9effect of Plant Growth Regulators On in
9effect of Plant Growth Regulators On in
9effect of Plant Growth Regulators On in
6(11), 123-129
Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/7978
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/7978
Tissue culture has same term with callus culture. Callus culture has purpose to obtain callus from isolated explants
and grown it in a controlled environment. Callus culture is important to be used to study cell’s metabolism and
Corresponding Author:- Fauziyah Harahap
Address:- Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Medan (UNIMED), Indonesia.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
differentiation, cell morphogenesis, somaclonal variation, genetic transformation and secondary metabolite
production [2]. The division of cells in callus is triggered by endogenous hormones and exogenous auxin and
cytokinins which are added to the culture medium.
Plant growth regulators group auxin, namely NAA can stimulate the highest callus formation which is 83,36% [3].
The using of TDZ (cytokinin group) is also needed in order to produce callus with a friable structure. If the auxin
concentration is higher than the cytokines then the callus would grow, and if the concentration of cytokines is higher
than auxin, the shoot would grow [1]. Therefore, in this mangosteen callus induction, variation of NAA (auxin
group) concentration was used and it was made higher than cytokines concentration. Addition of good BAP with
NAA, 2,4-D, and IBA can produce 100% callus formation. The response of callus induction and production also
depends on the types of explant and the media that is used [4].
Basides auxins and cytokines, organic compounds such as coconut water can also encourage callus formation. MS
with 10% coconut water and 2,4-D was able to induce callus in green grape plants and the best medium was MS 0 +
2,4-D 1,5 ppm + 10% coconut water (D3 ) by responding to the appearance of callus at 11 days after planting, the
percentage of callus was 76,67%, the cell was actively dividing, compact textured, and the color of callus was
brownish green [5].
The purpose of this study is 1) to determine effect of plant growth regulators on in vitro callus induction of shoot
explant mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), 2) to know the best combination and composition of the media to in
vitro callus induction of shoot explant mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.).
The plant material that was used as explants was the shoot of the mangosteen plant from seeds cultured, Murashige
and Skoog (MS) Media + 20% coconut water + TDZ 0,2 ppm + sucrose (0, 15, 30, 45 gr / l) and NAA (0, 1,5, 3
ppm), 98% alcohol, 70% alcohol, 15% and 20% chlorox, sterile distilled water, detergent, fungicide (Benlate),
bactericide (Streptomycin), antibiotics (amoxilin 500 grams / tablet), gelatin and sugar.
This study used basic media MS + TDZ 0,2 ppm + 20% Coconut water with the addition of a combination of
sucrose (0; 15; 30; 45 g / L) and NAA (0; 1,5; 3 ppm). At the time of conducting research, sterilization of equipment
explant sterilization and media making were conducted. The explant was sterilized gradually using detergents,
fungicides and clorox. The research parameters observed were callus formation time, callus texture and color, callus
height, callus width, callus weight, percentage of callus formation and explant response.
Research Design
This study was arranged based on complete randomized design (CRD) factorial, with 12 treatments with 3 times
repetitions, and each one unit of experiment was using 1 explant to obtain 36 explants in 12 experimental units. This
study used basic media in the form of MS + TDZ 0,2 ppm + 20% Coconut Water with the addition of a combination
of Sucrose (0; 15; 30; 45 g / L) and NAA (0; 1,5; 3 ppm). The combination of media can be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1:-Media combination for in vitro callus induction of shoot explant mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.)
NAA 0 ppm 1,5 ppm 3 ppm
0 gr/L Sucrose 0 gr/L, NAA 0 ppm Sucrose 0 gr/L, NAA 1,5 ppm Sucrose 0 gr/L, NAA 3 ppm
15 gr/L Sucrose 15 gr/L, NAA 0 ppm Sucrose 15 gr/L, NAA 1,5 ppm Sucrose 15 gr/L, NAA 3 ppm
30 gr/L Sucrose 30 gr/L, NAA 0 ppm Sucrose 30 gr/L, NAA 1,5 ppm Sucrose 30 gr/L, NAA 3 ppm
45 gr/L Sucrose 45gr/L, NAA 0 ppm Sucrose 45gr/L, NAA 1,5 ppm Sucrose 45gr/L, NAA 3 ppm
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
The data which was obtained from observation was analyzed by ANOVA statistics test, if the result shows
significant difference effect, then Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) would be then performed as follow up
The results showed the positive effect of plant growth regulators addition to callus induction from the source of
mangosteen shoot explants, which can be seen from the time of callus formation, callus texture and callus color,
callus height, callus widht, callus weight, percentage of callus formation and explant response.
Table 3:-Texture and color of callus explant of mangosteen shoot (Garcinia mangostana L.)
No Treatments Callus textures Callus colors
1. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA0 ppm Compact Brownish white
2. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm Compact Brownish yellow
3. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA3 ppm Compact Green
4. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA0 ppm Loose Yellow
5. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm Loose White
6. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA3 ppm Loose Green white
7. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA0 ppm Compact Green
8. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm Loose Green yellow
9. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA3 ppm Loose Green
10. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA0 ppm Compact Yellow
11. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm Compact White
12. MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA3 ppm Compact White
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
Table 4:-The average height, width, and weight of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) callus formation in 12th
weeks after induction
No Treatments Average Average Average
height width weight
(cm) (cm2) (gram)
1 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA0 ppm 0,17c 0,56cd 0,17c
2 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm 0,20bc 0,31d 0,18c
3 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose0 gr/l + NAA3 ppm 0,30abc 0,54cd 0,18c
4 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA0 ppm 0,23bc 0,60cd 0,16c
5 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm 0,27bc 1,52ab 0,37ab
6 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose15 gr/l + NAA3 ppm 0,53a 1,56a 0,40a
7 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA0 ppm 0,27bc 0,63cd 0,19c
8 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm 0,40abc 0,82bcd 0,27bc
9 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose30 gr/l + NAA3 ppm 0,43ab 1,20abc 0,26bc
10 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA0 ppm 0,23bc 0,49cd 0,23c
11 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA1,5 ppm 0,23bc 0,46cd 0,25bc
12 MS + Coconut Water20% + TDZ0,2 ppm + Sucrose45 gr/l + NAA3 ppm 0,23bc 0,81bcd 0,24bc
Total 3,49 9,5 2,9
Average 0,29 0,79 0,24
Note : Numbers followed by the same letter in the same column indicate no significantly different (P> 0.05) in the
DMRT test at 5% level.
