Firs tly, remember you are talking to real people s o the normal rules of s ocial
interaction apply.
Don't as s ume that others will interpret your mes s age in the s ame way you do. It
is difficult to convey s ubtle meaning, es pecially humour or sarcasm, in online
communications . Cons ider rewording your mes s age if you think there is a
chance others will mis unders tand and/or be offended by it. You can als o us e
emoticons (or ‘s mileys ’) to help s ignal your emotions and avoid
mis unders tanding. See using the button at the top of this page for s ome of
the mos t commonly us ed emoticons .
Always us e proper s pelling, capitalis ation, punctuation and grammar and avoid
writing in all capitals – this is the online equivalent of SHOUTING! it is als o harder
to read.
Send your mes s ages to the right place: direct pers onal exchanges to a us er's
mailbox (e.g. email) not to a public forum and don't make contributions
containing pers onal comments about other us ers and their views in public
forums .
Don't copy/forward private mes s ages to another pers on without the author's
explicit permis s ion. This is a breach of confidentiality.
Don't pres ent your opinions as facts . Always acknowledge other peoples '
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opinions , even when you dis agree, and provide clear, thoughtful s upport for your
views .
Res pect the rights of other us ers to participate in ways which are free from
haras s ment and intimidation and don't us e the remotenes s of the recipients as
an excus e to communicate in an anti-s ocial manner. Flaming (comments
intended to abus e or ins ult) and pers onal abus e are entirely inappropriate. Avoid
getting involved in flame wars by neither pos ting nor res ponding to incendiary
topics .
Lurk before you pos t. Lurking is when you regularly read mes s age boards ,
blogs , wikis or forums but do not contribute. Lurking will ens ure that you are
vis iting the mos t appropriate community and will give you a better idea of the
kind of topics people pos t about, making it les s likely that you will ups et anyone
when you do contribute
Check for exis ting topics /pos ts before s tarting new threads , by s canning through
pos ts or us ing the 'Search' function.
Quote relevant messages when res ponding to make it eas ier for readers to
locate the original pos t/topic/mes s age you are referring to.
Ens ure that any contributions made further the aims of the forum/community and
are appropriate to the dis cus s ion.
Don't 'flood': flooding occurs when a us er pos ts the s ame mes s age over and
over on a thread and is very irritating to other us ers .
Check the rules. Mos t online communities have 'hous e rules ' s o s earch for
'Rules ', 'FAQs ' or 'Help' to find out what is permitted and what is not. If you are
the creator or adminis trator you will need to create thes e rules for your s ite.
Don't contribute illegal/offensive material. The law relating to written
communication applies equally to online communication – this includes
copyright, obscenity, fraud, discrimination and defamation. You s hould
therefore avoid s ending inappropriate mes s ages as you could be breaking the
law. The Webs ite Law s ite has s ome excellent guidance and links where you can
find further information and clarification on legal is s ues relating to online
Above all, think before you write – the internet is an immediate medium making
communication quick and eas y: as s oon as you pos t s omething it will be there
for all to s ee – and it may be difficult to delete or amend.
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