The Man Behind The Curtain - Inside The Secret Network of George Soros - Matt Palumbo

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Also by Matt Palumbo

Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies

Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump
Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York
An Imprint of Post Hill Press
ISBN: 978-1-63758-332-6
ISBN (eBook): 978-1-63758-333-3

The Man Behind the Curtain:

Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
© 2022 by Matt Palumbo
All Rights Reserved

Cover Design by Cody Corcoran

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and

Post Hill Press

New York • Nashville

Published in the United States of America

For my parents
Table of Contents
The Origin of George Soros
George Soros, the 2020 Election, and the Biden White House
George Soros and the Ukraine
George Soros Infiltrates Higher Education
George Soros and the Media
George Soros Goes Local
The International Influence of George Soros:
The International Influence of George Soros:
Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East
The Leaked George Soros Documents Revelations
Notable Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros
The Open Society University Network
About the Author
What initially began as a single chapter expanding on George Soros’
influence in Ukraine as outlined in Dan Bongino’s book “Follow the
Money” quickly ended up becoming an overview of every sphere of
influence that Soros boasts. I had two goals when writing this book; to
provide a biography of Soros that documents his lifetime of political
meddling, and also to provide a reference guide to help anyone immediately
identify Soros-backed organizations wherever they pop up.
First and foremost, I’m grateful to Dan for choosing me to write this
book as the first for his new imprint. And as always, thanks to Post Hill
Press’ Anthony Ziccardi for always being immensely supportive of my
writing projects.
As is the case with any book I have written recently, none of this
would’ve been possible without help.
The Post Millennial’s Mia Cathell was enormously helpful in reading
and extensively editing early drafts of this book. Beth Baumann provided a
good deal of help in assembling the book’s appendix, which gives a
comprehensive list of every significant organization Soros has ever touched.
And lastly, thanks to my highly regarded friend Samuel Gautsch for
accommodating some mild laziness and helping with formatting my
The Origin of George Soros
“My goal is to become the conscience of the world”
—George Soros

T here is quite simply no man in politics more influential than George

Soros in terms of his wealth, his direct global sphere of influence, and
his indirect influence from the political infrastructure he’s built over his
He boasts a net worth of $8.6 billion—which is what’s left over after he
donated more than $32 billion during his lifetime to his Open Society
Foundations (OSF), the vehicle he uses to fuel his political influence. (Of
note, when I make references to “Soros funding” anything, it’s through his
OSF.) No other billionaire has “donated” such a large percentage of their
net worth according to Forbes, though such donations are largely for his
own ideological benefit.
Without even knowing a single thing about Soros, a surface-level
understanding of his circle can be gleaned simply by reading the list of
guests at his third wedding ceremony back in 2013. They included World
Bank President Jim Yong Kim, Estonian President Toomas Hendrick Ilves,
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Albanian Prime Minister Edi
Rama, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine
Lagarde, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Nancy Pelosi, among
others. Even Bono made an appearance—and that’s not mentioning the
other five hundred guests.1
Although most of the politically inclined are aware of Soros and his
activities, he is at times Schrodinger’s meddler, denying his influence to
some and boasting about it to others. One such case comes regarding Soros
facilitating coups in the name of “democratization.” In a 1995 profile in the
New Yorker, Soros admits to the “subversive” mission of his network, and
that it has required him to wear a “variety of masks.” “I would say one
thing in one country and another thing in another country,” he said,
When Georgia’s President Eduard Shevardnadze was toppled Soros
denied having anything to do with it, telling reporters on March 31, 2004:
“Everything in Georgia was done by its people, not by me. I had nothing to
do with it.” He’d later tell the Los Angeles Times in July that “I’m delighted
by what happened in Georgia, and I take great pride in having contributed
to it.”3
Elsewhere, it’s common to see publications (especially those that have
received funding from Soros) simply deny any accusations of Soros’
influence and claim they’re examples of “anti-Semitism” without paying
any attention to whether the allegations against him are true (because they
Whether he wants us to know about it or not, his massive influence and
seemingly omnipotent nature of Soros is something that took him a lifetime
to achieve. Here is his story.

An ethnic Jew, Soros was born in Budapest in 1930 and survived the Nazi
occupation of Hungary before moving to the U.K. in 1947. The Nazi
occupation of Hungary began on March 19, 1944, forcing Soros into hiding
until being liberated by the Russians on January 12, 1945.4
In spring 1944, the Nazis ordered the creation of the Central Council of
Hungarian Jews, which was tasked with communicating the wishes of the
Nazis and local collaborating authorities to the Jewish community. The
council included Jews who were aware of the Nazis’ atrocities but believed
that they would be exempted from them. And they were exempted from
Soros was part of the Council before assuming a new identity. He
recalled the experience in an interview with the New Yorker: “This was a
profoundly important experience for me. My father said, ‘You should go
ahead and deliver [the summonses], but tell the people that if they report
they will be deported.’ The reply from one man was ‘I am a law-abiding
citizen. They can’t do anything to me.’ I told my father, and that was an
occasion for a lecture that there are times when you have laws that are
immoral, and if you obey them you perish.”5
George’s father Tivadar recalled that after George’s second day on the
job, he returned home with a summons, to which Tivadar asked if George
knew what it meant. George replied, “I can guess. They’ll be interned.”
Tivadar then told him the Jewish Council has no right to give people orders
like that, recalling in his memoir:
“I tried to tell the people I called on not to obey” he [George]
said, clearly disappointed that I wouldn’t let him work anymore.
He was beginning to enjoy his career as a courier: it was all a big
Soros’ biographer echoed similar sentiments, noting that “George had
liked the excitement of being a courier but he obeyed his father without
complaint.” Soros would later cite this experience as a reason for disliking
fellow Jews (for being collaborators), while exempting himself.7
During the Nazi occupation, Tivadar obtained papers giving his
immediate family Christian identities. He decided to split up the family so
that if one of them were outed as Jewish, the rest of the family had a chance
of surviving.
After the family was split up for their own safety, Soros went to live as
Sandor Kiss with a man named Baumbach, as arranged by his father.
Baumbach was a friend of Tivadar, an official at the Ministry of
Agriculture, and a Nazi collaborator. Baumbach played the role of Soros’
godfather. Soros would never acknowledge the role that Baumbach played
in likely saving his life, and he died anonymously in 1999. His identity was
later revealed in 2018 as Miklós Prohászka.8
The “godfather” had the job of taking inventory of possessions seized
from Jewish families—trips that Soros accompanied him on. During an
interview Soros gave with 60 Minutes,9 host Steve Kroft asked, “My
understanding is that you went…went out, in fact, and helped in the
confiscation of property from the Jews.” A number of fact-checkers have
attempted to debunk the implications of this interview by stating that Soros
merely tagged along instead of actively participated in persecution—but
Soros has no remorse even for doing that.
“I mean, that’s—that sounds like an experience that would send lots of
people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?”
Kroft asked.
“Not, not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t…you don’t see the
connection. But it was—it created no—no problem at all,” Soros said
“No feeling of guilt,” Kroft replied.
When asked how he couldn’t sympathize with other Jews being
persecuted, Soros sociopathically replied by noting the “humor” in how his
behavior then is similar to his behavior now in finance, and then employed
the old “just following orders” defense.
“Well, of course…I could be on the other side or I could be the one from
whom the thing is being taken away. But there was no sense that I shouldn’t
be there, because that was—well, actually, in a funny way, it’s just like in
the markets—that if I weren’t there—of course, I wasn’t doing it, but
somebody else would—would—would be taking it away anyhow. And it
was the—whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property
was being taken away. So the—I had no role in taking away that property.
So I had no sense of guilt.”
A lack of conscience would later prove lucrative in the business world.


Soros has said that communism repelled him, but also told his father in
1946: “I’d like to go to Moscow and find out about communism. I mean
that’s where the power is. I’d like to learn more about it.” His father advised
him to go to London instead.10
Soros arrived in England in 1947 and became a student at the London
School of Economics (LSE) where he would become acquainted with the
philosophy of Karl Popper, who would have a profound influence on his
own ideological development.
It’s Popper’s 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies that Soros
described as a “revelation”—and that his “Open Society Foundations” takes
its name after. Soros said of the work: “It showed that fascism and
communism have a lot in common, and they both stand in opposition to a
different principle of social organization, the principle of open society.”11
The book criticizes the ideologies that Popper believed led to both
fascism and communism. Popper argued that totalitarianism came from
those who favored what he called the “closed society”—a tribal world
where social institutions are based on taboos. Claims to knowledge in the
closed society are merely the presentation of one’s version of reality. The
contrasting “open society” encourages free thought, individualism,
democracy, equality. One where individuals are, in Popper’s words,
“confronted with personal decisions” as opposed to tribal or collectivist
Soros defines the open society as one where “nobody has a monopoly on
truth; a society which is not dominated by the state or by any particular
ideology, where minorities and minority opinions are respected.”12 He’s also
defined it in his book Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism as:
“stand[ing] for freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights, social
justice, and social responsibility as a universal idea.”
Above all else, Soros is a globalist who believes that the world should be
a “global community” as opposed to individual sovereign states. As early as
1998, Soros would name the U.S. as the primary opponent of “global
institutions.” 13
According to Philanthropy Daily’s Eduardo Andino:
For Soros, one of the most important takeaways from Popper’s
ideas is that no single philosophy or worldview is in possession
of the truth. Groups need to let go of “their truth” and work for
an open society. But then it follows that the open society
becomes, by default, the regnant paradigm, the overarching
“truth” by which members of the society must live. If that’s the
case, there is ultimately no room for diversity of thought and
ways of life. Acceptance of individualism and a casting off of
traditional customs becomes a prerequisite for membership,
because everything else is “totalitarian.” Thus, what presents
itself as the best type of society for embracing different ways of
life is in reality the beginning of the greatest uniformity.14
This is one of many ironies that you’ll see in the contrast between Soros’
claimed philosophy, and his actions. As I aim to make evident to the reader
by the end of this book, Soros’ efforts are not to uncover truth, but rather to
disseminate his own narrative through his realm of influence to create the
false reality needed to justify his political vision.
Soros acknowledges the optional nature of reality in his book The
Alchemy of Finance (first published in 1987) when it comes to financial
markets, and his observations there are applicable to the world of media
manipulation. “We live in the real world, but our view of the world does not
correspond to the real world,” Soros wrote. “…Our view of the world is
part of the real world—we are participants. And the gap between reality and
our interpretation of it introduces an element of uncertainty into the real
world.”15 He notes pages later “people base their actions not on reality but
on their view of the world, and the two are not identical.” 16
He reiterated that point in his later book In Defense of Open Society:
“There is only one objective reality, but there are as many different
subjective views as there are thinking participants.”17
The Soros conceptual framework is built upon what he calls the principle
of fallibility and principle of reflexivity, both of which shine insight into the
mind of a master propagandist.
Soros explains of the former term, “in situations that have thinking
participants, their views of the world never perfectly correspond to the
actual state of affairs. People can gain knowledge of individual facts, but
when it comes to formulating theories or forming an overall view, their
perspective is bound to be either biased or both.”18
This is what makes propaganda so powerful. Because “The complexity
of the world we live in exceeds our capacity to understand it,” Soros
explains. “Confronted by a reality of extreme complexity, we are obligated
to resort to various methods of simplification: generalizations, dichotomies,
metaphors, decision rules, and moral precepts, just to mention a few.”19 Has
there been a single leftist propaganda campaign in the past two decades that
isn’t predicated on this framework?
Soros calls the relationship between the mind and reality reflexivity. “I
envision reflexivity as a feedback loop between the participants’
understanding and the situation in which they participate and I contend that
the concept of reflexivity is crucial to understanding situations that have
thinking participants.”20 Soros was influenced by Popper’s work The Logic
of Scientific Discovery, which argued that empirical truth cannot be known
with absolute certainty.21
Soros identifies three forms that reflexive interactions can take; dynamic
near-equilibrium, static far-from-equilibrium, and dynamic far-from-
In dynamic near-equilibrium, perception is close to reality and critical
thinking is encouraged. This is what Soros defines as open societies. In
static far-from equilibrium, perception and reality diverge wildly and
depend on “tribal magic.” Totalitarian states reside in this condition and can
remain there for long periods of time, Soros argues. In dynamic far-from-
equilibrium, the gap between reality and perception grows to a breaking
point in which change is forced to occur and reality undergoes a
transformation. Soros argues that societies in this state are susceptible to
undergoing sudden radical transformations.
Soros lumps both these concepts together into what he calls the “human
uncertainty principle,” a point where subjective and objective reality can
meet through a change in subjective reality, or by a change in objective
reality triggered through the manipulative function (outside influence).23
These concepts made Soros a fortune in financial markets and also
influenced his political donations. “The trick for the investor, or for the
philanthropic backer of social revolutions,” Duke University’s Barry Varela
notes, “was to recognize when reflexivity had led perception and reality to
diverge to the breaking point.”24
Despite leading to the foundation of the philosophy that would guide him
in business and politics, Soros described life in London as a “big letdown,”
recalling that at age seventeen, he was lonely and miserable with “very little
money and very few connections.”25
That would all change soon.

After earning a bachelor’s (1951), master’s (1954), and PhD (year
unknown) from the London School of Economics, Soros worked at various
merchant banks before heading to America in 1956.
Soros and his mentor Popper differed greatly in their views of America.
Three years before his death in 1991, Popper reflected on his time in
America with optimism; “It was my first trip to the United States in 1950
that made an optimist of me again. That first trip tore me forever out of a
depression caused by the overwhelming influence of Marxism in postwar
Europe. Since then I have been to America twenty or twenty-five times, and
each time I have been more deeply impressed.” Soros took a bleak view
that has remained unchanged.
Soros arrived in New York after nine years in London with the sole goal
of making money. He initially set himself a five-year deadline to save
$500,000 (over $5 million in 2021 dollars), after which he planned to return
to Europe. He told his biographer Michael T. Kaufman: “At the time I did
not particularly care for the United States. I had acquired some British
prejudices; you know, the States were, well, commercial, crass, and so
He ended up becoming a U.S. Citizen instead in 1961,27 but not because
he warmed on the States. Soros wrote in his 2003 book The Bubble of
American Supremacy: “Who would have thought sixty years ago, when
Karl Popper wrote Open Society and Its Enemies, that the United States
itself could pose a threat to open society? Yet that is exactly what is
happening, both internally and externally.”28
Soros’ criticisms of America go back to our Declaration of
Independence. In the same book, Soros argues that the principles contained
within the Declaration “are not self-evident truths but arrangements
necessitated by our inherently imperfect understanding.”29
In 1959, Soros moved to Greenwich Village on Christopher Street. In
1961, he married and moved to a different part of the village and had a son
in 1963.
Not much is known about the five years Soros spent there, or how
intwined he was with the other intelligentsia there. The socialist Michael
Harrington, whose book The Other America greatly influenced LBJ’s Great
Society, frequented the White House Tavern less than a half-block from
Soros’ apartment. Harrington served on the board of the League of
Industrial Democracy in the early ’60s, along with Aryeh Neier, whom
Soros would later hire to lead his foundations network in 1993.30
Poet Allen Ginsberg, a radical whose activities got him placed on the
FBI’s “Dangerous Subversives” list in 1965, also frequented events in the
village while Soros lived there. There’s no proof that the two met during
that time period, but by the mid-1980s, Ginsberg was a frequent guest at
Soros’ Fifth Avenue apartment and El Mirador estate on Long Island.31


Soros began a career in banking, eventually forming the offshore fund
Double Eagle in 1969 with $4 million in investment, including $250,000 of
his own money. Soros and his assistant Jim Rogers left that venture in 1973
to start Quantum Fund, which was managed by Soros Fund Management
(established in 1970). While all the early shareholders are not publicly
known, we do know that the extremely wealthy Rothschild family were
among the investors.32
The fund would prove to be an immediate success and be responsible for
Soros’ massive fortune.
By 1981 the June issue of Institutional Investor called Soros the “world’s
greatest money manager,” after he had doubled the size of his fund in a
single year the year prior, leaving Soros with an estimated $100 million net
worth. That ironically turned out to be the fund’s worst-performing year
(1981) since inception, though it wasn’t until 1996 that the fund had another
down year.
It was in 1992 that Soros would make his most infamous trade, breaking
the Bank of England and making him £1 billion in the process (or £20 for
every Englishperson). It was from this trade alone that Soros would become
internationally famous (and infamous) in the financial world.
The stage for the trade was set by Britain joining the European Exchange
Rate Mechanism (ERM) after its creation in March 1979, which was
created to reduce variation in exchange rates among European countries by
establishing fixed-exchange rates. This system was eventually succeeded by
the euro.
Because Germany had the strongest economy in Europe, each country set
its currency’s value in terms of Deutschmarks, and exchange rates were set
between the various countries’ currencies and the Deutschmark within a
range of plus or minus 6 percent of the agreed rate.
Maintaining that rate required central bankers to monitor currencies
closely to intervene if necessary. People trade currencies every day, and
they’re exchanged for imports and exports, creating a supply and demand
for various currencies. As a result, banks need to intervene to maintain the
rate in light of this by using their foreign currency reserves to buy their own
currency on the open market, by selling their own currency, or by increasing
or decreasing interest rates.
Britain joined the ERM with an exchange rate of 2.95 marks per pound,
allowing them a range of exchange rates between 2.78 and 3.13 marks to
the pound. At this time, inflation was high and the country was also in a
period of unsustainable economic growth, and there Soros saw an
opportunity as the pound traded at the lower end of what is allowed. 33
In 1992 Quantum Fund borrowed pounds and sold them for German
marks (effectively shorting the pound, aiming to benefit on the difference
when converting the marks back into pounds if/when they fall in value). By
the end of the day, now known in the financial world as Black Wednesday,
Soros had sold short £10 billion worth of pounds, putting extreme pressure
on its value. The bet was that the British government wouldn’t be able to
maintain their commitment to value the pound without rising interest rates
high enough to trigger a recession. The British government spent £27
billion in a day to support the pound, but gave up, conceding victory to
Soros, who netted over a billion pounds in the process.34
Such a trade isn’t reflective of genius, but manipulation, and it came at a
high cost. Britain, having exhausted its foreign currency reserves, increased
interest rates from 10 percent to 12 percent—and the pound continued
plummeting regardless. Britain left the ERM later that night.
The economic damage far exceeded Soros’ gain, with U.K. export and
import prices in pounds increasing by roughly 20 percent.35 The economic
turmoil Soros caused on Black Wednesday would also have an added
political bonus for him in that it was a major contributing factor to U.K.’s
Conservative Party losing to Labour in the 1997 general election in what
would be Labour’s largest victory in history.36
In almost an instant, Soros’ Quantum Fund increased from $15 billion to
$19 billion in value (of which Soros and his partners pocketed at least 20
percent, hence the profit of a billion pounds) when the pound was
reintroduced on the open market, and only a few months later the fund
would be worth $22 billion.37
Soros admits that when he bet against the sterling: “I was in effect taking
money out of the pockets of British taxpayers. But if I had tried to take
social consequences into account, it would have thrown off my risk-reward
calculation, and my profits would’ve been refused.”38
Soros isn’t happy with being known as “the man who broke the bank of
England,” and blames it on his lack of denial to the press of what we know
he did. He’s also complained that the media exaggerated his role.39
Regardless, that didn’t stop him from repeating the strategy over and over.
Quantum was the leading offshore hedge fund the year of the infamous
pound trade, and four of the six best-performing funds were those under the
Soros Management umbrella.40
And he didn’t stop there.
He wreaked similar havoc with the penning of a letter on June 9, 1993,
which he sent to the Times of London arguing that the German mark was
weak. He wrote: “I expect the mark to fall against all major currencies,”
which immediately triggered twenty-four hours of panic-selling, causing
Soros’ comment to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.41 His theory of
reflexivity had been vindicated.
He did this again on July 14, 1998, suggesting to the Financial Times of
London that the Russian government should devalue the ruble by 15–25
percent, causing panic selling once again.42
Soros announced a short position against the U.S. dollar on CNN in May
2004 at a time when the dollar had already fallen to a four-year low against
the euro, pushing it down even further.43
While it was not illegal, Soros also likely took a page out of Bobby
Axelrod’s playbook and shorted the markets in the aftermath of 9/11. On
September 19, he spoke to a group of business leaders in Hong Kong and
wouldn’t divulge if his fund was short-selling U.S. assets but commented:
“I don’t think you can run markets on patriotic principles.” Later, on CNN,
Soros spoke out against military strikes on the Taliban, saying they would
be bad for the markets (perhaps something he wanted to become yet another
self-fulfilling prophecy).44
By 1993, Soros was taking in a paycheck that surpassed the GDP of
forty-two member nations of the United Nations.45
Much of Soros’ behavior thus far looks a lot like market manipulation,
and it’s an offense he has faced consequences for on other occasions. Soros
had signed a consent decree with the SEC in 1979 after being charged with
stock manipulation related to his purchase of American computer
manufacturer Computer Sciences Corporation as it was about to issue new
shares. The SEC alleges that Soros sold shares to push down the price of the
new shares. Soros agreed to not engage in this kind of behavior in the future
while admitting no wrongdoing.46
It wouldn’t be until 2002 that Soros would run into troubles with
authorities again when Soros was found guilty of insider trading following a
fourteen-year investigation.
Soros was accused of buying stakes worth $50 million in four formally
state-owned French companies for his Quantum Endowment Fund in 1988.
Specifically, Soros was accused of having obtained and traded on insider
information before a corporate raid pushed up the stock price of Société
Générale, which was privatized in 1987. He was fined €2.2 million, the
amount he was accused of profiting from the trade, but that amount was
later reduced to €940k on appeal, making his insider trade net profitable.
“I am astounded and dismayed by the court’s ruling. I will appeal the
decision to the highest level necessary,” Soros said after the verdict. When
it came to proving his innocence, Soros lost an appeal to France’s highest
court in 2006, and then took his appeal to the European Court of Human
Rights (he actually claimed that fining him violated his human rights),
which also shot down his appeal in 2011.47 Given Soros’ influence over the
court (more on that in a later chapter), the rejection is strong evidence of his
By 2018, Soros Fund Management ranked second on the list of wealth
generated for investors since inception for hedge funds (with $43.9 billion
generated over that time period), beaten only by Ray Dalio’s Bridgewater
Associates ($57.8 billion).48
Someone who invested $1 million during Soros’ hedge fund debut
would’ve seen their fortune grow to an incredible $2 billion by 2011, the
year he stopped managing outside money.49
We can all fantasize what we’d spend our fortune on if we saw such
outsized gains. For Soros, the answer was what he considers
“philanthropy,” but everyone else can recognize as political influence, often
for his own financial benefit.


By the late 1970s, Soros’ fund had reached $100 million in assets, and he
amassed a personal fortune of $25 million.
Soros says it was at that point he realized he had enough money. “I
determined after some reflection that I had enough money. After a great
deal of thinking, I came to the conclusion that what really mattered to me
was the concept of an open society.”50 He then proceeded to grow his
fortune 150-fold throughout the rest of his career.
Soros’ first encounter with philanthropy was in London at the London
School of Economics (LSE) when he tried to game the system and get some
money from the Jewish Board of Guardians but was refused because he
wasn’t learning a trade. After breaking his leg during a temporary job at a
railroad, Soros again tried to get some money from them, personally writing
to the chairman of the board that he was sad they were “unwilling to help a
young Jewish student who had broken his leg and was in need.” Despite not
meeting the trade school requirement, that letter got him charity. “Although
I had deceived the foundation, I felt morally justified because they had
investigated my case and did not find out I was lying,”51 Soros reasoned.
Soros’ first philanthropic effort was providing scholarships to black
students living under apartheid at Cape Town University in 1979. In the
’80s, Soros began directing his philanthropic influence toward Central and
Eastern Europe, which were under the control of the Soviet Union at the
time. According to one of Soros’ Hungarian associates, this marked the first
time that Communist authorities anywhere were met with resistance from
the private sector on matters of social and cultural significance.
Soros created and named his philanthropic organization the Open Society
Institute. Off to a slow start, Soros took an apprenticeship at Helsinki
Watch, which later became Human Rights Watch (HRW), a group Soros
would eventually donate $100 million to.52 HRW cofounder Aryeh Neier
would later serve as president of the Open Society Institute from 1993 to
2012. Soros credits Neier’s tenure for the foundation, which was later
renamed the Open Society Foundations, taking its modern form.53
In 1991, Soros wrote: “My original objective has been attained: the
communist system is well and truly dead. My new objective is the
establishment of an open society in its stead. That will be much harder to
accomplish. Construction is always more laborious than destruction and
much less fun.”54
Many take a cynical view of the motives behind his philanthropy. In
1995, the London Sunday Times observed: “Soros investment funds did not
pay taxes in the United States between 1969 and 1986, enjoying a ‘free
ride’ that netted him and his investors billions of dollars. Until the
American Tax Reform Act of 1986 was passed, Quantum Fund legally
avoided paying a cent.” The Times then noted that “All Soros’s
philanthropy began in 1987, the first year that he and his fund has to pay
taxes. Charitable matters are tax deductible and Soros says his aim is to
give away half his yearly income, the maximum he can deduct.” While it
was actually in 1979 that Soros began his philanthropy, his spike in
contributions does begin in 1987. Soros’ philanthropy rose from $3 million
in 1987 to over $300 million a year by 1992.55
The New Yorker’s Connie Bruck said that Soros admitted to her that his
philanthropy opened closed doors to political influence. Soros said when he
first began giving out money in Central Europe, “People like the dictator in
Romania, Iliescu, suddenly became very interested in seeing me…my
influence increased.”56
Soros is, in his own words, “both selfish and self-centered, and I have no
qualms about acknowledging it.”57 He continues, “The activities of the OSF
extend to every part of the globe and cover a wide range of subjects that
even I am surprised by it. I am, of course, not the only one who is selfish
and self-centered; most of us are. I am just more willing to admit it.”
Journalist Neil Clark noted of Soros, that
“the sad conclusion is that for all his liberal quoting of Popper,
Soros deems a society ‘open’ not if it respects human rights and
basic freedoms, but if it is ‘open’ for him and his associates to
make money. And, indeed, Soros has made money in every
country he has helped to prise ‘open.’ In Kosovo, for example,
he has invested $50 million in an attempt to gain control of the
Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold,
silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region
of $5 billion. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great
effect over the whole of eastern Europe: of advocating ‘shock
therapy’ and ‘economic reform,’ then swooping in with his
associates to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices.”58
In 2021, the left-leaning journalism nonprofit ProPublica (which receives
just under 2 percent of its funding from Soros himself)59 released a report
that used fifteen years of confidential IRS records to calculate the effective
tax rate that billionaires pay on their fortunes (which was low because
unrealized capital gains aren’t taxed). Among the billionaires named was
Soros, who didn’t pay a cent of income tax for three years in a row from
2016 to 2018 according to their report.
While the other billionaires listed in their report are extensively
criticized, Soros only gets a brief mention, and immediate faux-rebuttal in
the form of a quote from an OSF representative that “Between 2016 and
2018 George Soros lost money on his investments, therefore he did not owe
federal income taxes in those years. Mr. Soros has long supported higher
taxes for wealthy Americans.”60 A quick fact-check reveals that Soros Fund
Management gained 5 percent in 2016,61 8.9 percent in 2017, and 0.8
percent in 2018.62
A more likely culprit for Soros’ lack of tax burden (at least in 2017 and
2018) is his transfer of $18 billion of his own wealth to the OSF. That move
guaranteed that those funds will be sheltered from the IRS forever in what
one commentator called the “single biggest tax dodge in U.S. history, yet no
one on the right or left seems to have raised an eyebrow.”63 The donation
also allows Soros to deduct up to 20 percent of its market value on his
personal taxes ($3.6 billion), which he can carry forward for five years,
effectively giving him a double write-off (not paying taxes on future
income while dodging deferred capital gains taxes on donated stock).
Soros’ initial meddling was in anticommunist activities, but he now says
that he considers “market fundamentalism” and America itself to be greater
threats than Marxism because Marxism has been discredited.64 Amusingly,
the only people who don’t seem to agree that Marxism has been discredited
are the exact kind of leftist ideologues that Soros funds.
His views evolved further from there; “Until recently, I was inveighing
against market fundamentalism, which I considered a greater current threat
than Marxism. Now I regard the idealogues of American supremacy as even
more dangerous.”65
Soros outlined his plans after the collapse of communism in
“Underwriting Democracy,” pointing to two major projects: the creation of
Central European University and the creation of an international network
“for the placement of East and Central European candidates as trainees in
Western firms.”
Soros approached the Hungarian government about setting up a
foundation in 1984, which they approved. By the end of the 1980s, he’d
established foundations in China, the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and
Bulgaria.66 In the 1990s, he’d direct his focus to Romania and the Ukraine.67
Soros’ political and economic interests are intertwined more often than
they’re not, such as when he played a large role in shaping economic policy
in Russia under Bill Clinton’s administration.
Clinton dealt with Russia and former Soviet states through private back
channels to circumvent State department procedures. He assembled a small
team known as the “troika,” which included the State Department’s Strobe
Talbott, Treasury’s Lawrence Summers, and VP/internet inventor Al Gore.
Talbott’s position was elevated to chairman of a Super Committee on the
former Soviet Union, earning him the de facto title of “Russian policy
Talbott turned to Soros for help because he was a businessman with
experience in the region. Talbott would later tell the New Yorker in 1995 of
Soros that “I would say that it [his foreign policy] is not identical to the
foreign policy of the U.S. government—but it’s compatible with it. It’s like
working with a friendly, allied, independent entity, if not a government. We
try to synchronize our approach to the former Communist countries with
Germany, France, Great Britain—and with George Soros.” He went on to
describe Soros as “a national resource—indeed, a national treasure.”69
Anne Williamson, who has been published widely on Soviet and Russian
affairs, said,
“The Clintons welcomed Soros with open arms. Soros performed
services for the Clintons, and in return received wide latitude for
his business ventures in the former Soviet bloc. Soros not only
expanded his fortune under Bill and Hillary, but he also fit in
with their countercultural zeitgeist. Through them, Soros found a
public platform to espouse his wacky politics. With Bush in
power, Soros no longer has that kind of influence. That’s a big
part of what’s driving him crazy.”70
Soros admitted as much in the 1995 PBS interview where he infamously
showed no remorse for briefly working for the Nazis’ Jewish Council in
Hungary: “I like to influence policy. I was not able to get to George Bush
[Senior]. But now I think I have succeeded with my influence…I do now
have great access in [the Clinton] administration. There is no question about
this. We actually work together as a team.”71
Soros had begun positioning himself in 1989 when he funded Harvard
economist Jeffrey Sachs to create an economic reform plan for Poland.
Sachs ended up favoring economic “shock therapy”—removing all price
controls, currency controls, trade restrictions, investment restrictions, and
other barriers to instantly transition to capitalism. Poland implemented that
plan in January 1990, causing immediate hyperinflation. Soros remarked
that the transition was “very tough on the population, but people were
willing to take a lot of pain in order to see real change.”
After that, Soros and Sachs turned to Russia to persuade Mikhail
Gorbachev to try the same policy in the Soviet Union, which he rejected.
Soros would later undermine Gorbachev when he tried to secure loans from
Western lenders by denouncing him in the press and arguing his reforms
would fail. His attacks on Gorbachev in the West also imperiled Russia’s
access to foreign aid.72
Gorbachev’s replacement, Boris Yeltsin, would prove to be more
approving of the Soros-Sachs agenda, and he removed all price controls in
January 1992, leading to inflation of 2,500 percent and an economic
blowup. Corruption would also derail the needed transition to capitalism,
with one scholar estimating that despite 57 percent of Russian firms being
privatized, the state only received $3–5 billion in compensation for them as
they were sold at a fraction of their true value to oligarchs. By 1996 a mere
six Russian businessmen had controlled 60 percent of the nation’s natural
The massive corruption was impossible to miss, as the Washington Post’s
David Ignatius explained in a 1999 article:
You can see the question rumbling toward Al Gore like a freight
train in the night: What did the vice president know about the
looting of Russia by organized crime, and why didn’t he do more
to stop it?
That issue—what the heck, let’s call it “Russiagate”—has come
into sharper focus this month, thanks to some powerful reporting
that has highlighted the lawlessness of modern Russia and the
acquiescence of the Clinton administration in the process of
decline and decay there.
Also potentially troubling for Gore is evidence that the Russian
central bank speculated with some of the roughly $20 billion the
IMF has lent to Russia since 1992.
What makes the Russian case so sad is that the Clinton
administration may have squandered one of the most precious
assets imaginable—which is the idealism and goodwill of the
Russian people as they emerged from 70 years of Communist
rule. The Russia debacle may haunt us for generations. Gore
played a key role in that messy process, and he has a lot of
explaining to do.74
Sachs and Soros played a major role in influencing Russia in the 1990s.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) outsourced the
job of overseeing Russia’s economic transition to Harvard’s Institute for
International Development, which Sachs headed from 1995 to 1999. As
such, Sachs and his team were official economic advisers to Yeltsin. They
wielded so much influence over Yeltsin that he often enacted their reforms
through presidential decree to avoid parliament—decrees that were
sometimes drafted by Sachs and his team themselves.75
Sachs would later resign as director of the Institute in May 1999 amid a
DOJ probe into the institute’s Russia operations. Harvard shut down the
Institute in January 2000, but not before it was hit with a DOJ lawsuit
alleging misuse of USAID funds, which Harvard settled out of court for $26
While Soros insists that there was no corruption involved in his deals in
Russia, he did invest in Russia’s second-largest steel mill Novolipetsk
Kombinat and in the Russian oil firm Sidanko as they were being
privatized. He was joined in those purchases by Harvard Management
Company, which invested its endowment fund. The bidding was closed to
foreign investors, but Soros and Harvard Management were able to
participate in the rigged auction by making their purchases through the
Sputnik Fund, an investment fund tied to oligarch Vladimir Potanin.77
When Soros was asked in 1994 by a New Republic reporter to describe
his power and influence in the former Soviet states, he replied, “Just write
that the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.”78
By 1995, Soros says he completed “phase 1” of his agenda of “opening
up closed societies.” It was at that point that he moved on to phase two:
making open societies more viable.79 All the activities of his OSF up to that
point had been concentrated internationally—it was now “time to do
something at home.”
Soros began reflecting on America and his perceived deficiencies of our
society. He developed a strategic plan and then assembled a group of social
philosophers to examine it that included Bard College President Leon
Botstein and others. There were two ideas of his that came to the forefront:
that market values had “penetrated into areas where they did not properly
belong” and undermine professional values; and that fear has “stifled the
critical process and gave rise to false dogmas characterized by prejudice
and intolerance, which undermines the principles of the open society.”80
He singles out two “problems” that are incredible to prioritize given all
the problems in the modern world. They are that people aren’t progressive
enough on the issue of assisted suicide, and that society is too intolerant of
drug use.81
Soros launched the Project on Death in America, which was the first
project he used the media to amplify, relying on PBS’s Bill Moyers, who
drew heavily on work sponsored by Soros in a five-part TV series on
Soros’ own personal interests are arguably the dominant motivating
factor behind everything he does. “In short, philanthropy had made me
happy,” Soros once wrote lines before admitting: “Clearly, I am no saint,
nor do I aspire to be one.”83
It’s not until 2003 that Soros entered presidential politics, with the
George W. Bush era causing him to go into overdrive in influencing both
presidential elections and an array of left-wing organizations to
permanently alter America’s social fabric.
He claims that he has “made it a principle to pursue my self-interest in
my business, subject only to legal and ethical limitations, and to serve the
public interest as a public intellectual and philanthropist. If the two are in
conflict, I make sure that the public interest prevails.”84
The “self-interest” portion certainly is believable.
George Soros, the 2020 Election, and
the Biden White House
G eorge Soros has long been involved in politics, but his foray into U.S.
politics is relatively recent (in the context of the life of a
nonagenarian). Rather than recede from the public eye during his twilight
years, Soros has continued backing many progressive causes. “The bigger
the danger, the bigger the threat, the more I feel engaged to confront it,”
Soros stated during the Trump presidency.
After giving over $5 billion to causes in Africa, Asia, and the former
Soviet Bloc, Soros’ first major interference in U.S. politics was during the
administration of George W. Bush, whom he accused of being guided by a
“supremacist ideology” when it came to U.S. power.
Soros contributed over $18 million toward opposing Bush in the 2004
election against John Kerry, according to the New York Times,85 making him
the biggest donor to 527 advocacy groups that election cycle. Soros
personally estimates he spent over $27 million.86
Kerry and Bush were neck and neck in the polls, leaving Soros to
publicly state that the presidential race was “too close for comfort,” which
he described at the time as “the most important election of my lifetime.” In
an op-ed for the Independent, Soros explained why he campaigned across
America to put Kerry in the White House: “Under President Bush, America
has lost its credibility as a champion of open society.”87 Soros reiterated that
nobody is in possession of the “ultimate truth.” “Leaders who claim to be in
possession of the ultimate truth offer an escape from uncertainty,” Soros
wrote. “But that is a snare, because those leaders are bound to be wrong.”
Bush had posited that offense was the best defense for the nation and
Americans were safer at home because soldiers were fighting the terrorists
abroad. The argument resonated with an electorate fearful of terrorism in
the wake of the September 11 attacks, but Soros labeled Bush’s call “a
Siren’s song” that was “exploiting the fears generated by 9/11.” He urged
that the country must “face reality instead of finding solace in false
certainties.” Soros argued that America’s future as an open society
depended on resisting the Siren’s song.88
Soros asserted that “democracy cannot be imposed by military means”
and terrorism cannot be fought by the use of military force alone. He
believed that the war on terror was “an abstraction,” arguing that the
terrorists were “not all alike.” Soros wrote that most of the men attacking
American soldiers in Iraq “originally had nothing to do with [Al-Qaeda]”
and had been “generated by the policies of the Bush administration.”89
Soros pointed to a philosophical difference between the two contenders.
He described the war on terror as “a one-dimensional presentation of
reality” defined by Bush. Soros considered Bush single-minded while Kerry
was nuanced. To Soros, the reelection of Bush meant the war on terror
would never end. “The terrorists are invisible, therefore they can never
disappear. It is our civil liberties that may disappear instead,” Soros wrote.90
He gave $12.05 million toward Joint Victory Campaign 2004, and then
$7 million to America Coming Together, $2.5 million to’s
voter fund, $325k to the Young Voter Alliance, $325k to 21st Century
Democrats, $300k to the Real Economy Group, and $250k to Democracy
for America.91
$3 million was pledged to liberal think tank Center for American
Progress, then led by John Podesta, who served as White House chief of
staff during the Clinton years.
Another one of the PACs he backed, America Coming Together (ACT),
would later be slapped with the third-largest enforcement penalty in the
history of the FEC (at the time) for using unrelated soft money to boost
Kerry and other Democrats.92
The organizers of ACT and its executive committee members had close
ties to the Democratic Party, including several prominent labor leaders such
as ACT’s chief executive officer Steve Rosenthal, former political director
of the AFL-CIO; Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees
International Union (SEIU); and Gina Glantz, assistant to the president of
SEIU who also served as senior adviser to the campaign of Democrat
Howard Dean. ACT’s headquarters was also located in the same building in
downtown Washington as the temporary headquarters of the Democratic
National Committee. According to press reports, ACT was located on the
fourth floor of the facility, while the DNC was located on the seventh and
eighth floors.93
Both America Coming Together and MoveOn were 527 groups, tax-
exempt organizations under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code that
were entitled to receive unlimited contributions from individuals. Soros
postured it as the wealthy financing political mobilization and grassroots
discussion. In other words, what harm was done if a philanthropist tossed
money to political outfits that sought to unseat Bush? In 2004, 527 groups
became partisan spin-offs, a predictable consequence of placing new
limitations on parties. Large donations to such groups’ war chests to
influence federal elections were able to buy influence with federal
candidates, even if the organizations operated as independent entities.
In March 2002, Congress enacted the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
(BCRA) to stop the injection of soft money into federal elections. Since the
enactment of McCain-Feingold, as the campaign-finance law was also
called, a number of political operatives and donors engaged in efforts to
circumvent the act by using soft money to influence the 2004 presidential
and congressional elections. The schemes involved the use of the so-called
527 groups as vehicles to raise and spend soft money.
McCain-Feingold blocked soft money from being poured into the
national party committees, but it didn’t stop funds from being sent outside
the system. Party loyalists worked overtime to develop strategies to keep
the soft money spigot open without also violating the complex new law.
In an op-ed column for the Washington Post, Soros described the BCRA
as an attempt to limit the influence that special interests can gain by
financing candidates and to level the playing field between the two parties,
claiming that the contributions he made were “in that spirit.”94
Soros maintained that both ACT and MoveOn were transparent and filed
detailed and frequent reports with government regulators. He wrote that he
contributed to independent organizations that by law, which minimized the
ability to purchase influence in exchange for contributions, were forbidden
to coordinate activities with political parties or candidates. Soros claimed
that he was not seeking such influence. Soros maintained that his
contributions were made in “the common interest,” insisting that ACT was
just working to register voters and MoveOn was engaging constituents in
the national debate over Bush’s policies.
Soros explained the “urgency” to defeat Bush during a speech before the
National Press Club in October before the election. “I have never been
heavily involved in partisan politics” he unironically began his speech, “but
these are not normal times.” The bulk of his speech was in opposition to
Bush’s foreign policy, particularly in Iraq.95
He told USA Today that defeating Bush is the “central focus” of his life,
and that he’d spend the entirety of his fortune to remove Bush from office if
his removal were a guarantee.96 Days before the election, he commented
that in the event of a Bush victory, “`I shall go into some kind of monastery
to reflect…I will be asking what’s wrong with us.”97
Soros backed Obama back when he was running for Senate, holding a
fundraiser at his New York home for his Illinois senate campaign in June
2004. Soros personally donated $60,000.98 A special provision of the
campaign-finance law allowed greater contributions to candidates who were
running against millionaires. Four members of the Soros family had also
donated to the Senate campaign, awarding Obama one of the richest Soros
Two years later, Obama’s campaign staff even asked to use Soros’ offices
on Hillary Clinton’s home turf for meetings with prominent Democratic
donors amid presidential musings.99 Obama and the left-wing heavy hitters
mingled one December 2006 afternoon in a midtown conference room that
belonged to none other than Soros.100
The assembly of elites included investment banker Hassan Nemazee,
Wall Street giant Blair Effron, private-equity powerhouse Mark Gallogly,
and hedge-fund manager Orin Kramer. Most were considered big-time
Kerry supporters in 2004, but all were uncommitted for 2008.
Robert Wolf, who would become the CEO of UBS Americas and later
hold three presidential appointments under Obama, was also present and
emerged as Obama’s most copious cash collector, next to Soros, in the Big
Apple. Known as Obama’s chief Wall Street rainmaker, Wolf hosted high-
dollar cocktail parties and soirées, harvested over $500,000 in the 2008
election cycle, and committed to raise the same in contributions for the
reelection campaign.101
Obama’s networking among Democratic donor circles helped to make
the campaign’s monstrous fundraising apparatus as daunting as Clinton’s
sphere of influence. The courtship of Wolf, a hungry newcomer ready to
spend big bucks, was thanks to the Soros venue where Obama and Wolf met
for the first time.
Soros was pictured behind Obama during a 2007 fundraiser event for his
presidential campaign and would himself be a large donor.102 White House
visitor logs show that Soros paid Obama a visit during the first months of
his administration on March 24 and 25.103
Soros waited until September 2012 to donate again to Obama, giving $1
million to PAC Priorities USA to back him and an additional $500k to two
congressional super PACS, House Majority PAC and Majority PAC. The
contributions were announced at a fundraising luncheon headlined by Bill
Clinton. Obama took the money despite his earlier opposition to the
SCOTUS legalizing unlimited outside donations.
According to emails released by the State Department, Soros told a close
Hillary Clinton ally in 2012 that he regretted backing Barack Obama over
her in 2008 and praised Hillary for giving him an “open door” to discuss
Soros had publicly told the New York Times that Obama was his “greatest
disappointment”—but this may not just be because Obama wasn’t liberal
enough for his liking. Instead, Soros complained that Obama “closed the
door” on him after he secured the presidency.105 “He made one phone call
thanking me for my support, which was meant to last for five minutes, and I
engaged him, and he had to spend another three minutes with me, so I
dragged it out to eight minutes,” Soros said.
Soros had previously complained to other financiers about Obama in
2010; “If this president can’t do what we need, it is time to start looking
somewhere else.”106
Despite his criticisms, Soros still maintained influence when he could.
White House visitor logs prove he met with Obama’s controversial top
adviser on ISIS, chief national security official Rob Malley, in October
2015.107 Although the meeting in the Executive Office Building occurred
before Malley’s promotion, when he was named the ISIS czar several
weeks later, the terrorist group was almost certainly the topic of discussion.
At the time, Malley was Obama’s “point man” leading the Middle East desk
of the National Security Council before he was promoted in November to
serve as the president’s senior adviser for the counter-ISIS campaign.108
Soros also sat on the International Crisis Group’s board of trustees,
pumping funds into the antiwar organization where Malley was the Middle
East director before he was tapped by the Obama administration.
When Hillary Clinton, whose ear Soros did have, was the Democrat
nominee, he ratcheted up spending once again. He donated $8 million
toward PACs backing Hillary in 2015 (most going toward Priorities USA
Action),109 and then an additional $12.6 million in 2016 to PACs backing
Hillary and congressional Democrats.110
The 2004 Take Back America Conference in Washington, D.C. was the
first time Hillary Clinton and George Soros appeared together on the same
stage. Hillary introduced Soros “Now, among the many people who have
stood up and said ‘I cannot sit idly by and watch this happen to the country
I love,’ is George Soros, and I have known George Soros for a long time
now, and I first came across his work in the former Soviet Union, in Eastern
Europe, when I was privileged to travel there, both on my own and with my
husband on behalf of our country…we need more people like George Soros,
who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts.”111
Soros began the anti-Bush speech by stating how “very, very proud” he
was to be introduced by Hillary, and revealed how intwined the two are. “I
have a great, great admiration for her. I’ve seen her deliver a speech in
Davos about open society that explained the ideas better than anybody else
that I’ve heard. I’ve seen her visit Central Asia, where I have foundations,
and she was very effective, more effective than most of our statesmen in
propagating democracy, freedom, and open society.”112
We don’t know exactly when Hillary Clinton and Soros became
acquainted, but they clearly have known each other for some time. Hillary
has said the first time she became aware of Soros was through his work in
the former USSR.
The Clintons hosted the new president of the Ukraine Leonid Kuchma at
the White House on November 22, 1994, with press reports claiming that
Soros was in attendance.
In November 1997, Hillary traveled to Central Asia to visit various
former Soviet Republics. During the trip, she cut the ribbon for the opening
of the Soros-backed American University of Kyrgyzstan, where she
received the school’s first honorary degree. She praised Soros and the Open
Society Institute in her acceptance speech.113
Regurgitating the same language he employed against Bush, in an op-ed
for The Guardian, Soros urged voters ahead of the 2016 presidential
election to “resist the siren song” of Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the
leading two candidates in nationwide polls of the GOP primary.114 Soros
chastised how Republicans have framed the fight against jihadi terrorist
groups and argued that fear is the greatest threat to open society, a
recapitulation of his signature “open society” rhetoric. As for what would
territorially decimate jihadi terrorist groups like ISIS, one year of the Trump
presidency did the trick.
Soros poured more money into the 2020 election with the goal of
defeating Trump than he spent in all prior U.S. elections combined. This
was an election where “dark money” spending (political contributions in
which the source of funding remains anonymous) topped $1 billion—and
most of it to the benefit of Democrats.115
Giving his own personal spin to the “this is the most important election
of our lifetimes” cliché, Soros told the World Economic Forum at Davos
that the fate of the world was at stake in 2020. From the sidelines at an
annual private dinner set during the conference that featured business and
political leaders, Soros took aim at Trump, alleging that his “narcissism”
has turned into “a malignant disease.” The egoist who spends billions to
influence global politics then blasted Trump, a fellow billionaire, as a “con
man and narcissist who wants the world to revolve around him.”116
On the rise of Trump and populism worldwide, Soros bemoaned that
“everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong”117 (which to normal
people means that everything that could go right has gone right). Soros
acknowledged in an interview with The Washington Post that he was
surprised by Trump’s election victory. “Apparently, I was living in my own
bubble,” Soros lamented the turn of events. Trump’s own America First
platform ran counter to the globalist agenda that Soros continues to push.
Trump, he said, “is willing to destroy the world.”
Soros created Democracy PAC in 2019 to serve as his vehicle to
influence the 2020 election. It raised and spent $81 million toward that
goal, with $70 million of the funding coming from Soros himself. 118 That
represents a tripling of his presidential election spending from 2016.119 He
initially planned to “only” double 2016 spending.120 This came after Soros
ramped up lobbying spending in 2019 to levels higher than what corporate
giants Amazon, Facebook, Boeing, and Alphabet (Google’s parent
company) spent.121
Among the biggest recipients of funds included the Strategic Victory
Fund ($3 million), Senate Majority PAC ($1.5 million), and Working
Families Organization ($1 million), among others. Soros attempted to
obscure the source of his donations by donating through a PAC instead of in
his own name (though he did directly donate to some funds, including the
DNC-led Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund, the Nancy Pelosi Victory
Fund, and the Biden Victory Fund).122
Although this fact is obscured by Soros mostly donating to organizations
via his PAC, if his contributions were counted as personal contributions, he
would’ve been the largest individual backer of Biden. The arrangement
allowed Soros to keep his name off the top of donor lists.123
Democrat victors who’ve benefited from Soros’ wallet have railed
against the influence of big money in the political sector. Biden’s
government reform plan promised to “reduce the corrupting influence of
money in politics.”124 The president’s campaign website urged that we
“flush big money from the system and have public financing of our
“Democracy works best when a big bank account or a large donor list are
not prerequisites for office, and elected representatives come from all
backgrounds, regardless of resources,” Biden’s plan to “guarantee
government works for the people” read. “But for too long, special interests
and corporations have skewed the policy process in their favor with
political contributions.”
Biden’s talking points parroted those of Obama’s final State of the Union
address: “We have to reduce the influence of money in our politics, so that a
handful of families or hidden interests can’t bankroll our elections.”125
Such anti-dark money rhetoric from Soros-backed buckraking candidates
underlines the Democratic Party’s hypocritical dependency on large
contributions from billionaires. Democrats have long understood and
engaged in the battle for cash, perpetuating money’s importance in
signaling any candidate’s plausibility—thus electability in the
establishment’s eyes.
Soros and failed Democratic congressional candidate Scott Wallace
helped to bankroll Heartland Fund, an intricate “fiscal sponsor” network.
The collaborative effort targeted Midwestern voters by building “power
across the divides of the American heartland.” Trump had defeated Hillary
Clinton in several Midwestern states that she was expected to carry in the
2016 election. The “neglected” region has since become a honey pot for
deep-pocketed megadonors and liberal activist groups alike seeking to
move money there.
The Open Society Foundations contributed $200,000 to the Heartland
Fund for a one-year grant in 2019;126 however, the contribution is not
mentioned in the fund’s press release on the collaboration, and the total
amounts given by the groups are not known.127
Democrats also capitalized on the coronavirus crisis to expand sought-
after government control of private lives and businesses. Priorities USA
Action, the Democratic Party’s largest super PAC, spent millions on
advertisements that criticized Trump’s response to the coronavirus
pandemic in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, and
A thirty-second television commercial produced by Priorities USA
Action called “Exponential Threat” charted the rise in coronavirus cases
and was overlaid with soundbites of Trump’s initial pandemic-related
comments. Another fifteen-second ad visualized the spread of COVID-19
cases across the United States, striking a similar anti-Trump theme. Two
other hits, titled “Steady Leadership” and “Better Prepared,” cast Biden as
the remedy to “a White House in chaos.”
In February 2020, Priorities USA Action super PAC received $3 million
from Soros’ own Democracy PAC, according to FEC records. The seven-
figure donation accounted for 77 percent of the $3.9 million Priorities USA
Action reported raising during that month.129
While supporting organizations that backed Biden directly, Soros also
moved to boost organizations looking to change the rules of the game. As
the Capital Research Center uncovered from IRS filings, Soros’ funding
vehicles sought to boost vote-by-mail and absentee voting. The Capital
Research Center’s (CRC) Scott Walter writes:
The Brennan Center for Justice, heavily funded by Soros’s Open
Society, is spearheading a plan that calls for a “universal vote-by-
mail option for all voters,” or more precisely, absentee ballot
initiatives. The newest portion of the plan involves “secure drop
boxes in accessible locations for voters to drop off ballots
Voting by mail expands the chain of events involved in casting a
ballot and radically expands the opportunities for fraudsters to
tamper with the process. In 36 states, somebody else can legally
deliver voters’ ballots with their permission, usually a family
member or attorney. But 13 states generally allow anybody to
collect absentee ballots—with serious consequences.130
Under the circumstances of the pandemic, the Democrat Party was also
able to prey on destabilization and panic to promote the vote-by-mail
By the middle of 2020, Democrats had already managed to pass into law
some absentee ballot provisions by hiding them in the coronavirus relief
bill, a monstrous $2 trillion package Congress passed in late March. Nearly
half of voters would end up voting by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020
election. An overwhelming number of votes by mail were cast for Biden. In
key swing state Pennsylvania, 75 percent of mail-in ballots went to
Although the vote-by-mail system appears to make voting easier for the
harried, the disabled, and the elderly, it leaves the electoral process
vulnerable to fraud. For example, a seventy-nine-year-old blind Nevada
woman signed an affidavit attesting that her completed ballot had already
been mailed without her consent when she requested in-person assistance.
Clark County election officials maintained that her signature matched and
that her vote had been cast. “I said, it couldn’t match, because I didn’t
vote,” she persisted, later sharing her story at a Trump press conference.132
Soros backed organizations pushing vote-by-mail. The donor network
Way to Win launched a $59 million effort to encourage people of color to
vote by mail in November and partnered with the Ford Foundation and
Soros’ Open Society for that goal.133
The Soros-funded Center for American Progress said that voting by mail
“must become the default option for the vast majority of Americans” during
the pandemic.134
The activist group Stand Up America, which is funded by the Sixteen
Thirty Fund (which the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance recommended
donors invest millions into) launched a nationwide campaign to urge
Americans to demand Congress to make voting changes.
Described by the left-wing Vox as the “closest thing that exists to a left-
wing conspiracy” in the U.S., the Democracy Alliance is a network of
wealthy donors that enacted a $275 million spending blitz against Trump.
The alliance’s leader, Gara LaMarche, worked for Soros as the vice
president and director of U.S. programs at the Open Society Institute.
Other Soros-funded organizations that pushed for mail-in voting included
Common Cause and Public Citizen. Groups indirectly funded by Soros that
made the push include the National Vote at Home Institute and National
Association of Non-Partisan Reformers.135
It’s just common sense that voting by mail would damage Trump. It’s
simultaneously the case that young people are the most likely to oppose
Trump—while also being the least likely to actually turn up to vote in
presidential elections. Naturally, giving this demographic the option to vote
by checking a box at home and mailing it back would boost turnout for
Biden. Or to make an even simpler argument, that voting by mail would
help Biden is evidenced by the fact that 100 percent of those pushing for it
are Democrats.
Of course, Soros-backed groups have argued otherwise. Back in 2011,
before the modern push for mail-in voting, the Soros-funded Brennan
Center produced a study aimed at combating then-new laws that would
reduce voter fraud and strengthen election integrity.
The Brennan Center alleged that voting law changes “could make it
significantly harder for more than five million eligible voters to cast ballots
in 2012.” Their sixty-four-page report claimed that the negative effects “fall
most heavily on young, minority, and low-income voters, as well as on
voters with disabilities.” 136
The price tag for the report totaled $10 million. Open Society
Foundations gave the Brennan Center for Justice over $7 million from 2000
to 2010 and New York University was tossed almost $3 million during the
same time period.137
The Soros-funded echo chamber then pushed the story toward
progressive news sites that took it to the national stage. The narrative’s
promotion included members of the Media Consortium (which received
$425k from the Open Society Foundations), The Nation (whose foundation
received $77k from the OSF), and the OSF-funded blogs Campus Progress
and Think Progress.138


