The Interaction Between Coastal Sediment Dynamics and Coastal Sea Defences at Christchurch, Dorset, England

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Interaction between Coastal Sediment Dynamics

and Coastal Sea Defences at Christchurch, Dorset,
Michael L. Hackett Ashmini Prasad
Address: 61 A Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana. Address: 61 A Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana.
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, Physics & Statistics, Affiliation: Tagore Memorial Secondary School,
University of Guyana, Tain Campus, Guyana Ministry of Education, Guyana

Abstract:- This report assesses the coastal sediment I. INTRODUCTION

dynamics and the impact of coastal sea defences in the
Highcliffe, Hengistbury Head, and Christchurch Harbour The aim of this report is to review the coastal sediment
regions of Christchurch, Dorset, on the southern coast of dynamics and the coastal sea defences at Highcliffe,
England. The study combines field observations, expert Hengistbury Head, and Christchurch Harbour, as observed
insights, satellite imagery, and literature to show the during a field trip on November 3, 2008. Specifically, it
intricate interplay between natural sediment processes and focuses on how natural sediment dynamics affect the areas
anthropogenic interventions. involved and how anthropogenic sea defences attempt to
influence and control the effects of the sediment dynamics
The study area is characterised by cliffs, sandy upon coastal features. This review is based on direct
beaches, and clay-silt deposits, all influenced by wave observations of the sites, descriptions and comments culled
action, littoral transport, and geological factors. Two from the field leaders, Google Earth satellite images available
contrasting coastal management approaches are online, and readings from the relevant literature.
considered. One approach uses rock armour groynes to
combat erosion, inadvertently disrupting sediment flow II. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE AREAS VISITED
eastward. This illustrates the effectiveness of groynes in
beach preservation but highlights their impact The three areas under review are located along
downstream. Another approach allows natural erosion, Christchurch Bay in the county of Dorset, south coast of
leading to cliff retreat and property relocation. It also England. The geology of this part of England consists of an
reveals the complexities of sediment transport and the underlying syncline of Cretaceous chalk filled in with Tertiary
depth of closure concept. deposits (Wenban-Smith & Hosfield, 2001, p. 2). The
anticline of the chalk emerges in places such as the Isle of
This study underscores the intricate nature of coastal Wight and Isle of Purbeck. The three places visited sit on the
dynamics and defence strategies. Human intervention can Tertiary deposits and later Pleistocene fluvial deposits
yield unforeseen consequences, necessitating thorough (Wenban-Smith & Hosfield, 2001, p. 2), contributing to the
research and novel solutions to safeguard coastal regions. sediment sources that form their beaches and coastal features.
Continued efforts are essential to find a balance between Highcliffe is located just west of the boundary between Dorset
coastal protection and preserving the dynamic equilibrium and the county of Hampshire, while the other two locations are
of coastal systems to prevent the sea from claiming land. three miles further west.

Keywords:- Accretion, Coastal Sediment Dynamics, Erosion, Christchurch Bay is an embayment that curves gently for
Depth of Closure, Groyne, Littoral Drift, Longshore Drift, ten miles from Hurst Spit in the east to Hengistbury Head in
Sediment Nourishment, Sediment Starvation, Terminal Groyne the west. It is bordered on the south by the Solent and
Syndrome. landward to the north mostly by cliffs that are either actively
eroding or have stabilised naturally or through human
intervention. The beaches along the bay consist of gravel
mixed with sand, clay, and silt. These beach materials are all
products of cliff erosion and littoral transport. Cliff erosion
occurs due to wave action at the cliff base and slumping
caused by shearing and liquefying the stratified material of
which the cliffs are composed. Littoral transport is caused by
the accretion of sediments brought by the Solent from the

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
offshore seabed and from other sediment sources in the
Christchurch Bay sub-cell of Coastal Cell Five.

While the field trip covered just three miles of the ten-
mile-long stretch of Christchurch Bay, much of the description
can be generalised to the parts not visited.


The coast at Highcliffe, as its name suggests, is

characterised by cliffs about 20 m high facing the Solent to the
south. An exposed part of the cliffs showed a light grey
sediment lying underneath a sand formation. Because of a
slight east-north-east tilt – ¾ º according to one of the field
leaders – of the underlying syncline and the presence of
groundwater, these cliffs were previously slipping and falling
but have since been artificially stabilised using drainage of the
cliff strata and regrading of the base.

