Council Minutes 20080512
Council Minutes 20080512
Council Minutes 20080512
President Steinmann called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and read the Open
Public Meeting Statement:
The notice requirements provided for in the “Open Public Meetings Act” have been
satisfied. Notice of this meeting was properly given in a notice which was
transmitted to the Times of Trenton and the Trentonian, filed with the Clerk of the
Township of Ewing and posted in the Ewing Township Municipal Complex, all on
the 8th day of January, 2008.
There are several public hearings scheduled in Newark, NJ at the Board of Public
Utilities, and there will be an additional public hearing held in Mercer County. The
BPU is considering both the sale of the utility and a requested rate increase by
American Water.
They indicated further that there would be a regional operations center established
in the area to service the needs of the system on a continual basis. The rate increase
was discussed in detail followed by questions from Council.
Councilman Murphy was especially concerned about the amount of money that had
already been paid by Ewing Township customers, a portion of which was supposed
to go to system maintenance and upgrade. He indicated that his concern was that
Ewing ratepayers paid for services that they didn’t receive.
The water company promised to attempt to get the information and provide it to
1. Authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to pay Township bills in the
amount of $912,662.08.
9. A Resolution authorizing The New Jersey State Police to hold their annual
State Police Chase on May 17th, 2008.
Kate Tuttle (8 Locke Ct) asked about the ordinance for introduction and Charles
Green (979 Bear Tavern Road) inquired about the Townships liability regarding the
pool. Attorney Hartsough responded to both.
______________________________ ______________________________
Bert H. Steinmann, Council President Stephen W. Elliott, Municipal Clerk