Thin Asphalt Overlay For PPreserv - NAPA

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Many individuals provided timely and substantive input and feedback in

the preparation of this document. The author would like to acknowledge his
colleagues on the NAPA staff for their support during this process, especially
Kent Hansen, Director of Engineering and Team Leader for Thin Overlays;
Kim Williams, Administrative Assistant who provided a thorough proof-reading;
Margaret Cervarich, Vice-President for Marketing and Public Affairs; and
Mike Acott, President.
Pete Capon of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Chair of the Quality in Construc-
tion Technology Subcommittee, provided an invaluable service by gathering
information and heading the technical review process.
The reviewers for this work included Bill Ensor and Jeff Graf of Maryland
Paving, Inc., Randy West of the National Center for Asphalt Technology, Rich
Wolters and Jill Thomas of the Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association, Gerry
Huber of Heritage Research Group, and Cliff Ursich and Bill Fair of Flexible
Pavements of Ohio. Gratitude is also due to the many NAPA members and State
Asphalt Pavement Associations who provided information regarding specifica-
tions and performance.

4 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Thin Asphalt Overlays
for Pavement Preservation

Abstract ..........................................................................................................................3
Acknowledgements ...........................................................................................................4

Introduction .....................................................................................................................7
Pavement Evaluation and Project Selection..................................................................9
Materials and Mix Design .............................................................................................13
Construction and Quality Control . ..............................................................................17
Performance . .................................................................................................................21
Summary and Recommendations ...............................................................................23

References ......................................................................................................................24

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 5

6 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Over the last 30 years, transportation emphasis in layers and replace them in a mill-and-fill operation.
the U.S. has changed from the construction of new This type of asphalt pavement is referred to as a long-
facilities to the renewal and preservation of the infra- life or Perpetual Pavement. While refinements have
structure. As initial and stage construction of asphalt been made in structural design that allow Perpetual
pavements was completed, it was increasingly found Pavements to be optimized and constructed, other
that structural enhancements to support traffic loads improvements have been made in materials selec-
were not needed as much as functional improvements tion, mix design, and construction of surface layers
to provide safety and smoothness. This was especially to improve their performance.
true for well-constructed thick asphalt pavements These improvements started in the 1980s with the
where distresses were found to be confined to the introduction of polymers in surface mixes to help re-
upper layers. In order to keep a pavement in service, sist rutting. In 1990, stone matrix asphalt (SMA) was
it was only necessary to remove the top one or two brought from Europe to the U.S. This premium surface

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 7

mix combined stone-on-stone contact with tough, Benefits of Thin Asphalt Overlays
angular aggregates to resist rutting and a binder-rich Thin asphalt overlays provide many benefits over
mastic to resist cracking. The result is a pavement competing pavement preservation products, and
surface that can last over 20 years without resurfacing. they enjoy a high public acceptance. Their primary
Also in the 1990s, the Superpave mix design system advantages are:
was introduced and refined. This procedure combined
n Long service life and low life cycle cost when placed
the best features of past practices with respect to
on structurally sound pavements
materials selection and volumetric measurements
n Ability to maintain grade and slope with minimal
with a new laboratory compaction procedure. The
result was a mix design tailored to specific functions drainage impact, particularly with small nominal
in the pavement such as resistance to skidding, rut- maximum aggregate size mixtures
ting, and cracking. Other issues came to light in the n An engineering approach to materials selection
1990s that related to construction and performance of and design
surface mixtures. For instance, when coarsely graded, n Ability to withstand heavy traffic and high shear
large-aggregate mixes were specified in relatively thin stresses
lifts, agencies found that permeability often resulted n Smooth surface
in lower durability. Deterioration of longitudinal joints n No loose stones after initial construction
became problematic in surface mixes with coarse gra- n Very little or no dust generation during
dations. In certain instances, temperature differentials construction
occurring in the surface mix resulted in a non-uniform
n No curing time to delay opening
mat and isolated premature failure of pavement sur-
n Low tire-pavement noise generation
faces. As these issues emerged, so did strategies for
combating them, so that the design and construction n No binder runoff
of long-life surfaces could be realized. n Ability to recycle
Finally, in the early 2000s, new technologies were n Can be used in stage construction
introduced that allowed asphalt mixture temperatures n Easily maintained
to be reduced as well as allowing for increased use of The relative importance of any of these benefits
recycling. Warm mix asphalt has improved the already will vary according to the type of project, location,
excellent environmental record of the asphalt industry. climate, and traffic. In residential areas, for example,
Lowering temperatures has decreased emissions and the ability to maintain geometric features and curb
fuel consumption during the production of asphalt reveals will be important, whereas low noise genera-
mixtures. Material handling processes and improved tion will be important on higher-volume urban roads.
plant design have both contributed greatly to the in- In any case, pavement preservation with thin asphalt
creased use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). overlays should always be considered for pavements
These new technologies will undoubtedly have crucial with low to medium levels of surface distress.
roles to fulfill in pavement preservation through the
use of thin asphalt overlays.
According to a 1999 AASHTO survey by the Purpose
Lead States Team on Pavement Preservation, thin This technical guide provides information regarding
asphalt overlays were the most popular preventative the selection of projects suitable for pavement preser-
maintenance treatments for asphalt and composite vation by thin asphalt overlays, materials selection and
pavements. This popularity has led to a number of mix design, construction practices including quality
studies on the materials, design, and construction of control, and the performance history of thin asphalt
thin overlays in order to optimize pavement preserva- overlays. Thin asphalt overlays as used in this guide
tion strategies. Some excellent research overviews are surface mixes of 1.5 inches or less placed on a
are available on thin-lift asphalt technology including well prepared surface. The pavement being overlaid
Williams (2006), Cooley and Brown (2003), Xie et al. may be milled or unmilled, but it should not show
(2003), Walubita and Scullion (2008), and Chou et signs of structural distress requiring a more extensive
al. (2008). rehabilitation.

