Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Colditzstrasse 28
12099 Berlin
08-03-00283 0.00
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This document discloses subject matter in which the PROSE Ltd., Winterthur (Switzerland) or one of it’s subsidiary companies, has proprietary
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1 Preamble ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 4
2 Brake Shoe Specification....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Vehicles ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Brake Shoes in Use Today ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3 General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Normative References .................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Operation........................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 Environment ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Proof of Interchangeability ................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Pre-Selection................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Proof of Stopping Distance (only composite brake shoes) ............................................................ 8
2.4.3 In-Service-Test (only composite brake shoes) ................................................................................ 9
2.4.4 Coefficient of Friction ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.5 UIC Requirements on Interchangeability (grey cast only) ............................................................ 10
2.5 Approval ............................................................................................................................ 10
3 Summary............................................................................................................................ 11
A Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 12
B Vehicles of ISR .................................................................................................................... 13
C Drawings of Brake shoes ..................................................................................................... 15
D Material Characteristic Sheets ............................................................................................ 20
1 Preamble
Israel Railways (ISR) is interested to identify interchangeable brake shoes for vehicles equipped
with tread brakes. Thus, alternative brake shoes shall be qualified for the use at vehicles of ISR.
This document provides the specification for the brake shoes to be searched for.
The main characteristics to be evaluated should be (e.g. EN 16452 [1]):
• brake shoe design;
• instantaneous and mean dynamic friction coefficients;
• static friction coefficient;
• wet friction behaviour;
• metal pickup formation behaviour;
• behaviour under conditions simulating a locked brake, with an applied braking force;
• brake shoe and wheel tread wear at different loads and service braking conditions;
• friction behaviour under severe winter conditions;
• influence on signalling systems (track circuits);
• brake shoe material properties.
In none of the categories the new brake shoes shall show lower performance than the brake shoes
in use today.
Various local and historical terms have become established for the wear material of the tread
brake. For this document, ISR requested the use of the term "brake shoe".
However, it was not possible to avoid using different terms in some cases. This is always the case
when official titles of standards are involved.
1.1 Definitions
Term Description
Technical term for brake systems which apply the braking force with
tread brake
brake shoes to the running surface of the wheels
brake shoe In this document: the wear material of the tread brake
2.1 Vehicles
ISR provided the data for locomotives [2], [3], [4].
According to this information the following vehicles are equipped with brake shoes made of
composite material:
For the above-mentioned vehicles brake shoes are in use which have a friction performance
according to AAR RP-559. There are two types of brake shoes in use which are described by the
drawings [5] and [6] (see also annex C) and the material characteristic sheets [7] and [8] (see
annex D).
Furthermore, there is a fleet of 1'378 freight wagons and 45 service vehicles equipped with brake
shoes according to ISR specification M-04-240 [9]. This document is about grey cast iron brake
shoes. The content of ISR specification M-04-240 [9] is based on the UIC leaflets UIC832 and
Additional vehicle data, necessary for the supplier to identify a suitable product can be find in the
vehicle tables in annex B.
2.3.2 Operation
Typical operation at ISR is characterized by:
• Passenger service up to 160 km/h,
• Locomotives are also in service for freight trains.
• All passenger trains remain in its configuration during operation.
• No shunting and re-configuration occurs during operation.
• The service of ISR is solely national service.
In general, the application at ISR is quite unique. Some trains do not stop at every station, but
timetables do not define a significant split in regional and long-distance traffic.
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2.4.1 Pre-Selection
For pre-selection the supplier shall show that the proposed brake shoe is suitable for the intended
service and that the proposal fulfils the requirements.
The parking brake performance of composite brake shoes could be proven by comparison of test
bench results.
ISR will provide brake shoes in use today to enable brake shoe suppliers to perform the comparing
dynamometer tests.
Based on documents by suppliers, ISR will do a pre-selection. If the proposed brake shoe shows
good performance, it might be selected for stopping distance test and in-service test.
