The Divine Comedy

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Bibliography / 853

Butler, E. M. Ritual Magic [1949]. Hollywood: New- Contains all of Croxall's fables and 50 addi-
castle Publishing Company, 1971. tional fables from the translation of L'Estrange.
This is a fine scholarly study of magical manu-
Cruden, Alexander. A Complete Concordance to the
scripts and books.
Holy Scriptures [1736]. Boston: Gould, Kendall
Byron, George Gordon. The Poetical Works . Lon- and Lincoln, 1847.
don: Oxford Univ. Press, 1926. A condensation of the original edition.
Caesar, Julius. The Conquest of Gaul. Trans. S. A. Cyprian. The Writings. Trans. Ernest Wallis. In The
Handford [1951]. Hannondsworth: Penguin Ante-Nicene Fathers. Buffalo: Christian Litera-
Books, 1967. ture Company, 1886.
Some men can do everything well. Had Caesar Cyprian forms part of vol. 5 of this set.
not spent his time conquering the world he
D' Abano, Peter. Heptameron : or, Magical Elements.
might have made an excellent full-time writer.
In the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Lon-
Canadian Oxford Atlas. Toronto: Oxford Univ. don: Askin Publishers, 1978.
Press, 1951 .
Dauches, Samuel. Babylonian Oil Magic in the Tal-
Useful in that it lists many ancient sites and has
mud and in Later Jewish Literature. [London:
a clear topographical presentation.
1913]. In Three Works of Ancient Jewish Magic
Cary, M., A. D. Nock et al. The Oxford Classical London: Chthonios Books, 1986.
Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. The work is reprinted in facsimile in this collec-
The quality of writing in this work is disap- tion under the title Ancient Jewish Oil-Magic. It
pointing. This is most glaringly apparent when concerns techniques of divination.
it is compared with the much superior Classical
Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy. Trans. Charles
Dictionary of Smith.
Eliot Norton [1891]. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
Chambers's Encyclopredia. 10 vols. London: W. and Company, 1941.
R. Chambers, 1868. A clear, if somewhat flat, prose translation.
This work is chiefly useful in the area of botany.
- - - - The Divine Comedy. Trans. Laurence
The engravings are excellent. The editors had not
Grant White. New York: Pantheon Books, 1948.
then decided, as they have in modem times, that
A blank verse version illustrated with Dore' s
all legends and fables must be omitted merely
because they are not scientifically accurate.
David-Neel, Alexandra. Initiations and Initiates in
Charles, R. H. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
Tibet. Trans. Fred Rothwell. New York: Univer-
of the Old Testament. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon
sity Books, 1959.
Press, 1913.
Many insights into Tibetan magic as it existed
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Works. Ed. F. N. Robinson. before the coming of the Chinese, observed
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961. firsthand by the author.
Cicero. De senectute, de amicitia, de divinatione . - - - - - Magic and Mystery in Tibet [Paris:
Trans. W. A. Falconer. Cambridge: Harvard 1929]. Trans. from the French. New York:
Univ. Press, 1959. Dover Publications, 1971 .
The original title is Mystiques et magiciens du
- - - - The Treatises of M. T. Cicero . Trans. C.
Thibet. This is a reprinting of the English edi-
D. Yonge. London: Bell and Daldy, 1872.
tion of Claud Kendall, New York, 1932. The
Cohen, A. Everyman's Talmud. New York: translator is not named, unless it is Kendall.
Schocken Books, 1975.
Dee, John. A True and Faithful Relation of What
A general survey of the subjects contained in the
Passed for Many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee
Talmud with many quotations.
and Some Spirits [1659]. Ed. Meric. Casaubon.
Crowley, Aleister. Magick in Theory and Practice Glasgow : The Antonine Publishing Company,
[London: 1929]. New York: Dover Publica- 1974.
tions, 1976. A limited facsimile edition of the London edi-
This is Crowley's best work, with the possible tion of 1659. Casaubon took a section of Dee's
exception of his Book of Thoth, the tarot deck he meticulous records of his scryings with Edward
designed using the artist Lady Frieda Harris as Kelly and other mediums and had them printed.
his instrument.
De Givry, Emile Grillot. Illustrated Anthology of
Croxall, Samuel, and Roger L'Estrange. The Fables Sorcery, Magic and Alchemy [1929] . Trans.
of Aesop. London: Frederick Warne, n.d. from the French by J. Courtenay Locke [1931].