8 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Pavement Evaluation and
Project Selection
Introduction Longitudinal Cracking (not in the wheelpath) (Fig-
The decision to apply a thin overlay to an existing ure 2) — Cracking resulting from the deterioration of
pavement surface should be made only after a careful a longitudinal joint or as a result of a crack reflecting
evaluation of the pavement condition and the elimina- through the surface from a lower layer.
tion of the need to perform a structural rehabilitation.
In addition to assessing the structural condition of FIGURE 2
the pavement, the drainage and functional (skid re- Longitudinal Cracking (not in the wheelpath)
sistance and ride quality) condition of the pavement (courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology)
must also be determined.

Visual Rating
There are numerous pavement management
tools and systems that are available to agencies and
consultants to determine the condition of existing
pavements. Most of these rely on a visual rating of the
pavement distresses. These distresses may include:
Raveling (Figure 1) – A loss of fine aggregate in the
pavement surface resulting in a coarse and weath-
ered appearance. Expressed as a percent of the
total pavement area.

FIGURE 1 Longitudinal Cracking in the Wheelpath (Figure 3)

Raveling — Cracking resulting from the application of traffic
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology) loads causing excess tensile strains. These cracks
may originate either at the surface of the pavement
or at the interface with the lower pavement layer.

Longitudinal Cracking (not in the wheelpath)
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology)

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 9

Tranverse Cracking
(courtesy of Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa)

Transverse Cracking (Figure 4) — Cracking occur- Alligator or Fatigue Cracking (Figure 5) — Intercon-
ring at 90o to the direction of traffic, due to either nected cracks occurring in the wheelpath resulting
the expansion and contraction of the pavement from the applications of excessive traffic loads.
surface or as a result from cracks in lower layers These normally start as short transverse cracks
reflecting through the surface. occurring within the wheelpaths.
Rutting or Shoving (Figure 6)­— A distortion of the
FIGURE 5 pavement surface in the wheelpaths resulting from
Alligator or Fatigue Cracking a lack of shear strength in one or more pavement
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology) layers.

Thin asphalt overlays are suitable for correcting

pavement deficiencies raveling, longitudinal cracking
that is not in the wheelpath, and transverse cracking,
as these distresses most likely originate at the pave-
ment surface. Longitudinal and transverse cracks
should be cored to see how deep the cracking extends
into the pavement. In the cases of longitudinal cracking
in the wheelpath or alligator cracking, it is suggested
that cores be taken from the cracked area to see if the
cracking is progressing from the surface downwards,
and if so, the depth of cracking. The depth of cracking
will dictate the type and extent of surface prepara-
tion for the thin overlay. It is imperative that a thin
overlay not be used to correct widespread structural

10 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Rutting or Shoving
(courtesy of National Center for Asphalt Technology)

distresses such as alligator or longitudinal cracking present only in the surface, then it may be possible to
in the wheelpath that originate deep in the pavement. remove the surface and replace it with a thin overlay. If
Extensive structural distress requires a more aggres- the distortion is deeper in the pavement, then a more
sive rehabilitation approach. If structural problems are extensive rehabilitation is required.
confined to a very limited area, then excavation and It is recommended that pavement preservation
repair of the area could be conducted as part of the through the application of a thin overlay be considered
preparation for a thin overlay. when the extent of surface distress is as shown in
If rutting or shoving is present, it is suggested Table 1. The surface preparation depends upon the
that the origin of the distortion be ascertained. If it is level and depth of distress present as shown.

Suggested Approaches to Surface Preparations Prior to Thin Overlay Based on Distresses

Distress Type Recommended Extent Surface Preparation

Investigation Prior to Overlay
Raveling Visual Observation Up to 100% of Pavement Area Clean and Tack
Longitudinal Cracking Visual Observation Crack Depth Confined to Mill to crack Depth,
(non-wheelpath) Coring Surface Layer Clean, and Tack
Longitudinal Cracking Visual Observation Crack Depth Confined to Mill to Crack Depth,
(wheelpath) Coring Surface Layer Clean, and Tack
Transverse Visual Observation Crack Depth Confined to Mill Surface, Clean, Fill
Cracking Coring Upper Layers Exposed Cracks, and Tack
Alligator or Fatigue Visual Observation Crack Depth Confined to Mill to Crack Depth,
Cracking Coring Surface Layer Clean, and Tack
Rutting Visual Observation Rutting Confined to Mill to Depth of Surface
or Transverse Trench Surface Layer Layer, Clean,
Shoving or Coring and Tack

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 11

A thin asphalt overlay also may be applied to correct FIGURE 7
functional problems such as skid resistance, ride qual- Relationship between NMAS and
ity, and noise generation. Generally speaking, these Tire-Pavement Noise Level
types of problems are not localized but rather apply (after Hanson, James, and NeSmith, 2004)
over a wide extent of the pavement. In the case of a
localized ride quality problem, it may be advisable to
conduct a geotechnical investigation to identify par- NCAT Noise Trailer
ticular problems such as frost heave, swelling soil, or

Noise Level, dB(A)

