Akinetic Mutism
Akinetic Mutism
Akinetic Mutism
Keywords: Akinetic mutism (AM) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the presence of an intact level of con-
Akinetic mutism sciousness and sensorimotor capacity, but with a simultaneous decrease in goal-directed behavior and emotions.
Frontal-subcortical neurocircuitry Patients are in a wakeful state of profound apathy, seemingly indifferent to pain, thirst, or hunger. It represents
Behavior the far end within the spectrum of disorders of diminished motivation. In recent years, more has become known
Disorders of diminished motivation
about the functional roles of neurocircuits and neurotransmitters associated with human motivational behavior.
More specific, there is an increasing body of behavioral evidence that links specific damage of functional frontal-
subcortical organization to the occurrence of distinct neurological deficits. In this review, we combine evidence
from lesion studies and neurophysiological evidence in animals, imaging studies in humans, and clinical in-
vestigations in patients with AM to form an integrative theory of its pathophysiology. Moreover, the specific
pharmacological interventions that have been used to treat AM and their rationales are reviewed, providing a
comprehensive overview for use in clinical practice.
Abbreviations: ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; AM, akinetic mutism; CO, carbon monoxide; DA, dopamine; DS, dorsal striatum; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid;
GPe, globus pallidus externus; GPi, globus pallidus internus; PFC, prefrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor cortex; SNc, substantia nigra pars compacta; VP,
ventral pallidum; VS, ventral striatum; VTA, ventral tegmental area
Corresponding author at: Department of Neurosurgery, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Arnts).
Received 28 February 2019; Received in revised form 3 January 2020; Accepted 5 February 2020
Available online 07 February 2020
0149-7634/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
H. Arnts, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 112 (2020) 270–278
recent animal and human studies in order to define the clinical con- facial expression are often successful. Accompanying cognitive im-
sequences of frontal-subcortical disconnection and do an attempt to pairments, that are often inherent to the underlying brain injury, are
clarify the pathophysiology of AM. Subsequently, we review treatment usually clinically assessed by a subset of cognitive screening tests, such
strategies for patients with AM, and their rationale, with the aim to as the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cog-
provide a comprehensive overview for use in clinical practice. nitive Assessment test (MOCA), though the value of these neurobeha-
vioral assessment tools is often limited, because of the inability of pa-
2. Definition of akinetic mutism tients to speak or move.
In search for the use of uniform nomenclature for disorders of al- 3. Pathophysiology of akinetic mutism
tered consciousness, the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
(Aspen workgroup) has formulated specific neurobehavioral criteria for Distinct neurocircuits have been described that provide the neural
AM. In general, patients with AM show a lack of voluntary movement basis of motivation.(Kalivas and Barnes, 2019) A wide variety of mo-
(akinesia) and absence of speech (mutism), though eye opening and tivational deficits might develop after damage to frontal-subcortical
spontaneous or environmentally induced visual tracking remain well structures that are involved in the translation of a motivational stimulus
maintained. Patients seem awake, but do not display affective reactions, in a behavioral response. Along the way of the frontal-subcortical
do not initiate eating or drinking, and if speech occurs, it remains system, specific structures are found that are associated with the de-
sparse. There is a great variety in associated neurological symptoms. velopment of AM:
(Giacino et al., 2014) While some patients show a minimal degree of
command following and verbalization, others remain largely apathetic 3.1. The role of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and striatum
and akinetic. In the spectrum for disorders of diminished motivation,
AM seems to represent an extreme form of abulia (absence of will- 3.1.1. The ACC
power). AM has been described in both children as adults of both sexes, The frontal lobes act as integrator of information, processing both
and, in general, has no correlations with previous medical or psychia- input from the external sensory world and internal limbic system.
tric conditions.(Cairns et al., 1941) However, it may resemble other (Miller and Cummings, 2018) This function is reflected in the organi-
hyporesponsive conditions with a different underlying pathophy- zation, physiology, and connections between areas of the frontal cortex
siology. The heterogeneity among patients with AM raises the possibi- and their afferent and efferent projections with the subcortical system.
