AllDSP ALLControl User Mafnual
AllDSP ALLControl User Mafnual
AllDSP ALLControl User Mafnual
Remote Operation
Software Manual
The ALLDSP DSP enabled amplifiers, plate amps and speaker management processors can be operated from
their respective front panels or control panels to a varying degree, depending on model. However, for maximum
flexibility, remote operation from a Windows PC as well as from an Apple computer running OSX or an iPad or
iPhone running iOS is also possible. In this manual the amplifier, plate amp or other ALLDSP product is referred
to as the unit or the DSP, because this manual centers around the DSP functions. For this remote functionality,
the device must be connected via a wired Ethernet or a USB connection to the same network as the control
computer. The control computer can be connected to the network wired or through Wi-Fi.
Note: Because of continuous development, some screens may differ from the representation in this document.
Screenshot may differ slightly over various operation systems.
IMPORTANT: Not all features are available in all devices. This manual describes the features that are available
across ALLDSP equipment. Some devices will not have Dante, or FIR filter, etc., please check the datasheet for
the feature set of your device. If the datasheet does not list a feature, the device will not have it. Lastly the
sample rate, number of inputs, input types and amount of delay available may be different across various
2. Getting started
It is recommended that a router with DHCP server is connected to the network so that it assigns the unit an IP
When the controller is connected to the network, you can check or set its IP address via the unit window under
Hardware - > Configure - > Network Settings → IP address. The default setting is DHCP (Auto IP). If Fixed IP
address has been set, and this is no longer known or been forgotten, it can be requested via the display on the
device. Press the menu button four times and turn the encoder wheel to the right three times to display the IP
Note that you cannot connect the unit to the network through the USB or Ethernet at the same time. You can
only control the unit from one platform at the same time – if you switch from one platform to another, you MUST
shut down the control software at the previous platform first.
Local connectivity of the device to the control computer from a front-panel USB connector is also possible to
download initial settings or as a fallback in case of network failure.
This Software Manual explains the remote setup and operation of the system through a network. The operation
is basically same for all platforms; where differences exist they will be noted.
Installation and setup Download and install the latest software from the
ALLDSP website. Note that for a Windows
computer, there are separate applications for
Note: you can control the unit from only one PC (or
iPad) at the same time. If you want to switch control
from one to the other, shut down the ALLDSP
ALLControl software on the previous control Figure 2: Tools menu items
platform first.
1. Tools
Tools|Set Software Password Allows you to set up passwords and access controls and system locking.
a password to access the graphical DSP software This systems is described in 157.
unit window. The DSP software has a separate,
Tools|New Group
extensive system of operation modes with
Power-On Preset
In the menu item Hardware - > Configure - > Power When you are logged on as Developer or higher,
On Preset, a preset can be selected, which is you can block a certain preset range from being
automatically loaded when the device starts. altered. In Hardware - > Configure - > Read-Only
Preset. If the value is, for example, set to 10, the
Read Only Preset Range: first 10 memory locations in the preset list for User
and Admin mode are read only and the user cannot
save presets to those locations.
Hardware|Enter password
The Configure menu item opens an additional Hardware|Go to Standby will place the unit in
screen where several options are presented. Standby. In this state, outputs are disabled but all
However, the options shown will depend on the settings can still be manipulated.
access level currently in force – to be discussed
Hardware|Set PIN
Hardware|Configure|Power On Preset allows you
Clicking this option allows you to enter a 4-digit PIN
to select a preset that will be automatically loaded
number. When this is set, you will need to enter the
at power-on; however any changes to this preset
PIN number at any time you connect to the unit.
will not be carried over to the next power-on cycle
Note: the PIN control can be switched off by setting
unless you have saved the new setting, i.e. it will
the PIN to 0000.
revert to the saved preset.
IN 2 A/D
IN 3 1 x XLR -> 2 ch. AES3
1 x RJ45 -> 2 ch Dante
Gain Reduction
Digital i/p meter
Analog Meter RMS limiter
Fader EQ section, 10x Bell, Hi-shelf, Lo-shelf, HPF, LPF or notch Delay Peak limiter Dig bus
IN 4
Clicking on an Input channel number in the Unit channels 1 and 2 can thus only be done in the Input
window will bring up the input channel settings 1 screen.
screen see Figure 9. In this screen, individual input
channels can be equalized and/or filtered. EQ can be set either in the graphical screen by
cursor dragging, or in the numerical fields and drop-
Filtering and EQ down lists below the graphical screen. Type, Freq.,
All input channels can have filtering and Q/BW and Gain can be set for each input or pair of
equalization applied individually, or as linked pairs. linked inputs. All settings are reflected real-time in
Input channels can be linked in the Unit window, the graphical screen. The Q/BW column toggles
and in that case, all EQ and filter settings for the from indicating Q or bandwidth (BW) every time the
pair will be linked. If input channels are linked, EQ column label is clicked.
and filters for each pair can only be set for the odd
number – for example, setting an EQ for input
There are two ways to toggle the contribution of an Input Gain, Mute
EQ or crossover element to the white compound The right hand side of the screen shows the fader to
curve on or off. You can either click the black/blue set Input channel gain and, next to it, a Mute
button next to each EQ or the HPF or LPF filter at button. Settings are individual per channel unless
the bottom of the screen, or you can double-click input channels have been linked in the Unit
on the numbered square of the elements in the window.
graphical screen. Even if the effect of the element
on the compound curve is removed, the colored Delay, limiter, compressor
non-contributing curve of the element remains In the bottom right of the Input screen there are
visible. This is a useful functionality to review the
contribution of several interacting filter and EQ
settings on a channel.