leaking water pipes or sewers. 98
If the existing pavement surface was constructed
with a polishing aggregate, or has been subject to 96
bleeding, it may be a candidate for improved fric-
tion. The amount of needed friction improvement 94
will depend upon roadway classification, speed limit,
geometric considerations, and the presence of cross 92
9.5 mm 12.5 mm 12.5 mm 19 mm
traffic. Friction improvement can be accomplished with (Rt. 50) (l-270) (l-495) (I-83)
a thin overlay by using a skid-resistant aggregate and
Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size
a gradation that falls below the line of maximum pack-
ing on the 0.45 power gradation chart. This will ensure
the appropriate micro- and macro- texture.
Pavement roughness may be due to a number of
factors including surface distresses, subgrade be- In addition to structural and functional evaluations,
havior, settlement, and utility cuts. The opportunity to an assessment of the drainage conditions should also
improve ride quality with thin overlays improves ap- be conducted. Areas of ponding or poor subsurface
preciably with the aid of milling prior to the placement drainage need to be identified and corrected by the
of the overlay. Milling is recommended to improve appropriate grade adjustments or subsurface drain-
smoothness because it provides an initial surface age features prior to overlay.
leveling, removes surface distresses, provides ma- Once it has been determined that a thin asphalt
terial that may be recycled, and provides a uniform overlay is viable for the particular application, the
surface for the overlay construction. Milling can also surface preparation, materials, and thickness of the
be used to help maintain drainage features such as overlay should be designed for the climate and traf-
curbs and storm-water inlets or drains, and will help fic anticipated. The surface preparation should be
avoid edge of pavement drop-offs, loss of bridge clear- dictated by the distresses that are prevalent in the
ances, and manhole adjustments due to build-up of existing pavement as shown in Table 1, the degree
pavement overlays. Proper placement and compac- of roughness, or considerations for curb reveal or
tion techniques are needed to ensure that the final surface drainage. A tack coat should always be ap-
product provides the maximum service life as smooth plied in preparation of a thin overlay on an unmilled
pavements last longer. Furthermore, results from the surface, although it may not be necessary on a milled
WesTrack experiment (Sime et al., 2000) proved that surface according to some researchers (Tashman et
smooth pavements result in better fuel mileage. al., 2006) (West et al., 2005). As will be discussed in
Pavement-tire noise generation is largely a function the Construction section, it may be either modified or
of the pavement surface macro-texture. Specifically, unmodified, and the rate of application will be dictated
the coarser the macro-texture of the surface, the by existing surface requirements. Materials for the
noisier the traffic passing over the pavement will be. overlay should be selected according to the guidance
This is illustrated in Figure 7 where it can be seen found in the next section, and the NMAS for the mix-
that the greater the nominal maximum aggregate ture should be dictated by the planned thickness.
size (NMAS), the greater the sound measurement
(Hanson et al., 2004).

12 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Materials and Mix Design
Introduction Materials Selection
The proper selection of materials and the mix Aggregate
design approach to thin overlays are crucial to the
Table 2 shows the gradation and aggregate quality
success of the pavement. Logically, thin overlays
requirements for a variety of state highway agencies. It
will dictate aggregate gradations with smaller NMAS
should be noted that not all requirements for the differ-
which will require a higher asphalt content than mixes
ent states are listed. For instance, some intermediate
with larger NMAS gradations. The aggregate must
sieve sizes are omitted, and in some instances quality
be capable of withstanding the design traffic loads
measures such as Micro-Deval loss have been omit-
without displacement resulting in rutting. Because of
ted. However, one can get a general idea of the mix
the higher aggregate surface area due to the finer ag-
requirements used in different parts of the country.
gregate particles, a higher asphalt content is needed
Also, the table does not show all requirements for all
to properly coat and bind the aggregate. However, the
mixture sizes. For instance, mixtures are available for
asphalt content and asphalt grade must be selected
smaller than 12.5 mm NMAS in Alabama and North
so that flushing, rutting, or shoving does not result.
The information in this section reflects the results of
By definition the aggregate used in a thin asphalt
research and practical experience in producing small
overlay will need to be of a small nominal maximum
aggregate size asphalt mixtures for surface course
aggregate size. Since this publication focuses on
applications. Although mix design for small NMAS
overlays that are 1.5 inches (37.5 mm) or less, the
mixtures can range from tried recipes to performance-
NMAS must be 12.5 mm or smaller in order for the
based rutting criteria, this publication focuses primarily
lift thickness to NMAS ratio to be maintained in the
on Superpave volumetric mix design since it is the
range of 3:1 to 5:1 in order to ensure adequate com-
most commonly used method at this time.
paction (Brown et al., 2004). For the 12.5 mm size,

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 13

the gradation must be maintained on the upper (fine) using a PG 76-22 grade for the highest and PG 64-22
side of the maximum density line in order to achieve for the lowest level. It should be noted that currently in
compaction in a 1.5 inch (37.5 mm) overlay thickness. North Carolina, the 4.75 mm mixes are specified only
Other NMAS mixtures typically specified for thin for less than 300,000 ESAL and so only PG 64-22 is
overlays include 9.5 mm, 6.3 mm (New York), and listed for a binder with these mixes. Most states have
4.75 mm. Table 2 presents a number of gradations taken the general requirements developed under the
used by various agencies to specify small aggregate Strategic Highway Research Program and modified
sized mixtures. them according to their own needs.
The quality of aggregate needed is dependent
upon the type of pavement being overlaid, the an- RAP
ticipated traffic, and the speed of vehicles using the Small NMAS mixtures lend themselves to the in-
pavement. Quality for both the coarse aggregate and corporation of fine RAP. The maximum size of RAP
fine aggregate fractions needs to be specified for 9.5 should correspond to the NMAS used in the mix. RAP
and 12.5 mm mixes, whereas only the fine aggregate can be used to the degree that will allow the mixture
fraction is of concern for the 6.3 and 4.75 mm mixes. to be produced and still meet the requirements for
Durability in terms of Los Angeles abrasion and sul- asphalt mixtures in terms of volumetric properties and
fate soundness as well as aggregate angularity and performance. It is especially important that aggregate
shape in terms of the number of crushed faces and gradation be maintained in RAP mixtures. Generally
flat or elongated particles are commonly specified speaking, when RAP is comprised of only the 4.75 mm
for coarse aggregates. For fine aggregates, some and smaller particles, the polishing resistance of the
measures of cleanliness such as sand equivalent RAP aggregate is not critical since the friction is con-
values or plasticity index along with fine aggregate trolled more by the coarse aggregate in the mixture.
angularity are normally specified. As can be seen
in Table 2, the requirements for coarse and fine ag- Mix Design for Dense-Graded
gregates vary according to locally available materials Aggregates
as well as traffic levels. Normally, small NMAS mixtures to be used in sur-
face courses compact relatively easily due to the fine
Binder aggregate size and the higher asphalt content. The
In most cases, the grade of binder is specified ac- compaction and volumetric requirements for 4.75 mm
cording to climate and level of traffic for a particular to 12.5 mm mixes for a sampling of states is shown in
application. The performance grade (PG) binder sys- Table 2. In Maryland and Georgia, 50 gyrations in a Su-
tem allows the selection of asphalt cement according perpave gyratory compactor are required for 4.75 mm
to the high and low service temperatures and the mixes to be used on lower volume roadways. Maryland
level of equivalent single axle loads (ESAL). States stipulates 65 gyrations for higher volume roads. New
vary in their practices of specifying either straight York uses 75 gyrations for the 6.3 mm mix, and Ala-
or modified binders. Minnesota specifies a straight bama uses 60 for all Superpave mix designs. In Utah,
asphalt binder in its thin lift mixtures. Ohio requires the gyration level is set according to traffic level with 50
the use of either a polymer modified PG 64-22 or a being the lowest and 125 gyrations being the highest. In
PG 76-22 grade of asphalt. Although New York speci- thin lift construction on a sound pavement, this means
fies a PG 64-22 binder, which would not normally be that compaction would be achieved by means of a static
polymer modified, in their upstate region and a PG compactor in relatively few passes (see Construction
76-22 in their downstate region, an elastic recovery and Quality Control section). Thus, a gyration level
requirement of 60% ensures that only modified bind- that is sufficient to achieve aggregate interlock without
ers will be used in either climate. New Jersey also degradation of the aggregate is desirable.
uses a PG 76-22 polymer modified binder for its high The volumetric property requirements from the
performance thin overlay mixtures. It is not unusual to various states in Table 2 shows a range of values and
require a polymer modified binder in Europe for small approaches that have been developed for the specific
aggregate mixtures according to Litzka et al. (1994). experiences, climates, and locally available materials.
North Carolina specifies the grade of asphalt for sur- Smaller NMAS mix designs are usually characterized
face mixes according to the anticipated ESAL level, by higher asphalt contents, and sometimes, higher air

