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BOI Call Centre RFP Final

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Request for Proposal For


Establishment and Management




In or around Mumbai


Disaster recovery centre elsewhere

Bank of India
Operational Excellence Department
1st floor (west wing)
Star House
C-5, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051
Page 1 of 64

Sr.No. Table of Contents Page no.

1.1 Information Provided 1
1.2 Respondent 1
1.3 Confidentiality 1
1.4 Questions & Clarifications 2
1.5 Disclaimer 2
1.6 Cost Borne by Respondents 2
1.7 No Legal Relationship 3
1.8 Respondent Obligation to Inform Itself 3
1.9 Evaluation of Offers 3
1.10 Contractual Commitment 3
1.11 Code of Conduct 3
1.12 Errors & Omissions 3
1.13 Acceptance of Terms 3
1.14 Abbreviations 3
2.0 PROJECT SCOPE-About us and Service requirements 4
2.1 Bank of India-the Public Sector Bank 4
2.2 Scope of Call Centre functions 4
2.2.1 Scope of functions and coverage 5
2.2.2 Overall Call View: Suggested Call Flow 7
2.3 Model of Bank of India Call Centre 7
2.3.1 Call Centre Infrastructure 8
2.3.2 Specific use by the Respondent only 9
2.3.3 Real Estate 9
2.3.4 People 9
2.3.5 Bank’s staff members in managerial positions 10
2.3.6 Contact Centre Timings & Holiday 10
2.3.7 Languages 10
2.3.8 Seat Capacity & Scalability 10
2.4 Service Requirements 10
2.4.1 Number of Agents 11
2.4.2 Manpower Profile 11
2.4.3 Training 12
2.4.4 Staff Retention programme 12
2.4.5 Assessment & Remedial Action 13
2.4.6 Quality Management 13
2.4.7 Industrial relations and discipline 13
2.4.8 Remuneration to employees of Respondent 13
2.4.9 Insurance Coverage 13
2.4.10 Compliance to labour laws 14
2.5 Parameters for Service Level Agreements & compliance 14
2.5.1 SLA Parameters 14
2.5.2 Penalties and Rewards 14
2.5.3 Definitions and details of SLA parameters 15 Call Answer 15 Call Abandonment Rate 15 First Call Resolution Rate 16 Average Handling Time 16 Fatal Error 17 Customer Satisfaction 17 Short recital of Service Requirements ( indicative) 18 Liquidated damages 19 Set-off 19
3 Other Requirements 19
3.1 Governance and Management 19
3.2 Management Information System -Report Re 19
3.2.1 MIS Reports 19
3.3 Project Go-Live & Scale-up 20
3.4 Period of Service 20
3.5 No outsourcing by vendor 20
3.6 Termination of relationship 20
3.7 Performance guarantee and security deposit 20
3..8 Continuity of Business 21
4.1 Eligibility 21
4.2 Submission of particulars 22
4.3 Evaluation 22
4.4 Rights reserved by the Bank 22
5.1 Evaluation criteria 22
5.2 Stage A -Evaluation of Eligibility 23
5.3 Stage B -Technical Evaluation 23
5.4 Stage C -Techno-Commercial Evaluation 24
5.4.1 Cost per FTE & Cost Per Call 24
5.4.2 Annual Escalation 26
5.4.3 Procedure for techno-commercial evaluation 27
5.4.4 Example 28
5.5 Process Time fram 28
5.6 Opening of “A-Business proposal” and “B-Technical proposal” 28
5.7 Notification 29
5.8 Disqualification 29
6.1 Only One Submission Permitted 29
6.2 Technical Proposal 29
6.2.1 Stage A – Business Proposal 29 Earnest Money Deposit 29 Application Money 30 Documents to be submitted for “A”-Business Proposal 30
6.2.2 Stage B – Technical Proposal 31
6.2.3 Stage C -Commercial Proposal 32
6.2.4 Lodgement of Response to RFP 32 Address for submission of Responses to RFP 32 Response to RFP Closing Date & Time 32
6.2.5 Registration of Response to RFPs. 33
6.2.6 Late Response to RFP Polic 33
6.2.7 Response to RFP Validity Period 33
7.1 Indemnity 33
7.2 Cancellation of contract and compensation 34
7.3 Non- disclosure 34
7.4 Audit 35
7.5 Force Majeure 36
7.6 Publicity 36
7.7 Amendments 36
7.8 Assignment 36
7.9 Severability 36
7.10 Captions and headings 36
7.11 Applicable law and jurisdictions of court 37
7.12 Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration clause 37
Pre-bid meeting 37
Response to RFP/EOI Annexure –A-1 Business Proposal 38
Particulars required for assessing eligibility Annexure A-II 39
List of Clients –Banks Annexure – III 42
Service Provider profile Annexure B-1 Technical Proposal 43
Compliance certificate–Annexure B-III Establishment of Call 60
Commercial Proposal –Annexure C-1 61
Template for Stage–A – Evaluation of Eligibility Annexure D 62
Template for “Stage – B Technical Evaluation” Annexure -E 63


At Bank of India after moving to the Core banking Solutions platform, it is imperative that it
raise the level of service delivery through futuristic channels and simultaneously educating
the customer to take an informed decision in financial matters. In this regard a small start
was made by setting up a call centre in 2006 for enhancing the level of customer service.

After extending its customer service through a small call centre, Bank now wishes to
provide services to its customers through a professionally run call centre. This call centre
should be purely on totally outsourced model to be setup at premises provided by the
vendor . The vendor should setup all required infrastructure as required for operation of an
totally outsourced model of call centre. This call centre will be operated from such
premises as mutually decided by the vendor and the bank.

This Request for Proposal document (“RFP”) has been prepared solely to enable Bank of
India (“BOI” or “Bank”) in the selection of suitable organisation for operations and
management of Bank’s Call Centre. The selected “Respondent” must be able to commit
the resources necessary and as required by the Bank.

This RFP document is not a recommendation, offer or invitation to enter into a contract,
agreement or other arrangement in respect of the Call Centre services. The provisions of
the Call Centre services are subject to appropriate documentation (Contract) being
agreed /executed between “ Bank of India “ (BOI) and the Respondent for the purpose.

1.1 Information Provided

This RFP document contains statements derived from information that is believed to be
reliable at the date obtained but does not purport to provide all of the information that may
be necessary or desirable to enable an intending Respondent to determine whether or not
to enter into a contract or arrangement with “ Bank of India” in relation to the provision of
Call Centre services. Neither Bank of India nor any of its employees, agents, contractors,
or advisers gives any representation or warranty, express or implied as to the accuracy or
completeness of any information or statement given or made in this RFP document.

1.2 Respondent

The RFP document is intended solely for the information of the party to whom it is issued
(“the Respondent”) and no other person or organisation.

1.3 Confidentiality

The RFP document is confidential and is not to be reproduced, transmitted, or made

available by the Respondent to any other party. The RFP document is provided to the
Respondent on the basis of the undertaking of confidentiality given by the Respondent to
Bank of India. Bank of India reserves the right to update or revise the RFP document or
any part of it prior to opening of responses by the Respondents. Bank shall provide the
revised RFP document, if any, to all the short-listed Respondents of RFP, through
appropriate mode of communication in writing including by way of E-mail. Bank shall also
consider providing additional time to submit the responses to RFP. The Respondent
acknowledges that any such revised or amended document is received subject to the
same terms and conditions as this original and subject to the same confidentiality
1.4 Questions & Clarifications

The Respondent will not disclose or discuss the contents of the RFP document with any
officer, employee, consultant, director, agent, or any other person associated or affiliated
in any way with Bank of India or any of its customers, suppliers, or agents without the prior
written consent of Bank of India, except to the extent provided herein below in this RFP

Respondents are required to direct all communications related to RFP, including

notification of late Response submission to the Nominated Point of Contact / person- i.e
Shri Romesh Mirakhur Assistant General manager, Operational Excellence Department
Head office, Bank of India, Star house,1st floor West wing, C-5 G- block, Bandra Kurla
Complex Bandra East Mumbai-400051. Tel No.66685616 Mobile no.9769910799, email
[email protected]

All questions relating to the RFP, technical or otherwise, must be in writing only to the
above Nominated Point of Contact.

The Bank will answer all communication initiated by Respondents as per the time frame
mentioned in Clause No. 5.5 “Process Time Frame”. However, the Bank may in its
absolute discretion seek additional information or material from any Respondent after the
Time frame for submission of Response to RFP.

Respondents should provide details of their email address(es). Responses to any query
raised through Nominated Point of Contact / person, will only be provided to the
Respondent via email.

If the Bank in its absolute discretion deems that the originator of the question will gain an
advantage by a response to a question, then the Bank reserves the right to communicate
such response to all Respondents.

Bank of India may in its absolute discretion engage in discussion or negotiation with any
Respondent (or simultaneously with more than one Respondent) after the Response
closes to improve or clarify any response.

1.5 Disclaimer
Subject to any law to the contrary, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, Bank of
India and its officers, employees, contractors, agents, and advisers disclaim all liability
from any loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) suffered by any person acting on or
refraining from acting because of any information including forecasts, statements,
estimates, or projections contained in this RFP document or conduct ancillary to it whether
or not the loss or damage arises in connection with any negligence, omission, default, lack
of care or misrepresentation on the part of Bank of India or any of its officers, employees,
contractors, agents or advisers

1.6 Cost Borne by Respondents

All costs and expenses incurred by Respondents in any way associated with the
development, preparation, and submission of responses, including but not limited to
attendance at meetings, discussions, demonstrations, etc. and providing any additional
information required by Bank of India, will be borne entirely and exclusively by the
1.7 No Legal Relationship

No binding legal relationship will exist between any of the Respondents and Bank of India
until execution of a contractual agreement.

1.8 Respondent Obligation to Inform Itself

The Respondent must conduct its own investigation and analysis regarding information
contained in the RFP document and the meaning and impact of that information.

1.9 Evaluation of Offers

Each Respondent acknowledges and accepts that Bank of India may in its absolute
discretion apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate in the selection of Respondent to
submit a response including, but not limited to, those selection criteria set out in this RFP

Bank has no obligation to make public the detailed results, of the RFP evaluations, the
reasons for selection of Respondent, reasons why a specified Respondent was not
selected, or the name of the final Respondent.

1.10 Contractual Commitment

Should the Respondent be an Award Respondent, the contents of its Response to RFP,
including any material submitted in the Response to RFP, may by mutual consent be
incorporated by reference or integrated as obligations in the formal Service contract and /
or Service Level Agreement (SLA), to be drafted by Bank of India.

1.11 Code of Conduct

It is the objective of Bank of India to obtain the best services possible by giving fair and
impartial consideration to all Respondents invited to accept RFP for submitting Response
to RFP. Every potential Respondent will be considered on fair and equal basis.

1.12 Errors & Omissions

Each Respondent should notify Bank of India of any error, omission, or discrepancy found
in this RFP document, not later to the date of closing for submission of RFP response.

1.13 Acceptance of Terms

A Respondent will, by submitting the Bid/Proposal in response to this RFP document shall
be deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions of this document.

1.14 Abbreviations
The following are the abbreviations and their expansions used in this document.
Abbreviation Expansion
RFP Request for Proposal
BoI Bank of India
Bank Bank of India
Respondent Is one who responds to this RFP document
Mktg Marketing
SLA Service Level Agreement
CBS Core Banking Solution
ATM Automated Teller Machine
Interactive Voice Response 4
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement
NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer
NAV Net Asset Value
FDs Fixed Deposits
RDs Recurring Deposits
CRM Customer Relationship Management
TPIN Telephone Personal Identification Number
DR Disaster Recovery
CTI Computer Telephony Interface
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
HR Human Resources
USB Universal Standard Bus
DND Do not Disturb
PRI Primary Rate Interface
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
FTE Full Time Equivalent
WAN Wide Area Network
BPO Business Process Outsourcing
KYC Know Your Customer
AHT Average Handled Time or Average Call Resolution
FCR First Call Resolution
TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
RBI Reserve Bank of India
IBA Indian Banks Association
ACD Automatic Call Distributor
MIS Management Information System
ATS Aggregate Technical Score
Q&A Questions and Answers
Wt1 Weight for 1
Wt2 Weight for 2
C-LowFTE Lowest cost per FTE per shift per month among the Respondents
CFTE Cost per FTE per shift per month of the Respondent
C-LowCost Per Call Lowest Cost per Call among the Respondents
CCost per Call Cost per call of the Respondent
T-High Highest Aggregate Technical Score among the Respondents
T Aggregate Technical Score of the Respondent
H-1 Highest Score among the Respondents, based on Final Score in Techno-
Commercial Evaluation
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
INR Indian Rupee
BOT Build, Operate, Transfer
2.0 PROJECT SCOPE – About us and Service Requirements-
2.1 Bank of India –the Public Sector bank

Bank of India is one of the largest public sector Banks in India with a Branch network of
over 4166 branches in India and 51 Overseas offices / branches in 20 countries. The
aggregate number of accounts is approximately 57 million. The Bank has commissioned
Finacle as its Core Banking Solution and it is presently catering to all domestic branches.
CBS-finacle has been deployed in overseas territories too in the newly opened branches
/offices. CBS rollout is still continuing abroad.

