NetIQ PE Microsoft Windows XP 64 Bit
NetIQ PE Microsoft Windows XP 64 Bit
NetIQ PE Microsoft Windows XP 64 Bit
Windows XP (64-bit)
November 2003
This document and the software described in this document may not be lent, sold, or given away without the prior
written permission of NetIQ Corporation, except as otherwise permitted by law. Except as expressly set forth in such
license agreement or non-disclosure agreement, no part of this document or the software described in this document
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of NetIQ Corporation. Some companies, names, and data in this document
are used for illustration purposes and may not represent real companies, individuals, or data.
This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the
information herein. These changes may be incorporated in new editions of this document. NetIQ Corporation may
make improvements in or changes to the software described in this document at any time.
U.S. Government Restricted Rights: If the software and documentation are being acquired by or on behalf of the U.S.
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Chapter 1
Microsoft Windows XP (64-bit) 1
Installation Requirements for 64-bit Windows XP Endpoints ...........................................1
Endpoint Installation for Windows XP...............................................................................2
Unattended Installation for 64-bit Windows XP....................................................4
What We Do During Installation........................................................................................5
Removing the Endpoint Package (Uninstall) ........................................................6
Removing the Endpoint Manually .........................................................................6
Configuring 64-bit Windows XP Endpoints .......................................................................6
Windows XP Configuration for TCP/IP .................................................................7
Determining Your IP Network Address.................................................................7
Trying Out the TCP/IP Connection .......................................................................8
Sockets Port Number..............................................................................................8
Running 64-bit Windows XP Endpoints.............................................................................8
Starting a Windows XP Endpoint...........................................................................9
Stopping a Windows XP Endpoint ........................................................................9
Disable Your Screen Saver.....................................................................................9
Disabling Automatic Startup...................................................................................9
How to Tell If a Windows XP Endpoint Is Active .............................................. 10
The SetAddr Utility for 64-bit Windows .............................................................. 10
Logging and Messages ...................................................................................................... 11
Getting the Latest Fixes and Service Updates.................................................................. 12
Updates and Information for Windows XP ......................................................... 12
Chapter 2
Performance Endpoints 13
Endpoint Requirements and Capabilities ......................................................................... 13
Operating System and Protocol Stack Support ................................................... 13
Endpoint Capabilities ........................................................................................................ 17
Performance Endpoint Support for Chariot Functions ....................................... 18
Performance Endpoint Support for End2End Functions..................................... 20
Endpoint Computer Resource Guidelines ........................................................... 22
Endpoint Versions ................................................................................................ 24
Chapter 3
Endpoint Initialization File 25
ALLOW .................................................................................................................. 26
SECURITY_AUDITING ......................................................................................... 27
AUDIT_FILENAME................................................................................................ 27
Contents iii
ENABLE_PROTOCOL ...........................................................................................28
SAFESTORE_DIRECTORY ....................................................................................28
UPDATE_SERVER .................................................................................................29
Customizing endpoint.ini for Windows Endpoints..........................................................29
Configuring Endpoints for Large-Scale Customization........................................30
Using WinZip ........................................................................................................31
Chapter 4
Distributing Endpoints Using SMS 33
Installing Endpoints Using SMS ........................................................................................33
Uninstalling Endpoints Using SMS....................................................................................35
Index 37
iv Performance Endpoints
About This Book and the Library
This brief guide provides conceptual information about the free Performance
Endpoint software NetIQ Corporation provides in association with its Network
Performance Management products, and covers installation and configuration
for one specific endpoint platform. For information about installing and
configuring all the endpoint platforms, including HP-UX, IBM AIX, IBM MVS,
Linux, Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, and
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Novell NetWare, Sun
Solaris, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, FreeBSD UNIX, IBM OS/2, Linux IA-64, Microsoft
Windows 3.1, SCO UnixWare, SGI IRIX, and Spirent TeraMetrics, is available in
the HTML-formatted Performance Endpoints Guide in your product’s Help
system, or you can download other individual endpoint guides in .PDF format
from the World Wide Web at
Intended Audience
This book provides information about Performance Endpoint software for
users of NetIQ End2End, Chariot and Qcheck.
