Thin Asphalt Overlay For PPreserv - NAPA
Thin Asphalt Overlay For PPreserv - NAPA
Thin Asphalt Overlay For PPreserv - NAPA
Abstract ..........................................................................................................................3
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................4
Introduction .....................................................................................................................7
Pavement Evaluation and Project Selection..................................................................9
Materials and Mix Design .............................................................................................13
Construction and Quality Control . ..............................................................................17
Performance . .................................................................................................................21
Summary and Recommendations ...............................................................................23
References ......................................................................................................................24
Over the last 30 years, transportation emphasis in layers and replace them in a mill-and-fill operation.
the U.S. has changed from the construction of new This type of asphalt pavement is referred to as a long-
facilities to the renewal and preservation of the infra- life or Perpetual Pavement. While refinements have
structure. As initial and stage construction of asphalt been made in structural design that allow Perpetual
pavements was completed, it was increasingly found Pavements to be optimized and constructed, other
that structural enhancements to support traffic loads improvements have been made in materials selec-
were not needed as much as functional improvements tion, mix design, and construction of surface layers
to provide safety and smoothness. This was especially to improve their performance.
true for well-constructed thick asphalt pavements These improvements started in the 1980s with the
where distresses were found to be confined to the introduction of polymers in surface mixes to help re-
upper layers. In order to keep a pavement in service, sist rutting. In 1990, stone matrix asphalt (SMA) was
it was only necessary to remove the top one or two brought from Europe to the U.S. This premium surface
Visual Rating
There are numerous pavement management
tools and systems that are available to agencies and
consultants to determine the condition of existing
pavements. Most of these rely on a visual rating of the
pavement distresses. These distresses may include:
Raveling (Figure 1) – A loss of fine aggregate in the
pavement surface resulting in a coarse and weath-
ered appearance. Expressed as a percent of the
total pavement area.
Longitudinal Cracking (not in the wheelpath)
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology)
Transverse Cracking (Figure 4) — Cracking occur- Alligator or Fatigue Cracking (Figure 5) — Intercon-
ring at 90o to the direction of traffic, due to either nected cracks occurring in the wheelpath resulting
the expansion and contraction of the pavement from the applications of excessive traffic loads.
surface or as a result from cracks in lower layers These normally start as short transverse cracks
reflecting through the surface. occurring within the wheelpaths.
Rutting or Shoving (Figure 6)— A distortion of the
FIGURE 5 pavement surface in the wheelpaths resulting from
Alligator or Fatigue Cracking a lack of shear strength in one or more pavement
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology) layers.
distresses such as alligator or longitudinal cracking present only in the surface, then it may be possible to
in the wheelpath that originate deep in the pavement. remove the surface and replace it with a thin overlay. If
Extensive structural distress requires a more aggres- the distortion is deeper in the pavement, then a more
sive rehabilitation approach. If structural problems are extensive rehabilitation is required.
confined to a very limited area, then excavation and It is recommended that pavement preservation
repair of the area could be conducted as part of the through the application of a thin overlay be considered
preparation for a thin overlay. when the extent of surface distress is as shown in
If rutting or shoving is present, it is suggested Table 1. The surface preparation depends upon the
that the origin of the distortion be ascertained. If it is level and depth of distress present as shown.
Suggested Approaches to Surface Preparations Prior to Thin Overlay Based on Distresses
Agency Alabama North Carolina Nevada Utah New York Maryland Georgia Ohio
Sieve Size % Passing
19 mm 100 100
12.5 mm 90 - 100 85 - 100 100 100 100 100
9.5 mm <90 60 - 80 85 - 100 90 - 100 100 100 90 - 100 95 - 100
4.75 mm 28 - 38 50 - 75 <90 90 - 100 80 - 100 75 - 95 85 - 95
2.36 mm 28 - 58 19 - 32 32 - 67 37 - 70 36 - 76 60 - 65 53 - 63
0.30 mm 8 - 13 20 - 50 4 - 19
0.075 mm 2 - 10 4-7 3-8 2 - 10 2 - 10 2 - 12 4 - 12 3-8
Aggregate Quality
LA Abrasion, 48 max 35 max 37 max 35/40 max1 40 max
% loss
Sodium Sulfate 10 max 15 max 12 max 16/16 max1 12
% loss
% 2 or More 85 min 80 min 90/90 min1
Fractured Faces
% 1 Fractured 100 min 95/90 min1 10/100
Face min1
Sand Equivalent, 45 min 60/45 min1 45 min 28/402
% (Fine
Uncompacted 43/45 min1 40 min 43 min 40 min
Void Content,
% (Fine
Mix Design
Ndesign 60 N/A 50 to 1253 75 50/651 50 50/754
Design Air Voids 3-6 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 - 7.0 3.5
%VMA 15.5 min 12 - 22 16 min 15.0 min
%VFA, range 70 – 80 70 - 78 50 - 80
Asphalt Content 5.5 min 4.6 - 5.6 5.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 7.5 6.4 min
Low or Medium Volume/High Volume
Carbonate/Other Aggregates
Ndesign based on traffic level
Marshall Blows
asphalt mixtures more workable and compactable at It will help roughen the surface which will provide
lower temperatures than traditional hot mix asphalt. a greater degree of shear resistance to the pave-
Warm mix offers the opportunity to potentially 1) in- ment surface so it will not be as likely to shove and
crease the haul distances, 2) pave in slightly cooler debond. In fact, research is showing that placing an
temperatures even with thinner lifts, 3) achieve density overlay directly on a milled surface is more beneficial
at lower temperatures, 4) extend the paving season, to overlay bond strength than placing a tack coat on
and 5) pave over crack sealing material while mini- an unmilled surface. Using automated grade controls
mizing bumps often associated with these types of and operating the milling machine at the correct
overlays. There are a number of other operational and speed will improve the smoothness. Milling will also
environmental benefits to using warm mix asphalt as provide material that can be recycled into new as-
outlined in Prowell and Hurley (2007). phalt mixtures. The milling machine should be sized
appropriately for the project. Large milling machines
Paving traveling over light pavement structures may actually
One of the chief concerns of thin lift overlay per- harm the pavement structure by overloading it. Once
formance is the bond between the old pavement and the milling is complete, the old pavement surface
the new overlay, and this means that special attention should be swept clean of all debris and dust in order
needs to be paid to the surface preparation of the old to facilitate bonding.