Bank has selected Internet Banking as an alternate channel of service delivery and has
network of 1800 ` ATMs besides other banks’ ATMs available in other Networkslike Cash
Tree, National Financial switch,. NPCI,BANCS, VISA & Master Cards.

2.2 Scope of Call Centre functions :

The Call Centre will receive the inbound and make outbound calls. While the Call Centre
is the extension of Bank’s existing 17 seater Call centre run by HP team and/or proposed

IVR based phone-Banking facility (pending implementation at IT dept.), it may also directly
receive calls and process them. The Call Centre will make outbound calls for recovery and
marketing and other purposes enumerated below. Besides voice calls, the scope will also
include non-voice customer care services like emails, chats, etc. The scope of functions
and coverage of Bank’s services by the Call Centre is discussed below

2.2.1 Scope of functions and coverage:

Respondents (“Bidders”) are required to submit their proposals in strict adherence with the

Operationalization of Call centre for “Bank of India on ” fully on totally outsourced basis.
This Call centre should offer services broadly in the following four categories:

a. Effective query response services

b. Basic Banking services and transactions
c. Marketing and selling functions
d. Recovery functions.
e. Service requests and complaints

--scope of Call Centre activities is broadly classified into the following sections.

The table below is the indicative list of functions to be covered in Call Centre operations.

Query Basic queries in respect of all products and services offered by the Bank
response through Bank’s current CBS solution. ATM/Net banking related
services inquiries/problems and Issue of cards, Card status, hot listing of cards
Balance inquiries of credit card/prepaid gift cards, RTGS/NEFT related
matters. ASBA, PPF, Sr. Citizens saving scheme and Pension accounts
queries D-mat accounts queries
a. All Products Queries on Account related queries
products & features
services of Deposit products Minimum Balance o/s, maturity amount,
Bank Advances products – balance, maturity date, cheques credited
Later on marketing retail and wholesale interest or debited, details of
of Bank’s products Remittance products, rates, debit or credit, income tax
and services and trade finance products, amount deducted, etc loan o/s, payments
networking with Services- RTGS, NEFT, of loan, due, interest debited, etc.
Lead management Internet banking , Gold eligibility Remittances made, usage of
System Coin, ASBA, Service criteria, etc., Internet Banking facilities, like
Charges, International Star connect, e-tax, bil e-pay
b. Products of Third party products Premiums Number of insurance products
partners sold by the Insurance – insurance payable purchased thru Bank, amount
Bank Products of National Current assured, assets covered, etc.
Insurance , Star Union NAVs of Funds invested thru Bank, their
Daichi, Mutual Funds Funds NAVs, unit held therein, etc.
BOI Credit Cards Credit card bill details
& other future products Features of
to be launched by Bank credit
from time to time cards
C. Branch location  Branch / ATM location
Basic Banking  Basic transactions – money transfer between accounts, NEFT,
services and RTGS
transactions  Opening and closing of FDs, RDs, etc.
 Payments and / or closing of loan accounts 6
 Hot-listing of debit cards & credit cards
 Outstanding balances in Credit cards ,minimum amount payable
 Status of requests for issue/replacement of different types of cards
 Due dates of payments of outstanding in cards.
Marketing Bank conducts several sales campaigns for promotion of new /
functions existing products from time to time. Bank also runs marketing
campaigns for enhancing brand equity and product awareness among
target audience. Centre will assist in reaching out the customers, by
doing the following functions.
 Out-bound calls to existing and new customers, prospective of
buying Bank’s products
 Out-bound calls for popularising sales promotional offers –
special interest rates, waiver of charges, free bees, etc,
 During the above process, Capturing of leads arising out of
dialogue with the customer, registering the same in CRM,
generating lead numbers and forwarding.
 Handling subsequent follow-up calls for leads.
Selling Bank’s proposed CRM solution allows systematic capturing of leads
functions through various sources and they will be allotted to work groups
Inbound & (Branches, Retail Lead Facilitatorss, Customer Service Officers, etc).
outbound lead These work-groups may request the Call Centre to perform the
processing following functions
 Preliminary lead validation – verification of number, name,
purpose, etc
 Fixing of appointment
 Assist in lead escalation and follow up
Soft recovery Bank proposes to use the Call Centre for recovery of its overdue
loans, both retail and wholesale:
 Soft reminder to the customer on the overdue loans
 Follow-up calls and coordination with recovery agents (if any)
Service Capturing of service requests – cheque book issue, funds transfer,
Requests statements / pass books of any accounts, Demands drafts /
remittances, etc.
 Logging the service requests in CRM, generating reference
numbers, and transmitting.
 Handling queries on earlier service requests
Complaints /  Capturing of complaints / feedback / suggestions from
Feedback / customers and noncustomers, registering in CRM, generating a
Suggestions complaint number, providing response to the customer and
forwarding the same.
 Handling queries on complaints registered
 Receiving complaints loading in CCMS/PGRS whichever
through IVR or email etc if possible resolve the complaint
passing on to HO CSD or functional department ,tracking the
complaint and closure-networking with bank’s Grievance
Redressal system.

Others Bank will also utilize the services of Call Centre for the following
adhoc purposes
 Escalations : In respect of all the above, any escalation as
required would be handled.
 Market survey : Bank may run a survey through telephone on
“Customer Satisfaction” on services by Bank. 7
 Birthday & Marriage anniversary greetings
 Data Cleansing & enrichment : Call Centre can be used to
contact the customer to ensure the correctness of customer
details and to enrich the existing information. Change of
address, mobile no. etc can be effected if the information is
passed on from a registered email , -follow up for procuring
updation sheet from branches nearest to residence/office of
customers can be undertaken.
 Welcome calls for newly opened accounts
 If information dump is provided by the Data Centre and
customers ’telephone no./mobile no. is registered with the bank
they can be alerted about Term deposit renewal/ account
status turning dormant due to inoperation, accounts going
below minimum balance and charges applicable.
 PAN submission follow up/ KYC compliance follow up etc
 Submission of Life certificates in case of pensioners etc..
 Cheque book issue enquiries with the help of tracking
mechanism available with Centralised Operations
Department/centralized back office stationed at Belapur
 Activation of credit/debit cards through IVR or getting related
information from customers based on decided pattern by bank.
CRM solution selected by the bank should provide a comprehensive dashboard of
customer details. This will enable the agent to view the 3600 view of the customer.

2.2.2 Overall Call View: Suggested Call Flow

The following call flow will work on Bank’s tele-banking services (if already in place and Call
Centre will integrate with the tele-banking module of the Bankor take calls directly

Inbound calls Customers routed by tele-banking (if in place)

By customers with TPIN / without TPIN
By non-customers
Out bound calls To customers with / without TPIN
To non-customers
Phased introduction of functions covered under scope
Bank will start off with an inbound Call Centre that provides information requests, receives service
requests and registers and answers customers’ complaints/feedbacks. The Call Centre will
gradually increase its scope to include soft collections and other Banking processes at Bank’s
discretion. The scope of Call Centre will further be expanded to all the processes and services
including telemarketing / telesales, depending upon the maturity of Call Centre and Bank’s
readiness. The gradual introduction of services may span over 2 years period. Hence, the initial
skill sets of Call Centre agents would be generic to suit simple Call Centre functions and gradually,
as advanced functions will be introduced. Specialised skill sets will be developed by the
Respondent in consultation and coordination with the Bank.

2.3 Model of Bank of India Call Centre

Bank proposes to have One Call Centres in or around Mumbai (with an appropriate
Disaster Recovery centre elsewhere to be provided by the Vendor which at a later date , if
required, at bank,s discretion be scaled up as a full fledged CC by the Vendor) in premises
provided by Vendor. Bank will launch the Call Centre in or around Mumbai in the first
phase . However, it is reiterated here that later on, Bank would like to operate from two
locations as a measure to limit operational risk and ensure continued customer service
and also one location acting as DR to the other & vice versa.
In case of such an eventuality, Bank will split volumes between these two locations, at its
discretion depending on the performance and call volumes.

The model of the Call Centre is discussed under four heads viz., Infrastructure, Real
Estate, Processes and People / Human resources. For each of these components, Bank
proposes as below

2.3.1 Call Centre Infrastructure

The infrastructure refers to the physical facilities such as furniture, hardware, software,
telecom infrastructure and arrangement for connectivity to Bank’s data sources, data
sources from service providers of Card Management / CRM portal for smooth operations..

Respondent will put in place the following infrastructural facilities in the above identified
Call Centre location.

Building/Premises, Furniture

Required floor space/ premise

Locker facility for the employees

Security systems -Access control system, CCTV with camera, provision of security
guards, smoke detectors, fire detectors and other general security alert systems,
Basic amenities e.g. water facilities / cloak room
Canteen facility (option II8Bank will provide floor space for canteen. However,
running maintenance of canteen, canteen contractors etc., would be the
responsibility of Vendor)
Training rooms with furniture, projector and screen
Power connection with power back up and UPS
Standard fire fighting systems
Workstations, cubicles, chairs, etc., constructed / provided to suit a typical Call
Managers‟ cabins and workspaces for functionaries -Management Team,
HR, trainers,
Conference / meeting rooms with facilities.
Space for Bank‟s team

Hardware, software, telecom facilities:

CTI Server, CTI Solution including ACD, Dialler, voice logger, disaster recovery
solutions, etc.
Personal computers (without USB and other copying devices), headphones
Cabling – data, power and voice Integration of Bank’s IVR with Bank‟s CRM through
a standard CTI solution for popping up customer dashboard.
Standard security system / network security solutions and firewalls,
PRI connections,
Authorized internet connections
AMCs wherever required in respect of the above infrastructure.
Respondent WILL provide 9

Transportation facilities to staff members of Call Centre

Processes for running / managing the Call Centre, such as Management, HR,
Training etc.
 Respondent will bring in any other infrastructural facilities that it feels necessary to
deliver the required level of performance. If the Respondent wants to host any
application for better management of Call centre, the same may be allowed by the
bank as per the Security policy of the Bank. However Bank will not allow remote
access to Respondent’s application hosted, on bank’s facilities.

 Bank Portal will not allow any access to any outside portal of the respondent.

 Bank will provide WAN connectivity, enabling access to Bank’s customer data and
connectivity to the Card Management provided. By the service provider of Card
Management /CRM portal. The Call Centre will work on the Bank’s IVR driven
present call centre facility (or if any telebanking service is introduced- with such
facility as well) by integrating with a standard CTI application provided by the Bank
and popup necessary customer information on the FTE’s screen. Call Centre will
use the Bank’s CRM functionalities for customer 360º views, processes for
capturing of leads, requests and complaints and the processes for telesales.

2.3.2 Specific use by the Respondent only

In case, if any infrastructure is provided by the bank-

Respondent will use the infrastructure provided by the bank and or any computer
hardware and software, telephones and / or any other equipments / facilities provided by
/for the bank only. The Respondent shall be responsible for any damage to infrastructure
caused due to his gross negligence. The Respondent will not use any of the above
mentioned irems / facilities for any other purpose except in accordance with the direction
of the Bank.

Further the Respondent or his staff will not get any claim or right to infrastructure provided
by the bank by merely utilizing the same during the given assignment.

2.3.3 Real Estate

Bank proposes to run the Call Centre from Respondent’s premises. There will be a Call
Centres operating from one location/city and a DR facility/centre in a different location/city.
The Call Centre will run with an initial seat capacity for 50 FTEs (50x3shifts=150) from the
first day of its operation. The infrastructure shall be available for scaling up of operations
up to 100 FTEs per shift.

2.3.4 People

Call centre should have their own staff members and shall not sub-contract the manpower.
Refer section 3.5

 Bank proposes to adopt a hybrid model in which the Respondent will use their staff
members for all Call Centre operations.
 The granular role clarity and rules for shifting the calls to Bank’s FTEs will be
worked out while implementing the Call Centre.
 The Respondent will employ necessary agents, team leaders, managers, etc. for
managing the Call Centre. HR management shall be the responsibility of the
Respondent. The Respondent may use their systems / software such as
performance management systems, HR systems, etc., for operating the Call
2.3.5 Bank’s staff members in Managerial positions
Bank requires the Service Provider to deploy all the manpower resources required for
running the Call Centre. However, Bank will depute its employees in managerial positions
(functional heads, floor managers, quality managers, etc) either full time or part time, who
will possess similar authority / powers to the one given to the human resources of Service
Provider. Further, Bank will also depute exclusive resources for handling financial
transactions and for escalations, wherever necessary (4 to 6 seats to be provided by

2.3.6 Call Centre Timings & Holiday

The Call Centre will operate 24 hours on all seven days in a week and therefore the Call
Centre will be available to customers on all 365 days ( 366 days in a leap year) including
national holidays, Sundays, etc.