Like any good investor, Soros hedged his investment in fighting Trump.
In June 2020, the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) was spawned after
initially being organized in late 2019. The stated purpose was to put
together thought exercises to examine “possible disruptions” in the 2020
presidential election and transition, such as if Trump refused to concede.
Members were a who’s who of leftists and never-Trumpers, such as
former Clinton aide John Podesta, two-time acting Democratic National
Committee Chair Donna Brazile, The Bulwark’s editor-at-large Bill Kristol,
Washington Post columnist Max Boot, Trumpocalypse: Restoring American
Democracy author David Frum, and others.
Despite the roster, the project claims to “take no position on how
Americans should cast their votes.” And because we have a dishonest
media, they presented the group as such. Every source from NPR to CNN to
“insert publication here” uncritically refers to them as “nonpartisan.”
The group was founded by Rosa Brooks, a former special counsel to the
president at the Open Society Institute.139 Her connection to Soros remained
after she left the OSF. As we learned from emails released by WikiLeaks,
she attended a Soros dinner in 2015 and emailed Podesta about it
Days after the inauguration in 2017, Brooks wrote an article titled
outlining varying ways to oust Trump, “3 Ways to Get Rid of President
Trump before 2020,” where she proposed impeaching Trump without
“actual” evidence of wrongdoing because “practically anything can be
considered a high crime or misdemeanor,” or “a military coup” suggesting
that military leaders refuse to obey the commander-in-chief’s orders.141
Brooks later doubled down on the latter proposition in an op-ed for Foreign
Policy magazine, invoking Revolutionary War-era tales of civil
disobedience, resistance to authority, and uprising against a despotic
government. “After all, America was founded by men who came, slowly
but surely, to believe that they could no longer obey their government,”
Brooks wrote. “From the perspective of American political mythology, they
were heroes; from the British point of view, they were traitors.”142
Among the group’s activities involved simulating potential election
outcomes for the purpose of backing Biden’s claim to the White House in
the event of a disputed election (again, odd for a supposedly nonpartisan
organization). As the National Pulse’s Raheem Kassam and Natalie Winters
TIP claimed to have “war-gamed” potential outcomes of the
2020 election with a host of establishment figures such as Hillary
Clinton’s 2016 campaign Chair and Obama-era Counselor John
Podesta, Never Trump Republican National Committee (RNC)
Head Michael Steele, and acting chair of the Democratic
National Committee (DNC) Donna Brazile who leaked
presidential debate questions to Clinton in 2016.
In one concerning iteration, Podesta, who acted as Biden, seized
the presidency by “failing to concede as Mrs. Clinton had.”143
In such a scenario, Podesta wanted Biden to allege voter suppression and
persuade the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden
electors to the Electoral College. If Trump were to take office, Podesta
wanted California, Oregon, and Washington to secede from the union.
Any liberal complaints about Trump refusing to concede the 2020
election must be viewed in light of the Democrat establishment secretly
floating secession if they didn’t get the election result they wanted. Hillary
Clinton herself echoed the advice of the TIP, telling Biden “Don’t give an
inch” and not to concede the election “under any circumstances” if it’s
Meanwhile, Fiona Hill, a Trump-impeachment witness who served on
the Open Society Foundation’s board and is closely linked to Rosa Brooks,
was publicly demanding an “election commission.”145 The idea was first
pitched in a New York Times article by DNI Dan Coates, who proposed
creating “a supremely high-level bipartisan and nonpartisan commission to
oversee the election. This commission would not circumvent existing
electoral reporting systems or those that tabulate, evaluate or certify the
results. But it would monitor those mechanisms and confirm for the public
that the laws and regulations governing them have been scrupulously and
expeditiously followed—or that violations have been exposed and dealt
with—without political prejudice and without regard to political interests of
either party.”146
In a New York Times article the following month, Hill echoed the Soros
push for lax election laws, claiming they would somehow strengthen
election integrity. “Early voting, online voting, in-person voting and paper
and mail-in ballots all increase physical election security. If there is full
voter turnout, and every vote is counted in every form, then it is much more
difficult for anyone—domestic or foreign—to mess with the margins. If we
want to restore our democracy, we need to heal our divisions and get out the
Hill admitted that she realized the nation’s electoral system is
“decentralized” while working with Homeland Security colleagues and
other government agencies at the National Security Council. However, she
said that since 2016, the federal government has worked with state and local
officials as well as tech companies to “harden” the country’s electoral


A month after Biden’s presidential victory was declared, Patrick Gaspard
stepped down as president of the Open Society Foundations and began
phoning labor union leaders to support his campaign to become Biden’s
labor secretary.148 Gaspard, a former Obama aide, has deep ties to the labor
movement, having served as vice president and chief political organizer of
the potent 1199SIEU health care workers union covering New York and the
Northeast. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, a Biden confidant,
confirmed that Gaspard was in the running for the position.149
Despite stepping down as president, he still apparently has a role within
the organization. Five days after his move, he was quoted in an internal
OSF memo about most program areas facing freezes on new initiatives.150
Biden ended up nominating Boston Mayor Marty Walsh for the head
position over California Labor Secretary Julie Su and Gaspard, possibly
knowing the optics of selecting someone too publicly connected to Soros.
While Gaspard didn’t make it into the administration, the Soros
infiltration of Team Biden began before he even took office.151

On the day of the 2020 election, Hungarian MP Gergely Gulyás
commented: “We supported Donald Trump, whereas Joe Biden has been
supported by George Soros, which is not such a great starting point.”152
Gulyás said he was “pessimistic” during the counting of votes across the
United States, noting that he hoped that the foreign policy of a new
Democrat government “would be better than the last one,” referring to the
Obama administration in which Biden was vice president. He chided the
Biden campaign for accepting donations from Soros, whom Hungary’s
government has depicted as the financier of all the evils of liberalism.153
Biden’s transition team was formed days later on November 7, and
quickly began staffing itself with liberals connected to Soros and his
network. Biden’s transition team raised $20 million (much more than the
$6.5 million and $4 million Donald Trump and Obama raised, respectively),
of which Soros donated the maximum amount ($5,000).154
Biden-assembled “Agency Review Teams,” which included lists of
individuals “responsible for understanding the operations” of each
government agency, were tapped to prepare both Biden and Kamala Harris
“to hit the ground running on Day One.” Soros was represented well by
Biden’s picks.
Sarah Cross works as advocacy director at the Soros Foundations’
International Migration Initiative and worked as part of the State
Department’s transition team.
OSF Leadership in Government Fellow Diane Thompson was picked by
Biden to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s transition team.
Special adviser to the executive office of the OSF Michael Pan joined the
United States Mission to the United Nations team.155
Sharon Burke and Vivian Graubard are members of the Soros-funded
New America organization (where Soros’ son Jonathan sits on the board).
Burke aided the Department of Defense’s transition team, while Graubard
aides the Department of Labor’s.
Five members of the Soros-funded Center for American progress
assumed transition team roles, including Jocelyn Frye (Department of
Labor), Kate Kelly (Department of the Interior), Andy Green (Department
of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, Banking and Securities Regulators), Kelly
Magsamen (National Security Council), and Ryan Zamarripa (Office of the
U.S. Trade Representative).
Three members of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (on
the board of which the former director of Soros Fund Management sits)
aided with the Department of Defense’s transition: Kath Hicks, Melissa
Dalton, and Andrew Hunter.
Four people from the Soros-backed Center for a New American Security
aided the transition team: Susanna Blume and Ely Ratner (Department of
Defense), Elizabeth Rosenberg (Department of the Treasury), and Kayla
Williams (Department of Veterans Affairs).
A number of individuals within the Soros sphere of influence then
entered his cabinet.
Neera Tanden served as president for the Soros-funded Center for
American Progress before becoming senior adviser to the president in May
2021. She had previously been nominated to head the Office of
Management and Budget, but her nomination was withdrawn after
Democrat Senator Joe Manchin announced he wouldn’t vote in favor of her
confirmation. She also made the mistake of trash-talking Senator Lisa
Murkowski on twitter in the past, which came back to haunt her.
Ron Klain serves on the board of the Center for American Progress
Action, the lobbying wing of the aforementioned Center for American
Progress. Since day one of the Biden presidency, he’s been White House
chief of staff.156
Sam Berger was a former VP for democracy and government reform at
the Center for American Progress, and was made director of strategic
operations and policy for the COVID-19 Response Team.

Soros has been more direct in his funding of the Biden agenda, publicly
pledging $20 million toward passing Biden’s eight-year, multitrillion-dollar
infrastructure and social welfare agenda while seeking to raise and spend
$125 million. “Every initiative proposed by President Biden has broad
public support. But we’ve seen popular reforms get demonized before by
partisans and special interests, and we are not going to let that happen,” said
OSF executive director Tom Perriello. “Facts don’t always win without
some real muscle put behind getting those facts in front of the American
“We hope this effort on the part of organizers and donors will give the
Biden administration and Congress the assurance that they need to go as
big, bold and fast as possible,” said progressive donor network Way to
Win’s cofounder Leah Hunt-Hendrix.158
While money talks, progressives must tread lightly with the party’s prods
that can slip at any moment between encouraging and antagonizing the
White House. “Squad” member and progressive New York Representative
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to “realistically” take it to the extreme
with $10 trillion over ten years in spending, voicing “serious concerns that
[Biden’s number is] not enough” and calling for officials to “go way
In an interview with MSNBC at the beginning of April, she said she was
speaking for House Democrats by eyeing the “ideal” price tag.159 “I know
that may be an eye-popping figure for some people, but we need to
understand that we are in a devastating economic moment. Millions of
people in the United States are unemployed,” the New York lawmaker
stated. “We have a truly crippled health care system and a planetary crisis
on our hands, and we’re the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. So
we can do $10 trillion.”
Soros is also looking to invest across five “tables”; coalitions of
organizations to seek the “strongest” (i.e., most liberal) jobs package. Those
five coalitions, mostly funded by the Open Society Policy Center, include:
- The Care Economy: Seeking expansion of paid leave, childcare, and
home and community-based care services for the elderly and people
with disabilities.
- Infrastructure: Working to ensure infrastructure jobs are union jobs,
ensure “racial and gender equity,” and address climate change.
- Climate: Partner with key established “environmental powerhouses.”
- Immigration: Protect millions of illegal immigrants.
- Real Recovery: Support messaging and communication efforts across
the elements of the Biden Administration’s Build Back Better
While Soros has directly funded the Biden agenda, that arguably
represents a fraction of his influence on the matter considering his existing
influence in the media, at universities, and within the White House itself.
Soros is exerting indirect influence over the aforementioned proposals
and even more radical leftist policies through his billionaire-financed “Poor
People’s Campaign.”161 Soros backed the group in 2020 when the OSF
announced their $220 million investment into what they call “racial
equality.” The Poor People’s Campaign received the OSF grant following
George Floyd’s death as part of the organization’s “antiracist” initiative.
When the grant was announced, Soros’ son Alexander said, “This is the
time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America.” In
the press release announcing the grant, the OSF touted groups “fighting for
an end to policing as we know it.”162
While George Soros is openly backing Biden with his $20 million, he’s
afforded the ability to be invisibly “pulling the strings” with the latter
group, which is arguably more dangerous because it’s backed by thirty
House Democrats.163
Under Biden, the Poor People’s Campaign is unleashing a yearlong
campaign for a “Third Reconstruction”—which includes demands to
abolish immigration enforcement, expand welfare for illegal immigrants,
and remove criminal penalties for violent protesters and rioters.
Some other demands read like a progressive bingo board: automatic
voter registration; single-payer health care; a reparations commission;
cancellation of student, housing, utilities, and medical debt, as well as all
other debt that can’t be paid. They estimate the cost in the tens of trillions of
dollars, which they propose funding through deficit spending and a 10
percent cut to the military. This is just an excuse to cut the military, of
course. If they are funding through deficits, debt certainly isn’t a concern to
them in the first place, and a 10 percent cut in the military would only fund
a sliver of their package of Santa Claus policies.
They justify all this with the language/word salad of the new woke
paradigm, using historical injustices to justify why their credit card bills
should be cancelled. They wrote in a Facebook post about the “Third
Reconstruction” campaign the following word salad: “With this resolution,
we (1) acknowledge the deep harms we have suffered from systemic
racism, poverty, ecological devastation and the denial of health care,
militarism and the false narrative of white supremacist nationalist
extremism and (2) commit to heal and transform the nation by addressing
these interlocking injustices, beginning with those most impacted, with
moral and just laws and policies.” As one ambassador sardonically put it,
every societal problem to the Left nowadays is blamed on the “systemic
systems of structural institutions.”
Intending to place pressure on Democrats to urge support of the
initiative, the Poor People’s Campaign is designed to climax with a march
on Washington in June 2022. A previous “40 Days of Action” protest it
organized in 2018 resulted in thousands of arrests. Protesters in dozens of
states held sit-ins at government offices and blocked roads while demanding
local legislators pass minimum wage increases and expand welfare benefits.
Among the House Democrats backing the campaign described as the
“next Green New Deal” include the “Squad’ Representatives Cori Bush and
Rashida Tlaib, and Jamie Raskin, who was lead impeachment manager
during Trump’s second impeachment.


In May, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced sanctions against
former Albanian president (1992–1997) and prime minister (2005–2013)
Sali Berisha, alleging “significant corruption,” and banned him, his wife,
and his children from entering the U.S. Berisha headed a center-right
political party called the Democratic Party (a counterintuitive name from an
American perspective) that was founded in 1990 after the ouster of the
nation’s Communist regime.
The seventy-six-year-old Albanian politician, an ally to both Bushes,
currently serves as an opposition member of Albania’s parliament, of which
the Socialist Party of Albania holds a majority.
Blinken said in a statement that during his second stint in leadership,
Berisha “was involved in corrupt acts, such as misappropriation of public
funds and interfering with public processes, including using his power for
his own benefit and to enrich his political allies and his family members.”164
No details or supporting evidence was provided. Berisha has insisted there
is “zero evidence” behind the corruption allegations, asserting the U.S. ban
was based on “misinformation” from outlets backed by Soros.
Even taking the allegations at face value, we’re to wonder why these
sanctions happened now, out of the blue. New York Republican
Representative Lee Zeldin immediately flagged the move as abnormal and
penned a letter to the State Department’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs to
request a detailed explanation of the process that the State Department
For that, Berisha blames Soros and told the Washington Times that he
would fight the allegations proving there is “no evidence” for a defamation
suit against Blinken in a European Court. He also challenged the Biden
administration to produce any evidence of corruption, stating:
It is my deep conviction that this declaration against me has been
based entirely on misinformation that Mr. Secretary of State
Antony Blinken has gotten from a corrupted lobby process
involving Edi Rama and George Soros, who are close friends.
They have no evidence. None at all. If they announced one bit, I
will be most thankful. But they have no concrete proof based on
fact, not manipulation or slander.”
I have been an outspoken critic of George Soros and his close
friend [Prime Minister] Edi Rama, and because of this, the State
Department has made this allegation against me and blocked me.
There is no other reason. There could be no other reason.
Soros and Berisha had publicly traded blows before, with Berisha saying
in 2017 that Soros had turned from a “great friend” to a “great danger” to
the Albanian people. “My statements on George Soros and his mafia, as a
major danger for the Albanian democracy, are based on authentic
documents. My statements at the Albanian Parliament against the mafia acts
of Soros and his network in Albania, are based on facts which date before
the current debates taking place in the United States on the activity of the
chief speculator of the planet,” he explained. Just nine years earlier, he had
called Soros a “great friend of the Albanians.”165
Berisha told the Times that Soros-backed NGOs have had vendettas
against him since 2017, stemming from him publicly rejecting proposals for
changes to the Serbia-Kosovo border. Berisha had opposed certain
territorial swaps that Soros-backed NGOs wanted because he believed it
would lead to ethnic violence, adding “changing borders meant cleansing
and shifting of populations.” He also alleged that U.S. support for the
territorial swaps was engineered by Soros-backed groups working with
socialist Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.
Rep. Zeldin made reference to the Soros connection when questioning
Blinken during a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in June about
the drastic sanctions that came “seemingly out of nowhere.” “What specific
information can you share with the committee at this time to justify this
dramatic move?” asked Zeldin.166
In response to questioning, Blinken denied having any communication
with Soros, but said he can’t speak for anyone else at the State Department.
When pressed on the evidence for corruption, Blinken said that all proper
protocols were followed while providing no substantive evidence of
corruption whatsoever.
Responsible for providing the facts on Berisha’s alleged corruption to the
Department of State is the East-West Management Institute. It’s headed by a
woman named Delina Fico who has the job title of director of civil society
programs at East-West Management Institute. Alongside Central European
University (CEU), the East-West Management Institute is one of two Soros-
spawned groups that he says he would “envision as permanent institutions.”
She was once engaged to Edi Rama, and later married Bledi Çuçi, one of
Rama’s closest allies.167
Evidently, Blinken can’t speak on behalf for anyone else at the State
Department when it comes to their connections to Soros—or even his own
father. Antony’s father Donald Blinken and his wife Vera funded the Vera
and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University,
which houses a digital collection of Hungarian historical documents. In one
Soros Foundations Network report from 2002, Donald Blinken is listed on
the Board of Trustees for CEU third after Soros (the chair) and Aryeh Neier,
implying he’s high in the pecking order.168
Donald Blinken was U.S. ambassador to Hungary from 1994 to 1998,
right as Soros was setting up shop. He and his wife had close ties to the
socialist government.
The daily blog Hungarian Spectrum, which boasts Soros among its
donors, celebrated Blinken as a potential Secretary of State pick after the
2020 election because “Hungary will not be forgotten in the next four or
perhaps eight years in Washington.”169
After Blinken was confirmed as Secretary of State, Hungarian newspaper
Magyar Nemzet called it “great news for George Soros.”
George Soros and the Ukraine
I nternationally, George Soros arguably boasts more influence in Ukraine
than he does in any other country.
The Russian-language Ukrainian newspaper Vesti publishes a list of the
most influential one hundred people in the country at the end of every year,
choosing Soros in 2019 as second to only President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The prime minister took third place after Soros.
“Through the organizations financed by him, Soros can influence
economic and political life in all of Ukraine,” the Kyiv-based paper notes.170
They’re hardly being hyperbolic.
Soros’ influence in Ukraine kicked off in 1989, two years before the
collapse of the USSR, when he was creating a series of NGOs.171
The most notable was in April 1990, when the International Renaissance
Foundation (IRF), a part of the Open Society Foundations’ international
network, was established in Kyiv. Ukraine was still a struggling part of the
Soviet Union at the time. Soros’ influence would only grow in 1991
onwards when the country became fully independent. The IRF was
disconnected from reality and worked only with the “NGO-cracy,” whose
leaders were busy networking with Western embassies rather than engaging
with citizens. Detractors rebuked the narrow patronage network of NGOs
where leadership used access to domestic policymakers and Western donors
to influence public policies, yet were out of touch with the public at large.172
The IRF became the biggest international donor to Ukraine by 1994 with
an annual budget of $12 million, which it claims was for “projects that
ranged from retraining tens of thousands of decommissioned soldiers to the
creation of a contemporary arts center in Kyiv” named the Soros Center for
Contemporary Arts. Today, its aid to Ukraine totals $7.8 million, with a
reported spending breakdown of 42 percent going toward “Democratic
practice and human rights,” 24 percent to “health and rights” 15 percent to
“justice system reforms,” and the rest split between “economic governance
and advancement,” “education,” and “equity and antidiscrimination.”173
In the early 2000s, the IRF oriented itself around promoting European
integration and later mobilized resources in the aftermath of Russia’s
invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014. The OSF describes the IRF as a
pro-democracy crusader, which has funded numerous organizations such as
nonprofit civil-society group Statewatch.174
The Foundation claims to have supported over eighteen thousand
projects during its lifetime. It ironically claims that “fighting corruption and
strengthening transparency and accountability have always been a priority.”
The Foundation’s mission is to “develop an open society” in Ukraine
“where everybody has a sense of dignity, citizens are involved in the
formation of the state, and the authorities are transparent and
Soros has spent over $180 million in Ukraine since 1991.176
In addition to Soros’ early endeavors in the country as the USSR
collapsed, he financed Mikheil Saakashvili, the president of Georgia (2004–
2013), who became governor of Ukraine’s Odessa region (2015–2016), and
Svitlana Zalishchuk, a former member of Ukrainian parliament. He’s also
given money to Mustafa Nayyem, an MP who was appointed VP of
Ukroboronprom, a state association of the nation’s major defense
The epithet “sorosiata” was used to describe any subservient figure who
sought to please Soros—portrayed as “the almighty leader of globalists.”
The derogatory term became popular in late February 2020 when a
broadcast marathon called Smells Like Soros was televised. The expressive
title translated to other variations such as It Reeks of Soros and Stinks of
Such messaging conveyed across political programming included
phrases such as “Soros aims to control entire countries and he has
succeeded the most in Ukraine,” “He promotes degradation, destruction of
traditional values and national identities,” and “He supports class
It’s in Ukraine that Soros would be a rival to former Trump campaign
chairman Paul Manafort. Manafort worked on behalf of then Ukrainian
president (from 2010 to 2014) Viktor Yanukovych, while Soros backed
former Ukrainian prime minister (in 2005 and again from 2007 to 2010)
Yulia Tymoshenko, a populist firebrand of the Orange Revolution who was
sentenced in 2011 to seven years in prison on charges of abuse of power
and embezzlement over an alleged antieconomic deal to purchase natural
gas from Russia.
The Orange Revolution was a series of protests that took place between
November 2004 to January 2005 following the 2004 Ukrainian presidential
election. Protesters alleged corruption and fraud after Yanukovych’s victory,
which was challenged following the mass protests. Viktor Yushchenko
ended up winning by a nearly eight-point margin after a new vote was held.
In response to the 2005 sacking of the Tymoshenko government, Open
Society Institute-New York regional director Leonard Benardo, now the
executive vice president of programs for the Open Society Foundations,
cowrote in an op-ed for The Globe and Mail that the Orange Revolution
was “a victory for the democratic process” and “a beacon…around the
world,” especially for former Soviet Union countries. “To get [the Orange
Revolution] back on track is crucial for Ukraine—and beyond,” the
editorial argued.180
Yanukovych would later receive 48.95 percent of the vote in the 2020
Ukrainian presidential election to Tymoshenko’s 45.5 percent.181
If Soros wanted his revenge, he would get it from the Maidan protests of
November 2013 to February 2014 that led to the ouster of Ukrainian
President Yanukovych. The protests were sparked by Yanukovych’s
decision to not sign an association agreement with the European Union.
Protesters then took to the streets to demand closer European Union
relations and demonstrations in Maidan Nezalezhnosti—or Independence
Square, the central square of Kyiv—formed to also denounce the post-
Soviet politics of corruption and nepotism.
Many of the main directors of the Maidan protests were tied to Soros-
sponsored programs.182 The IRF played a role in aiding the protests, with
the OSF’s website admitting they “ensured that legal aid was made
available throughout the crisis to civic activists, protesters, and journalists;
supplied victims of violence with medical care; enabled civil society
solidarity and organization; supported channels like Hromadske TV in
independent, live reporting about events on the Maidan; and documented
cases of torture, beatings, and police and courts abuse.”183
In one single climactic day for the history books, the political order of
Ukraine was overturned when Ukrainian parliament voted to dismiss
Yanukovych from office and to free Tymoshenko, the jailed opposition
leader who went straight from prison after serving thirty months behind
bars to addressing tens of thousands at Independence Square. Tymoshenko
delivered an emotional, forceful speech on stage, honoring the eighty-two
Ukrainians killed in street fighting.184
In an emergency session, the Ukrainian parliament voted 380 to zero to
remove Yanukovych, maintaining he was guilty of gross human rights
violations and dereliction of duty. Many of Yanukovych’s allies were absent
or abstained from voting. In a calculated statement, the Obama
administration backed the swift political change, praised the “constructive
work” of the Ukrainian parliament, and urged “the prompt formation of a
broad, technocratic government of national unity.” The White House also
applauded Tymoshenko’s release from prison.185 With Yanukovych’s ouster,
President-Elect Petro Poroshenko would take office in June 2014.
In 2015, Poroshenko awarded Soros the Order of Liberty, one of
Ukraine’s highest awards. Poroshenko said of Soros upon giving him the
award: “Your intense activities during recent years have extremely
promoted the democratic change that we now have happening in Ukraine.”
He praised Soros’ role in the country and the IRF’s contributions to the
establishment of a new Eurocentric Ukraine over the preceding twenty-five
The presidential decree commended Soros for working toward “the
strengthening of the international authority of the Ukrainian state” and the
“implementation of socio-economic reforms.” This behavior could also
roughly translate to “Thank you for making me president.”
Soros had Poroshenko’s ear; it made headlines that the two had met
earlier in January of that year to discuss the European Union contributing to
Ukraine’s development and the prospect of increased economic assistance
to the country.187 “Ukraine is struggling to protect not only itself, but also
Europe. Thus, Europe should help Ukraine implement reforms necessary
for the country,” Soros belabored, urging that the implementation of such
reforms required financial assistance. By March, Soros announced his intent
to invest $1 billion into Ukraine.188 The following year, he joined Ukraine’s
National Investment Council.
At the same time, Soros emphasized that Ukraine must demonstrate
commitment to the radical reform agenda. “You have to show that [the] new
Ukraine is different from the old one,” Soros said to Poroshenko while
Euromaidan’s supporters transitioned from being the opposition to nation
Soros was an ardent advocate of the “new Ukraine,” led by “the cream of
civil society,” who claimed that the “old Ukraine” was entrenched in state
bureaucracy and had conspired with the business oligarchy. He pontificated
in the international press, flaunting a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine and
urging European Union and United States leadership to “Save the New
Ukraine” and “Keep the Spirit of the Maidan Alive.” Soros romanticized
Ukraine’s transformation as a social experiment in participatory democracy
that relied on checks and balances, “a noble adventure” of citizens turned
toward modernity and democratizing the nation.189
Sensing the threat of Russian aggression from presidential strongman
Vladimir Putin, he also urged Western powers to provide additional sums to
strengthen Ukraine’s military defense. “Russia looms, with its dominant
military might…Putin believes in displays of force; he flexes his muscle,
and expects people to fall in line. He will do what he can to thwart progress,
to keep the country mired in its corrupt past,” Soros wrote on the blog for
Open Society Foundations.190
Soros classified the financial assistance from foreign entities, in which
the IRF was placed in charge of seeing through the disbursements, as an
immediate $15 billion need “to ensure Ukraine’s survival and encourage
private investment.”191
Soros believed that the single most effective measure to counteract Putin
was to offer free political risk insurance to those who invest in or do
business with Ukraine. Despite political turmoil, the relationships would
keep the economy running and signal to Ukrainians that the European
Union and the United States are committed, Soros proposed in his
instructional “How the EU Can Save Ukraine” op-ed.192 “By acting
promptly and convincingly, the EU could save Ukraine—and itself,” Soros
wrote, furthering his main gripe against Europe for not doing enough for the
new Ukraine. “What I propose for Ukraine could also be implemented at
Soros warned Russia was emerging as a dangerous rival to the European
Union, one with global geopolitical ambitions. “Europe needs to wake up
and recognize that it is under attack from Russia,” he rallied to reorient the
European Union’s policies to rescue Ukraine.
Soros felt that an injection of financial assistance to Ukraine would help
to stabilize its economy and provide a much-needed stimulus to the
European economy by encouraging exports and investment in Ukraine,
which had experienced transitory shocks that led to its financial crisis. But
once Ukraine recovers, Soros argued, it should be able to repay its creditors
for the “defense expenditure.” Soros declared that if the international
authorities failed to match the radical Ukrainian reforms with an impressive
assistance program, the new Ukraine will be destined to fail; “Europe will
be left on its own to defend itself against Russian aggression,” and “Europe
will have abandoned the values and principles on which the European
Union was founded.”193
During Poroshenko’s administration (2014–2019), Soros was able to get
a number of desired changes to Ukrainian laws, which were achieved by
bypassing Ukrainian parliament via the National Reforms Council (NRC)
that was set up in 2014. Emboldening the post-Euromaidan reforms
process, Soros provided an additional $3 million in support of eight
Strategic Advisory Groups (SAGs) within the NRC and its plethora of
experts drafted eighty reform bills in education, health care, deregulation,
energy security, decentralization, administrative reform, and e-
The NRC’s chain of command includes the president and his cabinet,
parliamentary committee chairs, a who’s who of Soros-affiliated members
of Ukraine’s civil society, the European Bank of Reconstruction and
Development, and representatives of EU and U.K. governments.195 Soros
spoke about what he expected from the new Ukrainian government in an
interview with Ukrainian newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda arranged by the
IRF. The elections gave “a clear mandate” to the elected representatives to
form a coalition that would turn the new Ukraine into a reality, Soros said.
A lot of the preparatory work had been done under the aegis of the NRCs
with the help of the SAGs.196
Soros has a global vision, and his desire to fully integrate Ukraine into
the European Union is part of his vision to once again turn Europe into a
unified global power.197 His influence in Ukraine has overlapped with his
goals in America in recent years, particularly when it came to Donald
Trump and his associates.


In 2014, Soros’ IRF and its grantees were active supporters in the creation
of the Anti-Corruption Acter Centre (AntAC) of Ukraine, a powerful
NGO.198 Through the end of 2018, 17 percent of AntAC’s funding was
coming from Soros.199
AntAC is run by Daria Kaleniuk, an American-educated lawyer. Of note,
White House logs say that Kaleniuk visited the White House on December
9, 2015, and reportedly met with Eric Ciaramella, a CIA employee that
many suspect is the anonymous whistleblower that sparked Trump’s first
impeachment, the source of which was a phone call with Ukraine’s
AntAC was responsible for creating the National Anti-Corruption
Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), a law enforcement group separate from the
prosecutor general’s office that was tasked with handling the biggest
corruption cases. It has investigatory powers but cannot indict suspects
unless it passes its findings to prosecutors. The agency was established in
2014 at the behest of the International Monetary Fund after its predecessor,
the National Anti-Corruption Committee, was deemed a failure. Western
governments funded NABU, and the FBI also supported it.200 Like all the
Orwellian-themed names of groups Soros had a part in, NABU acts
independently in name only.
With the Obama DOJ’s launch of the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery
Initiative, which was aimed at battling large-scale public corruption in
foreign states, the State Department, DOJ, and FBI began outsourcing some
of their own work to AntAC.201
In February 2015, Viktor Shokin was appointed prosecutor general of
Ukraine, and was soon scrutinized for helping the owner of the energy
company Burisma. Shokin had helped owner Mykola Zlochevsky regain
control of $23 million that was frozen by U.K. authorities. Burisma was
made famous by Hunter Biden’s involvement in the company, and
Zlochevsky was the one who struck the deal to appoint Hunter to the
company’s board of directors in 2014 at a reported salary of up to $83,333
per month.202
AntAC’s stance on Shokin was made clear; it tweeted on December 2015
that “One of the major goals of #AntAC for 2016 is to force #Shokin to
Shokin attempted to begin a probe into Burisma that “included
interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of
the executive board, including Hunter Biden.” This never materialized
because Joe Biden (then VP) threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan to
Ukraine unless Skokin was removed as prosecutor general. Biden even
bragged about it on video to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018,
stating that when he attended a meeting with Ukraine’s president and prime
minister, he said, “‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired,
you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they
put in place someone who was solid at the time.”204
Biden had insisted that the U.S. wanted Shokin removed over corruption
concerns, which were shared by the European Union. But tapes released by
Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach allegedly containing calls between
Biden and Poroshenko reveal that the Ukrainian president admitted to doing
Biden’s bidding, thus the extent to which the removal of Shokin was a quid
pro quo is proven. “Despite the fact that (Shokin) didn’t have any
corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing
something wrong, I especially asked him…to resign,” Poroshenko allegedly
said in a recording dated February 18, 2016.205
In another recording from March 22, 2016, the two allegedly discussed
who would be appointed prosecutor general of Ukraine, and then who
would be their eventual replacement. Ukrainian former prosecutor Yuriy
Lutsenko was mentioned. A White House press release confirms that the
two talked on this date.206
At the end of the call, Biden said, “I’m a man of my word. And now that
the new prosecutor general is in place, we’re ready to move forward to
signing that new $1 billion loan guarantee.”207
Derkach would later be punished for allegedly exposing Biden’s call
with Poroshenko.
After the audio was made public, Poroshenko’s successor Volodymyr
Zelensky called for an investigation into the recordings, and our Treasury
Department sanctioned Derkach, describing the audio as “unsupported
information” part of a campaign to “discredit U.S. officials.” They also
accused Derkach, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, of being a “Russian
agent.” 208
The sanctions came less than a year after Derkach met with Rudy
Giuliani in Kiev, which reports at the time said was to discuss possible
misuse of U.S. tax dollars by Ukraine’s government. “I can’t think of
anything [Derkach] gave me that you could consider meddling in the
election. Indicting [Steve] Bannon is a lot more meddling in the election
than this. My best recollection is it was all information we had already. I
know I kind of got bored during the deposition because I had already heard
it,” Giuliani told Fox News. 209
“I can’t see how you can be accused of meddling in an election that is
more than a year away,” Giuliani continued. “The only new piece of
information he gave…is the report that $5.3 billion in foreign aid [to
Ukraine] is unaccounted for, $3 billion of which is American money and a
big portion of that went to nongovernmental organizations controlled by
George Soros,” he continued.210
As the 2016 presidential race began to intensify, Ukraine’s prosecutor
general’s office began an investigation into AntAC about the alleged misuse
of $2.2 million of funds. An inquiry was sent to former U.S. ambassador
Geoffrey Pyatt. George Kent, the second-in-command at the embassy,
responded to Deputy Prosecutor General Yuriy Stolyarchuk with a two-page
letter stating that the U.S. had “no concerns about the use of our assistance
Kent pressured Stolyarchuk about AntAC in the letter, writing “The
investigation into the Anti-Corruption Action Center, based on the
assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” That was
written on April 4, 2016—less than a week after Shokin was removed.
A few months later, Yuriy Lutsenko was named prosecutor general and
met with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Lutsenko recalls
being stunned when the ambassador gave him a list of people who shouldn’t
be prosecuted. The list included a founder of AntAC, and two members of
Ukrainian Parliament who supported AntAC’s anticorruption agenda (while
benefitting from corruption themselves).212
As John Solomon puts it, the implied message to Lutsenko was clear:
“Don’t target AntAC in the middle of an America presidential election in
which Soros was backing Hillary Clinton to succeed another Soros favorite,
Barack Obama.”213
So what was motivating George Kent and Ambassador Yovanovitch to
influence investigations in Ukraine of all places? The fact that Ukraine dealt
with an organization created with the backing of the Obama administration,
State Department, FBI, and George Soros. An investigation into AntAC
could expose a whole chest of secrets—the least of which being that they’re
not all concerned with corruption like they claim.
Memos uncovered by John Solomon from Soros’ OSF before the 2016
election make that obvious. One advocates U.S. involvement in Ukraine
and offers “behind the scenes advice and support to Ukrainian partner
AntAC’s efforts to generate corruption litigation in Europe and the U.S.
respecting state assets stolen by senior Ukrainian leaders.”214
Another memo describes AntAC’s strategy of developing friendships in
key government agencies to leverage within the countries Soros operates in.
“We have broadly recognized the importance of developing supportive
constituencies in order to make headway in tightening the global web of
anti-corruption accountability. We first conceived of this in terms of
fostering and helping to build a political environment favorable to high-
level anti-corruption cases.”215
One such contact was Karen Greenaway, the FBI supervisor who was
one of the lead agents in investigating Paul Manafort in Ukraine. She’s
appeared at Soros-sponsored events and conferences before and joined
AntAC’s supervisory board after retiring from the FBI. The FBI also
separately confirmed her contacts with AntAC before she joined them,
saying they were part of her “investigative work.”216
One memo reportedly had a chart of Ukrainians that should be
investigated, including people with ties to Paul Manafort. While not
mentioned by name, one of those mentioned is likely Dmytro Firtash, a
Ukrainian billionaire with competing energy interests in Europe as Soros.
Firtash previously beat civil charges alleging he had engaged in money
laundering with Manafort.217
All of this pressure on Ukrainian prosecutors was happening in the
spring of 2016 as Manafort joined the Trump campaign. At this time,
Fusion GPS was just starting to conduct opposition research on Trump, and
the DNC’s Ukraine expert Alexandra Chalupa was searching for dirt on
Manafort. Meanwhile, Soros-funded AntAC was looking to probe
Manafort’s Ukraine associates, and the U.S. embassy was trying to stop any
and all inquiries that risk derailing AntAC’s work. With AntAC having the
potential to “uncover” more dirt on the prime contender to Hillary Clinton,
the motivations become obvious.
Prosecutor General Lutsenko himself suggested that the embassy applied
pressure because it didn’t want Americans to see who was being funded
with our tax dollars. “At the time, Ms. Ambassador thought our interviews
of the Ukrainian citizens, of the Ukrainian civil servants who were frequent
visitors in the U.S. Embassy, could cast a shadow on that anti-corruption
Another Soros-funded group targeted Firtash in 2018. The Open Society-
backed Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the FEC alleging that
Ukrainian businessman Igor Fruman and Russian-born businessman Lev
Parnas created a shell company called Global Energy Producers, LLC to
anonymously donate $325k to a pro-Trump super PAC. The investigation
that followed uncovered a $1 million payment to Parnas’s wife from
Firtash’s lawyer. The hunt for any information that could possibly damage
President Trump or anyone connected to him was on.219


Emails released to Citizens United as part of a Freedom of Information Act
request for information in 2021 revealed that in the weeks leading up to the
2016 presidential election, Lutsenko told George Kent that he was pitched
by a lobbying firm linked to Hunter Biden and Burisma access to the
highest levels of the Clinton campaign. The lobbying firm was Blue Star
Strategies, which is reportedly under federal investigation for potential
illegal lobbying.220 Blue Star had been hired by Burisma to help them fight
corruption charges.
The email was sent by George Kent on September 4 to former assistant
secretary for fossil energy Christopher Smith, former U.S. ambassador to
Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, and former Kiev embassy chief political
officer Alan Purcell with the subject line “Lutsenko now likely not to go to
DC with Blue Star, other Ukr issue comments.” That’s two impeachment
witnesses on one email.
In the email, Kent writes that he met with Lutsenko “one on one after I’d
SMSed him regarding stories that he was using a third-party lobbyist to pull
together a planned trip to DC turned into a chat over Thai food at the
DCR.” Kent said they discussed a trip Lutsenko had been planning to the
U.S. and that he “confirmed he has been pitched by Blue Star, not sought
them out.”
“He said he honestly didn’t know how Blue Star was to get paid—he
didn’t have funds—and that some BPP MP that we probably didn’t know
‘and that’s good’ (Truhubenko??) had introduced them to him,” Kent
continued. It’s unclear who Truhubenko is, but one potential person it could
be is Serhii Truhubenko, a Ukraine parliamentarian that’s part of the
European Solidary Party (founded by Petro Poroshenko).
Kent then explained that Blue Star CEO Karen Tramontano pitched that
she could get him access to “high levels” of the Clinton campaign, and said
that it was appealing to him to “meet the possible next presidential chief of
staff” (likely a reference to John Podesta). Kent explained the impracticality
of such a meeting, though; “But I pointed out that wasn’t too likely 6 weeks
before the election, and that the embassies could arrange meetings at DOJ
and State, and the Ukr[aine] embassy on the Hill,” he continued. “As for the
Hill, not many members would be around 6 weeks before an election when
Congress would be in recess, and the attention of the chattering think tank
class would be on UNGA. Not the best timing, apart from DOJ and State.”
Kent went on to say that during their conversation, Lutsenko mentioned
“the various money flows from Ukraine to lobbyists that had been
prominently in the news this past month, whether Manafort/Klueyev via
Brussels to Podesta Group and Weber/Mercury, Yanu’s Justice Minister
Lavrynovych to Skaden/arps-and Greg Caid—and Pinchuk to Clinton
Foundation, and the media attention being paid at present to the Kyiv/
Washington lobbyist gravy train…And he got the drift. Not ideal timing,
little receptive audience, and wrong facilitator.”
Kent concluded: “He said he’d figure out a better time when there would
be more traction/ better audience.”