lity of misdiagnosing the condition with other diseases, such as psy- (Haber, 2016) The frontal cortex can be divided into several general
chiatric disorders, including catatonic schizophrenia, severe depression, functional regions: the orbital and medial prefrontal cortex (PFC), in-
conversion reaction, or other structural disorders, such as locked-in volved in emotions and motivation; the dorsolateral PFC, involved in
syndrome.(Fisher, 1989; Giacino, 1997; Nagaratnam et al., 2004; higher cognitive processes or executive functions; the premotor areas,
Shetty et al., 2009) As a result of this heterogeneity, the term AM has involved in different aspects of motor planning; and the motor cortex,
sometimes been used too extensively and improperly in the literature. involved in the execution of those plans. The development of symptoms
(Kemper and Romanul, 1967; Nemeth et al., 1988) In general, patients of diminished motivation, lethargy, and a general loss of interest is
with AM show variations of the same basic disorder: a state of dimin- closely related to lesions of different regions of the frontal cortex.
ished motor function, compromised speech, movement and facial ex- However, there is converging evidence that the medial walls of the
pression, but with preservation of sensory functions and awareness. frontal lobes, particularly the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), form a
(Giacino et al., 2014) ‘usual suspect’ in the development of AM.(Darby et al., 2018; Devinsky
While AM is associated with a failure to initiate spontaneous, vo- et al., 1995; Tibbetts, 2001) The ACC has complex reciprocal connec-
luntary responses, patients maintain the intrinsic capacity to move or tions with limbic structures and other parts of the frontal cortex and is
speak.(Tibbetts, 2001) It might be a permanent condition after irre- thought to provide an interface between the decision-making process of
versible brain injury, though also be of temporary origin, if neurological the frontal lobe and the ‘emotional’ world of the limbic system. The
recovery occurs, suggesting a considerable preservation of both speech ACC is responsible for learning and selecting high-level behavioral
and motor functions. The preservation of executive functions is also plans that provide the meaning behind and motivation for actions, and
strikingly demonstrated in AM patients that experience a supposedly is thought to be essential in making a transition from early premotor
‘telephone effect’, referring to unpredictable events, such as a ringing processes to actual behavior.(Holroyd and Yeung, 2012) Moreover, it is
telephone or other verbal or environmental stimuli that cause a sudden thought to be crucial in the voluntary initiation of speech and vocali-
restoration of speech and movement, possibly by a brain functioning on zation through connections with brainstem periaqueductal grey that in
some sort of ‘automatic pilot’.(Fisher, 1983; Yarns and Quinn, 2013) turn connects with brainstem nuclei that innervate the muscles of ar-
These patients quickly loose these capacities when the stimulus ends. ticulation and phonation.(Jurgens, 2009; Medford and Critchley, 2010;
The severity of the akinesia and mutism usually impairs any relational Shenhav et al., 2013) Damage to the ACC is known to be a primary
exchange with others, and renders patients wheelchair-bound, and cause for akinesia and mutism and has frequently been described in
completely depended of nursing care. Furthermore, the akinesia and case-reports of patients with bleeding, stroke, or other types of severe
mutism usually complicate daily care and prevent the deployment of brain injury.(Choudhari, 2004; Nemeth et al., 1988) The most dramatic
any rehabilitation interventions. Although AM patients are conscious, examples of akinesia and mutism follow bilateral lesions of the ACC,
they appear to lack the vector to express pain or any inner feelings, if such as after bilateral damage to the vascular supply of the anterior
present, to the outside world, which is often devastating for their fa- cerebral artery territory.(Choudhari, 2004; Freemon, 1971;
milies. Up until today, little is known about the emotional and psy- Nagaratnam et al., 2004; Nemeth et al., 1988) Unilateral ACC lesions
chological state of AM. Previously, one patient with AM responded to have also been described as a cause of AM, though these usually only
the question of why she did not talk during her illness with the answer produce a transient phase of motivational dysfunction followed by
‘nothing ever came to mind’, suggesting a complete absence of thinking gradual recovery.(Damasio and Anderson, 1993; Tibbetts, 2001) In a
or reasoning.(Damasio, 1994) It goes without saying that it remains recent study, Darby et al., used a new lesion network mapping tech-
important that the diagnosis of AM should be made only after careful nique in MR-images of patients with AM and abulia and were able to
judgment of accompanying signs and in the whole context of the clin- show that patients with AM all experienced impairment of one specific
ical presentation.(Tibbetts, 2001) For instance, it must be distinguished network defined by connectivity to the ACC.(Darby et al., 2018)
from anarthria and apraxia of speech, conditions wherein there is an However, extensive damage to the ACC has also been reported without
inability to speak, but in which attempts to communicate by gesture or the occurrence of disorders of diminished motivation. For example,
H. Arnts, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 112 (2020) 270–278
patients failed to develop AM after therapeutic bilateral anterior cin- latter part can be considered as a transition zone between the striatum
gulotomies.(Ballantine et al., 1967; Livingston, 1953) Moreover, many and limbic structures, like the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.