The Agents, team leaders and managers are required to be available during this period of
time. Depending on call flow, Bank may consider extending a few seats beyond these
hours also.

Transportation for agents, etc., will be the responsibility of the Respondent.

2.3.7 Languages
The Call Centre agents will initially use two languages – Hindi and English. The Agent
allocation among languages will be decided based on call history and experience. Bank
reserves the right to seek extension of services for selected regional languages in future.

2.3.8 Seat Capacity & Scalability

Presently, Bank proposes to establish a Call Centre with 50 seats (50 FTEsx3shifts=150).
The premises will have capacity for quick scalability to higher number of seats up to100.
FTEs per shift . Keeping in view of the integration of several functions to Call Centre, it is
expected that Bank may in future expand the size and scale up further, at this location or
any other location. The Respondent should be in a position to scale up their operations, at
the request of the Bank.

2.4 Service Requirements

Scope of services required is described hereunder:

Respondent will provide adequate number of agents, team leaders, supervisors and
managers for complete operationalizing and running of Call Centre.

 Overall management of the Call Centre: The Respondent will manage the Call
Centre, under a SLA agreement as per Clause 2.5 in this document. The scope
includes overall management of Call Centre and man power management.

 The Respondent will submit various reports as per Clause 3.2, on the operations of
the Call Centre in compliance to SLA agreement as discussed in this RFP

The Call Centre will have to be made live by the Respondent within the specific time
period specified in this document.
2.4.1 Number of Agents
The Respondent shall deploy and dedicate sufficient number of Call Centre Agents, Team
leaders, managers, etc., to provide the services uninterruptedly throughout the decided
duration in a day, as per the minimum SLA Parameters, indicated in this document.

The hierarchy, i.e., Agent < Team Leader < Manager, will be decided by the Respondent,
who will ensure meeting of SLA requirements. However, the following are the indicative

 Manpower for all shifts – Respondent may decide any number of shifts of any time
duration thereby will ensure availability of manpower (agents, team leaders and
managers) throughout the time duration.

 Buffer Agents: Respondent will also have sufficient additional agents for managing
absence of agents from their seat due to leave, sick, recess, interval, training, etc.

 Agent / Team Leader Ratio – Respondent will deploy appropriate “Agent / Team
Leader Ratio” as per industry practice. However, it is indicated that Respondent
may implement 9:1 ratio, i.e there may be one team leader per group of 9
agents Similarly, Respondent will deploy sufficient numbers of team leaders,
quality control teams, training and management teams to ensure that the SLA
parameters are met.

 Team Leader / Manager Ratio – 4: 1 i.e., there should be one manager per 4 team

 Quality executive / Agent Ratio – 35: 1, i.e., there may at least be one quality
executive per 35 agents.

 Keeping the above parameters in view, the Respondent will employ / deploy
appropriate number of agents, team leaders and managers in order to ensure that
the SLA parameters are achieved.

These are only indicative requirements. The Respondent may decide an appropriate
ratio and ensure meeting of SLA criteria.

2.4.2 Manpower Profile

It is expected that the Respondent may adhere to the following indicative criteria for
recruiting /deploying their employees. Resources to be engaged / employed by
Respondent in the Call Centre cannot be construed as employee of Bank of India and
cannot claim any benefit thereof.
The following are the indicative requirements for Call Centre Agents
 Educational qualification – Graduate in any discipline
 Desirable Experience – 6 months to 1 year of BPO / Call Centre experience,
preferably of financial and banking sector.
 Age Profile: Above 18 years of age. Age profile of the Agents should be such that
the customer gains confidence in confiding / sharing the information with the Agent.
 Agents’ communication skills – multi-linguist, soft and polite voice, well behaved,
soft-spoken , un-argumentative and trust-worthy.
 Background / referral to be checked by the Respondent for all selected resources,
which will include mandatory Police Verification also.

The profile of other functionaries (team leaders, managers and supervisors) shall be as
per industry best practices. Bank will be part of recruitment panel for initial batch for
benchmarking the quality of resources. Bank reserves the right to recommend the ex-
employees of the Bank for any of the positions in the proposed Call Centre.

If the behaviour of any resource of the Respondent is not up to the satisfaction of the Bank
or any such staff misbehaviour with any customer/s of the Bank during the performance of
given assignment, the Respondent will immediately, on the advice of the Bank, remove
such resource without expressing any objection to the Bank in any manner.
2.4.3 Training
The Respondent, in consultation with the Bank, shall provide training to all the resources
on the systems and procedures laid down by the Bank, as appearing in this document, but
not limited to the provisions herein. The training will cover the following:

 Proposed Call Centre processes

 The products and services of the Bank,
 The behavioural and cultural expectations of Bank from a professional Call
Centre agent
 The Information security and their relevance and importance to the customers
 Knowledge of Banking systems, operational procedures, KYC norms, etc.

First time training shall introduce the Call Centre resources on systems, procedures and
processes in an elaborate manner. However, since the Bank will keep modifying its
products and services, introducing new products and campaigns, changing its interest
rates, etc., the Respondent will put a training system in place to ensure continuous
updation of knowledge, processes and skills.

The actual requirement of training may be assessed while implementing the Call Centre
and will be decided mutually by Bank and Respondent. Bank in coordination with
Respondent will also organise a Trainer’s Training programme to train the trainers of the
Respondent on Bank’s products and services, processes, etc.

The training infrastructure will be made available in the Respondent’s premises. At least
one training room with necessary accessories like whiteboard, projector, furniture, etc.,
must be provided. The Respondent will provide necessary faculty support for the training
on Call Centre processes. Bank will support training efforts by providing its faculty on
Banking operations and processes from time to time.

2.4.4 Staff Retention programme

The Respondent will put in place systems to ensure that the resources are not changed
frequently for internal purposes. The Respondent will ensure that the given seating
capacity is fully resourced and will ensure achievement of SLA parameters.

2.4.5 Assessment & Remedial Action

The Respondent will put in place evaluation systems to continuously evaluate
the performance of its resources.

• A “Quality Score” may be generated for all the Agents, team leaders, supervisors
and managers. The parameters for “Quality Score” will include time duration for
various functions, number of calls handled, number of leads generated, fatal error
• Bank and Respondent will jointly decide on the benchmarks for Quality Score and
the Respondent will agree to maintain only those Agents / Team Leaders who
qualify the “Quality Score” criteria as decided above.

2.4.6 Quality Management

The Respondent will deploy exclusive quality management team which will continuously
audit the systems and procedures of operations and management of the Call Centre. This
team will also suggest systems to improve the ratings against SLA parameters. The
Respondent will present information about its internal audit and quality assurance
practices in all areas of operations, including human resources in periodical review
 The Bank‟s authorised resources will inspect / audit the Call Centre facility any time
with or without notice to the Respondent.
 Bank’s authorised resources will inspect the procedures, reviews of Agents, etc.,
based on “Quality Score” discussed in this document.
 Bank will conduct any mystery calling / Barging in process, onsite & offsite, to
ensure service quality management.

2.4.7 Industrial relations and discipline

The Respondent will put in place appropriate disciplinary procedures and ensure
congenial industrial relations with its employees. Bank shall not intervene in any of the
industrial disputes between the Call Centre employees and management, nor can Bank be
drawn in any circumstances in such industrial disputes. The employees of the Respondent
will never be considered as employees (fulltime or part-time or contractual) of the Bank in
any circumstances. The employees of the Respondent will never claim any right to
employment in the Bank irrespective of their status of employment with Respondent.

2.4.8 Remuneration to employees of Respondent

Bank will have NO obligation to pay any remuneration, reimbursements or incentives to
employees or members of the Respondent. All the payments due to them shall be paid
only by the Respondent.

2.4.9 Insurance Coverage

Respondent shall procure insurance policies to include requisite insurance coverage as

applicable including but not limited to Comprehensive General liability insurance and , or
third party accident insurance to safeguard any eventuality while the employees of the
Respondent are on duty.

2.4.10 Compliance to labour laws

The Respondent shall be responsible for compliance of all laws, rules, regulations and
ordinances applicable in respect of its employees, sub-contractors and agents (including
but not limited to Minimum Wages Act, Provident Fund laws, Workmen's Compensation
Act) and shall establish and maintain all proper records including, but not limited to,
accounting records required by any law, code, practice or corporate policy applicable to it
from time to time, including records and returns as applicable under labour legislations.

2.5 Parameters for Service Level Agreements & compliance

The Respondent will ensure meeting of following SLA parameters and will enter into an
agreement with Bank on SLA parameters indicated below. SLA performance compliance
will have to be achieved by the Call centre.

2.5.1 SLA Parameters

a. Call Answer
b. Call Abandonment rate
c. First Call Resolution Rate
d. Average Handling Time
e. Fatal Error
f. Customer Satisfaction

2.5.2 Penalties and Rewards

The SLA parameters under a, b, c & d in Para 2.5.1 will be considered for penalties and
rewards. The SLA parameters under e & f in Para 2.5.1 will not be considered for
penalties and rewards and will be tracked for one year for the purpose of including them
for levying penalties and rewards.

In case the Respondent is unable to meet any of the above four service levels, (except
Customer Satisfaction and Fatal Error) then the Bank will deduct a sum equivalent to 7 %
of the monthly dues from the monthly fees due to the Respondent.

However, the Bank would allow the Respondent to earn-back the above deduction as per
the following process :

 50% of the penalties can be earned back if the Respondent meets all the service
level (except Customer Satisfaction and Fatal Error) for two consecutive months
following the month of non-compliance. For example, if the Respondent is unable
to meet any of the service levels, say, in month of January, then the Respondent
can earn back 50% of the penalties when the Respondent will meet all the service
levels consecutively in the months of February & March.

 The remaining 50% of the penalties can be further earned back if the Respondent
will meet all the service level (except Customer Satisfaction and Fatal Error) in the
next two months consecutively, that is April & May of the same year.

Bank will have discretion of terminate the contract, in case the selected vendor earns
penalty successively for three months during the entire contract period. It is further be
clarified that this right is the prerogative of the Bank only.

2.5. 3 Definitions and details of SLA parameters : Call Answer

Component Explanation of Component

Definition Answer time is the number of seconds it takes for any
representative of the Bank’s user community to
connect with (receive/reply) the Respondent’s contact
center representative.
Requirement Throughout the uptime of Call Centre except for
scheduled downtime for a scheduled maintenance or
when the Bank’s system is down for whatever reason.
Measurement Range Low = 1 minutes; High = 5 seconds
Compliance 90% of calls will be answer in <30 seconds by live
person who is front-end directed by automatic call
distribution (ACD)
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Calculation Formula Number of calls answered in <30 second/total calls =
Service Level Attained
Data Sources Bank’s ACD and CTI solution with date and time-stamp

2.5.3. 2 Call Abandonment Rate :

Component Explanation of Component

Definition The proportion of calls that hang up or are
disconnected before the respondent’s agent answers
the phone. A wrong immediate hang-up exclusion not
exceeding 5 seconds is acceptable.
Requirement Throughout the uptime of Call Centre except for
scheduled downtime for scheduled maintenance or
when the Bank’s system is down for whatever reason
Measurement Range High = <2%; Low < 25%; Critical > 25%
Compliance <10%
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Calculation Formula Number of abandoned calls (calls that have entered the
queue and “hang up”) / total calls = Service Level
Data Sources Bank’s ACD & CTI solution with date and time-stamp
16 First Call Resolution Rate

Component Explanation of Component

Definition First contact completion applies when the first person,
the customer reaches answers the question, resolves
the problem or dispatches service where appropriate.
Warm transfers and call backs should be considered
second or greater contact.
Requirement Throughout the uptime of Call Centre except for
scheduled downtime for scheduled maintenance or
when the Bank’s system is down for whatever reason
Measurement Range Low = 25%; High = 85% (resolved)
Compliance 75% (resolved)
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Calculation Formula Number of calls resolved on the first call / total calls =
Service Level Attained.
Data Sources Bank’s ACD & CTI solution with date and time-stamp
capabilities. Average Handling Time

Component Explanation of Component

Definition The proportion of calls whose total duration from
beginning of actual interaction to closure, that exceeds
an Average Handling Time, which is currently set at 5
Requirement Throughout the uptime of Call Centre except for
scheduled downtime for scheduled maintenance or
when the Bank’s system is down for whatever reason
Measurement Range High = <1%; Low > 10%
Compliance 98%
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Calculation Formula Number of calls whose AHT exceeds 5 minutes / total
calls = Service Level Attained
Data Sources Bank’s ACD & CTI solution with date and time-stamp
17 Fatal Error:

Component Explanation of Component

Definition The percentage of total contacts, wherein an error
occurs in delivering Call Centre specific services which
is totally unacceptable, primarily due to the behaviour
of the Agent, which might lead to total dissatisfaction of
caller or misleading the caller due to providing of wrong
Requirement Throughout the uptime of Call Centre except for
scheduled downtime for scheduled maintenance or
when the Bank’s system is down for whatever reason
Measurement Range Low = 0.5%; High = 0%
Compliance < 0.25%
Measurement Frequency Monthly
Calculation Formula Monthly by taking <1% of daily activities and scanning
for fatal error in each of the documented processes and
procedures. The sampling should be divided over the
various functional areas.

