BS 7262 Sli
BS 7262 Sli
BS 7262 Sli
Specification for
UDC 621.873.1/.2/.3:621.317.782:621.039.587:629.1.018:614.8
BS 7262:1990
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 General 1
4 Mechanical 8
5 Electrical 8
6 ASLIs using programmable electronic systems 10
7 Type testing 10
8 Protection and painting 17
9 Marking of equipment 17
10 Instruction manual 17
Appendix A British Standards for material
and equipment suitable for use in the manufacture of
automatic safe load indicators 18
Appendix B Legislation related to cranes 19
Figure 1 — Interpolated duties 4
Figure 2 — Stepped duties 5
Figure 3 — Graph of safe working load against radius 6
Figure 4 — Block diagram showing the position of the
interference pulse generator for the test specified in 15
Table 1 — Form of warnings 3
Table 2 — Indications required for ASLIs for different types of cranes 7
Table 3 — Summary of tests 11
Table 4 — Test sequence 12
Table 5 — Common and differential mode transient
overvoltage tests for mains supplied ASLI 13
Table 6 — Common and differential mode transient
overvoltage tests for generator supplied ASLI 14
Table 7 — Common and differential mode transient
overvoltage tests for vehicle supplied ASLI 14
Table 8 — Data cable interference test 14
Publications referred to Inside back cover
© BSI 07-1999 i
BS 7262:1990
This British Standard was prepared under the direction of the Mechanical
Handling Standards Policy Committee.
Automatic safe load indicators have been used with cranes for many years. Before
this standard was introduced, the design, manufacture and type testing of these
devices was largely influenced by the need, in certain circumstances, to use an
automatic safe load indicator of a type approved by the Health and Safety
Executive. This standard was developed from a specification produced by the
Health and Safety Executive to define the essential requirements required for
approval. This British Standard replaces the Health and Safety Executive’s
specification with regard to all aspects of approval under Health and Safety
It is important to ensure that close cooperation exists between manufacturers and
purchasers in order that automatic safe load indicators are correctly specified,
installed and operated.
This British Standard has been written on the basis that the automatic safe load
indicator manufacturer is responsible for the specification, installation and type
testing of the automatic safe load indicator in conjunction with the crane on which
it is to be used.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 20, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
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BS 7262:1990
1 Scope 2.5
This British Standard specifies constructional and
testing requirements for automatic safe load for slewing cranes, the horizontal distance between
indicators for cranes. the point at which the axis of rotation meets the
ground and the vertical centre line through the
It is common practice to fit devices associated with
hook. For non-slewing cranes, the horizontal
an automatic safe load indicator which prevent
distance between the front axle or other forward
certain motions of the crane after the point has been
support and the vertical centre line through the
reached where the overload warning is given; these
crane hook
additional motion limiting features are not covered
by this British Standard. 2.6
Appendix A lists British Standards for material and safe working load (SWL)
equipment suitable for use in the manufacture of the maximum load that can be lifted by the crane
automatic safe load indicators. Appendix B details under certain specified conditions
legislation relating to cranes. NOTE 1 The safe working loads for a particular crane and,
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard when appropriate, corresponding operating radii or jib angle are
are listed on the inside back cover. given in the current certificate of test for that crane.
NOTE 2 Rated capacity is an equivalent term.
2 Definitions 2.7
actual load
For the purposes of this British Standard the
following definitions apply. the mass of all loads and of all lifting attachments
suspended from the hook or fixed lifting appliance.
