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API Umbrella Documentation

Release 0.15.1

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Jul 14, 2023

Getting Started

1 What Is API Umbrella? 1


What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella is an open source API management platform for exposing web service APIs. The basic goal of API
Umbrella is to make life easier for both API creators and API consumers. How?
• Make life easier for API creators: Allow API creators to focus on building APIs.
– Standardize the boring stuff: APIs can assume the boring stuff (access control, rate limiting, analytics,
etc.) is already taken care if the API is being accessed, so common functionality doesn’t need to be
implemented in the API code.
– Easy to add: API Umbrella acts as a layer above your APIs, so your API code doesn’t need to be modified
to take advantage of the features provided.
– Scalability: Make it easier to scale your APIs.
• Make life easier for API consumers: Let API consumers easily explore and use your APIs.
– Unify disparate APIs: Present separate APIs as a cohesive offering to API consumers. APIs running on
different servers or written in different programming languages can be exposed at a single endpoint for the
API consumer.
– Standardize access: All your APIs are can be accessed using the same API key credentials.
– Standardize documentation: All your APIs are documented in a single place and in a similar fashion.

1.1 Installation

1.1.1 Installing From Binary Packages

Debian 9 (Stretch)

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys


$ echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-debian stretch main" | sudo tee /


(continues on next page)

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

(continued from previous page)

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install api-umbrella

Debian 8 (Jessie)

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys


$ echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-debian jessie main" | sudo tee /


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install api-umbrella

Enterprise Linux 7 (CentOS/RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux)

$ curl https://bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-el7/rpm | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/api-


$ sudo yum install api-umbrella

Enterprise Linux 6 (CentOS/RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux)

$ curl https://bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-el6/rpm | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/api-


$ sudo yum install api-umbrella

Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys


$ echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-ubuntu bionic main" | sudo tee /


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install api-umbrella

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys


$ echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/nrel/api-umbrella-ubuntu xenial main" | sudo tee /


$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install api-umbrella

1.1.2 Installing With Chef

If you use Chef for managing your servers, we provide a cookbook that can be used to install the binary packages and
configure API Umbrella.

1.1.3 Running With Docker

In this simple example, custom API Umbrella configuration can be defined in the config/api-umbrella.yml
file on host machine. This gets mounted as /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml inside the container,
which is the path for the configuration file the rest of the documentation will reference.

2 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

$ mkdir config && touch config/api-umbrella.yml

$ docker run -d --name=api-umbrella -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v "$(pwd)/config":/etc/api-
˓→umbrella nrel/api-umbrella

1.1.4 Installing From Source Code

Installing from a binary package is recommended, if available (let us know if you’d like to see binary packages for
other platforms). However, if a binary package is not available you can compile from source.

1.2 Setup

• Start API Umbrella:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella start

• Browse to your server’s hostname. You should land on the default homepage:

API Umbrella homepage
Congrats! You’re now up and running with API Umbrella. There are a variety of things you can do to start using the
platform. Read on for a quick tutorial:

1.2. Setup 3
API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.3 Quick Tutorial

1.3.1 Login to the web admin

A web admin is available to perform basic tasks:

The very first time you access the admin, you’ll be given a chance to create your first admin account.

1.3.2 Add API Backends

Out of the box, API Umbrella doesn’t know about any APIs. You must first configure the API backends that will be
proxied to.
In this example, we’ll proxy to Google’s Geocoding API (but you’ll more likely be proxying to your own web services).
Step 1: Login to the web admin and navigate to the “API Backends” section under the “Configuration” menu.
Step 2: Add a new backend:

API Backend Example

4 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

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Step 3: Navigate to the “Publish Changes” page under the “Configuration” menu and press the Publish button.
Google’s API should now be available through the API Umbrella proxy.

1.3.3 Signup for an API key

On your local environment, visit the signup form:

Signup to receive your own unique API key for your development environment.

1.3.4 Make an API request

Assuming you added the Google Geocoding example as an API backend, you should now be able to make a request
to Google’s Geocoding API proxied through your local API Umbrella instance:


You can see how API Umbrella layers its authentication on top of existing APIs by making a request using an invalid


1.3.5 View Analytics

Login to the web admin. Navigate to the “Filter Logs” section under the “Analytics” menu. As you make API requests
against your API Umbrella server, the requests should start to show up here (there may be a 30 second delay before
the requests show up in the analytics).

1.3. Quick Tutorial 5

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1.4 Next Steps

1.5 API Backends

1.5.1 Caching

API Umbrella provides a standard HTTP caching layer in front of your APIs (using Apache Traffic Server). In
order to utilize the cache, your API backend must set HTTP headers on the response. In addition to the standard
Cache-Control or Expires HTTP headers, we also support the Surrogate-Control header.


The Surrogate-Control header will only have an effect on the API Umbrella cache. This header will be stripped
before the response is delivered publicly.

