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Reviewer in 21st Century Literature Lesson 1,2, and 4 (Roshann Uba)

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REVIEWER IN 21ST CENTURY freedom from the spaniards as seen

LITERATURE in the characters Simoun and the

other revolutionaries.
PRE-SPANISH LITERATURE - Mi Ultimo Adios: “My Last Farewell”,
Legends - form of prose with with the Rizal's poetic tribute, his last farewell
common theme being about the origin of a to the country he loved so much
thing, place, location, or name of something. before his execution
- Sobre la lndolencia de los Filipino
Folk Tales - stories about life, adventure, - Filipinas Dentro de Cien Años
love, horror, and humour, where one can
derive lessons about life (moral lessons). Marcelo H. Del Pilar works:
- Pagibig sa Tinubuang Lupa
Epics - long narrative poems in which a - Kaingat Kayo (Be Careful)
series of heroic achievements or events,
usually of a hero, are dealt with at length.

Folk Songs - one of the oldest forms of

Philippine literature that emerged in the
Pre-Spanish period.

The Filipino spirit was reawakened after - Dasalan at Tocsohan (Prayers and
300 years of Spanish rule when three Jokes
priests, Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora, - Ang Cadaquilaan ng Dios (God’s
were unjustly guillotined on February 17, Goodnes)
1872 for supporting Filipinos and being - Sagot sa Espanya sa Hibik ng
accused of being traitors and aiding in the Pilipinas
Graciano Lopez Jaena works:
Three Martyr Priests: - Ang Fray Botod (Friar Botod): The
- Mariano Gomez priest in “Fray Botod” uses religion to
- José Burgos, and exploit and oppress his subjects. A
- Jacinto Zamora man of vast and morally
questionable appetites, he takes
The Propaganda Movement (1872 - 1896) advantage of his position to pursue
Dr. Jose Rizal Works: everything from drunkenness and
- Noli me Tangere: meaning “touch gluttony to exploitative relationships
me not” talks about the abuse with young girls. The titular character
suffered by the Filipino at the hands neglects his parish duties, pursues
of friars (prayle) and the spanish gambling, threatens and punishes
government. college students arbitrarily, treats
- El Filibusterismo: “The Reign of workers barbarously, and generally
Greed”. Shows the violence that conducts business in a wholly
people are willing to do to achieve corrupt fashion.
- La Hija del Fraile Example of American Regime Poetry - God
- Everything is Hambug said “I made a Man” by Jose Garcia Villa
- Talumpating Pagunita kay Kolumbus
(An Oration to Commemorate

Historical Background:
- Filipino Revolutionaries won against
Spaniard’s colonization for more than 300
- On June 12, 1898, the Philippine flag was
raised as a symbol of independence. Young
general Emilio Aguinaldo was selected as
the first President of the Philippine but it
didn’t last long.
- Peace movements was started in early
1900 and Filipino-american war resulted
Publication - American regime saw the
after the defeat of Gen. Miguel Malvar in
introduction of new newspapers published
mostly by American journalists. This was
- Filipino writers started writing again and
organized through the efforts of Manuel L.
thenationalism of Filipinos remain
Quezon, who later became the President of
audacious and went into all forms of
the Philippine Commonwealth.
literature like novels, essays, plays,
Examples of Newspapers:
poetry and news reporting. Their writings
- The Manila Times (1898)
portrays their independence and love for the
- The Bounding Billow and Official
Gazette (1898)
- Manila Daily Bulletin (1900)
- Philippine Free Press (1908)
- Lamentations on the conditions of
the country
Short Stories - an example of short story
- Love for one’s native tongue
during the American Regime is “Footnote to
- Imitation of Amrican themes and
Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa”
methods in writing

Literature that evokes a concentrated
imaginative awareness of experience or a
specific emotional response through
language chosen and arranged for
its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
Drama - written work hat tells a story Jose Ma. Hernandez
through action and speech and is meant to - Panday Pira
be acted on stage. Example: Walang Sugat Clodualdo del Mundo
by Severino Reyes - Bulaga
Julian Cruz Balmaceda
JAPANESE PERIOD - Sino ba kayo?
From 1941 to 1945. Philippine literature in - Dahil sa anak
English came to a halt because of the - Higante ng patay
Japanese. English literature faced a very
dark period as Tagalog literature was Short Stories:
favored by the Japanese Government - Lupang Tinubuan (Narciso Reyes)
- Uhaw Ang Tigang Na Lupa
Poetry: (Liwayway Arceo)
Haiku - composed of three lines with five, - Lunsod Nayon at Dagat-dagatan
seven, five syllables. Typically about nature (N.V.M. Gonzalez)
1. TUTUBI There was a heavy focus on development
hilamo’y tabak... and government projects such as Green
ang bulaklak, nanginig! Revolution, Nutrition, Stopping Pollution,
sa paglapitmo. and etc.

