PAD215 - Group 5 - Written Assignment
PAD215 - Group 5 - Written Assignment
PAD215 - Group 5 - Written Assignment
EMPLOYEES are the most important assets in an organization whose role is to determine the
direction and goals of the organization are implemented and achieved. It is their abilities,
When an employee joins an organization, the individual automatically agrees to be loyal and
contribute sweat in order to achieve the organization’s goals. Therefore, employees need to give
their full commitment to the organization, thereby increasing productivity through responsibility.
They also are needed in the company to help carry out each task.
Among his duties is to perform operational work in management and others. Therefore, each
employee will be trained in performing the work entrusted to them. Appropriate training is
Training is an important element in ensuring employees have the skills, abilities and knowledge
that can help them improve work performance as well as assist in perform current work as well as
future work. Effective training can provide many benefits to such employees for staff development
Most organizations will prioritize training that are able to benefit the organization more so if the
benefits of the training can be seen and felt quickly. Training and development helping companies
gain and retain top talent, increase job satisfaction and morale, improve productivity and earn more
Additionally, businesses that have actively interested and dedicated employees see lower
absenteeism rates and higher productivity. Furthermore, the knowledge and skills acquired during
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training as well assist them in mastering their respective areas of responsibility as well help carry
According to Poon (1994), training is a reference to all the organized efforts of an organization to
facilitate the learning of certain work behaviors. This effort aims to improve the current and future
performance of employees by improving the ability of employees to perform their duties so that
the objectives of the organization can be achieved. Employee abilities can be enhanced by
performance at the individual, group, and/or organizational levels. improved performance, on the
other hand, implies that there has been a measurable change in knowledge, skills, attitudes and/or
social behavior.
skills and behaviors required in performing something work -related. The motive is to improve
employee performance in a special way. For Ricks, Ginn, and Daughtrey (1995) argue that training
is a reference to activities and experiences designed to develop skills, knowledge, and behaviors
at the behest of an organization. Training is often closely related to specific or work-related tasks
and it is designed to teach new skills or enhance existing skills. Training is also included in
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According to Truelove (1995), development is the process by which the individual learns through
experience to become more proficient. The motive is to use the skills and knowledge that have
been imparted in training — not just current performance but future performance. It involves the
For Ricks, Ginn, and Daughtrey (1995), development refers to the addition of employees' ability
to enhance future careers by emphasizing self -confidence and decision -making skills.
Traditionally, lower -level workers are “trained”, while upper -level workers are “developed”. This
difference, which focuses on the learning of hands -on skills compared to interpersonal and
Training and development are specialized areas to assist management. The training and
development program as a whole is a complex and complex field. In a small organization, training
and development can be easy, just instructions from the organization’s supervisor
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In Malaysia we know that productivity employee very important because it will be effective for
the company to be an excellent company. If the company have the training for the employee, it
will be effective to the employee to take part in the company. It will make the work of the employee
will be more efficient. If the company want to make the more efficient so they can build a training
The HR technologist is designed to make a program like that to archive the excellent company by
• Mining data
• Asking the employer to share about what they expect of the training programs
We know that all the company have their culture but when the company have the training and
development programs it can improving the culture of the company. As the example the culture of
communication, if the company didn’t have a good communication it can’t interact with others
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employer and customer. The company will not be efficient because of that. When the new
employer come into the company with the training programs and development, it can change the
culture about the communications. The new employer will know how to communicate with others
company and worker in the company. It won’t have any issue of this problem when we know how
If the company want to make a good company or efficient, it must have a training program. When
the new out comer comes to the company they will know about the job and the responsibilities. It
can change all the company when they know about their job. They can show the performance in
the company when they know their job. As example when they come to the company, they will
not come with zero about the job because they had a training program before that.
Most employees have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows you
to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all
employees to a higher level so they all have similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any
weak links within the company who rely heavily on others to complete basic work tasks.
Providing the necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can
take over for one another as needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help
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Employees with access to training and development programs have the advantage over employees
in other companies who are left to seek out training opportunities on their own. The investment in
training that a company makes shows the employees they are valued. The training creates a
supportive workplace.
Employees may gain access to training they wouldn't have otherwise known about or sought out
themselves. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may
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Training, is similar to the planning of other activities in an organization where it must be planned
and in line with the needs of corporate strategy. The mission and objectives of the organization
will determine the objectives of the organization. The objective will in turn determine the number,
level, and type of employees required. For individual work, there should be guidelines that
determine the requirements of a job and in turn will determine whether lessons, knowledge, and
skills need to be known. Once the job requirements have been identified, the next step is to analyze
any individual shortcomings to enable the employee to perform his or her duties well.
One approach that can be used to determine training needs is by needs analysis. This analysis aims
to determine the actual situation and compare it with the desired situation. If the actual job
performance is less than the desired job performance and this situation can be corrected through
training (i.e. through changes in the knowledge, skills, or attitudes of the employee), then here a
training program is needed. Needs analysis can be divided into organizational analysis, task
analysis, and individual analysis (Poon, 1994). But according to Cascio (1989), training needs
The main purpose of organizational analysis is to determine the internal parts of an organization
that require organizational training and strategy. Typically, each part of the organization has its
own training needs. This analysis involves an examination of the organization’s goals,
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organizational resources, organizational culture and the organization’s relationship with the
external environment.