Soros’ sphere of influence in Ukraine extends beyond foundations he’s
helped found. In 2017, he donated $1 million to the Democracy Integrity
Project (TDIP), a group founded by Daniel J. Jones to supposedly
investigate election interference, which is ironic considering the level of
election “interference” Soros does through his influence.221
Jones formally worked as an FBI analyst and a staffer for Senator Dianne
Feinstein. His group paid just north of $3.2 million, nearly half its operating
budget, in “research consulting” to Bean LLC, Fusion GPS’s parent
This transaction effectively amounted to Fusion GPS hiring themselves,
as the TDIP was founded after Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson reached
out to Jones. According to Simpson, who is referring to himself in third
person for some unknown reason, “Simpson raised the idea of setting up a
new group that could work with Fusion and other investigators around the
world to expose Russian subversion operations in the United States and
other western democracies. Jones said he thought it needed to be done—
right away.”223
This provides a Soros link to Fusion via Jones. Of note, Obama’s
Organizing for America PAC paid thousands of dollars to Perkins Coie in
late April 2016 for “legal services” after the firm had hired Fusion GPS.
Obama’s group paid Perkins Coie $98,047 on April 25–26 and $700,000 on
September 29, 2016. Fusion’s contract with the firm ended in October 2016.
By comparison, Obama’s OFA paid Perkins Coie “only” $174,725 from
January to August in 2017. The Clinton campaign had paid just under $5.1
million to Perkins Coie in 2016.224
Lefty journo Michael Isikoff in his book Russian Roulette confirmed that
in the case of the Clinton campaign, just as the Obama campaign had done,
the payments were “obscured on campaign disclosure reports filed with the
Federal Election Commission.” He wrote:
The payments to Fusion GPS were reported as legal fees to the
law firm. Over
time, more than $1 million in Hillary for America and DNC
funds would be paid to Fusion GPS in fees and expenses.
Yet many of the top officials at the Clinton campaign and the
DNC were not aware of the arrangement and what Fusion GPS
was up to. When, months later, Donna Brazile, then the interim
DNC chair, picked up rumors about the firm’s research in Russia,
she confronted Elias and demanded an explanation. He brushed
her off, according to Brazile, and said, “You don’t want to
Jones continued funneling money to Steele and Fusion GPS after the
presidential election. $1.2 million was paid to Bean LLC in 2019 for
“research consulting, and another $700k was paid for “research consulting”
to Washington Partners, which is co-owned by dossier author Christopher
Steele, the originator of the infamous “pee tape” myth, among many other
discredited smears. The most recently available IRS forms show Jones sent
Fusion $3.3 million in 2017 and $959k in 2018. Steele’s company was sent
$252k in 2017 and $198k in 2018.226
Jones also sent $218k in 2017, $167k in 2018, and $283k in 2019 to
Edward Austin, a firm cofounded by Edward Baumgartner, a subcontractor
for Fusion GPS.227 Those who read Spygate may remember Baumgartner as
the Fusion GPS subcontractor who worked on a legal case with Natalia
Veselnitskaya, the woman at the center of the infamous Trump Tower
meeting. It was the meeting at Trump Tower that fueled claims of “Russia
hysteria” in the media, all while she was working for the firm funding the
Steele dossier that pushed the same bogus narrative.228
The Zuckerman Spaeder law firm that represented Fusion GPS in
dossier-related litigation received $148k from Jones.229
Texts from 2017 reveal that Jones was in contact with Russian oligarch
Oleg Deripaska’s D.C.-based lawyer Adam Waldman. Christopher Steele
had previously worked with Deripaska in early 2016 to help recover money
he claimed was stolen from him by Paul Manafort. This connects everyone
involved through both their shared goals of taking down Manafort and
When the texts were made public, Waldman told the Daily Caller that
Jones was working with Fusion GPS and that the research was funded by a
“group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.” He added that
Fusion was a “shadow media organization helping the government.”231
A Senate Intelligence Committee report further detailed Steele and
Deripaska’s relationship, revealing that Steele had worked on behalf of
Deripaska from 2012 through part of 2017, and that Deripaska had “early
knowledge of Steele’s work” just a few months before he began compiling
his dossier. It was that relationship that “provid[ed] a potential direct
channel for Russian influence on the dossier,” according to the report.232
“Steele declined to answer the Committee’s direct questions on whether
he worked for Deripaska, but he said no client would have known about the
dossier or provided input, other than Fusion GPS,” the report added.233


A headline over at Politico in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election
says it all: “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire.” For all the
baseless Russia hysteria over Trump, there was no such coverage over
Ukraine’s attempted interference in the U.S. election for the benefit of
Hillary Clinton.
As Politico’s Kenneth Vogel wrote at the time:
The Ukrainian antipathy for Trump’s team—and alignment with
Clinton’s—can be traced back to late 2013. That’s when the
country’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort had
been advising, abruptly backed out of a European Union pact
linked to anti-corruption reforms.234
Paul Manafort had a target on his back from the moment he joined the
Trump campaign. The DNC’s Ukrainian activist Alexandra Chalupa had
him in her crosshairs since 2014 when he was working for Ukrainian
President Yanukovych. The moment Manafort joined the Trump team,
Chalupa alerted the DNC that his hiring was “an early signal that Putin was
trying to influence the U.S. election.”235 The Ukrainian embassy assisted
Chalupa with her research, working directly with her.
Chalupa asked embassy staff to try to arrange an interview with the
Soros-loving (then president) Poroshenko to discuss Manafort’s ties to
Yanukovych. The embassy denied the request, but Chalupa says there were
other Ukrainian officials that were helpful with her research.
Chalupa’s sister Andrea spread the word on a Ukrainian television show,
calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet
master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.”236 His hiring,
she said, sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going
Such was the narrative, and it was soon “confirmed” through the
invention of a bogus ledger supposedly belonging to Manafort. The origin
of the ledger still remains a mystery.
Manafort lasted six months with the Trump campaign, stepping down
days after a report in the New York Times about a mysterious black ledger
that we know about only because of Soros’ AntAC. “Handwritten ledgers
show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr.
Manafort from Mr. Yanukovych’s pro-Russian political party from 2007 to
2012, according to Ukraine’s newly formed National Anti-Corruption
Bureau,” AntAC reported. “In addition, criminal prosecutors are
investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of
Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.”238
Manafort’s financial interests in Russia and Ukraine had already been
reported in the press, but Manafort’s job with the Trump campaign and the
supposed hacking of the DNC emails by the Russians put them under the
microscope. This examination revealed “new details of how he mixed
politics and business out of public view and benefited from powerful
interests now under scrutiny by the new government in Kiev.”239
The ledger appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Ukrainian Parliament
member Sergii Leshchenko claimed that he received twenty-two pages of
mysterious financial transactions in his mailbox in February of 2016. Three
months later, the former deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine said
that the ledger had been left on his doorstep—eight hundred pages in
Why such a ledger would even exist is an obvious question. Why leave a
paper trail to document alleged wrongdoing?
A spokesperson for Poroshenko distanced his administration from
AntAC, claiming that the Bureau is “fully independent.” He also denied that
there were any targeted efforts against Manafort. However, another Ukraine
operative who formally worked as an adviser to Poroshenko was more
candid, telling Politico: “It was something that Poroshenko was probably
aware of and could have stopped if he wanted to.”241
After taking a plea deal and becoming a cooperating witness, Manafort’s
business partner Rick Gates told the FBI and prosecutors from Robert
Mueller’s special counsel that the ledger was fake. He later summarized his
interview with the special counsel to John Solomon: “The ledger was
completely made up. The black ledger was a fabrication. It was never real,
and this fact has since been proven true.”242
Of the New York Times article revealing its existence, Gates said he told
Mueller’s team that it was “completely false.” “As you now know, there
were no cash payments. The payments were wired. The ledger was
completely made up.”
While we can’t confirm this, Gates also claimed that ledger didn’t fit
with how Yanukovych’s party kept records, and that even if it did, “All the
real records were burned when the party headquarters was set on fire when
Yanukovych fled the country.”243
If the ledger was real, it would expose Manafort’s failure to disclose
income, exposing him to money laundering charges. It would also be proof
that Manafort failed to register as a foreign agent working for Ukraine (and
he was never prosecuted for that).
The bogus ledger served the purpose of targeting Trump’s campaign—
and would effectively force Gates and Manafort to cooperate with
prosecutors to tell investigators everything they knew. While Chalupa was
confident that Manafort’s hiring would be key to proving Russian collusion,
for all the wrongdoing on the behalf of Manafort and Gates, no evidence of
collusion ever surfaced.


The story of Donald Trump’s first impeachment begins in Ukraine with a
“perfect” phone call. It’s in a call from July 25, 2019, that Trump is accused
of a “quid pro quo.” In the call, Trump requested at least eight times that
Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky investigate Hunter Biden. Trump
is accused of dangling the prospect of him withholding military aid to
Ukraine in front of Zelensky’s face, hence the quid pro quo allegation. A
whistleblower who we don’t know the name of, and who didn’t actually
directly listen to the call itself, is responsible for elevating the call to such
national importance that it justified a sham impeachment hearing.
While critics allege that President Trump threatened to withhold nearly
$400 million in U.S. military aid if Ukraine didn’t investigate potential
corruption involving Joe Biden’s son Hunter, the timeline on that thesis is
murky. There’s obvious irony here in that Biden himself was in a “quid pro
Joe” situation with Ukraine when he threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid
if Shokin wasn’t fired. The whistleblower complaint itself makes note of
this in a section with the header “Circumstances leading up to the 25 July
Presidential phone call” without any indication of how damning it is to
Biden or any acknowledgement of the hypocrisy.
The $400 million in aid was disbursed on September 11. The Trump
administration initially planned on disbursing the aid in February, but did
not. White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney had told reporters in mid-
July, a week before Trump’s phone call with Zelensky, that aid to Ukraine
was being withheld due to concerns over its necessity. Are we to believe
that aid was withheld in February in anticipation of a phone call six months
later? It seems unlikely.
The whistleblower cited “information from multiple U.S. government
officials” for his claim that “the president of the United States is using the
power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020
U.S. election.” That’s bogus, and there’s yet a second bit of obvious irony in
that the only Ukraine-related interference in an election we know about
comes from the Left in 2016. The entire impeachment sham is yet another
example of the Left leveraging Ukraine to themselves interfere in an
election by impeaching a sitting president (who never was at risk of being
removed from office) ahead of the 2020 election.
To bolster his case, the whistleblower’s complaint makes multiple
references to a report titled “Meet the Florida Duo Helping Giuliani
Investigate for Trump in Ukraine,” published by the Organized Crime and
Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).244 George Soros is one of
OCCRP’s top donors, and the project has published articles defending Soros
against his critics before.245
Within the whistleblower complaint, the OCCRP report is cited relating
to claims about Rudy Giuliani’s alleged efforts to investigate Biden.246 In
the bizarre world of the whistleblower, we’re to believe that investigating
Biden for alleged crimes is a crime itself—but anything Biden may have
allegedly done is not. That’s why they’re able to allege that Trump
committed a quid quo pro while mentioning Biden’s alleged quid pro quo
while seemingly experiencing no cognitive dissonance.
The OCCRP article is referenced numerous times in the footnotes of the
whistleblower complaint. As The Epoch Times’s Tom Ozimek chronicles:247
- Footnote #4 of the complaint reads: “In a report published by the
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) on 22
July, two associates of Mr. Giuliani reportedly traveled to Kyiv in May
2019 and met with Mr. Bakanov and another close [President]
Zelensky adviser, Mr. Serhiy Shefir.”
- Footnote #9 reads: “In May, Attorney General Barr announced that he
was initiating a probe into the ‘origins’ of the Russia investigation.
According to the above-referenced OCCRP report (22 July), two
associates of Mr. Giuliani claimed to be working with Ukrainian
officials to uncover information that would become part of this
- Footnote #10 reads: “See, for example, the above-referenced articles in
Bloomberg (16 May) and OCCRP (22 July).” This footnote relates to
the claim in the report that “Mr. Giuliani had met on at least two
occasions with Mr. Lutsenko: once in New York in late January and
again in Warsaw in mid-February. In addition, it was publicly reported
that Mr. Giuliani had spoken in late 2018 to former Prosecutor General
Shokin, in a Skype call arranged by two associates of Mr. Giuliani.”
- Footnote #11 reads: “I do not know whether these associates of Mr.
Giuliani were the same individuals named in the 22 July report by
OCCRP, referenced above.”
The OCCRP document is also anti-Zelensky, who has himself blasted
Soros in the past.
The Left mobilized to respond to these facts—with slander.
The left-wing rag Salon headlined its article on former top National
Security Council official Fiona Hill’s testimony during the first
impeachment hearing “Fiona Hill Lays Waste to George Soros Conspiracy
Theory at the Heart of Trump’s Ukraine Defense.”248
This “laying waste” amounted to her calling theories about Soros an
“absolute outrage,” adding “This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope
that we have in history, and a trope against Mr. Soros was also created for
political purposes, and this is the new Protocols of The Elders of Zion.”
Of the criticisms of then Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Hill
trotted out the same mindless argument. “When I saw this happening to
Ambassador Yovanovitch again, I was furious, because this is, again, just
this whipping up of what is frankly an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about
George Soros to basically target nonpartisan career officials, and also some
political appointees as well, because I just want to say this: this is not
indiscriminate in its attacks.”249 Apparently, noticing that Yovanovitch had a
“do not prosecute” list is a fault of the people who noticed.


It wasn’t just members of Trump’s sphere of influence being monitored
during his 2016 campaign and after the election (Spygate); those who drew
attention to Biden’s Ukraine scandal were also surveilled.
We learned from Ambassador Yovanovitch’s testimony during the first
bogus Trump impeachment hearings that her embassy asked to monitor
Americans after reading an article in The Hill exposing her “do not
prosecute list.”250
“So we, you know, we’re interested in, you know, kind of keeping track
of the story so that we would know what was going on.” She said she
received a “finished product” from the surveillance, which she justified on
the basis that “Because, I mean, there’s an interest, obviously, I had an
interest since I was being directly attacked.” The embassy asked State
Department officials in Washington to assist with the monitoring, she
testified, but “what we were told is that the folks in Washington were too
busy to do this, etc., etc.”
Previously redacted emails obtained by Just the News revealed that State
Department officials were explicitly ordered in Spring 2019 to stop tracking
thirteen Americans’ social media accounts for info related to the Biden-
Ukraine scandal using a tool called “CrowdTangle” because it violated
federal law. “We are barred by law from actively monitoring the accounts of
American citizens in aggregate—and particularly from identifying and
monitoring individual, selected accounts” a State Department official wrote
in one email.251
“We can use CrowdTangle to monitor terms as they pertain to
Yovanovitch, but these search terms cannot be used to target a particular list
if it includes American citizens,” the email added. The individuals included
Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lou Dobbs, Donald Trump Jr., Rudy
Giuliani, John Solomon, and others.252
Other emails paint a picture of State Department officials under Trump
that depicts them as worried before the 2020 election that the revelations
about Biden in Ukraine may be “the mother load [sic] and main thread to
play out, possibly thru Nov. 2020.”253
According to John Solomon:
Other unredacted emails also show that the search terms
Yovanovitch’s team sought to use included stories about herself
as well as the liberal megadonor George Soros.
They also expressed a desire to combat the narrative—later
confirmed in testimony to be true—that State officials perceived
Vice President Joe Biden had engaged in a conflict of interest in
2016 by continuing to preside over U.S. anti-corruption policy in
Ukraine while his son Hunter served on the board of a Ukrainian
gas company called Burisma Holdings that was under
investigation for corruption.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian
Affairs George Kent, then an official in the embassy, emailed the
embassy team on March 27, 2019, imploring them to “get up to
ramming speed” to counter four narratives in The Hill
newspaper, including the Biden-Burisma controversy.
“This story is being set up to both snowball and slow burn with
now four separate storylines having been put into play the past
week,” wrote Kent, previously Yovanovitch’s top deputy at U.S.
Embassy Kiev.
The emails don’t explain why the embassy believed it had a
policy reason to be concerned about the 2020 U.S. election or
There’s a strong possibility that it was the National Security Council’s
Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vindman, who was one of the driving forces
behind the Ukraine impeachment hoax, who acted as the anonymous
whistleblower’s source. As Representative Lee Zeldin puts it, “Vindman
was the person on the call who went to the whistleblower after the call, to
give the whistleblower the information he needed to file his complaint.”
One senior congressional aide commented that “for all intents and
purposes,” Vindman is the whistleblower in that light. 255
Vindman was the only person at the NSC who listened into Trump’s
“perfect” call with Zelensky, and he testified that he spoke to only two
people outside the NSC about it: someone whose name he didn’t provide—
and George Kent.256
So Kent pressured against investigating the Soros-funded Ukraine-based
AntAC to avoid any explosive revelations from surfacing, and then
reappeared as one of those the de facto whistleblowers contacted after
Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president, sparking impeachment hearings.
What are the odds?
George Soros Infiltrates Higher
A s if higher education’s reputation for leftism wasn’t bad enough,
George Soros has entered the industry, and it’s furthering his specific
brand of progressivism.
Soros’ Open Society Foundations budgeted $63.4 million, just over 5
percent of its budget, toward influencing higher education in 2020. Soros
has been ramping up spending in this category at a pace of 45 percent per
year since 2016.257 Most of the spending ($50 million) is listed as “global”
with no indication of where it’s being spent. Of funds that are reported,
Soros is spending the most in Eurasia.258
Through the OSF, Soros has funded over twenty thousand scholarships,
invested hundreds of millions into American Far-Left colleges, and created
a school of his own.
The OSF says “Our engagement in higher education issues has expanded
considerably, to a broad effort to support the development of universities
and colleges that are well governed, inclusive and responsive, and which
promote academic freedom.”259
Soros’ first venture into higher education for the purpose of furthering
his open society vision was with the founding of the Central European
University (CEU) in Hungary in 1991. That serves as his ideological base
of operations in the realm of higher education, one that he’s since used for
synergistic purposes with his venture into influencing American higher
It’s also where his influence in Europe has been met with the fiercest


The creation of CEU represents Soros’ first journey into institution
Soros’ idea for an “independent” university in Central Europe was
spawned during a meeting at the Inter-University Centre in April 1989.
Soros recalled of the meeting, “At that time I rejected [the idea of CEU] in
no uncertain terms. ‘I am interested not in starting institutions but in
infusing existing institutions with content,’ I declared. After the fall of the
Berlin Wall, I changed my mind. A revolution needs new institutions to
sustain the ideas that motivated it, I argued with myself. I overcame my
aversion toward institutions and yielded to the clamor for a Central
European University.”260 In other words, Soros seems to have changed his
mind when he realized that he could use institutions as permanent fixtures
to advance his agenda.
On the eve of the Soviet Union’s dissolution, Soros published
“Underwriting Democracy,” in which he emphasized the importance of
building institutions to advance his leftist agenda, and CEU would be his
first project.
Soros and his advisers considered Bratislava, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest,
Vienna, Trieste, Krakow, and Moscow to host the University. Soros said he
was “anxious not to start the university in Hungary. Since I am myself
Hungarian, the university would immediately become a Hungarian one,”
but that would quickly change.261
Soros initially wanted to create a university with “three legs” in Warsaw,
Prague, and Budapest, but this plan would never materialize.262
In June 1990, Czechoslovakia’s government agreed to provide buildings
in Prague and Bratislava, pay for operating costs, and give them 50 million
crowns in funding (about $6 million at today’s exchange rate). Not
coincidentally, Soros had a personal friendship with Czechoslovakian
President Václav Havel. The government of Hungary promised to make a
building available in Budapest for use as a third campus, which they never
fulfilled, so Soros privately rented out a building in Budapest.263
After being offered a ten-story building by Petr Pithart, who was then the
Czech prime minister, CEU’s Prague campus opened in April 1991 with
four departments: economics; environmental sciences; politics and
sociology; and history. 264 CEU heavily focuses on the social sciences over
hard sciences, and both campuses offered roughly the same number of
programs. Eventually, the early curriculum would be expanded to include
European studies, international relations, nationalism studies, and art
history at Prague, and legal and gender studies at Budapest.265
At the school’s opening ceremony, Soros committed to funding CEU $5
million per year for five years. A third foundation was established later in
the year to serve as an umbrella for the two other campuses.266 In 1992,
Soros committed to including a permanent endowment.267
Soros outlines in CEU’s statement of intent his vision:
The Central European University has come into existence in
response to the revolutionary changes that have occurred in
Central and Eastern Europe recently. The primary impetus comes
from Central European intellectuals who seek to understand their
past and prepare for the future. But it has also received
enthusiastic support from Western intellectuals who are
concerned about the future of Europe. Everyone in Central
Europe today wants a high-quality Western-style education. The
CEU will provide for the region the academic equivalent of the
best Western education, and thereby attract students of the
highest caliber. It will also aim to provide a window of
opportunity for some of the most able students whose studies
should lead to a period of further study at a leading Western
He listed four principal objectives for CEU: to develop a new
curriculum, to help educating new central European leaders, to raise the
standards and methods of teaching and research in the region, and to “foster
cooperation and understanding among the citizens and nations of the
As Tereza Pospíšilová, a professor whose research areas include
philanthropy, writes in a paper of CEU’s early years, CEU is not just a
network but perhaps an “international social movement.”270 CEU wasn’t
established solely as an educational institution, as it also investigated and
held public discussions on their preferred political topics at conferences
they held in the region. Many early conferences and workshops featured
participants from Soros’ inner circle.
The University has a number of notable faculty, including former
minister of foreign of affairs of Hungary Péter Balázs, former president of
the Supreme Court of Israel Aharon Barak, former minister of finance of
Hungary Lajos Bokros, and former minister of culture of Hungary András
Soros further outlines CEU’s forthcoming activities:
The CEU will put far more into the educational system than it
takes out. To ensure this, the CEU will also sponsor both
teaching and research at existing institutions at the same times as
it sets up and runs its own postgraduate centers. It will also
sponsor and support research fellows of the highest caliber to
work within their own institutions. The CEU intends to
collaborate directly with a number of academic institutions:
These will become “affiliated” with the University.271
The emphasis on research (to support Soros-backed and Soros-adjacent
causes) could explain why the faculty-to-student ratio is so low. Today CEU
is located in Vienna, Austria, and reports employing nearly as many staff as
students. For the 2019–2020 year, CEU employed 367 faculty, ninety-three
researchers, 395 permanent administrative staff, and 355 short term
administrative staff,272 all for a student body of 1,299.273 In America, the
national average faculty-to-student ratio is one to sixteen.274 CEU officially
boasts a faculty-to-student ratio of one to three (only counting full-time
faculty),275 which only six schools in the entire U.S. can match.276
One hundred students enrolled in the first fall semester, and development
continued with the construction of a library and five future academic
programs. The school functions only as a graduate school.
Soros quickly ran into trouble due to a booming Prague real estate
market when the trade union that owned CEU’s Prague building decided
they wanted to turn it into a hotel. Planning to evict the university, the
building owners raised CEU’s rent from nothing to $1 million per year.
They also found a clause in the government’s agreement with Soros that the
university would need to get accredited within two years or be shut down.277
Despite a successful rush to accreditation, the opening of CEU’s
Budapest campus, and reaching an agreement with Poland’s government to
open a campus in Warsaw, Soros decided to move the Prague departments
to Budapest. CEU Prague would cease to exist by January 1996 after Soros
decided to end it the year prior. Soros’ account of events is that he was
kicked out of Prague by the new right-wing president, Václav Klaus, a man
who considered Soros a socialist and would become a “lifetime enemy” of
his. “In January 1993, the moment of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia,
Klaus said that an optical illusion has finally disappeared from the map: the
Czech Republic has nothing to do with Central Europe anymore. One of his
first acts was to kick us out of the building.”278
Despite a rocky start, CEU has since graduated nearly twenty thousand
students from nearly 150 different countries, most of whom went on to
work in business, research, education, and government.
Recent courses offered since 2020 show how the school looks to mold
progressive activists. They include “Black Skin, White Masks:
Decolonization through Fanon,” “Confronting the Crisis: Refugees and
Populism in Europe,” “Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East,”
“Environmentalism of the Poor,” “A History of Modern Police,”
“Capitalism and Slavery,” and much more. Even in something as seemingly
apolitical as an architecture degree are course offerings that include
“Architectural Entanglements with Labor” and “The Politics of
The Soros family flag and their U.S. sphere of influence have firmly
been planted in the university. George Soros’ son Robert Soros was elected
to the CEU board of trustees in 2012.279 Other current and former members
of the board include the OSF’s London director, William Newton-Smith;
the OSF’s New York president, Christopher Stone; Bard College’s
president, Leon Botstein; Harvard Law School’s Benjamin Heineman Jr.;
and Harvard Professor Patricia Albjerg Graham.280
CEU is well intwined with Harvard. CEU’s business school celebrated its
twenty-fifth anniversary with the publication of a new book Free Market in
Its Twenties: Modern Business Decision Making in Central and Eastern
Europe, for which Soros wrote the intro. Soros also hosted a book launch
event in Budapest, which featured Harvard Business School Dean Nitin
Notable CEU alumni include former president of Georgia Giorgi
Margvelashvili, Members of European Parliament Lívia Járóka and Monica
Macovei, former Georgian minister of defense Tina Khidasheli, Chairman
of the Slovakian Party of the Hungarian Coalition József Berényi, and
former Croatian minister of justice Orsat Miljenic.
Soros has only further developed the school over time.
In 2010, Soros pledged $5 million to create a new economics institute at
the University of Oxford along with the left-wing Institute of New
Economic Thinking—an organization that Soros himself launched with a
$50 million donation. CEU hosted an institute event that brought together
over two hundred academic, business, and government thought leaders in
an attempt to replicate the famous 1944 Bretton Woods meeting that created
the World Bank and IMF. Soros said there that he wants a “multilateral”
economic system where America isn’t dominant.


While Hungary served as the initial base for CEU, one of the seeds Soros
planted would backfire decades later. In 1989 a young Viktor Orbán was on
the receiving end of a Soros funded scholarship, and Soros also subsidized a
student journal that Orbán edited. Soros was reportedly dazzled by Orbán’s
charisma enough to donate to the then year-old political party Fidesz that
Orbán founded. At this time Orbán publicly called himself a liberal, and
spoke out against attacks from nationalists against Soros’ influence in the
That would prove to backfire spectacularly for Soros as Orbán matured
politically, and Fidesz gradually morphed into a right-wing nationalist party
that now controls a majority of the seats in Hungarian parliament. Orbán
has been president of Fidesz since 1993, and has been prime minister from
1998 to 2002, and again since 2010.
The migrant crisis spurred by the Syrian civil war, and Soros’ support for
mass refugee resettlement in Europe appears to be a turning point in 2015
that prompted Orbán to launch an all-out war on Soros and any vestige of
influence he has, including CEU.283 “The next year will be about squeezing
out Soros and the power that he symbolizes,” he declared in 2016.284
The government launched a €100 million anti-Soros ad campaign.285 One
billboard showed a black and white image of Soros with the caption “Let’s
not allow Soros to have the last laugh.” One anti-Soros image was put on
the floor of a train so that passengers would walk over it, which CEU’s
rector admits caused a “flicker of pain” across Soros’ face when it was
described to him.286
Public polling showed that Soros went from being a relatively unknown
figure in Hungary to “diabolical figure” within a year and a half.287
No foreign leader has done more to combat the foreign influence of
Soros in their country than Orbán. In part, he’s criminalized advancing the
Soros agenda, with one law dubbed the Stop Soros Law, criminalizing the
advocacy of illegal migration in 2018.
The biggest impact Orbán would have would be in targeting CEU, which
his government crushed in Hungary. In April 2017, the government passed
a law affecting foreign branch campuses requiring them to have a campus in
their home country, which CEU doesn’t have (they’re accredited in New
York). An agreement was drafted between the Hungarian government and
the State of New York, but the Hungarian government refused to sign it.288
Amid the crackdown, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and
Democrats (a political party in European Parliament that Soros has
influence over) voiced its support for CEU 289
CEU announced at the end of the year that it had been forced out of
Budapest. “Because Hungary’s Law of Higher Education forbids Central
European University to accept new students after January 1, 2019, CEU is
forced to announce today that it will launch all U.S.-accredited degree
programs in Vienna in September 2019.”290
With the move to Vienna, Soros announced the commitment of another
$825 million to higher education, which would go toward CEU and New
York’s Bard College to “build a global network for colleges and universities
to work together and support each other.”
In total, the relocation to Vienna is expected to cost Soros a net €193
million over six years.291
Regardless, CEU president and rector Michael Ignatieff admitted defeat
in what he called a “great battle.” “We are definitely the only university in
Europe, if not the world, that has been forced to move from one state to
another—especially during a pandemic. I mean, honestly, it was really
tough. Our people are very tired, very exhausted.”292
At least Soros made one good investment in Orbán.
From his first charitable grant in the late 1970s to the early 2010s, through
his OSF Soros contributed over $400 million to colleges and universities,
with 75 percent of it going to two schools; the aforementioned CEU, and
Bard College. Over nineteen colleges had individually received at least $1
million from Soros.293
To give just a sampling of just a few programs that Soros has funded,
Harvard received $60k in 2008 to develop an outreach program to promote
the film Secrecy, a documentary on the war on terror. Georgetown received
$1.8 million for the Justice at Stake Campaign, a group that believes it’s a
problem that there aren’t enough “people of color, women, lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender persons, and persons with disabilities” that are
judges.294 Ohio State University got over $100k for its Kirwan Institute for
the study of race and ethnicity, which is now aiding in providing implicit
bias training to Los Angeles City Workers.295
The funding is even greater than reported because some is indirect. The
aforementioned Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) was founded
with a $50 million pledge from Soros, and within its first two years, INET
disbursed fifty grants in over eleven countries. Among the beneficiaries was
Duke University, which was given a $750k grant to its “Center for the
History of Political Economy.” We learned just how much an impact it
would make in an announcement in Duke Today; the school’s assistant
director of media relations said: “The money will allow the Duke center to
expand its programs, which include a fellowship and visiting scholars
program, workshop and lunch series, a summer teaching institute, a speaker
series, and annual conferences.” The school will also be able to expand its
summer institute.296
The rate of funding and number of institutions he bequeathed would only
increase from there. From 2014 to 2018, Soros donated $184 million to 171
institutions of higher education in fifty-one countries, nearly a tenth of all
Foundations-based giving.297 The amount donated annually nearly doubled
from 2014 ($32 million) to 2018 ($62 million). U.S. universities took in 72
percent of the money, reflecting a domestic shift in recent years.
Soros also backs institutes connected to universities, with his $4 million
donating to the UConn Human Rights Institute in 2016 being the largest
donation to the program. The funds are aimed toward students who want to
major in human rights, and the school’s graduates have landed a number of
humanitarian jobs for various left-wing social causes. According to the
University of Connecticut, it boasts the largest number of students studying
human rights in the U.S.298
Bard College had received nearly $80 million total from Soros when he
announced in 2020 that he’d be awarding it an additional $100 million over
the next decade.299 In 2021 he offered another $500 million as soon as the
college could find donors to match or exceed it, which Bard leaders believe
they can pull off within five years. 300 This is one of the largest gifts in the
history of American higher education.
Nowhere other than at the CEU and Bard does Soros have such a direct
influence on the schools he backs, and the two schools are linked. CEU’s
chairman of the board, Leon Botstein, is also the president of Bard College.
Botstein was later named chancellor of the Open Society University
Network (CEU and Bard are the network’s founding members).
Soros has family involved too. With $20 million from her former
husband, Soros’ ex-wife Susan Weber founded the Bard College Graduate
Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture in 1993.
Despite that, the media portrays her as self-made. One magazine described
her as the “Renaissance woman at the helm of Bard’s graduate center,”
quoting Weber as saying she “started this place because no one would hire
me.”301 There was no mention of any assistance to the tune of $20 million
from her then husband.
Bard’s Institute for International Liberal Education offers joint degree
programs in areas where Soros operates: South Africa, Kyrgyzstan,
Hungary, Russia, and at the Palestinian Al-Quds University in Jerusalem,
the only Arab school there. In Russia, Bard helped found the University of
St. Petersburg, which Soros also pitched in nearly $6 million to fund. In
Hungary, they partnered with CEU while still active there.
Soros funds student activists through the “Trustee Leader-Scholar”
program at Bard, which the college says has had its students leave an
impact “from Red Hook to the West Bank.” (Bard College is located in Red
Hook). Projects include the “Black Body Experience,” “Bard Palestinian
Youth Initiative,” “Migrant Labor Project,” “Palestine Awareness Project,”
and the “Trans Action Initiative,” among numerous left-wing causes.302
The school’s 2020–2021 course catalogue thanked Soros for a recent
effort near the end of an introductory section titled “History of Bard”:
The Open Society University Network (OSUN), created with
support from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations,
launched in January 2020 with the goal of integrating teaching
and research across higher education institutions worldwide.
Leon Botstein will serve as the first chancellor of the network,
which is anchored by Bard and Central European University
(CEU) and includes educational and research partners in Europe,
Russia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South America, and the
United States. Within the framework of OSUN, Bard’s Human
Rights Project, the Fisher Center, and CEU are developing a
graduate program in human rights and the arts.”303
We also get some insight into the school’s priorities, which heavily favor
so-called “social justice.” Course initiatives include the “Hate Studies
Initiative,” “Migration Initiative,” and “Racial Justice Initiative.”304
One new course that will debut in the fall 2021 semester as part of the
“Hate Studies Initiative” promotes the Far Left’s national defund-the-police
hysteria. The course is titled “Abolishing Prisons and the Police” and will
teach students “how to sell abolition to the masses and design a multimedia
ad campaign to make prison abolition go viral.”305
The course description elaborates that “Through the figure of abolition (a
phenomenon we will explore via movements to end slavery, the death
penalty, abortion, gay conversion therapy and more) we will explore how
and why groups of Americans have sought to bring an absolute end to
sources of human suffering. In turn, we will explore a history of the
punitive impulse in American social policy and seek to discern means of
intervening against it.”306
The course will be taught by Kwame Holmes, who has a history of
calling for the abolition of law enforcement, and penned an op-ed called
“Why Abolish the Police?”307
Within the U.S. and Europe, the universities Soros funds share his left-
wing social justice agenda and are known for creating the kinds of future
leaders to spread them.
Many universities under the Soros umbrella are closely linked, like CEU
and Bard, or CEU and the London School of Economics, which are both
part of CIVICA, an alliance of eight European schools in the social
Bard has established a network of six partner institutions that includes
other Soros beneficiaries such as the American University of Central Asia
and European Humanities University.309
Schools are also networked into the OSF. Board members of the OSF’s
“Open Society Justice Initiatives” include individuals who teach at or are
affiliated with American University in Washington, the University of
Nairobi, Fordham University, and Middlesex University (all of which
receive funding from the Foundation to Promote Open Society).310


By continent, European universities receive the most from Soros after the
U.S. in recently years, and the U.K. is the largest beneficiary by country
there. Soros disbursed nearly $12 million to twenty-five U.K. universities,
including Oxford and the London School of Economics (all numbers in this
section are from 2014 to 2018).311
Asian universities are the third-biggest beneficiary of Soros backing.
Excluding CEU, the biggest non-U.S. beneficiary of Soros’ higher
education splurge is the American University of Central Asia (in
Latin American universities received $7.6 million, with Columbian and
Venezuelan universities taking in the most funding. African and
Australasian universities were on the bottom of the funding list, with Soros
still making donations to the University of Cape Town, the beneficiaries of
his first donations in the realm of higher education.313
Funding of foreign universities is rising at the fastest pace, more than
doubling from thirty-one non-U.S. universities funded in 2014 to sixty-four
by 2018.314
Like all his influence campaigns, Soros’ influence over universities is
global. In the words of the Open Society Foundations, Soros is launching a
“global network” to “transform” higher education.
As per one of OSF’s press releases in January 2020:
Soros announced today that he is creating a new university
network to better prepare students for current and future global
challenges. He is endowing the network with one billion dollars
($1 billion) and asking other philanthropists to contribute.
The network, which will operate throughout the world, is named
the Open Society University Network (OSUN). It will integrate
teaching and research across higher education institutions
Mr. Soros said: “I believe our best hope lies in access to an
education that reinforces the autonomy of the individual by
cultivating critical thinking and emphasizing academic freedom.
I consider the Open Society University Network to be the most
important and enduring project of my life and I should like to see
it implemented while I am still around.”315
CEU and Bard College were named as the “core” of the new network
and will partner with Arizona State University (a leader in distance
learning) and other global institutions such as American University of
Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan and BRAC University in Bangladesh.
President of Bard College Leon Botstein was named as chancellor of
OSUN, who described it as one of the “most transformative initiatives in
higher education I have witnessed in my career” before expressing his
gratitude toward Soros.
Just days before the announcement, Soros spoke to the World Economic
Forum where he railed against the rise of nationalism in the U.S., U.K.,
Hungary. Nationalism is, in his words, the “great enemy of the open
society.” He blasts Trump in the speech as the “ultimate narcissist”—which
is rich coming from Soros, who wrote in his 1987 book The Alchemy of
Finance “I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-
importance…to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of God.”316
We already know his solution: “I believe that as a long-term strategy our
best hope lies in access to quality education, specifically an education that
reinforces the autonomy of the individual by cultivating critical thinking
and emphasizing academic freedom” he told the audience. “30 years ago I
set up an educational institution that does exactly that (cultivating critical
thinking and emphasizing academic freedom). It is called the Central
European University (CEU) and its mission is to advance the values of the
open society.”317
The OSUN is yet another organization Soros set up when he reasonably
can expect to have only years to live, indicating that it’s a network he’s
organizing to keep his grip on higher education from beyond the grave. The
odds of losing influence over any one university are reduced when they’re
bound together.
Excluding Bard and CEU, CEU’s global network includes twenty-four
colleges and universities and fifteen research and educational institutions.
As one organization that tracks university philanthropy observes, “The
objective appears to be leveraging the resources of universities around the
world to provide a common curricula for teaching and facilitating
partnerships to explore and research global issues.”318
George Soros and the Media
H undreds of millions of people worldwide are exposed to one form of
media or another influenced by George Soros whether they’re aware
of it or not. Soros and those he backs would rather you don’t notice—but
have a baseless charge of anti-Semitism handy if you point out a Soros
Soros has his tentacles in most forms of media: radio, print, television,
investigative outlets, supposedly independent media, blogs, and more.
Besides funding activist groups to do his bidding, Soros uses the media
as another primary tool of influence. His activists take a stance—and his
media arms make their narrative a “reality” by repeating it. Highlights
include the racial hysteria that underpins the Black Lives Matter movement
(and the activists themselves), the campaigns to take down Fox News, the
push for open borders, campaigns for mass refugee resettlement, anti-law-
and-order narratives, and more.
It’s through Soros’ narrative-pushing that he can convert the
unsuspecting to his worldview without them knowing it. After all, the best
propaganda is propaganda that the audience doesn’t recognize as such.


Soros’ history with journalism dates back to his upbringing in Hungary. He
served as the editor-in-chief, publisher, and vendor of his own publication
“The Lupa News” (named after Lupa Island, where his family would spend
summer holidays). At the time was only in fourth grade.319
It was from money earned from that paper that Soros made his first
political donation. In 1939, the Budapest newspaper 8 Orai ujsag (8
O’clock News) ran a story about the then nine-year-old Soros arriving to
their office and handing them two-pengő notes over the counter. When
asked what they were supposed to do with the money, Soros replied “I
brought this money for the Finnish people. There is a war in Finland at the
moment. Daddy told me.” Soros would later tell one of his biographers that
he doesn’t remember the event, but that his father probably put him up to
The Soros media empire has grown from a small paper to hundreds of
media organizations that receive his funding. According to one estimate
reporters, writers, and bloggers backed by Soros at just the top thirteen
operations he funds (out of 180 at the time) reach an estimate three hundred
thirty million people around the world every month (a size roughly equal to
the population of the U.S.).321 Presumably, that reach has only grown with
time. That estimate (which is the only one available of its kind) is from
2011—and Soros hasn’t slowed down since then.


Soros’ funds are required to file a Form 13F, which is a quarterly report all
investment managers with at least $100 million under management are
required to file. Through one, we can glean insight into exactly what Soros
Fund Management is invested in at the end of any quarter.322
At the end of the first quarter of 2021 Soros’ biggest stock holding was
Liberty Broadband, which had a market value of $621 million and
accounted for 12 percent of his entire portfolio, and a roughly 2.2 percent
stake in the company.323 Liberty Broadband’s largest asset is Charter
Communications and its subsidiaries, which together are the second-largest
cable operator in the U.S.324
Another large media holding is ViacomCBS, of which Soros owned just
over $194 million, representing 3.64 percent of his portfolio, and a 0.7
percent stake in the company. ViacomCBS and its subsidiaries include
Viacom and CBS (duh), Paramount Pictures, and Simon & Schuster, among
Soros Fund Management took part in a $250 million debt funding round
for VICE Media, a left-wing digital media company known for its “Mad
Libs” headlines.325 Soros Fund Management also owns a 10 percent stake in
the company.


As is standard for Soros, his influence began in Europe before America. By
1994 Soros had thirty supposedly independent radio, TV stations, and
publications under his influence just in Eastern Europe, and that’s a drop in
the bucket compared to his modern American influence.326
From 2004 to 2011 Soros spent nearly $50 million funding about 180
media organizations, and “news infrastructure” such as journalism schools
and industry organizations. The funding figures are derived from tax forms
and news stories and understate the true extent of his funding, because they
don’t include indirect funding (Soros funding an organization that then
donates to media).327
Today, the OSF budgets $25.8 million a year (in 2020) toward
journalism, and its website claims that 0 percent of it goes toward U.S.
outlets. As was the case when the OSF provided numbers on its funding of
higher education, a large share of the spending (in this case nearly-half) was
unclassified as “global.”328
Internationally, the OSF says it has regional foundations in “Africa, Asia,
Latin America, and the Middle East that support innovative and courageous
independent media, from the Afghan newspaper Etilaatroz to El Faro in El
Contributions are made through the OSF’s “Program on Independent
Journalism,” which claims it “supports journalism that verifies, exposes,
and explains reality while inspiring the kind of self-reflection and critical
thinking that open society requires.”330
As the Media Research Center’s Dan Gainor notes of Soros’ massive
investments in media infrastructure:
[He’s] bought him[self] connections to the underpinnings of the
news business. The Columbia Journalism Review, which bills
itself as “a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms,”
lists several investigative reporting projects funded by one of
Soros foundations.
The “News Frontier Database” includes seven different
investigative reporting projects funded by Soros’s Open Society
Institute. Along with ProPublica, there are the Center for Public
Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting and New
Orleans’ The Lens. The Columbia School of Journalism, which
operates CJR, has received at least $600,000 from Soros, as
Columbia University President Lee Bollinger also sits on the Pulitzer
Price Board and the board of directors of the Washington Post.
Industry associates funded by Soros include the National Federation of
Community Broadcasters, the national Association of Hispanic Journalists,
and the Committee to Protect Journalists.332
Even the Organization of News Ombudsmen, which exists to “encourage
transparency” and “assist media organizations to provide mechanisms to
ensure they remain accountable to consumers of their news” is partially
funded by Soros. The organization has members from twenty-two countries,
with U.S. members including employees of the Associated Press, NPR,
Columbia University, PBS, Voice of America, UC Berkeley School of
Journalism, Fourth Estate, and more.333 It formally included members from
the LA Times, USA Today, ESPN, and the Washington Post.
Soros funded the Investigative News Network (INN), a collaborative
effort that includes the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American
University, liberal publication MinnPost, National Institute for Computer-
Assisted Reporters, National Public Radio, and the Wisconsin Center for
Investigative Journalism.334
The Media Research Center has found links between Soros at over thirty
mainstream news outlets.335
ABC’s Christiane Amanpour and former Washington Post executive
editor Leonard Downie Jr. both serve on boards of companies that take
Soros money.
In 2010 and 2011, Soros contributed $250k to ProPublica, an
investigative outlet whose advisory board includes former New York Times
executive editor Jill Abramson, president of Univision Isaac Lee, former
Wall Street Journal publisher L. Gordon Crovitz, Harvard professor of
public service David Gergen, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism
director Tom Goldstein, the executive editor at publisher Simon & Schuster,
the senior vice president for editorial quality at ABC News, Fortune
Magazine’s senior editor at large, among others.336
ProPublica has addressed its Soros funding by adopting the default
argument that any concerns over funding involving Soros can be considered
a “vaguely anti-Semitic epithet meant to connote left-wing bias.”337
The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) is another left-wing media
organization funded by Soros. It received nearly $1 million from Soros
between 2003 and 2008, and over $650k in 2009 alone. Speaking of
integrity, CPI was found to have knowingly violated the law in pursuit of a
story despite multiple warnings from its legal counsel in 2012.338
Their CPI board includes NBC/CBS/PBS veteran Richard Lobo, CBS’s
Wesley Lowery, former Washington Post correspondent Amit Paley, among
others. Past directors included ABC’s Christiane Amanpour, HuffPost’s
founder Arianna Huffington, former NBC executive Paula Madison, and
former NPR editorial product manager Matt Thompson.
Other publications and news companies represented by journalists that
serve on Soros-funded boards include the following:
- Advisory Council: Vista, Sacramento Bee, ABC News, NPR.
- Journalism Advisory Board: New York Times, Seattle Times, LA Times,
Baltimore Sun, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Atlanta Journal-
Constitution, Sunlight Foundation, Fortune Magazine, ABC.
- Business Advisory Council: ALM Media, National Federation of
Community Broadcasters.339
The full list of publications that have staffers on the boards of Soros-
funded media outlets is as follows:
- Print: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Arizona Daily Star
- Associated Press, El Nuevo Herald, Fortune, Gazette Communications,
Hearst Newspapers, Houston Chronicle, New York Times, The New
Yorker, Sacramento Bee, Seattle Times, Simon & Schuster, Toronto
Star, USA Today, Vista, Washington Post
- Ratio: KQED, NPR, Radio-Canada
- Online: AOL/HuffPost, St. Louis Beacon, Voice of San Diego,
- TV: ABC, CBS, CNN, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, PBS,
- Education: American University School of Communication
Investigative Reporting Workshop, Columbia University Graduate
School of Journalism’s Columbia Journalism Review, Duke University
Sanford School of Public Policy, Toni Stabile Center for Investigative
Journalism at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism,
University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of
Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication, and the
University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for
Communication School of Journalism
- Other: ALM Media, James L. Knight Foundation, Madison Media
Management, Maynard Institute, National Federal of Community
Broadcasters, Nieman Foundation, Poynter Institute, Sunlight
Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.340
The Washington Post has appeared numerous times here, and not
coincidentally, they’re quick to run to Soros’ defense. Post writer Emily
Tamkin penned an article in 2017 on the “Five Myths about George Soros,”
attempting to convince us that he’s not “plotting a revolution or paying
people to protest.” In it, she provides cover for Soros aiding the Nazis in
Hungary, denies that he pays people to protest by naming protests that he
didn’t fund and ignoring the ones that he does, claims the fact that Soros
broke the Bank of England is a myth, and says that Soros isn’t “plotting a
destructive resolution in America” because he’s “simply a large political
donor.”341 The piece reads as if Soros himself handed the author a list of the
most common criticisms of him and asked them to play defense.342
Other outlets funded by Soros include $7.3 million to the Center for
American Progress, Media Matters ($1 million in 2010), Sundance Institute
($9.6 million from 1996 to 2009),343 NPR ($3.4 million from 1997 to
2020),344 and much more. He’s also funded Democracy Now, a progressive
show that airs on 1,444 stations.
The Columbia Journalism Review called the contribution to NPR
problematic due to the political nature of Soros. “Perception is NPR’s
currency they put it. While they’re right to criticize NPR on that front—the
CJR article makes no mention that they too are Soros funded.345
Soros’ donation to Media Matters after years of them denying any sort of
connection to him coincides with former Fox News host Glenn Beck doing
a series of reports exposing him. Soros fired back at an International Crisis
Center dinner that the likes of Fox, Beck, and the Tea Party may lead “this
open society to be on the verge of some dictatorial democracy” before
making a cliched reference to 1984. In attendance at the dinner were CNN’s
Fareed Zakaria, Bill Clinton, the chancellor of Oxford University Lord
Christopher Patten, and multibillionaire Paul Tudor Jones.346
Soros called his donation to Media Matters “symbolic”—but he’d
immediately fight a proxy war through them against Fox News, launching
what Media Matters founder David Brock called a campaign of “guerrilla
warfare and sabotage” against the network in 2011. The strategy was
outlined in an article in Politico:
Media Matters, Brock said, is assembling opposition research
files not only on Fox’s top executives but on a series of midlevel
officials. It has hired an activist who has led a successful
campaign to press advertisers to avoid Glenn Beck’s show. The
group is assembling a legal team to help people who have
clashed with Fox to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of
privacy or other causes. And it has hired two experienced
reporters, Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s
operation to help assemble a book on the network, due out in
Media Matters declared victory in the war in 2013—though Fox’s ratings
indicate zero casualties.348
The war against Fox News included thirty Soros-funded belligerents,
including Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, and AlterNet, among others. While
the war escalated in the early 2010s, this is no new effort from Soros. The
Soros-funded BraveNewFilms produced the anti-Fox News documentary
called Outfoxed back in 2004, which the Soros-funded
When the conservative Sun News Network was set to enter the Canadian
market, Soros took part in a “Stop Fox News North” campaign. While the
network has no formal connection to Fox, it modeled its network after it.
After a Sun Media newspaper column connected Soros’ opposition to Sun
TV News to his experience as a Jew during WWII (making mention of the
salacious details outlined in the introductory chapter of this book), Soros
threatened to sue.350 He never followed through with the threat, probably
because he knew he would lose.
Soros funds the Investigative News Network, which bills itself as a
collaboration of over three hundred “independent news organizations,” with
the vision of ensuring “all people in every community have access to
trusted news.”351 The organizations under this umbrella include the pro-
open borders Borderless, the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for
Sustainable Journalism, the Dallas Free Press, Delaware Public Media,
Detroit Public Television, Forward, the Indigenous Media Freedom
Alliance, Maryland Reporter, and countless niche publications and news
companies.352 HuffPost formally took grants from them too.
Soros’ media influence ranges from local to national and has greatly
impacted the national narrative when it comes to the latter.
The “independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit” Wisconsin Center for
Investigative Journalism took $185k from Soros between 2009 and 2011,
and $900k from 2012 to 2016, accounting for over 40 percent of its
funding, the vast majority of which comes out of the state of Wisconsin.353
Another $320k was given in 2016. The publication launched a project titled
Scott Walker’s Wisconsin in which it published over two dozen stories
critical of Walker, including a grand total of zero statements critical of
On a national level, Soros played an outsized role in the 2014 Ferguson
protests and the narrative shaped around them that followed the entirely
justified police shooting of Michael Brown, who robbed a convenience
store before assaulting Officer Darren Wilson and trying to steal his
weapon. One witness during Officer Wilson’s trial, who is described as a
“biracial female,” said she would’ve shot Michael Brown sooner, while a
seventy-four-year-old black male witness said Officer Wilson did what he
had to do, adding that he would’ve “shot that f***ing boy too.”354
But if you heard anything about the case on the media, you likely heard
the discredited “hands up don’t shoot” narrative—a narrative still heard at
protests today. Soros funds both activists and the narratives the underpin
Soros gave at least $44 million to so-called “racial justice” groups to add
fuel to the fire started following Brown’s death in 2014. All the
organizations Soros funded had a synergistic relationship with one another,
using each other’s talking points, referencing articles published by the
others, and helping create an echo chamber by coordinating certain hashtags
on social media.355
Soros is practically an angel investor in the Black Lives Matter
movement, donating $100k to the Black Alliance in 2011.356 The Black
Alliance is run by Opal Tometi (who also goes by Ayo Tometi), one of the
women responsible for creating the “#Blacklivesmatter” hashtag following
the also justified shooting of Trayvon Martin, which morphed into a violent
national antipolice movement.
Soros also cut a $200k check in 2011 to Colorlines, a website that
heavily pushes the Black Lives Matter narrative and published constantly in
support of the Ferguson riots. Soros gave $5.4 million to “grassroots”
efforts in Ferguson and Staten Island to fund police reform, with half of the
funds earmarked for Ferguson.357
The Hands Up Coalition, named after the aforementioned false narrative
about Mike Brown having his hands in the air while being shot, was
established by two groups funded by Soros, and a third funded by the
Soros-backed Tides Foundation. The group bills itself as “grassroots” and
recruits young people to start events to spread the Ferguson protests
nationally. Seldom is it the case that even a group’s name is a lie.358
One group that became a key source of video and stories from Ferguson
(with a pro-Black Lives Matter agenda) was a group called Millennial
Activists United, which received training on civil disobedience from a
Soros-backed group called the Advancement Project. The Advancement
Project helped organize a meeting between Ferguson community organizers
and then president Barack Obama.359
Soros would later pour a massive $220 million into “racial equity”
groups following the death of George Floyd in 2020.360
The influence of Black Lives Matter today is impossible to ignore, with
seemingly every U.S. corporation on the face of the Earth emailing its
customers following the death of Floyd to clarify that they’re not racists in a
bizarre national repentance ritual. Many made promises to fund Black Lives
Matter-adjacent organizations and make vague commitments to
representation. Regardless of one’s opinion on the Floyd case, there’s never
been a case where an individual death caused such a seemingly coordinated
response from corporate America.
As you’ll see in coming pages, Soros was here to help kick it all off.
With friends everywhere in the media, Soros has been able to create and
fuel countless high-profile narratives. The rest of this chapter documents
some notable examples.