NetIQ Products
NetIQ Corporation provides integrated products that simplify and unify
systems management, security, and network performance management in your
extended enterprise. These products also help organizations prepare for and
migrate to Windows 2000 and Windows .NET. NetIQ Corporation offers the
following solutions:
Telephone: 503-223-3023
Email: [email protected]
Support: [email protected]
Web Site:
vi Performance Endpoints
Chapter 1
Microsoft Windows XP (64-bit)
2 Performance Endpoints
− Install prebuilt data files. We recommend you leave this box
checked. You can save a small amount of disk space by not installing
the files used for compression testing—but the defaults in many
application scripts specify these files. If these .cmp files are not installed,
many application scripts cannot be used in tests until they are
− Start the endpoint on installation. If you leave the box unchecked,
the endpoint starts when you restart the computer. No window is
shown while the endpoint is running, since it runs as a service.
A Windows XP service is controlled from the Services dialog box,
accessible by selecting Programs\Administrative Tools\Services from
the Start menu. If you want to restart a service without restarting Windows,
use the Services dialog box. Go to the Services dialog box, select NetIQ
Endpoint, and select a Startup type from the pulldown. Press Start to start
the endpoint.
You can also manually start the endpoint after installation. See “Starting a
Windows XP Endpoint” on page 9 for instructions.
The copying of files is now complete; you can remove the CD-ROM from its
To prevent the endpoint from running automatically on startup, see “Disabling
Automatic Startup” on page 9.
When you’ve completed installation, refer to “Configuring 64-bit Windows XP
Endpoints” on page 6 to make sure your endpoint is ready for testing and
To install an endpoint you’ve downloaded from the World Wide Web,
do the following:
1. Save the gsendw64.exe file to a local directory.
2. Use the Windows Explorer to navigate to the file and double-click to start
the installation.
3. The first screen after the Setup dialog lets you select the directory where
the endpoint will be installed. We recommend installing it on a local hard
disk of the computer you’re using. If you install on a LAN drive, the
additional network traffic may influence your performance results. The
default directory is \Program Files\NetIQ\Endpoint, on your boot drive.
4. If you have a previous installation of the endpoint, you will be asked if
you want it removed. If you select “yes,” the previous installation is
removed, and the new installation continues. If you select “no,” the install
program exits with no changes to your existing installation because a new
version cannot be added until the old version is removed.
The installation then adds the endpoint program as a service.
5. The next dialog box contains two checkboxes.
where “[drive:]” is the drive where the install package is located. This
produces the response file named setup.iss, which can then be used on
subsequent silent installations. The setup.iss answer file is created in your
Windows directory (which is usually c:\windows).
If you want to create a response file without actually installing an endpoint,
[drive:]\SETUP noinst -r
4 Performance Endpoints
To perform a silent installation, specify the “-s” option on SETUP. Make sure
the answers documented in the answer file setup.iss are appropriate for the
silent installation. If the setup.iss file is not in the same directory as
setup.exe, then specify the path and filename with the “-f1” option. For
example, here’s how to install using the setup.iss file we placed in the
\Program Files\NetIQ\Endpoint directory on our n: LAN drive:
Don’t mix the .iss files among different Windows operating systems because
their endpoint installations require slightly different input.
The results of the silent installation are recorded in a file named setup.log,
which is created in your Windows directory.
It’s common to use unattended install from a LAN drive. Be sure you’ve copied
all of the files for each type of endpoint into a single directory (rather than into
separate diskette images), and you’ve created your initial setup.iss file from
that directory.
6 Performance Endpoints
3. Verify the network connections.
The following topics describe how to accomplish these steps for XP.
If your TCP/IP stack is configured correctly, your output will look like the
Windows IP Configuration
The local IP address is shown in the first row; here it’s
You can also find your IP address using the graphical user interface. Select
Settings\Control Panel, then double-click on the Network Connections
icon. Select Local Area Connection and click Properties. In the Local Area
Connection Properties dialog box, double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in
the list. Your IP address and subnet mask are shown.
To determine a Windows XP computer’s local hostname, enter the following at
a command prompt:
Replace the x’s with the IP address of the target computer. If Ping returns a
message that says “Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx ...,” the Ping worked. If it says
“Request timed out,” the Ping failed, and you have a configuration problem.
Make sure that you can run Ping successfully from the Chariot or Qcheck
Console or the End2End server to each computer serving as Endpoint 1, and
between each pair of endpoints involved in a test, before starting your testing
with TCP/IP.
8 Performance Endpoints
Starting a Windows XP Endpoint
By default, the endpoint program is configured to start automatically, which
means that you will not see a window for the program when it is running.
Because the endpoint runs as a service, you do not have to be logged into
your workstation for the endpoint to run.