New York: Causeway Books, 1973. and Daldy, 1866.

The finest of all the picture books of occultism, One of the Bohn Classical Library editions.
thanks to its excellent structure and careful
Evans, Joan. Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages and
source references. An edition is also published
the Renaissance [1922]. New York: Dover Pub-
by Dover, but the Causeway edition is superior.
lications, 1976.
D'Olivet, Fabre. Golden Verses of Pythagoras [1813]. Reprinting of the Clarendon Press (Oxford) edi-
Trans. from the French by Nayan Louise Red- tion of 1922.
field [1917]. New York: Samuel Weiser, 1975.
Evelyn, John. John Evelyn's Diary (abridged). Ed.
Extensive and somewhat tedious ruminations on
Philip Francis. London: Folio Society, 1963.
the Pythagoric verses, useful because it gives
the verses in Greek, in d'Olivet's French and In Everard, Doctor John. The Divine Pymander of Her-
English. mes Mercurius Trismegistus [1650). Trans.
from the Arabic. San Diego: Wizards Book-
Dryden, John. The Best of Dryden. Ed. Louis I. Bred-
shelf, 1978.
void. New York: Ronald Press Company, 1933.
A reprint of the 1884 edition of Hargrave Jen-
Eliade, Mircea. Shamanism [Paris: 1951] . Princeton nings.
Univ. Press, 1972.
Fiske, N. W. Manual of Classical Literature [1836].
Revised edition. Originally published by
Philadelphia:W. S. Fortescue, 1843.
Librairie Payot under the title Le chamanisme et
A useful reference, but the arrangement of its
les techniques archaegues de l' estase. This is an
parts is poor, making it difficult to find in it
excellent book.
what is wanted.
Elworthy, Frederick. The Evil Eye [London: 1895].
Flammel, Nicholas. Alchemical Hieroglyphics
New York: Collier Books, 1971.
[1889]. Trans. Eirenaeus Orandus [1624] .
A classic that is notable for its numerous illus-
Gillette, NJ: Heptangle Books, 1980.
trations of magical objects and symbols.
This is a reprinting of the W. Wynn Westcott
Encyclopredia Britannica. II th edition. 28 vols. plus edition of 1889.
index. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press,
Franck, Adolphe. The Kabbalah [Paris: 1843].
Anonymously translated from the French. New
Someone once said to me that the II th was the
York: Bell Publishing, 1940.
last edition of the Britannica to possess any
The original title is La kabbale: ou la philoso-
value. I tend to agree. It was still a scholarly
phie religieuse des Hebreaux. The most read-
instrument while in English hands, but after
able of the older works on the Kabbalah.
coming to America it lost its purpose.
Galen. On the Natural Faculties. Trans. Arthur John
Epictetus. The Enchiridion. Trans. Thomas '!'.
Brock. Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library,
son [1948). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Memll, 1980.
This work is a compression of the ideas of
Epictetus by Flavius Arrian, one of his students, Gaster, Moses. The Sword of Moses [London: 1896] .
who recorded a series of talks given by the great In Three Works of Ancient Jewish Magic. Lon-
Stoic philosopher around the year 125 at don: Chthonios Books, 1986.
Nicopolis. A facsimile reproduction of the original transla-
tion and commentary by Gaster of this Hebrew
Euripides. The Complete Greek Tra?edies. Vols ..3
magical work, along with the original Hebrew.
and 4. Ed. David Grene and Richmond Latti-
It is concerned with magical names.
more. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1960.
- - - - The Wisdom of the Chaldeans [1900).
Eusebius. Against the Life of Apollonius of Tyana
In Three Works of Ancient Jewish Magic. Lon-
Written by Philostratus. Trans. F. C. Conybeare.
don: Chthonios Books, 1986.
In Philostratus. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Harvard
Originally published in the December 1900
Univ. Press, 1969.
issue of the Proceedings of the Society of Bihli-
The treatise is appended to the Life of Apollo-
cal Archaeology. Concerns the angels of the
nius by Philostratus.
seven planets.
- - - - The Ecclesiastical HistOlY. 2 vols. Trans.
Gerard, John. The Herbal or General History of
Kirsopp Lake (vol. 1) and 1. E. L. Oulton (vol. 2).
Plants [1633] . Revised by Thomas Johnson.
Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, various years.
New York: Dover Publications, 1975.
- - - - - The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius A facsimile reprint, enormous and beautiful, a
Pamphilus. Trans. C. F. Cruse. London: Bell thoroughly wonderful book.
Bibliography / 855