One obvious benefit of Soros’ direct media influence is that it enables him
to use them as his own personal reputation management firm. Whenever
there is any backlash against Soros, his media companies and publications
all coordinate to push a unified narrative in his defense. In an era where
baseless accusations of racism are the norm, the media has opted for an
“any criticism of George Soros is anti-Semitism” strategy.
One particularly hilarious example comes from Moment Magazine,
which accuses Jewish former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the
Jewish state of Israel of pushing “common anti-Semitic canards” in his
criticism for Soros.361 Another absurd take in a similar vein comes from
Buzzfeed in an article with a truly incredible subheading: “How two Jewish
American political consultants helped create the world’s largest anti-Semitic
conspiracy theory [emphasis added].”362
And they’re just echoing what Soros-connected outlets are saying.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, the Soros-funded ThinkProgress called
reports that Soros was paying people to protest against then president
Donald Trump an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” and accused Trump
himself of “getting in on the anti-Semitic action.”363 Meanwhile, Soros was
spending $5 million on the effort to thwart Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme
Court nomination, and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer Debra
Katz was vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, which has
been directly funded by Soros’ OSF.364
The Soros-funded NPR described a fifteen-minute television segment
criticizing Soros on a federally funded Spanish-language broadcaster Radio
and Television Martí anti-Semitic for describing Soros as a
“multimillionaire Jew” who uses his wealth to “finance anti-system political
movements that fill his pockets,” and approvingly reported on the U.S.
Agency for Global Media launching an investigation into them as a result365
The Washington Post misinformed its readers that “Conspiracy theories
about Soros aren’t just false. They’re anti-Semitic,” because the rhetoric
“draws on old, and deep-rooted, anti-Semitic ideas that have been deployed
by the right for decades.”
The Associated Press dismissed attacks against Soros during the Ukraine
impeachment saga, opting to decry them as anti-Semitic.366
An article published in the New York Times opinion section finds the
criticism for Soros both “deeply disturbing” and “anti-Semitic.”367
No such concern has been expressed by these outlets for the criticism of
Jewish Republican megadonors such as the late Sheldon Adelson.
While serving as president of the Open Society Foundations, Patrick
Gaspard himself made the argument that was being laundered through the
media during an appearance on PBS where he discussed Soros and anti-
Semitic tropes.368
Even those who don’t invoke the default anti-Semitism argument shield
Soros with story selection.
The Soros-linked Seattle Times runs stories on Soros only to provide
cover for him or portray him as a victim. A sampling of headlines includes
“George Soros Conspiracy Theories Surge as Protests Sweep US,” “Soros,
the Far Right’s Boogeyman, Is Again a Target,” “Bomb Found at
Philanthropist George Soros’s Suburban Home,” “Hungarian Official
Retracts Comparing George Soros to Hitler,” and “US Agency Vows to
Investigate Broadcast Report That Called George Soros a ‘Multimillionaire


During an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Deputy National
Security Adviser Ben Rhodes openly bragged about creating a media echo
chamber of journalists and NGOs to push the lie that Iran’s leaders are
moderate.369 Contradicting the narrative were the endless chants of “Death
to America” from Iran’s leadership.
One of the key NGOs involved in this effort is the Ploughshares Fund,
whose stated mission is to “reduce and ultimately eliminate the world’s
nuclear stockpiles” (apparently except Iran’s). White House officials
described Ploughshares as the chief architect of the media campaign, which
ushered in a barrage of “experts” touting the deal in the press. Ploughshares
also gave a $70,000 grant to Princeton University to underwrite the
activities of Iran’s nuclear spokesman Seyed Hossein Mousavian,
effectively subsidizing Iran’s own talking points.
Ploughshares requested and got $700,000 from Soros with the funding
proposal “Defending Iran Nuclear Diplomacy” to promote Obama’s Iran
nuclear deal. Other Soros-linked NGOs that aided the echo chamber
included J Street and the National Iranian American Council.
In total, Ploughshares president Joe Crincione says his group has a
network of eighty-five organizations and two hundred individuals that was
“decisive in the battle for public opinion.” Or as Rhodes put it, “they were
saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”370
According to a Ploughshares funding request to Soros, Ploughshares’s
efforts were to use the funds to “broaden and better coordinate circle of
experts and validators who support diplomacy, including prominent US,
European and Israeli military and diplomatic personalities, as well as
Iranian human rights and civil society leaders.” The request further states
that the funds will be used to aid “mainstream and social media outreach by
validators along with other public and private efforts to shape the debate in
support of an agreement and continued diplomacy,” and “increase outreach
by coalition members and validators to policymakers with focus on long-
term impact of the deal on regional and global security issues where
potential cooperation with Iran could be beneficial.”371
Those advancing the Ploughshares agenda didn’t identify themselves as
such. One Washington Post op-ed by a contributor employed by an
organization that takes money from Ploughshares argued in favor of a $400
million cash payment to Iran, and made no mention of the author’s conflict
of interests. NPR also took money from Ploughshares and conducted
interviews with proponents of the deal, but cancelled interviews with top
congressional opponents of it.372
Meanwhile, Obama was busy complaining that “well-funded lobbyists”
would defeat his deal, and encouraged Congress to vote based on the
national interest, not based on lobbyists.


Soros backed the Washington-based Democracy Integrity Project with $1
million, which played a large role in spreading Russiagate hysteria and
making the case for impeachment. The group’s origins can be traced back to
2016, but it didn’t incorporate until eleven days after Trump took office.373
Among the group’s activities was placing news stories alleging back-
channel communications and meetings between Trump’s inner circle and
Russian spies while influencing related investigations and reports that
Congress was producing. The group created daily briefings that were then
sent out to Washington journalists and congressional staffers to bolster their
bogus narrative. Among those who received their reports included New
York Times and Washington Post staffers, alleged investigative reporters at
Buzzfeed, ProPublica, and McClatchy, and news producers at CNN and
Information was also fed to the FBI and congressional investigators—
which the project would then tip off to journalists who would in turn report
that authorities are investigating those leads. One inside source told The
Federalist: “Dan Jones does more than just send out these briefs. He’s
working with the FBI and [the] Senate Intelligence [Committee].” In other
words, he created fake news, then attempted to use government and media
to legitimize the narrative and bring consequences.
The Project is headed by Dan Jones, a former FBI investigator, Clinton
administration volunteer, and top staffer to Senator Dianne Feinstein. Jones
joined the Democrat staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2007, and
when he back-channel stepped down from the committee in December
2015, Feinstein praised him on the Senate floor.
The group employs key figures linked to the Russia hoax, such as Fusion
GPS founder Glenn Simpson and bogus dossier author Christopher Steele
to continue digging up fictitious dirt on Trump. While he was chairman of
the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Chuck Grassley took note, writing
of an interview with jones that “Mr. Jones stated he planned to push the
information he obtained from Fusion and Steele to policymakers on Capitol
Hill, the press and the FBI.”
Senate Judiciary Committee investigators suspect that Jones may have
also been involved in the efforts to create and disseminate Steele’s dossier.
After Glenn Simpson testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in
2018, Feinstein went behind Grassley’s back and released a three-hundred-
page transcript of the closed-door testimony—with the names of all Fusion
GPS employees redacted, or any mention of the connection between her
former top staffer Jones and Simpson.
The Project partnered with cybersecurity firm New Knowledge, which
actively worked to create the illusion of Russian interference in
congressional elections for the 2018 midterms. One strategy the Project
previously deployed in 2017 was Project Birmingham—which swarmed the
Twitter account of Alabama Senate special election candidate Roy Moore
with fake Russian Twitter accounts—and then drew attention to the
supposed Russian support for Moore. Jones personally promoted New
Knowledge on his social media accounts.
Jones would collaborate with New Knowledge’s director of research
Renée DiResta for a report on Russian disinformation that was released by
the Senate intelligence committee claiming that Trump was aided by a
Russian social-media plot. Jones and DiResta also claimed that this plot
went as far as attempting to influence Senate voting on the confirmation of
Brett Kavanaugh, and alleged “Russian influence networks” have conspired
with “domestic right-wing disinformation networks” and publications such
as Fox News, Breitbart, The Hill, and the Daily Caller. Phrased differently,
Jones and company are accusing the aforementioned outlets of pushing
disinformation—just as they’re actively doing.
George Soros Goes Local
A ll politics is local, and it’s local politics where George Soros has had
the most success.
Unlike presidential races where even tens of millions of dollars in
spending will only amount to a few percent of overall spending, Soros has
been able to drown local races in cash, making it virtually impossible for
anyone to compete with his desired candidate.
Soros first began dabbling in local politics in 2006 with the Secretary of
State Project.374
Founded to advance so-called “election protection measures,” the
organization’s sole effort was to get Democrats elected as secretaries of
state in swing or battleground states, particularly those who had a margin of
victory below one hundred twenty thousand votes in the 2004 presidential
Many Democrats placed the blame for Al Gore’s loss on the former Ohio
Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, whom they branded a political
operative for his ruling that provisional ballots in the state wouldn’t be
counted if they were submitted in the wrong precinct (which the U.S. Court
of Appeals upheld).
In other words, the goal of this organization is to get Democrats elected
so those Democrats can do what they accused Republicans of doing in the
2000 election.
The project grew out of the Democracy Alliance, of which Soros is a
founding member and donor. The DA was founded with the long-term
objective of raising $200 million to fund progressive groups. The project
ended up shutting down in 2010.
In an age when the Left views everything as racist, Soros began in the
mid-2010s backing state prosecutors who embrace that vision and look to
change the criminal justice system accordingly.
Underpinning the ideology of Soros and those he backs in these sorts of
races is one that paints the American legal system as not only systemically
racist, but founded upon racist principles, requiring the complete abolition
and “reimagination” of the justice system.
Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to help support various
groups that spurred the protests and riots in Ferguson following the justified
police shooting of Michael Brown. Among those aided included “buses of
activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago; from the
Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA
from New York; from Sojourners, the Advancement Project and Center for
Community Change in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel
Foundation—all funded in part by Mr. Soros—descended on Ferguson
starting in August and later organized protests and gatherings in the city.”375
The purpose of propaganda isn’t to be logical, it’s to convince, and even
at a time where America is objectively the least racist it’s ever been, the
narrative of “systemic white supremacy” has practically become
conventional wisdom among the ruling class.
With the death of George Floyd and the subsequent moral panic that
followed, Soros began upping his donations to so-called “racial justice”
causes into the hundreds of millions. Soros committed $220 million to
“emerging organizations and leaders building power in Black communities
across the U.S.” The biggest share of the funds, $150 million, is to be
distributed over a five-year period to black-led organizations while the
remaining $70 million was spent as a lump sum on “more immediate efforts
to advance racial justice.”
According to an Open Society Foundations press release about the $70
million in immediate funding, that money will go toward “Investments in a
set of cities as they reimagine public safety, moving beyond the culture of
criminalization and incarceration, and aiming to create safe, healthy, and
racially just communities,” “A further set of investments will go toward
nurturing the civic engagement of young people, many of whom have
engaged in activism for the first time,” and “Support for ongoing efforts to
fight voter suppression and disinformation, and ensure safe and secure
In the years between the surges in Black Lives Matter activism after the
deaths of Brown and Floyd, Soros began backing candidates positioned to
exploit unrest and implement an anti-law-and-order agenda through his
Justice & Public Safety PAC. In 2016, he spent money in fifteen races, and
his candidates won twelve. He spent $2 million toward defeating Joe
Arpaio that year. Since then, he’s continued funding candidates who’ve had
massive success in implementing fact-free progressive policies.
The rise of social justice-oriented lawyers getting elected to public office
is part of a “progressive prosecutors movement,” and Soros has been
funding it all.
Soros’ first strategy to influence law and justice in America was to stack
the courts by advocating for replacing elections for judges with selection by
committee, in which a committee made up of lawyers appoints judges to the
bench as opposed to voters in elections, which is how most nonfederal
judges nationwide are selected. Soros’ Open Society Institute fund has
spent at least $5 million from 2005 to 2015 toward this goal, though the
figure could be as high as $45 million according to one report. It’s disputed
because some of the funds went to legal issues that had no position on merit
Most of Soros’ money has gone toward funding candidates directly, and
the damage they’re doing to law and order nationwide is undeniable.

As previously mentioned, Soros contributed $2 million to Maricopa Strong
with the aim of getting Sheriff Joe Arpaio out of office. It was the single
largest donation he made in a local race in 2016, and it was successful,
leading to Arpaio being replaced by Sheriff Paul Penzone, ending Arpaio’s
twenty-four-year reign.
Penzone ran on a platform of undoing Arpaio’s legacy of being
extremely tough on crime and illegal immigration. Just a month after he
took office, illegal aliens were being released by Penzone at a rate of four
hundred criminal illegals every ten days.378
One of the first major policies Penzone enacted after taking office in was
to end the practice of keeping immigrants in jail longer to give immigration
authorities time to determine if they were in the country illegally.379 He also
ended the jail known as Tent City, which was the result of Arpaio’s first act
as Sheriff back in 1993.
Fast-forward four years and Penzone was interfering with the Maricopa
County 2020 election audit, refusing to comply with a subpoena to hand
over data, claiming it would compromise “the security of sensitive,
protected and critical data.”380

Soros pumped nearly $1.5 million into backing Larry Krasner in the
Democrat primary for the Philadelphia district attorney election, which
Krasner won.381 He campaigned on “social reform” and reducing the prison
population. Chants of “f*** the police” could be heard at his victory
As a lawyer in Philadelphia, Krasner sued the police department seventy-
five times (representing groups including Occupy Philadelphia and Black
Lives Matter) and called law enforcement “systemically racist.”383
Philadelphia has an accelerated rehabilitative disposition (ARD)
program, which is a pretrial program for some first-time offenders that
allows them to get off with a lighter probationary sentence. In the year
before Krasner’s election, only twelve cases qualified for diversion. During
his first year in office, seventy-eight were referred to ARD.384
One such case involved a man charged with carrying a concealed gun in
what was his first arrest in June. He qualified for ARD and was given two
years of probation. In the following March of 2019, he was arrested again
on gun-possession charges, released from jail after the judge granted a
defense motion for unsecured bail, and then by June, a full year after his
first arrest, he was charged with murder.385
Oddly, these sort of “weak on crime” leftists will support every gun
control measure in the book against law-abiding gun owners, but think
exceptions are worth making when it comes to enforcing the law for
Krasner ordered assistant district attorneys to request cash bail less often,
and to provide a “cost analysis” of incarceration when making sentencing
recommendations. He fired veteran prosecutors and replaced them with
inexperienced lawyers who share his ideology. U.S. Attorney William
McSwain observed that Krasner “is not even pretending to be a prosecutor.
He calls himself a public defender with power. It’s almost like letting a fox
into the hen house. Once he’s in, he’s trying to cause as much havoc as
The numbers tell the same story; Krasner has dropped charges on over 60
percent of shooting cases and 37 percent of illegal firearms cases in the two
years after taking office.387 Not coincidentally, shootings and homicides
have spiked since then. In 2020, Philadelphia prosecuted the lowest number
of felony cases in thirty years, while the city saw 499 homicides, more than
New York City has with five times the population. For reference, there were
351 homicides the year he took office.388
Jack Stollsteimer became the first Democrat ever elected as the DA for
Pennsylvania’s Delaware county, taking office in January 2020. Soros spent
$165k backing him.389 Unlike nearly everyone else on this list, Stollsteimer
hasn’t proposed anything radical as of writing, though he did create a
Criminal Justice Reform Task Force following the death of George Floyd,
which could produce radical proposals.390

Soros spent over $2.5 million backing George Gascón, who assumed office
as Los Angeles DA in December 2020.391 During Gascón’s prior tenure at
San Francisco’s DA, a position he held until January 2019, property crime
increased by 49 percent and misdemeanor charges were filed in only 40
percent of cases presented by the police. 392 He was once chief of the Mesa
Police Department and frequently clashed with Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Gascón announced that he would no longer prosecute crimes that he says
are “associated with poverty.” Most crimes are committed
disproportionately by the poor, so this kind of reasoning opens up Pandora’s
box in legalizing most crimes. Gascón said that crimes such a trespassing,
disturbing the peace, driving without a license, driving on a suspended
license, drug and paraphernalia possession, drinking in public, public
intoxication, loitering to commit prostitution, and resisting arrest will all
“be declined or dismissed before arraignment and without conditions.”393
Gascón disdain for consequences doesn’t stop with nonviolent crime
either, as he eliminated sentencing enhancements for convicted criminals,
issuing a directive statement that said “sentence enhancements or other
sentencing allegations, including under the Three Strikes law, shall not be
filed in any cases, and shall be withdrawn in pending matters.”394
Another Soros-backed candidate in California is Chesa Boudin, the son
of two left-wing radicals convicted for their role in a 1981 armored-car
robbery that resulted in the murders of two police officers and a Brinks
guard. His mother Kathy was sentenced to twenty years to life (and was
paroled in 2003); his father remained in prison until being granted clemency
by a disgraced Andrew Cuomo in his final days as governor. Boudin was
adopted and raised by Weather Underground radicals Bill Ayers and
Bernardine Dohrn. Ayers and Dohrn were friends with Boudin’s parents
through Students for a Democratic Society and later the Weather
After graduating high school, Boudin traveled to South America, where
he’d return numerous times over the decade that followed. During graduate
school, he traveled to Venezuela to learn about the nation’s “revolutionary
The man whom the San Francisco Police Officer’s Association called the
“#1 choice of criminals and gang members” would squeak out a slim
victory by fewer than three thousand votes to become DA. Like Krasner,
chants of “f*** the police” were to be heard at his victory party.397 He
pulled off his victory with $620k from Soros and other backers including
Chloe Cockburn, a Democracy Alliance partner, and the Tides
As Boudin himself admitted, he was the only DA candidate who had
never tried a case before. Upon taking office, he fired the most seasoned
prosecutors and replaced them with inexperienced public defenders who
had never tried murder cases. His office pled out twenty of eighty-five
pending murder cases for less than murder.
From the time he took office in January 2020 until March 2021, Boudin
tried twenty-three cases resulting in sixteen convictions. In 2019, during the
same time frame, his predecessor (interim DA Suzy Loftus) tried 294 cases
and got 203 convictions.399 In 2020, the San Francisco Police Department
presented 6,333 felonies to Boudin’s office, and 40 percent of cases were
dropped. In neighboring Alameda, only 11.4 percent of cases were dropped.
A number of individuals who had their charges dropped or reduced by
Boudin later went on to be charged for homicides just months later.400
Boudin got rid of “gang enhancements” (additional punishment to an
initial felony if it’s committed for a gang), and refuses to try any juveniles
as adults, regardless of how serious the crime. Cash bail was scrapped, as
was the city’s “life unit,” which involved two senior attorneys who handled
life sentences.
Boudin promised to “keep San Francisco safer by emptying the jail”—
and made good on the second half of that promise, emptying half of the
city’s prison population.401
By summer, homicides were already up 25 percent, burglary up 42
percent, motor vehicle theft up 31 percent, and arson up 45 percent
compared with the same time period the year before he took office.402
The lack of enforcement against theft had the pharmacy chain Walgreens
reporting thefts at its San Francisco stores at eight times the national
average. That led it to close its seventeen stores in the city403 (and if a
corporation worth over $100 billion as of writing is being affected by
Boudin, you can imagine how small businesses are faring). Shortly after,
every Target store in San Francisco reduced hours in an attempt to curb
A recall campaign quickly sprung up in response to Boudin, and despite
laughable claims that it’s a Republican campaign (in San Francisco of all
places), 60 percent of signatories are Democrats, and 88 percent are non-
Soros spent $275k backing Contra Costa County DA Diana Becton.406
Becton was selected by a board of supervisors to serve the rest of her
predecessor Mark Peterson’s term through the end of 2018 after he was
forced to resign after being convicted of felony perjury stemming from
illegal personal use of campaign funds. Part of the selection process to fill
the vacancy included an extensive questionnaire in which Becton repeatedly
plagiarized responses.407 Among the plagiarized responses included Martin
Luther King Jr. quotes she somehow thought wouldn’t get recognized.
Three of five members of the board selected her anyway, and she later won
a DA race in 2018.
Becton had never served as a prosecutor before, and read from a binder
of statements during her public appearances during the selection process.
Even during a telephone interview with the East Bay Times (prior to her
appointment) she said she wanted to pull out her notes before responding,
and the rustling of paper could be heard during the conversation. When
asked about her plagiarism, she said she “owns the mistake” before blaming
a colleague who told her “it was OK.”408
She’s a friend of St. Louis’s Kim Gardner and Chicago’s Kim Foxx, and
shares their weak-on-crime philosophy. In a Politico op-ed she penned with
Gardner, Foxx, Durham County DA Satana Deberry, and Suffolk DA
Rachael Rollins, our criminal justice system is described as one
“constructed to control Black people and people of color.” They continue
“Its injustices are not new but are deeply rooted in our country’s shameful
history of slavery and legacy of racial violence. The system is acting.”409
In a line that encapsulates their weak-on-crime philosophy, they admit
that “We ran for public office on progressive platforms to shrink the system
and create a more equitable and just society.” Then they lay out eleven
commitments that include not prosecuting what they consider to be peaceful
protesters, not accepting funding from police unions, banning no-knock
warrants, advancing discussions of divestment from the criminal legal
system, and other vague progressive nonsense.
In August 2020, Red State obtained an internal “Looting Guidelines”
document from Becton’s office that listed factors to consider before
charging someone. Among them was “Was the theft committed for financial
gain or personal need?”—which would legalize looting for the poor, or
anyone claiming to be motivated by necessity.410
The next month, that had become policy, with Becton announcing that
she wouldn’t be filing charges for low-level drug possession, shoplifting,
and other misdemeanors.411
Another policy of hers makes law enforcement navigate a bureaucratic
labyrinth to hold criminals who assault cops accountable. According to the
directive that applies to “related charges that allege use of force, threats or
violence against law enforcement”:
When reviewing allegations of force, threats or violence against
a law enforcement officer or when reviewing allegations of
resisting, delaying, or obstructing a law enforcement officer, the
reviewing Deputy District Attorney must review all available and
material body worn camera footage and any other material
videos, as well as all relevant evidence before a charging
decision is made. Prior to making a final charging decision, a
supervisor must approve the charge(s) after reviewing the body
worn camera footage, along with any other material videos, and
any other relevant evidence.”412
While graffiti is a misdemeanor (and thus a crime Becton doesn’t
prosecute), she will prosecute it as a hate crime if you have the wrong
political opinions. After a couple allegedly painted over a Black Lives
Matter mural, she filed three misdemeanor charges against them including
violation of civil rights (a hate crime charge), vandalism, and possession of
tools to commit vandalism.413
The charges were entirely politically motivated. A day after the initial
vandalism, one of Becton’s favored deputies, Nichelle Holmes, posted on
Facebook for help identifying the “two racists who defiled the BLM
mural.” She posted a link to an article describing the two as “white trash
Trumpers.” She added that “we want more than a citation for vandalism,”
seeming to allude to her boss.414
Soros dumped $659k into the Loudoun County race backing Buta
Biberaj for commonwealth’s attorney,415 which she won and was sworn into
the position in January 2020.
On the campaign trail, Biberaj said she favored new pretrial diversion
programs for perpetrators of lower-level charges to earn a “dismissal” of
their case, backed restoring voting rights of felons, and argued that
prosecutors shouldn’t be involved in immigration enforcement on the
nonsensical basis that it would make it look like the officer was “much
more forceful in trying to bully or take advantage of somebody’s status by
threatening them with that.”416
She also called for the attorney’s office to start collecting racial and
demographic data for charging and sentencing decisions. In her words, this
is to make sure police are not “over policing on one side” while “not doing
the same investigation into others.”417
While in office, she was one of twelve Virginia prosecutors who signed
onto a letter calling for “automated, automatic, and free expungement of
criminal records for formerly system-involved community members,” the
end of mandatory minimum sentences, the end of cash bail, the abolition of
the death penalty, and the end of “three strikes” felony enhancements for
petty larceny offenses.418
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors decided to give her office a
smaller budget increase than requested in 2021 due to high turnover and her
handling of domestic-violence cases. Of 735 cases brought to her office, she
dismissed 491, bringing only 8 percent to trial.419
Biberaj defended herself by saying that prosecution is more than just
taking cases to trial, “it’s the whole process of examining cases and working
with all parties involved to find the right outcome.” Apparently, the right
outcome is no outcome.
In June 2021, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that the Open
Society Foundations expressed interest in funding a local reparations
program. The comment was made to the Los Angeles Times on the same
day he announced the creation of the LA Reparations Advisory
Commission to create a “pilot reparations program targeted at a cohort of
Black Angelenos.” Garcetti told the Times that Soros had interest in funding
the endeavor, and that he hoped banks and corporations would join in it to
“reckon with a complicity that we saw in American capitalism, slavery, and
post-slavery racism.”420

George Soros backed Aramis Ayala to become Orlando’s state attorney for
the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, donating $1.4 million toward
that goal. Her husband David Ayala had been convicted of drug conspiracy
and counterfeiting checks and spent seven years in jail for it before being
released in 2006 (before the two met).421
Ayala’s office moved to reduce the number of people prosecuted for
resisting arrest without violence on the sole basis that “Black people are
disproportionally arrested on such charges.” There are virtually no crimes
that every racial demographic commits in exact proportion to their share of
the general population, and thus such illogic could be used to justify
abolishing the penalties for virtually any crime (and they will try).422
The new policy came to the rescue of many arrested during the George
Floyd riots. Ayala framed the arrests of the rioters as attempts to “silence”
and “crush” their First Amendment rights. Orange County Sheriff John
Mina says he was never informed of the policy change, and had to learn
from the media.
In lieu of actual consequences, Ayala seeks to punish criminals like
kindergarteners by giving them an adult time-out and having their charges
dropped in exchange for watching an educational video about resisting
crime and the dangers associated with breaking the law. Ironically, that very
exercise teaches them that there aren’t many dangers associated with
breaking the law.
Defendants are allowed to take part in the program once every six
months, proving that its purpose is ideological, and not simply to give first-
time offenders a warning.
Or as Ayala puts it, “we do lead with common sense.”
Another one of her “common-sense” ideas was to create a list of police
officers that have credibility issues. The supposed purpose of the list was to
identify unreliable witnesses to bar them from testifying in criminal cases.
The policy was completely ambiguous and few details were given about
how it would be administered. The committee tasked with creating the list
were given only the viewpoint of witnesses but not police themselves.
Ayala offered no description of how investigations would be conducted,423
nor was any insight offered into what the exact criteria to end up on the list
Despite what Ayala billed the program as, it has the obvious potential of
becoming nothing more than a blacklist of cops that the defund-the-police
crowd doesn’t like. She eventually released her bad cops list in July 2020.424
When she took office, she said she wouldn’t seek the death penalty in
any cases. Former Florida Governor Rick Scott reassigned twenty-nine
death penalties to his state attorney as a result, and slashed Ayala’s budget
by $1.3 million. Ayala lost the subsequent legal battle she waged in
As she prepared to depart office, she dropped the death penalty in three
murder cases, including a man accused of killing his wife and three
children, and a man accused of killing an Orlando police officer. 426
Soros is one of four backers who spent nearly $2.2 million supporting
Monique Worrell, the candidate who successfully ran to replace Ayala and
took office in 2021.427 Less than two weeks before election day, Ayala hired
Worrell, adding her to her office’s Conviction Integrity Unit with a $50k
Worrell wants to reform the criminal justice system because it
“disproportionately affects people of color and poor people,” which, again,
seems to just be an excuse to legalize various crimes that her favored
minority groups disproportionately commit.429 No one is calling for DUI
laws to be abolished because a disproportionate share of that offense is
committed by whites, but such a ridiculous argument could be justified by
her logic.
She’s kept Ayala’s bad cops list in effect and created a new unit to
investigate allegations of police brutality and misconduct.430
She’s used the coronavirus to justify changes to bail, calling for
prosecutors to “recommend defendants accused of non-violent offenses be
released without having to post bail if they are over age 60, have a body
mass index over 30, have a high risk of complications if infected with
COVID-19, are a primary caretaker or are an essential worker.”431
The biggest recipient of PAC money in the Broward state attorney race
was Joe Kimok, who made no effort to hide the $750k he received from
Soros’ Justice & Safety PAC in just a three-week period. “We, like many
candidates, have run a campaign unapologetically seeking to dismantle the
system of mass incarceration. We want to encourage a new understanding
of law enforcement and prosecution,” he said after identifying Soros as his
main donor. He said of Soros, “We welcome the help. He’s supporting what
we’ve been fighting for, not asking us to change to accommodate his

Shalena Cook Jones received at least $80k in support from Soros, leading to
her becoming district attorney for Chatham County in Georgia.433 She took
office in January 2021.
Of violent protests, Jones has stated “I think that marching, and rioting,
and burning—they all have their place.” She further claimed “I recognize
that rioting, marching, and burning may work some.” 434
In her words, rioting is merely a “widely accepted form of civil
disobedience,” which she justifies on the basis that a “heart that elevates
property over the value of human life is debased and morally corrupt.”435
She opposed President Trump’s decision to send federal law enforcement
to major cities to squash rioting, which enabled more chaos.
On social media, she’s voiced opposition to prohibitions against
sanctuary cities, increased penalties for gangs, and a peace officers bill of
rights. She supports ending cash bail and has said on video that “virtually
no one should be in jail.” She opposed HB 994, an anti-gang bill, and
represented an alleged member of the Bloods in the past. She also supports
removing qualified immunity for cops.436

Kimberly Gardner is best known among conservatives for her injudicious
decision to charge Mark and Patricia McCloskey after they stood outside of
their home with firearms to defend it against a mob of Black Lives Matter
rioters who forcibly entered their neighborhood. She was removed from the
case after she sent out an email fundraising off of it.437
That all came not long after Gardner dropped all charges against thirty-
six people arrested when St. Louis saw mass violence, rioting, arson, and
looting following the death of George Floyd.
Soros spent $190k backing her in 2016 to become circuit attorney of St.
Louis, and $116k backing her reelection.438 Conviction rates fell from about
80 to 85 percent from when Gardner was elected to 54 percent by 2019. The
only other place in the entire country that has a comparably low conviction
rate is in Orlando under Amaris Ayala’s watch.439 Kristi Flint, a St. Louis
defense attorney who worked as a prosecutor for ten years in the Circuit
Attorney Office said the reason for the drop in convictions is simple:
nobody wants to work there anymore. “They came in acting as if the police
are the enemies, very combative. Then everything breaks down, and the
people who are suffering the most are the victims of these crimes.”
Upon taking office, Gardner fired veteran prosecutors and replaced them
with inexperienced lawyers, with her office losing an estimated combined
470 years of experience in the process. The conviction rate for the Circuit
Attorney’s Office fell from a historical average of 72 percent to as low as 51
percent under Gardner.440
While not solely due to Gardner specifically, St. Louis now boasts the
highest murder rate in the U.S. (as of 2020), and it is due largely to the
ideological vision Gardner favors. Mayor Tishaura Jones seconds her
vision, and vowed to cut $4 million from police (costing nearly one hundred
jobs) and close a city jail in light of a homicide rate of eighty-seven victims
per hundred thousand people. For reference, Baltimore, which ranks
second, has a murder rate of fifty-seven per hundred thousand (and the
national average is roughly eight per hundred thousand).441
In one case that the mother of the homicide victim describes as
“incompetent” and “criminal,” the man charged with her son’s murder was
set free after Gardner’s office failed to show up at hearings.442
Gardner’s legal career could soon come to a close, as she’s now at risk of
losing her law license for alleged misconduct in a case involving former
Missouri governor Eric Greitens. According to court documents, the
Missouri Chief Disciplinary Counsel has concluded there is probable cause
that Gardner is “guilty of professional misconduct” in the case in May of
2021. Gardner will have to defend her actions in front of a disciplinary
hearing panel that is likely to take her law license if she’s found guilty.
Gardner is alleged to have concealed investigation details from her team,
failed to disclose facts to Greitens’s legal team, and misrepresented
evidence to a court.443
The prior July, a St. Louis judge named Christopher McGraugh ordered
Gardner to turn over all emails and text messages between Gardner and
people of influence including George Soros.444 This came after John
Solomon won a default judgement against Gardner in an open-records
lawsuit he filed concerning her 2018 investigation into Greitens. She failed
to respond, leading to the judge blasting her in a court order. “This didn’t
just happen once. This is a consistent behavior,” he wrote, “I think it’s the
office that’s attempting to obfuscate this process.”445
What do you think she was trying to hide?

Kim Foxx assumed office in December 2016, now heading the second
largest prosecutor’s office in the United States. To her aid was $300k from
George Soros,446 who donated an additional $2 million in 2020 toward her
reelection campaign.447 She is the first DA to be backed by Soros.448
Foxx became a household name shortly after actor and Subway sandwich
enthusiast Jussie Smollett claimed to have been the victim of a hate crime
after picking up a sandwich in Chicago at 2:00 a.m. in −11-degree weather
when he was then confronted by two Trump-hat-wearing white men who
recognized him from the show Empire and then proceeded to beat him
(leaving almost no injuries in the process), and pour bleach on him before
putting a noose around his neck that he kept wearing until police arrived at
his apartment.
The narrative was premised on two impossibilities: that there are Trump
supporters in Chicago; and that white people know what the show Empire
is. Regardless, the media mindlessly ate up the story, but police didn’t, and
they turned toward investigating Smollett, eventually leading to him being
indicted on sixteen felony counts by a grand jury. Foxx dropped all of them.
Likely due to the outrage in response to the dropped charges, Smollett
was later indicted by a Cook County grand jury on six counts of making
false police reports, and a judge struck down Smollett’s claim that this
violated his right against double jeopardy.
While this looks a lot like special treatment for a celebrity, Foxx is just as
generous to other alleged criminals too. Foxx dropped 30 percent of all
charges in felony cases her first three years as Cook County state’s attorney,
compared with 19.4 percent for per predecessor’s last three years. In total,
25,183 defendants saw their felonies cases dropped under Foxx, compared
with 18,694 for her predecessor. Foxx’s conviction rate was only 66 percent
compared with her predecessor’s 75 percent.449
Only a month after taking office, Foxx announced that shoplifting would
no longer be a felony if the stolen items were worth less than $1,000 (three
times higher than current state law). That resulted in an immediate drop of
around three hundred felony shoplifting cases being charged each month to
about seventy. Shoplifting dropped from being the second most frequent
offense to the eighth due to the new rules (even as the frequency of the
crime increased).450 Simply refusing to define certain crimes as crimes is
just the latest trick of progressive prosecutors in reducing crime—but only
on paper.
When mass looting broke out during the George Floyd rioters, Foxx
dropped charges against 817 defendants.451
In 2021, Foxx declared support for House Bill 163, proposed legislation
that would eliminate qualified immunity and end cash bail. Critics refer to it
as a “defund the police” bill.452
In October 2021, Foxx refused to press charges following a public gang
shootout, claiming that the incident was “mutual combat.”453

Soros donated a total of $406k to a PAC backing James Stewart in the
Caddo Parish DA race454 He was first elected in November 2015 and he
won reelection in November 2020. Most of his efforts that align with the
Soros agenda have been in trying to abolish use of the death penalty,455
though Louisiana hasn’t put anyone to death since 2010.

In Suffolk County, Soros backed DA Rachael Rollins, a woman reportedly
“exhausted” because police officers “shoot us in the street as if we were
animals.” She assumed office in January 2019.
She doesn’t have a high view of police, but criminals can do little wrong
in her eyes.
In an op-ed titled “The Public Safety Myth,” Rollins argues that “We
have been told that our communities are safer with each criminal that our
local law enforcement locks up—often for low-level offenses like drug
possession, shoplifting, or loitering. The problem with this narrative is that
it’s largely false, predicated on a pervasive and pernicious myth known as
‘broken windows’ theory.”456
Within a month after Rollins was elected, the National Police
Association filed a formal complaint with the Office of the Bar Counsel in
Massachusetts against her, alleging that she had “reckless disregard for the
laws enacted by the Massachusetts General Assembly mandate.” They were
specifically referring to a campaign promise of hers not to prosecute entire
classes of crimes that would “adversely and will foreseeably impact the
safety and well-being of those that she is soon charged to represent.” 457
Rollins disregarded those concerns and published a policy memo she
claimed was “data driven” and “grounded in science.” In it, fifteen
categories of crimes are outlined that she says should either be “outright
dismissed prior to arraignment,” or, where appropriate, “diverted and
treated as a civil infraction.”
Those fifteen crimes are trespassing, shoplifting, larceny under $250,
disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, receiving stolen property, driving
with a suspended or revoked license, breaking and entering into a vacant
property or property for the purpose of “sleeping or seeking refuge from the
cold,” wanton or malicious destruction of property, threats, minors in
possession of alcohol, drug possession, drug possession with intent to
distribute, resisting arrest (when the only charge is resisting arrest), and
resisting arrest (if the other charges include only charges that fall under the
list of charges for which prosecution is declined).458
This policy prevents criminals who would later commit more serious
crimes from having those prior offenses on their record, so a sentence
enhancement can’t be sought.
As the Heritage Foundation’s Charles Stimson puts it “In other words, in
Boston, a violent career felon can break into your home, be in possession of
cocaine, plan to distribute that cocaine to others, and resist arrest after you
call the police, and all the charges will be ‘outright dismissed,’ so long as
the reason he broke into your house—and terrified your family—was
because he wanted ‘to sleep’ or was ‘seeking refuge’ from the cold.”459
Rollins’ memo also established a new policy on cash bail and pretrial
release of “presumptive recommendation of release on personal
recognizance without conditions. This presumption will be rebutted only if
there is clear evidence of a flight risk.” She ordered that her office apply her
cash bail and pretrial release policy retroactively to anyone held on cash
bail of $25k of less.460
In response to criticism of her insane policies, Rollins assures us that she
doesn’t “have much time for more white men telling me what of
communities of color need, because they don’t know.” She also cited her
body’s possession of “actual melanin” in her defense.461
As of August 2020, the number of shootings in Boston was up 29 percent
from the year prior, and deadly shootings were up 34 percent. Boston Police
Commissioner William Gross blamed Rollins’s policy of releasing prisoners
due to coronavirus hysteria.462

With $326k in backing from Soros, Scott Colom was elected district
attorney for Circuit Court District Sixteen in 2015. 463 He scored a historic
win over a twenty-six-year incumbent, who raised only $49k for his race.
Speaking to Politico, Colom explained that he wanted to reduce reliance
on jails. “I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who think prison is
too nice and we need to spend more on it.” Colom continued, “But it seems
like a large majority of people out there get it and realize there have to be
priorities. Just because a fella commits a crime doesn’t mean the best
outcome is sending them to jail…As much as possible, I want to take
people from being tax burdens to taxpayers.”464
The reelection campaign of Robert Shuler Smith, a Hinds County district
attorney, got $56k from Soros, which he won in 2015.465
By 2016, he would be arrested by the Mississippi Attorney General’s
Office on charges of providing improper advice to two people facing
criminal charges (which he was later acquitted of).466 In 2017, a grand jury
indicted him on four charges: two domestic-violence misdemeanor charges
and two felony charges, one for aggravated stalking and another for
robbery, but he ultimately wasn’t convicted.467 Regardless, he’d later step
down in 2019, mired in controversy.

Soros spent $107k backing Raul Torrez to become Bernalillo County’s DA,
and he was sworn in January 2017. His Republican opponent dropped out
of the race due to Soros’ backing, commenting “New Mexicans cannot
afford to challenge anyone who has unlimited resources and support from a
multibillionaire from another country.”468
On his campaign website, Torrez pitched a platform of “reform, rebuild,
renew,” calling for adopting “modern, community-based prosecution
strategies that target the particular public safety priorities of every
neighborhood in Bernalillo County.”
Unlike Soros’ other backed candidates, Torrez hasn’t implemented any
notable radical policy changes (so far), though his office has had some
incredible acts of incompetence. In one case, a female imposter scammed
them by falsely claiming to be a victim in a case, demanding the charges be
dropped against the violent defendant and that he be released from jail. The
defendant, Freddie Trujillo, pled guilty in a 2017 aggravated assault case,
and was put on probation but jailed in 2018 for violating it. The charges
were dropped when the imposter walked into the courthouse and
demanding the charges to be dropped—and Trujillo was released. Nobody
bothered to check if the imposter was the actual victim.469

Portland DA Mike Schmidt was backed with $230k from Soros.470 Schmidt
was appointed to be director of the Criminal Justice Commission by Oregon
Governor Kate Brown in 2015. He advocated ending cash bail and
investing in “alternative programs” to incarceration and has campaigned on
the elimination of mandatory minimum sentencing. His job as DA began in
August 2020.
Ten days after taking office, he announced that he’d refuse to prosecute
the city’s rioters, defending them as people who “represent the instinctive
reactions of people who have been gassed repeatedly, who have been struck
with kinetic projective weapons.” Even though rioting is a felony, he
doesn’t prosecute those cases.471
He refuses to prosecute individuals for “interfering with a peace officer,
disorderly conduct in the second degree, criminal trespass in the first or
second degree, escape in the third degree, and harassment and riot when it
isn’t accompanied by a separate charge.”472
Before being sworn in as DA, he sat down for an interview with the
online antifa personality “Awkword,” whom we learned he was “old
buddies” with for over twenty years during the interview. The two had met
at Vassar College. Awkword currently leads the Ten Demands for Justice
movement, which lists defunding and demilitarizing the police among its
demands to set the stage for the full abolition of prisons. 473
In the interview, Awkword asks what Schmidt considers fair punishment,
prefacing his question by stating that “the majority of perpetrators have
been victims themselves,” and thus these “victims” deserve “reparative
justice” in the form of social services instead of imprisonment. Schmidt
responded by claiming that the U.S. prison system is built on “white
supremacist culture.”
Awkword told Schmidt that as a prison abolitionist he “definitely see[s]
you as an ally in that effort.” Schmidt expressed that he ran on a campaign
of “needing to shrink the criminal justice system.”
Awkword then asked Schmidt about his forthcoming policy of not
prosecuting rioters, whom he described as individuals simply exercising
their first amendment rights (apparently the first time one of these crazies
cares about the constitution). Schmidt replied that the rioters are “nothing
like the Armageddon that the Trump Administration is trying to portray our
city,” and called protesters blocking off a bridge as part of a “die in” protest
a “beautiful demonstration.”