If you stop the endpoint service, you can restart it without restarting Windows
XP. There are two ways to restart the endpoint service:
1. At a command prompt, enter:
net start netiqendpoint
2. In the Services dialog box, double-click NetIQ Endpoint and press Start.
The status changes to “started” when the endpoint is successfully started.
A single running copy of the endpoint service handles one or multiple
concurrent tests.
• In the Services dialog box, double-click NetIQ Endpoint and click Stop.
The status is blank when the endpoint program has stopped.
(where “N” indicates the adapter number of the NIC card you’re assigning
virtual addresses to, and “Addr” indicates the virtual addresses or subnet
mask you're assigning to it).
-l List all network adapters
-la List all network adapters and their IP addresses
-a Adapter to modify (number given by -l options)
-dr Delete a range of addresses
-da Delete all addresses
-ds Delete a single address
-f From address
-t To address
-i Increment by
-s Subnet Mask
10 Performance Endpoints
Known Limitations
• IPv4 only.
• A version of SetAddr is also available for Windows NT, Windows 2000, and
Windows XP 32-bit computers. This 64-bit Windows version of SetAddr
does not work on 32-bit systems.
• SetAddr only works on computers with fixed IP addresses. DHCP-enabled
adapters can’t be used.
• You must restart the computer to whose NIC you've assigned virtual IP
addresses before you begin testing with that computer. SetAddr modifies
some Windows Registry keys, and restarting is required for the changes to
take effect.
• The number of virtual addresses you can assign to a single adapter
depends on the protocol stack and the size of the Windows Registry. We
benchmarked measurements using computers running up to 2500 virtual
addresses, which is a recommended limit.
• No checking is done to ensure that thousands of addresses are not being
created. Be careful! More TCP/IP stack resources are required to manage
virtual addresses.
• You may only add Class A, B, and C virtual IP addresses. Loopback
addresses and Class D and E IP addresses are invalid. Valid address ranges,
then, are 1.x.x.x to 233.x.x.x, excluding 127.x.x.x.
• When more than 2250 virtual address are defined on Windows 2000
computers, all the LAN adaptor icons disappear from the “Network and
Dial-up Connections” dialog box in “My Network Places.” You can still
see the adaptors by invoking ipconfig or setaddr from the command line,
and the addresses are still reachable. Removing some virtual addresses so
that fewer than 2250 were specified and restarting the computer solved the
12 Performance Endpoints
Chapter 2
Performance Endpoints
This guide contains information about the Performance Endpoints, which are
available for more than 20 different operating systems.
All the information you need to install, configure, and run the endpoints in
your network is included here and in the printed version of the Performance
Endpoints guide. In addition to topics discussing issues common to all the
endpoints, these guides also contain information about each operating system,
organized in separate chapters.
Versions listed are the earliest, not necessarily the only, versions supported.
14 Performance Endpoints
Endpoint OS version TCP, IP IPX/SPX APPC stack
UDP, Multicast stack version
RTP version
Because Windows 3.x lacks thread support, you cannot use the Windows 3.1
endpoint as Endpoint 1 in an IP Multicast test.
16 Performance Endpoints
Endpoint Capabilities
The following table indicates which endpoints have been tested with and are
supported by NetIQ products. Shaded rows indicate endpoints that have been
archived at previous versions. For more details on specific product capabilities,
see the topics below.
Endpoints for Windows 2000 and Windows XP also support testing with IPv6.
Refer to the following topic, “Performance Endpoint Support for Chariot
Functions” below for more information.
IBM MVS no no no no no
18 Performance Endpoints
Endpoint OS IP QoS Traceroute CPU Util. VoIP IPv6
(DiffServ, Test Test
GQOS, TOS) Module Module
Microsoft Windows no no no no no
20 Performance Endpoints
Endpoint OS System Application Network Service Traceroute Auto-
Mon. Mon. Mon. Mon. Upgrade
Microsoft Windows no no no no no no
98 (Web-Based)
Microsoft Windows no no no no no no
less than 100 Mbps PCI-based computer with a 32-bit operating system
100 to 200 Mbps Pentium 166 or greater (consider multiple concurrent pairs)
over 500 Mbps latest Pentium III or equivalent, with the latest NICs (consider
22 Performance Endpoints
Calculating Memory Requirements
Endpoints are designed to run in any computer that has sufficient memory to
run the operating system well. If you plan to use multiple pairs on a single
computer, you may want to calculate the number of pairs that will run without
causing the operating system to swap either code or data.
