iGCSE Writing Rubric Full
iGCSE Writing Rubric Full
iGCSE Writing Rubric Full
• Effectively organised and
• Uses a wide range of linking
words and other cohesive devices,
5–6 Relevance 5–6 Range and accuracy
• Task is fulfilled. • Uses a good range of common
• Generally appropriate style and vocabulary appropriately, and
register for the text type. attempts to use some less
• Generally good sense of purpose common vocabulary.
and audience. • Uses a good range of simple
structures appropriately, and
Development of ideas attempts to use some more
• Content is developed, at complex structures.
appropriate length. • Good level of accuracy of
• Content is generally language throughout. Errors do not
communicated clearly. generally impede communication.
• Errors are generally related to
less common vocabulary or more
complex structures.
• Well organised and sequenced.
• Uses a good range of linking
words and other cohesive devices,