patients with aneurysms of the anterior communication artery have (Groenewegen et al., 2016; Haber and McFarland, 1999) Neurons in the
undergone surgical ligation of both anterior cerebral arteries at the nucleus accumbens shell not only project to ‘classical’ striatal targets
genu of the corpus callosum, which usually causes a stroke in the like the pallidum and the substantia nigra, but also to preoptic and
anterior cingulate gyrus, without suffering from AM.(Freemon, 1971; lateral hypothalamic areas and to mesencephalic areas beyond the
Meyers, 1951) Therefore, it remains uncertain whether ACC dysfunc- substantia nigra.(Haber et al., 1990) In this way, the ACC not only has
tion alone is sufficient to result in a state of extreme sensory inattention direct subcortical projections to the periaqueductal grey (see above),
and reduced behavioral output. It is known that the ACC is tightly but may also indirectly, i.e., via the ventromedial striatum, influence
linked with many other PFC areas, including most areas of the dorsal subcortical structures like the lateral hypothalamus and the mesence-
PFC, associated with cognitive control, and more posteriorly with phalic tegmentum.(Kalivas and Barnes, 2019)
motor control areas.(Haber, 2016) Most of the dramatic behavioral Not surprisingly, the striatum has been implicated in several neu-
changes following ACC lesions are therefore thought to be associated rological disorders that are characterized by dysfunction of motiva-
with additional lesions, or impaired network functioning, in these ad- tional processes, such apathy, depression, and AM. For instance, sym-
jacent areas of the frontal cortex.(Meador et al., 1986; Nemeth et al., metrical bilateral destruction of the striatum is known to produce a
1988) Simultaneous impairment of both ACC and its connections with picture of cognitive deterioration with absence of voluntary move-
the supplementary motor area is known to produce more pronounced ments.(Hawke and Donohue, 1951) Damage to the ventromedial
symptoms of akinesia and mutism, or even a qualitatively different state striatum is known to produce anhedonia (loss of interest), as it is closely
than those caused by ACC lesions alone.(Meador et al., 1986; Nemeth linked to reward valuation, decision-making, anticipation and motiva-
et al., 1988). tion.(Der-Avakian and Markou, 2012; Kalivas and Barnes, 2019)
However, disorders of diminished motivation are more frequently as-
sociated with damage to the DS, in particular the caudate nucleus,
3.1.2. The striatum which is a key structure involved in planning of actions and executive
Input from the frontal lobes terminates in the striatum (Fig. 1). The functions.(Levy and Dubois, 2006; Monchi et al., 2006) In a review of
striatum comprises the caudate nucleus and putamen (dorsal striatum, patients with focal lesions of the basal ganglia, abulia occurred with 18
DS) and nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum, VS). Connections from of 64 (28 %) small and large caudate lesions, 15 of which were uni-
the frontal cortex are generally topographically organized in the lateral.(Bhatia and Marsden, 1994) Moreover, unilateral or bilateral
striatum. Prefrontal areas project primarily to the VS, rostral caudate lesions of the dorsal portion of the head of the caudate nucleus are
nucleus and putamen, while sensorimotor areas project more caudally, associated with a severe form of apathy: athymhormia.(Habib, 2004;
primarily to the putamen. While these distributions seem to form par- Habib and Poncet, 1988) In both human and experimental animals,
allel and segregated cortico-basal ganglia circuits, there is extensive bilateral lesions, which include the head of the caudate nucleus, have
convergence of inputs from different functional regions in the brain. also been associated with behavioral changes similar to AM.(Freemon,
(Groenewegen et al., 2017; Haber, 2016) Overlap between the projec- 1971; Mendez et al., 1989) In a more recent case-report, Jang et al. used
tions from the different (pre)frontal cortical areas with parietal, occi- diffusion tensor tractography in a patient with slowly progressive de-
pital, and temporal areas at the level of the striatum provides the toriation from abulia to AM after traumatic brain injury and showed
anatomical substrate for interactions and integration of information remarkable damage to the prefrontal-caudate tract.(Jang et al., 2017)
between circuits that shape behavior. Of particular interest are the They hypothesized that degeneration of these circuits is responsible for
projections from the ACC to the ventromedial part of the striatum, in- the aggravation of abulia to AM with time. Paradoxically, other authors
cluding the shell region of the nucleus accumbens, which are particu- reported no evidence of disorders of diminished motivation after ex-
larly involved in ‘cognitive coloring’ of motivation.(Choi et al., 2017; tensive bilateral damage to the caudate nucleus, so its role in the
Duffy, 2000; Heilbronner et al., 2016; Kalivas and Barnes, 2019) The
H. Arnts, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 112 (2020) 270–278
development of AM remains uncertain.(Freemon, 1971; Meyers, 1942) inputs to the GPi. This pathway is considered the ‘indirect’ pathway.
