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Andragogi Vs Pedagogi

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Differences based on Andragogy Pedagogy

Origin : Both are originated

from Greek verb “ago” but Andragogy = Andras (man) + ago (guide) Pedagogy = paidi (child) + ago (guide)

The techniques and practices used in teaching, The techniques and practices used in teaching,
Definition especially for adults. especially for children.

The focus of pedagogical approach is on one-way

learning method where only the teacher shares
The focus of andragogic approach is on self- his/her knowledge to the learners. On a teacher’s
directed, cooperative and two-way learning methods of conveying knowledge to a student, who is
Focus process. reliant on the teacher’s methods and understanding.

The learners are comparatively less reliant on

the teacher/facilitator for entire learning The learners are relatively more/maximum reliant on
Reliance process. teacher/facilitator for the entire learning process.

The learners have more control on their

learning experience, learning tools and The teacher has more control on the learning
Authority techniques. experience, tools, techniques etc.

Grades are mostly less important to the

Importance of Grades learners Grades are mostly more important to the learners

Profoundly involved not only in forecasting but

also in estimating their learning, as they know Here, the learner depends on his/her teacher
Learning Behavior what knowledge they want to acquire. throughout the entire learning process.

In this approach, the learners are expected to

be experienced on the field of learning so that
they can share their experiences, make the In this approach, learners are expected to have less
The role of learners process more interactive and add diversity to experience on a particular field. Moreover, their
experiences their own learning. experience cannot be used as a learning resource.

Learners following andragogical approach seek

information that is useful in their personal and
work lives. They expect their learning to be Learners following pedagogical approach is more
more focused on problems and solutions of real focused on the core subject matter and its meaning.
life so that the learning and education can
Orientation to learning enhance their lives in a more satisfying way.

Here, the readiness to learn among the learners

is usually activated by the necessity to tackle
certain situations of life and self-desire to be Here, the readiness to learn among learners is
improve or develop his/her education, activated in order to develop their knowledge and
Readiness to learn knowledge and skills. skills in a specific field.

Motivation for learners to learn is mainly

intrinsic factors such as; self-esteem, self-
confidence, desire for the better quality of life, Motivation for learners to learn is primarily extrinsic
Motivation for learning curiosity, self-development etc. factors, such as good grades, fear of failure etc.

Pedagogy is more organized than andragogy due to

Nature Andragogy is motivational approach the complication of the students.

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