1.8 a
1.4 abc
1 bcd bcd
Height of Callus (cm)
0.8 cd cd cd
cd Width of Callus (cm2)
a cd cd
0.6 ab
d a abc Weight of Callus (gr)
0.4 abc bc bc bc bc bc c bc bc bc bc
c c bc c c c c
Figure 1:-Average Height, Width, and Weight of Callus of Mangosteen Shoot Explants (Garcinia mangostana L.)
Note :
S = Sucrose N = NAA (Naphthalene Acetic Acid)
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
Time of Callus Formation
The results of the research in table 2 above show that the fastest response in inducing mangosteen callus is found in
sucrose treatment (15; 30 gr / L) and NAA (1,5; 3 ppm). Furthermore, it was followed by sucrose treatment (15; 30;
45 gr / L) and NAA (0; 1,5; 3 ppm) which induced callus treatment in the fourth week after planting. Then the
slowest response in mangosteen callus induction was found in 0 gr / L and NAA sucrose treatment (0; 1,5; 3 ppm).
The fastest response explains that the concentration of media when inducing callus is optimal. This indicates that the
concentration of sucrose can affect the appearance of callus (not too high or too low). The increasing concentration
of sucrose from 30 gr/lto 40 gr/l actually reduced the response of anther in forming callus [6]. Mean while 40 grams
of sucrose was the best concentration in the culture of sunflower anther [7]. Auxin addition was very effective to
induce callus formation. However, the role of cytokines was needed for proliferation of callus so the combination of
auxin and cytokines was very good to stimulate callus growth [8]. The addition of auxin at high concentrations
stimulates callus formation, on the contrary if the ratio of auxin and cytokine media was lower, it would stimulate
the growth of explants regeneration to produce organs [9]. The progression rate of callus was influenced by the work
of auxin endogenous and exogenous cytokines hormones which correlated with each other. Improper administration
of growth regulators could inhibit callus growth on explants. The inhibition of callus formation was due to
endogenous and exogenous hormones found in explants unable to stimulate callus growth quickly [10].
The crumb or fragile callus texture was considered good because it simplifies the callus separation into single cells
and it would increase oxygen aeration between cells [11]. Visually, the crumb texture callus that forms on the
explant, has characteristics of tenuous bonding between cells, easily separated and if taken with nippers, the callus
was easily broken and some were attached to the nippers. Crumb texture callus appear to have small, clustered cells
and if the cells were taken, they are easily released [12]. The compact callus texture was an effect of cytokines and
auxin which affecting water potential in cells. This the absorption of water from medium into cell is increasing so
the cell becomes more rigid [13]. Callus with solid texture have characters of solid cells bonding that are difficult to
separate and tend to clot solid.
The color of callus induces the presence of chlorophyll in the tissue, the more green callus color, the more
chlorophyll content. Light or white color could also induce, and indicated callus conditions were still good enough
[11]. Addition of cytokines concentration tends to show more durable green (bright) color in callus [12]. The white
color callus indicates the callus does not contain chlorophyll. White callus was an embryonic tissue that does not
contain chloroplasts, but has a high content of starch [13].
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
Lower callus weight occurs because explants only experience callus formation on some explant surfaces. This was
related to relatively longer callus initiation time due to an imbalance in concentration of sucrose and NAA thus,
from the beginning growth of explants takes place slowly in inducing activity of metabolic enzymes. Low acidity
can also activate certain enzymes in cell walls which can degrade various proteins or polysaccharides that spread on
soft and flexible cell walls, so cell enlargement can occur [15].
Growth regulating agents also play a role in faster callus formation and perfect callus growth. Callus formation can
occur on surface of explants and wounds, and is characterized by swelling of the explants and appearance of white,
green or yellow spots (Figure 2). The formation process of callus starts from a small bulge on the edge of the explant
which will grow into white callus and after a certain time callus will fill the entire surface of the explants [17].
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(11), 123-129
Figure 2. Responses of mangosteen shoot callus on treatment a) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S0 gr/l + N0 ppm, b) MS
+ CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S0 gr/l + N1,5 ppm, c) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S0 gr/l + N3 ppm, d) MS + CW20% + T0,2
ppm + S15 gr/l + N0 ppm, e) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S15 gr/l + N1,5 ppm, f) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S15 gr/l + N3
ppm, g) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S30 gr/l + N0 ppm, h) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S30 gr/l + N1,5 ppm, i) MS +
CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S30 gr/l + N3 ppm, j) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S45 gr/l + N0 ppm, k) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm +
S45 gr/l + N1,5 ppm, l) MS + CW20% + T0,2 ppm + S45 gr/l + N3 ppm.
According to research result, it was concluded that: 1) plant growth regulators have affect in vitro callus induction of
shoot explant mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) 2) the best media combination and composition for
mangosteen in vitro callus induction was sucrose (15; 30 gr/L) and NAA (1,5; 3 ppm).
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Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Jurnal Lentera Bio Vol. 3 No. 3.