When you click X-over in the left unit window level setting; alternatively, changing the Gain
function list, most of the screen is dedicated to the setting for a channel in the Unit window will be
controls and indicators for setting up the cross over reflected in the Crossover screen gain setting!
filters as shown in Figure 28.
Graphical control For each channel a delay can be introduced in the
The graphical window shows the crossover settings numeric field indicated by ‘D’, in milli-seconds.
for each of the output channels in dedicated colors.
The numbers for each channel have a triangle shape Link
When two channels are linked by activating the
and the direction of the triangle denotes whether
the triangle controls the upper or lower frequency related Link button in the top right-hand side of the
setting (figure 6-1). screen, the settings for that pair are combined and
only a single color and number icon for the pair is
For each channel, the cross-over frequency on shown in the graphical screen (only the odd number
either side of the band can be set with the cursor or of the pair is shown). Also in this case, all numerical
by entering a value in the numeric fields below the values and filter types for the two channels are
channel. To change the frequency setting by 28:
Figure mouse, linked
Crossover settings and can only be changed in the left hand side
move the cursor over the number of the channel (odd numbered) channel of the linked pair.
you want to change in the graphical screen until the
cursor changes to a 4-way arrow. Now you can click- Note: Changing the Link status of a pair of Output
and-drag the number triangle and the frequency channels will also be reflected in the Link status for
value will change real time, and will be reflected that pair in the Unit window; alternatively, changing
both in the screen curve and the numerical value. the Link status for a pair in the Unit window will also
Frequency limits are 20Hz and 20kHz in each case. carry over to the Crossover screen!
Input matrix
FIR Delay Peak limiter Level G.R.
+ D/A
Fader Cross-over EQ section, 10x Bell, Hi-shelf, Lo-shelf, HPF, LPF or notch RMS limiter phase invert
+ D/A
+ D/A
Input output matrix numerically below each fader. The available range is
from -48 dB to 0 dB. As in other screen, double-
Figure 15: Output channel window), faders are
clicking a fader resets it to default.
shown for each of the input channels. This will allow
mixing each of the input signals to each individual Graphical screen
Output channel. Even if Input channels are set to A complete control screen is available for each
Linked in the Unit window, it is still possible here to Output channel. The graphical area reflects the
mix individual Input channels to an Output channel Crossover settings for the channel in addition to any
in any desired ratio. Level setting are shown equalization settings set up in this screen, and is
The status of an element is always reflected in the Note that the white compound transfer curve also
blue on/off button next to each element. reflects any cross-over settings made in the X-over
screen, when activated.
Relationship between Input- and Output settings
At the bottom of the Output channel settings Delay, limiter, compressor
screen (figure 14) you will see the high-pass and Like the input channel, each output is also equipped
low-pass settings from the cross-over settings for with a dynamics processing section, like the inputs
the particular Output channel repeated. Both the (depending on model of DSP).
slope and the filter type are shown, and the curves
are also shown in the Output graphic screen. Any The compressor and limiter at the input limits the
changes you make here are also reflected in the X- entire signal. In the bottom right of the Input screen
over screen. This way, you have control over the there are settings for channel delay, limiter (-48 to
main crossover settings as well as the EQ and +24 dBu or absolute peak voltage when a power
filtering for a specific Output from a single screen. amplifier is built in) and Limiter release rate (10 to
In contrast, the crossover screen gives you the 100 dB/s) settings. Plus a button to enter the rms
overview of all cross-over settings for all channels in compressor menus. Channel delay can be set in a
variety of distance or time units from the drop-
a single screen.
down list.
Both the HPF and LPF filter can be disabled here,
this will also be visible in the Crossover screen. RMS compressor
Clicking on the compressor button brings up the
Output filtering and EQ compressor menu.
Similarly as described for the Input channels, each
Output channel can have up to 10 EQ’s and filters In the compressor menu you can set the
attached to it (figure 7-1 again). For each of these, parameters of the compressor such as threshold,
attack, hold and release times, ratio and makeup
EQ type, Frequency, Q or BW and Gain can be set.
Each EQ can be set in the graphical screen by
dragging the appropriate EQ number as described Next to the controls is a VU meter that also displays
earlier, as well as by entering the desired numerical the gain reduction (GR). Be sure to use the ‘Back’
values in the fields. When using the mouse to drag button to return to the output menu
settings, the actual numerical values for Gain, Q or
BW and Frequency are shown in the screen.
The developer sets the crossover point so that each Note that there is no functional relation between
driver gets the right frequency band. He adjusts the the software password in the network window of
output EQ so that the (anechoic) performance of the control software, the PIN control system and the
the loudspeaker is neutral. He sets the output delay hardware-related access control functionality for
to time align each driver and set the limiter and the DSP software. Each operates separately.
compressor to protect each driver from overload If you enter your Developer password, the
and to adapt the high frequency output to the Hardware drop-down menu will show additional
power compression of the low frequency driver. options that will not be visible in the other modes.
In addition to change your Developer password, you
The standard passwords are as follows have the option to set the passwords for
User: Password Administrator and User modes (Figure 18Error!
Administrator mode: Ad_min Reference source not found.).
Developer mode: Develo_p
The controller firmware can be updated via the PC models with a display, the firmware version can be
software. It is strongly recommended that the DSP checked via pressing the encoder button 4 times
is updated via the Ethernet interface (if present). and turning the encoder until the firmware version
The update is performed in administrator mode. On is displayed. You can also check the firmware
The loudspeaker Library function is a function that enables administrators to easily change the system
configuration to adapt to varying combinations of preset loudspeakers. For instance various satellite
loudspeakers combined with a subwoofer. This way the administrator can choose the right loudspeaker
combination for a system.