Reviewer in 21st Century Literature Lesson 1,2, and 4 (Roshann Uba)
Reviewer in 21st Century Literature Lesson 1,2, and 4 (Roshann Uba)
Reviewer in 21st Century Literature Lesson 1,2, and 4 (Roshann Uba)
The Filipino spirit was reawakened after - Dasalan at Tocsohan (Prayers and
300 years of Spanish rule when three Jokes
priests, Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora, - Ang Cadaquilaan ng Dios (God’s
were unjustly guillotined on February 17, Goodnes)
1872 for supporting Filipinos and being - Sagot sa Espanya sa Hibik ng
accused of being traitors and aiding in the Pilipinas
Graciano Lopez Jaena works:
Three Martyr Priests: - Ang Fray Botod (Friar Botod): The
- Mariano Gomez priest in “Fray Botod” uses religion to
- José Burgos, and exploit and oppress his subjects. A
- Jacinto Zamora man of vast and morally
questionable appetites, he takes
The Propaganda Movement (1872 - 1896) advantage of his position to pursue
Dr. Jose Rizal Works: everything from drunkenness and
- Noli me Tangere: meaning “touch gluttony to exploitative relationships
me not” talks about the abuse with young girls. The titular character
suffered by the Filipino at the hands neglects his parish duties, pursues
of friars (prayle) and the spanish gambling, threatens and punishes
government. college students arbitrarily, treats
- El Filibusterismo: “The Reign of workers barbarously, and generally
Greed”. Shows the violence that conducts business in a wholly
people are willing to do to achieve corrupt fashion.
- La Hija del Fraile Example of American Regime Poetry - God
- Everything is Hambug said “I made a Man” by Jose Garcia Villa
- Talumpating Pagunita kay Kolumbus
(An Oration to Commemorate
Historical Background:
- Filipino Revolutionaries won against
Spaniard’s colonization for more than 300
- On June 12, 1898, the Philippine flag was
raised as a symbol of independence. Young
general Emilio Aguinaldo was selected as
the first President of the Philippine but it
didn’t last long.
- Peace movements was started in early
1900 and Filipino-american war resulted
Publication - American regime saw the
after the defeat of Gen. Miguel Malvar in
introduction of new newspapers published
mostly by American journalists. This was
- Filipino writers started writing again and
organized through the efforts of Manuel L.
thenationalism of Filipinos remain
Quezon, who later became the President of
audacious and went into all forms of
the Philippine Commonwealth.
literature like novels, essays, plays,
Examples of Newspapers:
poetry and news reporting. Their writings
- The Manila Times (1898)
portrays their independence and love for the
- The Bounding Billow and Official
Gazette (1898)
- Manila Daily Bulletin (1900)
- Philippine Free Press (1908)
- Lamentations on the conditions of
the country
Short Stories - an example of short story
- Love for one’s native tongue
during the American Regime is “Footnote to
- Imitation of Amrican themes and
Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa”
methods in writing
Literature that evokes a concentrated
imaginative awareness of experience or a
specific emotional response through
language chosen and arranged for
its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
Drama - written work hat tells a story Jose Ma. Hernandez
through action and speech and is meant to - Panday Pira
be acted on stage. Example: Walang Sugat Clodualdo del Mundo
by Severino Reyes - Bulaga
Julian Cruz Balmaceda
JAPANESE PERIOD - Sino ba kayo?
From 1941 to 1945. Philippine literature in - Dahil sa anak
English came to a halt because of the - Higante ng patay
Japanese. English literature faced a very
dark period as Tagalog literature was Short Stories:
favored by the Japanese Government - Lupang Tinubuan (Narciso Reyes)
- Uhaw Ang Tigang Na Lupa
Poetry: (Liwayway Arceo)
Haiku - composed of three lines with five, - Lunsod Nayon at Dagat-dagatan
seven, five syllables. Typically about nature (N.V.M. Gonzalez)
1. TUTUBI There was a heavy focus on development
hilamo’y tabak... and government projects such as Green
ang bulaklak, nanginig! Revolution, Nutrition, Stopping Pollution,
sa paglapitmo. and etc.