For mobile cranes the mass of the hook block, if
safe load indicator
fitted, is also included in the actual load
a device which when fitted to a crane gives, within NOTE See also ISO 4306-1 ADD 2.
certain specified tolerance limits (see 3.8.2
and 3.8.3), a warning of the approach to the safe
working load of the crane, and a further warning
when the safe working load has been exceeded a hardware timer which monitors the duration of
NOTE 1 In addition, a safe load indicator may have to supply internal hardware functions, and/or application
certain defined information (see 3.8.5) associated with the safe program functions, and/or system software
use of the crane. functions, and which will fail to a safe condition if
NOTE 2 Rated capacity indicator is an equivalent term.
not periodically reset at a predetermined interval
automatic safe load indicator (ASLI) continuous warning
a safe load indicator which requires no manual
a warning that is given visually by either a flashing
resetting or adjustment, from the application of a
or uninterrupted light or audibly by either a pulsing
load to the crane until the release of that load
or uninterrupted sound and persists throughout the
2.3 time that the condition being indicated exists
the combination of structural members, protective circuit
counterweights, hook block reeving and other items the circuit which includes connections to the
which when assembled according to the crane
conductive mass of the crane which might in turn be
manufacturer’s instructions permit the crane to lift connected to earth mass
a range of safe working loads
2.4 3 General
fail to a safe condition
3.1 Construction
a condition in which a fault causes an overload
All parts of the automatic safe load indicator
warning or some equally obvious indication to be
necessary for its operation shall comply with this
given by the ASLI
standard for all configurations of the type of crane to
which it is to be fitted. For a particular crane, the
ASLI shall comply with this standard for all safe
working loads indicated on the SWL charts of that
NOTE 1 The safe working loads given on the SWL chart for a
crane should be consistent with those given on the test certificate.
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BS 7262:1990
An automatic safe load indicator shall operate NOTE 2 Guidance on the degree of protection to be adopted for
automatically to the extent that from the explosive atmospheres is given in BS 5345-1.
NOTE 3 The automatic safe load indicator should be
application of a load to the release of that load, using protected against corrosion (see clause 8).
any motion or combination of motions permitted by NOTE 4 The construction and installation of the automatic safe
the crane manufacturer, no manual resetting or load indicator should give adequate protection from all the effects
adjustment of the safe load indicator is required. of lightning so far as is reasonably practicable.
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BS 7262:1990
3.8 Warnings and indications The audible warnings for approach to SWL and
3.8.1 General. The ASLI shall give warnings and overload shall be clearly distinguishable from each
indications in accordance with 3.8.2 to 3.8.4 for all other and also from other relevant sounds such as
permitted motions of the crane that induce an telephones.
overload and for all configurations shown on the The visual warnings shall be clearly distinguishable
certificate of test and thorough examination of the under all conditions (see
crane to which it is fitted. 3.8.5 Indications required at the driver’s control
NOTE All graduations and markings on analogue instruments station(s)
should be clearly visible from the crane operating position and
should enable all the positions and loads given on the certificate Proximity to safe working load. Continuous
of test and thorough examination of the crane to be clearly visual indication of the load on the crane relative to
distinguished within the specified accuracy. All pointers and the safe working load shall be provided in
similar devices should provide a fast response to changing
conditions and be suitably damped to prevent excessive
accordance with Table 2.
oscillation or overrun. NOTE This may be by means of a needle moving across a scale,
the approach of two pointers or by some other equally clear
3.8.2 Warning of approach to SWL. The ASLI shall continuous visual indications.
give a clear and continuous warning of approach to Other indications. The following shall be
SWL. The warning shall commence at not less
indicated by continuous visual indications in
than 90 % of the SWL and at not more than 97.5 %
accordance with Table 2.
of the SWL. The approach to SWL warning shall
continue to function until the percentage of the load a) The radius of the load. The radius with the safe
to the SWL falls to some value which is less than the working load suspended from the crane including
value at which the warning was initiated. any deflection caused by that load.
3.8.3 Warning of overload. The ASLI shall give a b) The angle of the jib. The angle with the safe
clear and continuous warning of overload. The working load suspended from the crane, given in
warning shall commence at not less than 102.5 % of degrees.
the SWL and at not more than 110 % of the SWL. c) The SWL. The SWL corresponding to either the
The overload warning shall continue to function radius of the load or the angle of the jib.
until the percentage of the load to the SWL falls to d) The load on the crane. The load on the crane for
some value which is less than the value at which the cranes having a maximum safe working load
warning was initiated. exceeding 10 tonnes.