surface and the application of the tack coat. Beyond The tack coat is crucial to bonding the new overlay
this, paving and compaction operations can proceed to the old pavement, especially on unmilled surfaces.
normally, although the screed control is critical to en- Because the overlay is thin, the interface between
suring the proper mat thickness on layers this thin. the old and new pavement is in close proximity to
Where it can be done, milling of the old surface will the shear forces created by vehicles during braking
help to remove defects that could reflect through the and turning movements. Figure 8 shows the effect
new overlay and provide the opportunity to achieve of a lack of bond on a thin overlay at a residential
better ride quality by paving on a smoother surface. street intersection. Most specifications require a
Relationship between Air Voids, NMAS, and Permeability
(Brown et al., 2004)
The performance of a thin overlay will depend upon an 18 to a 36% decrease in International Roughness
a number of factors including traffic, climate, underly- Index (IRI), a 5 to 55% reduction in rut depth, and a 1
ing pavement type, surface preparation, materials, to 10% improvement in the pavement surface condi-
and the construction quality. Higher traffic loads will tion rating.
demand the use of premium materials and construc- Corley-Lay (2007) stated that noise reduction on
tion methods to resist rutting and cracking. overlaid concrete pavements was 6.7 dB on average.
In colder climates, special attention must be paid The FHWA (2005) reported that thin asphalt rubber
to resistance to thermal cracking as well as debond- overlays in the Phoenix area were successful in re-
ing because of the snow plow use. Reflective crack- ducing noise by about 5 dB. The significance of these
ing and debonding are the greatest concerns when noise reduction levels is that every 3 dB decrease is
overlaying jointed concrete pavements. It is a certainty equivalent to doubling the distance from the source
that reflective cracking will occur in jointed concrete of the noise or reducing traffic by half.
pavements with a thin overlay. For continuously re- Table 3 shows the results of a number of perfor-
inforced concrete pavements in good condition with mance studies on thin overlays in a variety of climates,
little or no deterioration, reflective cracking would not with different levels of traffic and types of underlying
be as problematic. pavements. These indicate anywhere from seven to 16
The immediate benefits of performance improve- years of performance when thin overlays are placed
ment with a thin overlay are the improvement in ride on asphalt pavements, and from six to 10 years for
quality, pavement condition, decreased noise level, thin overlays on concrete or composite pavements
and, in some cases, friction. Labi et al. (2005) suggest (concrete pavements previously overlaid with asphalt).
that the immediate benefit to ride quality ranges from In the Ohio study, Chou et al. (2008) considered thin
Performance Summaries of Thin Overlays
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Preventive Maintenance Fixes for Asphalt-Surfaced Kumares C. Sinha. 2005. Analysis of Long-Term Effec-
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Hines, Sheila. April 6, 2009. Personal Communication.
Georgia Department of Transportation.
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol
inches inches 25.4 millimeters mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
ft feet 0.305 meters m m meters 3.28 feet ft
yd yards 0.914 meters m m meters 1.09 yards yd
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km km kilometers 0.621 miles mi
in2 square inches 645.2 millimeters squared mm2 mm2 millimeters squared 0.0016 square inches in2
ft2 square feet 0.093 meters squared m2 m2 meters squared 10.764 square feet ft2
yd2 square yards 0.836 meters squared m2 ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha km2 kilometers squared 0.386 square miles mi2
mi2 square miles 2.59 kilometers squared km2
fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
gal gallons 3.785 liters L L liters 0.264 gallons gal
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 35.315 cubic feet ft3
yd3 cubic yards 0.765 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 1.308 cubic yards yd3
NOTE: Volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m3.
oz ounces 28.35 grams g g grams 0.035 ounces oz
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg kg kilograms 2.205 pounds lb
T short tons 0.907 megagrams Mg Mg megagrams 1.102 short tons (2000 lb) T
(2000 lb) (metric tonne t) (t metric tonne)
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