Number of calls where fatal error occurred / sample

size = Service Level Attained.
Data Sources Listening to voice calls from the log by the vendor’s
quality assurance team/ Bank’s team or / and system
report. Customer Satisfaction;

Component Explanation of Component

Definition Measures performance of service provided to
customer. Used to identify customer’s opinion of
service performance
Requirement Satisfied : (Parameters – Satisfied or not satisfied)
(Note : Customer satisfaction survey process will start
after 1 month from initiating the operations)
Measurement Range Low = 60%; High = 80%
Compliance 80%
Measurement Frequency Monthly for 10% of end users who contact help desk;
annually for all end users.
Calculation Formula Monthly by taking <5% of daily activities and
completing a customer satisfaction record per
documented processes and procedures. The sampling
should be divided over the various functional areas.

Monthly reporting periods = Number of responses with

a very satisfied rating/ total number of responses = %
Service Level Attained.
Data Sources The same formula is used for the annual customer
18 Short recital of Service Requirements (indicative)
The Respondent is expected to design the identified processes using the below matrix
template at the time of implementation in concurrence with Bank of India’s respective
departments. A sample is given below:
Process Agent Autho- System Manual Template Turnarou
Level rizer Process Process nd time
Account Balance √ √
Cheque Book
√ √
Cheque status
√ √
Stop cheque
√ √ √
Loss of chq book √ √
Utility bill payment √ √ √
Internet user id √ √
Mobile Banking √ √
Account statement √ √
Fund Transfer √ √ √
√ √
Details of last
√ √
Details of last
√ √
Details of √ √
outstanding loan
Inquiry about loan √ √
Request for √ √
interest certificate
Lost / replacement √ √
of card
ATM pin re-issue √ √
√ √
Hotlisting of cards √ √ √
Internet Banking
Username & √ √
password request
Login problems √ √
Account lock out
√ √ √
19 Liquidated Damages:
The Bank will consider the inability of the Respondent to deliver the manpower and other
deliverables as per scope of this RFP and proposed Agreement within the specified time
limit, as a breach of Contract and would entail the payment of Liquidated Damages on the
part of the Respondent. The liquidated damages represent an estimate of the loss or
damage that the Bank may have suffered due to delay in performance of the obligations
(relating to delivery, implementation and Training etc.) by the Respondent.

If the Respondent fails to deliver or perform the Services within the time period(s)
specified in the Contract, the Bank shall without prejudice to its other remedies under the
Contract deduct from the Call Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 0.5% of
the complete contract amount until actual delivery or performance, per week or part

Both the above penalty as well as liquidated damages are independent of each other and
are applicable separately and concurrently in addition to the termination of the contract if
found desirable by the Bank. Set-off
Without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to Bank, Bank shall be entitled to
setoff or adjust any amounts due to Bank under this clause from Respondent against
payments due and payable by Bank for the services rendered, beside the amount of
penalty and Liquidated damages. The provisions of this Clause shall survive the
termination of this Agreement.

This section covers the minimum requirements from each Respondent for management
of the relationship:

3.1 Governance and Management

The Respondent will comply with all applicable Bank’s policies, including but not limited to,
the Bank‟s Privacy Promise / Policy, Information Security Policy, Code of Conduct/Ethics,
RBI guidelines on outsourcing and the Do-Not-Call policies and the policies and
regulations issued by TRAI/IBA/RBI.

3.2 Management Information System -Report Requirement

Respondant shall install necessary software and will be available for the Respondent to
use the same for generating reports on operation of Call Centre.
3.2.1 MIS Reports
Few sample reports are as below. These are only indicative.
 Number of incoming calls handled
 Number of outgoing calls placed
 Average talk time for calls handled -measured
 Average active time per call
 Summary of the interval of time required for handling incoming calls
 Number of calls exceeding threshold (i.e. calls waiting in queue longer than given
 Average time in queue by call type
 Number of abandoned calls
The Respondent will provide any other reports revealing the functioning of the Call Centre

3.3 Project Go-Live & Scale-up

The awarded Respondent would be required to make the project LIVE within a period of
TWO months from the date of issue of work order. Any scale-up or scale down of
operations, as per the request of the Bank will have to be effected as and when required.
3.4 Period of Service
Bank proposes to enter into agreement with the Respondent for a period of five years,
subject to Bank’s right as per Clause 2.5.2 . The Respondent will be in a position to
provide the services for at least five years and will specifically agree on this term in
response to this RFP. Only those Respondents who expressly agree on this parameter will
be short-listed for further processing.

Bank may consider extending the contract after completion of five years at its discretion
and requirement. For this purpose the quotation as per Annexure C-1 indicating prices for
the 6th and 7th year of call centre services, submitted by you while responding to the RFP,
will be taken as base line pricing terms for negotiation and finalisation of pricing terms of
contract for the extended period. However, there is no binding on the bank to necessarily
extend the contract with the selected Respondent after five years.

In case, Bank decides to terminate the relationship on any count during the interim period,
Bank may do so by giving a notice for a period of 3 months to the Respondent to quit.

In case the Respondent decides to terminate the relationship with the Bank, Respondent
will give a minimum notice period of 6 months to the Bank for taking over the Call centre /
for putting in place an alternative..

3.5 No outsourcing by vendor

The selected Respondent will undertake to provide the Call Centre services required in
this RFP to the Bank and will not outsource or subcontract any or all of the services being
offered to Bank to any company or to a company fully / partly owned by the Respondent.

3.6 Termination of relationship

During the pendency of the above Five year contract, Bank reserves the right to terminate
the contractual relationship at any point in time without assigning any reason, by giving a
notice of 3 months. Further, the contractual relationship may deem to have terminated in
occasions where the Respondent’s act violates any of the existing or future guidelines and
policies of the Bank, Reserve Bank of India and other regulatory bodies or results in gross
dissatisfaction among the customers of the Bank or results in grossly damaging the Bank’s
image in the market place.

3.7 Performance guarantee and security deposit :

The selected Respondent will enter into agreement with the Bank to provide the services
mentioned in this document. Bank will require the selected Respondent to

 Provide an initial performance guarantee for a sum of Rs. 30 lakhs, to remain valid
during the entire contract period plus 3 months. In case the above sum of Rs. 30
lakhs is found to be short of 50% of average billing during the previous six months,
the selected Respondent shall enhance the amount sufficiently to meet such
shortages. The format of the performance guarantee is as required by the

Bank. The said guarantee shall be furnished by the Respondent within 15 days of
the date of receipt of letter inter-alia informing awarding of Contract or -7- days from
the date of proposed Agreement whichever is earlier. The performance guarantee
would be for the entire period of the Contract plus -3- months. If the performance
guarantee is not submitted to the Bank within the period mentioned hereinabove,
Bank reserved the right to cancel the Contract. The performance guarantee would
be returned to the Respondent after the expiry or termination of the Contract.

 Give a security deposit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs to the Bank and the same will remain with
the Bank during the entire contract period. For this deposit, Bank will undertake to
pay the interest at “card rate of Bank of India” applicable for a period of One year.
The security deposit shall be furnished by the Respondent within -15- days of the
receipt of letter inter-alia informing awarding of Contract or -7- days from the date of
proposed Agreement whichever is earlier. In case the selected bidder withdraws
his Tender before furnishing the security deposit, the earnest money deposit taken
from the Respondent, will be forfeited. The successful bidder’s earnest money
deposit will be adjusted against the security deposit requirement upon signing of
the Contract and furnishing of the performance guarantee.

Bank shall be entitled to invoke this performance guarantee in case Bank finds that the
terms of this document, including the terms of contract to be entered into with the selected
Respondent, are violated or are not complied.

3.8 Continuity of Business :

When the Respondent fails to perform as desired by the Bank, Bank shall give
notice of termination and invoke the Performance Guarantee and the Respondent shall
cease to be in contract with immediate effect thereon.


4.1 Eligibility
 Respondent must be a Public / Private Limited company registered in India under
Companies Act, 1956

 Respondent’s yearly gross revenues from Indian domestic call centre operations
should be minimum of Rs.200 crores during FYs 2009-10,2010-11,2011-12.

 The Respondent must be a profit making organization.

 The Respondent must have registered itself with Department of Telecommunication

(DoT) or any other agency authorized by DoT and the Respondent should have
operated professional Call Centre facility or centres, having a minimum combined
capacity of at least 10000 FTEs for Indian domestic call centre operations.. The
Call centres should have been operational for at least 2 years with minimum of
10000 FTEs.

• The Clientele of the respondent must include at least one reputed Public Sector
Bank with total business exceeding Rs.1,00,000 crores and providing in-bound
customer care Call Centre services on Banking operations to such client.
 Respondent must be on the date of release of RFP managing inbound phone
banking of any bank in India.
4.2 Submission of particulars

Respondents willing to participate in this tender process will satisfy themselves on

fulfilling all the above eligibility criteria. The respondents will submit the details in support
of fulfilling the above eligibility criteria as detailed in clause 6.2.1.

4.3 Evaluation
All Respondents fulfilling all the above eligibility criteria will be short-listed for
further processing as per the Clause No.5.2 in this document.

4.4 Rights reserved by the Bank

The Bank reserves the right to

 Use any other relevant criteria in addition to what is stated above.
 Seek clarifications from any Respondent regarding response information and it may
do so without notification to any other Respondents.
 Reject any or all responses received in response to this RFP
 Modify / reduce the eligibility criteria and / or select the most responsive bidder (in
case no bidder satisfied the eligibility criteria in totality)
 Waive or Change any formalities, irregularities, or inconsistencies in proposal
format delivery
 To negotiate any aspect of proposal with any Bidder and negotiate with more than
one Bidder at a time
 Share the information / clarifications provided in response to RFP by any bidder,
with any other bidder(s) / others, in any form.
 Extend the time for submission of the tender


5.1 Evaluation criteria

Responses from Respondent will be evaluated on THREE stages, sequentially, as below

(these will be applicable, if so required by the bank, for the second location as well):

Stage A. Evaluation of Eligibility will be done as detailed under Clause 5.2.

Stage B. Technical Evaluation consisting of Site visit, presentation by Respondent and

Final document evaluation will be done as detailed under Clause 5.3 in this document.

Stage C. Techno-commercial Evaluation will be done as detailed under Clause 5.4

in this document.

The three stage evaluation shall be done sequentially on knock-out basis. This implies
that those respondents qualifying in Stage A will only be considered for Stage B and
those who qualify in Stage B will only be considered for Stage C.

Please note that the criteria mentioned in this section are only indicative and Bank, at its
discretion, may alter these criteria without assigning any reasons. Bank also reserves
the right to reject any / all proposal(s) without providing any specific reasons.

All deliberations and evaluations performed by Bank will be strictly confidential and will
be maintained as property of Bank exclusively and will not be available for discussion
to any respondent of this RFP.
5.2 Stage A -Evaluation of Eligibility

The respondents of this RFP will present their responses as detailed in this document
under Clause 6.2 and sub paragraphs therein. The Response includes, which provide
details / evidences in respect of the Respondent for meeting the eligibility criteria, leading
the Bank to evaluate the Respondent on eligibility criteria.

The Respondent will meet the eligibility criteria mentioned under Clause.4.1 in this
document individually. Bank will evaluate the respondents on each criterion severally and
satisfy itself beyond doubt on the Respondent’s ability / position to meet the criteria. Those
respondents who qualify on ALL the criteria will only be considered as “Qualified under
Stage A” of evaluation and will be considered for evaluation under Stage B.

Those respondents who do not qualify at this Stage A will not be considered for any
further processing. The EMD money (as detailed in Clause No of this document) in
respect of such respondents will be returned on completion of this Stage A evaluation.

Bank, therefore, requests that only those Respondents who are sure of meeting all the
eligibility criteria only need to respond to this RFP process. The template for Stage – A
Evaluation of Eligibility is as per the Annexure D.

5.3 Stage B -Technical Evaluation

The Respondents of this RFP will present their responses as per Annexures B-I,B-II,B-III
and as detailed in this document under Para 6.2. The Responses as per Annexure B-I
seeks specific details on Respondent’s ability to deliver the service requirements of this

The bases for technical evaluation are as below:

1 Site visits by the Bank’s team at the existing operations / locations of the
2 Documents Evaluation: Response to this RFP by the Respondent, as per
Annexures B-I,B-II,B-III.
3 A presentation by the Respondent on their capabilities and proposal for the Bank,
as indicated below:
 Previous experience with case examples in Banking
 Proposed commitments to SLAs mentioned in Clause 2.5 in this document
 Size and Profile of team to be committed
 Data security and confidentiality measures
 Copy of presentation will be given to the Bank.