3.8.4 Form of warnings. The warnings for both e) The configuration of the crane.
approach to SWL and overload shall be continuous
NOTE There should be a clear and precise indication of the
and shall be audible and visual in accordance with crane configuration for which the ASLI has been set and this
Table 1. should be visible from the crane operating position. As a
minimum the configuration selecting device should provide
either a direct description of the configuration selected or
indicate a code from which the configuration selected can be
obtained using a list of codes kept in the driver’s cabin.
Table 1 — Form of warnings
Function Audible warning Visual warning
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BS 7262:1990 Digital displays shall contain sufficient Provision shall be made for the service lubrication of
digits to show clearly the relevant indication within all bearings unless they are sealed or lubricated for
the accuracy specified in life. Ball and roller bearings shall, in addition, be The response of indicating devices shall be suitably lubricated before assembly. All lubricating
appropriate to the speed of operation of the crane nipples shall comply with BS 1486-1 or BS 1486-2
when driven correctly. and shall be of the same type and size.
3.9 Verification of warnings and displays 5 Electrical
A test facility shall be provided on the display panel
5.1 General
to enable verification of indications specified in 3.8
(see 3.4). The ASLI installation shall be designed to protect
persons against electric shock.
4 Mechanical NOTE Attention is drawn to the IEE Regulations for Electrical
Installations1) and BS 2771. The principles embodied in the
4.1 Gearing, rotating and fixed shafts and Regulations and BS 2771 should be complied with where
axles appropriate and where not specified otherwise in this standard.
Assurance of system safety integrity shall be
Gearing, rotating and fixed shafts and axles shall
achieved by:
comply with BS 2573-2.
a) causing the ASLI to fail to a safe condition in
4.2 Keys, key ways, splines and serrations
the event of an open circuit, short circuit or earth
Keys and key ways shall comply with BS 4235. fault on all external wiring and devices;
Splines and serrations shall be of straight sided or b) carrying out periodic functional checks to
involute form. Straight sided splines and serrations verify that warnings and displays are operating
shall comply with BS 2059 and involute splines correctly (see 3.4).
shall comply with BS 6186-1. NOTE Manufacturers should use components which comply
4.3 Guarding with BS 9000 or other standards that provide an equivalent
4.3.1 General. All potentially dangerous parts of the BS 9000 describes electronic components of adequate reliability
ASLI shall be guarded in accordance with BS 5304. and integrity. Components should be conservatively rated to
achieve a high mean time between failures.
NOTE Where reasonably practicable, guard designs should
permit inspection of critical parts of mechanisms without having 5.2 Power supply
to remove the complete guard or cover and without the need to
dismantle components.
The power supply for an ASLI shall have a nominal
voltage not exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c.
4.3.2 Inspection covers. Where an inspection cover is
NOTE It is recommended that the power supply voltage should
provided, the possibility of access to dangerous parts be as low as is reasonably practicable. 12 V d.c. or 24 V d.c. are
when the cover is removed shall be prevented (for normal supply voltages.
example, by providing a wire mesh screen) unless The ASLI shall be designed to operate correctly for
the cover is secured by fasteners that require the supply voltages in the range + 20 % to – 15 % of the
use of a tool to open the cover. nominal voltage. The ASLI shall continue to
4.3.3 Gear wheels, pinions and chain drives. All gear function correctly or fail to a safe condition if the
wheels, pinions and chain drives shall be completely supply voltage is outside this range. It shall operate
encased. correctly in the event of voltage recovery from the
4.3.4 Revolving shafts and couplings. Guards shall minimum value. Protection against voltage
be provided for revolving shafts and couplings variations and surges, supply voltage reversal (in
unless they have no protruding set screws, bolts or the case of d.c.), overloading, short-circuit and earth
keys and are so situated in relation to the structure faults shall be provided.
of the crane as to be as safe as if guards were The ASLI shall be designed to operate correctly for
provided. supply frequency variations (in the case of a.c.) as
4.4 Bearings, springs, chains and chain wheels follows:
NOTE A list of British Standards for bearings, springs, chains a) 2 % for power supplies derived from the
and chain wheels suitable for use in the manufacture of mains;
automatic safe load indicators is included in Appendix A.
b) 5 % for power supplies derived from engine
driven generators.