• Staff Exchange- if the number of recruits is large, then there is a great need for training in
• Changes in new technologies and processes require staff trained in their use, many systems
fail not because of technical problems, but no training is provided for employees to use the
• Changes in work will change over time, especially changes in the organization, so
productivity that they need trained workers who have a variety of skills so that they can be
• New work patterns- give flexibility to organizations and employees so they can learn new
• Market pressures- the need to survive in the market, means organizations need to ensure
employees are aware of the latest technology and have the skills for innovation.
• Employee aspirations- the need to retain employees by offering training and development.
• Implementation changes- where there are significant changes in certain parts of the
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• Balance of opportunities- organizations need to organize training programs to ensure that
a vulnerable group such as ethnic minorities, women are not neglected, especially when it
Task analysis requires a thorough examination of the work to be done after training. It involves
the systematic collection of information that describes exactly how the work is done so that:
• Knowledge of skills, abilities and other characteristics necessary for the performance of
• The time a task is performed and the frequency with which the task is performed.
Individual analysis focuses on the employee himself. Through this analysis it is possible to
determine the members of the organization who need training and the type of training required.
The first step of this analysis is performance appraisal. If the results of this evaluation indicate that
the employee's performance is satisfactory, then no further action is required. On the other hand,
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strengths should be made. This diagnostic information can be used to determine the content of
training, i.e. the type of skills and knowledge training that needs to be taught in order for employee
• Achieve training objectives while not excluding all possibilities or implications that exist.
• Allow the trainer to observe the trainee’s behavior throughout the training process and
• Create a training environment similar to the actual work environment so that the training
• Allows trainees to actively participate in the training process as well as to try and repeat
• Take into account the cost required by using the minimum cost for maximum production.
In general, training methods can be divided into two main forms, namely:
• Demonstration
• Work cycle and experience plan. (job rotation and planned experience)
• Lecture Method
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• Case Study Methods. (Case Study)
Although there are several methods for efficiently teaching, good instructors have several qualities
in common. They are well-prepared, have clear and fair standards, have a positive attitude, and
regularly evaluate their teaching. Training and development for your employees will help ensure
you have the best workforce possible. Investing on the front end could pay big dividends for your
bottom line.
In today’s technological landscape, employees at all ages and stages consider flexibility and
accessibility as the most important aspects of being efficient on the job. When they have so many
demands on their time and attention, finding time for training is challenging, digital delivery tools
have become a viable and easy-to-use option and also offer convenience. Ongoing training can be
accessed while commuting, standing in line at the bank or queue at our favorite fast food restaurant.
Employer and employee relationship must be based on trust and mutual regardless of your roles
and level. So, it is very crucial for each and every one to give feedback when working to ensure
that the group’s output is ultimately successful. Establishing an open and trust relationship will
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help us deliver feedback smoothly and help them to accept positive or criticism. It is important to
give balance feedback and to focus on specific point and it is recommended to deliver face to face
feedback rather than via email, SMS or phone due to these technologies will lead to
Training and development are considered as a strategy for growth in every organization. It is
adopted by the organization to fill the gap between skills and future opportunities. These training
programs definitely enhance skills, improve efficiency, and productivity and growth opportunities
for employees. Skills, knowledge and attitudes are the basics for efficient running of a business
through the human resources of an organization. But, the impact of these basics is often reduced
the value of the organization human resources. By improving the capabilities of employees,
organizational capabilities can also be improved. In result, the structure of organization become
flatter, in which there will be fewer levels between the top and the bottom employees. Many
creativity, thinking, innovation, vision, motivating others and brainstorming. Rather than putting
the employees into management and expecting that they will develop their knowledge and skills
on their own, organizations can systematically develop their skills through combination of training
and development programs. To get better results from training programs, executives must focus
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Evaluation of training must be appropriate for the persons and situations. The feedback from
learners is important not only for instructors but also for confidence of the learner.
In this study we take the fact of observation that training leads to important benefits for individuals
and organizations. The existing analysis of literature proposes that these benefits vary from
employee development program. In our study we also involved the discussion, how to increase the
benefits of training. These features include giving attention to the training design, delivery, and
transfer of training. After completing the study on this topic, we strongly believe that it is very
beneficial for the organizations to develop the employee development programs. If there is a
systematic training and development program for the employees the companies will harvest its
profit from the market and remain competitive in the job market. An organized and efficient
development program with supportive apparatuses will significantly assist the organizations to
retain the most valued human resource, especially those who have a lot of experience with the
organization. If organizations are capable to support all employees in meeting their requirement
then both, employees and organizations will get the long term benefits. It is also very important
for the organizations to timely evaluate the success of employee training and development
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10321.html >
and%2017%20percent%20higher%20productivity >
development/pages/key-steps-for-better-training-development-programs.aspx >
Management Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, ISBN 978 983 47 2549 5 >
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