2. ANYAYA Plays and Theater:

ulilang damo The government wanted to revive traditional
sa tahimik na ilog Filipino plays such as:
halika, sinta. - Cenaculo (showing the life and
death of Jesus Christ)
Tanaga - consists of four lines that rhyme - Tagalog Zarzuela
with seven to nine syllables - Embayoka of Muslims
Example: To creat a place where to perform these
newly revived plays, the government
PALAY created new theatres such as the:
Palay siyang matino, - Cultural Center of the Philippines
Nang humangi’y yumuko (CCP)
Nguni’t muling tumayo - Folk Arts Theater
Nagkabunga ng ginto - Old Metropolitan Theater

Karaniwang Anyo - a conventional, usual, Publications:

and common form of poetry. An example of Kislap Magazine - This magazine
this is “Ang Pag-ibig” by Teodoro Gener commonly shows and talks about the stars,
divas, celebrities, and other famous people
Filipino Playwrights: during the time
Francisco Soc Rodrigo
- Sa Pula, Sa Puti
Liwayway Magazine - similar to Kislap in Poetry:
the sense that it’s main focus is the showbiz “Charts” by Dr. Cirilo F. Bautista
happenings of the time. However, Liwayway
also included and serialized several short
stories, novels, essays, comics, articles, The graphics by which the calculus is borne
and other things into their magazine. to prescribe the signsand pathway of the
Leading tagalog weekly magazine at the mind
time none can unlock with statistics or bind
to metal currency like fish and corn;
Television: for neither time bomb nor flagman can scorn
Many telenovelas back then continue to the sure numerals the gnomon has signed.
emplo the same cliches we see today such Be a dryad, a glyptic seeing or blind,
as poor main protagonists, complex family the calculus will wound you with its horn:
relationships, lovers with different social
status, important characters having so fine a machine can demolish the art
amnesia, and many more. we raise against the phalanx it employs,
Examples: the human tactics we plot on our chart
- Gulong ng Palad melt before its argument like plastic toys
- Flor de Luna dolmen, alar, crude, tied to the womb like
Movies: it is the saviour that comes with an ax.
“Maynila: Sa mga Kuko ng Liwanag” or
Manila: In the Claws of the Night is a 1975
film made by critically-acclaimed director, Books:
Catalino Ortiz “Lino” Brocka. This film of his An example of book during this period was
is regarded to be one of the best Filipino “The Conjugal Dictatorship” by Primitivo
films in history and was even part of the “Tibo” Mijares. An interesting fact about the
Criterion Masters’ Collection. As for the plot
author that is crucial to the development
of the film, it is about a man from the
province named Julio Madiaga who and making of this book was that Primitivo
ventures into the city of Manila in order to Mijares was actually the media advisor of
find new opportunities and reunite with his former president Ferdinand Marcos during
past love, Ligaya Paraiso. Instead of finding the time of Martial Law. In summary, the
opportunities, love, and a better life, Julio is book is an exposé on the Marcos Regime
forced to faced the harsh reality that Manila and what happened during this time from
is not the shining city of hope he dreamed it
the viewpoint of someone close to the
to be.
Themes of the movie include:
- Hardwork Literature during this period was heavily
- Trouble of City Life inspired by the assasination of Benigno
- Abuse of Power, and more “Ninoy” Aquino and the Justice for Aquino,
Justice for All (JAJA) movement
The media during this time was full of ‘Sang yayat na pisngi
boycotts and lawsuits. Mosquito Press or Ang dinadaluyan ng namuong
small presses that pestered the government Luhang hindi masawata
were also rampant. The people also Mga labing mamad at tiim na bagang
preferred red news or news about killings or Ang naghihimagsik sa pagdaralita
crime. O nahan ang tunay
- Newpapers: Tiktik, Playboy Scene, Na batas ng buhay.
- Radio: Radio Veritas Isang pinggan tigib at saganang hapag
- Mosquito Press: Malaya, WE Forum Ang buong ganang pinagsasaluhanng mga
- Croney Newpapers: Daily Bulletin, nilikhang kung saan nabuhay at saan
News Herald, Daily Express nanggaling ay hindi malaman
O bayan kong sinta... Ikaw ba’y akin pa?
Movies: Lyric Poem / Songs:
- Karnal - Bayan Ko by Coritha and Eric
