1. What is EDUC 206 all about? Why is this subject important in the
educational system?
2. Give at least 5 bases for dealing with the stakeholders and the community.
Make the first one, the DepEd Order No. 54 series 2009.
Legal bases for dealing with the stakeholders and the community include:
The order also provides guidelines for the organization of PTAs at the
school level. Membership in a PTA is limited to parents, or in their
absence the guardian, of duly enrolled students, and teachers in a
given school. A guardian is defined as any of the following: an
individual authorized by the biological parent/s to whom the care and
custody of the student has been entrusted; a relative of the student
within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity provided that said
relative has the care and custody over the child; an individual
appointed by a competent court as the legal guardian of the student;
or in case of an orphan, the individual/institution who has the care
and custody of the student. A teacher-member refers to homeroom
advisers, subject teachers, and non-teaching personnel.
b. Presidential Decree No. 603, s. 1974, Article 77. Also known as
“The Child and Youth Welfare Code.” It states that “Every elementary
and secondary school shall organize a parent-teacher association for
the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of problems and
their solutions, relating to the total school program, and for insuring
the full cooperation of parents in the efficient implementation of such
program. All parents who have children enrolled in a school are
encouraged to be active members of its PTA, and to comply with
whatever obligations and responsibilities such membership entails.
Article 209. It is mandated that the natural right and duty of the
parents shall include the caring for and rearing them for civic
consciousness and this can only be achieved through shared
responsibility between teachers and parents.
3. Give at least 5 problems you have encountered in your school and how do
you solve them.
Problems are inevitable in every school and classroom setting. The following
are among the problems I have encountered so far in school:
5. Give some ways on how to have a strong partnership with your stakeholders.
Here are some ways on how to have a strong partnership with the
6. What are some of the projects made by your stakeholders? How did they
The realization of this dream would not have been possible without the
unwavering support of our dedicated stakeholders. Local government
officials, recognizing the transformative potential of the Reading Village,
provided much-needed funding to ensure its effective implementation.
Parents, eager to witness their children's growth as lifelong readers, readily
offered their time and expertise, lending a helping hand in the construction
and upkeep of Reading Village.
Through the collective efforts of our stakeholders, the Reading Village has
emerged as a beacon of literacy, fostering a culture of reading that
permeates our school community. The tangible presence of the Reading
Village serves as a constant reminder of the importance of reading, inspiring
our learners to embrace the joy of reading and embark on a lifelong journey
of learning and discovery.