Stage B -Technical Evaluation is a single stage, consisting of above three components

and these processes will be done simultaneously. No process has any condition to the
conduct of other process.

Bank may visit any of the centres for “Site Visit” indicated by you in AnnexureB-II or any
other existing centre at its discretion.
Bank will allot score to the above evaluation criteria individually. The aggregation of the
scores under the above three criteria will be termed as “Aggregate Technical Score (ATS)”
and will be used for further evaluation. The template for “Stage – B Technical Evaluation”
is as per Annexure –E.
Those Respondents who meet a threshold score under “Aggregate Technical Score” will
be considered as “Qualified under Stage B” and will be considered for evaluation under
Stage C. Those who do not meet the above threshold will not be considered for further
evaluation and their EMD monies will be returned.

The “Aggregate Technical Score” secured by the Respondents will be used in the Stage C
– Techno-Commercial Evaluation.

5.4 Stage C -Techno-Commercial Evaluation

The “Techno-Commercial Evaluation”, will be done for both locations together. As

per Para 5.4.3 below, a “Final Score” will be calculated giving due weightage to technical
evaluation (Aggregate Technical Score), commercial proposal under both types of pricing.
Hence, there shall be a single ranking list, on H-1 basis. The procedure is as below :

1. Bank seeks the respondent to quote a under two pricing methods namely “cost per
FTE per shift per month” and “Cost per Call”.

2. Bank seeks the respondent to quote for first year of operation and cost escalation in
subsequent years under two pricing methods, viz. “cost per FTE per shift per
month” and “cost per call”. For the purpose of commercial evaluation, Bank will
consider weighted average of prices quoted under each pricing method. Bank will
also give due consideration to both methods of pricing.

3. The “Final Score” resulting from “Techno-Commercial Evaluation” shall be the basis
for identification of a single vendor for both locations.

The above process is detailed in the paragraphs below

5.4.1 Cost per FTE & Cost Per Call

Bank requires the Respondent to operate and manage the Contact Centre. The
Respondent may incur several costs – cost of agents and other employees, cost of
transportation for employees, operational expenses and overheads (stationery, utility
items, etc.). It will not be operationally viable to pay all these expenses individually.
Therefore, it has been decided that Bank will fix a single consideration for all services, i.e.,
cost per FTE (Full Time Equivalent) per shift per month.

However, the above pricing method (Cost per FTE) may be revised after one year and
Bank may consider “Cost Per call” based pricing for Call Centre.

Therefore, Respondents will quote “cost per FTE per shift per month’ and “Cost Per Call”
in the commercial response, which are further clarified as under:

 Cost per FTE per shift per month’

 FTE indicates an agent or a team leader occupying a work station, deployed at
any point in time when the Call Centre is up. FTE does not include other staff
members (quality teams, managers, support staff members, IT experts, etc). Bank
shall only count the number of FTEs as defined above and shall not count other
staff members put on deployment for operations and management of Call Centre.
 The Respondent will quote the “Cost per FTE per shift per month”. It means the
cost shall be for one FTE (agent and team leader) for one shift of 8 hours (day or
night) for one month. The Respondent might deploy any number of shifts of any
duration of hours. However, Bank shall consider the total number of logged in
duration of Agents and Team leaders in a month and split the same into a shifts of
8 hours duration.
 The following table gives an illustrative example.
The total logged in duration in a month 27000 hours
for both Agents & team leaders at
 12 hours a day, (to be split into
shifts of any duration)
 Average 75 FTEs
 30 days a month shall be
Number of FTEs per month per shift 27000 / 8/ 30 =
shall be 112.5 FTEs
 27000 hours / 8 hours / 30 days
Amount payable to Respondent 112.5xRs. 25000 =
If the “cost per FTE per shift per
month” is Rs.25000, Rs. 28,12,500/-
then, the amount payable shall be

Total logged-in hours will be ascertained location-wise. Time spent by agent/team leader
on ongoing/regular training may be considered as Logged in time duration only with
written permission from BOI otherwise the same will not be considered for login in
 Cost of other staff members & others operational costs will have to be loaded on
the “Cost per FTE per shift per month” and no other cost will be paid by the Bank.
 Agents mean one who handles the calls directly. Team leader means one who
supervises a set of agents. Team leader does not include any other supervisory or
support staff members.
 The time duration spent by agent or team leader on on-going / regular training shall
not be considered as “logged-in” duration.
 There shall be no difference in “Cost per FTE per shift per month” between agent
and team leader.
 There shall be no difference in “Cost per FTE per shift per month” between night
shift and day shift.
 There shall be no difference in “Cost per FTE per shift per month” for agents of
various skill sets.
 The Respondent will build all the other costs into this “Cost per FTE per shift per
 If the Bank decides to scale up or scale down the operations, the above “Cost per
FTE per shift per month” will remain to be the same and Bank will pay depending
on the total logged in time duration of agents and team leaders.

 Cost per Call

 “Cost per Call” refers to the total cost of handling ONE inbound or outbound call in
a Call Centre by an Agent or Team Leader
 “Inbound Call” refers to the calls diverted by Bank’s IVR to any Agent or Team
 “Outbound Call” refers to the calls made for soft recovery, tele-sales, appointment
fixing, service closure, reminders, etc. The outbound call is said to be considered
as “A Call” only if the targeted receiver of the call ‘responds by voice’ in the call.

 Estimated Call Volume:

Period Calls per day per Call Centre

First Year 4000
Second Year 10000
Third Year 30000
Fourth year 50000
Fifth year 75000

 The Average Handling Time fixed in this document is 5 minutes. Hence any call
duration exceeding this AHT will be considered as beginning of next call, for
counting purposes. The total duration AHT divided by five minutes will result in
number of calls handled by the agent or team leader.

5.4.2 Annual Escalation

Bank proposes to enter into contract for initial period of Five years and subsequent
extension as per Bank’s discretion. If need be, Bank may extend the contract for further
periods also. Hence, the cost to be quoted in the Commercial Response should include
escalation clause also.

Therefore, the respondent will indicate the following:

Cost per FTE per shift per month

 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift per month for second year over first
year Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift per month for third year over
second year.

Cost per Call

 Cost per Call for the second year and the third year shall be given separately by the
 The table below is the format for presenting the Commercial proposal. This is
Annexure C-I in your response to this RFP.

Cost per FTE per shift per month

No Description Costs (INR) / (%)

1. Cost per FTE per shift per month (For the (INR)
first year)
A. 2. Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per (%)
shift per month for second year over first
3. Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for third year over second year
4. Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for Fourth year over third year

5. Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)

per month for fifth year over fourth year
6 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for sixth year over fifth year
( for reference only & not for tecno
commercial evaluation)
7 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for seventh year over sixth
year ( for reference only & not for tecno
commercial evaluation)
Cost per Call
B 1 Cost Per Call for the second year
(Since Bank will consider to use this
quotation only during the second year of (INR)
2 Cost Per Call for the Third year (INR)
3 Cost Per Call for the Fourth year (INR)

4 Cost Per Call for the Fifth year (INR)

5 Cost Per Call for the sixth year (INR)

( for reference only & not for techno-
commercial evaluation)
6 Cost Per Call for the seventh year (INR)
( for reference only & not for techno-
commercial evaluation)
 “Cost per FTE per shift per month” and “Cost per Call” quoted will be considered
while doing the techno-commercial evaluation.
o “Cost per FTE per shift per month” for five years shall be weighted-averaged, by
using the number of seats likely to be operational in the respective years as
o “Cost per Call” for second and five year shall also be weighted-averaged , by
using the average call volume per day in the respective years of operation.
o The above weighted average costs will be combined to do the techno-commercial
o The costs to be quoted above should be valid for at least 6 months from the last
date for submission of the response to this RFP.

5.4.3 Procedure for techno-commercial evaluation

Bank proposes to give due weightage to the ‘Aggregate Technical Score’ as arrived at as
per Clause 5.3 while evaluating the commercial proposals. The procedure is as below:

· A “Final Score” will be calculated for all qualified Respondents using formula, given
C - low(FTE) C-Low (Cost per Call) T
“Final Score”---------------- x Wt1 + ----------------------x Wt2 + --------------- (1–Wt1 -Wt2)
C (FTE) C (cost per call) T – high
C - low (FTE)” = Lowest Cost per FTE per shift per month
C (FTE) = Cost per FTE per shift per month of the Respondent
C-Low (Cost per Call) = Lowest Cost per Call
C (cost per call) = Cost per Call of the Respondent

T = Aggregate Technical Score (ATS)

T – High = Highest Aggregate Technical Score among all Respondents
Wt1 = Weightage for FTE Cost,
Wt2 = Weightage for Cost per Call,
Weight for ‘Aggregate Technical Score’ shall be decided by the Bank at its discretion
 Weights for FTE Cost and Cost Per Call shall be decided by the Bank, at its
5.4.4 Example:

The following is an illustration of the above procedure, keeping the weight for technical at
60% and
commercial at 40%. (Cost per FTE 20% + Cost per Call 20%)

No. Respondent Aggregate Cost Cost C- C-low T/ (T- Final

Technical per per call Low Cost per high) Score
Score FTE (Rs.) FTE / call/ C
(ATS) (Rs.) CFTE cost per
1 XYZ Ltd 88 26057 10.00 0.81 0.83 1.00 92.80
2 ABC Ltd 75 22016 8.25 0.96 1.00 0.85 90.20
3 123 Ltd 78 21126 9.50 1.00 0.87 0.89 90.80
 In the above example, XYZ Ltd will become H-1 and Bank will consider XYZ Ltd for
the purpose.

5.5 Process Time frame

The following is an indicative timeframe. Bank reserves the right to vary this timeframe at
its absolute and sole discretion, should the need arise. Changes to the timeframe will be
relayed to affected respondents during the process. (timeframe to be given)

1 Issue of RFP 9th February,2013

2 Last date for respondents to submit RFP questions/ 15th February,2013
clarifications in writing.
3 Response by Bank to Respondents on questions in 22nd February,2012
the pre-bid meeting
4 Last date for Respondents to submit their final 05th March,2013 upto
Responses to RFP 3.00 p.m.
5. Opening of “A-Business proposal” a “B-Technical 05th March,2013, at
and Management Proposal” 3.30 p.m.
6. Communication of Results of “Stage A-Evaluation of 20th March,2013
7. Finalisation and Communication of Results of “Stage 15th April,2013
B – Technical Evaluation” to respondents
8. Opening of Commercial Proposals 22nd April,2013.

5.6 Opening of “A-Business proposal” and “B-Technical proposal”

Bank will open the “A-Business proposal” and “B-Technical proposal” on closing date
after the receipt of responses as mentioned in Clause 5.5 above. The duly authorised
representatives of the respondents are invited to be present while opening the responses
to evidence the same. Please note that no separate communication will be sent to any
respondent to this effect.

The evaluation templates for Stage A – Evaluation of Eligibility and Stage B-Technical
Evaluation are enclosed as Annexure D and Annexure –E respectively. This is for your
reference. Bank may however use any other template, as it may deem fit, to conduct any
part of the above evaluation.

5.7 Notification

Bank of India will notify Respondents in writing as soon as practicable about the outcome
of their RFP evaluation process, including whether the Respondent’s RFP has been
accepted or rejected. Bank of India is not obliged to provide any reasons for any such
acceptance or rejection.

5.8 Disqualification

Any form of canvassing/lobbying/influence/query regarding short listing, status etc. will be

regarded as disqualification


6.1 Only One Submission Permitted

Only one submission by each respondent to this RFP will be permitted. The Respondent
will submit the response only in the manner detailed herein. A submission in a different
manner, including a submission through Fax or Email, will not be accepted by the Bank
and will be summarily rejected. It should be noted that in case of any discrepancy in
information submitted by the Respondent in hard copy and soft-copy, the hard-copy will be
given precedence. However, in case of non-submission of any hard copy document and if
the same is found submitted in the soft-copy, Bank reserves right to accept the same at its

6.2 Technical Proposal

The response to RFP shall necessarily contain the following THREE envelopes:

1 First envelope “A-Business Proposal”,

2 Second envelope “B-Technical Proposal”
3 Third envelope “C-Commercial Proposal”

The above THREE proposals will be submitted separately in separate envelopes in the
manner described hereunder.
All pages of the proposal are to be numbered and signed by an authorised signatory on
behalf of the Respondent. The numbers should form a unique running series across the
entire document.

All the aforesaid documents are to be submitted at once at the time of submission.