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BS 7262:1990
NOTE 1 If it is intended to use the ASLI with systems having a 5.5.3 Position control switches.
wider frequency variation than 5 %, the ASLI should be type
tested to meet such requirements. The ASLI should not be used General. Switches used to detect the
on systems with a wider frequency variation than allowed for in condition of the crane affecting the SWL shall
the type tests. comply with and
NOTE 2 It is important that the power supply be arranged so
that motions of the crane cannot be operated without the The specification of switches shall ensure that the
automatic safe load indicator being energized. electrical endurance rating, the maximum safe
5.3 Interconnecting of units travel of the actuator, the force required for normal
operation and the general mechanical specification
5.3.1 General. All signals and power supplies
for the actuator are compatible with the circuit
transmitted between units of the ASLI shall be by
requirements and the need for high quality and
means of discrete insulated conductors. The chassis
conservative rating.
of the crane shall not be used to transmit power,
signals or the functional signal return. Limit (position) switches. Limit switches
shall comply with BS 4794-2.20:1982. They shall be
5.3.2 Protective circuits. One end of the secondary
directly actuated mechanically as described in
winding of the power supply transformer shall be
BS 5304. Limit switches shall be connected such
connected to the protective circuit.
that the open-circuit condition relates to the
For d.c. circuits, one pole of the rectifier shall be limiting or more hazardous condition of the crane.
connected to the protective conductor. Contacts used in safety circuits shall be a positive
The metal case of all electrical equipment shall be break contact element coupled to the switch
efficiently bonded to the protective conductor. A actuator by a positive linkage. The movement of the
separate insulated protective conductor shall be actuator shall separate the contacts.
provided in the wiring for each circuit. Other switches. Other types of switch,
5.4 Protection against earth faults including proximity switches, shall only be used
where the system safety integrity will be equivalent
5.4.1 One side of the control circuit shall be
to that achieved by using limit switches.
connected to the protective circuit.
5.4.2 The coil of an electromagnetic device shall be 5.6 Separation of signals
placed in the protected side of the control circuit and Electrical signals which initiate continuous audible
shall not be interrupted by a fuse or single pole and visual warnings shall be separated from those
contact. Contacts and other switching elements used to drive visual displays and other circuits to
shall be placed in the side of the control circuit minimize common cause failures.
which is not connected to the protective conductor. 5.7 Enclosures
5.4.3 The input and output of an electronic control Enclosures shall be provided for all electrical
circuit shall be inserted in the side of the supply components.
which is not connected to the protective conductor or
alternatively steps shall be taken to ensure that the Enclosures for components which will not be
ASLI fails to a safe condition. subjected to the external environment shall have a
degree of protection of at least IP 54 in accordance
5.5 Components with BS 5490.
5.5.1 Security of plug-in devices. Where plug-in NOTE Equipment located in the driver’s cab may be exposed to
devices, except integrated circuit components are rain and other forms of abuse likely to result in damage to the
connected into the circuit by means of socket bases, equipment and the use of IP 55 enclosures should be considered.
they shall be retained in position by spring clips or Enclosures erected or mounted on the crane
other means. structure which are exposed to the external
5.5.2 Final switching devices for warnings. Where environment shall have a degree of protection of
at least IP 65.
the final switching device for an alarm circuit is an
electromagnetic relay, the alarm circuit shall be The method of cable entry for incoming cables and
energized by normally closed contacts of the relay. circuits shall not impair the degree of protection of
All other safety functions shall be switched by the enclosure.
normally open contacts. In the case of a solid-state 5.8 Interconnecting cables, conductors and
switch being the final switching device, this shall be terminations
in the normal conducting state to operate the
5.8.1 Protection of cables. Cables shall be positioned
warning device.
or constructed to protect them from mechanical
a) by running in conduit, trunking or on trays;
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BS 7262:1990
Plugs and sockets which are not within an enclosure 7.1.3 The manufacturer shall state in the
shall have the same degree of protection as the instruction manual the sequence in which the tests
enclosure (see 5.7). are carried out.
