Burnout - Practical 2

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Expt.No. O2
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To assess the risk of burnout in the subjecl
Introducho n,
Burnout is a psychoogical syndrome of e motional exhaushion
depersenalizahon and reduced personal accomplsh ment that
can occur among individuaswho work with other people
in Same capaciy. Jt is a shate of emohional, physical and
mental exhausthon caused by excessive ahd_prolonged stress.
Jt cCurs when we feel overuhelmed, emchonally drained
land unable to meet constant demands.
Burnout is a rea chen to prolonged or chronic job shess, Jt is
characterized by thrce main dimensions exhaushon, cynicism
ess idenhfia hon with the job) and feclings of redaced
professional abiliy
Burnout is defined a physical, emchonal, or mental exhaushon.
accompanied bs decreased 'mohvahon, owered performance and
neqahve. athihdes touard onesef and others
AmeriCah. kycholgical Associahon..
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JCD- defnes
burnout as follouss i as resulhing from
syndrome cncephualized been sutesstuly
chronic workpla ce stress that has hot
manaqed tE is characheri2cd by three dimensions
feelingsof erergy deplehion or exhaushon.
oereksed nental distance from onc's job ar feelinq ofo
peqatirism or cynicism related to one's job and
Reuced prafeKsional effiacy
Causes of burnput
Burnout often stems from your Job
But burnout is not caused' solely by sthesful cork or too
bute to burnout,
many res pon si bilities. Other factors tonti
Lincladhi ng your festyle and persohality troits
Work- relate causes of burnout work.
(ike yau have ittle or no control over your
Feclingof recognithion or reward for gocd pork.
Unclear or overly demanding job expecahions.
Deing work thats monoton ous or
hiab preCure envirohment.
rting lh a chaohc

causes f butnout

lorkin too much, coitbout enugh time for socializinq or

Lock %fbf clase, supportive relabonshis
responsbilihics , without ehouqh help
from others
too many
Not geting enaugh sleep. Teacher's Signature

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Personalty traits can Conhibute to burnout

Perfechonishie tendencies ; nothinq is ever good enough.
Pessimis hic view of yarself ond the nor d
The need to be. in control ; reluctance to delsgate to oters.
High-.achievingype Apesonality.
Sians and symptoms of burnout
is a gradual process. The signs ond symptos
at irsL, but become worse OS
time goes on
Physicalsigns and symptoms of burnout
feeling tired and drained mast of the time
Lowered immunity frequent illnesses.
frequent headaches or musce pain
Changein appetite Or Sleep habits.
Emotional sins and ymptoms of burnaut
Sense of ailure and self-doubt
feelinq helpkss, trapped ond alefeated.
Detachment, Feeling alone in the world.
Loss of mohivationlncreasin qly c ynical and negahive outlkok
Decreased satisfachon and 3ense of accomplish nent.
Behaxioral siqns ond syptoms of buraout
"Withcraqwing rom responsíbilihies.
lsohting from others
Proc rastinahinq, taking aloho)
longer toto get things chne.
Using fooddug oY cope
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Taking frustrabiohs out oh others.

Sippag or coming in loteand Jeauing early

Meslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

Th Masla ch Burnout Inventory (M8) is an introspechve
psychological inventory consishn4 of 22 items pertainiMM
o occlaa hional burnout. he oriainl fom of the
bas corsructed by Chrtstina Mslach ond Susan E.
Tackson with the qoal to assess an in dividual's experience
to assess
of£ burnout. The M8r measures threedimensiohs of
burnout: emohional exhaushon, depersonaljza ton and personal
loccomplishment. The MBI takes beteeh lo-15 minutes to
complete and can be adminsterced to individuals or qroups.
The Sub Scales
There are 22 items which are diidedinto3 S ubscales

"Emotiorn al Exhaustion LEE )