The respondent will submit the response only in the manner detailed herein. A submission
in a different manner, including a submission through Fax or Email, will not be accepted by
the Bank and will be summarily rejected.
6.2. 1Stage A – Business Proposal 30 Earnest Money Deposit

Subject to compliance of response submission process as elucidated herein, the intending

respondent should pay an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs10,,00.000/-(Rupees Ten lakhs
only). The EMD shall be paid by Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque / Pay Order drawn in
favour of “Bank of India – EMD for Call Centre‟ payable at Mumbai. The EMD will not
carry any interest.

The EMD is refundable immediately to the non-selected respondents upon publishing

the selection list at stage A and stage B of evaluation process as the case may be. In
case of selected respondents, the EMD will be adjusted against the security deposit.

The EMD made by the Respondents will be forfeited if-

 The respondent withdraws his tender before the same has been processed by
the bank;
 The respondent withdraws his tender after processing but before issuance of
Letter of Intent by Bank to enter into contract issued by Bank
 The selected Respondent withdraws his Tender before furnishing the security
 The selected Respondent withdraws his tender before furnishing the Performance
Guarantee, as required in this RFP.
 The Respondent violates any of the provisions of the terms and conditions of this
RFP specification Application Money

The intending respondents will pay, along with responses, an Application Money of
Rs.5,000/-. (Rupees five thousand only). The application money shall be paid by demand
draft / Banker’s cheque / pay order drawn in favour of “ Bank of India – Application money
for Call Centre ‟ payable at Mumbai. The application money is non-refundable. Documents to be submitted for “A”-Business Proposal”

The response shall be organized and submitted as per the following sequence:

a. Duly filled out Annexures to this document numbered A-I, A-II and A-III. Respondents
should not deviate from these formats

b. Audited financial statements of immediately preceding accounting year, along with

annual report.

c. Certified Copy of Certificate of Incorporation

d. Bankers Cheque / DD for Earnest Money Deposit

e. Bankers Cheque / DD for Application money

f. Additional documents, if any, submitted in support of statements in said Annexures.

g. List of (Bank’s & Financial) clients who have withdrawn their service from you in past
one year and reason for leaving in brief.

h. A write-up, not exceeding 5 pages, detailing the following:


1. Details of the Respondent’s Asia-Pacific operations, if any. This should include

number of staff, number and location of offices, types of services provided in
regional market, how long organisation has operated in regional market, and growth
rates (for example, as demonstrated through growth in staff numbers).
2. Details of the Respondent’s International operations, if any. This should include
number of staff, number and location of offices, types of services provided in
International market, and how long organisation been in operation.
3. In case the respondent is an affiliate of company incorporated outside India, details
of the Respondent’s long-term commitment to the Indian market.

i. A CD containing soft copies of all of the aforesaid.

All the relevant pages of the proposals are to be numbered and signed by an authorised
signatory on behalf of the respondent. The numbers should form a unique running series
across the entire document.

All the aforesaid documents, including the CD, are to be submitted in ONE set in a sealed
cover addressed appropriately as mentioned in clause no. 6.2.5 below, and superscribed

“A- Business Proposal – Response to RFP floated by Bank of India for a Call Centre
on 05th March,2013.”

And should be submitted to the addressee as directed under Clause 6.2.4. The template
for Stage A – Evaluation of Eligibility is as per Annexure D.

6.2.2 Stage B – Technical Proposal

This section represents the ability of the respondents’ ability in addressing the specific
needs of the Bank for current service areas and potential future service requirements. This
section will necessarily contain the following documents in hard copy.

a. Terms of validity: A letter of undertaking from the respondent that all documents and
information provided therein are valid for at least 180 days (6 months) from the date
of closure.

b. Business performance section: Respondent’s capability in serving Bank’s requirements,

as per Annexure B-I, B-II & B-III. These Annexures should be duly completed in all
columns as detailed in this document. Respondents should NOT DEVIATE from these
formats. Please note that if the Respondent does not appropriately fill up the requisite
columns, Bank will not be in a position to evaluate this proposal, leading to disqualification
at this stage.

c. Any other document showing the list of activities and responsibilities, as deemed fit by
the Respondent, to effectively provide Call Centre services to Bank.

d. A CD containing soft copies of all of the aforesaid documents, preferably in any “read
only” common software formats.

e. All the above documents should be duly signed by authorised signatory, and serially

f. Please give a bill of material, if any. (software, hardware, tools, etc., for workforce
management and other functions
g. All the above documents should be placed in ONE envelope with superscription “B –
TECHNICAL PROPOSAL – Response to RFP by Bank of India for Call Centre
services on 05th March,2013 ” and should be submitted to the addressee as
directed under Clause 6.2.4. The template for Stage B – Technical Evaluation is as per
Annexure E.

6.2.3 Stage C -Commercial Proposal

The Response to this RFP should include Commercial Proposal, in the format prescribed
as per Annexure C-I. This commercial proposal informs the Bank about the costs at which
Respondent offers to serve the Bank.

a. Any Response without “Commercial Proposal” will not be taken for evaluation at all and
will be rejected at stage A only.

b. The Commercial Proposal will be as per Annexure C-I only

c. All columns in the Commercial Proposal should be filled in by the Respondent


d. The price quoted in the Commercial Proposal would be final and the respondent will
agree to provide the required services as detailed in this “Request for Proposal”
document, failing which Bank would invoke the liquidity damages mentioned in this

e. The Commercial Proposal shall be valid for 180 days from the date of submission. Any
revision of Commercial Proposal is NOT possible after the same is submitted to the

f. The duly signed Commercial Proposal will be put in ONE envelope with superscription
“C- COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL – Response to RFP by Bank of India for Call Centre
services on 05th March,2013 ” and should be submitted to the addressee as directed
under Clause 6.2.4

6.2.4 Lodgement of Response to RFP Address for submission of Responses to RFP

The Response to RFP, in THREE envelopes (A-Business Proposal, B-Technical Proposal

& C-Commercial Proposal) containing all documents as mentioned in 6.2.1,6.2.2, and
6.2.3 should be submitted to the Bank at the following address:

Bank of India, Operational Excellence Department, Head Office ,1dt floor(west wing) Star
House,C-5, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra East Mumbai-400051. Response to RFP Closing Date & Time

The final Response to this RFP must be received not later than 3:00 pm Indian Standard
Time on 05th March,2013 . Any submissions not complying with the aforesaid timeframe
are liable to be rejected.

6.2.5 Registration of Response to RFPs

Registration will take effect when Bank of India receives the Response to this RFP from
the Respondent. The response to RFP must contain all documents, information, and
details required by this RFP document. If the submission of response to RFP does not
include all the information required or is incomplete, the Response to RFP is liable to be
All submissions, including any accompanying documents, will become the property of
Bank of India. Respondents shall be deemed to license, and grant all rights to, Bank of
India to reproduce the whole or any portion of their submission for the purpose of
evaluation, to disclose the contents of the submission to other Respondents who have
registered a submission and to disclose and / or use the contents of the submission as the
basis for any subsequent processes, notwithstanding any copyright or other intellectual
property right that may subsist in the submission or accompanying documents.

6.2.6 Late Response to RFP Policy

In general, the Responses to RFP should be received before the time and date mentioned
under Clause, failing which the Responses will not be accepted. However, under
specific circumstances, upon receiving detailed evidence to substantiate the reasons for a
late response to RFP submission, Bank may consider accepting the same at its sole

Responses to RFP lodged after the deadline for submitting the Response to RFP may
be registered by the Bank at its sole discretion and may be considered and evaluated
by the evaluation team at the Bank’s absolute discretion. It is clearly understood that
the Bank has no obligation to accept or act on any reason for a late Response to RFP.

6.2.7 Response to RFP Validity Period

Responses to this RFP shall remain valid and open for evaluation according to their terms
for a period of at least six (6) months from the time as mentioned in Clause above.


7.1 Indemnity
Respondent agrees fully and effectually to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Bank
and its officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and assigns (“Indemnified)
at its own expenses against the Losses suffered or incurred by the Bank as a direct result
of any negligent or fraudulent act or omission by it and its employees, in breach of any of
its obligations contained or referred to in proposed Agreement. In addition, Respondent
hereby also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Bank against the Losses claimed,
made or incurred against the Bank arising out of or in connection with the performance or
discharge of Respondent’s obligations and duties under this proposed Agreement or in
respect of any Losses sustained or suffered by any third party, otherwise than by the
Bank’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Respondent understand, acknowledge and
agree that this provision is the essence of the contract and, consequently, Respondent
desires to provide the Bank (being Indemnified) with specific contractual assurance of
each Indemnifier’s rights to full indemnification against any proceedings.

If indemnification claim involves litigations from third party then the indemnification by
Respondent shall be subject to: (a) The Bank having provided written notice within
reasonable period of time about the event (b) Subject to Applicable Laws, the Bank will
provide to Respondent an opportunity to defend (c) To the extent possible for the

Respondent in Bank’s view, the Bank having taken due diligence exercise to mitigate or
minimise the claim or liability. (d) The Bank refraining from accepting or admitting the
claim or liability for Respondent (e) Bank reasonably cooperating with Respondent for
defence of a third party claim and (f) The Bank restricted from giving any press release
that results in compromise of Respondent’s defence of the indemnification

7.2 Cancellation of contract and compensation

The Bank reserves the right to cancel the contract of the selected Respondent and
recover expenditure incurred by the Bank on the following circumstances. The Bank
would provide 30 days notice to rectify any breach/ unsatisfactory progress:

I. The selected Respondent commits a breach of any of the terms and conditions of
the RFP/contract.
II. The selected Respondent becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation voluntarily
or otherwise
III. The progress regarding execution of the contract, made by the selected
Respondent is found to be unsatisfactory.
IV. If the selected Respondent fails to complete the due performance of the contract in
accordance with the agreed terms and conditions
V. An attachment is levied or continues to be levied for a period of 7 days upon effects of
the tender.

7.3 Non-disclosure:

All Bank’s product and process details, documents, data, applications, software,
systems, papers, statements and business/customer information (hereinafter referred to
as 'Confidential Information') which may be communicated to or come to the knowledge of
Respondent and /or its employees during the course of discharging their obligations shall
be treated as absolutely confidential and Respondent and its employees shall keep the
same secret and confidential and not disclose the same, in whole or in part to any third
party without the prior written permission of Bank nor shall use or allow to be used any
information other than as may be necessary for the due performance by Respondent of its
obligations. Respondent shall indemnify and keep Bank indemnified safe and harmless at
all times against all or any consequences arising out of any breach of this undertaking
regarding Confidential Information by Respondent and/or its employees and shall
immediately reimburse and pay to Bank on demand all damages, loss, cost, expenses or
any charges that Bank may sustain suffer, incur or pay in connection therewith.

It is clarified that “Confidential Information” means any and all information that is or has
been received by the Respondent (Receiving Party) from the Bank (Disclosing Party) and
that ;

(a) relates to the Disclosing Party and (b) is designated by the Disclosing Party as being
confidential or is disclosed in circumstances where the Receiving Party would reasonably
understand that the disclosed information would be confidential (c) is prepared or
performed by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party by its employees, officers, directors,
agent, representatives or consultants.

In maintaining confidentiality, the Receiving Party on receiving the confidential information

and material agrees and warrants that it shall take at least the same degree of care in
safeguarding such confidential information and materials as it takes for its own confidential
information of like importance and such degree of care shall be at least, that which is

reasonably calculated to prevent such inadvertent disclosure. Also, keep the confidential
information and confidential materials and any copies thereof secure and in such a way so
as to prevent unauthorized access by any third Party.

The Receiving Party, who receives the confidential information and the materials, agrees
that on receipt of a written demand from the Disclosing Party, they will immediately return
all written confidential information and materials and all copies thereof provided to and
which is in Receiving Party’s possession or under its custody and control. The Receiving
Party to the extent practicable, immediately destroy all analyses, compilation, notes
studies memoranda or other documents prepared by it and the same contain, reflect or
derive from confidential information relating to the Disclosing Party. The Receiving party
immediately expunge any confidential information, word processor or other device in its
possession or under its custody & control and thereafter furnish a Certificate signed by the
Authorized person confirming that best of his/her knowledge, information and belief,
having made all proper enquiries and the requirement of confidentiality aspect has been
complied with.

The restrictions mentioned hereinabove shall not apply to

(a) any information that publicly available at the time of its disclosure or become publicly
available following disclosure (other than as a result of disclosure by the disclosing Party
contrary to the terms of this document), or any information which is independently
developed by the Receiving Party or acquired from a third party to the extent it is acquired
with the valid right to disclose the same.

(b) any disclosure required by law or by any court of competent jurisdiction, the rules and
regulations of any recognized stock exchange or any enquiry or investigation by any
government, statutory or regulatory body which is lawfully entitled to require any such
disclosure provided that, so far as it is lawful and practical to do so prior to such
disclosures, the Receiving Party shall promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such
requirement with a view to providing the Disclosing Party an opportunity to obtain a
protective order or to contest the disclosure or otherwise agree to the timing and content
of such disclosure.

