Task 3
Task 3
Task 3
Direction: Analyze the following research abstract and cite its implication to teaching-learning. You
may download the full paper of this research on the website given below (100 points). Include in
your analysis your discussion of the following: (1) Methods or ways that new literacies are
integrated by student teachers and cooperating teachers in their schools, and (2) Ways in which the
results of this study on new literacies in a Midwestern public university impact the student teaching
Situated in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and collaborative inquiry, this
collective case study examines new literacies integration by student teacher/cooperating teacher
(ST/CT) dyads supported by a coach in elementary schools. The study took place at a large
Midwestern public school district where many STs from a large Midwestern public university
complete their student teaching experience. Through detailed vignettes of five ST/CT dyads, this
study provides an explicit view of varieties of dyad collaboration when a new literacy emphasis is
included in the student learning semester. Research questions prompt the examination of dyad new
literacies integration through (a) enacting professional development in the classroom, (b) planning
lessons to involve children with new literacies, and (c) impacting dyad collaboration, ST and CT
detailed of this integration focus. Lessons learned include collaborative approaches to integration
that work, teacher growth comes with empowerment and dyad partners become learners together
when adding a new literacy focus. An innovative student teaching design arises to prepare teachers
for 21st century classrooms.
Source: Friedrich, L. (2014). New literacies integration by student teacher/cooperating teacher dyads in
elementary schools: A collective case study. Public Access Theses and Dissertations, College of Education
and Human Sciences. 214. http://digitalcommons.unl/cehsdiss/214
Direction: Write your learning insights on Functional Literacy on the table and make an acronym for the
word “Literacy”.
L - Legibility Aesthetic visualization
I - Intelligence Communicative Understanding
T - Time Complex Chronological Literacy
E - Enroll Apply the knowledge
R - Recycle Infinite Complexity
A - Advance Innovate learning and the use of skills
C - Creativity Imaginative thinking
Y - Youth Hope
Direction: Make a project plan or activity that presents functional literacy in action (i.e., service
learning, community integration, immersion activity, industry visit, benchmarking, etc.). Use the
provided template sample below.
Name of Project Kids Reading & Writing Program
Brief A program for kids with low comprehension
Leader Rafael Constantino (Chairman)
Members The Team Kabataan Advocacy for Literacy
Beneficiaries Students/Kids
Target Success Date and Persons (Human,
Objectives Indicators Venue Involved Material,
Every Successful
Oct 2- university program in
1. Implement a Satisfaction Kids, Parents,
31,2022 that is order to
successful for the Staff and
program Quezon High willing to advocate
beneficiaries Teachers
Grandstand contribute literacy
Team Management
Sep 26,2022
2. Create a members Team and and Staff To have a good
successful plan with Teachers program
3. Review the Team building Sep 26, 2022 Team and Management To create a good
methods and and Organization School Org and staff plan for the
processes brainstorming Building program
Management To demo how
4. Demo the Team Team and
Sep 27,2022 and Staff the program
program participation school org
Management Proper spending
5. The budget
Team review Team and and Staff and enough
should fit right Sep 27,2022
in properly and meetings organizations budget for the
Day 1/Week 1 Day 2/Week 2 Day 3/Week 3 Day 4/Week 4 Day 5/Week 5
Indicators Date: Oct 3, 2022 Date:Oct Date:Oct Date Oct Date Oct 25,
10,2022 17,2022 24,2022 2022
Second Third Fourth day of Final day of
First Reading reading and program that program program
& writing writing includes
literacy program recreational
program activites
8:00 am Feeding Program Food Ministry
10:00 am Start of the official program Supervisor
12:00 pm Lunch with free meals Rafael Constantino
1:30 pm Resume Main Program Supervisor
2:00 pm Break Time Supervisor
3:00 pm Post Ceremony Staff
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Final Speech from the staff Rafael Constantino
5:00-6:00 pm Farewell and final Remarks Rafael Constantino and his