Surrogate-Control: max-age=(time in seconds)

Cache-Control: s-maxage

The Cache-Control: s-maxage header will be respected by the API Umbrella cache, as well as any other
intermediate caches between us and the user.

Cache-Control: s-maxage=(time in seconds)

6 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

Cache-Control: max-age

The Cache-Control: max-age header will be respected by the API Umbrella cache, intermediate caching
servers, and the user’s client.

Cache-Control: max-age=(time in seconds)


The Expires header will be respected by the API Umbrella cache, intermediate caching servers, and the user’s client.

Expires: (HTTP date)

1.5.2 HTTP Headers

Request Headers

After API Umbrella verifies an incoming request (a valid API key, below rate limits, etc), it will then proxy the
incoming request to your API backend. The request your API backend receives will have additional HTTP headers
added to the request. These headers can optionally be used to identify details about the requesting user.


A unique identifier for the requesting user (UUID format). This should be used if your API backend needs to uniquely
identify the user making the request.

X-Api-User-Id: (UUID)


X-Api-User-Id: d44a13a0-926a-11e3-baa8-0800200c9a66


If the user accessing the API has roles assigned to them, these will be present in the X-Api-Roles header as a
comma-separated list of roles:

X-Api-Roles: (comma separated list)


X-Api-Roles: write_permissions,private_access


Used for identifying the original IP address of the client. See X-Forwarded-For for usage and details.

X-Forwarded-For: (comma separated list)

1.5. API Backends 7

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The original protocol of the client’s request (either http or https). This can be used to determine how the client
originally connected to the API regardless of what protocol is being used for API backend communication.

X-Forwarded-Proto: (http or https)


X-Forwarded-Proto: https


The original port of the client’s request (for example, 80 or 443). This can be used to determine how the client
originally connected to the API regardless of what port is being used for API backend communication.

X-Forwarded-Port: (number)


X-Forwarded-Port: 443


A unique string identifier for each individual request. This can be used in log data to trace a specific request through
multiple servers or proxy layers. This same header will be set as a response header that the API consumer will receive
for tracing purposes too.

X-Api-Umbrella-Request-Id: (unique string identifier)


X-Api-Umbrella-Request-Id: aelqdj9lfoe7c2itheg0

X-Api-Key (Deprecated)

Currently the API passed in by the user is passed along to API backends in the X-Api-Key header. However, this
header is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Instead, the X-Api-User-Id should be used if you need to
uniquely identify the requesting user.

X-Api-Key: (api key)


X-Api-Key: 5WH3bgykjP9ihtrRl5ib9nQY5NzUGOixdXjBnx18

8 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

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Response Headers

API Umbrella may add certain HTTP headers to the public response, or other headers can be set by the API backend
for internal usage by API Umbrella.

X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom1, X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom2, X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-


These 3 optional response headers can be set by the API backend and will be logged by the API Umbrella analytics
system. These can be used to log custom, application-specific values to the analytics system for later querying and
analysis. These headers will be stripped and removed by API Umbrella before returning to the API consumer, so the
values will not be part of the public HTTP response. If the HTTP header value length exceeds 400 characters, only the
first 400 characters will be logged in the analytics system.

X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom1: (any value)

X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom2: (any value)
X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom3: (any value)


X-Api-Umbrella-Analytics-Custom1: my-custom-value


A unique string identifier for each individual request. This can be used in log data to trace a specific request through
multiple servers or proxy layers. This header will be returned to the API consumer and is not something API backends
can change. This same header will be set as a request header that the API backend will receive for tracing purposes

X-Api-Umbrella-Request-Id: (unique string identifier)


X-Api-Umbrella-Request-Id: aelqdj9lfoe7c2itheg0

1.5.3 Role Restrictions

API Umbrella’s “roles” feature can be used to restrict access to APIs so that only certain API keys may access certain

Adding Roles to API Keys

To grant specific API keys a role:

1. In the Admin, under Users > API Users, find the API key you want to add roles to.
2. Under Permissions > Roles, enter roles to assign to this API key.
• You can name roles however you’d like.
• Existing roles will auto-complete, but new roles can be created by entering a new name.

1.5. API Backends 9

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

Enforcing Role Requirements With API Umbrella

If you’d like for API Umbrella to enforce role restrictions, then role requirements can be defined within the API
Backend configuration:
1. In the Admin, under Configuration > API Backends, choose your API Backend to edit.
2. Under Global Request Settings > Required Roles, enter roles to require.
• You can name roles however you’d like.
• Existing roles will auto-complete, but new roles can be created by entering a new name.
• If multiple roles are set, then the API key must have all of the roles.
3. Save changes to the API Backend and publish the configuration changes.
Once configured, then only API keys with the required roles will be able to access your API backend. If an API key
lacks all of the required roles then API Umbrella will reject the request with a 403 Forbidden error and your API will
never receive the request.