14 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Gradations, Aggregate Quality, and Mix Design Requirements
for Small NMAS Dense-Graded Asphalt Mixtures
NMAS 12.5 mm 9.5 mm 6.3 mm 4.75 mm

Agency Alabama North Carolina Nevada Utah New York Maryland Georgia Ohio

Sieve Size % Passing
19 mm 100 100
12.5 mm 90 - 100 85 - 100 100 100 100 100
9.5 mm <90 60 - 80 85 - 100 90 - 100 100 100 90 - 100 95 - 100
4.75 mm 28 - 38 50 - 75 <90 90 - 100 80 - 100 75 - 95 85 - 95
2.36 mm 28 - 58 19 - 32 32 - 67 37 - 70 36 - 76 60 - 65 53 - 63
0.30 mm 8 - 13 20 - 50 4 - 19
0.075 mm 2 - 10 4-7 3-8 2 - 10 2 - 10 2 - 12 4 - 12 3-8
Aggregate Quality
LA Abrasion, 48 max 35 max 37 max 35/40 max1 40 max
% loss
Sodium Sulfate 10 max 15 max 12 max 16/16 max1 12
% loss
% 2 or More 85 min 80 min 90/90 min1
Fractured Faces
% 1 Fractured 100 min 95/90 min1 10/100
Face min1
Sand Equivalent, 45 min 60/45 min1 45 min 28/402
% (Fine
Uncompacted 43/45 min1 40 min 43 min 40 min
Void Content,
% (Fine
Mix Design
Ndesign 60 N/A 50 to 1253 75 50/651 50 50/754
Design Air Voids 3-6 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 - 7.0 3.5
%VMA 15.5 min 12 - 22 16 min 15.0 min
%VFA, range 70 – 80 70 - 78 50 - 80
Asphalt Content 5.5 min 4.6 - 5.6 5.0 - 8.0 6.0 - 7.5 6.4 min
Low or Medium Volume/High Volume
Carbonate/Other Aggregates
Ndesign based on traffic level
Marshall Blows

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 15

voids. The minimum value for voids in mineral aggre- an SMA made from larger stone. OGFC mixtures
gate (VMA) is increased as aggregate size decreases. are known for providing outstanding safety in their
Three of the agencies listed in Table 2 specify a range improvement of wet weather visibility, skid resistance,
for voids filled with asphalt (VFA). Four out of the seven and low tire-pavement noise.
listed specify either a minimum asphalt content or an Both SMA and OGFC mixes usually incorporate
asphalt content range. Utah uses a lower design air some form of binder modification, whether it is polymer
void content along with a VFA requirement as a means or asphalt-rubber. In California, polymer modification
to ensure adequate asphalt content. In some cases, is specified for binders in thin wearing surfaces. The
agencies specify a range in air void contents rather California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
than a specific value. As will be discussed in the Per- also specifies a base binder grade for rubberized
formance section of this publication, a higher air void asphalt mixtures that is one high temperature grade
content for a small NMAS mixture is usually not as lower and one low temperature grade higher than
critical as it is for a larger size mixture because small what is specified for their polymer modified mixtures
size mixtures tend to be much less permeable (Brown (Caltrans, 2007).
et al., 2004). For any agency proposing a specification California (Caltrans, 2007) has a mix which could
for small NMAS mixtures, it is important to ensure that be considered similar in their gap-graded bonded
the mix has sufficient void space to hold the asphalt wear course and rubberized bonded wear course.
needed to bind the aggregate together. These have maximum aggregate sizes ranging from
4.75 mm to 12.5 mm. California further requires the
Other Mix Types assessment of moisture susceptibility using the Ameri-
Thin-lift overlays are not constrained only to Su- can Association of State Highway and Transportation
perpave dense-graded asphalt mixes. Marshall mix Officials test method T-283.
designs also provide excellent thin overlay mixes as OGFC thin-lift mixtures are made normally with
shown by the Ohio Smoothseal specification listed in either 9.5 or 12.5 mm NMAS stone. They tend to
Table 2. Some of the best performing surface mixtures be more costly per ton than dense-graded mixes
include 9.5 mm stone matrix asphalt (SMA) as well because they do not contain other size fractions, but
as 12.5 and 9.5 mm open-graded friction courses they provide substantial safety benefits. In California
(OGFC). SMA mixtures have been recognized as (Caltrans, 2007), OGFC mixtures, according to the
providing a premium pavement surface in terms of agency, should contain lime as an anti-stripping agent,
its rut resistance, cracking resistance, and durability. regardless of whether it has a polymer modified binder
A small NMAS provides even less permeability than or a rubber modified binder.

