PHP Indeks Podsahdley 1968
PHP Indeks Podsahdley 1968
PHP Indeks Podsahdley 1968
RECENT INVESTIGATIONS have dem- tion comparing the Podshadley PHP method
onstrated that there is a strong positive with the well-established debris index-simpli-
correlation between poor oral hygiene and peri- fied (DI-S) aspect of the Greene and Vermillion
odontal disease (1-9) . An awareness of this rela- 011-S method.
tionship has stimulated dentists to place greater
emphasis on teaching patients the importance of Determining the PHP Score
good oral hygiene and the best methods for A mouth mirror examination of selected teeth
obtaining it. It has also stimulated additional is made after the patient has been given an
study of the role of oral debris in dental disease. erythrosin disclosing wafer which stains the
The current emphasis on patient education and oral debris a dark pink. Oral debris is defined as
on research in oral hygiene has underlined the the soft foreign material consisting of mucin,
need for a simple and accurate method for meas- bacteria, and food that is loosely attached to the
uring the oral hygiene of dental patients. tooth surface. The patient is instructed to chew
The simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S) the disclosing wafer and to "swish" for 30
developed by Greene and Vermillion for meas- seconds. He may then expectorte but is not per-
uring oral hygiene (10) has proved a reliable mitted to rinse his mouth until after the
instrument for large epidemiologic studies. The examination.
need, however, for a simpler and more sensitive The examination is performed on the follow-
measurement device both for research and for ing teeth in this order: (a) maxillary right first
use by the dental practitioner has stimulated the molar, (b) maxillary right central incisor, (c)
development of the patient hygiene perform- maxillary left first molar, (d) mandibular left
ance (PHP) method (11, 12). first molar, (e) mandibular left central incisor,
This paper reports the results of an investiga- (f) mandibular right first molar. The tooth sur-
faces wlich are assessed are the buccal of the
Dr. Podshadley is assistant professor, department of maxillary molars, the lingual of the mandibular
community dentistry, University of Kentucky Medi- molars, and the labial of the maxillary and
cal Center, Lexington, and Dr. Haley is assistant mandibular incisors.
professor, department of behavioral science. Dr. If the first molars are'missing, are less than
Sherwin Fishman, assistant professor, and Mrs. Jean three-fourths erupted, have full-crown restora-
Shannon, research associate, department of commu- tions, or are too badly broken down to assess,
nity dentistry, assisted in the data collection phase of the second molar is substituted. If the second
the project. molar is missing or cannot be used, the third
A S. c I.D
1 1 I
Figure 1. The subdivisions of a tooth used in PHP (patient hygiene performance) method, with
examples of scoring by this method: A. Five subdivisions, B. debris score of 3, C. debris
score of 1, and D. debris score of 4
formance score for the child. The child was throsin in 6 cc. of water) around all of his teeth
then returned to his classroom but instructed for approximately 15 seconds. The DI-S was not
not to brush his teeth, eat, or in any way disturb calculated, and the children were not re-
the stain on the teeth. He was returned to the examined after 1 hour. Except for these differ-
examination room 1 hour later and again asked ences, this examination was conducted in the
to chew and swish another dye tablet. The PHP same manner as when the dye tablet was used.
score was again calculated by each examiner.
We conducted the examination in the school Analysis of Data
auditorium, using portable dental chairs and Pearson's product moment correlation co-
lights. To assure completely independent scor- efficients were used to determine the inter-
ing, the dental chairs were placed so that the examiner and intraexaminer relationships. The
examiners could not overhear each other. The interexaminer correlations were considerably
examiners in this investigation had been trained higher with the PHP method than with DI-S
in the DI-S techniques, and each examiner had (table 1). This result indicates a greater con-
had previous experience in using both methods. sistency between examiners using the PHP
Since the DI-S method requires the use of an method than between those using the DI-S.