NOTE A recommended sequence of tests is given in Table 4.
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BS 7262:1990
The results of all type tests shall be recorded, The interconnecting cable shall be of the type and
together with details of the construction and design length to be used in the final installation. All
of the ASLI and the crane to which it is fitted, when enclosures shall be electrically bonded (where
appropriate. appropriate) by means of a wide braided ribbon
7.1.4 The tests shall be carried out with the cable or, preferably, mounted on a metal ground
equipment, or any movable part of it, placed in the plane, e.g. aluminium sheet.
most unfavourable position which may occur in If electronic amplifiers, etc., are included in the
normal use. transducer, they shall be part of the circuitry under
7.1.5 If the results of a test could be influenced by test.
conditions such as mains supply voltage, NOTE Transducers may be operated by hand and hydraulic
load transducers may be simulated by applying an equivalent
atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature,
electrical signal to the ASLI controller.
relative humidity, or operating mode, the
equipment shall be tested under the most The simulated load shall be increased slowly
unfavourable operating conditions. from its minimum value until the warning of
overload occurs, then further increased until the
7.1.6 Equipment for use on a.c. supplies only shall overload warning occurs. During the test the
be tested with a.c. at the specified frequency, that response of the displays, where fitted, shall be
for use on d.c. supplies only shall be tested with d.c. consistent with the variation in load. This test shall
and that for a.c./d.c. at the more unfavourable be carried out for each crane set-up as described
supply. below:
Equipment marked with a specified frequency The angle shall be decreased from the maximum
range shall be tested at the most unfavourable angle in 20 % steps to the minimum angle, or until
frequency within that range. Equipment specified the alarm position is reached.
for more than one supply voltage shall be tested at
the most unfavourable voltage. The jib length shall be increased from the minimum
length in 20 % steps to the maximum length, or until
7.1.7 Equipment supplied by a power source other the alarm position is reached.
than the crane power source shall be tested together
with that power source. All other configurations of the crane shall be
similarly tested.
Table 4 — Test sequence At switch-on for programmable electronic
Test Clause Test systems the ASLI shall carry out automatic
sequence number
verification referred to in 6.4.
Tests in laboratory
7.2.2 Immunity to variations in temperature,
1 7.2.1 Simulated operation voltage and frequency
2 7.2.2 Immunity to variations in The ASLI shall be tested in all operating
temperature, voltage and
modes and shall maintain normal operation during
and after the tests.
3 7.2.3 Response to failure conditions
4 7.2.4, Immunity to electrical NOTE The tests are designed to evaluate the immunity of the
ASLI to temperature, voltage and frequency changes in normal
7.2.5 or interference use.
7.2.6 The supply voltage shall be varied within the
5 7.2.7 Immunity to electrostatic range specified in 5.2.
6 7.2.8 Immunity to electromagnetic The supply frequency shall be varied within
interference the range specified in 5.2. This shall be carried out
7 7.2.9 Data cable interference in a continuous sweep between the two extremes,
8 7.2.10 Immunity to intermittent over a duration of 10 s to 20 s.
induction field The ASLI shall be operated under conditions
Tests after installation on crane
of maximum ambient temperature as specified
in 3.2 until thermal equilibrium is achieved.
11 7.3.2 Performance The ambient temperature shall be reduced
7.2 Laboratory tests slowly so that condensation is avoided, until
thermal equilibrium is achieved at the minimum
7.2.1 Simulated operation
temperature specified in 3.2. The ASLI shall be The ASLI shall be connected up according to operated under these conditions.
the system diagrams.
