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A Novel UWB Flexible Antenna With Dual Notch Bands For Wearable Biomedical Devices

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Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450


A novel UWB flexible antenna with dual notch bands for wearable
biomedical devices
Miraç Dilruba Geyikoglu1

Received: 21 June 2022 / Revised: 4 January 2023 / Accepted: 18 January 2023 / Published online: 2 February 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023

This study presents a novel UWB flexible antenna with dual band-notched design for wearable biomedical devices. The
proposed antenna is designed on Kapton Polyimide-based flexible substrate. This includes a CPW fed circular and triangle
structure. The dual notched bands are realized by using two triangular-shaped spiral slots defected ground structures. The
first notched band (2.4–3.7 GHz) is generated for rejecting WLAN and WiMAX, the second notch (5.15–5.725 GHz) is
generated for rejecting HyperLAN/2. The designed UWB antenna has approximately a bandwith of 159% (2.05–14 GHz)
in simulation. Thus, the designed UWB antenna meets FCC standards. The antenna has an omnidirectional radiation pat-
tern with a maximum gain of 12.7 dB in 8.4 GHz. The proposed antenna is fabricated with the low-cost airbrush printed
technique. In this technique, a higher gain value is obtained by controlling the thickness of the conductive layer. Effect of
flexibility on the antenna performance is tested for different configurations in the simulation and anechoic chamber environ-
ments. According to the results obtained, the overall performance is not affected except for the shift in frequency. Since the
antenna has a UWB structure, the frequency shift that occurs in bending is at a tolerable level. The proposed UWB antenna
is suitable for wearable biomedical devices, with a high UWB performance.

Keywords Airbrush printing · Dual notch · Flexible antenna · UWB · Wearable biomedical devices

1 Introduction applications, wearable applications [1, 2] and body-mounted

applications has increased [3–5]. Various antennas are used
Nowadays, the health sector is based on "the right treatment for wireless communication in clinical treatment and remote
for the right person at the right time." It is expressed as a monitoring devices. Antennas typically need to be flexible,
personalized service according to the biological, social, and highly efficient to facilitate all on-body wireless systems. It
cultural characteristics of the individual. However, the Covid is also highly desirable to maintain a reliable connection, as
19 pandemic has shown that facilitating access to treatment deformation and body movement is likely to occur in a real-
in the health sector and increasing the quality of treatment time operation, which will degrade antenna performance.
with the introduction of remote patient follow-up systems Much attention has been directed to wearable systems, wear-
are the basic needs that are expected to be met. These needs able antennas and antenna miniaturization techniques in the
will increase both the demand for wireless devices with the literature [6–9].
developing technology and the demand for wearable bio- The need for wide bandwidth, high data rates, low cost of
medical devices for health monitoring systems in the health implementation, miniature dimensions offer the opportunity
sector. for UWB (the range from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz [10]) to be widely
Wearable biomedical devices are popularly used, espe- used for future wireless technology. But, UWB communica-
cially in body-centered systems. For this purpose, the need tion systems have serious electromagnetic interference prob-
for flexible antennas that can be applied in biomedical lems due to the fact that there are many narrowband wireless
communication systems operating in the same frequency
* Miraç Dilruba Geyikoglu spectrum such as WLAN, Wi-MAX, HyperLAN/2 bands
[email protected] etc. These interferences can be overcome by adding band-
stop filters to the UWB antennas. However, its increases both
Department of Electrical and Electronics, Atatürk the complexity of the UWB system and the cost. Therefore,
University, Erzurum, Turkey

440 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450

these interference effects can be reduced with an antenna unit cell. This creates an additional design challenge. But,
band-notch characteristic. Many trends in the design of this study has used the DGS structure, in which the notch
UWB antennas have been reported in recent years [11–13]. band frequency ranges can be changed independently of each
However, designing flexible antennas for wearable appli- other. According to the general antenna performances, it is
cations requires constant innovation [14]. Different planar seen that it exhibits high performance 150% bandwidth and
monopole antenna structures are widely used in the design a maximum efficiency of 82.3%, and a maximum gain of
of UWB antennas because they show fixed omnidirectional 5.4 dB in notch and resonance frequencies.
patterns on the UWB frequency band. Designing a flexible This article has presented the design and realisation of a
antenna will require thin substrates; as a result, the antenna flexible UWB antenna with dual-band rejection capabilities
will tend to degrade in the radiation pattern. It is an element for wearable biomedical devices. The dual notched bands are
to be considered in the design. The comparison of current realized by using two triangular-shaped spiral slots defected
studies in the literature is given in Table 1. ground structures (DGS). The designed antenna has a sim-
According to the given literature studies, flexible antenna ple structure with few geometric parameters. The antenna
designs with single or multiple notch bands are available. is tested for different bending scenarios. According to the
However, the bending tests were not examined. Therefore, results, the overall performance has not been affected except
the formed antenna performance due to antenna deforma- for the drift in frequency. Due to its excellent features such
tion is unknown. When we look at the notch band creation as high gain, bandwidth, omnidirectional radiation pattern
techniques of the studies, the other studies have used inter- and interference rejection ability, the proposed UWB flexible
dependent structures such as switching or mostly SRR or antenna is suitable for wearable biomedical devices.