The 9- item Emohonal Exhaushoh LeE] scale meas ures
feclings ofof being emohonally overextended and exhausted
being emohonaly
burmout. sores
work correspond to grea kr

The 5-item Deper sohal2ahon Lop] scale measures
unfeeling and impers ohal response touard recipients
f one 's Service Care treatneht or instructhon
Higher SOres correspand to greater degees of
experienced burmot.
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Personal Accomplishment CPA)

The 8-item Personal Accomplishmenl C PA) scale
measUres feelings of Compehehcc ond succesful achievement
one's cwork
in one's CorresPond
with people . Lbwer Scores
to qreater experienced burm out
Lwanicki and Schwab (1981) reported Cron bach alpha
internal reliability estimates of o.40for emchíonal.
exhaushon Oé for depersonalizabion and o76 for
persohal acomplish ment.

The n ormative SCores were : emotonal ehaustion= T52,
de humanizabion = 2-52 Ond reduced persohal accomplis hmest
=|2. J2

Inbeoduchon cf the subject

Namei Ashu
Ashu Sharma

Age i 442
Cender? Female
Mental Status Mentally ft and cooperabi
Educatihal Status MBACHR)
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Material Required
MBL Gueshonnaire
MBL Manual
Test proccdure administrabon
The Lab atmosphere must be quiet
The subjct must be Seated Comfortabls andmust be
at ease
A good rapport must be established between the test
ladminishraor and the subject
The subject must be mentally prepared and uilling to
conduct the test
The procedure of the test ond how the ansLwers have to
be marked is thorouqhly expaine d to the subjed by the
test administra tor.

Iastruchons qiveh t thesubjet

Clear instrachon s wer given to the subiject about the test
Linventory and how to fill the queshonyaire
This is aa queshon naire to assess therik of burnout off
the subiect
Read each stettemest thorauqhly and for each of the
follawing stetemeDt, write the nusber in the box gven
tollowtnq the spoint scale that best describes how the
fol aut arding occu
State meat applies to you rearding ateupahohal burnout.
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There are or wtong answers so don't spend a

(ot of time any one item.
This test to aksess your overall impression
occhsatement So please make Sure not to omi
The subject was told toanswer all the 22- items honestly
The subiect must not consult or take help ofany oher person
for answering the queshons in the queshonhaite
There is ho specíhe time limit or this test

Acual test and ohsevahon during the test aas proulded

After the instuchons were qiven, the subject
queshonhaire and the material to perform
with the
the test.
surihng m
A the doubts oP the subËect were cheared,
mixed emohons excite as well as
The subject had
[itt}e nervous while answeria the queshions.

The total score cf Sechon A, Burnout is lo, which shows
that the subject has Low-Level- burs0ut.
The trtaL score of Sechon B, Depersonalizohion ís 5,
Lohich shows Low-level burnot.

The total score of Secton C, Personal Achieve ment s 44)

which shous low- level burnout .

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Introsprchve Report
Dae subject said that, she las very curious_ and en'ted to
Lake ue the tect.
tes t. She satd that thequeshoh sc made her
Ahink deeply about her luork ond her interet and attltude
towards her work.

and discussion.
A of burnout in Sechon A Burhout "" indicates that
the subject coes not experience chronic fahque, trouble
physizal preble me or at th very idea

The louw-level o burhout in "Sechbn B Depe rsonali2chon

in dicates that there is no or minimal nohoh of
de tach ment which indicates that the subËect coes hol possecs
Lany hegahve ahtude touards her clientsdoes not
possess any @abe Feeling ofEquilt, avoidonce of saia
contacts or witRdnawinq into oneself.
Her profess ion doesnt lock ber feehingc f epathy
towards her S cirnts.

The low- Jevel of burnoat in "Sechon C Personal Achtevement

indicates that the subhject bas a Posihve apero ch and
does nopossess any selfdoubt iapresion.
MBI shows that there s Jow evel burnoutt in he
Teacher's Signature

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