Sub-URL Role Requirements

The API Backend’s “Sub-URL Request Settings” can be used to define more granular role requirements. For example,
this could be used to require roles on just a single API URL path, or to only require roles for POST/PUT write access.

Enforcing Role Requirements Inside Your API

Instead of enforcing role requirements at the API Umbrella proxy layer, you can also utilize the role information
in other ways within your API backend. If you have more complex authorization logic, then this may be easier to
implement within your API’s code.
On each request with a valid API key that’s passed to your API backend, there’s an X-Api-Roles HTTP header.
This contains a comma-delimited list of all the roles assigned to the API key that’s making the request. Your APIs can
parse this HTTP header and use it to decide whether access should be permitted or denied.

1.6 API Users

1.6.1 Roles

API Umbrella’s “roles” feature can be used to restrict access to APIs so that only certain API keys may access the
See the API Backends’ Role Restrictions documentation for more detail.

1.7 Admin Accounts

1.7.1 Permissions

API Scopes are combined with the Admin Groups to create a granular permission system within the API Umbrella
admin. This might be useful if you have multiple organizations or departments that should only have access to certain
parts of the API Umbrella admin.

10 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

An API Scope defines a hostname and a path prefix. This determines the API backends and analytics that an admin
is allowed to view. For example, an admin may be authorized to interact with example.com/foo/* apis, but not
example.com/bar/* apis.
Next, you setup a (permissions) group, which defines the specific permissions admins can perform within API scopes.
For example, you may want some admins to only be able to view analytics, while others should be able to also setup
API backends.
As a quick example, say you set up an API Scope with a host of example.com and a path prefix of /foo. You then
create a group that uses that scope and grants the Analytics and API Backend Configuration - View
& Manage permissions. Then, you assign that group to a specific admin account.
Now, any admin that belongs to that group can log in and view analytics, but only for requests beginning with
example.com/foo/*. They would not be able to view analytics for example.com/bar/*. Similarly, be-
cause they were granted the API Backend permission, that user could edit or create new API backends, but only as
long as the API backend they’re interacting with starts with example.com/foo/* for it’s public URL. However,
while this specific admin group could add and edit API backends, they couldn’t actually publish the backend changes
and make them live, since they were not granted the API Backend Configuration - Publish permission.

1.8 Analytics

1.9 Website Backends

By default, API Umbrella ships with a very basic public website. Any URL that does not match the routes defined
by your API backends will get routed to your website backend. The default website provided by API Umbrella is
intended to be customized or replaced. There are several different approaches to managing and hosting your website
• Using an External Website Backend
• Using the Example Static Site

1.9.1 External Website Backends

If you already have a website or content management system you’d like to use for managing your API website, you
can point API Umbrella’s website backend to wherever your website is hosted:
1. In the API Umbrella admin, under the “Configuration” menu pick “Website Backends” and then click “Add
Website Backend”
2. Fill in the details for where your underlying website backend is hosted.
• The “Frontend Host” field can be used if you’d like API Umbrella to handle multiple domain names and
present different websites for each domain.
3. Save your website backend, and publish the changes under Configuration > Publish Changes.

1.9.2 Example Static Site

If you don’t already have a preferred way for managing your websites, API Umbrella ships with a basic, example
website. The default API Umbrella website content comes from the api-umbrella-static-site repository. This repository
provides a Middleman site that can be forked and customized. As a static site, this site will compile to static HTML
files and can be hosted in a variety of simple locations (GitHub Pages, an S3 Bucket, or on the API Umbrella servers).

1.8. Analytics 11
API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1


If you fork and customize the static site repository, you can then deploy it in a variety of ways. A few examples
• External (GitHub Pages, S3 Bucket, etc): You can deploy the resulting HTML files to these external locations,
and then configure API Umbrella to point to these locations as you would any external website backend.
• On the API Umbrella servers: You’ll need to configure your API Umbrella servers to allow for deployments,
then you’ll need to adjust the deploy configuration in config/deploy/production.rb to point to your
servers, and then you should be able to deploy via cap production deploy.

Example Forks

Here are a couple examples of website repositories based on the api-umbrella-static-site repo, and deployed with
GitHub Pages:
• api.data.gov
• developer.nrel.gov


1.11 Other Documentation

We are trying to consolidate all the API Umbrella documentation to this site, but in the meantime, some existing
documentation can be found in a couple of other places:
• https://github.com/18F/api.data.gov/wiki/User-Manual:-Agencies
• https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella/wiki

1.12 Admin Authentication

By default, API Umbrella’s admin can be accessed with local admin accounts that can be created and managed without
any further configuration.
The admin can also be configured to authenticate using external login providers (like Google, Facebook, or LDAP).
These external login providers can be used in combination with local admin accounts, or local accounts can be disabled
and external providers can be used exclusively.