Table 1  The flexible UWB antenna literature comparison

Ref BW (%) Efficiency (with- The Peak Gain of Number Notch band crea- The efficiency of The Peak Gain Bending test
out notch band) center frequency of Notch tion technique center frequency of center fre-
(%) (without notch band (notch band) (%) quency (Notch
band) (dBi) band) (dBi)

[15] 126 – – Dual Zener Diode – – No

[16] 166 58 2.1 Triple SRRs and DGS 22 − 3.1 Yes
65 2.75 25 − 2.8
68 2.9 30 − 1.8
[17] 126 – 3.2 Dual Switch – −6 No
[18] 112 – 3.2 Dual SRR – − 7.8 No
2.8 − 4.7
[19] 109 – 3 Single DGS – −5 Yes
[20] 100 – 1.1 Triple SRR – − 3.1 Yes
2.5 − 1.2
[21] 117 – – Dual Stepped imped- – – No
ance resonator
[22] 136 – 3 Single SRR – − 0.5 No
[23] 120 – 2.1 Triple EBG-Unit Cell – − 4.1 No
− 2.8
2.3 − 6.8
[25] 117 – 3.8 Single SRR – − 0.7 Yes
[27] 33.4 – 4.5 Single SRR – − 11 No
[28] 149 – 2.5 Quad EBG-Unit cell – −5 No
2.2 − 2.3
2.6 − 1.7
2.5 − 0.7
This work 150 82.3 4.28 Dual 71.7 −5 Yes
69.8 5.4 59 − 6.2

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450 441

2 Antenna design (
[ (
) ])1∕2
R = Rb 1 + ln + 1.7726 (2)
𝜋𝜀r Rb 2h
For wireless network systems to adapt to the developing tech-
nology, there has been a need to improve antenna designs[24]. where fr is the center frequency, 𝜀r is substrate permeability,
The planar monopole antenna structure is widely used in UWB h is substrate thickness, b is variable index and R is average
systems because it shows advantageous antenna performance effective radius.
characteristics such as easy configuration, wide bandwidth, The gap between the feed and the ground surface can
high efficiency. It is the antenna structure that is frequently create a coupling effect. Coupling is sometimes undesir-
preferred in wearable applications. The monopole antenna able because the energy that should be radiated away is
was designed using a circular patch and DGS triangular form absorbed by a nearby patch. In order to eliminate this effect,
fed by CPW. The proposed antenna uses a flexible Kapton the design was directed using a parameter sweep. A square-
(𝜀r = 3.5, h = 0.125mm, tan𝛿 = 0.002) substrate with ­mm3 shaped DGS resonator slot is added to the ground plane of
dimensions as shown in Fig. 1. The proposed architecture has the CPW antenna for the notch band-reject (Fig. 1(b)/(c)).
been successfully tested and developed with a wide bandwidth The operation resonance frequencies of the DGS resonators
of 150% of the UWB frequency. To achieve better imped- depend on their physical dimensions [30]. A decrease in the
ance matching in the design, triangular ground structures are total length of the DGS resonator will decrease the induct-
designed. The detailed dimensions of the proposed antenna are ance while an increase in the width of the DGS resonator
shown in Table 2. The radius of the initial circular structure is decreases its capacitance. According to this operating logic,
estimated using Eqs. (1) and (2) [29]. the DGS resonator acts like the parallel capacitance induct-
ance circuit. The dimensions of the DGS slot are calculated
1.8412 × c
fr = √ (1) through both the notched band ( fnotch ) frequency equation
4𝜋R 𝜀r Eq. (3) and LC equivalent circuit equation Eqs. (4, 5) [30].

