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Batch Management

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Introduce the basic functionality of batch management in S/4HANA Public Cloud.

Batch Master
Batch Definition
Batch Management Indicator:
To activate batch management for certain material/product, the batch management indicator should be ticked on.

The batch management indicator can be set in the material/product master via the following apps:

Manage Product Master Data

In ‘Plants’ tab of certain product:

The ‘General Information’ tab of certain ‘Plant’ view

Create/Change/Display Material

In ‘Purchasing’ view

In ‘Plant data/stor.1’ view

In ‘Work scheduling’ view

Batch Process:
Apps for Maintaining Batch Master Data:
App for checking batch change document:

Batch Master Record: This synchronous inbound API enables you to read, create and change batches.

Communication Scenario: Batch Management OData Integration (SAP_COM_0337)

Scope Items: Batch Management (BLF)

Technical name: API_BATCH_SRV

Batch Level
Batch unique at material level

Batch Number Assignment

Creating Batch:
 In batch master record maintenance (Batch Management)
 In goods movement (Inventory Management)
 In purchase orders (Purchasing)
 In production/process orders (Production)
 In results recording (Quality Management)

Batch numbering without gaps is impossible (for explanation see note 619913, item 6)

The following configuration can determine if a batch will be created automatically during goods movement or for certain

Custom Logic:
 during Batch Creation:
Extensibility for Batch Number Creation
 checking Batch Number:
Extensibility for Batch Number Check

Batch Classification
According to batch level, batch class type is determined, for material batch level, the class type is 023.

One batch class per material (note 115581).

Batch classification can be maintained in batch master transactions, and in several applications (goods movements, orders,
process messages).

Characteristic Types in Batch Classification:

 User-defined characteristics: Characteristics that do not reference table fields.
 Object Characteristics: Characteristics that refer to table fields.
 Standard characteristics: These are Batch Management characteristics that are delivered in the SAP standard
system. They are reference characteristics from batch master data. All standard characteristics can be found in F4
help by specifying LOBM_*. You are normally not allowed to make changes to standard characteristics in the
characteristic master record.
1427890 – FAQ: Standard characteristics
Custom Logic:
Extensibility for Characteristic Value Modification for Batch

Batch Archive
Archiving Object MM_SPSTOCK

Pay attention on the indicator:

‘Only consider batch stock records; batch master record will not be deleted.’

Batch Status Management

 Batch status management is activated.
 Batch status can be changed in batch master transaction and via usage decision.
 To prevent restricted batches from being selected within batch determination:
o insert characteristic LOBM_ZUSTD in batch class and selection class.

Batch Determination
Batch Search Strategy Customizing
Four Scenarios:
 Inventory Management
 Production order
 Process order
 Sales and distribution

Four scenarios have similar steps to define the batch search strategy.

Five Steps in Configuration:

 Define Condition tables: Condition tables are combinations of fields that form the key of the batch search strategy.
 Define Access Sequences: The order in which the system accesses condition tables during batch determination.
 Define Strategy Types: The default values used when a strategy record is created.
 Define Search Procedure: The order in which you assign the strategy types is the order in which the system
searches for strategy records.
 Search Procedure allocation and check activation: Allocate the search procedures to the application-specific
parameters. Batch determination becomes active as soon as you make the allocation.

Selection Class
Define in apps CL01/CL02/CL03

With the help of these selection classes, you define according to which criteria, that is, using which characteristics, batches
are to be selected.

 All characteristics (this applies to standard characteristics as well as to user-defined characteristics) you want to use
for selection must also be contained in the batch class. Characteristics LOBM_RLZ and LOBM_LFDAT are an
exception; they can be used for selection but not for classification.
 33396 – Batch determ.: Selection w. remaining life LOBM_RLZ
 2312940 – Characteristic value of LOBM_RLZ can’t be explained during batch determination
Sort Rule
Define in apps CU70/CU71/CU72

With the help of sort rules, you define according to which criteria, that is using which characteristics batches are to be

 All characteristics (this applies to standard characteristics as well as to user-defined characteristics) you want to use
for selection must also be contained in the batch class. Characteristics LOBM_MENGE and LOBM_LGORT are
an exception; they can be used for selection but NOT for classification.
 1979691 – How to set up FIFO in batch determination

Batch Search Strategy Setup-SD

Application: VCH1/VCH2/VCH3

Batch Determination Setup Scenario in S/4HANA Cloud

Batch Search Strategy Setup-PP

Application: COB1/COB2/COB3

Set Up Batch Determination in Manufacturing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Batch Search Strategy Setup-MM

Application: MBC1/MBC2/MBC3

Set Up Batch Determination in Inventory Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Batch Information Cockpit

Application BMBC functions as single point of entry for batch information and comprises several applications: MSC2N,
MSC3N, MB56, MMBE, CO09, CL30N

SAP Note 619912 – FAQ: Batch Information Cockpit
Selection Result
Selection Results: Batches
Here, the focus is on the selected batches. The batches are displayed in accordance with the batch definition level.