Kim Ogg won her race in 2016 after campaigning on bail reform and
promising to create a “system that doesn’t oppress the poor.” She defeated
the incumbent by eight points, becoming the first Democrat DA in forty
years for Harris County (whose county seat is Houston). Soros initially
backed Morris Overstreet, who lost in the Democratic primary, then funded
Ogg to the tune of $500k.474
Ogg has declared herself part of the “national reform movement,” and
dropped nearly eight hundred criminal charges made against 654 protesters
during the George Floyd riots. Most of the offenses were characterized as
involving trespassing and obstructing highways. Even that wasn’t enough
for some leftists, who complained that Ogg didn’t also offer an apology to
the protesters for being charged in the first place.475
While she’ll give them a pass, Ogg pursued charges against Dr. Hasan
Gokal for giving away free doses of a coronavirus vaccine that was going to
expire. The price tag of the vaccines was $135 for the doses, far less than
the cost of property damage associated with your typical Black Lives
Matter protester. The charges were later dropped amid outrage, but it shines
insight into Ogg’s priorities.476 As does Ogg dismissing charges against a
Houston doctor accused of molesting a child patient in 2014.477
The percentage of misdemeanor defendants released on general order or
personal bond increased from 11.2 percent in 2016 to 72.4 percent by 2020.
The number of violent offenders released on personal recognizance bonds
increased from 239 in 2018 to 1,097 in 2020. Harris County reported a 28
percent year-over-year increase in murders from 2019 to 2020, while
Houston reported a 42 percent increase.478
In her only bout of sanity, Ogg at least violated her campaign promise to
bring so-called bail reform to the county.
Soros spent $652k on José Garza, who won his race to become DA of
Travis County.479 Garza is a member of the Democratic Socialists of
Garza’s definition of public safety is “stability, good jobs, access to
health care, access to mental health care, access to good education.”
Noticeably missing is law enforcement, members of which he says lock up
“as many working-class people and people of color as they can.” 481
Garza took office in January 2021 and immediately progressed with
plans to abolish cash bail and “diversion plans” to make it easier for people
charged with some nonviolent crimes to go into intervention programs
instead of jail.482
Three weeks into the job, Garza indicted Officer Gregory Gentry (and
another cop involved in the same incident) on use of force charges, even
though his 2019 case was investigated by the previous DA and he wasn’t
indicted. The political stunt failed and Garza ended up having to drop
charges after another review of the incident. Garza claimed that “new
evidence” was behind his decision to drop the charges he brought—but the
supposed “old evidence” had already led to the same conclusion years
Another case where Garza played loose with the facts is that of Sergeant
Daniel Perry, who was doing a ride for Uber when his car was surrounded
by rioters during the George Floyd protests. Police did not block off streets
so people could protest. Already surrounded by a mob, Perry was
approached by Garrett Foster, who was open carrying an assault weapon
and minutes earlier was videotaped saying people who have a problem with
him and his comrades are “pussies and won’t do anything about it.” Shortly
after, Foster confronted Perry and was fatally shot after allegedly pointing
his gun at him.
A lead investigator on the case told pundit Matt Christiansen that the best
detective in the department determined that probable cause didn’t exist to
charge Perry with a crime after an investigation that involved reviewing
video, fifty witness statements, and forensic and ballistic evidence from the
scene.484 A grand jury ended up indicting Perry on murder charges after a
twisted presentation of the evidence by Garza.485 Garza described Foster as
someone “shot while participating in a protest,” and made no mention of the
mob surrounding Perry, or Foster allegedly pointing a rifle at him. No video
showing Foster allegedly pointing his gun at Perry or witness statements
saying at much were shown to the jury. Perry’s defense team says they
weren’t allowed to make a written presentation to the grand jury, which is
unusual in Texas.
The indictment of Perry came shortly after Garza let off two of three
suspects in a shooting near a playground, with the third charged with
murder, and providing neither evidence that the other two are cooperating
nor an explanation for why they were set free.486

Soros scored two wins in Virginia in November of 2019 after pouring
nearly $1 million into the campaigns of two prosecutors who successfully
ousted incumbent Democrats. He funded this through his ironically named
Justice and Public Safety PAC.
The candidates he backed were Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, who received
$583k, and Steve Descano, who received $392k. The two incumbents raised
a combined $404k. Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe also
supported the Soros-backed candidates because the incumbents were sane
enough to push back against his effort to restore felons’ voting rights.487
Descano is Fairfax County’s commonwealth’s attorney, while Dehghani-
Tafti is the commonwealth’s attorney for Arlington County and the City of
Falls Church.
In this case, money did buy an election—unless there’s a better
explanation for how two candidates who never prosecuted a case in state
court defeated incumbents with sixty years of combined experience. A
consultant for one of the incumbents said after the race “We were outspent
3 to 1. Our candidate was in the hospital for nearly a week. This is an
election that was bought, not won.” A former state delegate commented “I
think it is foreboding for local elections because we’re going to have people
clamoring to get money from George Soros—that’s what I fear greatly.”
And it was a rational fear.488
Descano formally eliminated cash bail in December 2020, claiming “It
creates a two-tiered system of justice—one for the rich and one for
everybody else. It exacerbates existing racial inequities.”489
The demand for bail in the first place was reduced by Descano’s other
policies legalizing various crimes. Her “do not prosecute” list gives Rachael
Rollins a run for her money, allowing criminals to avoid prosecution for
shoplifting goods valued at up to $1k, assault and battery, insurance fraud
through arson if the property burned is worth less than $1k, setting off
smoke bombs, prostitution or solicitation of prostitution, participating in a
riot, obstructing the legal process, obstructing emergency medical services
personnel, accepting bribes, obstructing justice by threats or force,
knowingly and willfully making materially false statements to a law
enforcement officer, resisting arrest, knowingly making a false police
report, using a police radio during a crime, some forms of jury tampering,
some forms of extortion as a governmental officer, aiding the escape of a
prisoner, indecent exposure, reckless driving, possession of schedule III, IV,
V, or VI drugs, and possession of drugs with intent to distribute.490
By April 2021 a recall campaign aimed at ousting Descano was
Dehghani-Tafti campaigned on eliminating cash bail, implementing
diversion programs to prioritize treatment over jail, “protecting immigrants”
(which seems to be a synonym for supporting sanctuary policies), never
seeking the death penalty, raising the threshold for felony larceny, and other
Fortunately, her agenda was met with resistance shortly after she took
office. On March 4, 2020, the Arlington County Circuit Court enacted an
order requiring her to justify all charging decisions regarding whether to
dismiss, charge, or settle cases.492 The Circuit Court and Dehghani-Tafti
have also clashed on relatively minor issues, such as rejecting a plea
bargain that would place a Maryland man on two years of probation for
allegedly bringing fifty pounds of marijuana and four hundred cartridges of
hashish oil into the country. This indicates that the Circuit Court has very
little patience for Dehghani-Tafti’s agenda.493
Soros donated a small $5k to James Hingeley’s campaign for
commonwealth attorney in Albemarle County.494
In July 2020, Hingeley formed a group with ten other commonwealth’s
attorneys to back criminal justice reform. The group’s agenda includes an
“end to mandatory driver’s license suspensions on drug convictions; give
defendants the ability to have past convictions expunged; eliminate
mandatory sentences; and clarify “the discretionary powers of prosecutors.”
Other proposals include an end to no-knock warrants, which they justified
by citing the death of Breonna Taylor, who wasn’t killed in a no-knock
warrant raid.495
In April 2021, he signed a letter along with other DAs on this list
including Chesa Boudin, Shalena Cook Jones, Kimberly Gardner, Kim
Foxx, Steve Descano, Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, Rachael Rollins, and others,
calling for the automatic expungement or sealing of criminal records after
one completes a sentence.496
“Research has shown that people with criminal records are no more
likely than the general population to commit a new crime if they have
avoided contact with the criminal justice system for four to seven years,”
they wrote, without considering that perhaps their proposal should apply
only to people who’ve been out of the system for four to seven years
without reoffending.
They do make an exception for felonies, which they say should be
expunged after a “reasonable” amount of time—but the word “reasonable”
doesn’t mean the same to these kind of ideologically driven kooks as it does
to you and me.


Soros’ involvement at the local level continued into 2021, with him quietly
investing nearly $200k into far-left prosecutor Ramin Fatehi to make him
Norfolk, Virginia’s commonwealth attorney. He donated $157k through his
Justice & Safety PAC, and $41.5k from his Democracy PAC. Fatehi won a
three-way Democrat primary in June and will head to the November general
election as the only candidate on the ballot. Buta Biberaj endorsed him after
his victory.
Fatehi opposes strict law enforcement and subscribes to the false view
that crime is a “symptom of structural racism.” Fatehi’s campaign website
advocates abolishing cash bail, abolishing the jury trial penalty, and making
the criminal justice system “honor the principle that Black Lives Matter.”497
Fatehi explained his twisted philosophy in a recent interview with The
Appeal. “The old-fashioned view about public safety was not taking into
account externalities. It was focused on the idea of crime as an evil unto
itself. Where I part ways is in recognizing that crime is a symptom. It’s a
symptom of structural racism, of systematic community disinvestment, of
redlining, unequal school policy, the lack of jobs, lack of transportation, a
lack of opportunities, intergenerational barriers to wealth building, the
disinvestment in the treatment of the mentally ill.”498
Like all progressives, Fatehi bends over backward to create enough
excuses for criminal behavior so criminals themselves receive no share of
the blame. Instead, the “system” is blamed, rarely with coherent
elaboration. A commonality between all of Soros’ prosecutors is that they
all treat criminals as if they’re the real victims.
The causes for crime Fatehi blames are deliberately vague enough so that
he always has something to blame. How do we do define “intergenerational
barriers to wealth building” and quantify when they’ve disappeared?
There’s never any threshold or criteria given to determine when a problem
attributed to racism has been solved.
Further proving that any excuse is useable, Fatehi blames a lack of jobs
for crime during an unprecedented labor shortage. Even if we were to solve
the problems Fatehi lays out, progressives would still blame them for any
disparity they see fit.
Fatehi also complains that we put criminals in prison: “It’s incredibly
expensive, imprisoning people, jailing them, supervising them. We are
disinvesting from our own community. We’re pulling human capital and
dollars away from things like mental health treatment, drug treatment,
education, housing contracts, and so on.”499
Soros has also invested in New York City’s mayoral race, backing far-left
Maya Wiley, who serves as The New School’s Senior Vice President of
Social Justice and is a professor at the university’s graduate school of
policy, management, and environment.
Wiley boasts an endorsement from socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
who said in support of her “If we don’t come together as a movement, we
will get a New York City built by and for billionaires, and we need a city
for and by working people.” Wiley shared the quote on her Twitter account
and fundraised from it.500
Despite the rhetoric, Wiley is fine taking billionaire money. Soros put
$500k into an independent expenditure group backing Wiley’s campaign.501
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio gutted nearly $1 billion from the NYPD’s $6
billion budget in 2020, a year that saw more homicides than the prior two
combined. And in the wake of that policy failure, Wiley called for cutting
another billion in funding at a time when shootings in 2021 were already 74
percent higher than they were at the same time in 2020.502
Wiley’s campaign website called for “reimagining policing,” which
really means “imagine no policing.” She also wants to freeze the number of
incoming cadet classes for the NYPD and NY Department of Corrections
and remove police from traffic enforcement and school safety.
Meanwhile, Wiley’s Brooklyn home is protected by a private security
patrol that she pays for (as do about half of her neighborhood’s two hundred
households). Crime in her Precinct (the 70th) has actually declined year-
over-year, while the adjacent precinct (and rest of the city) has seen a
Fortunately, she lost in the Democrat primary to former NYPD officer
Eric Adams.


Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society earmarked $1.5 million in
2019 for the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Responsibility
(CHR). The group backs the defund the police movement, and goes even
further, engaging in research to review “alternatives to policing in the
context of police abolitionist frameworks.” It provides a tool kit to help
activists defund their local sheriffs, which it says is an “essential step
towards building a more safe and just communities across this country.”504
A spokesperson for Open Society confirmed that the Foundations back
those specific goals, telling the Washington Free Beacon “OSF supports the
exploration and development of alternatives to current policing practices,
and the Hub serves as a clearinghouse of ideas and resources to help
advocates determine how best to improve police practices in their
communities. We defer to communities regarding what alternatives make
sense for them, including substantially shifting funding for the current
approach to policing/law enforcement into services that address societal
challenges while doing less harm.”505
Soros funded CHR through his New Venture Fund, acting as its fiscal
sponsor. CHR doesn’t provide any individual tax forms to the IRS, so the
rest of its financial information is unknown.506
Soros donated $1 million to the Color of Change PAC during the 2020
election cycle, and his Soros Super PAC kicked in an additional $2.5
million. Color of Change is behind a petition calling for all elected officials
to cut ties with the Fraternal Order of Police, which they brand the
“deadliest frat in the world.” “The time has come for these officials to make
a choice: you are either with the people, or you are in support of systemic
police violence and mass incarceration,” the PAC wrote.507
This is a separate group from the aforementioned Color of Change
nonprofit, which Soros has continued giving to, backing with at least $1.4
million in 2018 and 2019 alone. He donated another million in 2021 amid a
continuing rising crime wave.508
Then AG William Barr had warned of this in December of 2019.
“There’s this recent development [where] George Soros has been coming
in, in largely Democratic primaries where there has not been much voter
turnout and putting in a lot of money to elect people who are not very
supportive of law enforcement and don’t view the office as bringing to trial
and prosecuting criminals but pursuing other social agendas.”509
Barr predicted that violent crime will increase as a result, but added
(incorrectly) that he doesn’t believe police will withdraw from
Seattle saw sixty-six departures in the first months of 2021, bringing the
total number of police who left since racial justice protests began over the
summer of 2020 to over two hundred, leaving the city with a record low
1,080 deployable officers. The police department in Louisville, Kentucky
saw a 20 percent decrease in the size of their police force, while New York
lost 15 percent. Portland lost 115 cops and has 140 vacancies with a force
of under eleven hundred officers.510
Leftists will often point to America’s relatively high prison population as
proof of over policing, but an international comparison renders that
argument moot. Relative to the world average, the U.S. employs 35 percent
fewer police officers per capita. While the U.S. does have an outsized
prison population (302 percent of the world average), this is in part linked
to under policing. As economist Alex Tabarrok notes:
Increasing the number of police on the street, for example, would
increase capture rates and deter crime and by doing so it would
also reduce the prison population. Indeed, in a survey of crime
and policing that Jon Klick and I wrote in 2010 we found that a
cost-benefit analysis would justify doubling the number of police
on the street. We based our calculation not only on our own
research from Washington DC but also on the research of many
other economists which together provide a remarkably consistent
estimate that a 10% increase in policing would reduce crime by 3
to 5%. Using our estimates, as well as those of some more recent
papers, the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) also estimates
big benefits (somewhat larger than ours) from an increase in
policing. Moreover, what the CEA makes clear is that a dollar
spent on policing is more effective at reducing crime than a
dollar spent on imprisoning.511
The American public fully rejects the Soros agenda on policing.
According to polling from Rasmussen Reports in the months after the death
of George Floyd (the peak of the “defund the police” madness), 61 percent
of all Americans believed that violent crime is likely to go up in
communities that defund the police. Only 12 percent thought violent crime
was more likely to go down, while 20 percent predicted it will remain about
the same. Sixty-six percent opposed reducing the police budget in their
communities, while only two in ten supported defunding police where they
Many of the cities that hopped on the “defund the police” bandwagon
have already reversed course after they were mugged by reality.
Minneapolis was the location of George Floyd’s death, and Mayor Jacob
Frey cut $8 million from the police department and diverted $2 million of it
to “crime prevention programs and mental health crisis response teams.”
Violent crime increased 21 percent in Minneapolis in 2020, and Frey
acknowledged that policy played a role. “When you make big, overarching
statements that we’re going to defund or abolish and dismantle the police
department and get rid of all the officers, there’s an impact to that” he said
at a news conference before requesting federal and state help to reduce
crime in his city. A year after Floyd’s death, he proposed a timeline to
refund the police by the end of 2023.513
As the Daily Wire’s Tim Pearce documented, Minneapolis was hardly the
only one:
In Los Angeles, the spike in crime has been more pronounced.
Last year [2020], violent crime in the city rose 36% as elected
officials stripped the local police department of $150 million,
roughly 8% of the department’s funding. The number of murders
across the city surged to a decade-high of 350.
Despite Democratic Mayor Eric Garcetti’s and the L.A. city
council’s earlier commitment to cut back police funding, city
leaders reversed course last week [May 2021]. The city council
approved additional funding for the police department to hire
250 officers, essentially restoring the cuts that the city council
approved last year.
In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced earlier this
month [May] that the city is building a new police precinct in
Southeast Queens to combat rising crime. The announcement of
additional law enforcement comes after de Blasio pledged to cut
$1 billion from the New York City Police Department’s budget.
From January to April, New York City experienced a more than
50% jump in the number of shootings over the same time last
year. The spike comes after last year when shootings jumped
97% and the murders across the city increased 45% in 2019.514
Unfortunately, ideology has trumped reality in the majority of cities that
defunded their police forces. Those that haven’t reversed course include
Seattle, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and a dozen other cities.
The International Influence of George
Soros: Europe
A s wide reaching as George Soros’ influence is in America, it’s still a
relatively recent venture for him. As outlined in earlier chapters,
Soros’ first ventures into political influence were all in Europe, specifically
former Soviet states (and then post-Soviet Russia). Soros began his
campaign of influence in Europe, and it has remained a main focus of his
alongside America.
The Balkans have been another common target for Soros. Similar to what
he’s done with former Soviet states (and there’s some overlap here), he’s
been able to exploit similarly corruption-prone nations for his own benefit,
playing kingmaker under the guise of “fighting corruption” then continuing
to wield influence. The OSF moved in as then Yugoslavia was
disintegrating in 1991, and has continued holding influence in Serbia and
Soros’ tactics remain consistent. In Albania, he faced accusations by then
president Ilir Meta of being behind a conspiracy to control the country by
interfering in local elections in 2019, much like he’s doing in the U.S.515
Soros had already scored an earlier victory in the nation following a reform
campaign that began in 2016 that was funded and aided by Soros-backed
“experts.” As a result of the campaign, Albania was left without courts,
allowing the ruling socialist government to pass laws with no checks and
balances while packing the prosecution office with allies.516 Meta was later
impeached in June 2021 after fifty lawmakers from the governing Socialist
Party called for an investigation into whether he violated the constitution.
The Albanian parliament is controlled by Edi Rama (who has been prime
minister since 2013), who has had a relationship with Soros since the
1990s.517 Conservative writer Evi Kokalari recalls that “After the Berlin
Wall fell, a group of Albanians that included me, Edi Rama, who is now
Albania’s Prime Minister, and the son of the head of George Soros’s
Foundation in Albania associated closely in Paris. From this experience I
can say that Soros found the perfect opportunity to play puppet master with
Rama as his instrument.”518
Soros had an American ally in Albania in Donald Lu, who served as an
ambassador there from 2015-2018 and championed the Soros agenda on
open borders, drug legalization, and other liberal policies. Lu later assumed
office as U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, another country Soros has long
been active in. A senior U.S. government source told the Washington
Examiner’s Todd Wood that Lu aims to redirect U.S. aid money in
Kyrgyzstan away from counterterrorism efforts and into Soros-aligned
causes such as “building civil society,” democratic mobilization, and
supposed rule-of-law projects. Soros also has a Kyrgyzstan equivalent of
Central European University in the American University of Central Asia.
In Bulgaria, a banned book called Robbers of Democracy alleged that
Soros-backed NGOs aided the 2013 protests that led to the Center-Right
government resigning, which was replaced by a “caretaker cabinet” led by
former Communist Party member Marin Raykov. The book also alleges that
the Yes Bulgaria Party (formed in 2017) is a Soros project aimed at seizing
power.519 Distribution of the book was halted following a complaint from
Yes Bulgaria. The Soros-funded Organized Crime and Corruption
Reporting Project (OCCRP) is one of the only publications reporting on the
ban, and it did so approvingly. Every article mentioning Soros on the
OCCRP’s website plays defense for the billionaire.520
In Ukraine (among much other political influencing outlined in an earlier
chapter), Soros backed the 2014 Maidan protests that eventually led to his
ally Petro Poroshenko getting elected, who awarded Soros the Order of
Freedom the next year. Soros praised the protesters, whom he described as
the “cream of society” for ushing in a “New Ukraine.”521 Allegedly hacked
documents from 2015 reveal Soros appointing himself the “self-appointed
advocate of the Ukraine” and outline his involvement with the Obama State
Department and Treasury to push for weapons and billions in assistance for
Ukraine under Poroshenko.522
In Azerbaijan, the East-West Management Institute, which is similar to
Soros’ OSF, promotes “justice” and “civic engagement.” The group was
cofounded by Soros523 and is run by Delina Fico, who oversees most of
Soros’ funds in the country. Fico was once a romantic partner of Edi Rama,
and has a decade-long relationship with Azay Guliyev, who was appointed
as the special coordinator overseeing election observance in Albania’s
parliamentary elections this year (in which Rama’s party won a majority of
And the list goes on and on.
While Soros meddles in individual countries, his eyes are on Europe as a
whole, with the health of the European Union as his central focus. A
longtime supporter of the Union, Soros believes that it “lost its way” since
the 2008 financial crisis.525 After 2008, the eurozone (EU nations that use
the euro) was transformed into a “creditor/debtor relationship,” he argues,
which enabled crippling austerity measures. He wants it to be a “voluntary
association of like-minded states” willing to surrender part of their
sovereignty for the common good.526
Soros wants the EU to be “radically reinvented.” That would include a
shared migration policy consistent with Soros’ mass immigration agenda.
“We still don’t have a European migration policy,” Soros complained before
expressing frustration that “Each country pursues what it perceives to be in
its national interest” as opposed to acting in his best interest.527
Soros told the European Council on Foreign Relations at an annual 2018
council meeting that the European Union was enduring an “existential
crisis” and that member states must set aside “national interests” in the
“interest of preserving” the crisis-hit union. Soros said that he regarded the
European Union as “the embodiment of the idea of the Open Society,” a
voluntary association of equal states that banded together and sacrificed a
little sovereignty for the “common good.” Soros called reclamation of
national sovereignty “territorial disintegration” exemplified by Brexit.
(Soros had also pumped half a million pounds into a Brexit reversal
campaign, backing a secret plot to overturn the final withdrawal deal.)528 At
the end of the keynote speech, Soros lobbied for an “upsurge of grassroots
pro-European initiatives” that he pledged Open Society Foundations would
do everything in its power to support.529
It became crucial for the open borders advocate to keep Italy—a
founding member of the European Union’s earliest predecessor and
keystone to the globalist project—in the bloc. Penning an opinion piece for
Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera on the country’s elections, Soros
wrote that “Italy is becoming the most pressing challenge to the
sustainability of the Union.” On how the European Union should respond to
Italy’s new populist government, Soros conceded that “in Europe, there is a
clear tendency to use the opportunity to teach Italy a lesson…If the EU
follows this line [of punishment], it will dig its own grave.”530
To punish the country would cause “a negative reaction by the Italian
electorate, which at that point would reelect the League and the 5-Star
Movement with an even larger majority,” Soros admitted following the
March 2018 general election that witnessed Italians reject the establishment
Democratic Party and vote for the populist 5-Star Movement and the
nationalist Lega Nord (Northern League). Both parties promised to serve
the interests of Italy’s citizens and deport half a million illegal migrants
who have been ferried into the country in recent years, a move opposed by
the European Union’s mass-migration-supporting leadership.
Soros’ “concern” over the new Italian government meant the populists
were on the right track. “Soros worried by the Italian government? So it
means we are going in the right direction,” League party deputy Claudio
Borghi Aquilini said.531
Soros claims he only ever wanted the allocation of refugees within
Europe to be voluntary, but many migrants simply left the country they
were resettled in for other countries in Europe. 532 A large motivating factor
for Brexit was refugees and economic migrants posing as such traveling
through Europe and multiple safe countries to get to the England. Some
refugees established a camp known as the “jungle” in Calais, France. They
would wait for cars planning to cross the channel to England and would hop
in the trunk or cling onto trucks and the like to try to get there.
Organizations that favor flooding Europe with migrants and refugees
from the third world are a favorite of Soros. He’s given the Asylum
Protection Center in Serbia $150k, Spanish Coordinadora De Barros $138k
to provide legal and psychosocial support to migrants and refugees, the
Danish Institute for International Studies $50k to research migrants from
West and North Africa, the Green Forum of Migrants $116k, the Italian
Istituto Affari Internazionali $230k to “foster dialogue with policymakers”
about new approaches to refugees and migrants, and the Brussels-based
Migration Policy Institute $356k to develop proposals for asylum policy in
Soros seems to be cognizant of this contradiction, which he hedges by
claiming that he wants the EU to protect external borders but keep them
open for lawful migrants. “Member states, in turn, must not close their
internal borders,” he said, rejecting the idea of a “Fortress Europe.” In other
words, Soros claims to believe that EU nations should be able to reject the
initial resettlement of refugees—but not if those refugees resettle in another
EU country first and then decide to move to the country who didn’t want
them in the first place.534
Soros says he personally regards the European Union to be the
embodiment of an open society, but now views it as being in a state of
existential crisis. Soros complains that “subsequent generations” have come
to view the EU as an enemy that deprives them of a “secure and promising
future.” Soros hopes Brexit is used as a catalyst for far-reaching reforms to
prevent other nations from wanting to leave.535
Despite his opposition to Brexit, Soros was up to his old tricks once
again in the United Kingdom leading up to the Brexit vote, selling $10
billion worth of S&P 500 futures in the days before the vote, and then an
addition $3 billion in the last hour of trading before the vote was cast,
making him hundreds of millions overnight as markets initially plunged on
the surprise success of the referendum.536
Ironically, Soros says that he’s “learned that democracy cannot be
imposed from the outside, it needs to be asserted and defended by the
people themselves.”537 For someone making that observation, he sure does a
lot of meddling from the outside.

Soros maintains numerous relationships with politicians in Europe,
including country leaders and members of the European Commission and
European Parliament.
In 2018, a 177-page document numbering hundreds of MEPs who were
judged by Soros and his network as reliable allies was leaked. The
document was assembled by “KumquatConsult” for the Open Society
European Policy Institute and was titled “Reliable Allies in the European
Parliament (2014–2019).”
The document opens:
This mapping provides the Open Society European Policy
Institute and the Open Society network intelligence on Members
of the 8th European Parliament likely to support Open Society
values during the 2014–2019 legislature.
It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the
European Parliament’s highest decision-making bodies: 226
MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies.
The presence of an MEP in this mapping indicates that they are
likely to support Open Society’s work. They should be
approached with an open mind: although they will most likely
want to work on areas they’re already interested in, they could
also welcome hearing about new issues.
Beyond discussing individual topics, Open Society should seek
to build lasting and trustworthy relationships with these
European lawmakers.538
The extent of Soros’ influence over European Parliament is
The document begins with European Parliament bodies, their bodies of
work, and potential allies within them. Among the European Parliament
bodies, their function, and the number of allies Soros and his network have
in each is as follows:
- Conference of Presidents: Parliament’s highest political decision body.
Six Soros allies.
- Bureau of European Parliament: Responsible for running European
Parliament. Thirteen supporters, including the president of European
Parliament, and eight vice presidents
- Committee on Foreign Affairs: Responsible for promotion,
implementation, and monitoring of EU foreign policy. Over sixty
allies, including the committee chair and two vice chairs.
- Subcommittee on Human Rights: Assists Committee on Foreign
Affairs on issues “concerning democracy, the rule of law, and human
rights.” Thirty-seven supporters, including the committee chair and
three vice chairs.
- Subcommittee on Security and Defense: Assists Committee on Foreign
Affairs on “common foreign and security policy.” Twenty-four
supporters, including two vice chairs.
- Committee on Development: Responsible for promotion,
implementation, and monitoring of the development and corporation
policy of the EU. Thirty-one supporters, including the chair and two
vice chairs.
- Committee on International Trade: Responsible for “matters relating to
the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the Union’s
common commercial policy and its external economic relations.”
Forty-four supporters, including the chair and two vice chairs.
- Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: Responsible for
economic and monetary policies of the EU, rules on competition,
facilitating the free movement of capital, boosting exports, tax
provisions, regulation and supervision of financial services, and the
relevant financial activities of the European Investment Bank. Sixty-
plus supporters, including the chair and vice chair.
- Committee on Employment and Social Affairs: Responsible for
employment policy, workers’ rights, health and safety measures in the
workplace, the European Social Fund, labor market discrimination
(except based on sex), vocational training policy, and more. Fifty-five
supporters, including the chair and two vice chairs.
- Committee on Regional Development: Responsible for the European
Regional Development Fund, Cohesion fund, assessment of EU
policies on economic and social cohesion, coordination, interregional
cooperation, and more. Thirty-three supporters, including the chair and
two vice chairs.
- Committee on Legal Affairs: Responsible for “interpretation,
application and monitoring of Union law and compliance of Union acts
with primary law,” measuring concerning judicial and administration
cooperation in civil matters, ethical questions relating to new
technologies, the organization and statute of the Court of Justice of the
European Union, and the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal
Market. Twenty-eight supporters, including three vice chairs.
- Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs: Responsible
for protection of human rights within the EU, measures needed to
combat discrimination, legislation “in processing of personal data,” and
more. Seventy-two supporters, including three vice chairs.
- Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: Responsible for
the definition, promotion and protection of women’s rights, equal
opportunities policies, implementation and further development of
“gender mainstreaming in all policy sectors,” and encouraging
women’s rights. Thirty-five supporters, including the chair and vice
The EU is represented globally through over 140 delegates and offices
around the world.
Soros boasts six allies in the delegation to Albania, thirteen to Bosnia
and Herzegovina and Kosovo, eight to the former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, ten to Moldova, twelve to Montenegro, eleven to Serbia,
fourteen to Turkey, four to Belarus, sixteen to Russia, thirteen to South
Caucasus countries, seven to Ukraine, twenty-seven to EuroNest, eighteen
to the Union for the Mediterranean, ten to Israel, nineteen to the Palestinian
Legislative Council, thirteen to the Maghreb countries, fourteen to the
Mashreq countries, twelve to the Arab Peninsula, five to Iraq, five to
Afghanistan, seven to Central Asia, fifteen to Southeast Asia and ASEAN
countries, fifteen to India, sixteen to South Africa, eight to the Pan-African
Parliament, and forty-two to African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries.
The EU political parties that Soros boasts the most allies in include the
center-right European People’s Party (nineteen allies), Progressive Alliance
of Socialists and Democrats (thirty-nine), European Conservatives and
Reformists (two), Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (twenty),
The Left in the European Parliament (nineteen), and Greens/EFA
(fourteen). The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe was
succeeded by Renew Europe in 2019.


In Europe, Soros influences the legal system through the European Court of
Human Rights (ECHR). The ECHR is the highest judicial body in Europe,
and is thus the “final word” legally. Each judge is elected for a
nonrenewable nine-year term.
French constitutional lawyer Grégor Puppinck reviewed the CVs of over
a hundred justices that worked with the ECHR from 2009 to 2019 to see
which NGOs they were affiliated with. After, he published a report
outlining Soros’ network of NGOs and its infiltration of the ECLJ. Overall,
twelve judges (out of forty-seven) were found to have collaborated to
varying degrees with the Open Society Foundations and NGOs associated
with them.539
The collaborators are a mix of judges who directly worked for the OSF
and those who worked for NGOs heavily supported by Soros. Most NGO-
linked judges are from Eastern Europe, and the causes they support include
liberalization of drug policy, legalization of prostitution and abortion, and
the rights of refugees and sexual minorities.
The report found that three ECHR justices have collaborated with
Amnesty International, which Soros funds. Five judges have worked with
the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), which received $1.9 million
from Soros from 2017 to 2018. The current ICJ secretary general, Saman
Zia-Zarifi, was deputy director for the Asia division of the Soros-funded
Human Rights Watch, and then served as Amnesty International’s director
for Asia and the Pacific from 2008 to 2012. Seven of the judges have
collaborated with the Helsinki Committee. Soros gave the Bulgarian
Helsinki Committee $460k in 2016 and $320k in 2018, while he gave the
Hungarian Helsinki Committee $610k in 2016 and $50k in 2018.
As for advancing the Soros agenda through the courts, the report
explains that:
The favorite mode of action of NGOs before the Court is through
third-party interventions, also called amicus curiae (friend of the
court). This procedure is a practice by which a private or legal
person submits to the attention of the Court elements of
assessment on a case in which it is not a party to the initial
proceedings. The author of the third intervention then becomes a
“third party” in the case. This procedure is very beneficial, even
if the neutrality and the exteriority of the participants are often
only a facade. Indeed, the ECHR often has to judge complex and
important questions with strong social consequences.
The Court is then placed above national authorities, even
legislative ones. The intervening NGOs then have the role of
expert, of intermediary body, but also of lobby. In addition to
factual information, both sociological and legal, NGOs can also
present the Court with a plurality of ideological or philosophical
approaches to the issue in question, provided that NGOs of
various tendencies are involved. They thus enrich the procedure.
By intervening in a case, the objective of NGOs is to enlighten
the Court and in doing so to convince it to adopt its own position,
and thus to contribute to the development of its case-law, and
through it, of that of the European law.540
Soros has also benefitted from his influence here more directly.
When Hungary began cracking down on Soros, it was the ECHR that
Soros appealed to. In a press release in 2018, the Open Society Foundations
called on the body to “act against Hungary over its so-called Stop Soros
laws, which criminalize and tax the work of independent civil society
groups, under the pretext of controlling migration.”541 The European Court
of Justice ended up taking on cases related to Hungary’s anti-NGO laws,
and laws against foreign funding of universities.
By 2020, Soros got what he wanted, with the European Court of Justice
striking down Hungary’s anti-NGO law in June and the ban on foreign-
funded universities in October, ruling that it was incompatible with EU law.

As is usually the case, Soros’ influence pays off for him.

This isn’t a problem with just the courts, either—former commissioner
for human rights of the Council of Europe (2012–2018) Nils Muižnieks was
also director of programs for the OSF of Latvia until 2012.543
Despite the evidence presented, the ECLJ’s report was initially
dismissed. According to the Hungarian V4 News:
Concerns about conflict of interest within the ECHR seem to be
well-founded. In May, 150 European lawyers and jurists issued a
joint appeal to ECHR to remedy this situation, demanding that
the judges, among others, should be required to publish
declarations of interest.
However, the European Court of Human Rights appears to have
friends in key positions. In May European Commission Vice
President Vera Jourova stressed that “the Commission has no
doubt as regards the integrity and independence of the European
Court of Human Rights.”544
The ECHR responded to the ECLJ report two months after its
publication…by promoting its most controversial judge, Bulgarian Yonko
Grozev, to the position of “section president.” There has been no attempt to
minimize the ECLJ’s findings—a tacit admission of their legitimacy.545
Grozev spent his career as a lawyer and activist with Soros-affiliated
NGOs and was himself an executive with the Open Society Foundations
until he joined the court in 2015. There was already controversy
surrounding his nomination back in 2014 because three members of the
Bulgarian selection committee were his NGO fellows. He became a judge
despite having no experience as a magistrate (which the majority of ECHR
justices do).546
As section president, Grozev heads one of five sections of the Court, and
will sit in on the most important cases. He is the judge of deontology (right
and wrong) in his section and has authority to decide on a case-by-case
basis whether to invite, allow, or refuse the intervention of NGOs he’s
linked to in cases.547
As the ECLJ notes:
As a judge, Grozev was seized of cases which he had brought
before the ECHR himself as a lawyer, or which had been brought
by his former NGOs. While in 9 of these cases he renounced
sitting as a judge as was his duty, he still participated in the
judgment of at least 10 other cases brought or supported by
NGOs which he himself had founded or directed until recently.
Such conduct constitutes a serious and repeated breach of a
judge’s basic ethical obligations. In any State governed by the
rule of law, the author of such breaches would be liable to severe
disciplinary sanctions. Moreover, following the publication of
the report, the Bulgarian Minister of Justice publicly raised the
possibility of Yonko Grozev’s dismissal, while pointing out that
it was for the ECHR to decide. Yonko Grozev defended himself
by attacking the ECLJ and declaring it impossible to dismiss
him, as all the judges referred to in the report would then have to
be removed from office. It would thus be as if he were protected
by the other judges involved.548
As evidenced by his subsequent appointment as section president, his
argument clearly resonated. Four of the nine judges of the section to which
Groza belongs were implicated in the ECLJ report.
Court rules state that a judge can’t participate in a case if “his or her
independence or impartiality may legitimately be questioned.” Despite
Soros’ NGOs long-standing support for assisted suicide and euthanasia,
Grozev was still allowed to decide on a case of an unnamed Polish man
hospitalized in a vegetative state, effectively sentencing him to death. The
family of the man had initially lost their case to keep him alive when British
High Court Judge Sir Jonathan Cohen ruled in favor of the University
Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (he was being treated in the U.K.) to
“lawfully discontinue” his treatment. Appeals to the ECHR were
unsuccessful, and Grozev may have made his decision without even looking
at the patient’s case file.549 After discovering Grozev’s ties to Soros, the
Polish man’s family wrote to the president of the Court Mr. Robert Spano to
request a review of the case, which was officially rejected on January 19,
2020, with the allegations simply being dismissed as “unfounded.” The
Polish patient died a week later.550
Not until over a year after the ECLJ’s report did the Council of Europe
(of which the ECHR is its best-known body) concede that there was a
problem. Ambassadors of the forty-seven member states of the Council of
Europe adopted an official text admitting the credibility of the ECLJ’s
report on NGOs influencing the ECHR, and announced that they’d
reevaluate the effectiveness of their current system of selection by the end
of 2024.551
In April 2021, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
elected a new Belgian judge to the ECHR, having three picks to choose
from, one of which was backed by Soros. For the first time in a while, the
Soros judge wasn’t elected.552
Unfortunately, Soros has already made his mark.
The International Influence of George
Soros: Asia, Africa, South America,
and the Middle East
T he rest of the world outside America and Europe is on Soros’ radar too.
Soros maintains influence internationally outside his main two
territories and his work there has largely flown under the radar. Outside of
America and Europe, Soros is most active in the Middle East, specifically
to back pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel causes, but also maintains influence
in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

Most countries in Central Asia have strict regulations that make it nearly
impossible for NGOs to receive foreign funding. Despite that, Soros and his
network manage to circumvent the system to expand their sphere of
influence in the region. The OSF has only four offices and foundations in
the Asia Pacific region.553
Soros avoids donating directly to NGOs, and instead supports programs
through American and European organizations that have an impact in
Central Asia. His biggest component of this influence-by-proxy strategy is
the American University of Central Asia (in Kyrgyzstan), to which he
awarded $1.5 million in 2018. 554
Soros has also funded his Central European University to provide a
scholarship to twenty-five people to participate in a course designed to
develop a network of researchers and think tanks in Moldova, Armenia, and
The Soros network is most involved in Georgia in that region. As
mentioned earlier, back in 2003, NGOs including Soros’ played a large role
in the Rose Revolution.556
In Southeast Asia, Soros’ influence mainly centers around LGBT rights.
Soros gave the Los Angeles LGBT Center $200k to train LGBT activists in
East Asia. The Korean Beyond the Rainbow Foundation got $240k from
Soros to advance equal treatment, Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association got
$150k to support LGBT policy advocacy, Bangladesh Legal Aid Services
Trust got $300k to defend sexual and reproductive rights for women, while
Taiwanese Shih Hsin University got $225k to provide education
opportunities to gender equality advocates.557
Back in the 1990s, like he did previously in England, Soros made
massive profits in Thailand with a $1 billion short position against the baht.
The 1997 Asian financial crisis began in Thailand and then spread to South
Korea, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and
Singapore. The Thai baht was once pegged to the U.S. dollar, but the peg
was removed in July because the government lacked the foreign currency
reserves to support the peg, sparking immediate capital flight and a chain
reaction throughout Asia. The value of the baht immediately fell to 28.8
baht per U.S. dollar. 558
After an unsuccessful attempt to prop up the value of the baht by
purchasing more baht with dollars in the forex market and raising interest
rates, the Bank of Thailand would eventually collapse.
Soros commented on the trade “by selling the Thai baht short in January
1997, the Quantum Fund managed by my investment company sent a
market signal that the baht may be overvalued. Had the authorities
responded to the depletion of their reserves, the adjustment would have
occurred sooner and been less painful. But the authorities allowed their
reserves to run down; the break, when it came, was catastrophic.”559
It’s unclear exactly how much Soros pocketed from the trade, but the
value of the baht continued falling from the exchange rate of 28.8 baht per
USD after the peg was removed to 48.8 baht per USD by December, the
lowest rate ever since records started being kept in 1969,560 and a nearly 70
percent devaluation since the initial devaluation. Due to the leveraged
nature of his trade, it’s likely Soros’ profits on the baht trade exceeded $1
Elsewhere, Soros faced allegations from Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad of ruining his country’s economy with “massive
currency speculation”—and also of “being a moron.” That came after
Malaysia’s currency (the ringgit) plunged 20 percent against the U.S. dollar
in the two months that followed Thailand removing its peg.561 At the time,
the chief investment strategist for Soros Fund Management claimed that
they initially bet against the ringgit but changed their mind and went long
instead. They provided no evidence for this, or any indication of how big
their position was.562
Fast-forward to 2013 and Soros netted another $1 billion betting against
the yen, betting that massive monetary stimulus would devalue it.563

In 2018 Soros awarded a total of 288 grants to organizations throughout
Africa. Similar to Soros’ influence in Asia, most influence in Africa related
to LGBT causes. The OSF has twelve offices and foundations in the
The biggest grant of $6 million went to the Ethiopia Education
Initiatives. Other spending went toward migrant and refugee related causes.
That included $410k to support 220 people living in the Kakuma refugee
camp via Jesuit Worldwide Learning, $94k to the Dutch Lighthouse Reports
Foundation to help establish a journalistic network covering migration
policy, and $413k on four fellowships in Africa to train people in “human
Over 195 grants have gone to causes in North Africa and the Middle East
region, also mostly to migrant-and-refugee-supportive causes. Soros gave
Bard College $270k to support learning initiatives for refugees in Germany,
Jordan, and Palestine. He also helped fund Mideast Youth launch an online
campaign about migrant issues with $150k.566
The South African organization Gender Dynamix, a “public benefit
organization to focus solely on trans and gender diverse communities,”
received $40k. Soros gave $50k to the Team No Sleep Foundation to help
“LGBTQ refugees” in Nairobi. The University of Pretoria got $240k to
train professionals in “sexual and reproductive rights.”567
Soros’ most significant contribution in South Africa is to the South
African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF), which tried to play off the news
of their Soros funding by pretending that it somehow doesn’t affect its
behavior at all. SANEF’s executive director said in light of the funding
revelation: “We do get funding from George Soros, we got a specific
amount of money to look at election issues and we ran a whole lot of
election training workshops. Obviously, we get money from a whole lot of
different sources including our own members and from the media
companies. To say that we are getting from Soros and therefore being
controlled by him is not correct.”568 SANEF is composed of editors, senior
journalists, and journalism trainers, and they are engaged in research and
writing policy submissions, as well as training journalists and have outsized
influence in South Africa.
Soros is accused of plotting to oust the president of Equatorial Guinea
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo by British mercenary Simon Mann, who
himself was the leader of a failed attempt by British financiers to overthrow
the government in 2004. He alleges that he warned Mbasogo of the plot in

Soros gave a total of 312 grants to Latin American or Caribbean
organizations and programs in 2018, with most of his activity centered in
Brazil and Columbia.570 The majority of funding is aimed at protecting
“migrants” and “refugees,” both terms often acting as synonyms for illegal
The largest grant went to the Columbian organization Centro de Estudios
de Derecho, Justicia y Sociedad (Dejusticia), a borderline socialist
organization that deals with “environmental justice,” “economic justice,”
and “transitional justice,” among other buzzwords.571
Brazilian pro-choice Anis - Instituto de Bioetica, Direitos Humanos e
Genero got $70k. Brazilian Associação Direitos Humanos em Rede got
$349k, which was spent on human rights issues in Brazil and strengthening
protections for migrants and refugees.572
Columbia-based Fundacion Servicio de los Jesuitas para los Refugiados
got $176k to spend on legal protections for migrants, U.S.-headquartered
Political Research Associates, Inc. got $46k to promote LGBT communities
in Haiti, and the NGO Migrar es Vivir A.C. got $55k to provide family
reunification counseling to those deported back to Mexico.573
Despite Brazil facing one of the highest murder rates in the world, so-
called police reform is apparently a priority. Instituto Sou da Paz got $108k,
which was spent on a program to “to improve both the state’s and police’s
capacity to respond to protests with a human rights perspective.”
Soros also made an attempt at thwarting the presidential candidacy of the
current right-wing nationalist Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro by
awarding a $25k grant to the organization J T V Faria Producao de
Conteudo - ME, to help produce a web series to educate viewers about
Brazil’s electoral system. He also gave Instituto Update $15k to produce
podcasts to supposedly combat election disinformation.574
Soros failed in his goal of defeating Bolsonaro—and on the first day of
Bolsonaro’s presidency, he began cracking down on NGOs, mandating that
the office of the government secretary “supervise, coordinate, monitor and
accompany that activities and actions of international organizations and
non-governmental organizations in the national territory.” Bolsonaro
tweeted that Brazilians are “exploited and manipulated by NGOs. We will
live together and integrate these citizens and value all Brazilians.”575


At seemingly any left-wing political rally you can see some hysteric
backing the Palestinian cause, and Soros inevitably shares their view.
Of the state of Israel, Soros has said “I don’t deny Jews their right to a
national existence, but I don’t want to be part of it.” Soros has characterized
the founding of Israel as a pathological reaction of Jews “obsessed with
emulating their Nazi oppressors” in a “process of victims turning
persecutors.”576 It would be social suicide even for someone in Soros’
circles to openly speak out against the statehood of Israel—though
comparing Israelis to Nazis comes close.
Soros has blamed anti-Semitism on Israel, stating in 2003 that “There is
a resurgence is anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush
administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that…It’s not
specifically anti-Semitism, but it does manifest itself as anti-Semitism as
well. I’m critical of those policies…If we change that direction, then anti-
Semitism will also diminish.”577 Ariel Sharon was Israel’s prime minister
from 2001 to 2006 and he belonged to the right-wing Zionist party Likud.
Of his own Jewish ethnicity, Soros said “I am proud of being a Jew—
although I must admit it took me practically a lifetime to get there. I have
suffered from the low self-esteem that is the bane of the assimilationist Jew.
This is a heavy load that I could shed only when I recognized my success. I
identify being a Jew with being a minority.”578
Soros criticized the U.S. in 2007 for refusing to recognize the
“democratically elected” terrorist Hamas government, or support Hamas in
a future unity government with the West Bank. He’s also complained about
the influence groups like AIPAC have on U.S. foreign policy, pretending to
care about Israel when making the case against them, claiming that “far
from guaranteeing Israel’s existence, AIPAC has endangered it.”579
Archaeologist and historian Alexander H. Joffe compiled a
comprehensive overview of Soros’ sphere of influence in the Middle East,
particularly when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It’s documented in
his 2013 paper “Bad Investment,” which was published by NGO Monitor.580
The web of NGOs that Soros funds in the Middle East support an anti-
Israel strategy that focus on three categories of strategies; 1) delegitimizing
Israel as an apartheid state, 2) funding organizations aimed at weakening
U.S. support for Israel, and 3) funding fringe Israeli organizations to make
it appear as if their radical views are held by Israelis themselves.
Human Rights Watch has received over $100 million from Soros. HRW
was cofounded in 1981 by Aryeh Neier, who served as its executive director
until 1993 when he joined the Open Society Institute. In 2009, nearly a third
of HRW’s reporting and commentary was critical of Israel, a country that
accounts for 0.11 percent of the world’s population.581
Soros funds the lobbying organization J Street, which, as you’ll learn in
the next chapter, the organization didn’t want the public to know about. The
group is a self-proclaimed alternative to AIPAC and was designed to launch
other progressive Jewish organizations.582
The CFO of Soros Fund Management Abbas Zuaiter sits on the board of
the Institute of Middle East Understanding. The group attacks Israel by
accusing its people of violence, amplifying biased news reports, and
promoting the boycott, divest, and sanction (BDS) movement against Israel.
As part of his support for BDS, Soros divested his stake from the Israeli
company SodaStream.583
The OSF funded the Middle East and North Africa Initiative by
funneling grants through the Jordan-based Arab Regional Office, which
appears to be the OSF’s primary clearinghouse for grants in the region and
keeps a low profile.584
The OSF also has a “Open Society Justice Initiative” under its umbrella.
The Justice Initiative has consultative status with the UN’s Economic and
Social Council. The Initiative is able to file complaints with the European
Social Charter Committee and the Council of Europe. It has been involved
in several cases regarding Israel, mainly at the request of a Palestinian
advocacy group called Adalah.585
The number of questionable organizations that Soros backs in the region
far outnumber any that could be considered mainstream. Most organizations
on this list claim to receive funding from the OSF, but the funding doesn’t
appear in any OSF Forms 990 (the IRS form that provides public
information about nonprofit activities). That indicates that the donations
were funneled by the OSF through another entity before reaching their

The organizations include:587

- Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Rights in Israel: Promotes the
image of Israel as a racist, colonial apartheid state. Regularly
participates in international forums to condemn Israel for alleged
human rights abuses.
- Al-Haq: A leader in bringing lawsuits against Israel in domestic and
international courts, and backer of the BDS movement. Its executive
director Shawan Jabarin was formally an activist for the terrorist-
designated Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and he’s been
denied visas by both Israel and Jordan as a result. Because of that fact,
it’s questionable if the OSF’s donations to Al-Haq are even legal.
- Al-Mezan: Accuses Israel of war crimes and committing massacres and
has worked in partner with Al-Haq. The organization’s chairman Dr.
Kamal Al-Sharafi is also a former member of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine, also raising questions about the legality of
- B’Tselem: Outspoken in criticism of Israel’s security policies. The
organization has been criticized for exaggerating Palestinian casualties
from military operations, and for supporting the BDS movement. In the
past, B’Tselem has misrepresented staged events in which Palestinians
lied about being attacked by Israelis as real.
- Breaking the Silence: Accuses the Israeli military of war crimes, and
lobbies in the U.S. and Europe against Israeli policy.
- Gisha: Regularly brings lawsuits in Israeli courts against Israeli
security measures. Executive director Sari Bashi has accused Israel of
wanting to ethnically cleanse the West Bank.
- Ir Amim: Strongly criticizes Israel’s separation barrier, which was
constructed following a surge in Palestinian terrorism. The construction
of the barrier immediately cut deaths from Palestinian terrorism in half,
and it continued falling from there.588
- Mada al-Carmel Arab Center for Applied Social Research:
Characterizes the concept of Israel as a Jewish state as a “threat” and
source of “continuing injustice.” It calls for international boycotts
against Israel and a one state solution that would eliminate Israel.
- Mossawa Center: Supports international BDS efforts and proposed a
constitution for Israel to strip it of its Jewish identity.
- Palestinian Center for Human Rights: Regularly accuses Israel of being
an apartheid state guilty of war crimes, and published exaggerated
statistics on deaths of Palestinian civilians.
- Yesh Din—Volunteers for Human Rights: Harshly criticizes the Israeli
military and regularly files lawsuits in response to their actions. The
organization’s legal adviser Michael Sfard has appeared as a paid
witness on behalf of the Palestine Libertarian Organization in a lawsuit
filed in U.S. federal court. The suit was brought by a victim of a
Palestinian terror attack, and the PLO thought Sfard’s expertise would
help it escape liability from the crime.
Among the other controversial recipients who engage in similar behavior
to those listed above, include Amnesty International, Avaaz, the Center for
Constitutional Rights, Crimes of War Project, National Iranian American
Council, New America Foundation, and the US/Middle East Project.
Quite understandably, Soros has been vilified in Israel. Former Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly branded Soros as “anti-Israel,”
and Israel’s Foreign Ministry has accused Soros of undermining Israel’s
“democratically elected governments” and funding organizations that
“defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.”
And in response to those criticisms, Netanyahu, the former Jewish leader
of the Jewish state of Israel, has been accused of anti-Semitism. 589
The Leaked George Soros Documents
I n the summer of 2016, a website purporting to be “launched by the
American hacktivists who respect and appreciate freedom of speech,
human rights and government of the people” called DC Leaks leaked a
massive trove of 2,576 files from multiple departments of Soros’
organizations around the world using a server that anonymized the identity
of the registrants. The website went live one day after Clinton declared
victory in several Democratic primaries.
“Soros is an oligarch sponsoring the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton,
hundreds of politicians all over the world,” the hackers posted on the
website upon the leak. “These documents shed light on one of the most
influential networks operating worldwide.”590 The section of the DC Leaks
webpage dealing with Soros went offline for unknown reasons, while the
rest of the site was operational. Twitter immediately suspended the “DC
Leaks” account around the same time with no explanation following the
damaging document drop.
The documents detail the ins and outs of Soros groups and span 2008–
2016. Neither the contents nor existence of them received any coverage
from the New York Times, CNN, the Washington Post, CBS News, or any
other major news source except Fox News. The establishment media kept
curious readers in the dark, turning a collective blind eye, though that’s
unsurprising given what you gleaned from the chapter about Soros’
countless connections to mainstream news publications (including those
named above).
A Soros spokesperson called the release of the documents “a symptom of
an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is
taking place globally.”591 The representative said that some of the
documents reflect “big-picture strategies” over several years from within
the Open Society Foundations network. The OSF statement postured the
widespread accusations of “backdoor bankrolling” as “an effort to work
with civil society and governments to boost democratic practice and
strengthen human rights.”
Included in the dump of files are drafts of fact sheets, calendars, memos,
funding reports, and similar material as expected from nonprofits. But some
documents in particular raised eyebrows, further revealing Soros’ sphere of
influence and meddling practices.