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7.2.3 Response to failure conditions The supply voltage shall be reduced Tests shall be made on critical hardware to 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 60 %, 50 %, 40 %, 30 %, 20 %
devices and any components including fuses that and 10 % of its nominal value for periods varying
fail during these tests shall be replaced before from 100 ms to 1 s in 100 ms steps, then 1 s to 10 s
proceeding with subsequent tests. in 1 s steps. The transducers and inter-connecting cables Common mode and differential mode
between any transducer and the main body of the randomly phased transient overvoltage of either
ASLI shall be tested for the effects of the following polarity in accordance with Table 5 shall be applied
induced failure modes: using the appropriate source impedance.
a) open circuit of one or more connections; Tests 1,2 and 3 shall be continued for
at least 10 min.
b) short circuit between conductors;
Tests 4 and 5 shall be carried out either by:
c) short circuits to earth of one or more
conductors. a) incremental spot checks of 10 s duration each
at a series of frequencies incrementing by 10 %; or
7.2.4 Immunity to electrical interference
b) sweeping the test band at a maximum sweep
(mains supply)
rate (in Hz) of F/100 where F is the instantaneous For ASLIs where the power supply is derived frequency in Hz.
directly from the mains supply, power supply
7.2.5 Immunity to electrical interference (generator
interruptions and reductions down to and including
supply). For ASLIs where the power supply is
zero voltage as given in and shall be
derived from engine driven generators which are
applied to one ASLI in all operating modes. The time
used for site supplies and/or capable of supplying all
interval between two consecutive tests shall be
the power requirements of a crane, the motions of
at least 10 s.
which are driven electrically, the tests shall be The supply voltage shall be reduced applied to one ASLI in all operating modes. The time
to 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 60 %, 50 %, 40 %, 30 %, 20 % interval between two consecutive tests shall be
and 10 % of its nominal value, for periods varying at least 10 s.
from 10 ms to 100 ms in 10 ms steps.
Positive and negative common mode and
differential mode transient overvoltages shall be
applied in accordance with Table 6.
The test duration shall be 10 min.
Table 5 — Common and differential mode transient overvoltage tests for mains supplied ASLI
Test Source impedance Amplitude Type of wave form Repetition
V Hz
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BS 7262:1990
Table 6 — Common and differential mode Surge voltages shall be applied to the power
transient overvoltage tests for generator input terminals as follows:
supplied ASLI a) 120 V applied for 500 ms for equipment
Amplitude Rise time Half Repetition powered from a nominal 12 V supply; or
amplitude rate
duration b) 200 V applied for 200 ms for equipment
powered from a nominal 24 V supply.
V ns s Hz
7.2.7 Immunity to electrostatic discharge.
1 500 300 50 6 Electrostatic discharges of 10 kV 10 % from a
source capacitance of 100 pF in series with a
7.2.6 Immunity to electrical interference
resistor or 150 , shall be applied to the ASLI.
(vehicle supply)
Where the surface area of any part of the ASLI is For ASLIs supplied from a vehicle electrical greater than a square of side 60 mm, a discharge
system, the tests given in to shall be test shall be systematically applied over the
applied to one ASLI in all operating modes. The time enclosure at a rate of one test per 60 mm square.
interval between two consecutive tests shall be
at least 10 s. The discharge test shall also be applied to all other
individual metal parts.
Tests shall be carried out in accordance
NOTE Individual metal parts include the metal parts of knobs,
with Table 4. switches, push buttons, etc.
The ASLI shall continue to operate normally after Discharges shall also be applied to all metal
the tests described below are complete. fastenings whether a plastic or metal case is used. A reverse power supply of 80 V shall be 7.2.8 Immunity to electromagnetic interference.
applied to the ASLI. Electromagnetic radiation of 10 V/m field strength
The test duration shall be 10 min. at frequencies of 100 kHz to 1 000 MHz keyed on
NOTE A fuse or protective device may need to be replaced after and off while the frequency is being varied shall be
this test. applied. The power supply voltage shall be varied NOTE The frequency band over which electromagnetic
between + 20 % to – 15 % of the nominal battery radiation is likely to be prominent is: 13 MHz, 27 MHz, 68 MHz
to 88 MHz, 100 MHz to 108 MHz, 138 MHz to 174 MHz, 420 MHz
voltage. to 470 MHz, 934 MHz. Positive and negative differential mode 7.2.9 Data cable interference
transient overvoltages shall be applied to the power
input terminals in accordance with Table 7. In The data cable interference tests specified
addition, where the vehicle electrical system is of in and shall be carried out on the
the insulated return type then common mode ASLI.