The following table can be used to plan for multiple pairs. The Base RAM
column indicates the amount of memory that is allocated by the endpoint
before running any pairs. If the endpoint is not being used, this amount may
go toward zero if the operating system supports swapping. The protocol
columns indicate the amount of memory required for a pair of that protocol.
These RAM usage numbers represent sending with the variable send_datatype
set to ZEROS. Other send_datatypes require memory buffers roughly equivalent
to the disk space of the .cmp file being used. Add 2 KBytes when using
send_datatype = NOCOMPRESS. See the Application Scripts guide for more
information on script variables.
• On Windows NT and Windows 2000, APPC pairs were run using Microsoft
SNA Server.
• On Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me, SPX and IPX pairs were
run using Novell Client32 for SPX and IPX.
• On OS/2 4.0, IPX and SPX pairs were run using Novell Client for OS/2.
Chariot now supports larger tests under certain conditions using TCP. See
“Internet-Scale Testing” in the User Guide for Chariot for more information
about requirements for large tests.
Endpoint Versions
With each new release of NetIQ Chariot and End2End, the endpoints are
updated to support new functionality. However, because some endpoint
operating systems are rarely used or provide limited support for Chariot and
End2End features, such as End2End service monitoring, endpoints for a few
operating systems have been archived. These endpoints are still made
available on the Performance Endpoints CD-ROM and on the NetIQ Web site;
however, they may not support the latest capabilities of Chariot and End2End.
The Endpoint README file, included in the root directory of the endpoint
CD-ROM, provides a list of all available endpoints and indicates their versions
if they are different from the current endpoint level.
24 Performance Endpoints
Chapter 3
Endpoint Initialization File
On most operating systems, this file is named endpoint.ini (on MVS, see data
set HLQ.SLQ.JCL(ENDPTINI), where “HLQ” and “SLQ” are the high-level and
second-level qualifiers entered during MVS endpoint installation). This file has
the same format and structure on all the operating systems.
Here are the default contents of the endpoint initialization file. You can change
these keywords and their parameters to tailor individual endpoints for your
Keyword Parameters
For the MVS endpoint, the default filename of ENDPOINT.AUD is ENDPTAUD.
This keyword determines which Chariot or Qcheck Consoles or End2End
servers can run tests using this endpoint.
To allow any user to run tests on this endpoint, use the ALL parameter, which
is the installation default:
Specify a connection-oriented protocol (that is, APPC, TCP, or SPX) as the first
parameter and provide its corresponding network address as the second
parameter. Endpoints only listen for incoming tests on connection-oriented
protocols, like TCP. Datagram tests are set up and results are returned using
their “sister” connection-oriented protocol; thus, UDP tests are set up using
TCP, and IPX tests are set up using SPX.
The network address cannot be an alias or hostname; that is, in APPC it must
be a fully qualified LU name, in TCP/IP it must be an IP address in dotted
notation, and in IPX/SPX it must be an IPX address with hex network address
and node address.
26 Performance Endpoints
Endpoints do not respond to End2End endpoint discovery requests unless the
IP address of the End2End server is specifically allowed (or unless “ALLOW ALL”
is specified). This prevents the user of an End2End server from finding
endpoints to which it should not have access.
You cannot use the ALLOW parameter to restrict access from one endpoint to
another endpoint. The ALLOW parameter can only be used to permit (or
prevent) access from specific Chariot or Qcheck Consoles or End2End servers
to the endpoint at which the parameter is defined.
If, for some reason, you need to restrict your endpoint to access only your
own computer, specify your own IP network address rather than
Specifying (the equivalent of localhost) allows any other user who
specifies “localhost” as Endpoint 1 to access your computer as Endpoint 2.
This keyword determines which access attempts the endpoint keeps track of in
its audit file. Here are the possible parameters:
PASSED Only access attempts that passed the ALLOW address check are logged.
REJECTED Only access attempts that failed the ALLOW address check are logged.
If a test initialization fails for a reason other than address checking, no entry is
made in the audit file.
This keyword specifies the filespec for the audit file. See
SECURITY_AUDITING on page 27 to understand the types of events logged in
its audit file. The default filename, in endpoint.ini, is endpoint.aud. If no
drive or path is specified, the audit file uses the drive and path of the endpoint
This file contains at most two lines for each endpoint pair that is started on this
endpoint. These two lines represent the start of an endpoint instance and the
end of that instance.