Among the documents leaked was a thirty-four-page internal proposed
strategy from the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) that advocates for
international regulation of “what information is taken off the Internet and
what may remain” and policing the web to favor “open society”
supporters.592 According to the organization’s website, the OSJI’s team of
human rights lawyers “uses law to protect and empower people around the
world, supporting the values and work of the Open Society Foundations.”593
The document, titled “2014 Proposed Strategy,” argues that international
regulation of the internet is needed to protect freedom of expression. In
other words, Soros wants to stifle free expression on the internet on the
basis that it will protect freedom of expression on the internet.
“The internet has been a key tool for promoting freedom of
expression and open societies—as in the Arab Spring—and is a
potential safeguard against monopoly control of information in
such places as China and Central Asia,” the nineteenth page of
the OSJI document reads. “But it is also presenting under
addressed challenges, including lack of regulation of private
operators that are able to decide, without due process procedures,
what information is taken off the Internet and what may remain.
A ‘race to the bottom’ results from the agendas of undemocratic
governments that seek to impose their hostility to free speech on
the general online environment. We seek to ensure that, from
among the norms emerging in different parts of the world, those
most supportive of open society gain sway.”
One proposed program concept and initiative is to “Promote—by
advocating for the adoption of nuanced legal norms, and litigation—an
appropriate balance between privacy and free expression/transparency
values in areas of particular interest to the OSF and the Justice Initiative,
including online public interest speech, access to ethnic data, public health
statistics, corporate beneficial ownership, asset declarations of public
officials, and rights of NGOs to keep information private.”594
OSJI argues throughout the document that private actors on the internet
must be brought under international control in order to prevent them from
suppressing each other’s freedom of expression and speech. One of the
organization’s goals is to establish soft law and judicial precedents
“safeguarding online free expression,” including protection against
blocking of online content, intermediary liability, and user standing.595


The rise of the populist movement in Europe prompted a reaction from
Soros. He lost ground following populist victories in Hungary, Italy, the
Czech Republic, and Austria, where citizens voted to reject mass migration
and an “ever closer union” with the European Union.
Soros attempted to sway electoral outcomes in support of his open
borders worldview as populist candidates opposed to mass migration
represented a direct threat to his philosophy. To resolve the refugee crisis
plaguing Europe, he suggested no defined quotas for the number of
migrants that nations should accept. He detailed his comprehensive plan in
2015 to “solve the asylum chaos,” instructing the EU to accept at least one
million asylum-seekers per year for the foreseeable future.596
Leaked OSF documents reveal how Soros worked to defeat populist
candidates. “The next EU elections might also bring more populists and
extremists into the European Parliament, which could undermine all our
achievements to date,” an internal document, marked “confidential,” from
2013 warned.597 His efforts would be unsuccessful, as this predates the
wave of aforementioned populist victories.
Another document revealed the extent of the OSF’s financial backing in
the 2014 European Parliamentary elections. In total, over $6 million was
awarded to ninety different organizations to influence electoral outcomes as
Soros continued to intervene behind the scenes. The stretch of elections
across Europe served as referenda on nationalism, which Soros is a zealous
opponent of, and globalism, which the open society figurehead favors.598
The projects that Soros funded to fight the rise of right-wing populism in
Europe included $35,000 to the Athena Institute for the purpose of
“Analyzing and reporting the 2014 European elections and countering
extremist and populist political voices in Hungary.” Soros paid another
$49,930 to the Institute for European Policy for a “Naming and shaming
populism [in European Parliament] campaign” in the Czech Republic,
Hungary, and Slovakia.599
Over $27k was given to the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia for a
workshop to influence “leading journalists and media practitioners from
Europe” to change coverage to prevent “populist, xenophobic and
Eurosceptic movements.” The workshop’s stated objective was to “trigger a
change of attitude amongst journalists and media practitioners so that they
will report about the EU in a way that does not directly promote the cause
of these movements.”600
Instead of publicly financially supporting EU candidates, Soros opted to
fund organizations that opposed populism and clashed with the OSF
For example, a $46,840 grant to the Center for Peace Studies, intended to
“stimulate public support and election turnout among ambivalent voters in
order to prevent the election of xenophobic, racist, and other radical
political options representing Croatia at the EU level.”601 The term
“xenophobia” was synonymous with supporting restrictions on immigration
and the OSF’s derogatory word choice to vilify opposition to uncapped
mass migration.
$100,000 went to UNITED for Intercultural Action to “counter the
election [of European Members of Parliament] from populist and far-right
parties in Europe.” UNITED teamed up with the European Network
Against Racism and Hope not Hate to push back against populist candidates
in all twenty-eight (now twenty-seven) member states of the European
Union, while focusing on several nations. Local groups in the handful of
targeted countries were to be formed to organize meetings and door-to-door
campaigns ahead of the European Parliament elections to “encourage voters
to register and vote” and to coax the constituents to “vote for non-extremist
Another document reveals that the Netherlands are one of the OSF’s five
“priority countries,” with no information on what the other four are. “Dutch
society has changed rapidly in the last two decades. Multiculturalism has
been seriously questioned and the Muslim communities have been on the
focus of heated debates,” the document reads.603
In particular, the OSF feared the rise of the right-wing Party for Freedom
(PPV), which was (and still is) the third largest party in Dutch Parliament at
the time and had five seats in European Parliament. The PPV “will have a
very good result in the European Parliament elections, and because it is one
of the drivers of anti-European and anti-migration discourse in the EU,”
polling predicted. Two months before European Parliament’s election in
May 2014, the OSF said, “The outcome of the European Parliament
elections in May 2014 and how well the PPV, the populist party of Geert
Wilders, does will help to determine [the OSF’s] next steps in the
Domestically, Soros gave liberal think tank Center for American
Progress (CAP) $200,000 to conduct “high-quality opposition research” to
“combat Islamophobia” in the form of funding opposition research on
critics of radical Islam and trying to discredit the Israeli government.605
The 2011 OSF document “Extreme Polarization and Breakdown in Civil
Discourse,” framed the OSF’s fight against “anti-Muslim xenophobia” as an
initiative “to promote tolerance.” The OSF named prominent critics of
radical Islam such as conservative blogger Pamela Geller, activist Frank
Gaffney, who was hailed by the Israeli ambassador to the United States as
“a steadfast friend of Israel, and Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer as
targets for opposition researchers working on the project, called the
Examining Anti-Muslim Bigotry Project, operated by CAP. 606
CAP’s first self-outlined steps were to interview and engage journalists,
researchers, academics, and leaders in “the anti-hate movement who are
researching and writing on Islamophobia” and to develop “a roster of
knowledgeable and credible experts to whom journalists and policymakers
can turn for information.” CAP also explored the interactions of
conservative think tanks, pundits, and politicians that were part of the so-
called Islamophobia movement. In addition, CAP planned to “research and
track” the activities of conservative writer and the Freedom Center’s
eponymous founder David Horowitz, historian and Middle East Forum
president Daniel Pipes, and current Representative Liz Cheney, the elder
daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney.607
“We need a clearer understanding of what by all indications is a well-
orchestrated and well financed system by which right-wing think tanks,
pundits, and politicians are able to introduce false narratives and flawed
research into the media cycle and use their misinformation to manipulate
public opinion and thwart progressive counterterrorism policies,” the 2011
memo states. “Just as critically, CAP will approach its work with an
appreciation of the connections between the Islamophobia movement and
related forms of xenophobia.”608

Documents revealed the extent to which Soros aided Hillary Clinton in
2016, which fortunately ended with her humiliating loss regardless. Those
documents also shine new light on how Soros wanted to reshape Ukraine’s
government to his liking, hoping that his business empire would find fertile
ground within the former Soviet state.609
As Trump ascended on the campaign trail in spring 2016, Soros’ network
reached out to the top of the State Department to hedge his big bet that
Hillary would win the presidency.
Soros and his minions reached out to then Assistant Secretary of State
Victoria Nuland by phone and email to request meetings, according to the
department memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by
conservative group Citizens United. In one email dated May 25, 2016,
Soros Fund Management’s Chris Canavan, who was the director of Global
Policy Development, sent Nuland a briefing with the subject line “Russia
sovereign bond issue.”
“Toria, here is my take on Russia’s foray into the bond markets this
week, based on the market chatter I’ve been able to pick up,” Canavan
wrote in a heavily redacted email that conceals most of his specific advice
to Nuland.610 For context, Russian president Vladimir Putin‘s regime had
threatened Soros’ bold vision for Ukraine.
Canavan worked on the for-profit side of the Soros empire. Nuland’s
nickname relationship with the top Secretary of State official responsible
for Russia and Ukraine policy and Canavan’s election-year contacts at the
federal department spoke volumes about the access to the Obama
administration that Soros was afforded (despite Soros’ aforementioned
personal complaints about not being able to influence Obama enough).
Six days later, an official from Soros’ OSF rang the same bell and
reached out to Nuland to discuss European migration policy, which she did
in an arranged call with Soros. This OSF official said of the meeting in an
email to Nuland’s aide: “Many thanks for sorting today’s call on such short
notice—much appreciated. During the call, Mr. Soros promised A/S Nuland
he would send her his draft article on migration policy for the New York
Review of Books.”611
A week later, after meeting in Brussels with a top European Union
official, Soros’ team reached out yet again to Nuland to discuss the “EU
visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia,” wanting the U.S. to intervene
to get the EU to ease visa rules to help Ukraine as the country advanced
reforms favored by Soros.612 Johannes Hahn, the European Commissioner
for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, was referenced in
the emails as the person Soros met with in Brussels. Soros told Hahn that
Ukrainian civil society is “concerned that without reciprocity from the EU
for steps Ukraine has taken to put in place sensitive anti-corruption and
anti-discrimination legislation and institutions it will not be possible to
continue to use the leverage of EU instruments and policies to maintain
pressure for reforms in the future.” He urged Hahn to advocate with
member states to move ahead with visa liberalization for Ukraine. On
scores of occasions, Hahn was a featured speaker at roundtables and other
events hosted by the Atlantic Council think tank, which is financed by
Soros’ OSF.613
Nuland replied to the pressure: “We are working it. Not sure whether
intervention by GS [George Soros] would help.” Nuland also alerted Jeff
Goldstein, who was Soros’ top policy analyst on Eurasia at the foundation,
to a key piece of intelligence: One of the European Union countries “has
changed its mind” and she was “happy to discuss this further.”614
Emails showed that Goldstein kept Nuland as well as CIA officer and
alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, who was also included in
the communications loop between Soros and the State Department,
regularly updated on Ukraine policy and on Soros’ personal Ukraine
The emails informed Ciaramella and a handful of other Obama
administration foreign policy officials about Soros’ whereabouts, the
contents of Soros’ private meetings about Ukraine, and a future meeting
Soros was holding with the prime minister of Ukraine.616
Goldstein wrote June 9, 2016, to Nuland and Ciaramella: “[George
Soros] is also meeting [Georgian] President [Giorgi] Margvelashvili today
and speaking with [Ukrainian] PM [Volodymyr] Groyman.” CC’d were
three other State Department officials involved in European affairs,
including Alexander Kasanof, who worked at the U.S. embassy in Kiev.617
“I’m sure you’ve been working this issue hard; if you have any thoughts
on how this is likely to play out or where particular problems lie I’d
appreciate [it] if you could let us know,” Goldstein’s email concluded.
Nuland answered that she would be happy to discuss the issues by phone.
Goldstein set up a phone call and wrote that Soros specifically asked that an
employee from the billionaire’s “personal office” join the call with
According to investigative journalist John Solomon, who noted in an op-
ed for The Hill that it’s ironic that Soros, a mastermind of political
persuasion, is emblematic of the very financial influence and deep state
access that Democrats campaign to destroy:
People close to Soros told me in interviews that he often had
contact with government officials during the Obama years,
including a 2010 meeting with Clinton at State. But they
acknowledged the flurry with Nuland in spring 2016 was unusual
both for its frequency and its intensity.
They said the exchanges were driven by Soros’ concerns about
Ukraine’s future, not politics or business. “George Soros is the
founder of an organization that gives away a billion dollars a
year to promote democracy and human rights around the world.
It is for that reason that people at the State Department speak to
him, not because he is a political donor,” top Soros aide Michael
Vachon told me.619
Of course, in reality Soros’ business and political interests are often
Soros had also turned to John Podesta, then Clinton’s campaign
chairman, as a prelude to Nuland’s enchantment while he sought to
influence Ukraine policy. Vachon wrote Podesta in a March 2016 email
published by WikiLeaks that was seeking a meeting with him: “Both the
migration crisis and Ukraine are part of his view of Europe as falling apart,
and the U.S. as ultimately not doing enough to prevent the political
disintegration of its most important ally.”

In 2010, the OSF attempted to broker an alliance between leftist and
libertarian think tanks and organizations with the goal of blocking
“comprehensive immigration reform” legislation that would’ve required the
closer tracking of immigrants. While the bill they wanted to block would
legalize at least eleven million illegal aliens, they were upset with a
provision that would require them and one hundred forty million American
citizens to participate in a biometric database for tracking fingerprints. The
bill ultimately failed as did the movement for so-called “comprehensive
immigration reform.”620
This came after an off-the-record meeting in November 2019 between
the American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Campaign, National
Immigration Law Center, and Cato Institute.621
Another leaked memo stated: “Our goal was to ensure that the privacy
rights community and the immigrant rights community, two groups that
receive significant support from [Soros] but rarely interface with one
another, share information and strategies to avoid the loss of privacy and
risk to information security.” While so-called “comprehensive immigration
reform” would’ve failed with or without Soros involvement, he did succeed
in a related pursuit to convince the Obama administration to boost the
number of refugees the U.S. admits annually to one hundred thousand. 622
A leaked memo between the OSF’s top officials and board members
from February 2016 revealed the OSF’s extensive attempt to influence the
Supreme Court for its desired outcome on a case on illegal immigration
enforcement. The memo, addressed to the OSF’s fourteen advisory board
members for U.S. operations, was authored by OSF programs director Ken
Zimmerman and deputy director Andrea Batista Schlesinger.623
One section of the report documents “new challenges,” the U.S. v. Texas
case among them. The case was regarding the constitutionality of Obama’s
2014 Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) program. The
policy effectively allowed illegal aliens to work in the U.S. without fear of
deportation, as it granted deferred status to illegals who have lived in the
U.S. since 2010 and have children who are either American citizens or
lawful permanent residents. A split four-to-four SCOTUS decision
(Antonin Scalia’s vacancy was still unfilled) in June 2016 would leave the
policy in effect, and Donald Trump would later rescind it.624
While the case was still active, the memo stated that “Grantees are
seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs
and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v
Texas.” The memo adds: “We are also seeking to shore up state and local
infrastructure through Emma Lazarus II investments, positioning the field
to move swiftly on a large-scale implementation effort in the event of a
favorable ruling—efforts complicated by lagging implementation capacity
at the federal level.”625


Leaked documents revealed that from July 2013 to February 2015, the OSF
secretly paid the salaries of three staffers to then Moldovan prime minister
Iurie Leancă. Documents detailed that money was funneled through a
German nonprofit to evade the law.626 The document notes “Due to the
constraints in the Moldovan legislation, OSF cannot directly pay staff
members of PM office. The advisors will be paid as research consultants
within a project run by a German think tank—the Institute for European
Policies (Institut für Europäische Politik).”
One document dated July 3, 2014, reveals that $141,750 was disbursed
to “support the Moldovan Prime Minister Leanca.” As the Daily Caller’s
Peter Hasson reported:
At Leanca’s request, OSF began paying salaries to three of his
staffers in July 2013: chief of staff Eugen Sturza, economic
adviser Valeriu Prohnitchi and political affairs adviser Vlad
Kulminski. A fourth staffer, Liliana Vitu, was added to the
payroll with the July 2014 proposal. Vitu, it’s noted, previously
served on the board of OSF’s Moldova branch.
The proposal was approved by Leonard Benardo, who is now
OSF’s regional director of Eurasia.
OSF paid each of the four staffers $33,750 for the eight months
of work between July 2014 and February 2015. The Institute for
European Policies received a $6,750 administrative fee for
channeling the money to the staffers.627
The proposal outlines the reason for the payments.
Of Sturza, the proposal states that he “has led and coordinated the work
of the office. He put into place the institutional framework which helps the
Government to focus on its strategic priorities, including its reforms
agenda. He has assigned tasks to advisors to make sure that strategic
priorities, as well as operational issues, are efficiently addressed. He
ensures the liaison between the PM’s office and ministries and departments,
as well as the local authorities.”
Of Prohnitchi, the proposal notes that she “has provided key contribution
to the development, implementation and follow-up of the PM’s economic
and market reform policies,” later adding: “Valeriu has led the work and
relations with investors, the IMF, the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development and donor institutions.”
Of Kulminski, the proposal states that he “has contributed to
strengthening the PM’s focus on the strategic task for the country—to draw
Moldova close to Europe, while also making this goal acceptable to a wider
audience.” The proposal also says he contributed “to the elaboration and
implementation of policies and actions in many directions, including
relations with Russia, the policies of the central government in the Gagauz
region, in Taraclia and in Balti. He leads development and communication
priorities for these regions, and outreach to the leadership and public there.”
According to the proposal, Prime Minister Leanca was “very satisfied
with the quality of expertise and the support his advisors provided,”
describing their contribution as “crucial.”

Leaked documents reveal that Soros viewed the European refugee crisis
caused by the Syrian Civil War as “new opportunities” to create a “new
normal” by pushing mass migration.628
A memo dated May 12, 2016, authored by OSF program officer Anna
Crowley and program specialist Kate Rosin titled “Migration Governance
and Enforcement Portfolio Review” focuses on the OSF’s International
Migration Initiative’s (IMI) attempts to influence migration policy.
In a section with the header “Our Ambitions,” they explain that “Our
premise for engaging in work related to governance was that, in addition to
mitigating the negative effects of enforcement [of immigration laws], we
should also be supporting actors in the field proactively seeking to change
the policies, rules, and regulations that govern migration.” They continue in
a later paragraph, “As our aspirations have evolved, our targets have shifted
from harm reduction to more proactive solutions-based policy
They also say that IMI “has had to be selective and opportunistic,
particularly at the global level, in supporting leaders in the field to push
thinking on migration and better coordinate advocacy and reform efforts.
We have supported initiatives, organizations, and networks whose work ties
directly to our aims in the corridors.”630
In the next section, titled “Our Place,” they reveal their apparatus to
influence policy.
“Early on, IMI identified a handful of organizations able to
engage on migration globally and transnationally, elevating IMI’s
corridor work beyond the national level. These included key
think tanks such as the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) and
advocacy networks such as the International Detention Coalition
(IDC). IMI initially chose not to work in Europe, and therefore
did not engage with leading academic policy centers such as
Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. We also
considered supporting global rights watchdogs, such as Human
Rights Watch and Amnesty International, to promote migrant
rights. However, we saw greater potential for constructive policy
engagement through different approaches than those that solely
adopted a rights angle.”631
The OSF says it was the “severity of the migration crisis in Europe” and
how it affected the “global state of play” that led to them taking an interest
in Europe. “This has created space within this year’s international cycle of
events to examine protections for undocumented and other vulnerable
migrants and to explore possibilities for multi-stakeholder collaboration for
support to migrants as well as refugees.” It concludes that “the current
climate presents new opportunities for reforming migration governance at
the global level, whether through the existing multi-lateral system, or by
bringing together a range of actors to think more innovatively.”632
In the final section, titled “Our Work,” Crowley and Rosin describe how
they’ve been able to “shape migration policy making and influence regional
and global processes affecting the way migration is governed and
enforced.” They explain,
“For example, MPI-Europe partnered with the European Council
on Refugees and Exiles to engage civil society actors in a
process to develop new policy proposals and facilitate civil
society engagement with policymakers. Similarly, MPI’s
Transatlantic Council on Migration and the Central America
Migration Study Group have provided opportunities for experts,
senior political leaders, policymakers, and civil society to come
together to catalyze changes to migration policies.”633
In that section, they admit to coordinating with foreign governments
while attempting to claim impartiality: “While MPI is sometimes criticized
for its closeness to governments, flexible funding from OSF has allowed it
to maintain some independence from the governments it advises. This is
particularly important, as its revenue stream increasingly comes directly
from government clients.”634


Soros aimed to help build a relationship between the U.S. and Iran at the
expense of Israel, two leaked documents exposed. The OSF works closely
with the leftist J Street, which Soros has been a donor to since 2008 (and is
one of J Street’s largest individual donors).
J Street has attempted to deny being funded by Soros, with founder
Jeremy Ben-Ami joking in 2020 that the group got tagged as having Soros
support “without the benefit of actually getting funded!” When it was
confirmed through tax records that the “joke” was actually a statement of
fact, J Street did a 180 and claimed they have “always said that [they]
would be very pleased to have funding from Mr. Soros.”635
We learn that the OSF works closely with J Street, but that the OSF
doesn’t want that being known. “For a variety of reasons we wanted to
construct a diversified portfolio of grants dealing with Israel and Palestine,
funding both Israeli Jewish and (Palestinian Citizens of Israel) groups as
well as building a portfolio of Palestinian grants and in all cases to maintain
a low profile and relative distance—particularly on the advocacy front.”
They cited the previous “toxic atmosphere” when they began doing work in
the Middle East, fearing “politically motivated investigations” from pro-
Israel entities if their work were exposed to the public.
The documents reveal a web of grants to Palestinian and Israeli human
rights groups (all of which are pro-Palestinian) that are part of a larger effort
to influence Congress. Following Barack Obama taking office in 2009, the
OSF saw an opportunity to weaken the Israel lobby’s influence in
Washington, and began a project aimed to persuade European and U.S.
leaders to “hold Israel accountable” for supposed violations of international
As Bloomberg’s Eli Lake summarizes:
It started with so much hope after Obama won the 2008 election.
“The right-wing so called ‘pro-Israel’ lobby has lost some
credibility by being closely associated with Bush Administration
Middle East policies,” a 2013 summary of the foundation’s
“Palestine/Israel International Advocacy Portfolio” said. “As the
Obama Administration distances itself from these somehow
discredited policies, space for reasonable, unbiased discussions
in the policy deliberations, including criticism of Israeli policies,
is opening.”636
Among the organizational funding by the OSF is $100k to Breaking the
Silence, an organization that employs former IDF soldiers to push pro-
Palestinian narratives. One leaked document explains the reasoning behind
funding them: “Our theory of change was based on strengthening the
advocacy efforts of civil society organizations and platforms in order to
maintain sustained and targeted international advocacy that would oblige
the international community (mostly Europe and America) to act and to
hold Israel accountable to its obligations under the international law.”
Soros also backed Obama’s outreach to Iran, a 2014 program summary
revealed: “Human rights defense work remains an important priority for the
Iran Program. But should not be pursued to the exclusion of all other work,
including work on supporting better policy outcomes such as support for a
nuclear deal with Iran.”
One leaked review of the OSF’s Arab Regional Office’s work dated
September 1, 2015, cited various regional achievements, including
increased advocacy by Palestinians in Israel, challenging Israel’s “racist”
policies, and casting doubt on Israel’s reputation as a democracy. “There
have been a number of successes in challenging Israel’s racist and anti-
democratic policies in the international arena and influencing EU-Israel
bilateral negotiations,” the review states.
We also learn of groups in the region Soros is funding, including the
New Israel Fund ($837.5k from 2002 to 2015) and Adalah ($2.7 million).637

When Pope Francis visited the U.S. in 2015, Soros shelled out $650k in an
attempt to influence him on “economic and racial justice issues.”638
One document reveals an agenda for a May 2015 meeting in New York
of the U.S. programs division of the OSF. It states that $650k has been
allocated toward a grant for Francis’ visit. “In order to seize this moment,
we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on
economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal
Rodriguez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the
Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-
income Catholics in America.” According to the national network’s
website, PICO—now known as Faith in Action—is a Catholic interfaith
organization “working to create innovative solutions to problems facing
urban, suburban and rural communities.”639
The document outlines the purpose for the grant: “The grant will also
support FPL’s media, framing, and public opinion activities, including
conducting a poll to demonstrate that Catholic voters are responsive to the
Pope’s focus on income inequality, and earning media coverage that drives
the message that being ‘pro-family’ requires addressing growing
inequality.” FPL is “Faith for Public Life,” a group that claims to have
“played an important role in changing the narrative about the role of faith in
politics, winning major progressive policy victories, and empowering new
religious leaders to fight for social justice and the common good.” FPL’s
mission is to “advance just policies at the local, state and federal levels” as
an organization of fifty thousand clergy and faith leaders united in the
“prophetic pursuit” of justice and equality.640
FPL’s website states the group has carried out the primary functions of
the Soros grant: “In preparation for the Pope’s visit to the US, we
commissioned extensive opinion research about how Catholics respond to
the Pope’s prophetic messages and released the poll at the National Press
Club.” Throughout the papal trip, the FPL said it “coordinated messaging
among numerous Catholic groups and did extensive media outreach.”641
The Soros document reads: “By harnessing the Papal visit to lift up the
Pope’s searing critique of what he calls ‘an economy of exclusion and
inequality’ and his dismissal of ‘trickle down’ theories, PICO and FPL will
work to build a bridge to a larger conversation about bread-and-butter
economic concerns and shift national paradigms and priorities in the run-up
to the 2016 presidential campaign.”642

Soros backed a “Catholic Spring” group that played a role in influencing
Barack Obama’s 2009 Notre Dame speech in an attempt to get Catholic
voters to see abortion as just one of many campaign issues as opposed to
one that makes or breaks support for a candidate.
His agenda here is “to inspire greater public participation from
mainstream and social justice oriented faith communities” on Open Society
Foundations priority issues and also to “counter the outsize influence and
impact of right-wing religious constituencies,” according to the memo.
The nonpartisan Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG)
was founded in 2005 with early backing from Soros. The memo indicates
that the group received at least $450k in financial support from Soros
between 2006 and 2010. Emails leaked to WikiLeaks from 2012 allegedly
belonging to John Podesta reference CACG as being founded to aid a
“Catholic Spring” political revolution in the church.
A leaked memo attributed to the OSF’s U.S. Programs’ Democracy and
Power Fund dated September 22, 2009, reads: “CACG has helped to
transform Catholic values in the mainstream media and in the public
discourse on religion and politics, thereby thwarting previously successful
attempts by the conservative movement to use religious faith for partisan
advantage.” The memo further states that the group played a pivotal role in
“critical Catholic moments,” such as Obama’s aforementioned Notre Dame
The memo praised the “reframing” of the abortion debate, stating
“Indeed, this reframing is where the group has showed some of its most
successful policy influence within the new Obama administration: the
President made this reframing the centerpiece of his much anticipated Notre
Dame speech.”
When these memos became public, CACG’s executive director
Christopher Hale distanced himself from the allegations and claimed that
the group is “categorically” pro-life. Hale had previously worked for
Obama’s 2008 campaign, and again in 2013,643 and ran for office in 2020 as
a pro-life Democrat.644 CACG also condemned Planned Parenthood when
the infamous “baby body parts” videos were released. Other leaked
documents reveal that the OSF took part in a $7–8 million damage control
effort after those baby body parts videos went public.
The OSF’s memo indicates that it sees CACG’s public pro-life stance as
a benefit, however, because it allows the OSF to stealthily push its own
personal agenda on abortion through a pro-life face. The Catholic News
Agency explains:
According to the 2009 Open Society Foundations memo,
Catholics in Alliance drew criticisms from pro-abortion rights
groups like Catholics for Choice for its efforts to “play down
abortion rights and reframe the debate in terms of reducing the
number of abortions.”
“We believe that CACG’s reframing may actually be one of its
strengths,” said the memo.
The Soros network typically supports abortion rights. The memo
added: “We will continue to monitor this issue, but at this time
feel that CACG’s position on choice is not at odds with OSI
Catholics in Alliance’s politics-related actions also drew praise
from the grant maker. “Unlike in 2004, CACG and the
progressive faith community in 2008 provided a consistent
counterpoint to the religious right-wing’s message in key media
stories,” the memo said. “Importantly, CACG broadened the
agenda of Catholic voters.”645
The OSF claims that because of CACG’s outreach to Catholic voters in
2006 and 2008, it created a situation in which “abortion is not the
overriding issue at the ballot box.” As proof of its claim, the OSF cited
polls showing that majority of evangelical and Catholic voters in 2008 said
that the religious should focus on all issues instead of “one of two.” The
OSF also cited poll results that only 14 percent say abortion is their top
Regardless of CACG’s pro-life stance, Soros was still able to use the
group as a Trojan horse to cryptically push a pro-choice agenda.
In addition to abortion, the memo praises CACG for its role in
immigration reform and in states that have immigration raids. The group
planned to offer media and leadership training to Latino faith leaders.

Unlike everything prior, this particular leak is out of WikiLeaks, not
Hacked emails released by WikiLeaks in late October 2016 revealed
Hillary Clinton went out of her way to keep Soros pleased.646 The emails,
hacked from the account of Clinton campaign chairman and Soros ally John
Podesta, disclosed that Clinton was advised to do fundraisers to satisfy
Soros’ marching orders. The communications showed that Soros, through
top aides, reached out to Podesta on issues ranging from trade to migration
to the Supreme Court.
In one email, Hillary’s deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin wrote to
eventual campaign manager Robby Mook on October 7, 2014, to tell him
that Hillary was having dinner with Soros. Abedin told Mook that she
believed Soros would ask Hillary to appear at a fundraiser at one of the
liberal organizations he funds, America Votes, and wanted advice on how to
proceed. “I would only do this for political reasons (ie, to make Soros
happy),” Mook replied.
On January 23, 2011, Hillary’s staff was forwarded an email by Soros
aides in which he asked her to address “a serious situation in Albania which
needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government” and laid out
two actions to be “done urgently.” One of the actions was to appoint a
senior European official mediator, such as “Carl Bildt, Martti Ahtisaari, or
Miroslav Lajcak.” Hillary, while serving as Secretary of State, received the
email the following day. On January 27, European Union special envoy
Lajcak was sent to Tirana and met with Albanian leaders for mediation
talks. Lajcak said it was up to Albania’s leadership “to do what we ask them
to do.”647
“I made it clear that the European future for Albania depends very much
on whether the political leaders choose to do what we ask them to do, and
do it now,” Lajcak said after the negotiations aimed at easing tension and
getting the country’s European Union membership bid back on track.
The initial message from Open Society Foundations special adviser to
the chairman Jonas Rolett was first sent to then State Department official
Richard Verma who duly passed the memo along in an email chain
including Abedin, Hillary’s top foreign affairs adviser Jacob Sullivan,
Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip
Gordon, and a recipient named “William J” believed to be William Joseph
Burns, who was then Deputy Secretary of State.
“Below message is from George Soros for the Secretary. Understand his
organization was sending through other channels as well,” read Verma’s
attached note to the “Unrest in Albania” email.
What followed in the “Dear Hillary” message could only be construed as
instructions for the Secretary of State signed by Soros himself. Soros wrote
that all of his mediator appointment suggestions “have strong connections
to the Balkans” and that his foundation in Tirana was “monitoring the
situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.”648
Other emails reveal that just hours after conservative Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia was reported dead on the morning of February 13,
2016, the Open Society Foundations then president Chris Stone took to
emailing Podesta. “Remember our discussion of Wallace Jefferson, [former]
Chief Justice in Texas?” Stone asked Podesta in cryptic fashion. As a nod to
an unknown previous conversation, Podesta responded, “Yup.” Jefferson, a
former chief justice on the Texas Supreme Court, was the subject of the
email titled “Re: Scalia replacement.”649 Even though Jefferson is a black
Republican, the floated Clinton nominee’s judicial philosophy could’ve
been centrist or left of center on the Supreme Court. Jefferson possessed
attractiveness to the Left as a minority appointment and the moderate force
would have brought racial diversity to the court.
Most Soros-related communication with Podesta came through Michael
Vachon, a Soros adviser and spokesman. Emails were usually to schedule
phone calls and meetings and notify him of Soros’ policy positions. Many
of the messages were brief or mysterious. On February 23, 2015, Vachon
wrote that he needed to tell Podesta something “separately, important,
timely but certainly not urgent.” Another message dated January 13, 2009,
showed Vachon thanking Podesta for meeting with Soros the previous day.
“He found it extremely useful,” Vachon wrote.
Soros directly invited Podesta to his house in January 2015 to watch a
short documentary based on Soros’ essays about Ukraine, and again later
that July to watch a film about climate change. A Soros-authored piece
titled “Recapitalize the Banking System” was also sent Podesta’s way back
in October 2008.
On March 7, 2017, Vachon sent Podesta a “TPP and Malaysia’s
Corruption Crisis” memo criticizing Obama for making “visible
compromises” in his efforts to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership completed,
and wanted Podesta to speak about it with Soros and his son during a dinner
later that month. Six days later, Vachon said that Soros would be more
interested in discussing policy than “the campaign per se” during the dinner.
Vachon wrote: “In a separate email I will send you George’s latest thinking
on the migration crisis, which he is spending a lot of time on. His other big
preoccupation these days is Ukraine.”
G eorge Soros is ninety-one years old as of writing, and the average
person who reaches that age has about four years of life left.650
Time itself is set to end Soros’ reign as the world’s biggest living
influencer of politics, but his agenda and its backing will survive him. Even
if those who succeed him are only half as effective, there’s a lot they can
accomplish toward any cause with a war chest that nears $20 billion.
Soros explained in an essay titled “My Philanthropy” published in the
New York Review of Books in 2011 two concerns for his efforts: what
happens to the OSF when its president and him are no longer alive, and
what more they could accomplish in their lifetimes.
“When I established the Open Society Foundations, I did not want them
to survive me. The fate of other institutions has taught me that they tend to
stray very far from the founders’ intentions.” Soros noted. “But as the Open
Society Foundations took on a more substantial form, I changed my mind. I
came to realize that terminating the foundations’ network at the time of my
death would be an act of excessive selfishness. A number of very capable
people are devoting their lives to the work of the Open Society
Foundations; I have no right to pull the rug out from under them,” he
His desire to influence from beyond the grave is why he decided to set
up the School of Public Policy at Central European University. “Our main
difficulty has been in keeping our network of national foundations and
“legacy” programs from going stale because that requires almost as much
effort as starting new ones; yet my bias has been to focus on the cutting
edge. That is where I look for relief from the School of Public Policy. It
should explore new frontiers; therefore it should be able to keep the
continuing programs up to date even in my absence.”
He continues:
Having decided that the Open Society Foundations should
survive me, I have done my best to prepare them for my absence.
But it would contradict my belief that all human constructs are
flawed if I had fully succeeded. Therefore, I bequeath my
successors the task of revising any of the arrangements I shall
have left behind in the same spirit in which I have made them.
Soros has since done some estate planning to further that goal.
Near the end of 2017, Soros transferred nearly $18 billion (80 percent of
his net worth) to Open Society Foundations, which now holds most of his
wealth. The donation made the OSF the second-largest private foundation
in the U.S. by asset size (with only the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
being larger).652
The infrastructure that Soros created will always exist, and a large
motivating factor for me writing this book is to create a directory to help
people identify it. In some cases, it’ll be even more obvious than before that
Soros is the one pulling the strings, albeit posthumously. Soros himself says
that after his passing, he wants his “Open Society University Network” to
be rebranded the “Soros University Network.”653
Soros acknowledges that “what will be missing when I am gone is the
entrepreneurial and innovative spirit that has characterized us….The
governing board that will succeed me will not be able to follow my
example; it will be weighed down by fiduciary responsibilities. Some of its
members will try to be faithful to the founder’s intentions; others will be
more risk averse.”654
Soros acknowledges that his “conceptual framework” is the product of
both his “inflated ego and the source of the systemic reforms I advocate.”655
Fearing that the current structure of the OSF would be unmanageable in
his absence, Soros allowed the task of reorganization to fall to new
management in 2018, which he says are “making good progress.” 656
Soros has the added benefit that his family has been installed in his key
spheres of influence, whether it be his second wife Susan Weber at Bard
College or his son Alexander Soros at the OSF.
Reflecting on the enemies he’s attracted over his lifetime of political
influence, Soros remarks “I’m very proud of my enemies. When I look at
the list, I feel I must be doing something right. Still, I wish the list would be
shorter.” He cryptically concludes, “I and my foundations will do our best
to shorten it.”657
In recent years Soros has seemingly been positioning himself to
influence for centuries, all from beyond the grave.
All people have to do to stop him is to fight back.
While we haven’t seen it yet here in America, Soros has been met with
resistance around the globe.
As mentioned earlier, Hungary had led the most aggressive charge in
purging its country of Soros’ influence, and it’s not the only one.
In 2013, before he entered office as Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan accused Soros of supporting protests against him, saying he
assigned people the task of “dividing and ruining” nations. When an
investigation into the protests was reopened in 2018, Soros’ foundation
closed its office in Turkey.658
The General Prosecutor’s Office in Russia banned two branches of the
Soros network in 2015. Both were placed on a “stop list” of foreign NGOs
whose activities were deemed “undesirable.” The office wrote in a
statement that “It was found that the activity of the Open Society
Foundations and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation
represents a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the
Russian Federation and the security of the state.”659 In 2021, the
prosecutor’s office announced they’d be banning Bard College as well.660
The government of Poland intervened to “stop speculators” when Soros
and a group including other billionaires moved to purchase a stake in the
nation’s second largest radio station before the 2019 parliamentary
elections. Poland’s antimonopoly watchdog UOKiK ended up blocking the
takeover. As is inevitable, Soros’ defenders in the media blamed anti-
Semitism for the concerns of foreign influence in their media.661
Poland has also honored Soros’ targets. Poland’s president, Andrzej
Duda, bestowed Sir Roger Scruton with the Grand Cross of the Order of
Merit of the Republic of Poland, the nation’s highest award for a non-Pole,
for his contributions to Poland’s struggle against communism in the 1980s.
That came just two months after Scruton was fired by the U.K. government
from his position of head of a public housing body after being quoted
speaking out against Soros in a British magazine.662
In Africa, Kenya’s NGOs Co-Ordination Board banned the operations of
two NGOs for receiving money from Soros.663
Myanmar seized control of the bank accounts of the OSF, and announced
it would take legal action against the OSF for allegedly violating
restrictions on NGOs.664
In India, Delhi’s High Court put the OSF on a watch list for funding
NGOs and associations not registered under its Foreign Contribution
Regulation Act.665
Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement in 2017 denouncing Soros
and backing Hungary’s crackdown on him.666
In North Macedonia, the Public Revenue Office sent financial inspectors
to the OSF after its December 2016 elections. The leader of the VMRO-
DPMNE political party Nikola Gruevski called for the “desorosoization” of
Macedonian civil society, signaling an intense crackdown on groups he has
a hand in. That sparked a “Stop Operation Soros” citizens movement.667
“I have to admit that the tide has turned against me, but I don’t think that
I have failed,” Soros remarked in 2019.668
We’ll see about that.
Appendix: Notable Organizations
Funded Directly by George Soros
Organization Description
Created with the objective to “address race and civil rights issues through the
Advancement legal system and community activism,” it strives for a “future where people of
Project color are free,” which will be “driven by the genius of ordinary people and
their movements.”
Fights for the “formally-and-current-incarcerated” people. Aims to strengthen
All of Us or None the voices of those “most affected by mass incarceration” and the so-called
“prison industrial complex.”

Alliance for Advocates for a “vibrant democracy that values and protects a just and
Justice equitable society” which includes “a government where all voices, regardless
of wealth, power, or privilege, are heard and valued.”
America Coming Created with the goal of preventing then president George W. Bush from being
Together reelected. Focused on getting out the vote.

Works to create “change” at the state level in twenty states. Acts “as a
America Votes permanent campaign to continually advance progressive causes,” including
climate change and “improv[ing] election systems and fight[ing] back against
efforts to suppress voters.”

America’s Voice Established to “win reforms that put 11 million undocumented Americans on a
path to full citizenship.”
American Bar Guides the ABA’s “efforts to ensure fair treatment and full due process rights
Association for immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees within the United States.”
Commission on Established “projects” in El Paso and San Diego where “indigent immigrants
Immigration and asylum-seekers” can obtain pro bono immigration legal services.

American Bridge PAC that backs Democratic candidates through “research, video tracking, and
21st Century rapid response” operations. Serves as an “opposition research hub for the
Democratic Party.”
American Civil Works “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to
Liberties Union every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
Maintains an emphasis on “achieving full equality for LGBT people,
establishing new privacy protections for our digital age of widespread
government surveillance, ending mass incarceration, or preserving the right to
vote or the right to have an abortion.”
American Designed to “ensure that fundamental principles of human dignity, individual
Constitution rights and liberties, genuine equality, and access to justice enjoy their rightful,
Society for Law central place in American law.” Members include “law students, lawyers,
and Policy scholars, judges, policymakers and activists.”

American Family Established to support Al Gore’s presidential election and attack President
Voices George W. Bush’s reelection campaign. Now works to “organiz[e] left-
progressive action and funding obscure progressive campaigns.”
Teachers’ union “that champions fairness; democracy; economic opportunity;
American and high-quality public education, health care and public services for our
Federation of students, their families and our communities.” Utilizes “community
Teachers engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism” to
advance its cause.
American Works to “fundamentally transform” the nation and “institutions” so the “world
Friends Service [is] free of violence, inequality, and oppression.”