At the foot of the cliffs, the beach that had developed

from the eroded cliff material was exposed to the tidal and
wave activity of the Solent and the prevailing southwest
winds, exacerbated by the lack of sediment nourishment
caused by the long groyne at Hengistbury Head. Without
protection, this would have led to erosion of the beaches and
further cliff erosion. So, a sequence of rock armour groynes
was built to defend the beach from the west to east longshore
transport of sediments caused by the wind-driven waves. The
longer groynes protect against upper littoral drift, while the Plate 2. Sequence of groynes at Highcliffe (Satellite image:
shorter groynes protect against lower littoral drift (Plates 1 and Google Earth, 2008)
Separating Highcliffe on the west from Barton-on-Sea on
the east is a collapsed valley named Chewton Bunny, which is
now a nature conservation protected area. Formerly, Chewton
Bunny was a narrow valley with a little stream running freely
to the sea. Due to the slight ENE tilt of the underlying strata
and to seepage of water into the strata, landslides occurred in
the late 1960s and early 1970s. The local council decided to
stabilize the collapsed valley by placing rock armour groynes
at the base of the landslide with a culvert for the egress of the
Chewton Bunny stream. One groyne was placed shore parallel
to prevent the so-called “terminal groyne syndrome” at the
slightly shore perpendicular groyne. (Terminal groyne
syndrome is the loss of beach material on the downdrift side of
a shore perpendicular groyne.) (Plate 3). Gravel was imported
and placed at the foot of Chewton Bunny to help stabilize it at
the shore.

Plate 1. Groynes at Highcliffe (Photo: M. Hackett, 2008)

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Plate 4. Slumping cliffs at Barton-On-Sea (Photo: M.

Hackett, 2008)

Plate 3. Culvert between Groynes at outlet of Chewton

(Satellite image: Google Earth, 2008)

While stabilising the beaches and cliffs at Highcliffe, the

sequence of groynes, however, prevents sufficient sediment
from the west to east littoral drift from reaching the beaches
east of Chewton Bunny at Barton-on-Sea, causing the beach
there to be denuded of material and contributing to the erosion
of the cliffs under Barton-on-Sea. This is an excellent example
of a coastal engineering solution in one area causing a
problem in an adjacent area and shows that some beach
recession could be due to sediment starvation caused by

At Barton-on-Sea (which is almost literally on the sea),

the beach and cliffs have been left unprotected for nature to
take its course because the area has been declared a Site of
Special Scientific Interest for observation and research. The
Naish Farm Estate is located on the plateau above the cliff,
east of Chewton Bunny. As the cliff slumps and recedes, the
houses at Naish must be moved further inland. In fact, from Plate 5. Cliffs and Naish Farm Estate at Barton-On-Sea
observation, houses close to the edge of the cliff top will have (Satellite image: Google Earth, 2008)
to be moved sooner rather than later. (See Plates 4 and 5)
The plateau on top of the cliff consists of gravel, clay,
and silt – good beach material – and most of the rest is fine to
medium sand. But the sand, unlike the gravel, is too fine to
accrete on the beach to help consolidate it and is removed by
offshore and longshore transport. This accounts for the
narrowness of the 0.8-mile stretch of beach at Barton-on-sea.
At the base of the cliff are found copious amounts of mud, a

IJISRT23DEC1625 1913

Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
result of the mixing of the clay and silt with the groundwater Enclosed by Hengistbury Head and the Mudeford Beach
flowing between the cliff strata. Barton-on-Sea and its sand spit is Christchurch Harbour, a tide-dominated mud
undercliffs are left for nature to manage. lagoon containing salt marshes, having a narrow inlet from the
sea at Mudeford Harbour. This is a good example of the
IV. HENGISTBURY HEAD AND CHRISTCHURCH juxtaposition of two coastal environments: (1) a wave-
HARBOUR dominated beach on one side and (2) a tidal dominated lagoon
on the other side. (Plates 6 and 7)
Hengistbury Head, unlike the cliffs at Highcliffe and
Barton-on-Sea, is a stable geomorphological feature. It is
composed mainly of the Hengistbury Beds that were deposited
in the Tertiary, as well as later Pleistocene river deposits. The
Hengistbury Beds, called ironstones doggers, are highly
resistant to erosion, and it was this factor that had prevented
the most prominent Hengistbury feature, Warren Hill, from
being eroded by wind, wave, and tide over geological time
(Pepin p. 13).