(c) The confidential information and material and all copies thereof, in whatsoever form
shall at all the times remain the property of the Disclosing Party and disclosure hereunder
shall not confer on the Receiving Party any rights whatsoever beyond those contained in
this document.
The confidentiality obligations shall survive the expiry or termination of the
proposed Agreement between the Bank and Respondent.
7.4 Audit
Bank reserves the right to conduct an audit / ongoing audit of the services provided
by Respondent.

Respondent should allow the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or persons authorized by it to
access Bank documents, records or transaction or any other information given to, stored
or processed by respondent within a reasonable time failing which respondent will be
liable to pay any charges/ penalty levied by RBI.

Respondent should allow the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to conduct audits or inspection
of its Books and account with regard to Bank’s documents by one or more RBI officials or
employees or other persons duly authorized by RBI.
7.5 Force Majeure

Should either party be prevented from performing any of its obligations under this proposal
by reason of any cause beyond its reasonable control, the time for performance shall be
extended until the operation or such cause has ceased, provided the party affected gives
prompt notice to the other of any such factors or inability to perform, resumes performance
as soon as such factors disappear or are circumvented.

If under this clause either party is excused performance of any obligation for a continuous
period of ninety (90) days, then the other party may at any time hereafter while such
performance continues to be excused, terminate this agreement without liability, by notice
in writing to the other.

"Force Majeure Event" means any event due to any cause beyond the reasonable control
of the Party, including, without limitation, unavailability of any communication system,
sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of
any kind, riots, insurrection, war or acts of government.

7.6 Publicity
Respondents, either by itself or through its group companies or Associates, shall not use
the name and/or trademark/logo of Bank, in any sales or marketing publication or
advertisement, or in any other manner.

7.7 Amendments
Any provision of contract may be amended or waived if, and only if such amendment or
waiver is in writing and signed, in the case of an amendment by each Party, or in the case
of a waiver, by the Party against whom the waiver is to be effective.

7.8 Assignment

Selected Respondent shall not assign, in whole or in part, the benefits or obligations of
contract to any other person without the prior written consent of the Bank, such consent
not to be unreasonably withheld. Provided that the Bank may assign any of its rights and
obligations to any of its Affiliates without prior consent of Respondent.

7.9 Severability

If any provision of this RFP / contract or any other agreement or document delivered in
connection with this RFP / contract, if any, is partially or completely invalid or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then that provision shall be ineffective in that jurisdiction
to the extent of its invalidity or unenforceability, but the invalidity or unenforceability of that
provision shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this RFP /
contract, all of which shall be construed and enforced as if that invalid or unenforceable
provision were omitted, nor shall the invalidity or unenforceability of that provision in one
jurisdiction affect its validity or enforceability in any other jurisdiction.

7.10 Captions and headings

The captions and headings in this RFP are for convenience only and are not intended to
be full or accurate descriptions of the contents thereof. They shall not be deemed to be
part of this RFP and in no way define, limit, extend or describe the scope or intent of any
provisions hereof.

7.11 Applicable law and jurisdictions of court

The Contract with the selected Respondent shall be governed in accordance with the
Laws of India for the time being enforced and will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
Courts at Mumbai. (with the exclusion of all other Courts).

7.12 Resolution of Disputes and Arbitration clause

The Bank and the Respondent make every effort to resolve any disagreement or dispute
amicably, arising in connection with the Contract, by direct and informal negotiation
between the designated Officer of the Bank for Contact Centre and designated
representative of the Respondent.

If designated Officer of the Bank for Call Centre and representative of Respondent are
unable to resolve the dispute within reasonable period as deemed fit by the Bank, they
shall immediately escalate the dispute to the senior authorised personnel designated by
the Bank and Respondent respectively.

If even elapse of reasonable period as deemed fit by the Bank, after the commencement
of such negotiations, both the parties are unable to resolve contractual dispute amicably,
Bank can refer the dispute or disagreement to formal arbitration by appointing Sole
Arbitrator under the provisions of Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996. The arbitration will
be in English. The venue for such Arbitration shall be Mumbai.

There will be a Pre-bid meeting of all those respondents who

wish to bid on 22nd February,2013 at 3.00 p.m in the conference
hall at Operational excellence department 1st floor west wing
Star house C-5 G block BKC Bandra East Mumbai-400051.

Shri. Romesh Mirakhur Shri. Anand K. Jamkhandi

Assistant General Manager Assistant General Manager
Operational Excellence Department Information Technology Dept.
Bank of India BOI C-5, G block, Star House,
C-5 D Block, Star House 1st floor, West wing 8th floor, West wing, BKC,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East)
Mumbai-400 051. Tel.66685616 Mumbai-400051.tel: 666848765

Response to RF EOI` Business Proposal

Annexure A-I
The General Manager( Corporate Services)
Bank of India
Star House, C-5, G Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai 400051.

Dear Sir,
RE: Response to REP – Call Centre services for Bank of India
We refer to your advertisement dated _______inviting responses from Respondents for providing Call
Centre services. In response to the above, we submit herewith our Response document as per the format
prescribed by the Bank along with all necessary documents, as listed in the following Table of Contents:
Table of Contents
Sr.No. Documents Whether enclosed

1 Particulars required for assessing whether the Respondent meets

Eligibility Criteria as per Clause 4.1-Annexure II

2 List of clients as per Annexure A-III

3 Audited Financial Statements( Audited Balance sheet and Profit and

Loss Account for the year 2009-10, 2010-11, & 2011-12 as per Col
10 of Annexure –II

4 DD/Banker’s Cheque No._______dated __________for

Rs.1,00,000/-(One lac only) drawn on Bank of India-EMD for call
centre payable at Mumbai

5 DD/Banker’s Cheque No.__________dated________for Rs.5,000/-

(Five Thousands only)drawn on Bank of India- Application Money for
Call Centre payable at Mumbai

6 CD containing soft copies, in PDF format as per clause 6.2,1,3

We hereby declare that we have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned in the REP
document issued by Bank of India for Call Centre services and we agree to be bound by the same.

If Bank awards for providing Call Centre services, we hereby agree to enter into contract with the Bank for at
least a period of 5 years for providing required services under the given SLA parameters and make the
project Go-live within 2 months from the date of work order failing which Bank is entitled to claim liquidated
damage s as mentioned in the REP document.

We hereby certify that all the information furnished in this document are true and correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief. We understand that in case any of the information provided by us is found incorrect
or not in conformity with the requirements of the Bank, this response to REP may summarily be rejected and
be subjected to liquidated damages.

Signature of Authorised Signatory

Name: Designation: Company’s stamp/seal:
Annexure A-II

Particulars required for assessing whether the Respondent meets

Eligibility Criteria as per Clause 4.1

No Particulars Details

1 Name of the Company

2 a. Constitution
(whether public/private limited company)

b. Whether the company is registered in

3 Date of incorporation

(Please attach a copy of Certificate of

incorporation of the company)

4 Address of Registered Office

5 Contact person

 `Single point of Contact’ on regular

basis and
 Alternate `point of contact’ in case this
source is not reachable
Please include address, phone numbers and e-
mail address

6 Address for Communication:

Pl include

 Postal address with pin code

 E-mail address
 Phone numbers
7 Name of Directors 1.





(Attach separate sheet if required)

8 Organisation structure Attach separate sheet

9 a. Registration with Do T or any other

agency (pl specify) authorized by
(Enclose documentary proof)

b. Certifications obtained
(Please attach the copy of
10 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 (40)
Financial profile: (40)

Gross Revenues


Net profits

11 a. Whether the Respondent is operating Yes/No

with an aggregate of 600 FTEs
during the past TWO years
b. Details Call Centres owned by the Location No.of No. of Date of
Respondent as below in support of seats FTEs commencement
answers to 11(a) above of operations


12 Details of Respondent’s banking clients Banking No.of No.of Banking

with total business of Rs.100000 crore, Client’s FTEs seats Client’s
and providing in-bound transaction based Name turnover
customer care services






13 Please provide TWO client

references,(Banking and non-banking
clients)with whom, the Bank of India may
interact for obtaining references
Client 1
` (41)

Name of the client

Contact person’s name


Contact Number(land and mobile


E-Mail Address

Client 2

Name of the client

Contact person’s name


Contact Number(land and mobile


E-Mail Address

Signature of Authorised Signatory

Company’s stamp/seal:


Business Proposal
Annexure A – III
List of Clients –Banks

Sr Name and No.of No.of Scope of services Total Does the

No address of the Seats FTEs provided Business of scope of
Client Bank client Bank services
include in-
services? Give
brief details of

List of Clients- Others

Sr. Name and address of No.of No.of Scope of Services provided

No. the clients seats FTEs

(Please attach separate sheets if required)

Signature of Authorised Signatory



Company’s stamp/Seal


Technical Proposal
Annexure B-I
Criteria Response by Respondent

Service Provider Profile

1. Service Provider Organisation Overview :

1.a. Rs.in crores

Financial Profile 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Net profit

Gross Revenues

General Reserves

Gross turnover

Share price for the last

3 years-at weekly


Organisation Structure Structure(Attach separate sheet)


1.c Top Management Profile

Team Profile Director-1 Director-2 Director-3 Director-4



Professional exp

Banking industry (years)

Call Centre/BPO industry as what

Call Centre/ BPO industry with

banking processes as what?

Experience of heading
implementation of banking
process to any client

Director in this company since

when ?

Directors in other companies

Name of the Company

Since when

Any other special expertise

Any other, pl specify


2. Service Provider Business Profile & Strategy

2.a Current Business Profile

Criteria No.of No.of seats Break up of business revenues


For For 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto

Inbound outbound Dec’12
process process


Banking & Financial


Financial Services





Any other, specify



United states of America

European countries

South-east Asian


Within India – Territory wise





Call centre channels used


Live chat



Any other

Future Business Strategy

FY 12-13 FY 13-14 FY 14-15 Reasons

Focus Area-industry

Focus Area-Inbound processes

Focus Area –Outbound


Focus Area – Geographical


Capacity in terms of Number of


Business Revenues

Acquisitions & Alliances in


3. Service Providers Management practices and procedures, currently being


3.a Financial management practices

Share-holding pattern

What are your capital funding practices?

What are your funds flow management


Who is your primary


3.b Marketing Management Practices

What is your customer creation and

retention practices?

What are the standards set by you on

business ethics in terms of customer
service deliverables?

What is your pricing model and strategy?

What are your after sales support


3.c HR policies and practices

What are your high level recruitment and

retention policies?

Brief note on sources of recruitment

What are your high level HR

development policies and strategies?

3.d Process & Project management practices

What are your high level implementation

strategies after obtaining a contract?

What is average timeframe for

implementation of new projects

What is your success rate in meeting the

project objectives in first phase of

4. Dedicated practice area and core competency

4.a Dedicated practice area

What are the geographical areas,

you are currently
servicing?(countries, within the
country states whatever)

What is your specific expertise

gained in those geographies in
terms of cultural expertise,
consumer behaviour tracking etc.

4.b Core competency-Processes”

Processes Number of seats

Voice Email Live-chat Web Any other


Inbound order-taking

Lead creation

Service request registration


Inbound cross selling and up

Outbound tele marketing

Follow-up of leads-appointment
fixing,product offer

SR processing-cheque book issue,

statement emailing etc

Post sales support

KYC verification

Customer satisfaction survey

Customer loyalty programmes

Market research- teleinterview

Any other processes-Pl specify


5. Respondent’s expertise in handling Call centre services in regional languages

What are the Number Number of Since How do you Training materials
languages you are of seats Agents & when manage in regional
handling? Team Leads scripting? language?





Give an account on multi lingual capabilities

of your Agents/Team Leads

Conformance with Service Requirements(SLAs) of existing clients

6. Compliance to Service Level Agreements

Give SLA parameters set for you by existing Top 5 clients

6.a Service Level Agreements

CLIENT -1 Benchmarks 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Call Answer or equivalent

Call Abandonment Rate

First Call Resolution Rate

Average Handling time

Fatal Error


Any other SLAs, pl


CLIENT -2 Benchmarks 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Call Answer or equivalent

Call Abandonment Rate

First Call Resolution Rate

Average Handling time

Fatal Error


Any other SLAs, pl


CLIENT -3 Benchmarks 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Call Answer or equivalent

Call Abandonment Rate

First Call Resolution Rate

Average Handling time

Fatal Error


Any other SLAs, pl


CLIENT -4 Benchmarks 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Call Answer or equivalent

Call Abandonment Rate

First Call Resolution Rate

Average Handling time

Fatal Error


Any other SLAs, pl


CLIENT -5 Benchmarks 09-10 10-11 11-12 Upto Dec’12

Call Answer or equivalent

Call Abandonment Rate

First Call Resolution Rate

Average Handling time

Fatal Error


Any other SLAs, pl


6.b What are the tools being used by you for measuring
the SLA parameters?