Provides legal resources for illegal aliens and promotes “the rights of
immigrants in the legal system, such as right to counsel, immigration courts,
American federal courts, and jurisdictions.” Seeks to influence public discussions
Immigration surrounding illegal immigration by offering “explainers” about programs such
Council as “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Deferred Action for
Parents of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), the Child
Status Protection Act, adjustment of status, waivers and relief from
deportation, and employment authorization.”
American Originally launched as a nonprofit news organization known as the Center for
Independent Independent Media. Goal was to provide investigative journalism for
News Network Minnesota, Colorado, and eventually, Washington, D.C.

American Provides support to local community organization groups, including

Institute for “leadership and staff training, technical assistance, research, and project
Social Justice support.” Most known for Association of Community Organizations for
Reform Now (ACORN), “one of the largest community organizing networks.”
Utilizes a “social justice framework” when “provide[ing] leadership for the
American development, promotion and improvement of library and information services
Library and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure
Association access to information for all.” Places an emphasis on “equity, diversity, and
Progressive magazine “devoted to promoting informed discussion on public
The American policy from a progressive perspective.” Provides “policy alternatives” while
Prospect “dispel[ing] myths, challeng[ing] conventional wisdom, and expand[ing] the
Amnesty International NGO aimed at “fight[ing] abuses of human rights worldwide” by
International “chang[ing] oppressive laws.”

Research conducted at Florida International University. Emphasis on

Applied Research environment, energy, and information technology that “allows for free-flowing
Center exchange of ideas between the University’s applied researchers, academia,
government, private sector and industry partners.”
Promotes “the issues and interest of Arab-Americans nationwide,” including
Arab American the idea “that the US should enhance its ties with Arab countries in all fields:
Institute cultural, educational, diplomatic, economic, and security.” Also advocates for a
Palestinian state.

Aspen Institute Advocates for “a free, just, and equitable society.” Utilizes seminars and
conferences “to provoke, further and improve actions taken in the real world.”
Association of Coalition of organizations that “advocated for low- and moderate-income
Community families.” Emphasized a need for “neighborhood safety, voter
Organizations for registration, health care, [and] affordable house.’
Reform Now

Ballot Initiative Encourages Americans to get out the vote by “leverage[ing] ballot measures
Strategy Center across the United States” as a means of moving toward “society racial equity.”

Bill of Rights Aims to protect civil rights and liberties by litigating “overbroad national
Defense security and counter-terrorism policies.”

Bend the Arc: A Jewish organization advocating against “racial injustice or economic
Jewish inequality.” Aims to “shape the Jewish social movement.”
Partnership for

Black Alliance Works to “end the racism, criminalization, and economic disenfranchisement
for Just of Black immigrants, refugees, and African American communities” in New
Immigration York, Oakland, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Miami, Boston, and Washington, D.C.

Blueprint North Lobbies to address “racial injustice,” closing the wealth gap, and “the
Carolina privatization of public resources for private financial gain” in North Carolina.

Brennan Center Fights to “strengthen democracy” by “modernizing American elections,”

for Justice “ensur[ing] a fair and accurate census,” and “eliminat[ing] the Electoral
Brookings Provides politicians with “quality research, policy recommendations, and
Institution analysis on a full range of public policy issues.”

Campaign for Bills itself as a “strategy center for the progressive movement” and encourages
America’s Future Democrats to pursue progressive legislation.
Campaign for Illinois-based organization with the goal of “provid[ing] a central statewide
Better Health grassroots health care organization in support of the Affordable Care Act.”

Aims to “end the practice of prosecuting, sentencing and incarcerating youth

Campaign for (under 18) in the adult criminal justice system” and instead offer “research-
Youth Justice based developmentally appropriate rehabilitative programs and services” for
those who would otherwise be tried in “the adult criminal justice system.”
Serves as the “youth engagement arm of the Center for American Progress”
Campus Progress with the goal of pushing “bold, progressive ideas” and “strong leadership and
concerted action” that would “change the country.”
Maryland-based “Latino and immigration advocacy-and-assistance
organization” that provides their constituents with “health assistance, medical
Casa De interpretations, English classes, financial literacy classes, vocational training,
Maryland social services, leadership development, legal services, and employment
placement for low-income families” for immigrants predominantly of Latino
descent. Also provides legal services for legal and illegal immigrants.
Progressive database used for “civic engagement purposes,” such as
Catalist “build[ing] membership, target[ing] persuasive messaging, engag[ing]
activists, driv[ing] an issue agenda, and register[ing] or mobiliz[ing] voters.”
Aims to “dismantle religiously-based obstructions to abortion care,
Catholics for contraceptive access and comprehensive health care” and challenge the “vocal,
Choice well-financed and powerful Roman Catholic hierarchy, which presents itself as
the sole moral arbiter on matters where sexuality and reproduction intersect
with religion and faith.”
Catholics in Advocates for the Catholic viewpoint that “promotes the necessary conditions
Alliance for the for a culture of life that reverences the dignity of the human person over greed,
Common Good materialism and the politics of division.”

Center for Fights to “change the country” with “bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong
American leadership and concerted action.” Aims to change the public dialogue on key
Progress issues by “challeng[ing] the media to cover the issues that truly matter” and
“aggressively” perusing “extensive communications and outreach effort[s].”

Center for Advocates for “low-income people,” including “people of color, immigrants,
Community and women” to transform the country so “our economy” is “just, equitable, and
Change inclusive.” Places a large emphasis on “fairness in the distribution of wealth
and on checking corporate power.”
Center for Pushes for “social justice” by focusing on “civil liberties and human rights
Constitutional litigation and activism.” Utilizes the judiciary “to promote its activists’ work.”

Center for Advocates for economic policies like a two-percent tax increase for Social
Economic and Security, a higher minimum wage, and the Affordable Care Act.
Policy Research
Center for Pushes the idea that the planet’s “biggest threats” include “corruption,
International inequality and climate change.” Advocates for ““cooperation, transparency and
Policy accountability in global relations.”

Center for Promotes abortion and “reproductive rights” as a “fundamental right” protected
Reproductive by the law.

Fights for “those who may be marginalized or underserved by the existing

Center for financial marketplace” by advocating for “a fair, inclusive financial
Responsible marketplace that creates opportunities for all credit-worthy borrowers,
Lending regardless of their income.” Its emphasis is on women, minorities, rural
Americans and “low-wealth families and communities.”

Center for Social Aims to “advance racial equity” and help “communities most impacted by
Inclusion structural racism.” Jointed The Center for Racial Justice Innovation to form the
organization Race Forward.
Center on Budget Analyzes state and federal budgets to “reduce poverty and inequality and to
and Policy restore fiscal responsibility in equitable and effective ways” as a means of
Priorities “help[ing] low-income people.”

Center on Located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Promotes “a more equitable,

Wisconsin sustainable, and democratic society” by advocating for “decent wages,”
Strategy “environmental protections,” and a “sustainable economy.”

Citizens for Aims to “expose ethics violations and corruption by government officials and
Responsibility institutions and to reduce the role of money in politics.” Utilizes Freedom of
and Ethics in Information Act requests and congressional ethics complaints as part of its
Washington watchdog function.

Coalition for an Lobbied for an International Criminal Court, where “war crimes, crimes
International against humanity, and genocide” are prosecuted. Aims to create a “more
Criminal Court peaceful world” by providing justice for “grave crimes.”

Lobbies businesses and corporations to “create a more humane and less hostile
Color of Change world for Black people in America.” Works to “end practices and systems that
unfairly hold Black people back” and instead work on “solutions” that move
Black people forward.
Promotes a “innovative, pragmatic, and comprehensive pro-democracy
Common Cause agenda” that includes government accountability and “equal rights” and
“opportunity” for all Americans.
Constitution Bipartisan group that aims to protect civil liberties and roll back the “expansive
Project presidential authority” following September 11.

Defenders of Promotes “innovative solutions” and “conservative efforts” to protect wildlife

Wildlife Action and their habitats.
Democracy Raises funds from Democratic donors “to promote progressive ideas, impact
Alliance media coverage, develop new leadership, create sophisticated civic
engagement strategies, and engage young people and communities of color.”
Advocates for campaign-finance reform, specifically “a new public financing
Democracy 21 system for presidential and congressional races to empower citizens by
providing multiple public funds to match their small contributions.” Its goal is
to eliminate “secret money” in all federal elections.
Hour-long cable news show that “combines news reporting, interviews,
Democracy Now! investigative journalism and political commentary, with a focus on peace
activism linked to environmental justice and social justice.” Appears on
taxpayer-funded networks, like NPR, PBS, and college radio stations.
Aims for a “a democracy and economy rooted in racial equity.” Utilizes
Demos “policy research,” “litigation,” and “partnerships with grassroots
organizations” to advance its cause.
Drum Major Looks to “identify peaceful solutions to the triple evils of racism, poverty and
Institute for violence” by carrying out Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “work and vision of
Public Policy radical nonviolence.”

Pursues environmental litigation “to combat climate change” as a means of

Earthjustice “protect[ing] people’s health…preserv[ing] magnificent places and wildlife…
[and] advance clean energy.”
Advocates for the economic needs of “low- and middle-income workers”
Economic Policy through research and reports focused on “the economic impact of policies and
Institute proposals.” Places a high emphasis on the “pro-union viewpoint on public
policy issues.”
Electronic Fights to “protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values” as
Privacy well as “consumer privacy” on the internet. Aims to influence the “national
Information debate over the future of privacy.”

Organizes low-income black and brown people to fight against “prisons,

Ella Baker policing, and punishment-based approaches” and instead “shift resources away
Center for from prisons and punishment” to “public safety” nets including “having a
Human Rights living wage job, healthy food, and affordable childcare, health care, and

EMILY’s List PAC dedicated to “elect[ing] Democratic female candidates in favor of

abortion rights to office.”
Energy Action Youth organization fighting “to mitigate climate change and create a just, clean
Coalition energy future and resilient, thriving communities for all.”

Equal Justice Works to make changes in the criminal justice system, including a “campaign
USA to end the death penalty, an advocacy network for trauma victims, and a
program to secure expanded victim services like training and funding for
victims’ rights groups.” Focuses on working with “evangelical voters to gain
support for the death penalty’s elimination on religious and moral grounds.”
Fair Immigration Advocates for immigration reforms including “full citizenship benefits” for
Reform illegal aliens and “community-based alternatives” to detaining those in the
Movement United States illegally.

Utilizes “rapid-response digital campaigns” to “challenge” the “twisted

Faithful America definition of religious freedom” that “the religious right” uses “to serve a
hateful political agenda” of “Christian nationalism and white supremacy.”
Promotes “a more free and just society.”
Aims to achieve “high-quality, affordable health care and improved health for
Families USA all” and “played a leading role on virtually every major piece of health care
legislation,” including Obamacare, Children’s Health Insurance Program,
Medicaid expansion, and the Medicare Part D plan.
Promotes “women’s equality, reproductive health, and non-violence” while
Feminist identifying and training young women to “encourage future leadership for the
Majority feminist movement in the United States.” Lobbies for issues like the Equal
Rights Amendment, appealing the Hyde Amendment, and “safe, effective,
affordable, and accessible contraception.”

Four Freedoms Focuses on “immigrant rights” and working on “immigration reform, civic
Fund engagement, immigrant integration and protection of civil liberties and human
rights” on the “local, state and national level.”
Coalition of a dozen organizations working to “protect the free exchange of
Free Exchange speech and ideas on campus” without “political or ideological interference.”
on Campus Takes aim at particular conservative organizations, including the David
Horowitz Freedom Center.
Works to change media landscape to “transform society” to “a just society,”
which includes “equitable access to technology, diverse and independent
ownership of media platforms” and “saving Net Neutrality, achieving
Free Press affordable internet access for all, uplifting the voices of people of color in the
media, challenging old and new media gatekeepers to serve the public interest,
ending unwarranted surveillance, defending press freedom and reimagining
local journalism.”
Former “national network of social justice foundations” made up of wealthy
Funding advocates that wanted to “involv[e] community activists in grantmaking
Exchange decisions.” Prioritized providing “seed” money to “grassroots groups and
social movements that other philanthropies considered too new, untested, or
controversial.” Dissolved following the 2018 election.
Gamaliel International faith-based organization located in the United States, South
Foundation Africa, and the U.K. that “draws on Biblical scripture, Christ’s life and
teaching, the Torah, the Qu’ran, Catholic social teaching, the founding
principles of American democracy, the U.S. civil rights movement, and other
sources” to “create equal opportunity, shared abundance, and stronger, more
prosperous communities.” Focuses on “social justice campaigns” with an
emphasis on immigration rights, health care, jobs, education, transportation,
and economic development.
Gisha: Center for Israeli organization dedicated to “protect[ing] the freedom of movement of
the Legal Palestinians, especially Gaza residents.” Advocates for “awareness and
Protection of sensitivity for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories” through
Freedom of public relations efforts while also “represent[ing] individuals and organisations
Movement in Israeli administrative proceedings and courts.”

Global Centre for Works to “halt the mass atrocity crimes of genocide, war crimes, ethnic
the cleansing and crimes against humanity” and utilizes the United Nations’
Responsibility to Responsibility to Protect campaign.

Advocates for “social, economic and environmental justice around the world”
Global Exchange with an emphasis on the need to “transform the global economy from profit-
centered to people-centered, from currency to community.”
Provides international grants to “private foundations, grantmaking public
Grantmakers charities, individual donors with a significant commitment to philanthropy, and
Without Borders philanthropic support organizations” that are focused on “social justice and
environmental sustainability.”

Green for All Fights for “solutions to poverty and pollution” as a means of providing better
jobs and health to “low-income families and people of color.”

Health Care for Originally started to support the passage of Obamacare. Now it focuses on
America Now “defending the law from opposition attacks and advocating for the law before
Congress and state regulatory agencies.”
Advocates for pro-LGBTQ legislation where “lesbian, gay, bisexual,
Human Rights transgender and queer people are ensured equality and embraced as full
Campaign members of society at home, at work and in every community.” Most known
for advancing “same-sex marriage, anti-discrimination and hate crime
legislation, and HIV/AIDS advocacy.”

Human Rights Promotes “human rights” as a “vital national interest.” Advocates for reforms,
First including closing Guantanamo Bay, repealing President Trump’s Muslim ban,
and releasing illegal aliens from detention facilities.

Human Rights Exposes “abuses” taking place around the world and lobbies “governments,
Watch armed groups and businesses” to “change or enforce their laws, policies and
Immigrant Advocates for ending the “mass criminalization, detention and deportation” of
Defense Project illegal aliens.

Immigrant Legal Group of attorneys working “to improve immigration law and policy, expand
Resource Center the capacity of legal service providers, and advance immigrant rights” through
media relations and “civic engagement.”
Immigration Encourages immigrants to go through the naturalization process by “providing
Workers free naturalization services.”

Immigration Provides pro bono legal immigration services “to bridge the digital divide,
Advocates launch new campaigns, and bring the tools of justice to hard to reach
Network communities.”

Works to change Americans’ perceptions and actions toward immigrants and

Immigration the immigration system through “cutting-edge lawsuits that hold the
Policy Center government accountable for unlawful conduct and restrictive interpretations
and implementation of the law.”
Independent Website used for journalists and media organizations to directly publish “non-
Media Center corporate coverage” of events.

Institute for Former progressive news site that provided “news, opinion and policy
America’s Future analysis.”

Institute for New Works to “repair” a so-called “broken economy” while “creat[ing] a more
Economic equal, prosperous, and just society.” Promotes “new economic thinking” by
Thinking finding “support” from “influencers, policymakers, and the engaged public.”

Institute for “Multi-issue think tank” whose “policy and research” has been utilized with
Policy Studies the goal of “building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful

Institute for Conducts research and media relations for progressive organizations so “voices
Public Accuracy [that] are commonly excluded or drowned out by government or corporate-
backed institutions” are heard.
Institute for Works to remove “barriers” and create “economic equity for all women.”
Women’s Policy Places an emphasis on eliminated the “gender gap.”

International Aims to “prevent wars and shape policies that will build a more peaceful
Crisis Group world.” Utilizes “expert field research, analysis and engagement with
policymakers across the world” to advance its cause.
Advocates for a “two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is
J Street essential to Israel’s survival as the national home of the Jewish people and as a
vibrant democracy.” Believes Israel is the “Jewish homeland” and that
Palestinians have “the right” to establish “a sovereign state of their own.”

Jewish Funds for Claims to be the “broad foundation of a Jewish social change movement”
Justice based on “justice and equality for all.” Later merged with Jewish Funds for
Justice to become Bend the Arc.
Former group that “advocated for an end to judicial elections, and for stricter
Justice at Stake regulations regarding campaign finance for state-level judicial races” with the
goal of “help[ing] Americans keep courts fair and impartial.”
LatinoJustice Challenges laws “to secure transformative, equitable and accessible justice”
PRLDEF with the hope of “changing discriminatory practices via advocacy and
Lawyers Works to challenge the “inequalities confronting African Americans and other
Committee for racial and ethnic minorities” through litigation.
Civil Rights
Under Law

Leadership Coalition of two hundred human and civil rights organizations that advocate
Conference on for a “more open and just society” through lobbying and “legislative
Civil and Human advocacy.”

League of United Utilizes “community-based programs” to push for “the economic condition,
Latin American educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of
Citizens Hispanic Americans.”

Aims to “defend democracy” while “empowering voters.” Focuses on

League of “registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting
Women Voters rights” and pushing various progressive viewpoints, like “abortion rights” and
“universal health care.”

League of Young Former subset of the League of Women Voters aimed at voters ages eighteen to
Voters thirty-four. Originally established to prevent President George W. Bush’s
Israeli women that “monitor and document the conduct of soldiers and
Machsom Watch policemen at checkpoints in the West Bank” while helping “Palestinians
crossing through [Israeli Defense Forces] checkpoints.” Advocates for
“Palestinians’ freedom of movement within the occupied territories.”
Works to “address issues of economic and environmental justice, women’s
MADRE health and gender-based, and peace building” at the “international, regional,
national, and local levels.”

Malcolm X Aims to “defend the human rights” of “Afrikans” while working to undo the
Grassroots “collective institutions of white-supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism” that
Movement have harmed “Afrikans.” Advocates for reparations, as well as the release of
political prisoners and prisoners of war.
Massachusetts Coalition of “multi-ethnic” organizations that advocates for “the rights and
Immigrant and integration of immigrants and refugees.” Provides “information and policy
Refugee analysis for policy-makers, advocates, immigrant communities and the media”
Advocacy on immigration-related issues.

Funding for “independent media” that “abide[s] by the National Union of

Media Fund Journalists’ code of conduct, are not reliant on corporate advertising, the state
or billionaires for funding and are vetted and agreed upon democratically.”
Media Matters Serves as a “media watchdog for scrutinizing right-leaning media outlets” that
for America was founded in response to the conservative watchdog organization Media
Research Center.
Aims to “eliminate suffering, poverty and oppression” by “connect[ing] people
Mercy Corps to the resources and opportunities they need to build strong, stable livelihoods
that can withstand future challenges.”
Mexican Latino civil rights organization that takes up “legal-aid cases” surrounding
American Legal education and immigration.
Defense and
Education Fund

Midwest Works with progressive organizations to train activists as part of a commitment

Academy “to advancing the struggle for social, economic, and racial justice.”

Migration Policy Offers “pragmatic and thoughtful responses” to “large-scale migration.” Also
Institute “provides analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee
policies at local, national, and international levels.”
Missourians Works to “challenge capitalism and corporate power in St. Louis” on behalf of
Organizing for “low- to moderate-income people.” Aims to “transform the current system” in
Reform and hopes of a “more just, sustainable world.”

Pushes for “social justice and political progress” through “digital organizing.”
Organizers “were the first” to utilize the internet to campaign by conducting
MoveOn “virtual phone banks, to crowdsource TV ad production, and to take online
organizing offline, using the internet to mobilize activists to knock on doors
and attend events.”
Advocates for issues impacting women, predominantly “women of color and
Ms. Foundation low-income women who are living in poverty.” Aims to change “national and
for Women statewide policy change[s]” relating to “Economic Justice, Reproductive
Justice and Safety.”

Muslim Works to ensure Muslim Americans receive “expert representation in the

Advocates courts, the policy making process, and in the public dialogue” so all are “free
from discrimination.”
Aims to expand “reproductive freedom,” which includes “fighting for access to
NARAL abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave, and protections from
pregnancy discrimination.”
Fights for “civil rights and social justice” and “work[s] to ensure the political,
NAACP educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to
eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.”

The Nation Advocates for an “independent press” while “advancing social justice and civil
Institute rights.” Utilizes fellowships at The Nation magazine to “support
groundbreaking investigative journalism.”
National Union of abortionists that work to “unite, represent, serve, and support
Abortion abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care.”
Federation Members include Planned Parenthood affiliates, as well as private and
nonprofit clinics, physicians’ offices and hospitals.
National Aims to end the death penalty in the United States and, ultimately, the world.
Coalition to
Abolish the
Death Penalty

National Progressive watchdog group that “monitors charitable spending in the United
Committee on States.” Encourages “foundations to do more for those who are marginalized,
Responsive underserved and disenfranchised.”

National Works to achieve elections that are “fair, reliable, secure, accessible,
Committee for transparent, accurate, [and] accountable” and have the ability to be audited.
Voting Integrity

National Council Produces “feminist research” and looks at the issues of “Identity, Economic
for Research on Well-Being and Thriving Environments” through a “gender lens.”

Advocates for immigration reform, which includes a “path to citizenship for

National Council illegal immigrations, and reduced deportations.” Partners with other
of La Raza organizations to help with “civic engagement, civil rights and immigration,
education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing.” Changed its
name to UnidosUS.
National Council Coalition of hundreds of women’s organizations that “work for women’s equal
of Women’s participation in the economic, social and political life of our country and the
Organizations world.”

National Pro-immigrant group that “advocates for more immigration, more refugees and
Immigration more funding to foreign nations.”

National Advocates “for racial, economic and social justice for low-income immigrant”
Immigration Law through litigation and advocacy.

Considers itself America’s “oldest and largest progressive bar association” that
National Lawyers works to change “the structure of our political and economic system. Places an
Guild emphasis on “valuing human rights and the rights of ecosystems over property
National Works to advance “feminist ideals” so a “societal change” will take place.
Organization for Aims to “eliminate discrimination, and achieve and protect the equal rights of
Women all women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life.”
National Fights for “equality for all women” which includes “standing strong for
Partnership for women’s health, reproductive rights and economic justice.” Currently focused
Women and on “paid family and medical leave” as well as “equal pay” and “access to
Families contraception and abortion care” while removing “the stigma associated with
Breaks down federal budget and spending so “ordinary folks” understand how
National “fiscal issues” impact every American. Places an emphasis on “taxes, the
Priorities Project national debt, and government transparency,” and “spending for the military,
education, health care, and other social programs.”
Utilizes Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to have government
National Security documents declassified as a means of “expanding public access to government
Archive Fund information, global advocate of open government, and indexer and publisher of
former secrets.”
Aims to achieve “gender justice” in every branch of government. Places an
National emphasis on “childcare and early learning, education and Title IX, health care
Women’s Law and reproductive rights, courts and judges, LGBTQ equality, military, poverty
Center and economic security, racial and ethnic justice, tax and budget, and workplace
Natural Works to “protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and
Resources healthy environment for all living things.” Utilizes “lawyers, scientists, and
Defense Council policy experts” to help write environmental legislation and laws.

Aims to drive public policy utilizing research and technology. Utilizes

New America “expertise in researching, reporting and analysis with new areas of coding, data
Foundation science, and human-centered design” to push for “a society that promotes
economic opportunity for all.”

NewsCorpWatch Media Matters project aimed at negatively portraying “News Corporation, the
parent company of Fox News.”
Pacifica Conglomerate of progressive radio networks with the goal of providing public
Foundation information that is “not commonly brought together in the same medium.”

Peace and Works to bring together funders that seek to “build a more peaceful, just, and
Security Funders equitable world.” Emphasizes “philanthropy that’s focused on peace and
Group security issues.”

Peace Advocates for “social justice and peace” though private funding. Places an
Development emphasis on “presence of equitable relationships among people, nations and
Fund the environment.”

People for the Vows to “fight right-wing extremism” while implementing an equitable and
American Way justice society. Known for its “Right Wing Watch” website that features people
opposing conservative takes on a number of social issues.
People Utilizes “people of faith” to push a progressive agenda, including “universal
Improving health care, public education, affordable housing, and immigration reform.”

Physicians for Health care professionals that “advocate for climate solutions and a nuclear
Social weapons-free world.” Advances its cause by producing literature about “the
Responsibility threats of nuclear proliferation, climate change, and environmental toxins” and
testifying in front of Congress on environmental issues.

Ploughshares Aims to “prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons, and to prevent
Fund conflicts that could lead to their use.” Private funders pool resources together
to provide grants to advance their cause.
Presses the president to take executive action on climate change without
Presidential needing approval from Congress with the goal of “produc[ing] policy and
Climate Action program recommendations that are sufficiently bold to expedite America’s
Project transition to a clean energy economy, while leading the international effort to
reach an agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emission.”
Prison Works to eliminate “all prisons,” which would result in the “freeing [of] all
Moratorium inmates.” Advocates for investments in health care, education, jobs, and
Project housing as a means of preventing crime.

Progressive Places an emphasis on “economic populist priorities like expanding Social

Change Security, Medicare For All, a Green New Deal, student debt cancellation, and
Campaign Wall Street reform.” Pushes those ideas through grassroots efforts at the “local,
Committee state and federal levels,” including funding “for progressive candidates and

Progressive Advocates for progressive policies and changes on the state level. Utilizes
States Network research to inform state legislators on a number of issues, including economic
development, education, and health and medicine.
Aims to diversify the American electorate to they “accurately represent the
Project Vote diversity of this nation’s citizenry.” Fights “list maintenance procedures” so
that “eligible voters” are not removed from the rolls.
Media outlet that serves as watchdog with the goal of “expos[ing] abuses of
ProPublica power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other
institutions.” Utilizes investigative journalism to advance its goal.

Proteus Fund Provides funding to “foundations, advocates and individual donors” that work
“to advance democracy, human rights and peace.”
Psychologists for Utilizes “psychological knowledge, research, and practice” to “advance peace
Social and social justice.” Places an emphasis on “address[ing] economic, racial, and
Responsibility gender-based injustices and other forms of oppression.”

Public Citizen Advocates for “corporate responsibility and strong government regulation,”
especially relating to transportation, health care, and nuclear power by
lobbying Congress, providing research on key issues and pursuing litigation
against the government.
Public Justice Originally advocated for an “anti-poverty and anti-discrimination” society, but
Center has since focused on “advancing race equity and anti-racism” through the legal
Res Publica Magazine publication focused on the “French model of republicanism and on
Foundation the dialogue between civilizations and nations in the age of globalization.”

Roosevelt Works to change the “imbalance between private actors and the public” by
Institute “transforming corporations, restructuring markets, reviving democratic
institutions, and reimagining the role of government.”
Sentencing Works to promote “racial, ethic, economic, and gender justice” to “minimize”
Project the number of Americans that are incarcerated.

Sojourners Monthly magazine that looks at society and public policy issues through a
Christian social justice lens.

Southern Poverty Utilizes “civil rights and public interest legislation” to challenge “white
Law Center supremacy groups” in court. Known for its “classification and listings of hate
groups…and extremists.”
Coalition of state groups that work to “break down barriers to civic
State Voices participation and to bring underrepresented and marginalized populations―and
their issues―to the center of public discourse.” Shares voting data and voter
behavior between state organizations.

Think Progress Former progressive news site that focused on “original reporting.” It was a
project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.
Thunder Road Political consulting group that “combines the roles of strategic planning,
Group polling, opposition research, covert operations, and public relations.”

Tides Foundation Aims to create “shared prosperity and social justice” by providing “nonprofits
and Tides Center and social enterprises with affordable workspace and administrative services,
supporting dynamic communities.”
U.S. Public Group of nonprofit organizations in the United States and Canada “that employ
Interest Research grassroots organizing and direct advocacy” on consumer rights issues.

Universal Health Advocated for universal health care from 1992 until February 2021.
Care Action

Provides lawmakers with research to “expand opportunities for all, reduce

Urban Institute hardship among the most vulnerable, and strengthen the effectiveness of the
public sector.”

USAction Former coalition of advocacy groups that pushed the progressive agenda.
Merged with TrueMajorityACTION in 2007.
Voter Focuses on registering voters that it claims make up “The New American
Participation Majority,” including “young people, people of color, and unmarried women.”

Works to “creat[e] a more robust and inclusive democracy” by “educating and

Voto Latino empowering a new generation of Latinx voters.” Also encourages political
involvement through get out the vote campaigns.
Coalition of pro-immigrant organizations dedicated to “comprehensive
We Are America immigration reform and immigrations’ civic participation.” Works to
Alliance “coordinate, collaborate, and gain technical assistance and economies of
scale…to build political power in their regions.”

Working Alternative third party that occasionally utilizes the Democratic Party
Families Party primaries to advance its candidates. Sometimes “referred to as the Tea Party of
the Left.”
World Aims to end “arbitrary detention, torture, summary and extrajudicial
Organization executions, forced disappearances and other forms of violence” with “the goal
Against Torture of eradicating torture and fostering respect of human rights for all.”

Young Women’s Advocates for “eliminat[ing] racism, empower[ing] women, stand[ing] up for
Christian social justice, help[ing] families, and strengthen[ing] communities.”
The Open Society University Network
• Bard College (United States)
• Central European University (Austria)


• Al-Quds University/Al-Quds Bard College of Arts and Sciences
• American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
• American University in Bulgaria
• American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
• Arizona State University (United States)
• Ashesi University (Ghana)
• Bard College at Simon’s Rock (United States)
• Bard College Berlin (Germany)
• Bard Early Colleges (United States)
• Birkbeck: University of London (United Kingdom)
• Bocconi University (Italy)
• BRAC University (Bangladesh)
• European Humanities University (Lithuania)
• European University Institute (Florence)
• Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)
• Hertie School (Berlin)
• London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
• National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
• National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
• Sciences Po in Paris (France)
• SOAS University of London (United Kingdom)
• Tuskegee University (United States)
• Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
• University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)


• Bard Prison Initiative (United States)
• Black Mountains College (United Kingdom)
• Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs (United States)
• Chatham House (United Kingdom)
• Haitian Education and Leadership Program (Haiti)
• Institute for New Economic Thinking (United States and United
• Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
• Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (Austria)
• Parami Institute (Myanmar)
• Picker Center for Executive Education, Columbia University (United
• Princeton Global History Lab (United States)
• Rift Valley Institute (Kenya)
• The Talloires Network of Engaged Universities (United States)
• University of California, Berkeley Human Rights Center (United States)
• University of Connecticut Human Rights Institute (United States)
About the Author