From 1848-1856, mining and dredging of the ironstone

doggers was carried out along the shore and in the sea off the
Head. The removal of the doggers, which had acted as natural
breakwaters, resulted in an erosion rate of about 9 m/yr. The
beach continued to erode until 1938 when the long groyne was
built and subsequently, the beach recovered as sediment
accreted west of the groyne and plants were re-established
(Ibid. p. 14)

An unexpected effect of the long groyne at Hengistbury

was that it trapped such significant quantities of beach
material that it cut off the supply of sediment to the Highcliffe
beaches, resulting in them being starved of beach sediment
and experiencing erosion. Consequently, a sequence of Plate 6. Christchurch Harbour and Mudeford Beach
groynes had to be built to preserve the Highcliffe beach. (Photo: M. Hackett, 2008)
Again, this is another example of humans’ attempt to control
the coastal zone, causing problems in a down drift area
(Komar, p. 203).

It has since been recognised that beaches act as buffers

between sea and land, especially along coasts of high wind
and wave energy, as found along the south coast of England.
So, to preserve the beaches along the south coast, shore
perpendicular groynes were constructed to stop the longshore
drift of beach sediments.

In one attempt at beach replenishment, Poole Harbour

was dredged, and the material was brought to Bournemouth to
nourish the beach, but the sediment migrated back to Poole
after some time. This happened because the sediment went
back to sea as bedload and was brought round back to Poole
driven all the way by bottom currents. In effect, this means
that the depth of closure can go down to 20 – 25 m, as in this
case. Since the depth of closure is theoretically defined as the
depth beyond which sediment transport is insignificant or
negligible (Nielsen, p. 109), it is either that the depth of
closure is ‘leaky’ or that the concept of the depth of closure
may not fully valid and may need modification.
Plate 7. Hengistbury Head and Christchurch Harbour
(Satellite image: Google Earth, 2008)

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Volume 8, Issue 12, December – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The sand beach at Mudeford is protected against [6]. Pepin, Cecil E, (Editor). (1967)Hengistbury Head: An
longshore drift by a series of groynes built slightly oblique to Environmental Study, Bournemouth: Horace G. Commin
the shoreline. These also help to prevent sediment from filling Ltd.
the Christchurch Harbour inlet. Unlike the Head, the [7]. Silvester, R., Coastal Engineering, 2. (1974)Amsterdam:
Hengistbury spit, because of its sand composition, is a very Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co.
ephemeral coastal feature, and in the not-too-distant future, the [8]. Wenban-Smith, F. F. & Hosfield, R. T. (Editors). (2001)
sea will one day be lapping at the doorsteps of the cottages. Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Solent River, London:
Lithic Studies Society.

In this brief review, covering all or even most of the

sediment dynamic-coastal defence interactions has not been
possible. But even such a brief report has been succinct
enough to demonstrate some of the essential ways sediment
dynamics and coastal defence structures inter-relate. Human
exploitation and removal of natural beach materials such as
sand, gravel, and boulders evidently have unpredictable
negative impacts on the coastline. In the past, this has led to
significant erosion and loss of land. Even today, with
improved knowledge of coastal dynamics and structures,
human attempts to alleviate anthropogenic coastal problems
while solving the problems have frequently caused troubles
elsewhere along the coast, which require further solutions,
which generate more problems, and so the domino effects

Clearly, much more work needs to be done in the field of

coastal engineering, both in theoretical work and in fieldwork,
to better understand the complexity of the forces and materials
that mould the coastline. Otherwise, we would have evolved
from the sea millions of years ago, only to be inundated by the
sea millions of years later.


Thanks to Prof. Carl Amos of the University of

Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, for advice and
guidance. Thanks also to the University for providing all the
necessary transportation, technical, and personnel support for
the field trip.


[1]. Bell, Nancy. (1916). From harbour to harbour : the story

of Christchurch, Bournemouth, and Poole from the
earliest times to the present day, London: G. Bell and
Sons Ltd.
[2]. Google Earth Satellite Maps. (2008).
[3]. Komar, P. D. (1976). Beach Processes and
Sedimentation, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
[4]. Leeder, M. R. (1982). Sedimentology: Process and
Product, London: George Allen & Unwin.
[5]. Nielsen, P. (1992) Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers and
Sediment Transport, Singapore: World Scientific.

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