The STN also receives direct projections from different parts of the
3.2. The role of mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways frontal cortex, which are referred to as the hyperdirect pathway. As a
result of the high convergence from the striatum to the GPi, one GPi
The dopaminergic neurons, located in the ventral tegmental area neuron receives input from many striatal projection neurons. There is
(VTA) and substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) in the midbrain play considerable, converging evidence to consider the (ventral) striato-
an important role in motivational neurocircuitry and modulate a broad pallidum as an interface between motivation and action, or as the site of
range of behavioral and motor control processes.(Haber, 2014, 2016) conversion of motivational processes into behavioral output.(Habib,
Not surprisingly, damage to the dopaminergic neurons at their site of 2004) Not surprisingly, pallidal damage has been associated with the
origin is a well-known cause of AM and the disease has frequently been occurrence of a wide variety of motivational disorders, such as AM.
reported after mesencephalic damage, such as in the case of stroke. (Habib, 2004) In 1989, Laplane et al., already described a lack of in-
(Alexander, 2001; Kim and You, 2017; Nemeth et al., 1986) From the itiative, mental slowing, and obsessive-compulsive behavior in a
midbrain, the VTA projects to the nucleus accumbens of the VS and number of cases that had sustained bilateral GP lesions and showed
prefrontal cortex via the mesocortical limbic system. The neurons of the signs of frontal hypometabolism on PET-CT’s.(Laplane et al., 1989)
SNc, in turn, project to the caudate and putamen of the DS through the Further imaging studies showed that bilateral lesions of the GP were
nigrostriatal pathway.(Haber, 2014) Pharmacological and dopamine associated with reduced blood flow in multiple frontal cortical regions,
(DA) depletion studies demonstrate a critical role for mesolimbic DA in most prominently in the anterior parts of the frontal cortex, anterior
motivational behavior.(Salamone and Correa, 2012) While the role for cingulate and supplementary motor cortex.(Haaxma et al., 1993) A
nigrostriatal DA appears less dominant, both mesolimbic and nigros- remarkable number of AM patients have been described after con-
triatal DA activity seems to be able to both gate input of sensory, motor, siderable, both unilateral and bilateral anatomical destruction of the
and incentive motivation-related signals to the striatum.(Horvitz, 2002) GP.(Strub, 1989; Ure et al., 1998) Noticeably, a significant proportion
Therefore, both pathways are important ‘usual suspects’ in the devel- of these reports have been related to GP damage after carbon monoxide
opment of AM. It is widely known that lesions of these pathways that (CO) poisoning.(Cravioto et al., 1960; Mackintosh, 1965; Tengvar et al.,
convey DA from the midbrain to specific regions of the forebrain are 2004; Ure et al., 1998) These patients usually develop the disease after
associated with the occurrence of behavioral deficits.(Beaulieu and a lucid interval from days to weeks, but typically within approximately
Gainetdinov, 2011) In the very first report of AM, Cairns et al., already one month. Neuroimaging findings in these patients have shown that
associated the occurrence of AM to damage of fiber pathways alongside CO intoxication is characterized by necrosis, particularly at the level of
the third ventricle.(Cairns et al., 1941) In 1981, Ross and Stewart the GP, possibly by the hypotensive effects of CO intoxication in the
specified these pathways to be dopaminergic projections from midbrain watershed territory of the arterial supply of the GP, or as a result of CO
to forebrain and described AM in a patient with disruption of these binding to its intrinsic high iron concentration.(Lo et al., 2007) While
projections as result of a large hypothalamic tumor.(Ross and Stewart, the caudate nucleus, putamen, and thalamus are occasionally affected
1981) Lesion studies in animals further confirm the critical role of in CO poisoning, they are involved to a much lesser extent than the GP.