- Moral - Pilipino by Freddie Aguilar
Both Karnal and Moral are films talking
about the problems that people face in life. Prose/Short Stories:
The both of them have very feministic These stories commonly show the
themes, especially in Moral, with many symbolism of what was happening to the
scenes showing woman empowerment and country at the time. Using many symbolisms
independence. Filipino’s love for sex films was frequent as to avoid suspicion from
was also unabated during this time period governments as seen in the examples
Ishmael Bernal - A Filipino director, film Examples:
maker, and spreenwriter. Notable works of - The Crown Jewels of Heezenhurst
him include Nunal sa Tubig (1976), Manila - The Emperor’s New Underwear
By Night (1980), Relasyon (1982), and
The EDSA Revolution is also known as the
Poetry: Yellow Revolution because supporter tied
During this time, poetry was revolutionary yellow ribbons to themselves
and and openly criticized the current
government. It even used insultive and even Songs:
profane language. Example: - Bayan Ko by Freddie Aguilar: The
original version of this song was a
“Uod” by Rodolfo S. Pangilinan poem made by Jose Corazon de
Jesus and the music by Constancio
Isang subong kanin sa lipaking palad de Guzman
Ang tiititigan ng matang malungkot
‘sang kimis na awa na magiging lunas
Sa nanghapding sa pamamaluktot.
‘nahan Bathala ang iyong kalinga.
Newspapers: a very heavy theme of branding protestors
By June 12, 1986, 19 dailies (newpapers and even regular civilians as rebels or
that publish daily were circulating. They terrorists to justify killing them, something
were written in either English or Tagalog commonly done during martial law and still
commonly. prevalent even today. The films protagonist
Examples: is a man named Jimmy Cordero, an
- Manila Bulletin ex-priest turned revolutionary that sees the
- Tempo horrors that happened in Santa Filomena
- Philippine Daily Inquirer and becomes a revolutionary again after the
death of his son due to the Orapronobis cult
Short Stories: leader, Komander Kontra.
- Geyluv
This short story by Honario Bartolome de Poems:
Dios was unique compared other works A Grain of Dreams
during the time because it did not talk about by Domingo D. Landicho
the happenings during the revolutions. The
plot is about the close friendship and love When I went to the Hemmingway Farm that
story between Mike, an attractive sunlit day,
Manila-based journalist, and Benjie, a gay Amidst an ocean of brownish stalks of corn,
project director of a non government I remembered the plight of peasants in my
organization. Another unique aspect about native land.
this story is that it switches between the
POV of the two characters. One day, they came to the city of power
Where the mighty are sheltered in splendor;
Writer’s Organizations: Throngs of humanity in the sun,
- UMPIL (Unyon ng mga Manunulat Chanting the voices of the soil to the palace,
sa Pilipinas) Singing the song of hope so long unheard.
- PANULAT (Pambansan Unyon ng
mga Manunulat) Give us a piece of land to till,
- GAT (Galian sa Arte at Tula) Give us a piece of land to plant:
A grain of corn and a grain of rice
Films: That we may harvest a grain of dreams.
- Ora Pronobis
This film is made by Catalino Brocka and But lo! A valley of shots thundered
translates to “pray for us” or “fight for us” in Orchestrated symphony of the elite's gun,
1989. The plot of the film revolves the Angered by the voices of the earth
Orapronobis group, a cult with military Singing a song of hope long dead
power that abuses and takes control over Disturbing a tranquil slumber.
the citizens of a place called Santa
Filomena. The films shows the atrocities Before the day was over, the street was
done by the cult such rape, mass killings, littered
corruption, and more which is very With body of the dead whose only crime
reminiscent of the happenings during the Is to dream for a little share of God's wealth,
Marcos Regime. In the movie, there is also Possessed by the wanton avarice of few.
When I left the Hemming way Farm as
sunset loomed,
I saw the fleeting shadows of peasants in
my native land.
Singing a song of hope for grain and
Amidst the brownish stalks of the unharvest
In my native land.

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