Fig. 1  The antenna design schematic a the whole antenna structure, b the DGS resonator on the ground on the left, c the DGS resonator on the
ground on the right

Table 2  The geometric parameters

Parameters L L1 L2 Lg Lf W Wg Wf cf R/2

Dimensions (mm) 62 9.25 18.5 3.5 7.2 60 28.9 0.8 0.7 23.8
Parameters S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10

Dimensions (mm) 0.3 8 8.1 7.5 7.5 6.9 6.9 6.3 6.3 5.7

442 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450

fnotch =
c 3 Simulation and measured results

4(Lt 𝜀e ) (3)
Air-brush (spray printing) printing technique is used to
where Lt is slot length in DGS, 𝜀e is effective dielectric con- randomly place inks with a wide viscosity range on the
stant and c is velocity of light. surface [10, 11]. The basic schematic of the production
𝜔c technique is given in Fig. 4(a). The proposed antenna is
C= (4) fabricated using a Magic Brushmark airbrush and silver
2Z0 (𝜔20 − 𝜔2c )
ink (Fig. 4(b)). The antenna prototypes fabricated on Kap-
ton is given in Fig. 4(c)–(d).
L= (5)
4𝜋 2 f02 C
3.1 Radiation performance analysis
where C is the capacitance, 𝜔0 is the angular resonance fre-
quency, 𝜔c is the cutoff angular frequency, Z0 is the char-
The produced antenna's performance parameters(reflection
acteristic impedance, L is the inductance. The DGS length
coefficient, radiation pattern, total efficiency, and gain)
obtained for WLAN and WiMAX notch is 78.9 mm, and
were measured in a chamber environment using the
the DGS length obtained for hyperlan/2 notch is 52.9 mm.
N9928A model network analyzer. VNA calibration was
The reflection coefficient of the simulated results of the
performed. The simulated and measured reflection coef-
design steps is shown in Fig. 2. According to the results,
ficient of the proposed UWB antenna is shown in Fig. 5.
impedance matching and operating bandwidth are effec-
The comparative analysis of the simulation and measured
tively improved with the DGS resonator. The effect of
results of the proposed flexible dual notch band UWB
slots on the notch band is better expressed by the surface
antenna is given in Table 3. The design results and the
current distribution. Figure 3 shows the surface current
measurement results are in harmony and provide an ultra-
distribution in both without notch bands and with dual
wide operating frequency band with dual-band rejection
notch bands. In the left triangular ground structure, the
characteristics. A horn antenna with high gain and effi-
square slot has a rather dense surface current, indicating
ciency value operating in a wide frequency range in the
the contribution of the larger square to reject the WLAN-
2–18 GHz range has been used in this study. The meas-
WiMAX notch band. Similarly, in the right triangular
urement environment is shown in Fig. 6. Antenna gain
ground structure, the higher surface current concentra-
was calculated using the 3-point method. The efficiency
tion on the smaller square indicates the contribution of
and gain results of the dual notched antenna are plotted in
the smaller square to reject the HyperLAN/2 notch band.
Fig. 7. There is more than 90% agreement between antenna
gain measurement and simulation results. The notch band
frequencies ranges have less than − 3 dB gain performance,
which provides it to reject the interference of other sys-
tems. The efficiency value measure and simulation results
are harmonious.
The E field and H field patterns of free space meas-
urements both without notched and with dual notched
are made in an anechoic environment. The simulation
and measurement results of the antenna's E field and
H field radiation patterns at 3–6-12 GHz are shown in
Fig. 8. It has been observed that the produced antenna
shows a dipole-shaped radiation pattern in the E field and
an omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H field for the
frequencies examined in the UWB frequency range (3, 6,
12 GHz). According to radiation analysis is understood
that the proposed antenna can be used for various wearable
biomedical devices with its high-performance features,
flexible and compact structure. The proposed antenna
may be an excellent candidate to meet UWB requirements,
and its compact configuration makes it suitable for all RF
Fig. 2  The simulation results of the reflection coefficient

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450 443

Fig. 3  The surface current distributions of the proposed notched UWB antenna: a without notch band, b with dual notched (DGS left WLAN-
WiMAX), c with dual notched (DGS right HyperLAN/2)

3.2 Bending test reasonable, not affecting the overall performance. Both the
double notch band and the UWB feature are preserved. The
The proposed UWB flexible antenna with dual notch bands radiation pattern of the proposed UWB flexible antenna with
needs to be evaluated in different configurations for poten- dual notch bands is measured for bending radius R = 20 mm
tial use in devices. The antenna's flexibility is investigated in the vertical and horizontal positions, the results are shown
experimentally by placing it on foam cylinders with dif- in Fig. 9. From the simulation and measurement bending
ferent radii of curvature. The antenna in the bent form in results, it is seen that the proposed antenna structure is suita-
different configurations is shown in Table 4. Performance ble for flexible applications for the bending radius of 10 mm
characteristics such as S
­ 11, gain, and radiation pattern was and 20 mm. In general, the vertical and horizontal bending
measured experimentally to validate the simulation results, configurations maintain wider impedance bandwidth with
considering all configurations. Simulation and measurement dual notch bands. In addition to bending, the foam cylinder
results are presented in Table 4. According to Table 4, the material (εr = 1.03 [31] may have had a minimal effect on
effects of bending on the performance characteristics are antenna performance. No significant deterioration in basic

