CLASS XII Practical File
CLASS XII Practical File
CLASS XII Practical File
Q6. Program to read and display file content line by line with eachword
separated by “ #”
Q7. Write a program to input a character and to print whether a given character is
an alphabet, digit or any other character
Q8. Program to read the content of file and display the total numberof
consonants, uppercase, vowels and lower case characters.
Q9. Program to read the content of file line by line and write it toanother file except
for the lines contains “a” letter in it.
Q10. Write a program to count the number of times the occurrence of 'is' word in a
text file.
Q12. Program to create binary file to store Rollno and Name, Searchany Rollno and
display name if Rollno found otherwise “Rollno not found”
Q13. Program to create binary file to store Rollno, Name and Marksand update
marks of entered Rollno.
Q14. Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password, read and search the
password for given user- id.
Q15. Write a program to read data from a csv file and write data to a csv file.