Gesenius, William. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. of London and Leiden. The text is in a very bro-
New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1890. ken condition that makes it difficult to read.
With additions and corrections by Samuel
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales. New York: Nelson
Prideaux Tregelles. An excellent work.
Doubleday, n.d.
Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall The fairy tales were first published by the
of the Roman Empire [1776-1788] . London: Grimm brothers Jacob and Wilhelm in Germany
Joseph Ogle Robinson, 1830. in 1812 and 1815. There is no indication in this
A convenient, though hardly compact, one-vol- edition as to who did the translation.
ume edition of this mammoth work.
Grimoire of Pope Honorius /II . Trans. B. J. H. King.
Ginsburg, Christian D. The Essenes [1864] and The Sut Anubis Books, 1984.
Kabbalah [1863] . London: Routledge and This is certainly not the true grimoire of Pope
Kegan Paul, 1974. Honorius, which is described by Idries Shah in
Two works bound under one cover. detail in his Secret Lore of Magic and by A. E.
Godwin, Joscelyn. Robert Fludd. Boulder: Shamb- Waite in his Book of Ceremonial Magic . It bears
hal a, 1979. some of the same symbols, but little or nothing
A useful overview of Fludd, notable for the of the text. What its origins are would be diffi-
many illustrations taken from his books. cult to guess, especially as the publisher says
nothing about the matter, but perhaps Idries
Goldsmith, Oliver. A History of the Earth and Ani- Shah accurately describes this edition when he
mated Nature [1774] . London: Thomas Nelson, says that during the 19th century bogus works
1849. bearing this title were printed to deceive the
A useful work only in that Goldsmith has pre- ignorant into thinking they were getting the true
served many of the fables and ancient lore of grimoire, which at that time was almost impos-
animals. Of course it is completely untrustwor- sible to come by. (See Secret Lore of Magic, ch.
thy as a source of factual information.
14 [London: Abacus, 1972], 253-4)
Grant, Kenneth. Cults of the Shadow. New York:
Guazzo, Francesco Maria. Compendium Malefi-
Samuel Weiser, 1976.
carum [1608] . Trans. E. A. Ashwin. New York:
An examination of the major figures in Western
Dover Publications, 1988.
occultism in the present century and the cults
A reprint of the 1929 edition of John Rodker,
that have grown up around them.
London, edited by Montague Summers.
Graves, Robert. The Greek Myths . 2 vols. Har-
Hamilton, Edith. Mythology [1940], New York:
mondsworth: Penguin Books, 1957.
Excellent. Graves is one of those scholars that Mentor Books. 40th printing, n.d.
make you wish the term of human life might be It is surprising how useful this collection of the
extended in special cases purely for professional myths is-more often than not you will find
purposes. He shares this distinction with what you are looking for in it, which is the ulti-
Thomas Taylor. mate test of any reference work.

- - - - The White Goddess [1948] . New York: Hansen, Harold A. The Witch's Garden . Trans.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973. Muriel Crofts. York Beach, ME: Samuel
Weiser, 1983.
Green, Robert. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. In Published in Danish in 1976 under the title Hek-
Elizabethan Plays. Ed. Arthur H. Nethercot, sens Urtegard.
Charles R. Baskervill, and Virgil B. Heltzel.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971. Herodotus. The History. Trans. George Rawlinson
The play was probably written around 1592, [1858]. New York: Tudor Publishing, 1947.
likely before Marlowe' s Doctor Faustus. This edition is difficult to use because the para-
graphs are not numbered.
Gregory Thaumaturgus. Writings . Trans. S.-D. F.
Salmond. In The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Buffalo: Hesiod. Hesiod and Theogonis. Trans. Dorothea
The Christian Literature Company, 1886. Wender. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,
The writings of Gregory, which are not exten- 1973.
sive, form part of vol. 6 of this set. Contains the Theogony and Works and Days of
Griffith, F. L. and Herbert Thompson. The Leyden
Papyrus [London: 1904] . New York: Dover Hinnells, John R. Persian Mythology. New York:
Publications, 1974. Hamlyn Publishing, 1973.
Originally titled the Demotic Magical Papyrus A picture book of Persian mythology.