interference pulses shall also be applied to this Tests in accordance with Table 8 shall be
specification. carried out on ASLIs supplied from power systems
NOTE Figure 4 shows the position of the interference pulse derived from mains or engine driven generators.
generator for these tests. Interference pulses, of both polarities, shall be
Table 7 — Common and differential mode applied to every data cable entering/leaving the
transient overvoltage tests for vehicle ASLI in turn. The coupling to the cable under test
supplied ASLI shall be made by means of a capacitive cable clamp
having a coupling capacitance of
Amplitude Rise Half Repetition Source
time amplitude rate impedance
approximately 50 pF.
duration Table 8 — Data cable interference test
Amplitude Rise time Half Repetition
300 1 s 0.50 ms 5.0 Hz 10 amplitude rate
250 1 s 0.05 ms 5.0 Hz 10
250 1 s 2 ms 0.2 Hz 10 V Hz
200 5 ns 100 ns a10 kHz 50 500 1 MHz damped 6 ms 400
a This pulse is to form part of a train of pulses at the repetition oscillation
frequency of 10 kHz. Each pulse train should last for 10 ms and
the pulse train repetition frequency should be 10 Hz.
1 500 5 ns 100 ns 12
2 000 35 ns 3 ms 1
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The duration of each test shall be 10 min. The warnings and indications specified in 3.8.2 For ASLIs supplied from vehicle electrical to 3.8.5 shall be checked at five operating radii,
systems interference pulses of either polarity shall including maximum and minimum, for every type of
be applied to each data cable entering/leaving the configuration of the type of crane to which the ASLI
ASLI in turn. is to be fitted. The configurations used shall include
the following.
The coupling to the cable shall be made by means of
a capacitive cable clamp having a coupling a) Mobile cranes.
capacitance of approximately 200 pF. The pulses to 1) a minimum of three different lengths of the
be applied are given in Table 6. main jib, including maximum and minimum,
7.2.10 Immunity to intermittent induction field unless the ASLI will only be fitted to cranes
having one or two jib lengths; The intermittent induction field tests
2) operating free-on-wheels;
specified in and shall be carried
out on the ASLI. 3) operating with outriggers or stabilizers; For ASLIs supplied from power systems 4) manual jib extension;
derived from the mains or engine driven generators 5) fixed offset flyjib;
an induction field of 60 A/m at 50 Hz shall be applied 6) luffing flyjib;
to each signal cable in turn over at least 80 % of its
length. To produce the intermittent induction field 7) suspended counterweight.
the source shall be switched “on” and “off” by b) Tower cranes. A minimum of two
mechanical means at intervals of 2 s for 1 min. configurations which provide the maximum and
NOTE The induction field can be produced by passing an a.c. minimum structural deflections expected in
current of 10 A along a single core cable laid within 25 mm of the service.
cable to be tested and fed from a low voltage a.c. source. The cable
carrying the return current should be kept at least 400 mm from
The approach to safe working load and overload
the cable under test. warnings shall be checked at each of the test For ASLIs supplied from vehicle electrical positions when using motions which could cause the
systems an induction field produced by a single core load to approach or exceed the safe working load. In
cable carrying a d.c. current of 100 A laid down particular, these motions shall include the
within 25 mm and parallel shall be applied to each following.
signal cable in turn, over at least 80 % of its length. a) Derricking, luffing, telescoping (when
The field shall be produced by switching the d.c. permitted with the safe working load suspended)
current on and off by mechanical means at intervals and trolleying. The load shall be moved, using one
of 2 s for 1 min and the test shall be carried out for motion of the crane, in a direction which reduces
both directions of current flow. The return current the safe working load.
connection shall be routed at least 400 mm from the NOTE 3 The radii and, when appropriate, jib lengths or jib
cable under test. angles corresponding to the positions at which the warnings
are given are used to determine the safe working load for
7.3 Tests after installation of ASLI on crane comparison with the actual load.
7.3.1 General. After the installation of the ASLI on b) Hoisting. The magnitude of the load shall be
the crane, the ASLI shall be tested in accordance adjusted until the relevant warning is given as
with 7.3.2. the load is raised clear of the ground.