16 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Construction and
Quality Control

Introduction greater surface area requiring more asphalt, 2) gener-

Mixes designed for use in thin overlays are es- ally higher moisture content in fine aggregate requiring
sentially standard asphalt mixtures that have a small a longer drying time, and 3) a thicker aggregate veil in
NMAS stone. In that sense, they are not much dif- the drying or production drum. Removing moisture in
ferent from what a plant produces on a daily basis. the stockpile will benefit plant operations because less
However, there are some peculiarities of production, fuel will be required to heat the aggregate and this will
placement, and testing that require special attention help increase production. It should be remembered
due to the behavior of small NMAS mixtures and thin- that there is about a 10 percent savings in fuel with
lift construction. This section will focus on the special every one percent decrease in moisture content. In
issues for thin overlay construction. regular hot mix operations, plant temperatures are
generally higher than for other larger stone mixes. This
Construction is an instance where warm mix technology might be
used to decrease plant temperatures while maintain-
Production ing quality. When using warm mix technology, it is all
Small NMAS asphalt mixtures have a relatively the more important to ensure complete drying of the
minor amount, if any, coarse aggregate content. aggregate.
Thus, aggregates are taken out of one or two stock- If RAP is to be added to the mixture, then it should
piles for the most part. Usually, if multiple stockpiles be processed for size and consistency. Crushing and
are involved, it has to do with blending natural and screening of the RAP should ensure that the maximum
manufactured sand. It is important that stockpiling be RAP size does not exceed the NMAS of the mixture.
done correctly in order to maintain the proper grada- The asphalt content of the RAP and the gradation of
tion. For instance, stockpile segregation from using the RAP should be measured and checked to make
a stacking conveyor can create gradation variability sure they are consistent. The lower the variability of
during production. Excessive gradation variability will the RAP material is for these measures, the greater
create a corresponding volumetric variability leading the quantity of RAP that can be used in the mixture.
to portions of the mix that may rut and others that Storage of small NMAS mixtures should follow
may ravel. the practice for any asphalt mixture. Silos should be
It must also be recognized that fine aggregate insulated to minimize the temperature drop of the
usually contains much more moisture than coarse mixture if it is to be held for a number of hours or even
aggregate, and good stockpiling practices should be overnight. Although segregation is less of a problem
used to control moisture. Good practice includes: 1) in these mixtures, it can nonetheless occur. Thus, it is
paving underneath the stockpile, 2) sloping the pad suggested that truck loading be completed in multiple
away from the plant to drain water, 3) building the drops of 3 to 5, depending on the size of the truck.
stockpile from the wet side and taking from the dry Depending upon the ambient temperature and haul
side for truck built piles, and 4) covering the stockpile distance, it may be advisable to place a tarp over the
if necessary to protect it from precipitation. The need bed of the truck to avoid excessive temperature loss
to minimize water is more important for plant costs or the formation of a surface crust that might lead to
and operations than for product quality. temperature segregation during paving.
The plant is generally run slower for small NMAS Warm mix asphalt technologies may be especially
mixtures than those having larger stone. The reasons advantageous in the production and construction of
for this are 1) coating the fine aggregate which has a thin-lift asphalt mixtures. These technologies make

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 17

Residential Street Where Debonding Occurred at Intersection
(courtesy of David E. Newcomb)

asphalt mixtures more workable and compactable at It will help roughen the surface which will provide
lower temperatures than traditional hot mix asphalt. a greater degree of shear resistance to the pave-
Warm mix offers the opportunity to potentially 1) in- ment surface so it will not be as likely to shove and
crease the haul distances, 2) pave in slightly cooler debond. In fact, research is showing that placing an
temperatures even with thinner lifts, 3) achieve density overlay directly on a milled surface is more beneficial
at lower temperatures, 4) extend the paving season, to overlay bond strength than placing a tack coat on
and 5) pave over crack sealing material while mini- an unmilled surface. Using automated grade controls
mizing bumps often associated with these types of and operating the milling machine at the correct
overlays. There are a number of other operational and speed will improve the smoothness. Milling will also
environmental benefits to using warm mix asphalt as provide material that can be recycled into new as-
outlined in Prowell and Hurley (2007). phalt mixtures. The milling machine should be sized
appropriately for the project. Large milling machines
Paving traveling over light pavement structures may actually
One of the chief concerns of thin lift overlay per- harm the pavement structure by overloading it. Once
formance is the bond between the old pavement and the milling is complete, the old pavement surface
the new overlay, and this means that special attention should be swept clean of all debris and dust in order
needs to be paid to the surface preparation of the old to facilitate bonding.
surface and the application of the tack coat. Beyond The tack coat is crucial to bonding the new overlay
this, paving and compaction operations can proceed to the old pavement, especially on unmilled surfaces.
normally, although the screed control is critical to en- Because the overlay is thin, the interface between
suring the proper mat thickness on layers this thin. the old and new pavement is in close proximity to
Where it can be done, milling of the old surface will the shear forces created by vehicles during braking
help to remove defects that could reflect through the and turning movements. Figure 8 shows the effect
new overlay and provide the opportunity to achieve of a lack of bond on a thin overlay at a residential
better ride quality by paving on a smoother surface. street intersection. Most specifications require a