Hippocrates. Writings. Pennsylvania: The Franklin This work is also known as the Proportion of
Library, 1979. the Height. No information beyond what I have
The translator of this edition is not named. It given is provided by the publisher. Shiur Qoma
originally appeared in one of the Great Books of is the Hebrew for "measure of the height," but
the Western World published by Encyclopredia this is not explicitly stated. The work is con-
Britannica. cerned with the names and measurements of the
various parts of the body of God.
Homer. The Iliad. Trans. Richmond Lattimore. Univ.
of Chicago Press, 1976. Jacobi, Jolande. Paracelsus: Selected Writings
[Zurich: 1942]. Trans. from the German by Nor-
- - - - The Odyssey. Trans. Richmond Latti- bert Guterman. Princeton Univ. Press, 1973.
more. New York: Harper and Row, 1977.
The many woodcuts that illustrate this selection
These translations of Homer are wonderful. It is
are attractive, though not particularly pertinent
difficult to imagine how they might be sur- to the text.
Josephus, Flavius. The Works of Flavius Josephus.
- - - - The Odyssey of Homer, with the Hymns, Trans. William Whiston. London: George Rout-
Epigrams, and Battle of the Frogs and Mice. ledge and Sons, n.d.
Trans. Theodore Alois Buckley. New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1872. Justin Martyr. The Writings. In Ante-Nicene Christ-
This edition is useful because it gathers together ian Library. Various translators. Edinburgh: T.
all the bits and pieces popularly attributed to and T. Clark, 1867.
Homer, along with the earliest biography of Juvenal. The Satires. Trans. Lewis Evans. New York:
Homer, attributed to Herodotus. Hinds, Noble and Eldredge, n.d.
Hone, Margaret E. The Modern Text Book of Astrol- Keightley, Thomas. The World Guide to Gnomes,
ogy. London: L. N. Fowler, 1975. Fairies, Elves and Other Little People. New
The best basic textbook on the subject. York: Avenel Books, 1978.
Horace. Complete Works. Intro. J. Kendrick Noble. Originally titled The Fairy Mythology, 1880.
Translator not named. Translation Publishing, King, Edw. G. The Poem of Job. New York: Cam-
1961. bridge Univ. Press, 1914.
Horapollo Nilous. The Hieroglyphics of Horapolio A beautiful rendering of the book of Job in its
Nilous [1840]. Trans. Alexander Turner Cory. original meter and accents.
London: Chthonios Books, 1987. Klibansky, Raymond; Erwin Panofsky; and Fritz Saxl.
A reprint of the original London 1840 edition. Saturn and Melancholy. London: Nelson, 1964.
How, W. W., and J. Wells. A Commentary on Contains useful information on the humors.
Herodotus. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Knight, Gareth. A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Sym-
1928. bolism. 2 vols. in one. New York: Samuel
The maps are useful. Weiser, 1980.
Hughes, Merritt Y. John Milton: Complete Poems and Good as a quick reference to the symbolism and
Major Prose. Indianapolis: Odyssey Press, 1975. correspondences of the Kabbalah that prevail in
The notes in this edition are excellent. modern Western occultism.

lamblichus. Life of Pythagoras. Trans. Thomas Tay- Kramer, Heinrich, and James Sprenger. The Malleus
lor [1818]. London: John M. Watkins, 1926. Maleficarum [1486]. Trans. from the Latin by
There is much useful Pythagorean material Montague Summers. New York: Dover Publica-
appended after the Life. . tions, 1971.
A reprint of the 1928 edition of John Rodker,
On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, London. As I said in the notes, an evil book.
Chaldeans, and Assyrians. Trans. Thomas Tay-
Lactantius. The Writings. Trans. William Fletcher. In
lor [1821]. London: Stuart and Watkins, 1968.
Perhaps the single most important text on neo-
Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Edinburgh: T.
and T . Clark, 1871.
Pythagorean occultism.
Lactantius occupies volumes 21 and 22 of this set.
Ishmael, Rabbi. The Measure of the (Divine) Body
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology. New York:
Shiur Qoma. From the Book of the Angelic
Prometheus Press, 1960.
Secrets of the Great One (Sefer Raziel
Hagadol). In Book of Enoch. Vol. 3. Los Ange- Legaza, Laszb. Tao Magic: The Chinese Art of the
les: Work of the Chariot, 1970. Occult. New York: Pantheon Books, 1975.
Bibliography / 857