Each line written to the audit file consists of a set of information about the
endpoint instance and what it has been asked to do. The information is written
in comma-delimited form, so you can load the audit file into a spreadsheet or
database. When the audit file is created, an initial header line explains the
contents of the subsequent entries.
The following table shows the fields of each entry in the audit file:
Endpoint Partner Protocol The network protocol used to run the test with our partner
This keyword lets you control which connection-oriented protocols this
endpoint uses to listen for setup connections. This does not affect the network
protocols, which can be used to run tests. Here are the possible parameters:
In general, you should use the ALL setting (the default). Specify protocols
explicitly to reduce the overhead of listening on the other protocols or if
you’re encountering errors when listening on the other protocols.
See the discussion of the ALLOW keyword on page 26 for information about
support of the datagram protocols, IPX, RTP, and UDP.
Use the SAFESTORE_DIRECTORY keyword to change the filename of the End2End
safestore files, which hold the endpoint’s schedule and any results that have
not yet been sent to the End2End server. This keyword has no effect on
Chariot users.
For example, the following line causes the endpoint to write its safestore files
to the directory d:\NetIQ\Endpoint:
28 Performance Endpoints
This keyword lets you specify the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the Web
server containing the upgraded Performance Endpoint software. This location
is used when the endpoint receives a request from an End2End server to
download and install upgraded endpoint software. The URL is the “scheme-
specific” part of a valid Uniform Resource Locator, that is, the part after
“http://” (see RFC 1738). The default for this keyword is:
This keyword allows you to specify one or more End2End servers to which the
endpoint will initiate a connection. The server is polled every 15 minutes until
These endpoints are subject to the rules governing inbound endpoints, as
defined in the End2End server’s Global Endpoint Defaults.
TCP is the only protocol supported for polling at this time. Here’s the syntax:
END2END_SERVER protocol name | address
For more information about inbound endpoints, see the User Guide for
If you are installing over an existing endpoint, the endpoint.ini file is not
installed by default. To install the new file, use the following option for SETUP:
SETUP replace_ini
Now, anyone who executes the new executable you’ve created will
automatically have the endpoint installed using the endpoint.ini file that
you’ve customized.
To create a file that silently self-installs with a custom endpoint.ini, take
the following steps:
1. Open the file gsendw32.exe using WinZip. See “Using WinZip” on page 31
for more information.
2. Extract the files to a temporary directory.
30 Performance Endpoints
3. Edit or replace the endpoint.ini that is now in the temporary directory.
4. Create a custom response file (say, customer.iss); enter
i. SETUP -noinst -r -f1.\customer.iss
5. Using WinZip, create a new archive that contains all the files in the
temporary directory.
6. Using the WinZip Self-Extractor, create a self-extracting executable; for the
command line to run, enter the following:
SETUP.EXE replace_ini -s -f1.\CUSTOMER.ISS
Now, anyone who executes the file you’ve created will automatically have the
endpoint installed using customer.iss as the response file, and the
endpoint.ini file installed will also be the customized version you created.
Using WinZip
If you are installing endpoints on Windows, you first need to unzip the
gsendw32.exe file from the CD. For Windows 3.1, the zip file is called We recommend using WinZip version 7.0. Follow these steps to
unzip the file:
1. Open the WinZip program.
2. On the File menu, click Open Archive.
3. In the Open Archive dialog box, browse to the Endpoint\Win32 directory
on the endpoint CD-ROM and select the executable endpoint file
4. Click Open to unzip the files. The files that were unzipped are shown in
the Window.
5. On the Action menu, click Extract.
6. In the Extract dialog box, browse to the directory where you want to save
the files. This location should be accessible by users who need to install
the endpoint.
7. Click Extract. The files are extracted to the directory you selected.
Our testing indicates that Version 1.2 of SMS (with Service Pack 2) or later is
-noinst No install: create the setup.iss file, but don’t really install the endpoint right
now. This is a NetIQ-specific option and must appear before any setup-
defined options, like “-r.”
-f1 Gives the path name for the output response file.
1. Copy the endpoint installation files from the directory to a hard disk, along
with the setup.iss file.
2. For each distinct set of client computers, create a directory on a hard disk
available to the SMS Server. Into each directory, copy the corresponding
endpoint installation files. In addition, copy the new setup.iss file you just
created to the matching directory.
For example, create directories on the SMS Server’s hard disk named
\Endpoint_WNT1 and \Endpoint_WNT2 for the two sets of client computers
discussed in the preceding step. Copy all the unzipped installation files to
each of these directories. Finally, copy the setup.iss file for the first set of
client computers into directory \Endpoint_WNT1; copy the other setup.iss
file into the second directory.