mesolimbic and nigrostriatal DA pathways in behavior. For instance, Specific neuroimaging studies have repeatedly demonstrated significant
bilateral or unilateral blocking injections in the substantia nigra, VTA, hypoperfusion in frontal regions and anterior cingulate cortices in pa-
or nigro-striatal tract within the medial forebrain bundle have been tients with CO poisoning and GPi lesions. However, while the GP seems
shown to cause dramatic behavioral deficits.(Ungerstedt, 1970, 1971) to play a distinctive role in behavioral mechanisms, bilateral pallido-
Damage to any of these structures seem to result in a change in feeding, tomies performed for the treatment of movement disorders did not
drinking, motor behavior, and in sensory and orienting functions in produce AM.(De Bie et al., 2002) The complex role of the different (sub)
animals that seem equivalent to symptoms of AM in humans. These portions of the GP in motivation for behavior remains subject of on-
behavioral deficits could be reversed by administration of apomor- going research in animals and humans.(Saga et al., 2017)
phine, a direct dopamine agonist, and blocked by pre-treatment with
spiroperidol, a dopamine receptor antagonist.(Ljungberg and 3.3.2. The thalamus
Ungerstedt, 1976; Marshall and Gotthelf, 1979; Marshall and The thalamus is a critical component of frontal-subcortical circuitry.
Ungerstedt, 1976) AM can also arise following indirect disruption of Each functional region of the frontal cortex is innervated by specific
dopamine pathways, such as in hydrocephalus.(Messert et al., 1966; areas of the thalamus. Due to its central position in the frontal-sub-
Rebai et al., 2012) Reduction of ventricular dilatation by ventricular cortical system, the thalamus has an important role in the synchroni-
drainage or lumbar puncture of cerebrospinal fluid is known to produce zation of motivation and behavior, because it integrates information
regression of symptoms, possibly by restoring the dopaminergic input between different functional regions.(Haber and Calzavara, 2009) Af-
from the midbrain projections.(Messert et al., 1966) This finding was ferent projections from the frontal regions project through the basal
further investigated in experimental hydrocephalus models in rabbits ganglia to distinctive regions of the ventral anterior (VA), midline/in-
that showed reductions in DA release in different brain structures after tralaminar and mediodorsal thalamus, which are known to be involved
ventricular dilatation, particularly in the striatum, SNc, and medial in goal-directed behavior.(Tekin and Cummings, 2002) Different parts
portion of the nigrostriatal pathway.(Kondziella et al., 2008; Tashiro of the thalamus then project back to different regions of the cortex and
et al., 1997) basal ganglia. For instance, the intralaminar nuclei, including the cen-
tromedian, parafascicular nuclei, central medial, paracentral, and cen-
3.3. The role of the basal-ganglia, thalamus, and their cortical projections tral lateral nuclei project to the orbitofrontal and mediofrontal cortex,
motor and premotor cortex, and GPi, while the mediodorsal nucleus
3.3.1. The pallidal complex projects to the prefrontal cortex and VP.(Van der Werf et al., 2002) In
The pallidal complex includes the internal (GPi) and external seg- addition, the thalamus sends a massive, topographically organized
ments (GPe) of the globus pallidus and ventral pallidum (VP). The GPi projection directly back to the striatum. A variety of behavioral changes
and GPe receive inputs from both the caudate nucleus and putamen and deficits, such as apathy, disinhibition syndromes, and personality
(DS). The VP is a mixture of GPi and GPe elements and receives its input changes have been described after damage to specific regions of the
from the VS.(Haber, 2016) The outputs from the GPi are to the tha- thalamus. AM has particularly been described after paramedian terri-