1.12.1 General Configuration

Custom authentication settings can be defined in /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml. The following

example shows some general configuration options:
- local
- github
(continues on next page)

12 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

(continued from previous page)

- google
- [email protected]
username_is_email: true

• web.admin.auth_strategies.enabled: An array of authentication providers that should be enabled

for logging into the admin (defaults to local). Available providers:
– local
– cas
– facebook
– github
– gitlab
– google
– ldap
– max.gov
• web.admin.initial_superusers: An array of superuser admin accounts that should be created on
startup (defaults to none). Subsequent admin accounts can be created via the admin interface, so this setting is
only needed for initial setup.
When the local login provider is enabled (default), you will be given an opportunity to create an admin account
on your first visit to the admin tool, so this option should not be necessary (unless you want to prevent the first
visitor from being allowed to create an admin account).
This option is primarily useful when the local login provider is disabled and you’re exclusively using external
login providers.
• web.admin.username_is_email: Whether or not the admin’s username is also their email address (de-
faults to true). Setting this to false allows for a separate non-email based username to be assigned to admin

1.12.2 Local Login Provider

Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

- local
password_length_min: 14
password_length_max: 72

• web.admin.password_length_min: Minimum length of admin passwords (default 14).

• web.admin.password_length_max: Maximum length of admin passwords (default 72).

1.12.3 External Login Providers

1.12. Admin Authentication 13

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

- cas
host: login.example.com
login_url: /cas/login
service_validate_url: /cas/serviceValidate
logout_url: /cas/logout
ssl: true

See omniauth-cas for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

- facebook
client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE"
client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

To register your API Umbrella server with Facebook and get the client_id and client_secret:
1. Login to your Facebook developer account and add a new app.
2. Click Add Product in the left menu, and on the Product Setup screen, choose Facebook Login.
3. The Valid OAuth redirect URIs should be: https://yourdomain.com/admins/auth/facebook/
callback (use the domain where API Umbrella is deployed)
4. Click App Review in the left menu, and flip the switch to make the app public.
5. Click Settings in the left menu and find your App ID and App Secret.
6. Add your client_id and client_secret to /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml.
7. Reload API Umbrella (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella reload).
See omniauth-facebook for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

(continues on next page)

14 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

(continued from previous page)

- github
client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE"
client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

To register your API Umbrella server with GitHub and get the client_id and client_secret:
1. Login to your GitHub account and create a new application.
2. The Homepage URL should be: https://yourdomain.com (use the domain where API Umbrella is
3. The Authorization callback URL should be: https://yourdomain.com/admins/auth/github/
4. Add your client_id and client_secret to /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml.
5. Reload API Umbrella (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella reload).
See omniauth-github for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

- gitlab
client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE"
client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

To register your API Umbrella server with GitLab and get the client_id and client_secret:
1. Login to your GitLab account and create a new application.
2. The Redirect URI should be: https://yourdomain.com/admins/auth/gitlab/callback (use
the domain where API Umbrella is deployed)
3. The Scopes should be: read_user
4. Add your client_id and client_secret to /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml.
5. Reload API Umbrella (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella reload).
See omniauth-gitlab for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

(continues on next page)

1.12. Admin Authentication 15

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

(continued from previous page)

- google
client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID_HERE"
client_secret: "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_HERE"

To register your API Umbrella server with Google and get the client_id and client_secret:
1. Login to the Google API Console.
2. Create a new project for your API Umbrella site.
3. Navigate to API Manager > Library and enable the Contacts API and Google+ API APIs.
4. Navigate to API Manager > Credentials.
5. Under the OAuth consent screen tab, enter a Product name shown to users.
6. Under the Credentials tab, click the Create cedentials button and pick OAuth Client ID.
7. The Application Type should be: Web application.
8. The Authorized JavaScript origins should be: https://yourdomain.com (use the domain where API
Umbrella is deployed)
9. The Authorized redirect URIs should be: https://example.com/admins/auth/
10. Add your client_id and client_secret to the api-umbrella.yml.
11. Reload API Umbrella (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella reload).
See omniauth-google-oauth2 for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

username_is_email: false
- ldap
title: Your Company
host: ldap.example.com
port: 389
method: plain
base: dc=example,dc=com
uid: sAMAccountName

It may be useful to set web.admin.username_is_email to false if your LDAP account uses usernames
(instead of email addresses) to authenticate.
See omniauth-ldap for further documentation.


Example /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config:

16 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

- max.gov

If your website is authorized to use MAX.gov, no further configuration is necessary.