Photo by Daniel Perrucci

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de
Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This!: Shattering Liberal Lies, and
1 Ablan, Jennifer, “Billionaire Soros Weds Consultant in Third Marriage,”
Reuters, September 21, 2013.
2 Bruck, Connie, “The World According to George Soros,” The New
Yorker, January 23, 1995.
3 Horowitz, David, and Richard Poe, Shadow Party: How George Soros,
Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic
Party. Nelson Incorporated, Thomas, 2007, page 21.
4 Soros, Tivadar, Masquerade: The Incredible True Story of How George
Soros’ Father Outsmarted the Gestapo. Arcade Books, New York, 2011,
page viiii.
5 Mead, Rebecca, “A Soros Survivor’s Guide,” The New Yorker, October 7,
6 Soros, Tivadar, Masquerade, pages 12–13.
7 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 79.
8 Simons, Jake Wallace, “Revealed: The Hungarian ‘Schindler’ Who Saved
George Soros from Nazi Death Squads During the Occupation by Hiding
Him Behind a Cupboard,” Daily Mail, November 26, 2018.
9 “Charlton Heston/50,000 White Farmers/George Soros,” 60 Minutes,
December 20, 1998.
10 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 81.
11 Soros, George, Soros on Soros: Ahead of the Curve, J. Wiley, New York,
1995, page 33.
12 Soros, George, The Alchemy of Finance, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
2003, page 381.
13 Bessner, Daniel, “The George Soros Philosophy—and Its Fatal Flaw,”
The Guardian, July 6, 2018.
14 Andino, Eduardo, “George Soros, Karl Popper, and Ironies of the ‘Open
Society,’” Philanthropy Daily, March 7, 2017.
15 Soros, George, Alchemy of Finance, page 6.
16 Ibid., page 8.
17 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, PublicAffairs, 2019, page
18 Ibid., page 168–69.
19 Ibid., page 172.
20 Ibid., page 2.
21 Ibid., page 169.
22 Soros, George, Alchemy of Finance, page 382.
23 Dhakappa, Bhargav, “Soros’s Theory of Fallibility, Reflexivity, and
Human Uncertainty Principle,” Indian Folk, April 8, 2018.
24 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University,” Duke
Stanford School of Public Policy, April 9, 2007.
25 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 43.
26 Kaufman, Michael T., George Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic
Billionaire, Knopf, 2002, page 83.
27 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 72.
28 Ibid., page 73.
29 Ibid., page 69.
30 Ibid., pages 84–85.
31 Ibid., page 86.
32 “Quantum Funds Plan,” page archived on April 19, 2009.
33 Dhar, Rohin. “The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the
British Pound,” Priceonomics, June 17, 2017.
34 Ibid.
35 Bustos, Sebastian, and Martin Rotemberg, “Elasticity Pessimism:
Economic Consequences of Black Wednesday,” New York University,
October 2018.
36 Elliott, Larry. “Black Wednesday, 20 Years On: A Bad Day for the
Tories But Not for Britain,” The Guardian, September 13, 2012.
37 Devansh, Lathia, “How Soros Broke the British Pound,” The Economics
Review, October 16, 2018.
38 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 97.
39 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 66.
40 “Soros Fund Management LLC History,” FundingUniverse,
41 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 4.
42 Ibid., page 5.
43 Ibid.
44 Ibid., pages 10–11
45 Belec, Pierre, “Hedge Fund Managers Top Pay List,” Washington Post,
June 16, 1994.
46 Gilbert, Nick, “Soros Deal with SEC in 1979 on ‘Manipulatio,’”
Financial News, November 18, 2002.
47 Rushe, Dominic, “Soros Fails to Reverse Insider Dealing Conviction,”
The Guardian, October 6, 2011.
48 Taub, Stephen, “The Best Hedge Fund Manager of All Time Is…”
Institutional Investor, January 27, 2019.
49 Sarwar, Siraj, “Is George Soros Still Good at Picking Stocks at the Age
of 90?” Yahoo!, January 10, 2021.
50 O’Mara, Richard, “Philanthropist’s Ideas Rich in Irony Society: George
Soros, the Capitalist’s Capitalist, Says It’s Time for Fairness,” Baltimore
Sun, December 16, 1998.
51 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 45.
52 Ibid., page 48.
53 Ibid., page 62.
54 Soros, George, “Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise
and Democratic Reform Among the
Soviets and in Eastern Europe,”
55 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 88.
56 Ibid., page 89.
57 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 40.
58 Clark, Neil, “NS Profile—George Soros,” New Statesman, June 2, 2003.
59 Engelberg, Stephen, “A Free Press Works for All of Us,” ProPublica,
August 16, 2018.
60 Eisinger, Jesse, “The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen
Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax,” ProPublica, June
8, 2021.
61 Zuckerman, Gregory, and Juliet Chung, “Billionaire George Soros Lost
Nearly $1 Billion in Weeks after Trump Election,” The Wall Street
Journal, January 13, 2017.
62 Chung and Dawn Lim, “Soros Fund’s New Leader Upends Firm in
Strategic Overhaul,” The Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2019.
63 Moore, Stephen, “George Soros’s $18 Billion Tax Shelter,” The Wall
Street Journal, November 23, 2017.
64 Soros, George, Alchemy of Finance, page 10.
65 Ibid., page 15.
66 Ibid., page 4.
67 Soros, George, “Underwriting Democracy,” page 4.
68 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 90.
69 Ibid.
70 Ibid.
71 Ibid., page 91.
72 Ibid., page 92.
73 Ibid., page 93.
74 Ignatius, David, “Who Robbed Russia? Did Al Gore Know About the
Massive Lootings?” The Washington Post, August 25, 1999.
75 Ibid.
76 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 94.
77 Ibid., page 96.
78 Ibid., page 94.
79 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 74.
80 Ibid.
81 Ibid. page 75.
82 Ibid., pages 75–76.
83 Ibid., page 90.
84 Ibid., page 91.
85 Seelye, Katharine Q, “Anti-Bush Billionaire to Give More,” The New
York Times, September 24, 2004.
86 Soros, George, “George Soros, Maintaining Political Interest,” NPR,
June 10, 2006.
87 Soros, George, “Why I Have Campaigned Across America to Put John
Kerry in the White House,” The Independent, November 2, 2004.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 Ibid.
91 “George Soros Contributions to 527 Organizations, 2004 Cycle,”
92 Vogel, Kenneth P., “Soros-Linked Group Hit with Large Fine,” Politico,
August 29, 2007.
93, page 10
94 Soros, George, “Why I Gave,” (originally The
Washington Post), December 5, 2003.
95 Soros, George, “George Soros: Why We Must Not Re-elect President
Bush,” CNS News, July 7, 2008.
96 Schweizer, Peter, Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal
Hypocrisy, Doubleday, 2006, page 171.
97 Epstein, Edward, “Billionaire George Soros Fends Off Critics, Attacks
Bush,” Rome News-Tribune, October 29, 2004.
98 Malkin, Michelle, “A Soros Slush Fund,” New York Post, August 20,
99 Healy, Patrick, “Obama Meets Party Donors in New York,” The New
York Times, December 5, 2006.
100 Ibid.
101 Williamson, Elizabeth, and Damian Paletta, “Robert Wolf, Obama
Fundraiser and Adviser, Leaves UBS,” The Wall Street Journal, July 19,
102 Heilemann, John, “Money Chooses Sides,” New York Magazine, April
13, 2007.
103 Javers, Eamon, “Soros, Gore among W.H. Visitors,” Politico, October
30, 2009.
104 Cheney, Kyle, and Vogel, “Soros Regretted Supporting Obama in 2008,
Clinton Emails Show,” Politico, December 31, 2005.
105 O’Connor, Corrie, “Liberal Mega-Donor Soros Calls Obama His
‘Greatest Disappointment,’” 710 KNUS
106 Stein, Sam, “George Soros Tells Progressive Donors Obama Might Not
Be the Best Investment,” Huffington Post, November 17, 2010.
107 Scher, Brent, “George Soros Had White House Meeting with Obama’s
ISIS Czar,” The Washington Free Beacon, March 1, 2016.
108 Condon, Stephanie, “White House Appoints New ISIS Czar,” CBS
News, November 30, 2015.
109 Vogel, “George Soros Donates $8 Million to Boost Hillary,” Politico,
January 31, 2016.
110 “Soros, George: Donor Detail.” OpenSecrets.
111 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 53.
112 Ibid., page 54.
113 Ibid., pages 54–55.
114 Soros, George, “The Terrorists and Demagogues Want Us to Be Scared.
We Mustn’t Give In,” The Guardian, December 28, 2015.
115 Massoglia, Anna, and Karl Evers-Hillstrom, “‘Dark Money’ topped $1
Billion in 2020, Largely Boosting Democrats,” OpenSecrets, March 17,
116 Schwartz, Brian, “George Soros Rips Trump and Xi, Says ‘Fate of the
World’ is at Stake in 2020,” CNBC, January 23, 2020.
117 Caruso, Justin, “George Soros Complains: ‘Everything That Could Go
Wrong, Has Gone Wrong,’” The Daily Caller, June 9, 2018.
118 “Democracy PAC PAC Profile,” OpenSecrets.
119 Schoffstall, Joe, “Soros Triples Election Spending, Pouring $70 Million
Into 2020 Efforts,” The Washington Free Beacon, October 15, 2020.
120 Kokai, Mitch, “Soros Plans to Double 2016 Election Spending,” The
Locker Room, July 7, 2020.
121 Wilson, Megan R., “Lobbying Spending in 2019 Reached Second
Highest Point of Decade,” Bloomberg Government, January 24, 2020.
122 Schoffstall, “Soros Pours Record $50 Million into 2020 Election,” The
Washington Free Beacon, July 27, 2020.
123 Ibid.
124 “The Biden Plan to Guarantee Government Works for the People,”
Biden Harris Democrats,
125 “Remarks of President Barack Obama—State of the Union Address as
Delivered,” The White House Archives, January 13, 2016.
126 Schoffstall, “Soros, Wallace Help Bankroll Dark Money Fund Aimed at
Midwestern Voters,” The Washington Free Beacon, May 31, 2019.
127 Williams, Tate, “The Progressive Funders Looking to Build Power
Across Divides in the American Heartland,” InsidePhilanthropy, April 18,
128 Schouten, Fredreka, “Democratic Group Launches $6 Million
Campaign Attacking Trump on Coronavirus Response,” CNN, March 23,
129 Schoffstall, “Soros Bankrolls Coronavirus Attack Ads Against Trump,”
The Washington Free Beacon, March 24, 2020.
130 Walter, Scott, “Soros Groups’ Vote-by-Mail Drive Aims to Expand
Government Control,” The Daily Signal, July 10, 2020.
131 Lai, Jonathan, “Joe Biden Won 3 of Every 4 Mail Ballots in
Pennsylvania. Trump Won 2 of Every 3 Votes Cast in Person. What Does
That Mean for the Future,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 20,
132 Charns, David, “‘I’m Not Going to Have This Taken Away from Me,’
Blind Woman from Nevada Told She Already Voted.” 8NewsNow Las
Vegas, November 2, 2020,
133 Slodysko, Brian, “Progressive Donor Group Announces $59M Vote-by-
Mail Campaign,” Associated Press, June 18, 2020.
134 Root, Danielle, “States Should Embrace Vote by Mail and Early Voting
to Protect Higher-Risk Populations from Coronavirus,” Center for
American Progress, May 14, 2020.
135 Klein, Aaron, “Soros-Funded Group: Vote-by-Mail ‘Must Become the
Default Option,’” Breitbart, May 16, 2020.
136 Somberg, Iris, “Soros-Backed Voting Study Promoted by Soros-Funded
Media,” mrcNewsBusters, October 6, 2011.
137 Ibid.
138 Ibid.
139 Vadum, Matthew, “Soros Lawyer Rosa Brooks Working in the
Pentagon,” Capital Research Center, May 12, 2009.
140 Email from Rosa Brooks to John Podesta, May 13, 2015, 12:47 p.m.,
141 Brooks, Rosa, “3 Ways to Get Rid of President Trump before 2020,”
Foreign Policy, January 30, 2017.
142 Brooks, “And Then the Breitbart Lynch Mob Came for Me,”
ForeignPolicy, February 6, 2017.
143 Kassam, Raheem, and Natalie Winters, “Soros, Gates-Linked Election
‘Integrity’ Group Falsifies ‘Bipartisan’ Claims while War-Gaming How
Biden Could Seize Power Even if Trump Wins,” The National Pulse,
August 3, 2020.
144 Shabad, Rebecca, “Hillary Clinton Says Biden Should Not Concede the
Election ‘Under Any Circumstances,’” NBC News, August 26, 2020.
145 Winters, “Soros-Linked Impeachment Witness Fiona Hill Echoes Calls
for ‘Electoral Commission,’” The National Pulse, September 22, 2020.
146 Coates, Dan, “What’s at Stake in This Election? The American
Democratic Experiment,” The New York Times, September 17, 2020.
147 Hill, Fiona, “The Biggest Risk to This Election is Not Russia. It’s Us,”
The New York Times, October 7, 2020.
148 Penn, Ben, “Soros Official Gaspard Makes Bid for Biden Labor
Secretary,” Bloomberg Law, December 7, 2020.
149 Campanile, Carl, “De Blasio Pal, Soros ‘Society’ Prez Patrick Gaspard
in Running for Labor Lead,” The New York Post, December 10, 2020.
150 Kavate, Michael, “Major ‘Transformation’ Underway at OSF-
Temporary Limits on Spending, Freeze on New Initiatives,” Inside
Philanthropy, January 19, 2021.
151 “George Soros’s People to Help Joe Biden’s Transfer to Power,” V4
Agency, November 15, 2020.
152 “Orbán Cabinet: We Supported Trump, Whereas Biden Has Been
Supported by George Soros,” Daily News Hungary, November 4, 2020.
153 “With Donald Trump Out, EU Nationalists Are Down a US Ally,” DW,
November 10, 2020.
154 De Lea, Brittany, “Biden Transition Received Donations from George
Soros, Hollywood Celebrities,” Fox News, February 23, 2021.
155 Schoffstall, “George Soros Looms Large over Biden Transition,” The
Washington Free Beacon, November 11, 2020.
156 “Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action),”
157 Oshin, Olafimihan, “Soros Group Pledges $20M to Rally Progressives
Around Biden’s Infrastructure Plan,” The Hill, April 5, 2021.
158 Ibid.
159 “Thunder on the Left: AOC Wants $10 Trillion over 10 Years for
Infrastructure Plan,” Axios, April 1, 2021.
160 “Open Society Foundations Pledge $20 Million to Support Green
Infrastructure, Inclusive Economic Opportunity, and Democracy
Reforms,” Open Society Foundations, April 7, 2021.
161 Simonson, Joseph, “Soros-Backed Group Plans ‘Third Reconstruction’
Push,” The Washington Free Beacon, June 9, 2021.
162 “Open Society Foundations Announce $220 Million for Building
Power in Black Communities,” Open Society Foundations, July 13, 2020.
163 Simonson, Joseph, “Soros-Backed Group Plans ‘Third Reconstruction’
164 Blinken, Antony J., “Public Designation of Albanian Sali Berisha Due
to Involvement in Significant Corruption.” U.S. Department of State, May
19, 2021.
165 “Is George Soros ‘Great Friend of Albanians’ or ‘Great Danger’—
Look at what Berisha has said in years?” TiranaEcho, February 24, 2017.
166 “Rep. Zeldin Questions Sec. Blinken on Sudden Sanctioning of Former
Albanian President,” July 7, 2021.
167 “Delina Fico sqaron lidhjen me ministrin Çuçi: S’e kam kompleks, kam
që në 1994 në Shoqërinë Civile.” NewsBomb, November 24, 2016.
168 “Building Open Societies: 2002 Report,” Soros Foundations Network,
169 “After a Long Wait, the United States Has a President-Elect,”
Hungarian Spectrum, November 7, 2020.
170 “George Soros Named Second-Most Influential Person in Ukraine,”
ReMix, December 20, 2019.
171 Caputo, Michael R., The Ukraine Hoax: How Decades of Corruption in
the Former Soviet Republic Led to Trump’s Phony Impeachment,
Bombardier Books, 2020, page 41.
172 Lutsevych, Orysia, “How to Finish a Revolution: Civil Society and
Democracy in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine,” Chatham House, January
173 “The Open Society Foundations in Ukraine,” The Open Society
Foundation, January 28, 2020.
174 Ibid.
175 “About Us,” International Renaissance Foundation.
176 Caputo, The Ukraine Hoax, page 38.
177 “George Soros Named Second-Most Influential Person in Ukraine.”
178 Rybak, Vitalii, “Divide and Conquer: The 5 Most Popular Anti-Western
Narratives in Ukraine So Far in 2020,” Ukraine World, June 23, 2020.
179 “Putin’s Best Buddy in Ukraine Ramps Up Anti-Soros Smear
Campaign.” EuroMaidan Press, March 6, 2020.
180 Benardo, Leonard, and Laura Silber, “Ukraine’s Dream Is Not Dead—
Yet,” The Globe and Mail, October 6, 2005.
181 Caputo, The Ukraine Hoax, pages 92–93.
182 Ibid, page 38.
183 “Understanding Ukraine’s Euromaidan Protests,” The Open Society
Foundation, May 2019.
184 Booth, William, “Ukraine’s Parliament Votes to Oust President; Former
Prime Minister Is Freed from Prison,” Washington Post, February 22, 2014.
185 “Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukraine,” The White House
Archives, February 22, 2014.
186 “Ukrainian President Gives High State Award to Soros,” Radio Free
Europe, November 13, 2015.
187 “Petro Poroshenko had a Meeting with George Soros,” Consulate
General of Ukraine in Chicago, January 13, 2015.
188 “US Billionaire George Soros Ready to Invest $1 Billion in Ukrainian
Economy,” Tass, March 30, 2015.
189 Lévy, Bernard-Henri, and George Soros, “Save the New Ukraine,” New
York Times, January 25, 2015.
190 Soros, George, “Keep the Spirit of the Maidan Alive,” Open Society
Foundations, April 7, 2014.
191 Lévy, Bernard-Henri, and George Soros, “Save the New Ukraine.”
192 Soros, George, “How the EU Can Save Ukraine,” The Guardian, May
29, 2014.
193 Soros, George, “A New Policy to Rescue Ukraine,” The New York
Review, February 5, 2015.
194 Smagliy, Kateryna, “Thank You, George!” Atlantic Council, December
14, 2015.
195 Caputo, The Ukraine Hoax, page 44.
196 Musayeva-Borovyk, Sevhil, “George Soros: ‘New Ukraine’ It Is an
Idea That Is Real,” International Renaissance Foundation, November 14,
197 Soros, George, “The Tragedy of the European Union,”, March 11, 2014.
198 “Declaring Anti-Corruption Action Stories,” AntAC, March 31, 2018.
199 Bongino, Dan, Follow the Money: The Shocking Deep State
Connections of the Anti-Trump Cabal, Post Hill Press, 2020, pages 13–14.
200 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 14.
201 Solomon, John, “US Embassy Pressed Ukraine to Drop Probe of
George Soros Group During 2016 Election,” The Hill, March 26, 2019.
202 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 138
203 AntAC Twitter account, December 25, 2015,
204 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 14.
205 Ibid., page 15.
206 Ibid.
207 Ibid.
208 “Treasury Sanctions Russia-Linked Election Interference Actors,” U.S.
Department of the Treasury, September 10, 2020.
209 Fordham, Evie, “Ukrainian Lawmaker Who Leaked Biden Audio
Sanctioned over Alleged Election Interference,” Fox News, September 10,
210 Ibid.
211 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 16.
212 Ibid.
213 Solomon, “US Embassy Pressed Ukraine.”
214 Ibid.
215 Ibid.
216 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 21.
217 Solomon, “US Embassy Pressed Ukraine.”
218 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 17.
219 Ibid., page 19.
220 Singman, Brooke, “Burisma-Linked Firm ‘Pitched’ Ukrainian
Prosecutor ‘Access’ to 2016 Clinton Camp, Obama Officials’ Emails
Show,” Fox News, June 4, 2021.
221 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 11.
222 Ibid.
223 Ibid.
224 Bongino, Denise McAllister, and Matt Palumbo, Spygate: The
Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, Post Hill Press, 2018, page 72.
225 Ibid., page 83.
226 Dunleavy, Jerry, “Feinstein’s Former Staffer Helped Funnel Millions to
Steele and Fusion GPS after 2016,” Washington Examiner, May 11, 2021.
227 Ibid.
228 Bongino, McAllister, and Palumbo, Spygate, pages 77–90.
229 Dunleavy, “Feinstein’s Former Staffer.”
230 Ross, Chuck, “EXCLUSIVE: Cabal of Wealthy Donors Financing $50
Million Trump-Russia Investigation.” Daily Caller, April 27, 2018.
231 Ross, “Back Channel to Christopher Steele Goes on the Record about
Senate Testimony,” Daily Caller, March 13, 2018.
232 Dunleavy, “Senate Report Details Christopher Steele’s Relationship
with Putin-linked Russian Oligarch,” Washington Examiner, August 27,
233 Ibid.
234 Vogel, “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire,” Politico,
January 11, 2017.
235 Ibid.
236 Ibid.
237 Hromadske International, “‘Thanks To Russian DNC Hack, Now We
Know How Dangerous Paul Manafort Really Is’ – Andrea Chalupa,”
YouTube, December 6, 2017.
238 Kramer, Andrew, Mike McIntire, and Barry Meier, “Secret Ledger in
Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief,” The New York
Times, August 14, 2016.
239 Bongino, McAllister, and Palumbo, Spygate, pages 19–20.
240 Bongino, Follow the Money, page 6.
241 Vogel, “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire.”
242 Ibid.
243 Ibid., page 7.
244 Belford, Aubrey, “Meet the Florida Duo Helping Giuliani Investigate
for Trump in Ukraine,” OCCRP, July 22, 2019.
245 Ozimek, Tom, “Whistleblower’s Complaint against Trump Cites
George Soros-Funded NGO,” The Epoch Times, September 27, 2019.
246 Belford, Aubrey, “Meet the Florida Duo Helping Giuliani Investigate
for Trump in Ukraine.”
247 Ozimek, Tom, “Whistleblower’s Complaint against Trump Cites
George Soros-Funded NGO.”
248 Derysh, Igor, “Fiona Hill Lays Waste to the George Soros Conspiracy
Theory at the Heart of Trump’s Ukraine Defense,” Salon, November 22,
249 Ibid.
250 Farrington, Dana, “Former Ukraine Ambassador Yovanitch’s
Testimony to Congress,” NPR, November 4, 2019.
251 Solomon, “State Dept. Officials Told They Broke Law by Monitoring
Americans During Ukraine Scandal,” Just the News, October 6, 2020.
252 Ibid.
253 Ibid.
254 Solomon, “US Embassy Pressed Ukraine.”
255 Hemingway, Mollie, “Vindman, Not Whistleblower, Was Driving Force
behind Impeachment,” The Federalist, September 8, 2020.
256 Ibid.
257 “What We Do: Higher Education,” Open Society Foundations.
258 Ibid.
259 Ibid.
260 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University,”
Center for Strategic Philanthropy and Civil Society, April 9, 2007.
261 Soros, George, Soros on Soros: Ahead of the Curve, page 134.
262 “Central European University (CEU),” Influence Watch.
263 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University.”
264 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 96.
265 Ibid., 101.
266 Tereza Pospíšilová, “Transnational Philanthropy and Nationalism: The
Early Years of Central European University.” Monde(s) 2, no. 6., 2014,
pages 139–140.
267 Ibid.
268 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University.”
269 Ibid.
270 Pospíšilová, “Transnational Philanthropy and Nationalism.”
271 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University.”
272 “Faculty and Staff,” Central European University.
273 “Students,” Central European University.
274 “What is a Good Student-to-Faculty Ratio for U.S. Colleges?” Best
Value Schools, August 11, 2020.
275 “Schools and Departments,” Central European University.
276 “Colleges with the Smallest Student-Faculty Ratios,” Collegexpress.
277 “George Soros and the Founding of Central European University.”
278 Soros, In Defense of Open Society, page 96.
279 “Robert Soros Elected to CEU Board of Trustees,” Central European
University, October 30, 2012,
280 “Central European University, Annual Report 2015,” Central European
University, 2016.
281 “CEU Business School Marks 25th Anniversary with Book Launch
with Soros, Harvard’s Nohria,” Central European University, June 23,
282 Foer, Franklin, “Viktor Orbán’s War on Intellect,” The Atlantic, June
283 Walker, Shaun, “‘A Useful Punching Bag’: Why Hungary’s Viktor
Orbán Has Turned on George Soros,” The Guardian, June 22, 2017.
284 “Ruling Fidesz Party Wants Soros-Funded NGOs ‘Swept Out’ of
Hungary,” Reuters, January 11, 2017.
285 Patricolo, Claudia, “Hungary’s Anti-Soros Campaign Cost 100 Million
Euros,” Emerging Europe, January 26, 2018.
286 Foer, “Viktor Orbán’s War on Intellect.”
287 Ibid.
288 “CEU Forced Out of Budapest: To Launch U.S. Degree Programs in
Vienna in September 2019,” Central European University, December 3,
289 “The Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
(the S&D Group) Supports CEU,” Central European University, April 26,
290 “CEU Forced Out of Budapest.”
291 Foer, “Viktor Orbán’s War on Intellect.”
292 “‘It was a Great Battle’—Michael Ignatieff, President and Rector of
Central European University, on the Lost Fight Against Viktor Orban, His
New Home in Austria, and the Miracle of the Viennese Tram,” Central
European University, April 13, 2021.
293 “Special Report: George Soros: Godfather of the Left,” Media
Research Center.
294 Ibid.
295 “Soros-Funded Group to Provide ‘Mandatory Implicit Bias Training’
for City Workers in L.A.” Judicial Watch, January 26, 2021.
296 Hartsoe, Steve, “Duke Joins Global Effort to Boost Economics
Education,” Duke Today, January 24, 2011.
297 “History and Hungary: George Soros and His University Philanthropy,”
University Philanthropy, October 6, 2020.
298 Merritt, Grace, “Largest Human Rights Gift to UConn to Provide
Scholarships, Build Endowment,” UConn Foundation, January 2016.
299 “Open Society Foundations Invest $100 Million in Bard College:
Strengthening the Global Network,” Bard College, July 1, 2020.
300 Adams, Susan, “George Soros Is Giving $500 Million to Bard
College,” Forbes, April 1, 2021.
301 Milgrom, Melissa, “The Renaissance Woman at the Helm of Bard’s
Graduate Center,” Metropolis, January 7, 2014.
302 “Trustee Leader Scholar,” Bard CCE.
303 “Catalogue,” Bard CCE.
304 Ibid.
305 Kaminsky, Gabe, “George Soros-Backed Bard College Offers Class
Called ‘Abolishing Prisons and The Police,’” The Federalist, July 1, 2021.
306 Ibid.
307 Ibid.
308 Soros, George, “Opinion: George Soros Explains How Democracy Can
Overcome Authoritarian Nationalism.” MarketWatch, January 24, 2020.
309 “Bard International Network,” Bard CCE.
310 “History and Hungary.”
311 “Funding by George Soros and the Foundation to Promote Open
Society,” University Philanthropy.
312 “History and Hungary.”
313 Ibid.
314 Ibid.
315 “George Soros Launches Global Network to Transform Higher
Education,” Open Society Foundations, January 23, 2020.
316 Soros, George, The Alchemy of Finance, page 372.
317 Christian, “The Open Society University Network (OSUN),” AALEP,
January 25, 2020.
318 “History and Hungary.”
319 Kaufman, Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire, pages
320 Ibid.
321 Gainor, Dan, “Soros-Funded Lefty Media Reach More Than 300
Million Every Month,” mrcNewsBusters, May 25, 2011,
322 Vincent, John, “George Soros’s Portfolio—Q1 2021 Update,”
SeekingAlpha, May 24, 2021.
323 “Liberty Broadband Corporation (LBRDA) Valuation Measures &
Financial Statistics,” Yahoo Finance, July 20, 2021.
324 “Investor FAQS,” Liberty Broadband Corporation,
325 Spangler, Todd, “Vice Media Gets $250 Million in Debt Funding from
George Soros, Other Investors,” Yahoo Finance, May 4, 2019.
326 Gainor, Dan, “George Soros: Media Mogul,” Media Research Center,
August 15, 2011.
327 Ibid.
328 “Journalism,” Open Society Foundations.
329 Ibid.
330 “Open Society Program on Independent Journalism,” Open Society
331 Gainor, “Why Is Soros Spending over $48 Million Funding Media
Organizations?” Fox News, May 18, 2011.
332 Ibid.
333 “ONO Members Around the World,” Organization of News
334 Gainor, “George Soros.”
335 “Over 30 Major News Organizations Linked to George Soros,” Media
Research Center.
336 “Leadership,” ProPublica.
337 Engelberg, Stephen, “A Free Press Works for All of Us,” ProPublica,
August 16, 2018.
338 Howley, Patrick, “IHack News,” Washington Free Beacon, April 18,
339 Gainor, and Iris Somberg, “Top Journalists That Serve on Soros-
Funded Boards of Directors or Advisers,” Media Research Center, August
15, 2011.
340 Ibid.
341 Tamkin, Emily, “Five Myths About George Soros,” The Washington
Post, August 25, 2020.
342 Ibid.
343 “Open Society Institute Awards $5 Million to Support Sundance
Institute and Documentary Films,” Open Society Foundations, July 14,
344 Shepard, Alicia C., “Worthy Cause, Controversial Funding Source,”
NPR, May 24, 2011.
345 Meares, Joel, “A Soros Problem at NPR,” Columbia Journalism
Review, May 25, 2011.
346 Lenzner, Robert, “Soros Warns U.S. Could Be on Verge of Dictatorial
Democracy, Slams Fox, Glenn Beck,” Forbes, December 8, 2010.
347 Smith, Ben, “Media Matters’ War Against Fox,” Politico, March 26,
348 Chumley, Cheryl K., “George Soros-Affiliated Media Matters Calls Off
Fox News Attack: ‘We Won,’” The Washington Times, December 16,
349 Gainor, “George Soros.”
350 Vlessing, Etan, “George Soros May Sue Fox News North Player,” The
Hollywood Reporter, September 17, 2010.
351 “Who We Are,” Institute for Nonprofit News.
352 “Member Directory,” Institute for Nonprofit News.
353 Benson, Dan, “Hidden Agenda?” Badger Institute, October 22, 2018.
354 “Department of Justice Report Regarding the Criminal Investigation
into the Shooting Death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri Police
Officer Darren Wilson,” Department of Justice, 2015.
355 Riddell, Kelly, “Video: George Soros Funds Ferguson Protests, Hopes
to Spur Civil Action,” Make the Road New York, January 14, 2015.
356 Ibid.
357 Ibid.
358 Ibid.
359 Ibid.
360 Herndon, Astead W., “George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million
into Racial Equality Push,” The New York Times, July 13, 2020.
361 Epstein, Nadine, “The Vilification of George Soros in Israel,” Moment
Magazine, 2019.
362 Grassegger, Hannes, “The Plot Against George Soros,” BuzzFeed
News, January 20, 2019.
363 Dale, Frank, “Trump Promotes Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory on
Twitter,” Think Progress, October 5, 2018.
364 Chumley, “Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford and the Links to
George Soros,” The Washington Times, September 18, 2018.
365 Dwyer, Colin, “U.S. Agency Investigates ‘Taxpayer-Funded Anti-
Semitism’ Against George Soros,” NPR, October 30, 2018.
366 Schor, Lana, “Soros Attacks in Impeachment Saga Spark Anti-
Semitism Debate,” Associated Press, December 11, 2019.
367 Gajowski, Cheryl, “Vilifying George Soros,” The New York Times,
November 6, 2018,
368 “Patrick Gaspard on George Soros and Anti-Semitic Tropes,” WETA,
369 Phillips, James, “How the Liberal Echo Chamber Sold the Lie of
‘Moderate’ Iranian Leaders,” The Heritage Foundation, May 27, 2016.
370 Post Editorial Board, “How Big Money Funded the ‘Echo Chamber’
That Pushed Obama’s Iran Deal,” New York Post, May 23, 2016.
371 Kredo, Adam, “White House Partner Asked Soros for $750k to Fund
Pro-Iran Deal ‘Echo Chamber,’” Washington Free Beacon, August 18,
372 Ibid.
373 Sperry, Paul, “Soros-Funded Media Echo Chamber Pushes
Impeachment,” The Federalist, March 25, 2019.
Secretary of State Project,” Ballotpedia.“ 374
Feldt, Brian, “Billionaire Funded Groups That Spurred Ferguson 375
Protests: Report,” St. Louis Business Journal, January 15, 2015.
376 “Open Society Pledges $220 Million for Building Black Power in the
U.S,” Open Society Foundations, July 13, 2020.
377 Lott, Maxim, “Billionaire George Soros Trying to Stack the Courts,
Critics Say,” Fox News, June 27, 2011.
378 “Arizona Sheriff Releasing 400 ‘Criminal Illegal Immigrants’ Every 10
Days,” Judicial Watch, February 22, 2017.
Duara, Nigel, “Elected as the Anti-Arpaio, New Phoenix Sheriff Finds 379
Himself at Center of Nation’s Immigration Debate,” Los Angeles Times,
March 10, 2017.
380 Piper, Greg, “Soros Kicked in $2M to Elect Maricopa County Sheriff
Now Stonewalling Election Audit,” Just The News, May 19, 2021.
381 Brennan, Chris, “$1.45 Million Soros Investment in Philly DA’s Race
Draws Heat for Krasner,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 6, 2017.
382 Pomper, Steve, “The George Soros War Against Tough-on-Crime, Law
and Order Prosecutors,” National Police Association, November 5, 2019.
383 Schultz, James D., “The Disastrous Consequences of DA Larry
Krasner’s “Reforms,”” Philadelphia Magazine, June 27, 2019.
384 Ibid.
Shaw, Julie, “Under DA Krasner, More Gun-Possession Cases Get 385
Court Diversionary Program,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, June 23, 2019.
386 Nolan, Pat, “Beware of George Soros’s Trojan Horse Prosecutors,” The
American Conservative, September 11, 2020.
387 Ibid.
388 Hogan, Thomas, “Larry Krasner, Philadelphia D.A., Presides over
Homicide Spike,” City Journal, May 13, 2021.
389 Mooney, Kevin, “Soros-Funded Prosecutors Said to Put ‘Social Justice’
over Law and Order,” The Daily Signal, October 18, 2020.
390 Lee, Jaclyn, “Delaware County DA Announces Criminal Justice
Reform Task Force,” WPVI-TV, June 16, 2020.
391 Grimes, Katy, “Soros Dumps Another $2.5 Million into George
Gascón’s Race for Los Angeles DA,” California Globe, September 28,
392 Whalen, Bill, “Crime and Punishment? Not so Much in California,”
Hoover Institution, January 14, 2021.
393 Smith, Perry, “Gascon Announces Sweeping Changes to County
Criminal Justice,” The Santa Clarita Valley Signal, December 9, 2020.
394 Girdusky, Ryan, “The Real Radicals Aren’t in Washington | Opinion,”
Newsweek, May 17, 2021.
395 Hendrickson, Matthew. “Chesa Boudin, Raised by Radicals Bernardine
Dohrn, Bill Ayers, about to Become San Francisco’s Top Prosecutor,”
Chicago Sun-Times, January 3, 2020.
396 Ibid.
397 Ho, Vivian, “Son of Jailed Radicals, Reviled by the Police Union. Now,
Chesa Boudin Is San Francisco’s Top Cop,” The Guardian, November 17,
398 Fuller, Clayton, “These Radical Democrat Prosecutors Are Breaking
Their Oaths to Prosecute Criminals.” Association of Mature American
Citizens, June 10, 2021.
399 Reynolds, Susan D., “Chesa Boudin by the Numbers,” Marina Times,
April 2021.
400 Ibid.
401 Meyer, Maxwell, “Checking in on Chesa Boudin,” The Stanford
Review, February 8, 2021.
402 Nolan, “Beware of George Soros’s Trojan Horse Prosecutors.”
403 Polumbo, Brad, “Here’s Why San Francisco Is Experiencing a
Shoplifting Surge That’s Putting Some Stores Out of Business,”
Foundation for Economic Education, May 25, 2021.
404 “All 5 San Francisco Target Locations Reducing Operating Hours Due
to Recent Spike in Crime,” ABC7, July 2, 2021.
405 Reynolds, “Chesa Boudin by the Numbers.”
406 DeSoto, Randy, “Billionaire Soros Backs Plagiarist in Contra Costa
DA’s Race: Candidate of ‘Integrity,’” Contra Costa Herald, May 24,
407 Borenstein, Daniel, “Borenstein: Contra Costa Replaces Perjurer with
Plagiarist as DA,” East Bay Times, September 15, 2017.
408 Ibid.
Becton, Diana et al., “Opinion | ‘Prosecutors Are Not Exempt from 409
Criticism,’” Politico, August 25, 2020.
Van Laar, Jennifer, “Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers 410
Consider Whether a Looter “Needed” Stolen Goods Before Charging,”
Redstate, August 27, 2020.
Contra Costa DA Will Not File Charges for Low-Level Drug“ 411
Possession, Shoplifting, Other Misdemeanors,” CBS San Francisco,
September 24, 2020.
Van Laar, “Exclusive: Soros DA Diana Becton’s New Policy Protects 412
Criminals Who Assault Law Enforcement Officers,” Redstate, September 2,
Pair Charged with Hate Crime for Vandalizing Martinez Black Lives“ 413
Matter Mural,” CBS Sacramento, July 8, 2020.
414 Van Laar, “Facebook Posts from Deputy DA Whose Office Charged
Couple with ‘Hate Crime’ for Painting over BLM Mural Confirm Political
Motivation,” Redstate, August 19, 2020.
415 Greene, Renss, “Super PAC Pumps $659K into Loudoun’s
Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Race; Whitbeck Approaches $1M,” Loudoun
Now, November 1, 2019.
416 Nichanian, Daniel, ““How Are You Keeping My Community Safe If
You’re Stealing My Resources?”” The Appeal, October 24, 2019.
417 Ibid.
418 “Virginia Progressive Prosecutors Call for Ending Cash Bail,
Abolishing Death Penalty, Ending Mandatory Minimums, Etc.,” Blue
Virginia, January 4, 2021.
419 Burk, Eric, “Loudoun Board of Supervisors Criticizes
Commonwealth’s Attorney for Handling of Domestic Violence Cases,”
The Virginia Star, March 30, 2021.
420 Cawood, Jeffrey, “Report: L.A. Mayor Says George Soros’s Foundation
Expressed Interest in Funding Reparations Program,” The Daily Wire,
June 19, 2021.
421 Willingham, A. J., and Madison Park, “Traffic Stop Is Just the Latest
Controversy for State Attorney Aramis Ayala,” CNN, July 13, 2017.
422 Cordeiro, Monivette, “Aramis Ayala to Drop More Resisting Arrest
Cases,” Orlando Sentinel, October 6, 2020.
423 Sheets, Tess, “Orlando Police Union Bristles at State Attorney’s Plan to
Make List of Unreliable Witnesses, Including Cops,” Chicago Tribune,
August 2019.
424 Sheets, and Jeff Weiner, “State Attorney Aramis Ayala Releases List of
Central Florida Cops with Questionable Credibility as Witnesses,”
Orlando Sentinel, July 14, 2020.
425 Cutway, Adrienne, “Gov. Rick Scott Wins Legal Battle Against State
Attorney Aramis Ayala,” ClickOrlando, August 31, 2017.
426 “Florida’s Aramis Ayala Drops Death Penalty in 3 Murder Cases as She
Departs Office,” Tampa Bay Times, January 5, 2021.
427 Powers, Scott, “Desmond Meade’s New PAC Pours $1.5 Million into
Orlando’s State Attorney Race,” Florida Politics, August 18, 2020.
428 Weiner, “Monique Worrell Hired by Aramis Ayala Before Election,”
Orlando Sentinel, October 30, 2020.
429 Cordeiro, “Monique Worrell to Push Progressive Policies as State
Attorney,” Orlando Sentinel, November 13, 2020.
430 Jones, Daralene, and Sarah Wilson, “New Orange-Osceola County
State Attorney Creating New Unit to Investigate Allegations of Police
Brutality, Misconduct,” WFTV, January 9, 2021.
431 Cordeiro, “Worrell Aims to Rethink Bail, Pleas After COVID Outbreak
at Orange Jail,” Orlando Sentinel, February 19, 2021.
432 Olmeda, Rafael, “Secret Money, Soros Money Shake up State
Attorney’s Primary,” South Florida Sun-Sentinel, August 15, 2020.
433 Nussbaum, Katie, “Rep. Jesse Petrea Says Chatham County DA
Candidate Shalena Cook Jones’ Campaign Connected to Soros PA,.”
Savannah Morning News, October 15, 2020.
434 “Shalena Cook Jones,” Landmark Communications Inc, October 2020.
435 Ibid.
436 Ibid.
437 Byers, Christine, “Judge Dismisses St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim
Gardner from Mark McCloskey Case,” KSDK, December 10, 2020.
438 Varney, James, “George Soros-Funded DAs Oversee Big Cities with
Skyrocketing Crime,” The Washington Times, August 20, 2020, accessed
July 24, 2021.
439 Trager, Lauren, “Records Show Trial Conviction Rate for Circuit
Attorney’s Office Has Fallen Nearly 20% in 2 Years,” KMOV4, February
26, 2020.
440 Ibid.
441 Ruiz, Michael, “St. Louis’ Murder Rate, Already Highest in US,
Soared Last Year; Mayor Vows to Defund the Police,” Fox News, May 23,
442 “Mother Calls for Kim Gardner’s Resignation over Handling of Son’s
Murder Case,” CBS St. Louis, July 23, 2021.
443 Dima, Jake, “St. Louis Prosecutor Who Charged McCloskeys Faces
Professional Misconduct Allegations,” Washington Examiner, May 5,
444 Hayes, Chris, “Judge Orders Release of Circuit Attorney’s
Communications During Investigation of Former Governor,” FOX 2 Now,
July 30, 2020.
445 Hayes, “Judge Calls Out Gardner’s Office for ‘Consistent Behavior’ to
‘Obfuscate the Process,’” FOX 2 Now, October 8, 2020.
446 Stecklow, Sam, “A Look at the ‘Dark Money’ behind Kim Foxx’s
States Attorney Campaign,” The Chicagoist, March 10, 2016.
447 Hinton, Rachel, “George Soros Gives $2 Million to PAC Backing Kim
Foxx,” Chicago Sun-Times, February 21, 2020.
448 Smith, Zack, and Charles Stimson, “Meet Kim Foxx, the Rogue
Prosecutor Whose Policies are Wreaking Havoc in Chicago,” Heritage
Foundation, November 3, 2020.
449 Eustachewich, Lia, “Kim Foxx, Former Jussie Smollett Prosecutor,
Drops Felony Cases at Alarming Rate: Report,” New York Post, August
10, 2020.
450 Daniels, Matt, “The Kim Foxx Effect: How Prosecutions Have
Changed in Cook County,” The Marshall Project, October 24, 2019.
451 Flannery, Mike, “Foxx Confirms FOX 32 Report That Charges Will Be
Dropped against Hundreds of Protesters,” FOX 32 Chicago, July 1, 2020.
452 Gaskins, Nikki, “Orland Park Mayor: ‘I Strongly Oppose the Defund
Police Bill,’” Patch, January 11, 2021.
453 Rios, Blanca. “What Is Impact of Mayor Lightfoot, Kim Foxx Feud
Over ‘Mutual Combat’ Argument in Austin Shooting?” ABC7 Chicago,
October 10, 2021.
454 Litten, Kevin, “George Soros Puts Another $150,000 into Caddo DA
Race,” Nola, October 21, 2015.
455 Young, Yolanda, “America’s Death Penalty Capital: Can a Black DA
Really Change the System?” The Guardian, March 13, 2016.
456 Feldman, Cassi, “The Public Safety Myth,” The Appeal, August 29,
457 Stimson, Charles, and Zack Smith, “Meet Rachael Rollins, the Rogue
Prosecutor Whose Policies Are Wreaking Havoc in Boston,” Heritage
Foundation, November 12, 2020.
458 Ibid.
459 Ibid.
460 Stimson and Smith, “‘Progressive’ Prosecutors Sabotage the Rule of
Law, Raise Crime Rates, and Ignore Victims,” Heritage Foundation,
October 29, 2020.
461 Stimson and Smith. “Meet Rachael Rollins.”
462 Corrado, Kerri, “Commissioner Fumes About Release of Violent
Criminals after Roxbury Triple Shooting,” WHDH, May 4, 2020.
463 Gates, Jimmie E., “Billionaire Money Used in Dem Races,” The
Clarion-Ledger, October 16, 2015.
464 Bland, Scott, “George Soros’s Quiet Overhaul of the U.S. Justice
System,” Politico, August 30, 2016.
465 Gates, “Billionaire Money Used in Dem Races.”
466 Vicory, Justin, “Why Robert Shuler Smith Was Acquitted,” The
Clarion-Ledger, August 13, 2017.
467 Vicory, “Hinds DA’s Third Criminal Trial: No Conviction,” The
Clarion-Ledger, September 12, 2018.
468 Boetel, Ryan, “Republican Candidate Drops Out of Race for DA,”
Albuquerque Journal.
469 Pete Dinelli, “Two Very Bad News Stories and Acts of Pettiness by DA
Raul Torrez,”, February 22, 2019.
470 Nolan, “Beware of George Soros’s Trojan Horse Prosecutors.”
471 Ibid.
472 Ibid.
473 Cathell, Mia, “New DA in Portland Admits He Is ‘Old Buddies’ with
an Antifa Militant,” The Post Millennial, August 15, 2020.
474 “Billionaire Soros Makes $500K Ad Buy for Democratic DA
Candidiate Ogg,” Houston Chronicle, October 14, 2016.
475 Edwards, Schaefer, “Harris County District Attorney’s Office Drops
Nearly 800 Charges against Non-Violent Protesters,” Houston Press, June
10, 2020.
476 Homer, Michelle, “Update: Charge Dropped Against Harris Co. Doctor
Who Had Been Accused of Stealing Vial of COVID Vaccine,” KHOU,
January 21, 2021.
477 Rogers, Brian, “Charges Dropped against Doctor Accused of Child
Molestation,” San Antonio Local News, April 28, 2017.
478 Arrajj, Shawn. “Harris County Officials Take Aim at Rise in Violent
Crime,” Community Impact, April 20, 2021.
479 Clifton, Jo, “Is Money Going to Decide Travis County Races?” Austin
Monitor, July 10, 2020.
480 Day, Meagan, “Austin’s Likely Next District Attorney Vows to End the
Drug War,” Jacobin, July 25, 2020.
481 Barajas, Michael, “José Garza Redefines ‘Progressive Prosecutor,’”
The Texas Observer, November 2, 2020.
482 Hall, Katie, “New Travis County DA Plans to Move More Defendants
Out of Jail, into Diversion Programs,” Austin American-Statesman,
January 29, 2021.
483 Preston, Bryan, “SHOCK: Radical Travis County DA Garza Drops
Indictment against Cop, Claims ‘New Evidence,’” PJ Media, July 19,
484 Christiansen, Matt, “Army Sergeant Indicted for Murder in Austin AK
Self-Defense Case | DA Gets Choosy with the Evidence,” YouTube video,
July 7, 2021.
485 Coronado, Acacia, “Texas Soldier Who Shot Protester Indicted on
Murder Charge,” Military, July 2, 2021.
486 Preston, “SHOCK: Radical Travis County.”
487 Shaw, Adam, “Left-Wing Billionaire George Soros Scores Wins in
Virginia Elections, as Opponents Say Race Was ‘Bought,’” Fox News,
June 14, 2019.
488 Ibid.
489 Jouvenal, Justin, “Virginia Prosecutor Formally Ends Cash Bail,
Joining Growing Movement,” Guam Daily Post, December 23, 2020.
490 Smith and Stimson, “Meet Steve Descano, the Rogue Prosecutor
Whose Policies Are Wreaking Havoc in Fairfax County, Virginia,”
Heritage Foundation, December 14, 2020.
491 “On the Issues,” Parisa For Justice.
492 Greenwald, David, “Virginia Prosecutor Threatened with Power
Stripped for Advocating Reform,” Davis Vanguard, August 15, 2020.
493 DeVoe, Jo, “Rejected Plea Deal Part of Tug-of-War Between Arlington
Courts, Prosecutor,” ARLnow, November 5, 2020.
494 Schoffstall, “Soros-Backed Prosecutor Candidates Sweep Virginia
Races,” Washington Free Beacon, November 6, 2019.
495 Oliver, Ned, “11 Commonwealth’s Attorneys Form Group to Back
Criminal Justice Reform,” Virginia Mercury, July 21, 2020.
496 “Joint Statement on Supporting Clean Slate Initiatives April 2021: Fair
& Just Prosecution,” Yellow Scene Magazine, April 26, 2021.
497 “Legislative and Office Priorities,” Ramin Fatehi for Norfolk
Commonwealth’s Attorney.
498 Nichanian, “Norfolk Elects Prosecutor Who Says Crime Is a ‘Symptom
of Structural Racism,’” The Appeal, June 10, 2021.
499 Ibid.
500 Wiley, Maya, Twitter account, June 7, 2021.
501 Marsh, Julia, Campanile, and Nolan Hicks, “Maya Wiley Rails against
Billionaires—Despite Big-Bucks Backing by George Soros,” New York
Post, June 14, 2021.
502 Ruiz, “NYC ‘Defund the Police’ Mayor Candidate Helped Suppress
Reform Recommendation as Head of Review Board: Report,” Fox News,
June 12, 2021.
503 Marsh, Craig McCarthy, and Bruce Golding, “Maya Wiley Wants to
Defund the NYPD—While Her Home Is Protected by Private Security
Patrol,” New York Post, June 7, 2021.
504 Schoffstall, “Soros Gets Behind Abolishing the Police,” Washington
Free Beacon, January 6, 2021.
505 Ibid.
506 Ibid.
507 Vazquez, Joseph, “Financing Hate: George Soros Dumps $1 Million
into Anti-Police Group Color of Change PAC,” mrcNewsBusters, June 21,
508 Miller, Andrew Mark. “Soros Hands $1 Million to Group Attempting
to Defund Police as Violent Crime Skyrockets Nationwide,” Fox News,
July 25, 2021.
509 Creitz, Charles, “AG Barr: Soros-Funded Dem Prosecutor Candidates
Will Lead to Increased Crime, Fewer Police Officers,” Fox News,
December 21, 2019.
510 McEvoy, Jemima, “Historic Police Exodus in Cities Most Impacted by
Racial Justice Unrest, New Data Shows,” Forbes, April 29, 2021.
511 Tabarrok, Alex, “Underpoliced and Overprisoned, Revisited,” Marginal
Revolution, June 11, 2020.
512 Palumbo,“Poll: Only 2 in 10 Support ‘Defund the Police,’” Bongino,
July 21, 2020.
513 Slisco, Aila, “A Year after George Floyd’s Death, Minneapolis Mayor
Wants to Re-Fund Police,” Newsweek, May 25, 2021.
514 Pearce, Tim, “Refund the Police? Major Cities Are Backtracking on
Police Cuts After Explosion of Violent Crime,” Daily Wire, May 25, 2021.
515 Dyer, Chris, “Albania’s President Claims Billionaire George Soros Is
behind a ‘Conspiracy’ to Seize Control of His Country by Interfering in
Local Elections,” The Daily Mail, July 2, 2019.
516 Wood, Todd L., “George Soros’s Misguided Agenda Spells Misery for
Albania Reform,” The Washington Times, August 23, 2018.
517 “’He Told Me What You Are Doing,’ Prime Minister Rama Tells How
He Got to Know George Soros and the Relationship He Has with Him,”
Sot, December 25, 2020.
518 Kokalari, Evi, “How George Soros Stole Our Election: A Cautionary
Tale from an Albanian Patriot,” Revolver, November 30, 2020.
519 Cheresheva, Mariya, “Bulgarian Activists, Journalists, Named ‘Foreign
Mercenaries,’” BalkanInsight, March 14, 2017.
520 Yancey-Bragg, N’Dea Akei, “Bulgaria Bans Book That Attacks
Government Critics,” OCCRP, March 16, 2017.
521 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, pages 136–137.
522 Wood, “George Soros’s Snake Oil Bad Medicine for Struggling
Ukraine,” Washington Times, May 24, 2018.
523 Soros, George, “Underwriting Democracy,” page 7.
524 “Gruaja e ministrit Çuçi, 300 mijë USD për azerin që koordinon punën
e OSBE në zgjedhjet shqiptare,” Arberia News, April 22, 2021.
525 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 151.
526 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 144.
527 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, pages 145 and 147
528 Timothy, Nick et al., “George Soros, the Man Who ‘Broke the Bank of
England,’ Backing Secret Plot to Thwart Brexit,” Telegraph, February 8,
529 Soros, George, “How to Save Europe,” European Council on Foreign
Relations, May 29, 2018.
530 Soros, George, “George Soros: ‘Europe Will Pay You for the Unfair
Burden Suffered by Refugees,’” Corriere, June 2, 2018.
531 Friedman, Victoria, “Italian Populist: We’re Going in the ‘Right
Direction’ if Soros is Worried,” Brietbart, June 4, 2018.
532 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 152.
533 “Europe Becomes Soros’s Playground—Part VII,” V4 Agency, May 29,
534 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 153.
535 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, pages 142–143 and 145.
536 Hayward, John, “Matthew Tyrmand: George Soros Made Billions from
Brexit, But True Calling Is to ‘Engineer the Open Society, Borderless
Utopia,’” Breitbart, June 29, 2016.
537 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 149.
538 “Leaked Document Reveals Soros’ Potential Allies at the European
Parliament,” European Post, August 18, 2016.
539 Puppinck, Grégor, and Delphine Loiseau, “NGOs and the Judges of the
ECHR 2009-2019,” European Centre for Law & Justice, February 2020.
540 Ibid.
541 “Open Society Foundations Call on European Court of Human Rights
to Defend Hungarian Democracy,” Open Society Foundations, September
24, 2018.
542 “Open Society Welcomes Court of Justice of EU Ruling on Hungary
Anti-NGO Law,” Open Society Foundations, June 18, 2020.
543 Puppinck and Loiseau, “NGOs and the Judges of the ECHR 2009-
544 “Soros Densely Entrenched in European Court of Human Rights,” V4
Agency, July 28, 2020.
545 Puppinck, “Soros’s Hold on the European Court of Human Rights: the
ECHR Persists and Signs,” ECLJ, May 2020.
546 Ibid.
547 Ibid.
548 Ibid.
549 Puppinck, “A ‘Soros-Judge’ Abandons a Polish Patient to His Death,”
ECHR, January 2021.
550 “RS Dies of Starvation, Condemned to Death by a Soros Judge,” Daily
Compass, January 19, 2021.
551 Puppinck, “The Council of Europe Concedes the Veracity of the Report
on Ngos and the Judges of the Echr & Rejects the New “Soros-Judge”
Candidate,” ECLJ, April 2021.
552 Ibid.
553 “Asia Pacific,” Open Society Foundations.
554 “V4NA Map Exposes Soros Dependents’ Chicanery in Asia—Part II,”
V4 Agency, May 18, 2020.
555 Ibid.
556 “Georgians Overthrow a Dictator (Rose Revolution), 2003,” Global
Nonviolent Action Database.
557 “Soros Network Expands Unscrupulously in Southeast Asia—Part IV,”
V4 Agency, May 21, 2020.
558 Hargreaves, Robert, “Here’s How George Soros Broke the Bank of
Thailand.” Business Insider, September 6, 2016.
559 Paul Blustein, “The Chastening: Inside the Crisis that Rocked the
Global Financial System,” PublicAffairs, 2003, page 62.
560 Laplamwanit, Narisa, “A Good Look at the Thai Financial Crisis in
1997–98,” Columbia University, Fall 1999.
561 Gargan, Edward A., “Premier of Malaysia Spars with Currency
Dealer,” New York Times, September 22, 1997.
562 Ip, Greg, and Darren McDermott, “Soros Says Funds Didn’t Cause
Malaysia’s Currency Crisis,” The Wall Street Journal, September 5, 1997.
563 Neate, Rupert, “George Soros Makes $1.2bn Betting Against Yen,” The
Guardian, February 15, 2013.
564 “Africa,” Open Society Foundations.
565 “Soros Network Gains Ground in Africa—Part V,” V4 Agency, May 23,
566 “Soros Feeds Pro-Migration Organizations—Part III,” V4 Agency, May
19, 2020.
567 “Soros Network Gains Ground in Africa—Part V.”
568 “SANEF Responds to Journalist Piet Rampedi’s Allegations,” SABC
News, July 21, 2019.
569 “George Soros ‘Plotted to Oust Equatorial Guinea’s Leader,’” BBC,
June 27, 2017.
570 “George Soros’s Network Ensnares South America,” V4 Agency, May
25, 2020.
571 Ibid.
572 Ibid.
573 Ibid.
574 Ibid.
575 Barnes, Luke, “Brazil’s New President Has Already Started Targeting
NGOs,” ThinkProgress, Jan 3, 2019.
576 Horowitz and Poe, The Shadow Party, page 83.
577 Porter, Anna, Buying a Better World: George Soros and Billionaire
Philanthropy, TAP Books, 2015, page 33.
578 Soros, George. Soros on Soros, page 242.
579 Soros, George, “On Israel, America and AIPAC,” The New York
Review of Books, April 12, 2007.
580 Joffe, Alexander H., and Gerald Steinberg, “Bad Investment: The
Philanthropy of George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” NGO
Monitor, May 1, 2013.
581 Ibid.
582 Ibid.
583 “Soros Fund Drops Shares in Israel’s SodaStream,” BDS Movement,
August 3, 2014.
584 Ibid.
585 Ibid.
586 Ibid.
587 Ibid.
588 Palumbo, “These Three Charts Prove That Walls Work,” Bongino,
January 11, 2019.
589 Epstein, Nadine, “The Vilification of George Soros in Israel,” Moment
Magazine, Winter 2019.
590 Hattem, Julian, “Thousands of Soros Docs Released by Alleged
Russian-backed Hackers,” The Hill, August 15, 2016.
591 Hasson, Peter. “Open Society Foundations Claims Secret Payments to
Foreign Gov Officials Were to ‘Boost Democratic Practice.’” Daily Caller,
August 26, 2016.
592 Hasson, “Leaked Soros Document calls for Regulating Internet to
Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters,” Daily Caller, August 29, 2016.
593 “Open Society Justice Initiative,” Open Society Foundations.
594 Hasson, “Leaked Soros Document calls for Regulating Internet to
Favor ‘Open Society’ Supporters.”
595 Ibid.
596 Soros, George, “Opinion: George Soros: Here’s My Plan to Solve the
Asylum Chaos,” Market Watch, September 29, 2015.
597 Hasson, “Leaked Docs Show How Soros Spends Big to Keep Populists
Out of Power in Europe,” Daily Caller. April 5, 2017.
598 Open Society Initiative for Europe, “List of European Elections 2014
Projects,” Scribd, 2014.
599 Ibid.
600 Ibid.
601 Ibid.
602 Ibid.
603 Open Society Initiative for Europe, “Portfolio Review Document:
OSIFE in The Netherlands,” Scribd, March 14, 2014.
604 Ibid.
605 Fredericks, Bob, “Hackers Reveal Soros Funds Research on Critics of
Islam,” New York Post, August 17, 2016.

606 Ross, Chuck, “Memo: Soros Group Funded ‘Opposition Research’ On

Critics of Radical Islam,” Daily Caller, August 14, 2016.
607 Ibid.
608 Ibid.
609 Solomon, “George Soros’s 2016 Access to State Exposes ‘Big Money’
Hypocrisy of Democrats,” The Hill, August 7, 2019.
610 U.S. Department of State, “Soros Nuland Russia Bond Market,” Scribd,
November 7, 2018.
611 Ibid.
612 Ibid.
613 Klein, Aaron, “Emails: Open Society Kept Alleged ‘Whistleblower’
Eric Ciaramella Updated on George Soros’s Persona Ukraine Activities,”
Breitbart, November 17, 2019.
614 U.S. Department of State, “Soros Nuland Ukraine Visa Memos June
2016,” Scribd, June 10, 2016.
615 Klein, “Emails: Open Society Kept Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric
Ciaramella Updated on George Soros’s Persona Ukraine Activities.”
616 Ibid.
617 Ibid.
618 Ibid.
619 Solomon, “George Soros’s 2016 Access to State Exposes ‘Big Money’
Hypocrisy of Democrats.”
620 Hasson, “Leaked Board Documents: Soros Organization Tried to
Influence Supreme Court Ruling on Illegal Immigration,” Daily Caller,
August 17, 2016.
621 Takala, Rudy, “Hacked: Soros Worked to Prevent Documentation of
Illegals,” Washington Examiner, August 23, 2016.
622 Ibid.
623 Hasson, “Leaked Board Documents: Soros Organization Tried to
Influence Supreme Court Ruling On Illegal Immigration.”
624 Ibid.
625 Ibid.
626 Hasson, “Soros Organization Secretly Paid Salaries for Staffers of
Moldovan Prime Minister,” Daily Caller, August 24, 2016.
627 Ibid.
628 Hasson, “Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal,’ Gives
‘New Opportunities’ for Global Influence,” Daily Caller, August 15, 2016.
629 Crowley, Anna, and Kate Rosin, “Migration Governance and
Enforcement Portfolio Review,” US Archive, May 12, 2016.
630 Hasson, “Leaked Soros Memo: Refugee Crisis ‘New Normal.’”
631 Crowley and Rosin, “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio
632 Ibid.
633 Ibid.
634 Ibid.
635 Lifhits, Jenna, “Soros Empire Concealed Ties to WH-Linked Liberal
Jewish Lobby, Hacked Documents Show,” Washington Examiner, August
18, 2016.
636 Lake, Eli, “A Soros Plan, a Marginalized Israel,” Bloomberg, August
16, 2016.
637 JTA, “Hacked Soros E-mails Reveal Plans to Fight Israel’s ‘Racist’
Policies,” The Jerusalem Post, August 15, 2016.
638 Pfeiffer, Alex, “Leaked Document Shows Soros Spent $650k To
Influence Pope Francis on ‘Economic and Racial Justice Issues,’” Daily
Caller, August 24, 2016.
639 Ibid.
640 Ibid.
641 Ibid.
642 Ibid.
643 Long, Erica, “Pope Francis, Faith, and Presidential Politics,” Harvard,
September 30, 2014.
644 Roe, Josh, “‘Pro-life’ Democrat House Candidate Christopher Hale on
the Attack vs. Opponent DesJarlais,” News Channel 9, September 29, 2020.
645 Jones, Kevin J., “What the George Soros Network Saw in a ‘Catholic
Spring’ Group,” Catholic News Agency, October 20, 2016.
646 “‘Make Soros Happy’ Inside Clinton Team’s Mission to Please
Billionaire VIP,” Fox News, October 27, 2016.
647 BBC, “EU Urges Albania to Defuse Political Crisis,” BBC, January 27,
648 U.S. Department of State, “Hillary Clinton Email Archive,” WikiLeaks,
October 30, 2015.
649 Podesta, John, “Re: Scalia Replacement,” WikiLeaks, February 13,
650 “Actuarial Life Table,” Social Security Administration.
651 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, page 82
652 Tucker, Higgins. “George Soros Just Gave Almost 80 Percent of His
Wealth to Charity.” CNBC, October 17, 2017.
653 Soros, George, In Defense of Open Society, pages 108–109.
654 Ibid., page 83.
655 Ibid., page 88.
656 Ibid., page 84.
657 Ibid., page 86.
658 “George Soros’s Open Society Foundations to Pull Out of Turkey.” The
Guardian, November 26, 2018.
659 Ablan, Jennifer. “Russia Bans George Soros Foundation as State
Security ‘Threat.’” Reuters, November 30, 2015.
660 “Russia Bans US NGO Bard College.” American Military News, June
24, 2021.
661 Harper, Jo. “Soros’s Polish Media Acquisition Gets Old Dogs
Whistling.” Forbes, February 22, 2019.
662 “Poland Honors Conservative Philosopher Fired by UK Government
Over Soros Rant.” The Times of Israel, June 6, 2019.
663 “Two NGOs Banned Over Sh36m From Billionaire Soros.” Business
Daily Africa, November 6, 2017.
665 “Days Before George Soros Launched Attack Against India, His NGO
Open Society Foundations Filed Plea in Delhi Hc Against Modi
Government.” OpIndia, January 30, 2020.
666 Baker, Luke. “Israel Backs Hungary, Says Financier Soros is a Threat.”
Reuters, July 10, 2017.
667 “Macedonia Goes After Soros-Funded Civil Society,” Monitor:
Tracking Civic Space, January 31, 2017.
668 Martin, Michel and Emma Bowman. “George Soros: Open Societies
Are Under Threat.” Delmarva Public Media, October 26, 2019.

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