lamus, which then projects back to the cortex, forming part of the ‘di- tory infarction.(Castaigne et al., 1981; Segarra, 1970; van Domburg
rect’ cortico-basal ganglia circuit (Fig. 1). The GPe and parts of the VP et al., 1996) Infarcts in the paramedian territory mainly involve the
project to the subthalamic nucleus (STN). The STN, in turn, provides mediodorsal and intralaminar nuclei.(Carrera and Bogousslavsky,
H. Arnts, et al. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 112 (2020) 270–278
2006) The classic features of acute paramedian infarcts include a de- accumbens, and the olfactory tubercle. D2 receptors are also expressed
creased level of consciousness, vertical gaze paresis, and cognitive im- at significant levels in the substantia nigra, VTA, and are present in both
pairment. However, akinesia, mutism, and reduced spontaneous ac- the prefrontal and cingulate cortex, providing rich anatomical sub-
tivity become apparent when the decreased level of consciousness strates for drug-interactions in AM. It is thought that Bromocriptine
resolves. Moreover, other behavioral deficits may develop after tha- changes the regulation of inhibitory signalling through these D2-ex-
lamic stroke, such as personality changes with disinhibited behavior, pressing receptors, improving activity in frontal regions through alter-
apathy, loss of self-activation, and amnesia, depending on slight ana- nation of top-down control of behavior and control of selective atten-
tomical variations in thalamic vascular supply and nuclei involved. tion. However, it is most likely that Bromocriptine especially alters
(Bogousslavsky et al., 1991; Engelborghs et al., 2000; Habib, 2004) complex frontal-subcortical signalling in the striatum through its high
Though descriptions of disorders of diminished motivation after da- D2 distribution there.(Beaulieu and Gainetdinov, 2011; Keeler et al.,
mage to the anterior territory of the thalamus seems to be rare, it is 2014) Recently, Yang et al. demonstrated a specific reduction in striatal
known that anterior involvement is also associated with a variety of dopaminergic uptake in a patient with acute AM and showed return to
behavioral changes. (Carrera and Bogousslavsky, 2006) In studies on normal levels at the 6-month follow-up with complete resolution of
cats and monkeys, bilateral lesions of the anterior nucleus of the tha- clinical symptoms.(Yang et al., 2007) Since there is a characteristic
lamus have produced symptoms similar of an akinetic state.(Freemon, dose-dependency for Bromocriptine, it seems that a certain ‘threshold’
1971; Meyer and Hunter, 1952) Moreover, Carota et al. described a of D2 receptor occupancy must be reached to restore the associated
patient with AM after bilateral thalamo-polar artery stroke and damage frontal lobe dysfunction and motivational deficits in AM. Some authors
to the anterior nuclei of the thalamus.(Carota et al., 2014) While these have hypothesized that this dose-dependency can be explained by the
observations suggests that different thalamic nuclei are fundamental low ratio of D2 receptors in the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex
relays associated with motivation and purposeful behavior, bilateral compared with D1 receptors.(Crismon et al., 1988; Hall et al., 1994) L-
lesions in both dorsomedial and anterior thalamic nuclei inflicted for dopa, a presynaptic DA agonist works on both D1 and D2 receptors of
the treatment of psychiatric disorders have not produced AM, which (pre)frontal regions and the striatum and is also known to result in
questions the role of these structures in the development the disease. neurological recovery in AM patients.(Combarros et al., 2000; Deborah
(Spiegel et al., 1953) et al., 2017) However, dopaminergic treatment remains experimental.