1.13 HTTPS Configuration

By default, API Umbrella requires HTTPS for a variety of endpoints. On initial installation, API Umbrella will use as
self-signed certificate which won’t be valid for production use. For production, you have two primary options:
• SSL Termination: If you’re placing API Umbrella behind a load balancer in a multi-server setup, you can
handle the SSL termination with that external load balancer.
SSL termination should work without any further configuration assuming your external load balancer passes
the appropriate X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Port headers to API Umbrella. If your load
balancer does not support setting these headers, then see how you can override public ports.
• SSL Certificate Installation: You can configure API Umbrella with a valid SSL certificate, rather than the self-
signed default one. To do so, install the certificates on your server, and then adjust the /etc/api-umbrella/
api-umbrella.yml to point to these certificate files for your domain:

- hostname: api.example.com
default: true
ssl_cert: /etc/ssl/your_cert.crt
ssl_cert_key: /etc/ssl/your_cert.key

ssl_cert should point to a valid certificate file in the format supported by nginx’s ssl_certificate.
ssl_cert_key should point to a valid private key file in the format supported by nginx’s

1.14 SMTP Configuration

In order for end-users to receive email notifications, API Umbrella needs to be configured with SMTP settings.
Inside the /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config file, add SMTP settings under the
web.mailer.smtp_settings key. The configuration under this key gets passed directly to Rails’s Action Mailer
smtp_settings configuration.
As a quick example, your configuration might look something like:

address: smtp.whatever.com
authentication: login
user_name: example
password: super_secure_pass

Refer to the Action Mailer docs smtp_settings section for all the available options.

1.13. HTTPS Configuration 17

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.15 Multi-Server Setup

A basic install will result in all of the API Umbrella services running on a single server. You may wish to scale your
installation to multiple servers for redundancy or performance reasons.

1.15.1 Services

The first thing to understand with a multi-server installation are the individual services that can be run on each server.
By default, all required services are run, but you can explicitly configure which services get run if you wish to split
things off to different servers (for example, separating your database servers from your proxy servers).
To define which services get run, define the services configuration inside your /etc/api-umbrella/
api-umbrella.yml configuration file:

- general_db
- log_db
- router
- web

This configuration enables all the available services. To disable a service, remove its line from the configuration.
The services available are:
• general_db: The MongoDB database used for configuration, user information, and other miscellaneous data.
• log_db: The Elasticsearch database used for logging and analytics.
• router: The core reverse proxy and routing capabilities of API Umbrella.
• web: The web application providing API Umbrella’s administration app and REST APIs.

1.15.2 Suggested Server Setups

In general, you’ll need at least 3 servers in a multi-server setup since the database servers need an odd number of
members for failover and voting purposes (see MongoDB Replica Set Strategies). Here are some possible server
• 3 servers with all services running on all servers:
– 3 servers with router, web, general_db, and log_db services enabled.
• 5 servers with the databases running on separate servers:
– 2 servers with router and web services enabled.
– 3 servers with general_db and log_db services enabled.
• 4 servers with the databases running on separate servers, and a MongoDB arbiter running on one of the proxy
servers for voting purposes:
– 1 server with router and web services enabled.
– 1 server with router, web, general_db services enabled (but with MongoDB configured to be an
arbiter for voting purposes only).
– 2 servers with general_db and log_db services enabled.

18 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.15.3 Load Balancing

If you have multiple proxy or web servers running, you’ll need to load balance between these multiple API Umbrella
servers from an external load balancer. For a highly available setup, using something like an AWS ELB (or your
hosting provider’s equivalent) is probably the easiest approach. Alternatives involve setting up your own load balancer
(nginx, HAProxy, etc).

1.15.4 Database Configuration

Bind Address

By default, the database processes bind to, which means they will only accept connections from the
same server. If you decide to run the database processes on separate servers, or you have multiple database servers,
then you’ll need to adjust the bind addresses to allow for communication between servers.
Warning: Elasticsearch offers no built-in security, and by default, passwords are not enabled on MongoDB. So it’s
important that you do not expose the servers to the public or unprotected networks.
Changing the bind addresses to will allow for database communication between servers, but this setting is
only appropriate if you have other firewall or network restrictions in place to prevent public access. Again, be careful
not to expose your database servers to the internet.
For the Elasticsearch servers (any server with the log_db role):

For the MongoDB servers (any server with the general_db role):

Multiple Servers

If you have multiple database servers, you’ll need to adjust the /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml
configuration on all the servers to define the addresses of each database servers.
For the Elasticsearch servers (any server with the log_db role), define the server IPs:
- http://
- http://
- http://

For the MongoDB servers (any server with the general_db role), define the server IPs and replica set name:
url: "mongodb://,,"
replSetName: api-umbrella

1.15. Multi-Server Setup 19

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

Note that for MongoDB, you’ll still need to follow the normal procedure to deploy a replica set (for example, running
rs.initiate()). In order to connect to MongoDB on the API Umbrella servers you can use this command:
/opt/api-umbrella/embedded/bin/mongo --port 14001

