 2,16,000 in provident fund contributions and Rs. 75,000 in gratuity. His total cost to company, including fixed pay, annual benefits and additional health benefits is Rs. 37,49,991. He is also covered by group term life insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs and group personal accident insurance of Rs. 2 lak
This document outlines the salary structure for Manish Sharma, who is designated as a Presales Consultant I at grade CS06 Band 1 in Noida, India. His monthly fixed salary is Rs. 3,04,317 which annualizes to Rs. 36,51,804. Additionally, he receives annual benefits including Rs. 2,16,000 in provident fund contributions and Rs. 75,000 in gratuity. His total cost to company, including fixed pay, annual benefits and additional health benefits is Rs. 37,49,991. He is also covered by group term life insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs and group personal accident insurance of Rs. 2 lak
This document outlines the salary structure for Manish Sharma, who is designated as a Presales Consultant I at grade CS06 Band 1 in Noida, India. His monthly fixed salary is Rs. 3,04,317 which annualizes to Rs. 36,51,804. Additionally, he receives annual benefits including Rs. 2,16,000 in provident fund contributions and Rs. 75,000 in gratuity. His total cost to company, including fixed pay, annual benefits and additional health benefits is Rs. 37,49,991. He is also covered by group term life insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs and group personal accident insurance of Rs. 2 lak
This document outlines the salary structure for Manish Sharma, who is designated as a Presales Consultant I at grade CS06 Band 1 in Noida, India. His monthly fixed salary is Rs. 3,04,317 which annualizes to Rs. 36,51,804. Additionally, he receives annual benefits including Rs. 2,16,000 in provident fund contributions and Rs. 75,000 in gratuity. His total cost to company, including fixed pay, annual benefits and additional health benefits is Rs. 37,49,991. He is also covered by group term life insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs and group personal accident insurance of Rs. 2 lak
Designation: Presales Consultant I Grade: CS06 Band: 1
WEF: 18-Dec-2023 Location : Noida
Section A - Gross Fixed Salary Break Up
Monthly Components (In Rs.)
Basic 130000 House Rent Allowance 52000 Internet/Broadband Reimbursement* 0 Mobile Reimbursement* 0 Meal Vouchers** 0 Statutory Bonus (As per Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Act, 2015 ) 0 Special Allowance 122317 Total Monthly (A) 304317 Total Monthly Annualised (B) 3651804
Annual Components (In Rs.)
Provident Fund (As per the PF Act 1952) 21600 National Pension Scheme~ 0 Total Annualised (C) 21600 Total Fixed Annual Gross Salary (B + C) 3673404
Annual Variable Components (in Rs.)
Annual Variable Pay ****(D) 0
Total Gross Salary (Fixed (B+C)+ Variable D)) 3673404
Section B - Additional Benefits
Retirals & Health Benefits (Annualized Amount)
Gratuity 75000 Mediclaim Insurance 1587 Total of Section B 76587 Total CTC (Section A + B) 3749991 In addition to Mediclaim, employee will be covered under below additional benefits - 1. Group Term Life Insurance : 5 Lacs 2. Group Personal Accident Insurance worth Rs.2 Lacs
* On declaration and subject to bills.
** Against Declaration and meal coupons issued upon completion of the month. ~ NPS can be availed max upto 10% of basic. Amount less than 10% of basic should be rounded off to nearest 100 value *** Linked to Driver and Petrol Reimbursement ****On target and paid as per Variable Pay/MBO guidelines