Selection Results: Stock

Here, the focus is on the stock situation of the selected batches.

Following stock types are read:

 Free stock, special stock indicator = blank

 Special stocks from vendor, special stock indicator = K
 Sales order stock, special stock indicator = E
 Special stocks with customer, special stock indicator = V and W
 Special stocks with vendor, special stock indicator = O
 Project stock, special stock indicator Q

Number of batches 50 but only 20 displayed.

System read all batches of material A, for example 70. User Parameter said maximum 50 batches, so system take the first 50
and send message ‘more than 50 batches found.’

Next steps take 50 batches and check if they fit the selection criteria, so for example only 30 batches are displayed
customer. In the selection result of the Batch Information Cockpit, you can display in all 50 characteristics, but it is limited
to 20 for character types, 20 for numeric types and 10 for date and time types.

1701988 – Transaction BMBC – Not all characteristics are displayed in the selection result screen

Batch Derivation
Basic Information
Batch Derivation is based on batch where-used list.

Batch Derivation is triggered by certain events.

No batch derivation for stock transfers.

Derivation Mode:
 Pull Derivation (1 Receiver, n Sender)

The derivation is triggered from a transaction that affects the product. Here, data from various senders can be collected,
cumulated, and calculated. Within a derivation according to the pull principle, there can only be one receiver, but there can
be several senders (example usage: pick and pack for pharmaceutical products).

 Push Derivation (n Receiver, 1 Sender)

Within a derivation according to the push principle, there can only be one sender and several receivers. This derivation is
started from a transaction that affects the component batch. Here, data from a sender batch can be derived onto several
receiver batches (Example usage: Filling bulk batches in the Chemicals industry).

Configuration step for Derivation events

 Determine at which time a derivation should happen and which rule should be used.
 Static or dynamic derivation
o Static Derivation: For a static derivation, the attributes determined for the sender batch(es) are transferred
to the receiver batch(es).
o Static derivation is recommended if a batch is newly created or changed and the values in the receiver
batch(es) should be filled with the attributes from the sender batch(es).
o Dynamic derivation: For a dynamic derivation, no attributes are transferred to the receiver batch(es), in
other words, the derivation is simulated, and the values are merely displayed. The derivation is saved, but
the receiver batch(es) are not automatically changed.
o Dynamic derivation is used when the receiver batch must/should not be changed, and the sender values
should be used as the basis for a user decision.

Set Up Condition Technique for Derivation (Need to be set for sender and receiver both.)
 Define Condition tables
 Define Access Sequences
 Define Strategy Types
 Define Search Procedures

Derivation is activated by default.

Batch Derivation Rule

Sender Rule (app DVS1)
Which characteristic values should be used to send?

Pull or Push-Derivation

Receiver Rule (app DVR1)

How many levels of WUL should be read?

What happen if more than 1 value available which rule should be used to find the value


Set Up Batch Derivation in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud

Monitor Derivations
Application DVMO
 Check and display derivations
 When you perform derivation, the following are logged:
o Derivation type
o Derivation event
o Derivation status
o Result of the derivation, as well as the sender batches and the data sent
o Messages that arose during a derivation (for example, error messages when a derivation fails, due to a
sender field being non-valuated)

Application DVMAN
Manually derivation for example for testing or reproducing

Shelf-Life Management
Material Master
View “Plant data/stor. 1”, the “Min.Rem Shelf Life” should be maintained.

Configuration Step:

How to Introduce a Shelf-Life Expiration Date

Functionality for all materials not only batches!

 Expiration date is checked when goods come into the system. (goods receipts, reversals of goods issues, transfer
 System prompts to enter an expiration date.
 When total shelf life is maintained in material master, system prompts for production date.
 When production/expiration date already exists (only for batches possible), these values are entered as default.
 Customizable system messages, overwriting allowed etc. in configuration step:

 Expiration date stored in batch master.

 Production date stored in batch master.
 Notes:

616028 – FAQ: Minimum shelf-life processing

Batch Specific UoM
Production Unit of Measure
162925 – Documentation for product quantity

362932 – Conversion with proportion/product units

Postings are done in base unit.

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