1.16 HTTP/HTTPS Listen Ports

By default API Umbrella will startup and listen on the default HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443). If you’d like to
run API Umbrella on different ports, you can make changes to the /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml
config file:

http_port: 8080
https_port: 8443

1.16.1 Override Public Ports

If API Umbrella is placed behind a load balancer or other proxy, it should generally work without further configuration
if the load balancer passes back the X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Port headers. These headers are
commonly passed by other proxies by default, and it is the recommended approach to ensuring users see.
However, if your load balancer does not support sending back X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Port
headers, and API Umbrella’s internal ports differ from the public-facing ports, then you can explicitly override the
public-facing port and protocol. The following configuration options can be defined in /etc/api-umbrella/
• override_public_http_port: Override the public port used when API Umbrella receives traffic on its
http_port listener.
• override_public_http_proto: Override the public protocol (http or https) used when API Um-
brella receives traffic on its http_port listener.
• override_public_https_port: Override the public port used when API Umbrella receives traffic on its
https_port listener.
• override_public_https_proto: Override the public protocol (http or https) used when API Um-
brella receives traffic on its https_port listener.
As an example, if you’re terminating SSL outside of API Umbrella and sending all traffic to API Umbrella’s HTTP
port, then you could force API Umbrella into thinking the traffic to API Umbrella’s HTTP port was originally received
over HTTPS by overriding the public port and protocol for HTTP traffic:

override_public_http_port: 443
override_public_http_proto: https

However, note that in this case, API Umbrella has no way to distinguish between traffic that was originally HTTP or
HTTPS (since they’re both received on API Umbrella’s HTTP port), so we’re assuming the SSL terminator has already
forced all traffic to HTTPS.

1.17 Log Files

Log files for API Umbrella are stored in /var/log/api-umbrella/. Inside that directory you’ll find subdirec-
tories for each process API Umbrella runs. Some of the more relevant log files are highlighted below:
• /var/log/api-umbrella/nginx/access.log: nginx access for all requests log

20 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

• /var/log/api-umbrella/nginx/current: nginx error log

• /var/log/api-umbrella/web-puma/current: Log file for the Rails web app (providing the admin
and APIs)
• /var/log/api-umbrella/trafficserver/access.blog: Binary log file for the Traffic Server
cache server (use /opt/api-umbrella/embedded/bin/traffic_logcat to view)

1.18 Database Configuration

1.18.1 Bind Address

By default, API Umbrella’s bundled databases only accept connections from the same server. If you’re running multi-
ple servers, you’ll need to adjust the bind address settings.

1.18.2 MongoDB Authentication

1. Create a user account for API Umbrella:

$ /opt/api-umbrella/embedded/bin/mongo --port 14001

> use api_umbrella
> db.createUser({
user: "api_umbrella",
pwd: "super_secret_password_here",
roles: [
{ role: "readWrite", db: "api_umbrella" },
{ role: "dbAdmin", db: "api_umbrella" },
> exit

2. Enable authorization and add the login details to the mongodb.url setting (using the Connection String URI
Format) inside the /etc/api-umbrella/api-umbrella.yml config file:

url: "mongodb://api_umbrella:[email protected]:14001/api_

authorization: enabled

3. Restart API Umbrella: sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella restart

1.18.3 External Database Usage

API Umbrella bundles the recommended database versions inside its package. Using other database versions is not
supported, but should work. A few known notes about compatibility:
• Elasticsearch 1
– API Umbrella can be used with an Elasticsearch 1 instance by setting the following config option in /

1.18. Database Configuration 21

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

api_version: 1

• Elasticsearch 5
– API Umbrella is not yet compatible with Elasticsearch 5.

1.19 API Key Usage

A user may pass their API key in one of several ways. In order of precedence:

1.19.1 HTTP Header

Pass the API key into the X-Api-Key header:

curl -H 'X-Api-Key: DEMO_KEY' 'http://example.com/api'

1.19.2 GET Query Param

Pass the API key into the api_key GET query string parameter:

curl 'http://example.com/api?api_key=DEMO_KEY'

Note: The GET query parameter may be used for non-GET requests (such as POST and PUT).

1.19.3 HTTP Basic Auth Username

As an alternative, pass the API key as the username (with an empty password) using HTTP basic authentication:

$ curl 'http://[email protected]/api'

1.20 Rate Limits

Limits are placed on the number of API requests you may make using your API key. Rate limits may vary by service,
but the defaults are:
• Hourly Limit: 1,000 requests per hour
For each API key, these limits are applied across all API requests. Exceeding these limits will lead to your API key
being temporarily blocked from making further requests. The block will automatically be lifted by waiting an hour.

1.20.1 How Do I See My Current Usage?

Your can check your current rate limit and usage details by inspecting the X-RateLimit-Limit and
X-RateLimit-Remaining HTTP headers that are returned on every API response. For example, if an API has
the default hourly limit of 1,000 request, after making 2 requests, you will receive these HTTP headers in the response
of the second request:

22 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 998

1.20.2 Understanding Rate Limit Time Periods

Hourly Limit

The hourly counters for your API key reset on a rolling basis.
Example: If you made 500 requests at 10:15AM and 500 requests at 10:25AM, your API key would become tem-
porarily blocked. This temporary block of your API key would cease at 11:15AM, at which point you could make 500
requests. At 11:25AM, you could then make another 500 requests.