7.3.2 Type approval performance tests. Verification c) Articulated jib. With the load freely suspended,
of performance shall be obtained by applying loads each jib member shall be moved in turn in a
to a crane to which the ASLI has been fitted. direction which makes the load approach and
NOTE 1 The objective is to ensure that the required level of exceed the safe working load.
performance can be obtained throughout the operating range of NOTE 4 The radii at which the approach to overload and
the type of crane to which the ASLI is to be fitted. While it may overload warnings are given are used to determine the safe
be possible to carry out all these tests using one crane, in some working load for comparison with the actual load.
cases two or more cranes could be required to cover all possible
configurations. Crane motions shall be as slow as possible.
Tests associated with the calibration of the ASLI on subsequent The warnings and indications shall be given in
cranes of the same type would not normally be as comprehensive accordance with the tolerances given in
and are not covered by this standard.
NOTE 2 These tests will involve overloading the crane and If it is necessary to adjust the ASLI, any previous
extreme caution combined with a suitable system of work are tests which could be affected by the adjustment
shall be repeated.
16 © BSI 07-1999
BS 7262:1990
2) Marking BS 7262:1990 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely
the responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of
conformity, which may also be desirable.
© BSI 07-1999 17
BS 7262:1990
18 © BSI 07-1999
BS 7262:1990
BS 5200, Specification for dimensions of hydraulic B.2 Ship Building and Ship Repairing
connectors and adaptors. Regulations, 1960
BS 5216, Specification for patented cold drawn Regulation 47 gives the option of fitting an
carbon steel wire for mechanical springs. “approved type of indicator” as an alternative to
BS 5304, Code of practice for safety of machinery. accurately establishing the weight of the load when
that load is more than 20 tonnes.
BS 5490, Specification for classification of degrees of
protection provided by enclosures. B.3 Electricity (Factories Act) Special
Regulations, 1908 and 1944
BS 5493, Code of practice for protective coating of
iron and steel structures against corrosion. These regulations refer to electrical matters in
BS 5773, Metric needle roller bearings.
B.4 Factories Act, 1961
BS 6186, Specification for involute splines: metric
module, side fit. Section 14 refers to the guarding of machinery.
BS 6186-1, Dimensions and tolerances. B.5 Health and Safety at Work etc. Act,1974
BS 6253, Electrical measuring transducers for Section 6 refers to the duties of manufacturers and
converting a.c. electrical quantities into d.c. importers of machinery and equipment for use at
electrical quantities. work.
BS 6253-1, Method for specifying general purpose An automatic safe load indicator may be necessary
transducers. as part of the safe system of work required by
section 2.
BS 9000, General requirements for a system for
electronic components of assessed quality. B.6 Docks Regulations 1988
Regulations 13 to 17 covers cranes.
Appendix B Legislation related to Regulation 16(7) requires every mobile crane
cranes having either a fixed or derricking jib to be fitted
with an ASLI of a type approved for the purposes of
B.1 Construction (Lifting Operations) regulation 30 of the Construction (lifting operations)
Regulations, 1961 Regulations 1961.
Regulation 29 requires that all cranes with a
derricking jib shall be fitted with an accurate
indicator of radius and corresponding safe working
load. Regulation 30 requires that all cranes having
a safe working load greater than 1 tonne are fitted
with an approved type of automatic safe load
indicator. An automatic safe load indicator
complying with this standard will be of a type
required for approval. Exemption from the
requirements of Regulation 30 has been granted for
certain cranes.
© BSI 07-1999 19
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BS 7262:1990
Publications referred to
© BSI 07-1999
BS 7262:1990
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