18 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

heavier-than-normal application of tack coat, and in When paving, it is best to move the paver continu-
the instance of California (Caltrans, 2007), the tack ously in order to match the delivery of material from
applicator is specified as being a part of the paver. the plant. This prevents starting and stopping which
Some locations such as California (Caltrans, 2007) can lead to an uneven surface and result in poor ride
and Austria (Litzka, et al. 1994) require the use of quality. If starting and stopping the paver is necessary,
polymer modified emulsions, while others such as then it is best to stop and start rapidly in order to mini-
Minnesota use non-modified emulsions. The applica- mize the mat roughness. A material transfer device
tion rate range varies according to individual states can act as a material surge chamber to keep up with
from as low as 0.04 to 0.08 gal/yd2 for North Carolina the material demands of paving as well as providing
to as high as an average of 0.20 gal/yd2 for California access to areas where trucks may have difficulty
(Caltrans, 2007). Most states have a range closer to maneuvering. As mentioned above, thin-lift asphalt
0.10 to 0.15 gal/yd2. There is no agreement among mixes are usually produced and placed at a higher
state specifications on whether the emulsion used in temperature than larger NMAS mixes. This is because
the tack coat needs to have broken before paving. On the thin-lift cools much quicker and the material can
one hand, not paving until the emulsion had broken will lose its workability and compactability. A one-inch
help ensure that moisture does not become trapped in mat will cool from 300 to 175oF twice as fast as a 1.5
the pavement; whereas it would be impossible for an inch mat, substantially reducing the time available to
emulsion to break if it is applied directly ahead of the achieve compaction. This is a situation where warm
asphalt mixture as part of the paver. Georgia requires mix asphalt technology can be a definite benefit. Be-
the use of a PG 67-22 hot asphalt for tack applications cause the mix starts out cooler, it takes longer for the
which avoids issues with breaking. material temperature to drop a comparable amount
allowing additional compaction time.

Relationship between Air Voids, NMAS, and Permeability
(Brown et al., 2004)

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 19

The goal for compaction of a thin lift asphalt surface specific gravity can be measured on the loose mix.
should be to increase the stability of the mat and to Using combinations of the measurements along with
seal the voids in the material to make it as imperme- the bulk specific gravity of aggregate, the air voids and
able as possible. With a small NMAS mix, this can be VMA can be checked. A portion of the loose sample
achieved at a lower density than with a larger stone should be used to determine the asphalt content of the
mixture as shown in Figure 9 taken from Brown et al mix and the gradation through the plant. The asphalt
(2004). Although a 4.75 mm asphalt mix is not shown content, VMA, and air voids should be tracked with
in this graph, the clear trend is for permeability to time and a control chart should be developed showing
dramatically decrease with smaller aggregate size. warning limits and action limits.
As will be seen below, measurements of density can Although density in the final mat is important, it is
be elusive with thin lifts. That being said, mat density difficult to measure, particularly for mats that are one-
is best achieved in thin lifts using a static, steel wheel inch or less in thickness. For thicknesses greater than
compactor, and many specifications call for these only. one inch, thin lift density gauges can be used to obtain
In Austria (Litzka et al, 1994), a rubber tired compactor in-situ density so long as the devices are properly
is used with a static steel wheel finish roller. Vibratory calibrated for the material on a daily basis. It is often
rollers should not be used on thin lifts that are less best to use density gauges on this type of pavement
than about one inch because they may cause rough- construction to monitor the consistency of density. It is
ness or tearing of the mat. difficult to drill and trim cores and obtain an accurate
in-situ density measurement in the laboratory. It can
Quality Control be hard to trim a core with the surface layer less than
one inch thick. Even if that is possible, there is a likeli-
Quality control should take place at three points:
hood that the test will have a great deal of variability
before materials enter the plant, the mix after produc-
associated with it. It may be best to specify thin lift
tion, and the final pavement. It is important to identify
asphalt construction using a set rolling pattern as is
potential material problems early so that timely cor-
done in New York. As shown in Figure 9, it is not likely
rective action can take place.
that a small NMAS mixture will be permeable, even at
Quality control at the plant for producing small
a relatively high level of air voids. It is also important
NMAS mixtures is the same as any other asphalt mix-
to maintain a lift thickness to NMAS ratio of between
ture. Aggregate gradation and moisture content should
3 and 5 to 1 in order to achieve the desired level of
be monitored throughout production at normal rates.
compaction (Brown et al., 2004).
Aggregate gradation from single stockpile sources will
One of the objectives of thin lift asphalt construction
be more difficult to control than those coming from
is to improve the pavement smoothness. The degree
two or more stockpiles. Moisture content measure-
to which this can be accomplished will depend upon:
ments will have a direct impact on asphalt content in
1) the condition of the old pavement surface, 2) the
drum plants. As such, frequent monitoring of moisture
amount of surface preparation prior to overlay, and 3)
content for fine aggregate stockpiles is advisable, and
the thickness of the thin overlay. It is generally thought
the asphalt content should be adjusted as necessary
that a 40 to 60 percent improvement in ride quality can
to compensate for moisture changes.
be achieved with subsequent lifts of asphalt mixtures.
During production, the mixture should be sampled
Thus, the best solution for maximizing smoothness in
and volumetric properties should be checked. The
a thin overlay is to mill the existing pavement to the ex-
sampling may take place at the plant from the back
tent that the effects of cracks and ruts can be removed
of the truck or at the paving site either from the paver
prior to placement. Any specification for ride quality
hopper or behind the paver. Volumetric properties
or roughness should be predicated on the condition
may be checked by compacting the field samples at
of the pavement prior to overlay in order to maintain
the same level as used in mix design and measuring
a realistic expectation of improvement.
the bulk specific gravity of the sample. The maximum

20 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135


The performance of a thin overlay will depend upon an 18 to a 36% decrease in International Roughness
a number of factors including traffic, climate, underly- Index (IRI), a 5 to 55% reduction in rut depth, and a 1
ing pavement type, surface preparation, materials, to 10% improvement in the pavement surface condi-
and the construction quality. Higher traffic loads will tion rating.
demand the use of premium materials and construc- Corley-Lay (2007) stated that noise reduction on
tion methods to resist rutting and cracking. overlaid concrete pavements was 6.7 dB on average.
In colder climates, special attention must be paid The FHWA (2005) reported that thin asphalt rubber
to resistance to thermal cracking as well as debond- overlays in the Phoenix area were successful in re-
ing because of the snow plow use. Reflective crack- ducing noise by about 5 dB. The significance of these
ing and debonding are the greatest concerns when noise reduction levels is that every 3 dB decrease is
overlaying jointed concrete pavements. It is a certainty equivalent to doubling the distance from the source
that reflective cracking will occur in jointed concrete of the noise or reducing traffic by half.
pavements with a thin overlay. For continuously re- Table 3 shows the results of a number of perfor-
inforced concrete pavements in good condition with mance studies on thin overlays in a variety of climates,
little or no deterioration, reflective cracking would not with different levels of traffic and types of underlying
be as problematic. pavements. These indicate anywhere from seven to 16
The immediate benefits of performance improve- years of performance when thin overlays are placed
ment with a thin overlay are the improvement in ride on asphalt pavements, and from six to 10 years for
quality, pavement condition, decreased noise level, thin overlays on concrete or composite pavements
and, in some cases, friction. Labi et al. (2005) suggest (concrete pavements previously overlaid with asphalt).
that the immediate benefit to ride quality ranges from In the Ohio study, Chou et al. (2008) considered thin