explorer to detect debris, the examiners took Although the correlations were quite high when
special precautions to avoid any unnecessary dis- the dye tablet was used, the interexaminer corre-
turbance of the debris when using this method. lation improved when the liquid dye was
We had some minor difficulty in getting the substituted.
debris in all of the children's mouths to stain A test for significance using Fisher's Z
uniformly well with the dye tablet; occasionally transformation was applied to the difference be-
a child had to repeat the staining procedure be- tween the interexaminer correlation coefficient
fore an accurate PHP score could be calcu- of 0.91 for the PHP with liquid dye and the
lated. For this reason, we calculated the patient
hygiene performance score again on another 0.72 for the DI-S. This difference was found to
group, using liquid dye instead of the dye tablet. be highly significant; the probability that it
This group also numbered 55 sixth-grade chil- could have occurred by chance was less than 1
dren aged 11 to 12; all were from the same school in 1,000. The PHP method with liquid dye was
as those on whom the dye tablet had been used. tested at a different time and with a different
In this part of the investigation, each child was group of children, but in the same school on the
instructed to swish the erythrosin solution (4 same age group. For this reason we believe that
drops of a 6 percent aqueous solution of ery- the results can be directly compared with the
Table 2. Intraexaminer comparisons of mean scores for first and second examinations by
PHP method with dye tablet
Mean scores Difference between mean
Number of scores Correlation
Examiner children coefficient (first
examined PHP with dye PHP with dye examination to
tablet- first tablet-second t scores Probability 1 second)
examination examination
FOX, RUTH I. (Westchester County Department of Health), GOLDMAN, one to care for the other children,
JACK J., and BRUMFIELD, WILLIAM A., Jr.: Determining the target and transportation difficulties were
population for prenatal and postnatal care. Public Health Reports, the four chief reasons accounting for
Vol. 83, March 1968, pp. 249-257. late prenatal care.
This study pointed out that socio-
Based upon health priority reasons among this high-risk group of fami- economic factors were as important
or socioeconomic criteria, or both, lies 17 mothers or 3 percent received as health reasons in selecting the
555 mothers and their newborn in- no prenatal care at all, 134 women target population for prenatal and
fants were selected and referred to or 24 percent did not get early pre- postnatal care. The number of
public health nurses for interviews natal care, and frequency of pre- mothers and infants who needed and
and for evaluation by physicians and natal visits averaged two a month obtained the department's post par-
nurses for admission to the West- per mother only during the eighth tum followup care and supervision
chester County Health Department's and ninth month of pregnancy. was doubled when families were
program of post partum followup The mothers' lack of recognition of chosen from the lower social class in
care and supervision. the importance of early care com- addition to identification for health
The survey results indicated that bined with denial of pregnancy, no considerations alone.
PODSHADLEY, ARLON G. (University of Kentucky Medical Center), when liquid dye was substituted for
and HALEY, JOHN V.: A method for evaluating oral hygiene perform- the dye tablet.
ance. Public Health Reports, Vol. 83, March 1968, pp. 259-264. The results of all methods were
subjected to statistical analysis, and
The PHP (patient hygiene per- Two examiners calculated the the following conclusions were
formance) method for assessing oral DI-S and PHP scores for 55 children drawn.
debris was compared with the DI-S 11 to 12 years old. The investigation 1. The examiners' results were
(debris index-simplifled) aspect of was structured to determine the more consistently alike when they
the Greene and Vermillion OHI-S interexaminer relationship for the used the PHP method than when
(oral hygiene index-simplified). In DI-S scores and the interexaminer they used the DI-S method.
2. Each examiner was able to re-
the PHP method, erythrosin dye is and intraexaminer relationship for peat the PHP examination with a
used to stain the debris, and the tooth the PHP scores when the teeth were high degree of consistency.
surface is subdivided into five sec- stained with a dye tablet. In addition, 3. The PHP method is sufficiently
tions, each of which is assessed for the interexaminer relationship was sensitive to justify its use in dental
the presence of debris. determined for the PHP method health education and research.