444 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450

Fig. 4  a The basic schematic of the production technique. b Equipment used in production. c The conventional antenna prototype produced on
Kapton. d The DGS resonators antenna prototype produced on Kapton

Fig. 5  The results of the reflection coefficient. a Without notched bands, b dual notched bands

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450 445

Table 3  The proposed flexible Peak gain (dBi) Efficiency (%) − 10 dB

UWB antenna results bandwitdh

UWB (simulated) 12.72 73–94 2.05–14

UWB (measured) 12.57 71–85.2 2.05–14
UWB dual notched (simulated) 12.73 70.8–2.95 2.05–14
UWB dual notched (measured) 11.63 67.1–85.4 2.05–14

operating parameters was observed after testing the antenna

under different bending conditions. The proposed design,
structural strength, and continuity of performance character-
ize its usability in wearable biomedical devices.

3.3 Simulation analysis of the specific absorption

rate of the tissue

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation

Protection (ICNIRP), the Institute of Electrical and Elec-
tronics Engineers (IEEE), etc. have set safety guidelines for
portable devices to limit the harmful effects of Radio Fre-
quency (RF) radiation. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
is a quantity used to evaluate these safety limits in wearable
devices. These limits' top value could cause harmful effects
on biological systems. The assessments are done for S ­ AR10
g. SAR limits above any 10 g of tissue are set by interna-
tional standards [4, 14, 26 ]. According to these standards,
the average SAR should be 2 W/kg over any 10 g of tissue
­(SAR10 g). A simple three-layer skin tissue model was used
Fig. 6  The measurement environment

Fig. 7  Simulation and measurement results of a the gain, b the total efficiency

446 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450

Fig. 8  The simulation and measurement results of the antenna radiation pattern a E-field 3 GHz, b E-field 6 GHz, c E-field 12 GHz, d H-field
3 GHz, e H-field 6 GHz, f H-field 12 GHz

to observe the effect of the antenna on the tissue (Fig. 10). ground for achieving dual notched band characteristics.
According to the dielectric and thermal properties of the tis- The proposed flexible antenna is fabricated with the tech-
sues (Table 5), the SAR results obtained from the simulation nique of Air-Brush-printing after comprehensive perfor-
program are given in Table 6. mance analysis. According to measurement results, it has
150% (2.05–14 GHz) of operating bandwidth with dual
notch characteristics at 2.4 to 3.7 GHz, 5.15 to 5.725 GHz.
4 Conclusion Furthermore, the proposed antenna is tested under bend-
ing effects (flat, vertical, and horizontal) and exhibits a
A flexible dual notch band UWB antenna for wearable low susceptibility to performance degradation in terms of
biomedical devices is proposed, analyzed, and measured impedance matching and radiation pattern. The antenna's
in this study. The proposed antenna is printed on a 12.5 µm efficient performance, easy fabrication process, along with
thick Kapton substrate. The design consists of circle- its flexibility and thin profile, suggests that it would be a
shaped radiating elements and square-shaped slits on the reasonable candidate for integration within flexible and
wearable devices in wearable biomedical devices.

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450 447

Table 4  The proposed UWB flexible antenna with dual notch bands bending results
− 10 dB Bandwitdh Peak Gain (dBi) Efficiency (%)

Horizontal R = 10 mm (simulated) 2.05–14 12.72 73–91

Horizontal R = 10 mm (measured) 2.05–14 12.53 69–87

Vertical R = 10 mm (simulated) 2.05–14 11.87 74.6–91.2

Vertical R = 10 mm (measured) 2.05–14 11.65 73.2–90.4

Horizontal R = 20 mm (simulated) 2.05–14 12.63 73.5–91.4

Horizontal R = 20 mm (measured) 2.05–14 12.6 74–89

Vertical R = 20 mm (simulated) 2.05–14 11.97 67–84.2

Vertical R = 20 mm (measured) 2.05–14 11.6 66.8–83.8

448 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450





a) 3 GHz b) 6 GHz c) 12 GHz





d) 3 GHz e) 6 GHz f) 12 GHz

Fig. 9  Measurement results of antenna radiation pattern for different bending scenarios

Table 5  The skin tissue debye and thermal parameters [26]

Tissue ε∞ ∆εdn τdn (ps) σs (S/m) Cp (J/kg ° C) ρ (kg/m3) K (W/m° C) A0 (W/m3) B (W/m3° C)

Skin 14.93 23.81 12 0.851 2791 1009 0.36 1820 5940

Fat 3.11 0.925 12 0.003 2448 900 0.22 390 2455
Muscle 16 3 0.5 0.12 2274 1178 0.31 278 1940

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2023) 114:439–450 449

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