6.c What are the tools being use by you for measuring
the SLA parameters?

6.d What are your HR practices , while SLA

compliances are deficient?

6.e What are your methods of improving the SLA


7 Use of Subcontractors

Processes,subcontracted Name of Since Back-up Risk in a 5 Any other

Contractor shen & for Arrangement, point scale,
howlong in case of hampering
breach the

KYC Verification

Customer loyalty

Market research-tele –

Recruitment Process

Employee Verification

Competency testing for


Performance Management

Power, GenSet Maintenance

Software Maintenance

Hardware Maintenance

Physical Security

Any other processes

What are your Dependency

Risk –mitigation strategies?

Business Process Expertise, specifically in Banking Industry

8 Banking Industry Specific skill Sets

Domestic/Foreign Banking Account Team

Industry processes Profile

No.of Size Experience Banking

seats Knowledge

Inbound Customer Care-


Outbound-sales and collections

Service Request

Processing expertise

Basic banking transactions

Complaints management

Market research and survey


9 Specific compliance requirements for a Call Centre

What are the specific Compliance

requirements for a banking industry Call

Out of the above, what are the requirements,

you are currently complying with and how?

Do you feel the Bank will need to comply with

any special compliance requirements? If any,
what are they?

Technical Expertise

10 Technical Expertise – (Hardware/software/Telecom)

10.a Information Technology

Tools Name of Whose? Integration No.of Any other

the tool Or Own? aspects Users



HR Mgt Systems

Performance Appraisal systems

Quality Mgt Tools

Business Intelligence tools

What are your technical

expertise in providing Call centre
services to a large service sector
industry, including indigenous
developed for providing the

10.b Software platforms

Area of expertise Team Experience

No.of years Industry

Oracle CRM/ Siebal CRM/

Dynamic CRM of Microsoft

Operating Systems


Give a brief account on the


Have you implemented a

complete Call centre
solution (hardware &
software) for any specific
client or for yourself? If so,
give a brief account of it

11 Technical Infrastructure Requirements

11.a Technical Requirements No Configuration Suggested Make


Pcs – configuration/or anyother

Other IT infrastructure for the

Agent/team leader workstation

Software support-CTI

Software support-CRM

Telecom infrastructure

Any specific software tools/

accelerators required

Any other

11.b Physical Infrastructure

Workstations-dimensions & furniture

Air-conditioning,lighting, rest rooms,


Physical security arrangements-CCTV,

access control,

Any other

12 Security (IT & Data)

12.a Security initiatives for Personnel

Do you take a Non-disclosure agreement? From
whom and how far is enforceable?
What are your formal disciplinary action
procedures in case of security breach
Explain your employee reference checking
Do you conduct training sessions on data
security and how?
Are your adapting ISO 27001 security practices
or any other security practices? Please specify.

12.b Security initiatives – Data /IT

What are the Fire-walls used by you?
What are the measures for security for PCs and
coping devices?
How do you prevent use/installation of
unauthorized software?
What are the security measures taken while
giving Internet, Email facilities to employees, to
ensure data – security?
12.c Security initiatives – Physical infrastructure

What are your Physical security measures?

Give an account on Access Card systems,
Circuit TV and monitoring etc
How are ensuring security while sub-
contracting/outsourcing services to a third-party

13 Transition Process

13.a Entry Transition Process – from Bank to Service Provider

A quick project plan for implementation of
contact centre services
Dependencies at various stages, such as
integration with CTI, CRM
13.b Exit Transition Process – from Service Provider to Bank
Transition time frame and activities
Data transfer strategy
Transfer of licenses /rights acquired for
servicing the Bank
Transfer of systems, procedures, policies
What will not be transferred to Bank

Human Resources

14 Respondent’s current Human Resources Management practices

14.a Recruitment and Retention

Recruitment process and sourcing
Screening and appointment
Average time to recruit and train a fresh
Average time to recruit and train a
experienced resource
Annual Attrition(%) for agents
Annual Attrition (%) for Team Leaders
Measures to prevent /reduce attrition

14.b Training, development and career planning

On the job and off the job training, online
Knowledge testing and certification
Management development programmes
Career development programmes

14.c Quality Management Practices & SLA adherence

Performance appraisal & Quality
Measures to improve quality &
development methods
Procedures for dealing with disputes

15. Relationship Management(Account Team) for the providing services to Bank

Please give a brief account of the proposed account team for the Bank, giving the
following particulars

Account Team Organisation & staffing profile

Team Name & BPO Banking Qualifications Any other

position Experience BPO
Business Domain
Expert 1
Expert 2
Technical experts
for BPO
Expert 1
Expert 2
Expert 1
Expert 2

Account Team Organisation structure

Give an overview into the Respondent’s policy
towards developing the Account Team

16. Operational Team-Resourcing for providing services to Bank

16.a Operational Team Organisation & Staffing

Seeking the Respondent to present the proposed operational team for the Bank

Members Number BPO Banking BPO Qualifications Any other

Experience experience
Team Leaders
IT Executives
IT Managers


HR Executives
HR Managers
Agent-Team leader ratio
Managers, supervisors, admin
Quality assurance team to Agent
HR Team
Proposed Organisation Structure
Give an account on communication,
interpersonal skills, to be built

16.b Resources mobilization plans for Operational Team

Sources of human resources

Recruitment processes/cycle
Retention plans and re-recruitment

16.c Operational Team Developmen

An overview into the Respondent’s policy and practices towards developing the
operational team

Training No.of Days Testing Benchmarks Graduation

By By
Company Bank
Functional training
Training on
business etiquettes
and communication
Managerial skill
Online training

16.d Performance appraisal and monitoring

An quick overview into the performance appraisal methods, practices and

procedures planned to be put in place for the operational team dedicated for Bank’s
Performance Appraisal
Methods, procedures and parameters
Benchmarks/standards/Quality Scores
Compliance procedures to quality standards
Reward / punishment mechanisms
Performance Reporting
Methods/formats of regular reporting
Periodicity of reports
Requirements from Bank to improve the

17 References
17.a Reference – Enterprise-wide
Seeking the respondent to provide at least TWO references from their existing
clients, with whom Bank may interact
Name of the company
Contact person
Contact details, etc
Processes handled
Share of revenue/turnover from the referees

17.b Reference – Specific Account Team

Seeking the respondent to provide at least TWO references, from whom the Bank
can obtain opinion in respect of the
proposed Account Team, handling the Bank
Name of the company
Contact person
Contact details etc
Processes handled
Share of revenue/turnover from the referees

Location/Respondent’s Existing Contact Centre for Site Visit

No Location Address No.of Appropriate Process being Contact
seats time band for handled(e.g.banking, Details
visit credit card,telecom (Contact
sales,recovery,) person &
60 Technical Proposal
Annexure B-III
Compliance Certificate

saMdBa- saM./Ref. No. idnaaMk /Date:

The General Manager (Corporate Services),

Bank of India,
Head Office,
Mumbai - 400 051.

Dear Sir,
Ref: Establishing of Call Centre

1. Having examined the Request for Proposal including all response templates,
the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned offer to
provide end to end service for the Bank in conformity with the said RFP and in
accordance with our proposal and the schedule of Prices indicated in the Price Bid
and made part of this bid.
2. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to carry out the assignment as per laid down
3. We confirm that this offer is valid for six months from the last date for submission of
RFP to the Bank (RFP closing date)
4. This Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of
award, shall constitute a binding Contract upon us.
5. We undertake that in competing for and if the award is made to us, in executing the
subject Contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in
force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act 1988”
6. We agree that Bank is not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid that the Bank may
7. We have not been barred/black-listed by any regulatory / statutory authority and we
have the required approval to be appointed as a Respondent to provide the service
to Bank.
8. We shall observe confidentiality of all the information passed on to us in course of
the tendering process and shall not use the information for any other purpose than
the current tender.
9. We certify that we have provided all the information requested by the Bank in the
format requested for. We also understand that the Bank has the exclusive right to
reject this Offer in case the Bank is of the opinion that the required information is
not provided or is provided in different format.
10. The Respondent represents and warrants that all necessary approvals, permissions
and authority have been obtained to participate to submit this proposal in response
to this RFP.

Signed & Dated

Seal & Signature of the Respondent

Phone No.
Fax No. E-Mail:
Place Date:
Commercial Proposal
Annexure C-I

This is the commercial proposal for the Response to RFP issued by Bank of India for providing full-
fledged Call Centre services.

These costs indicated below are final and we, the Respondent, agree to provide the Call Centre
services as detailed in the Bank’s : Request for Proposal” issued on --------------- by the Bank. The
Call Centre services will be governed by the Service Level Agreement” to be entered into the Bank
with us, which will encompass the services mentioned in the above referred “Request for Proposal”
Cost per FTE per shift per month
No. Description Costs (INR) / (%)
A 1 Cost per FTE per shift per month
(For the first year) (INR)
2 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift
per month for second year over first year (%)
3 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift
per month for third year over second year (%)
4 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift
per month for Fourth year over third year (%)
5 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift
per month for fifth year over fourth year (%)
6 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for sixth year over fourth year *
7 Escalation as a % to cost per FTE per shift (%)
per month for seventh year over fourth year *
Cost per Call
B 1 Cost per Call for the second year
(Since Bank will consider to use this quotation only (INR)
during the second year of operation)
2 Cost per Call for the Third year (INR)
3 Cost per Call for the Fourth year (INR)
4 Cost per Call for the Fifth year (INR)
5 Cost per Call for the Sixth year * ( INR)

6 Cost per Call for the Seventh year * (INR)

*( for reference only not for tecno-commercial evaluation)

The above quotation is in compliance to Clause No. 5.4 (including sub-clauses under this clause)
of RFP document. The costs to be shown above are EXCLUSIVE OF TAXES. All applicable taxes
at actuals will be paid by Bank separately. Any TDS deductible, as per the Income Tax
Regulations, will be deducted from amounts payable to the vendor.

The above quoted costs are valid for at least 180 days from the date of closure.

Yours faithfully,

Authorised Signatory


Designation : Company’s stamp / seal Date:


Date of
Name of

as per

Whether Public

or Pvt. Co.

A-II 2
operates Contact
Centre with
& (11-b)

10000 FTEs or
A-II (11-a)

above for last

two years

Client includes

PSB Bank with

Rs. 1 lac crore

customer care
contact centre
on banking
A-II (12)

Template for “Stage – A – Evaluation of Eligibility”

Yearly Gross
Revenue from

Indian domestic
Rs.200 Crores

Whether making


Is it registered
with DOT or
any other
& (9-b)

A-II (9-a)

Eligible ?
Annexure D
Technical Proposal

Annexure E
Template for “Stage – B Technical Evaluation”

Item Item Proposal Total Para / Section

Weights Importance Score (0-5) Points Reference in RFP
(0-5) 5 = Best
I Provider RFP process management capability
1) Compliance with the RFP process
2) Compliance with the RFP timetable
3) Quality of clarification questions
4) Compliance with provider proposal format
5) Compliance with provider pricing format
6) Quality of proposal documentation
7) Proposal presentation

II Service Provider profile

1) Service Provider organization overview (financial profile, Annexure B-I
Organization structure) Column 1.a,1.b.1.c
2) Provider business profile and strategy Annexure B-I
Column 2.a,2.b
3) Service Provider’s Management practices and procedures Annexure B-I
Column 3.a,3.b.3.c.3.d
4) Dedicated practice area and core competency Annexure B-I
Column 4.a,4.b
5) Service Provider’s expertise in handling contact centre service Annexure B-I
in regional languages. Column 5
III Conformance with Service requirements (SLAs) of existing
6) Compliance to Service Level Agreements Annexure B-I
Column 6.a,6.b,6.c,6.d.6.e

Item Item Proposal Total Para / Section

Weights Importance Score (0-5) Points Reference in RFP
(0-5) 5 = Best
7) Use of subcontractors Annexure B-I
Column 7

IV) Business process expertise, Specially in Banking Industry

8) Banking Industry-specific skill sets Annexure B-I
Column 8
9) Specific Compliance Requirements for Call Centre Annexure B-I
Column 9

V) Technical Expertise
10) Technical Expertise – (Hardware /software / Telecom) Annexure B-I
Column 10
12) Security (IT and Data) Annexure B-I
Column 12
13) Transition Process Annexure B-I
Column 13

VI) Human Resources

14) Respondent’s current Human Resources Management practices Annexure B-I
Column 14
15) Relationship Management (Account Team) for providing services to Bank Annexure B-I
Column 15
16) Operational Team - Resourcing for providing services to Bank Annexure B-I
Column 16

VII) Due Diligence

References - Enterprise wide Annexure B-I
17) References - Specific team personnel Column 17

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