The Interaction Between Coastal Sediment Dynamics and Coastal Sea Defences at Christchurch, Dorset, England
The Interaction Between Coastal Sediment Dynamics and Coastal Sea Defences at Christchurch, Dorset, England
The Interaction Between Coastal Sediment Dynamics and Coastal Sea Defences at Christchurch, Dorset, England
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Keywords:- Accretion, Coastal Sediment Dynamics, Erosion, Christchurch Bay is an embayment that curves gently for
Depth of Closure, Groyne, Littoral Drift, Longshore Drift, ten miles from Hurst Spit in the east to Hengistbury Head in
Sediment Nourishment, Sediment Starvation, Terminal Groyne the west. It is bordered on the south by the Solent and
Syndrome. landward to the north mostly by cliffs that are either actively
eroding or have stabilised naturally or through human
intervention. The beaches along the bay consist of gravel
mixed with sand, clay, and silt. These beach materials are all
products of cliff erosion and littoral transport. Cliff erosion
occurs due to wave action at the cliff base and slumping
caused by shearing and liquefying the stratified material of
which the cliffs are composed. Littoral transport is caused by
the accretion of sediments brought by the Solent from the
While the field trip covered just three miles of the ten-
mile-long stretch of Christchurch Bay, much of the description
can be generalised to the parts not visited.