1.20.3 Rate Limit Error Response

If your API key exceeds the rate limits, you will receive a response with an HTTP status code of 429 (Too Many

1.21 Architecture

API Umbrella is a reverse proxy that sits between your API users and your APIs:

1.21.1 In More Detail



1.22 Development Setup

The easiest way to get started with API Umbrella development is to use Docker to setup a local development environ-

1.22.1 Prerequisites

• 64bit CPU - the development VM requires an 64bit CPU on the host machine
• Docker

1.21. Architecture 23
API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.22.2 Setup

After installing Docker, follow these steps:

# Get the code and spinup your development VM

$ git clone https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella.git
$ cd api-umbrella
$ docker-compose up

Assuming all goes smoothly, you should be able to see the homepage at https://localhost:8101/. You will need to need
to accept the self-signed SSL certificate for localhost in order to access the development environment.
If you’re having any difficulties getting the development environment setup, then open an issue.

1.22.3 Directory Structure

A quick overview of some of the relevant directories for development:

• src/api-umbrella/admin-ui: The admin user interface which utilizes the administrative APIs provided
by the web-app.
• src/api-umbrella/cli: The actions behind the api-umbrella command line tool.
• src/api-umbrella/proxy: The custom reverse proxy where API requests are validated before being
allowed to the underlying API backend.
• src/api-umbrella/web-app: Provides the public and administrative APIs.
• test: Proxy tests and integration tests for the entire API Umbrella stack.

1.22.4 Making Code Changes

This development environment runs the various components in “development” mode, which typically means any code
changes you make will immediately be reflected. However, this does mean this development environment will run
API Umbrella slower than in production.
While you can typically edit files and see your changes, for certain types of application changes, you may need to
restart the server processes. There are two ways to restart things if needed:

# Quick: Reload most server processes by executing a reload command:

docker-compose exec app api-umbrella reload

# Slow: Fully restart everything:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose up

1.22.5 Writing and Running Tests

See the testing section for more information about writing and running tests.

24 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.23 Testing

1.23.1 Test Suite

API Umbrella’s test suite uses Ruby’s minitest. All tests are located in the test directory. Tests are separated into
these areas:
• test/admin_ui: Browser-based tests for the admin-ui component using Capybara.
• test/apis: HTTP tests for the internal APIs provided by API Umbrella.
• test/processes: Testing the behavior of API Umbrella’s server processes.
• test/proxy: Testing the behavior of API Umbrella’s proxy features.
• test/testing_sanity_checks: Tests to sanity check certain behaviors of the overall test suite.

1.23.2 Running Tests

Assuming you have a Docker development environment, you can run all the tests with:

docker-compose run --rm app make test

Running Individual Tests

If you’d like to run individual tests, rather than all the tests, there are a few different ways to do that:

docker-compose run --rm app bundle exec minitest test/apis/v1/admins/test_create.rb

1.24 Deploying From Git

API Umbrella should be installed onto servers using the binary packages. However, if you want to deploy more
recent updates from master (or your own forked changes), then newer versions of the app can be deployed on top of a
package-based installation. Deployments are automated through Capistrano.

1.24.1 Prerequisites

In order to run the deployment scripts, your local computer (or wherever you’re deploying from) must have:
• git
• rsync
• Ruby 1.9+
• Ruby Bundler
If you have trouble getting any of these setup locally, you can also run deployments from the development virtual
machine, which includes these dependencies.

1.23. Testing 25
API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.24.2 Initial Server Setup

SSH Key Setup

On each server you wish to deploy to, you must setup SSH keys so that you can deploy as the
api-umbrella-deploy user (this user is automatically created as part of the package installation). These steps
only need to be performed once per server.
• On your computer:
– Ensure you have SSH keys: You must have SSH keys setup on your local computer (or wherever you’re
deploying from). If you do not have SSH keys, see steps 1 & 2 from GitHub’s Generating SSH keys guide
for instructions.
– Copy your public key: Copy the contents of your public key (often at ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). For more
tips on copying, or alternative locations for your public key, see step 4 from GitHub’s Generating SSH
keys guide.
• On each server:
– With your public SSH key in hand from your own computer, follow these steps on each server, replacing
YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY as appropriate:

$ echo "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY" | sudo tee --append /home/api-umbrella-deploy/.ssh/


Install Build Dependencies

On each server you wish to deploy to, you must install the system packages needed for building dependencies (for ex-
ample, make, gcc, etc). This can be automated through the tasks/install-system-build-dependencies
shell script:
• On each server:

$ curl -OLJ https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella/archive/master.tar.gz

$ tar -xvf api-umbrella-master.tar.gz
$ cd api-umbrella-master
$ sudo ./tasks/install-system-build-dependencies

1.24.3 Deploying

• One-time local setup:

– Check out the api-umbrella repository from git:

$ git clone https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella.git

– Install the deployment dependencies from inside the deploy directory:

$ cd api-umbrella/deploy
$ bundle install

– Define your destination servers: Add a .env file inside the api-umbrella/deploy directory defining
the servers to deploy to for the “staging” or “production” environments:

26 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1


Servers can be defined using hostnames or IP address. Multiple servers can be comma-delimited. In this
example there are two staging servers ( and, and two production servers (10.0.
10.1 and
• Deploy to either the “staging” or “production” environments:
$ cd api-umbrella/deploy
$ bundle exec cap staging deploy
$ bundle exec cap production deploy

1.25 Building Binary Packages

1.25.1 Prerequisites

• git
• Docker

1.25.2 Supported Distributions

Currently we build 64bit binary packages for the following distributions:

• Debian 8 (Jessie)
• Debian 9 (Stretch)
• Enterprise Linux 6 (CentOS/RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux)
• Enterprise Linux 7 (CentOS/RedHat/Oracle/Scientific Linux)
• Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
• Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

1.25.3 Building Packages

To build packages for the current API Umbrella version for all distributions:
$ git clone https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella.git
$ cd api-umbrella
$ make -C build/package -j4 docker_all # Adjust concurrency with -j flag as desired

Packages for each distribution will be created inside an isolated docker container, with the resulting packages being
placed in the build/package/work/current directory.

1.25.4 Publishing Packages

To publish the new binary packages to our BinTray repositories (which provide yum and apt repos):
$ BINTRAY_USERNAME=username BINTRAY_API_KEY=api_key GPG_PASSPHRASE=passphrase ./build/

1.25. Building Binary Packages 27

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.26 Building Docker Images

1.26.1 Prerequisites

• git
• Docker

1.26.2 Building Images

To build packages for the current API Umbrella version:

$ git clone https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella.git

$ cd api-umbrella/docker
$ docker build -t nrel/api-umbrella:INSERT_VERSION_HERE .
$ docker tag nrel/api-umbrella:INSERT_VERSION_HERE nrel/api-umbrella:latest

1.26.3 Pushing to Docker Hub

To publish the new images to our Docker Hub repository:

$ docker push nrel/api-umbrella:INSERT_VERSION_HERE

$ docker push nrel/api-umbrella:latest

1.27 Compiling From Source

Installing from a binary package is recommended, if available (let us know if you’d like to see binary packages for
other platforms). However, if you’d like to compile from source, follow these instructions:

1.27.1 Prerequisites

• 64bit Linux distribution

– It should be possible to run against other 64bit *nix operating systems, but our build script currently
has some hard-coded assumptions to a 64bit linux environment. File an issue if you’d like to see other
operating systems supported.
• Dependencies can automatically be installed for supported distributions by running the ./tasks/
install-system-build-dependencies script. For unsupported distributions, view the ./build/
package_dependencies.sh file for a list of required packages.

1.27.2 Compiling & Installing

$ curl -OLJ https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella/archive/v0.15.1.tar.gz

$ tar -xvf api-umbrella-0.15.1.tar.gz
$ cd api-umbrella-0.15.1
$ sudo ./tasks/install-system-build-dependencies
$ ./configure
(continues on next page)

28 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

(continued from previous page)

$ make
$ sudo make install

1.28 Release Process

Some basic instructions to follow when releasing a new, stable version of API Umbrella.
• Update the version number in src/api-umbrella/version.txt
– Use semantic versioning.
• Update CHANGELOG.md with release notes.
• Update other references to the version number:
– Documentation:

* docs/conf.py
* docs/developer/compiling-from-source.md
– Website:

* website/source/index.html.erb
* website/source/install.html.erb
– Dockerfile
• Build and publish new binary packages.
• Build and publish new docker container.
• Add a new GitHub Release (use the same release notes from the CHANGELOG).

1.29 Analytics Architecture

1.29.1 Overview

Analytics data is gathered on each request made to API Umbrella and logged to a database. The basic flow of how
analytics data gets logged is:

[nginx] => [rsyslog] => [storage database]

To explain each step:

• nginx logs individual request data in JSON format to a local rsyslog server over a TCP socket (using lua-resty-
• rsyslog’s role in the middle is for a couple of primary purposes:
– It buffers the data locally so that if the analytics server is down or requests are coming in too quickly for
the database to handle, the data can be queued.
– It can transform the data and send it to multiple different endpoints.
• The storage database stores the raw analytics data for further querying or processing.

1.28. Release Process 29

API Umbrella Documentation, Release 0.15.1

1.29.2 Elasticsearch


Data is logged directly to Elasticsearch from rsyslog:

[nginx] ====> [rsyslog] ====> [Elasticsearch]


• rsyslog buffers and sends data to Elasticseach using the Elasticsearch Bulk API.
• rsyslog’s omelasticsearch output module is used.


The analytic APIs in the web application directly query Elasticsearch:

[api-umbrella-web-app] => [Elasticsearch]

30 Chapter 1. What Is API Umbrella?

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