Detailed Rubrics

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CONTENT (4.0 points)

● Provides coherent explanations without prompting on all topics
● Presents decisions persuasively and appropriately for varying contexts

● Recommendations are appropriate and supported with explanations

● Justifies position, regularly paraphrasing and elaborating to explain and/or clarify

● Presents concisely and accurately; little to no reliance on written material

● Strictly adheres to time allowance

● Strictly relates to the topic

● Provides coherent explanations, usually without prompting, on all concrete and most abstract
● Usually presents decisions persuasively, and usually appropriately for context

● Usually contributes and appropriately to the development of the interaction; very aware of
● Provides recommendations that are almost always supported with explanations and are
appropriate to the context
● Justifies position, frequently paraphrasing and elaborating to explain and/or clarify statements

● Communication breakdowns usually do not occur.

● Presents concisely and accurately; some reliance on written material

● Slightly exceeds or fails to reach time allowance

● Elaborates, often without prompting, and provide coherent explanations on almost all concrete
and many abstract topics
● Often presents decisions clearly, appropriately; may occasionally show some limitations in
ability to extend discourse and to provide convincing explanations
● Often contributes and appropriately to development of interaction; aware of listener; may
occasionally rely on interlocutors for continuation of discussion
● Recommendations may require minor prompting for supporting explanations; may occasionally
be awkwardness to appropriateness of word choices/phrasing
● Justifies position adequately; usually able to paraphrase; clarity of meaning may occasionally
be lacking when providing
supporting details
● Communication breakdowns may occur during challenging speech events; usually repaired
● Adequately presents; may rely on written material periodically
● Occasionally able, when prompted, to elaborate and provide explanations on most concrete
topics; explanations frequently lack coherence and organization
● Usually presents decisions by repeating language already produced

● Frequently relies on other participants to initiate, develop, maintain discourse; rarely offers
feedback or commentary
● Usually able to recommend; occasionally able, when prompted, to provide supporting
● Attempts to justify a position are usually unclear and repetitive

● Communication breakdowns may occur during any speech event and often are not repaired

● Usually presents by repeating language already provided

● Uses a broad range of business lexicons

● Collocations, colloquial language, and idiomatic expressions are often used and are usually
accurate and appropriate
● Occasionally uses secondary meaning of words

● Usually uses a variety of basic and complex grammatical structures accurately and usually
● Usually uses grammatical structures that are pragmatically appropriate
● Often uses moderate range of lexicons accurately and appropriately

● Occasionally uses idiomatic expressions and colloquial language

● Occasionally uses incorrect collocations that may lead to vagueness

● Often uses a variety of basic and complex grammatical structures accurately and effectively

● Often uses a variety of grammatical structures that are pragmatically appropriate

● Uses limited range of lexicons

● Frequently uses vague and/or inaccurate lexicons

● Frequently uses basic structures (i.e., lack of complex sentences) that often contain errors

● Range of vocabulary and grammatical structures extends beyond what has been provided orally
and/or in writing
● Gaps and/or errors in lexicons and/or grammar, sometimes self-corrected, frequently do not
hinder communication, but may rarely cause interruptions in communication flow
● Accuracy in vocabulary and/or grammar often declines with an increase in rate of speech

and/or with more challenging speech event
● Limited range of lexicons

● Frequently uses vague and/or inaccurate lexicons

● Vocabulary and grammar structures used are typically repetitions of what has been provided
orally or in writing
● Gaps and/or errors in vocabulary and grammar may disrupt effective communication
DELIVERY / FLUENCY (2.0 points)
● Fluently delivers the speech

● Often uses rate of speech and/or prosodic features to add meaning, aid listener, and/or to shift
style/register appropriately
● Frequently fluent and articulate; may require minimal listener effort

● Usually uses rate of speech and/or prosodic features to add meaning, to aid listener, and/or to
shift style/register
● Fluency may slightly decline with challenging speech events but this rarely affects the flow of
● Often fluent, usually articulate; may require some listener effort

● Pace usually consistent; may occasionally be relatively slow

● Occasionally uses rate of speech, and/or prosodic features to add meaning, aid listener, and/or
to shift style/register
● An increase in rate of delivery may occasionally lead to a decrease in clarity of speech or
● Fluency may decline with more challenging speech events but this does not stop the flow of
● Listener effort frequently required.

● Delivery is often slow and halting.

● Pausing and phrasing are often incorrect, negatively affecting intelligibility.

● Production may be word by word, resulting in a lack of sentence rhythm and flat intonation.

● L1 influence may disrupt intelligibility.

● Contributes consistently and appropriately to development of interaction; very aware of listener

● Responsive to the speaker

● Communication breakdowns are rare.

● Graphs/figures are clear and understandable.

● The text is readable and clear.

● Audio/Visual components support all the main points of the talk.

● Appropriate referencing of data that is/was not generated by presenter

● Maintains simple exchanges

● Requires little prompting and support despite some difficulty

● Graphs/figures are quite clear and understandable.

● The text is quite readable and clear.

● Audio/Visual components support most main points of the talk.

● Quite appropriate referencing of data that is/was not generated by presenter

● Has considerable difficulty maintaining simple exchanges.

● Requires additional prompting and support

● Graphs/figures are somehow clear and understandable.

● The text is somehow readable and clear.

● Audio/Visual components support fundamental main points of the talk.

● Less appropriate referencing of data that is/was not generated by presenter

● Unable to listen attentively or respond appropriately while performing most tasks; interacts
poorly with a partner.
● Requires lots of repetition or support

● Graphs/figures are limited.

● The text is almost unreadable and unclear.

● Limited Audio/Visual components support the main points of the talk.

● Inappropriate/Insufficient referencing of data that is/was not generated by presenter

* Scores can be detailed up to 0.1, depending on the candidate's proficiency.

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