3. Inside the SMS program at the SMS Server, select File, then New. Click
Import. Navigate to the drive and path where you’ve copied the endpoint
installation files and their setup.iss file. Choose the corresponding .pdf
file, which should be shown in the file list.
A dialog box should appear showing the correct package installation
4. Click Workstations. In the dialog box that follows, move to the same
drive and path you selected in step 3 by clicking the “...” symbol under
“Source Directory.” Then choose “Automated Installation” and click
Properties. You should see the command line string necessary to install
the endpoint, similar to the string you entered to create the setup.iss file.
5. Click OK, Close, and then OK to finish creating the SMS package. Repeat
these steps for each distinct set of client computers.
6. Configure the packages at the SMS Server for your schedules and sites.
7. Decide when you want the endpoints installed, and on which computers.
Configure these schedules and sites in SMS as you would with other SMS
packages. See the SMS documentation for assistance.
Our software supports SMS Inventory Information, which has been encoded in
the .pdf files.
34 Performance Endpoints
Uninstalling Endpoints Using SMS
Follow these steps to remove endpoint packages, using SMS version 1.2:
1. At the SMS Server, select a package to delete and update the name of the
Delsl?.isu file.
2. Inside the SMS program at the SMS Server, select File, then Open the
endpoint package you want to uninstall.
3. Click Workstations. In the dialog box that follows, move to the drive and
path for the package by clicking the “...” symbol under “Source Directory.”
Then choose Automated Uninstallation and click Properties. It should
show the command line string necessary to uninstall the endpoint, similar
to the string you entered to create the setup.iss file. You should see a
sequence that looks like “ fDelsl?.isu” in the middle of the string. The “?”
here is a number, representing the latest installation on the client
computer. For example, if the endpoint has been installed twice, the client
computer will have a file named “Delsl2.isu” in the directory where you
installed the endpoint. This filename at the SMS Server must exactly match
the filename at the SMS Client where the endpoint is being uninstalled.
4. Click OK, Close, and then OK to finish the update of the SMS package.
Repeat these steps for each distinct set of client computers.
5. Configure the packages at the SMS Server for your schedules and sites.
6. Decide when you want the endpoints uninstalled, and on which
computers. Configure these schedules and sites in SMS as you would with
other SMS packages. See the SMS documentation for assistance. URL
A 29
ALLOW keyword 26
archived endpoints 24 G
automatic upgrade 29 gsendw32.exe 29, 30
self-install 30 gsendw64.exe 29
calculating memory requirements 23 hardware requirements 13
capacities of endpoints 23
E IBM MVS endpoint
End2End 20, 29 inbound endpoints 29
END2END_SERVER keyword 29 installation requirements
endpoint capabilities Windows XP 64-bit endpoint 1
Chariot 18 installing endpoints using SMS 33
End2End 20 IPv6 Test Module
endpoint capacities 23 support for 20
endpoint initialization file 25
default keywords 25 M
endpoint versions 24
Microsoft overlapped I/O 22
endpoint.aud 27
endpoint.ini 25
ALLOW keyword 26 R
AUDIT_FILENAME keyword 27 requirements 22
customizing for upgrades 29 response file 31, 33
ENABLE_PROTOCOL keyword 28 restricting access to endpoints 26
END2END_SERVER keyword 29
28 S
endpoints SetAddr utility 10
automatically upgrading 29 setup.iss file 33
installing with SMS 33 SMS installation 33
uninstalling with SMS 35 software requirements
Index 37
protocol support 13 VoIP Test Module
support for OS support for 18
Windows XP 64-bit 12
Systems Management Server (SMS) 33 W
Windows 3.1 endpoint
T TCP/IP stacks 16
TCPaccess Windows XP 64-bit endpoint
versions supported for MVS configuring 6
endpoint 16 directories 5
TcpWindowSize 22 disabling automatic startup 9
throughput 22 installation 2
generating maximum 22 manual uninstall 6
messages 11
U removing 6
requirements 1
uninstall running 8
via SMS 35 SetAddr utility 10
UPDATE_SERVER keyword 29 starting 9
upgrade (automatic) 29 stopping 9
unattended installation 4
V updates 12
with TCP/IP 7
version WinZip 31
of endpoint 24
virtual addresses in Windows 10
38 Performance Endpoints