In essence, the feedforward parallel organization of the above-de- At present, a clinically important use of dopaminergic agonists, such as
scribed frontal-subcortical circuits creates the anatomical framework L-dopa, is countering behavioral deficits thought to be associated with
for the integration and transformation of information from different lowered levels of DA metabolites and concomitant frontal lobe dys-
functional regions of the cerebral cortex.(Haber, 2016) Goal-directed function in patients with traumatic brain injury.(Chew and Zafonte,
behavior is the end-result of complex information integration from 2009; Diaz-Arrastia et al., 2014)
limbic, cognitive, and motor domains within this frontal-subcortical
system. All structures within this system (described in I, II, IIIa and IIIb) 4.2. Treatment with methylphenidate and atomoxetine
need to work in concert with each other to process the complex chain of
events that produce goal-directed behavior. Removing a single element In addition to DA agonists, AM has been treated with drugs that
of this frontal-subcortical orchestra can severely affect the drive for alter both noradrenaline and DA levels in the brain, such as
actions, including emotions, motivation, and cognition. This explains Methylphenidate and Atomoxetine. In 1958, Daly and Love successfully
why damage to different parts of (pre)frontal and subcortical structures treated AM with Methylphenidate.(Daly and Love, 1958) Methylphe-
has been demonstrated to lead to similar behavioral or cognitive defi- nidate is thought to increase the synaptic concentration of both DA and
cits, such as severe combined akinesia and mutism. noradrenaline by blocking the DA and noradrenaline transporter.(Leo-
nard et al., 2004) Methylphenidate specifically increases both pre-
4. Treatment of akinetic mutism frontal and striatal levels of DA and noradrenaline, which may account
for the re-activation of frontal (sub)cortical circuitry and restorative
The treatment of transient or chronic AM remains difficult and re- effects of the drug in patients with disorders of diminished motivation
ports in the literature on possible treatment strategies, optimal doses, and initiation.(Berridge et al., 2006; Volkow et al., 2001) In 2010, Kim
and duration of treatment are limited. It is obvious that the first step in and You described a case of a patient with AM after bilateral frontal
the treatment of AM remains the resolution of its underlying cause. lobe injury that clinically responded to increasing doses of Atomox-
However, if AM represents a more permanent clinical state after severe etine.(Kim et al., 2010) In contrast to Methylphenidate, Atomoxetine is
brain injury, a variety of drugs can be administered to diminish or re- mainly associated with an increase in extracellular concentrations of
solve dysfunction of motivational neurocircuitry. Several drugs have noradrenaline and DA in the prefrontal cortex and likely does not alter
been reported in the literature to have an effect on patients with AM. DA levels in the striatum.(Bymaster et al., 2002) However, the re-ac-
tivation of prefrontal cortical areas may have a strong widespread effect
4.1. Dopamine agonist therapy on connectivity and impact other parts of the frontal-subcortical system
involved in the regulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission.(Easton
The first report on the use of DA agonists in AM was described by et al., 2007; Taber et al., 1995) Furthermore, Atomoxetine has been
Ross and Stewart.(Ross and Stewart, 1981) Increasing doses of Bro- associated with improvements of cognitive functions and attentional
mocriptine, a DA agonist, were administered to a patient with AM after processes and has gained considerable attention from the clinical
revision surgery for a third ventricle tumor, resulting in a spectacular community for treating frontal lobe symptoms after traumatic brain
improvement in both motor function and behavior. Ross and Stewart injury.(Arnsten, 1998; Bymaster et al., 2002; Chew and Zafonte, 2009;
hypothesized that bypassing the damaged ascending mesolimbic and Diaz-Arrastia et al., 2014; Gamo et al., 2010; Watanabe et al., 1995)
nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways with direct DA agonists, acting at
the dopaminergic target areas, i.e., the striatum and or the (pre)frontal 4.3. ‘Awakenings’ after zolpidem
cortex must have resulted in the direct improvement of akinesia and
mutism. Other authors have also extensively reported on the positive Zolpidem is a non-benzodiazepine short-acting allosteric agonist of
effects of Bromocriptine in both AM and other motivational deficits the a1 receptor subtype of the gamma aminobutyric acid receptor
after brain injury since.(Anderson, 1992; Powell et al., 1996) Bromo- complex (GABA) with well-established sleep-promoting properties.
criptine is a highly selective D2 DA receptor agonist. The highest levels (Gosseries et al., 2014) Zolpidem is known to produce a paradoxical
of D2 dopamine receptors are found in the striatum, the nucleus ‘awakening’ effect in patients with AM, though its effects are short-
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instantly, with the use of a single dose. If there is no effect, it is con- lesions of the basal ganglia in man. Brain 117 (Pt 4), 859–876.
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phenidate, or Atomoxetine. However, it is important to remember that Bomalaski, M.N., Claflin, E.S., Townsend, W., Peterson, M.D., 2017. Zolpidem for the
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