EEC Agenda February 20, 2007

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February 20, 2007


A meeting of the Ewing Township Environmental Commission (EEC) was held on the
evening of Tuesday, February 20, 2007 in the Ewing Township Municipal Complex.

Vice Chairperson Peter Boughton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

He began by reading the following statement:

The notice requirements provided for in the Open Public Meetings Act have been
satisfied. Notice of this meeting was properly given in the resolution by the Ewing
Township Council on January 3, 2007 which was transmitted to the Times of Trenton and
The Trentonian, filed with the Clerk of the Township of Ewing and posted in the Ewing
Township Municipal Complex, all on January 4, 2007.

ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Peter Boughton

Scott Butterfield
Lee Farnham
Mike Hiscock
Hal Moeller

EXCUSED: Maria Benedetti

Erin Indelicato
Karl Muessig
Rus Staniec

GUESTS: Aimee Williams, D&R Greenway Trust

Nancy Howarth, Ewing Twp Recycling Coordinator
John Hoegl, Ewing Resident


The minutes of the January 16, 2007 meeting were approved on a motion by Hal,
seconded by Lee. The vote was unanimous.

PUBLIC COMMENT: John Hoegl, Ewing resident and Chemist, stated he is

interested in new technologies that enhance the remediation of contaminated properties.
He offered his assistance to the Township with the GM and Navy properties.

Nancy Howarth discussed upcoming recycling events. The next Mercer County
Household Chemical Waste Disposal Day is March 10, 2007. She noted that CFLs will
be accepted. She handed out a flyer (Attached). She also stated there will be Township
Recycling day, April 14, 2007. Materials to be accepted include tires and toner cartridges;
may be a “paint exchange”. Nancy said the annual Township Clean up day will be April
28, 2007. If the EEC fully participates we could earn up to $250 for our budget.


Planning Board and Site Review: Erin, Karl and Lee attended. Karl and Lee
had to leave before Erin was to submit the EEC Summary of Conservation
Element recommendations. Will need an update from Erin.

Natural Resources Inventory/Conservation Element (NRI/CE): Lee noted the

EEC should focus on the CE recommendations during the year. He said the final
CE should be available by mid March.

Tree Ordinance: Briefly discussed. The EEC needs to determine its status
with the new administration.

Web Site: Not discussed.

Grants: Hal distributed a table for tracking grants and asked for comments.
All agreed the EEC should use it.


Open Space:
Pete discussed his walk along the old trolley line with Karl and seven
dedicated environmentalists from Lawrence. He noted there is great
potential for a bikeway and it could tie in nicely with Lawrence’s plans

Aimee Williams spoke as a citizen of Ewing. She felt the D&R Greenway
Trust would be interested in assisting Ewing with the purchase of the two
properties located in the Delaware River floodplain near the Revere
Restaurant. She noted that the D&R Greenway Trust did not have the
funds to do it at this time but expected more funding soon. She said that
the first step would be to get appraisals of the properties. She was not sure
if her agency would fund the appraisals. Lee will follow up with the

Jewish Community Center building tour – Not discussed.

Mike attended the meeting on solar panels at the Princeton Home Depot
on 1/23/07. He noted that the use of solar panels on Township building
would be idea since the pay back is relatively short and energy expenses
would be reduced. Mike will gather additional information to demonstrate
the benefits to the Township.
A Township showing of the movie “An Inconvenient Truth was briefly
discussed. Lee will determine if it could be done in conjunction with a tour
of the Janssen Pharmaceutica Facility.

TCNJ Demolition: Not discussed. Bob Brooks, Ewing resident did provide a
copy of the mitigation contract to the EEC mailbox.

Annual Report: Not discussed.

Mercer County Earth Day The celebration is 4/21/07 at the Ice Rink in Mercer
County Park. EEC did not discuss level of participation.



The EEC agreed that it would be appropriate to invite the Mayor to our next
meeting. EEC members will submit topics/questions to Scott by 2/23/07 so that a
list can be prepared for the Mayor prior to the meeting. Pete will contact the
mayor to invite him and also to set up a pre-meeting with a few EEC members to
present the question/topics.


There being no further business Mike moved to adjourn, seconded by Pete. The EEC
adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

____________________________ ________________________
Karl Muessig, Chairperson W. Scott Butterfield, Secretary

These Minutes approved on __________, 2007

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