Furthermore, of course, brake shoes should only be replaced with brake shoes of the same friction
level. The friction values of cast iron brake shoes depend on the phosphorus content of the
material. This is specified by the manufacturer using the codes P10, P14 and P30. P10 means 1%
phosphorus. The higher the phosphorus content, the higher the coefficient of friction. ISR only
uses brake shoes of type P14.
2.5 Approval
In case of appropriate and convincing performance, the proposed new brake shoe will be taken to
the list of brake shoes approved for the use at the specific type of vehicle.
3 Summary
The brake shoe supplier is asked to provide an offer based on the specification in this document.
After a pre-qualification based on documentation to be provided by the brake shoe supplier, ISR
either selects certified products or (if such products are not available) performs an in-service test
to obtain data for an economic assessment of a transition.
The steps will be:
• Bid by brake shoe suppliers, based on the specifications of chapter 2 of this document.
• Brake shoe supplier will need to support the following steps
o pre-selection by documents,
o choose of certified product
o stopping distance test,
o in-service-test.
• ISR will do a final economic evaluation, considering performance parameters and price.
A Bibliography
[1] EN 16452 - Railway Applikations - Brake - Brake Blocks, Technical Committee CEN/TC 256, 2019-
[2] Assaf, Milad; Israel Railways, E-Mail to U. Koppatsch (PROSE), Subject: "RE: PROSE CH01-00891;
ISR Brakeshoe Specification"; Date: 2019-12-09.
[3] Assaf, Milad; Israel Railways, E-Mail to U. Koppatsch (PROSE), Subject: "RE: PROSE CH01-00891;
ISR Brakeshoe Specification"; Date: 2020-02-03; Time: 14:17.
[4] Assaf, Milad; Israel Railways, E-Mail to U. Koppatsch (PROSE), Subject: "RE: PROSE CH01-00891;
ISR Brakeshoe Specification"; Date: 2020-02-03; Time: 14:49.
[5] SHOE COBRA 14 IN.; Drawing-No. V-573, Laurinburg, North Carolina: Railroad Friction Products
Corporation, 2003.
[6] SHOE COBRA 250mm; Drawing-No. V-648, Laurinburg, North Carolina: Railroad Friction Products
Corporation, 2009.
[7] MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS SHEET MCS-035-m; W-663, Laurinburg, North Carolina: Railroad
Friction Products Corporation.
[8] MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS SHEET MCS-052-m; W-620, Laurinburg, North Carolina: Railroad
Friction Products Corporation.
[9] Technical Specification for the supply of Brake Shoes for passenger and freigt wagons; Technical
Specifications No. M-04-240, Ports & Railways Authority, 2007.
[10] Assaf, Milad; Israel Railways, E-Mail to U. Koppatsch (PROSE), Subject: "RE: PROSE CH01-00891;
ISR Brakeshoe Specification"; Date: 2019-12-11.
[11] Assaf, Milad; Israel Railways, Drawing "Brake Shoe DX-2", handwritten modified, Israel Railways,
[12] UIC Leaflet 832 - Technical specification for the supply of brake-shoes made from phosphoric iron
for tractive and trailing stock, Paris: Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer, 2015.
[13] UIC Leaflet 542 - Brake Parts - Interchangeability, Paris: Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer,
[14] UIC Leaflet 544-1 - Brakes - Braking Performance, Paris: Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer,
[15] EN 14198 Railway applications - Braking - Requirements for the brake system of trains hauled by
locomotives, Technical Committee CEN/TC 256, 2019-02.
[16] FprEN 15329 Railway applications - Braking - Brake block holder and brake block key, Technical
Committee CEN/TC 256, 2017-05.
[17] UIC Leaflet 541-4; Brakes - Composite brake blocks - General conditions for certification and use,
Paris: Union Internationale Des Chemins De Fer, 2018.
[18] UIC Leaflet 541-4 / Appendix M; List of certified composite brake blocks, Paris: Union
Internationale Des Chemins De Fer, 2010.