Performance Summaries of Thin Overlays

Climate Traffic Existing Expected Reference

or Location Pavement Performance, yrs.
High and Low Asphalt 16 Chou et al., 2008
Ohio Low Composite 11 Chou et al., 2008
High Composite 7 Chou et al., 2008
North Carolina — Concrete 6 to 10 Corley-Lay and Mastin, 2007
Ontario, Canada High Asphalt 8 Uzarowski, et al., 2005
Illinois Low Asphalt 7 to 10 Reed, 1994
New York — Asphalt 5 to 8 New York Construction
Materials Association, undated
Indiana Low Asphalt 9 to 11 Labi and Sinha, 2003
Low or High Asphalt > 10 years Litzka, et al., 1994
High Concrete > 8 years Litzka, et al., 1994
Georgia Low Asphalt 10 years Hines, 2009

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 21

overlays to be two inches or less, and thus, thicker Transportation received the Asphalt Pavement Alliance
than the 1.5 inch definition given in this document. The Perpetual Pavement Award three years in a row from
range of expected performance for thin overlays was 2002 through 2004, and that in each of these pave-
remarkably consistent from one project to the next, ments, thin overlays played a vital role in ensuring the
and did not seem dependent upon climate or traffic longevity of the pavement structure.
levels. From these studies, it is apparent that overlays Belshe et al. (2007) concluded that thin asphalt-
of asphalt pavement tend to last longer than those rubber open-graded overlays in Arizona hold the
placed on either concrete or composite pavements. potential for extending jointed concrete pavement life
When compared to other types of pavement pres- by reducing the curling stress in the concrete slabs by
ervation treatments, thin overlays are often shown to reducing the temperature differential in the pavement.
have the lowest life cycle costs. Chou et al. (2008) Bausano, et al. (2004) noted that thin asphalt overlays
concluded that thin overlays on flexible pavements maintained a high level of service compared to chip
were nearly always cost effective, and that thin over- seals and crack sealing. In terms of overall performance
lays on composite pavements were not as cost effec- improvement and longevity, thin asphalt overlays are
tive, but, according to the authors that was probably clearly effective pavement preservation treatments
because of greater deterioration prior to overlay. It is which explains why they are the most popular method
significant to note that the Minnesota Department of of preventive maintenance (AASHTO, 1999).

22 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135

Summary and
Summary RAP
Thin asphalt overlays are popular approaches to Any RAP used in thin asphalt overlay mixes should
pavement preservation primarily because of their be processed to a maximum size equal to or smaller
ability to 1) provide improved ride quality, 2) reduce than the maximum aggregates size for the mix being
pavement distresses, 3) maintain surface geometrics, used, and it should be used in a proportion that does
4) reduce noise levels, 5) reduce life cycle costs, and not impact the gradation requirement.
6) provide long-lasting service. As with any preserva- Mix Design
tion technique, thin overlays should be placed before The mix design parameters should reflect whether
the pavement deterioration has reached a critical the mix is to be a dense-graded Superpave, an SMA,
stage where more extensive rehabilitation is required. or an OGFC. All three have been successfully used in
Thin overlays can be expected to provide 10 years the design and construction of thin lift overlays.
or more performance on asphalt surfaces and six Construction and Quality Control
to 10 years on concrete or composite surfaces. This Production
document has provided guidance on when to choose Moisture and gradation control of small NMAS mix-
thin overlays, how to select materials and design the tures are important issues. Best practices for stockpil-
mixes, construction and quality control, and what type ing aggregates should be followed. Plant operations
of performance benefits to expect. are usually slower in producing these types of mixes
and production temperatures may be higher. This is an
Recommendations opportunity to explore the use of Warm Mix Asphalt in
order to avoid higher temperatures and obtain advan-
Pavement Evaluation and Project Selection
tages in placing and compacting thin lift asphalt.
A complete and thorough project evaluation should
be conducted to ensure that a thin overlay is the
Preparation of the pavement surface is important
proper approach to fix the pavement. Generally, for
to the ultimate performance of the thin overlay. Milling
thin overlays to be effective, the distress should be
should be considered if roughness or cracking are
confined to the pavement surface and should extend
present. The tack coat is important in providing a good
over more than 10 percent of the project. Surface
bonding with the old pavement surface, and this will
preparation should be dictated by the particular dis-
help in resisting shear due to braking or acceleration of
tresses present.
vehicles. Paving operations should be as continuous
Materials and Mix Design as possible, and compaction, in most cases, should
Binder be done in the static mode.
The binder should be selected according to the Quality Control
climate and expected traffic. It is recommended that a Aggregate quality should be monitored in the typi-
polymer modified binder be considered for high levels cal fashion by testing gradation and moisture content
of traffic. Asphalt-rubber has also successfully been during production. Post production testing should
used in gap-graded and open-graded applications. include sampling the loose mix, compacting it in the
Aggregate laboratory to verify volumetric properties and testing
Local availability of materials and traffic levels for asphalt content. In-situ density testing of thin lift
should be reviewed in selecting aggregates for thin overlays can be problematic although nondestructive
overlays. For high-volume roads where rutting may be devices exist for monitoring the density. These must
a concern, angular aggregate should be used. In all be calibrated daily. It may be simpler to establish a
cases, a skid-resistant aggregate should be used. set rolling pattern for the project.

