Test (Circular Motion, Friction)
Test (Circular Motion, Friction)
Test (Circular Motion, Friction)
speed of 0.5 m/s. What is the height of the plane of 3) 8.0 m/s2
circle from vertex of the funnel? 4) 10.0 m/s2
1) 0.25 cm
2) 2 cm 16) A ship of mass 3 x 107 kg initially at rest is
3) 2.5 cm pulled by a force of 5 x 104 N through a distance of
4) 4 cm 3 m. Assume that the resistance due to water is
negligible, the speed of the ship is
11) The weight of an aeroplane flying in the air is 1) 0.1 m/s
balanced by 2) 1.5 m/s
1) force due to reaction of gases ejected by the 3) 5 m/s
revolving propeller. 4) 60 m/s
2) force due to the pressure difference between the
upper and lower surfaces of the wings created by 17) Two equal masses each of 2 kg are suspended
different air speeds on the surfaces. from a spring balance as shown in the figure. The
3) vertical component of the thrust created by air reading of the spring balance will be
currents striking the lower surface of the wings.
4) upthrust of air which will be equal to the weight
of the air having the same volume as the plane.
32) A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal the net force on the particle? (directed towards
table-top. If the coefficient of friction between the centre) (T represents the tension in the string)
chain and table surface is 0.25, then the maximum 1) T
fraction of length of the chain, that can hang over mv2
one edge of the table is 2) T
1) 15%
3) 0
2) 20%
3) 25% mv2
4) T
4) 35% l
33) A body of mass m rests on horizontal surface. 38) A string of length L is fixed at one end and
The coefficient of friction between the body and the carries a mass M at the other end. The string
surface is . If the mass is pulled by a force P as makes 2/ revolutions per second around the
shown in the figure, the limiting friction between vertical axis through the fixed end as shown in the
body and surface will be figure, then tension in the string is
1) mg
P 1) 16 ML
2) mg 2) 4 ML
2 3) 2 ML
3 P 4) ML
3) mg
39) Radius of the curved road on national highway
4) mg is R. Width of the road is b. The outer edge of the
road is raised by h with respect to inner edge so
34) A body is moving along a rough horizontal that a car with velocity v can pass safe over it. The
surface with an initial velocity 6 m/s. If the body value of h is
comes to rest after travelling 9 m, then the v
coefficient of sliding friction will be Rgb
1) 0.8
2) 0.6 v2b
3) 0.4 Rg
4) 0.2 v2b
35) A 100 g iron ball having velocity 10 m/s R
collides with a wall at an angle 30° and rebounds v 2R
with the same angle. If the period of contact g
between the ball and wall is 0.1 second, then the
force experienced by the wall is 40) An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface
1) 0.1 N very slowly (see the figure). The coefficient of
2) 1.0 N friction between the insect and the surface is 1/3.
3) 10 N If the line joining the centre of the hemispherical
4) 100 N surface to the insect makes an angle with the
vertical, the maximum possible value of is given
36) A simple pendulum oscillates in a vertical by
plane. When it passes through the mean position,
the tension in the string is 3 times the weight of
the pendulum bob. What is the maximum
displacement of the pendulum of the string with
respect to the vertical? 1) tan 3
1) 90o 2) cot 3
2) 60o 3) cosec 3
3) 45o
4) sec 3
4) 30o
37) One end of string of length l is connected to a 41) A particle is kept at rest at the top of a sphere
particle of mass ‘m’ and the other end is connected of diameter 42 m. When disturbed slightly, it slides
to a small peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the down. At what height 'h' from the bottom, the
particle moves in circle with speed ‘v’, what ) will be particle will leave the sphere?
1) 7m
2) 14 m
3) 28 m
4) 35 m
1) 1200 N
2) 1100 N
3) 900 N
4) 700 N