Table 2:
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Brake Brake Brake Brake Brake Nr. of
Basic Maximum Minimum Axis in max. speed Type of Info: Nr. of
CAR series CAR - type Weight [t] Weight [t] Weight [t] Weight [t] Weight [t] Bogies discs per
Weight [t] Weight [t] Weight [t] each bogie [km/h] shoe today vehicles
Mode P Mode <R> Mode R (red) Mode R+Mg (red) Mode G
G12 Loco no data no data no data no data no data 76,5 no data no data 2 2 block no data no data 27
G26CW-2 Loco N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 - 50 116 no data no data 2 2 block no data no data 12
Vehicles of ISR
G26C-W Loco N/A N/A N/A N/A 45 - 50 98,84 no data no data 2 2 block no data no data 11
JT42BW-Bo.Bo Loco 72 N/A N/A N/A 67 89,5 no data no data 2 2 block 110 no data 8
JT42CW-Co.Co. Loco 114 N/A N/A N/A 85 112 no data no data 2 3 block 140 no data 48
NGT26-CW Loco 90 N/A N/A N/A N/A 122 no data no data 2 3 block no data no data 11
* source: E-Mail from Milad Assaf; 2019-12-11
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Braking wheight Max Non
Max Load Speed Balance Permit Max Tara
Qtty length
Empty side to Load
Manual Auto (KM/H) wheight wheight
side (ton)
Freigth Wagons
- 51 24 70 29 1:1.1 60 84 21,5 15,04
- 44 25 70 33 1:1.1 60 84 21,5 15,04
- 49 26 70 58 1:1.1 60 84 21,6 15,04
- 51 27 70 1 no data 60,5 84 23,5 13,7
- 59 28 80 68 1:1.2 65 90 25 15,14
- 50 27 80 59 1:1.2 66 90 24 14,04
- 50 27 70 204 1:1.1 60 84 22,7 14,04
- 52 29 80 56 1:1.2 65 90 24,7 14,29
- 59 28 80 52 1:1.2 65 90 24,5 15,04
- 59 28 80 24 1:1.2 66 90 24 15,04
- 52 28 80 15 1:1.2 54 80 26 14,04
- 52 28 80 15 1:1.2 57 80 23 12,74
- 48 24 80 20 1:1.2 58 80 21,5 12,24
- 56 20 80 60 1:1.2 63 80,7 17,7 19,64
- 56 20 80 75 1:1.2 63 80,8 17,8 19,64
- 51 23 80 182 1:1.2 70 90 19,7 19,74
- 58 22 80 74 1:1.2 72 90 18 13,86
- 72 21,2 80 160 1:1.25 72 90 18 19,64
- 72 no data 80 100 01:03 73 90 17 13,5
- 48 24 70 30 1:1.1 60 80 23,5 20,64
- 48 24 70 17 1:1.1 61 80 19 14,04
40 - 25 60 17 1:1.1 50 72 20,5 16,24
40 - 26 60 2 1:1.1 50 72 20 19,24
- 40 19 80 25 1:1.1 61 80 16 13,5
42 - 21 60 2 1:1.1 50 72 18 16,15
Service Wagons
- 48 24 60 18 no data 60 no data 23,5 20,64
no data no data no data 60 1 no data 70 no data 20 16,5
- 41 25 60 1 no data 50 no data 25 16,24
no data no data no data 60 1 no data 62 no data 21,5 19,24
42 - 21 70 1 no data 72 no data 18 16,14
31 - 16 60 1 no data 58 no data 18 13,34
31 - 16 60 1 no data 68 no data 18 16,15
40 - 25 60 2 no data 70 no data 20,5 16,24
no data no data no data 60 2 no data 58 no data no data 18,61
31 - 16 40 2 no data 60 no data 18 13,34
42 - 25 50 15 no data 50 no data 22,5 16,24
Table 3: Data of freight wagons and service wagons with brake shoes