National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135 23


AASHTO. 1999. Pavement Preservation in the United Labi, S. and K.C. Sinha. 2003. The Effectiveness of
States. Survey by the Lead States Team on Pavement Maintenance and Its Impact on Capital Expenditures.
Preservation. American Association of State Highway Report No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2002/27. Joint Transpor-
and Transportation Officials. Washington, DC. tation Research Program. Purdue University. West
Bausano, Jason P., Karim Chatti, and R. Christopher Lafayette.
Williams. 2004. Determining Life Expectancy of Labi, Samuel, Geoffrey Lamptey, Sravanthi Konduri, and
Preventive Maintenance Fixes for Asphalt-Surfaced Kumares C. Sinha. 2005. Analysis of Long-Term Effec-
Pavements. Transportation Research Record No. tiveness of Thin Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete Overlay
1866. Transportation Research Board. pp. 1-8. Treatments. Transportation Research Record No.
Belshe, Mark, Kamil E. Kaloush, Jay S. Golden, Michael 1940. Transportation Research Board. Washington,
Mamlouk, and Patrick E. Phelan. 2007. Asphalt- DC. 2005. pp. 3-12.
Rubber Asphalt Concrete Friction Course Overlays as Litzka, Johann H., Friedrich Pass, and Eduard Zirkler.
Pavement Preservation Strategy for Portland Cement 1994. Experiences with Thin Bituminous Layers in
Concrete Pavement. TRB Annual Meeting Compen- Austria.
dium. Paper No. 07-1916. Transportation Research New York Construction Materials Association. Undated.
Board. Washington, DC. 6.3 mm Polymer-Modified Hot Mix Asphalt. Fact
Brown, E. Ray, M. Rosli Hainin, Allen Cooley, and Sheet. New York Construction Materials Association.
Graham Hurley. 2004. Relationship of Air Voids, Lift Latham, NY.
Thickness, and Permeability in Hot Mix Asphalt Pave- Prowell, Brian D. and Graham C. Hurley. 2007. Warm Mix
ments. NCHRP Report 531. National Cooperative Asphalt: Best Practices. Quality Improvement Series
Highway Research Program. Transportation Research No. 125. National Asphalt Pavement Association.
Board. Washington, DC. Lanham, Maryland.
Caltrans. 2007. MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Pres- Reed, Christine M. 1994. Seven-Year Performance
ervation. 2nd Ed. California Department of Transporta- Evaluation of Single Pass, Thin Lift Bituminous Con-
tion. Sacramento. crete Overlays. Transportation Research Record No.
Chou, Eddie Y., D. Datta, and H. Pulugurta. April 2008. 1454. Transportation Research Board. Washington,
Effectiveness of Thin Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay on DC. pp. 23-27.
Pavement Ride and Condition Performance. Re- Sime, M., et al. 2000. WesTrack Track Roughness, Fuel
port No. FHWA/OH-2008/4. Ohio Department of Consumption, and Maintenance Costs. January
Transportation. 2000 Tech Brief. Federal Highway Administration.
Cooley, Jr., L. Allen and Graham Hurley. 2004. Potential Washington, DC.
of Using Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) in Mississippi. Tashman, Laith, Kitae Nam, and Tom Papagiannakis.
National Center for Asphalt Technology. Auburn, 2006. Evaluation of the Influence of Tack Coat Con-
University. struction Factors on the Bond Strength Between
Corley-Lay, J. and Mastin, J., 2007. Ultrathin Bonded Pavement Layers. Report No. WA-RD 645.1. Wash-
Wearing Course as a Pavement Preservation Treat- ington State Department of Transportation. Olympia,
ment for Jointed Concrete Pavements. Transportation Washington.
Research Record 2005. Transportation Research Uzarowski, Ludomir, Michael Maher, and Gary Far-
Board. Washington, DC. pp. 11-17. rington. 2005. Thin Surfacing—Effective Way of
Federal Highway Administration. 2005. Pilot Program Improving Road Safety within Scarce Road Mainte-
Evaluates Quiet Pavements in Arizona. Focus. FHWA- nance Budget. Proceedings. Transport Association
HRT-05-027. Washington, DC, June 2005. of Canada, Calgary.
Hanson, Douglas I., Robert S. James, and Christopher West, Randy C., Jinga Zhang, and Jason Moore. 2005.
NeSmith. 2002. Tire/Pavement Noise Study. NCAT Evaluation of Bond Strength Between Pavement Lay-
Report 04-02. National Center for Asphalt Technology. ers. Report No. 05-08. National Center for Asphalt
Auburn University, Alabama. Technology. Auburn University. Auburn, Alabama.
Hines, Sheila. April 6, 2009. Personal Communication.
Georgia Department of Transportation.

24 National Asphalt Pavement Association • IS 135



Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol

inches inches 25.4 millimeters mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches in
ft feet 0.305 meters m m meters 3.28 feet ft
yd yards 0.914 meters m m meters 1.09 yards yd
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km km kilometers 0.621 miles mi

in2 square inches 645.2 millimeters squared mm2 mm2 millimeters squared 0.0016 square inches in2
ft2 square feet 0.093 meters squared m2 m2 meters squared 10.764 square feet ft2
yd2 square yards 0.836 meters squared m2 ha hectares 2.47 acres ac
ac acres 0.405 hectares ha km2 kilometers squared 0.386 square miles mi2
mi2 square miles 2.59 kilometers squared km2

fl oz fluid ounces 29.57 milliliters mL mL milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
gal gallons 3.785 liters L L liters 0.264 gallons gal
ft3 cubic feet 0.028 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 35.315 cubic feet ft3
yd3 cubic yards 0.765 meters cubed m3 m3 meters cubed 1.308 cubic yards yd3
NOTE: Volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m3.

oz ounces 28.35 grams g g grams 0.035 ounces oz
lb pounds 0.454 kilograms kg kg kilograms 2.205 pounds lb
T short tons 0.907 megagrams Mg Mg megagrams 1.102 short tons (2000 lb) T
(2000 lb) (metric tonne t) (t metric tonne)


°F Fahrenheit 5(F–32)/9 Celsius °C °C Celsius 1.8C + 32 Fahrenheit °F
temperature temperature temperature temperature
°F 32 98.6 212
–40 0 40 80 120 160 200

–40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100

°C 37 °C

*SI is the symbol for the International System of Measurement.


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