A picture-book presentation of this interesting London: George Bell and Sons, 1901.
subject. The Bohn' s Classical Library edition.
Legge, James. The I Ching [1899]. New York: Dover - - - - On the Nature of Things. Trans. H. A. J.
Publications, 1963. Munro. New York: Washington Square Press,
Lemegeton; Clavicula Salomon is: or The Complete
Lesser Key of Solomon the King. With a typed Macdonald, Michael-Albion. De Nigromancia of
transcription and notes by Nelson and Anne Roger Bacon. Gillette, NJ: Heptangle Books,
White. Pasadena: The Technology Group, 1979. 1988.
This work consists of a poor photocopy of An editing of British Museum Mss. Sloane 3885
British Museum Sloane Ms. 2731, which is an and Additional 36674. The introduction of the
English manuscript of the Lemegeton, coupled manuscript asserts that it was discovered in
with an almost illegible transcription that is Alexandria by the religious brothers Robert
filled with careless and needless errors. The five Lombard and Roger Bacon.
books of the manuscript, which are really five
Maier, Michael. Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie
separate works, are titled The Goetia, The
Crosse [1618]. Los Angeles: Philosophical
Theurgia Goetia, The Pauline Art, The Almadel
Research Library, 1976.
of Solomon, and The Artem Novem.
The original Latin work, titled Themis Aurea,
Lenaghan, R. T., ed. Caxton's Aesop [1484]. Cam- was translated into English in 1656 and dedi-
bridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1967. cated to Elias Ashmole. This is one of the basic
Caxton' s edition contains a Life of Aesop taken texts of the Rosicrucian movement, even though
from the Latin translation of the Italian human- Maier himself never claimed to be a Rosicrucian.
ist Rinuccio da Castiglione of Arezzo. This dif-
Maimonides, Moses. The Guide for the Perplexed.
fers slightly from the Greek version of the 13th-
Trans. from the Arabic by M. Friedlander. New
century Byzantine monk Maximus Planudes,
York: Dover Publications, 1956.
which was long thought to be its source.
Reprinted from the Routledge Kegan Paul edi-
Levi, Eliphas. Transcendental Magic. Trans. A. E. tion of 1904.
Waite [London : 1896]. New York: Samuel
Manetho. History of Egypt. Trans. W. S. Waddell.
Weiser, 1979.
Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1964.
Contains the Nuctameron ofApollonius ofTyana.
This work is bound under the same cover as ear-
Liddell, Henry George, and Robert Scott. Greek- lier editions of the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy.
English Lexicon (abridged) [1871]. Oxford
Manhar, Nurho de. Zohar [1900-14]. San Diego:
Univ. Press, 1976.
Wizards Bookshelf, 1980.
Livy. The Early History of Rome. Trans. Aubrey de This is an incomplete translation from the
Selincourt [1960]. Harmondsworth: Penguin Hebrew that was originally published in the
Books, 1982. Theosophical monthly magazine, The Word. It
This is the first five books of Livy's History. breaks off at Lekh Lekha (Genesis 17:27). In the
margin the pagination of the Cremona folio, the
- - - - The History of Rome. Trans. D. Spillan
Great Zohar, has been added for purposes of
and Cyrus Edmonds. New York: Hinds, Noble
reference, as it is found in the 1933 Soncino
and Eldredge, n.d.
English edition in five volumes.
Contains books 1 and 2 of the History.
Mann, A. T. The Round Art. New York: Mayflower
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poetical Works.
Books, 1979.
London: Ward Lock and Company, n.d.
One of the better general texts on modem astrol-
Lucan. Pharsalia. Trans. Robert Graves. London: ogy, notable for its attractive color illustrations
Cassell, 1961. and its useful glossary and index.
This is a spirited and readable translation, but
Marguerite of Navarre. Heptameron. Trans. from the
the book lacks sufficient notes and an index.
French by Arthur Machen. London: George
-----Pharsalia. Trans. H. T. Riley. London: Routledge and Sons, n.d.
Henry G. Bohn, 1853. Margaret intended to write a Decameron in imi-
All of Riley's translations are good, but it is his tation of Boccaccio, but the plan was interrupted
notes that make them especially valuable. by her death.
Lucretius. On the Nature of Things. Prose trans. John Marlowe, Christopher. The Tragical History of the
Selby Watson. Verse trans. John Mason Good. Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. In Eliza-

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